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Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Commencing the Work on "Consolidating Achievements in Irregularity Rectification and Promoting Compliance Building" [Effective]
中国银保监会关于开展“巩固治乱象成果 促进合规建设”工作的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Conducting the Work of "Consolidating Achievements in Irregularity Rectification and Promoting Compliance Building" 

中国银保监会关于开展“巩固治乱象成果 促进合规建设”工作的通知

(No. 23 [2019] of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监发〔2019〕23号)

All local offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CBIRC"); all policy banks, large-sized banks, and joint-stock banks; postal savings banks; foreign-funded banks; all financial asset management companies; and all insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies, and insurance asset management companies: 各银保监局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,邮储银行,外资银行,各金融资产管理公司,各保险集团(控股)公司、保险公司、保险资产管理公司:
For the purposes of comprehensively implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with respect to financial work, effectively endeavoring to prevent and eliminate financial risks, and promoting the achievement of high-quality development of the banking industry and the insurance industry, the CBIRC decided to commence the work on banking and insurance institutions "consolidating achievements in irregularity rectification and promoting compliance building." The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 为全面贯彻党中央、国务院关于金融工作的决策部署,打好防范化解金融风险攻坚战,推动银行业保险业实现高质量发展,银保监会决定开展银行保险机构“巩固治乱象成果 促进合规建设”工作。现将有关事项通知如下:
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era shall be regarded as the guidance, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be comprehensively implemented, the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Financial Work Conference shall be implemented, the general tone of steady progress shall be adhered to, risks in key fields shall be accurately and effectively disposed of, banking and insurance institutions shall be promoted in intensively fostering a compliance culture, and the minimum requirements for non-occurrence of systemic risks shall be resolutely satisfied. (一)指导思想。以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,落实中央经济工作会议和全国金融工作会议要求,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,精准有效处置重点领域风险,推动银行保险机构厚植合规文化,坚决守住不发生系统性风险的底线。
2. Work objectives. Problems of repeated violations of the regulations shall be investigated and resolved, stock problems shall be processed, and new achievements shall be made in promoting compliance building by banking and insurance institutions; key risks and problems of violations of the regulations shall be investigated and resolved, increments shall be contained, and new progress shall be made in promoting ecological remediation by the banking industry and the insurance industry; and financial supply-side structural reforms shall be advanced, and new breakthroughs shall be made in achieving high-quality development and improving the level and capabilities of serving the real economy. (二)工作目标。查处屡查屡犯违规问题,消化存量,在推动银行保险机构合规建设方面取得新成效;查处重点风险及违规问题,遏制增量,在推动银行业保险业生态修复方面取得新进展;推进金融供给侧结构性改革,在实现高质量发展和提升服务实体经济水平、能力方面取得新突破。
3. Work principles. Risk prevention shall be combined with stabilizing growth, risk prevention and rectifying irregularities on the basis of stabilizing growth shall be adhered to, the resolution of bitter issues and difficulties in financial services for the real economy shall be advanced by rectifying irregularities, financial services shall be continually improved, funds shall be channeled to better serve the country's major strategies and support micro and small-sized private enterprises, and an organic unity between risk prevention and rectifying irregularities on one side and stabilizing growth and structural adjustment on the other side shall be achieved. The reduction of stock problems of violations of the regulations shall be combined with the containment of incremental problems of violations of the regulations, and an equal and resolute focus on rectifying problems discovered and investigating and resolving new problems shall be adhered to. Powerful internal control shall be combined with strict regulation, all banking and insurance institutions shall perform their primary responsibility for irregularity rectification and compliance building, and regulatory authorities at all levels shall resolutely foster awareness of rule of law and rules and adhere to strict regulation permanently. Focus maintenance shall be combined with intensity control, "zero tolerance" of market irregularities shall be adhered to while changes in the macroscopic situation shall be voluntarily adapted to, pace and intensity shall be controlled, and the risk of disposing of risks shall be strictly prevented. (三)工作原则。防风险与稳增长相结合,坚持在稳增长的基础上防风险、治乱象,通过乱象整治推进解决金融服务实体经济中的痛点和难点问题,不断完善金融服务,引导资金更好服务于国家重大战略和支持民营小微企业,实现防风险、治乱象和稳增长、调结构的有机统一。削减违规存量问题与遏制违规增量问题相结合,坚持已发现问题整改和新问题查处两手抓,两手都要硬。强内控与严监管相结合,各银行保险机构必须落实乱象治理与合规建设的主体责任,各级监管机构必须牢固树立法治意识、规矩意识,将严监管长期坚持下去。保持定力与把握力度相结合,既坚持对市场乱象的“零容忍”,又主动适应宏观形势变化,把握好节奏力度,严防处置风险的风险。
II. Primary tasks   二、主要任务
1. Consolidating the ideological foundation of the irregularity rectification work. The Party's political building shall be taken as the overarching principle, the Party's political building shall be placed at the forefront, and the effective implementation of all the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee shall be promoted. (1) Improving political positions. The centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over financial work shall be adhered to, and the implementation of the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping for improving financial services and preventing financial risks shall be the primary political responsibility, leadership responsibility, and work responsibility. (2) Persisting in rectifying irregularities. The permanence, complexity and arduousness of the work on rectifying market irregularities shall be fully understood, the sense of responsibility and mission as to the work shall be enhanced, a tough stance against violations of the laws and regulations shall continue to maintain, and the continual purification of the ecology in the banking industry and the insurance industry shall be achieved. (3) Effectively performing regulatory responsibilities. With a focus on the problem that financial risks and financial irregularities are interwound, institutional reforms shall be seized as an opportunity, violations of the regulations shall be strictly investigated and punished, financial corruption shall be sanctioned, and the problem of low cost of violations of the laws and regulations in the financial field shall be effectively resolved, so as to ensure that the institutional reform and the rectification work are "conducted and promoted concurrently." (一)夯实乱象整治工作的思想根基。以党的政治建设为统领,把党的政治建设摆在首要位置,推动党中央各项决策部署在银行保险机构得到有效落实。一要提高政治站位。坚持党中央对金融工作的集中统一领导,以贯彻落实习近平总书记对完善金融服务、防范金融风险的要求为首要政治责任、领导责任、工作责任。二要坚持不懈整治乱象。必须充分认识市场乱象整治工作的长期性、复杂性和艰巨性,要增强工作责任感和使命感,持续保持对违法违规行为的高压态势,实现银行业保险业生态的不断净化。三要切实履行监管责任。聚焦金融风险和金融乱象交织问题,以机构改革为契机,严查严处违规,惩治金融腐败,切实解决金融领域违法违规成本过低问题,确保机构改革与整治工作“两不误、两促进”。
2. Consolidating achievements in the irregularity rectification work. Among banking and insurance institutions across the country, the rectification of and accountability for problems discovered in self-inspection and regulatory inspection during deepening the work to rectify market irregularities in 2018 shall be reviewed. (1) Reviewing problem rectification: whether rectification toolkits are sound and whether there are one-size-fits-all practices; whether rectification measures are based on the actual circumstances and whether there is an answer to problems from above or below; whether rectification measures are effectively implemented; and whether there is a recurrence after the rectification. (2) Reviewing accountability: whether clear accountability mechanisms, standards, procedures, and the like are established; whether there is a practice of holding only subordinates accountable or simply substituting economic punishment for disciplinary action; whether problems and rectification are linked with the performance appraisal of personnel; and whether a person who the regulatory authority explicitly orders to be held accountable is seriously held accountable. (3) Reviewing mechanism building: whether the root of problems is searched from incentive and restraint mechanisms, rules and procedures, business processes, information systems, and other aspects, the shortcomings of rules shall be fixed, and the building of information systems shall be enhanced, in order to fundamentally eliminate the problem of repeated violations and violations during an ongoing investigation and effectively contain non-compliant operation, violations and crimes. (二)巩固乱象整治工作成果。在全国银行保险机构范围内,开展对2018年深化整治市场乱象工作自查和监管检查发现问题整改问责情况“回头看”。一看问题整改。整改工具箱是否健全,是否存在简单一刀切的问题;整改措施是否对症恰当,是否存在上题下答、下题上答现象;整改措施是否执行到位;整治之后是否存在反弹反复。二看问责处理。是否建立起明确的问责机制、标准、程序等;是否存在问下不问上、简单以经济处罚代替纪律处分情况;是否将问题情况、整改情况与人员绩效考核相挂钩;对监管机构明确责令追究相关责任人责任的,是否严肃追究。三看机制建设。是否从激励约束机制、制度规程、业务流程、信息系统等方面深挖问题根源,补齐制度短板,强化信息系统建设,从根本上杜绝屡查屡犯、边查边犯问题,有效遏制违规经营和违法犯罪。
3. Continuing to promote problem rectification in key fields. On the basis of the previous irregularity rectification work, key risks in key fields shall continue to be rectified, policy implementation shall be strictly inspected, potential risks shall be strictly examined, and violations of the laws and regulations shall be strictly investigated. Banking institutions shall carry out the rectification work from five aspects including ownership and corporate governance, macro-policy implementation, credit management, risks of shadow banks and cross-financial business, and disposal of key risks, and various institutions not in the banking field shall carry out the rectification work according to relevant priorities (hereinafter referred to as the "work priorities," see Annexes 1 and 2 for details). (三)持续推动重点领域问题整治。在前期乱象整治工作的基础上,继续对重点领域重点风险开展深入整治,严查政策执行,严查风险隐患,严查违法违规行为。银行机构从股权与公司治理、宏观政策执行、信贷管理、影子银行和交叉金融业务风险、重点风险处置等五个方面开展整治工作,非银行领域各类机构按照相关要点开展整治工作(以下简称工作要点,具体见附件1、附件2)。
4. Strengthening internal control to promote compliance building. The internal control and compliance level of banking and insurance institutions shall be improved by enhancing the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control. (1) Strengthening the dutifulness of the "board of directors, supervisory board and senior management" and other governing bodies. The board of directors shall assume the ultimate responsibility for internal control and management, the supervisory board shall assume the responsibility for supervising the performance of the internal control and management duties by the board of directors and senior management, and the senior management shall be responsible for developing an internal control system covering the entire business process. (2) Strengthening the building of internal control structure. Banking and insurance institutions shall establish a scientific and clear business authority system, clarify the duties and authority of divisions, departments, positions and personnel at all levels, and effectively enhance the independence, authority and effectiveness of the three lines of defense. (3) Strengthening the building of internal control rules and process. Banking and insurance institutions shall develop comprehensive, systematic and well-regulated business rules and management rules for various business activities, strictly implement accounting standards and rules, and ensure the effectiveness of information systems. (4) Strengthening the dynamic improvement mechanism for internal control. Banking and insurance institutions shall establish and improve an evaluation system, problem rectification mechanism and management responsibility system for the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control. (5) Strengthening the fostering of a compliance culture. Employees shall be directed to develop awareness of compliance, the professional ethics of honesty and integrity shall be promoted, and compliance culture shall be an integral part of corporate culture building. (四)开展强内控促合规建设。通过增强内部控制的充分性和有效性,提升银行保险机构内控合规水平。一是强化“两会一层”等治理主体履职尽责。董事会要承担起内控管理的最终责任,监事会要承担起对董事会、高级管理层内控管理职责履职情况的监督责任,高级管理层要负责制定覆盖整个业务流程的内控体系。二是强化内部控制架构建设。银行保险机构要建立科学明晰的业务授权体系,明确各级机构、部门、岗位、人员的职责和权限,切实提升三道防线的独立性、权威性和有效性。三是强化内部控制制度流程建设。银行保险机构要对各项业务活动制定全面、系统、规范的业务制度和管理制度,严格执行会计准则与制度,确保信息系统的有效性。四是强化内部控制的动态完善机制。银行保险机构要建立健全对内控充分性和有效性的评价体系、问题整改机制和管理责任制。五是强化合规文化培育。引导员工树立合规意识,推行诚信与正直的职业操守,将合规文化作为企业文化建设的重要内容。
III. Organizing implementation   三、组织实施
1. Effectively assuming primary responsibility. All banking and insurance institutions shall effectively assume the primary responsibility for irregularity rectification and compliance building and implement the head responsibility system for hierarchical management, so as to ensure that responsibilities, measures, and implementation are in place. All banking and insurance institutions shall appoint a lead department to establish a rectification journal for rectifying discovered problems in 2018 and seriously enforce accountability. For major cases, receipt of regulatory punishment, repeated problems of the same nature and kind, and emerging, leading and other problems, all banking and insurance institutions shall carry out rectification from aspects such as rules, processes and internal control mechanisms and hold responsible persons accountable in accordance with the laws, regulations, Party rules and discipline, and internal rules, based on the responsibility for each link of business in violation of the regulations such as institution, approval, risk control, and supervision. All banking and insurance institutions shall organize self-inspection against the work priorities, adhere to rectification upon inspection, and specify responsible persons and a time limit if it is difficult to effectively conduct rectification in a short time, so as to complete the rectification on schedule. All banking and insurance institutions shall adhere to an equal focus on business development and risk prevention and control, promptly take measures against identified defects in internal control, and effectively communicate the business philosophy of compliance with the laws and regulations to all lines of business and branch offices. (一)切实承担主体责任。各银行保险机构要切实承担起整治乱象和合规建设的主体责任,分级管理实行一把手负责制,确保责任到位、措施到位、落实到位。要指定牵头部门对2018年整治发现问题建立整改台账,严肃处理问责。对发生重大案件的、被监管处罚的、同质同类问题屡查屡犯以及苗头性趋势性等问题,要从制度流程、内控机制等方面进行整改,要根据违规业务发起、审批、风控、监督等各个环节的责任,对责任人员按照法律法规、党规党纪和内部规定追究责任。要对照工作要点,组织开展自查,坚持即查即纠、立查立改,对短期内确实难以整改到位的,要明确责任人和完成时限,按期完成整改。要坚持业务发展与风险防控并重,对识别出的内部控制缺陷及时采取措施,要将依法合规的经营理念有效传导至各业务条线和各分支机构。
2. Implementing responsibility for territorial regulation. All local CBIRC offices shall strictly implement the head responsibility system, conduct thematic research on arrangements, refine work plans, and conduct advancement in a solid and orderly manner. All local CBIRC offices shall supervise and guide the self-inspection of institutions within their jurisdictions, organize the implementation of regulatory inspection, conduct regulatory assessment of the institutions' rectification work, and promote the institutions in strengthening internal control and compliance building. If the rectification and accountability work is not effectively advanced, all local CBIRC offices shall order completion within a time limit; if falsification exists in the process of rectification, or the work is seriously inadequate, all local CBIRC offices shall seriously conduct investigation and impose punishment; and if problems are voluntarily reported and effectively rectified, without causing serious consequences, all local CBIRC offices may impose lighter or mitigated punishment or waive punishment. All local CBIRC offices shall, according to the work priorities, increase efforts to investigate and punish violations of the laws and regulations such as intentionally lengthening the financing chain and pushing up financing costs and resolutely combat speculative business that neglects the rules, seriously disrupts the market order, interferes with the transmission of monetary and credit policies, and distorts market conduct. (二)落实属地监管责任。各银保监局要严格落实一把手负责制,专题研究部署,细化工作方案,扎实有序推进。要督促指导辖内机构开展自查,组织实施监管检查,对机构整治工作进行监管评估,推动辖内机构强化内控合规建设。对整改问责工作推进不力的,要责令限期完成;对整改过程中存在弄虚作假、工作严重不到位的,要严肃查处;对主动暴露问题、整改效果较好且未导致严重后果的,可以依法从轻、减轻或免予处罚。要对照工作要点,对人为拉长融资链条、推高融资成本等违法违规行为加大查处力度,对顶风而上、严重扰乱市场秩序、干扰货币信贷政策传导、扭曲市场行为的投机性业务予以坚决打击。
3. Strengthening line administration and functional regulation. The Banking Institutions Inspection Bureau and the Non-banking Institutions Inspection Bureau shall be responsible for coordinating the advancement of the rectification work in the banking and non-banking fields, organizing the implementation of regulatory inspection and the conduct of supervisory inspection and supervisory guidance, and respectively taking the lead in reporting, summarization, and other related work. All institutional regulatory authorities shall be responsible for organizing the promotion, supervision and guidance of the irregularity rectification work in their respective lines. All control regulatory and functional regulatory authorities shall, in accordance with their respective duties, improve regulatory systems for corporate governance, asset risk classification, internal control, compliance management and the like. (三)加强条线管理和功能监管。银行机构检查局、非银行机构检查局分别负责统筹推进银行和非银行领域的整治工作,组织实施监管检查、开展督查督导,并分别牵头开展报告汇总等相关工作。各机构监管部门负责组织推动、督促指导本条线的乱象整治工作。各规制监管和功能监管部门按照各自职责完善公司治理、资产风险分类、内部控制、合规管理等监管制度。
4. Effectively conducting information sharing, communication and coordination. For good practices and model experience of regulatory authorities at all levels and all banking and insurance institutions, information sharing shall be strengthened; and institutional regulatory authorities and functional regulatory divisions shall promptly communicate and exchange the progress and effectiveness of the relevant rectification work. Market changes and public opinion shall be closely watched and brought into focus, and news media shall be leveraged to give publicity and direct public opinion, so as to create a good atmosphere for the reform and development of the banking industry and the insurance industry. (四)做好信息共享和沟通协调。对各级监管机构和各银行保险机构的良好做法及典型经验,要加强信息共享;机构监管部和功能监管部要及时沟通交流相关整治工作进展及成效。密切跟踪关注市场变化和舆论情况,充分利用新闻载体进行宣传和舆论引导,为银行业保险业改革发展工作营造良好氛围。
5. Seriously supervising discipline and accountability. Problems of interest-based collusion, relationships and ties behind financial irregularities shall be rectified in depth, efforts to hold accountable employees of banking and insurance institutions in violation of the laws and regulations shall be increased, and if nonfeasance and nonperformance of responsibilities in the irregularity rectification work, or failure to attach importance to or deepen the work causes adverse effects or serious consequences, accountability shall be seriously enforced in accordance with the relevant rules, so as to "discipline persons, oversee money, and consolidate the rules as firewall." (五)严肃监督执纪和问责处理。深入整治金融乱象背后的利益勾结和关系纽带问题,对银行保险机构违法违规人员要加大问责力度,对乱象整治工作中不作为不担当、不重视不深入,造成不良影响或严重后果的,依照有关规定进行严肃追责,做到“管住人、看住钱、扎牢制度防火墙”。
IV. Reporting and submission   四、报告报送
1. Reporting paths and time limits (一)报告路径及时间要求
All incorporated banking and insurance institutions shall, on the basis of summarizing information on branch offices, submit their semi-annual and annual work reports and schedules to the regulatory authorities respectively before June 30 and December 10, 2019. Banking and insurance institutions directly regulated by the CBIRC shall make submissions to appropriate institutional regulatory authorities and separately deliver a copy to the Banking Institutions Inspection Bureau or the Non-banking Institutions Inspection Bureau; and incorporated institutions regulated by each local CBIRC office and the branch offices of institutions directly regulated by the CBIRC shall make submissions to the local CBIRC offices in the places where they are located. 各银行保险机构法人应在汇总分支机构情况基础上,分别于2019年6月30日前和12月10日前将半年、年度工作报告及附表报送监管部门。其中,银保监会直接监管的银行保险机构报送至对口的机构监管部门,同时各自分别抄送银行机构检查局、非银行机构检查局;各银保监局监管的法人机构和银保监会直接监管机构的分支机构报送至属地银保监局。
Each local CBIRC office shall summarize information on institutions within its jurisdiction and its regulatory work and submit semi-annual and annual work reports, including schedules and one to two model cases, to the Banking Institutions Inspection Bureau or the Non-banking Institutions Inspection Bureau respectively before July 10 and December 20, 2019.

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