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Moscow Declaration of the 12th BRICS Summit

Moscow Declaration of the 12th BRICS Summit



(November 17, 2020) (2020年11月17日)

Preamble 前言
1. We, the Leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa held the Twelfth BRICS Summit under the theme "BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Shared Security and Innovative Growth" on 17 November 2020.   1、我们,巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、印度共和国、中华人民共和国、南非共和国领导人于2020年11月17日举行金砖国家领导人第十二次会晤。本次会晤主题是“深化金砖伙伴关系,促进全球稳定、共同安全和创新增长”。
2. We commend with satisfaction that in 2020 under the Russian Chairmanship, despite the backdrop of current adverse global challenges, BRICS maintained the momentum and continuity of its activities, aimed to produce concrete results for the benefit of citizens. We acknowledge the determined efforts of the Russian Federation to ensure the advancement of the BRICS strategic partnership in the three pillars of policy and security, economy and finance, culture and people-to-people exchanges and note the outcomes of over one hundred events held in-person and via videoconferencing (Annex II) that fostered further progress in our mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation (Annex I). 2、2020年,在主席国俄罗斯领导下,金砖国家克服全球性挑战,保持合作势头和延续性,打造务实成果,造福各国人民。我们对此表示赞赏,并感到满意。我们肯定俄罗斯为推动金砖政治安全、经贸财金、人文交流“三轮驱动”合作、深化金砖战略伙伴关系作出的坚定努力,注意到金砖国家举行了一百余场实体活动和视频活动,所取得的各项成果推动金砖互利务实合作取得新进展。
United for a Better World 团结共创美好世界
3. We recall that 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. In this regard, we will always remember the many contributions made by all BRICS countries, including loss of lives of soldiers and civilians. We reinforce our commitment to a world of peace, stability and prosperity, mutual respect and equality, and to upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations as its indispensable cornerstone, and to the central role of the United Nations in an international system in which sovereign States cooperate to maintain peace and security, advance sustainable development, ensure the promotion and protection of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all with the aim to build a brighter shared future for the international community based on mutually beneficial cooperation.   3、我们忆及2020年是联合国成立和第二次世界大战结束75周年。我们将永远铭记金砖国家为此作出的巨大贡献,包括士兵和平民的牺牲。我们重申致力于建设一个和平、稳定、繁荣、相互尊重和平等的世界;致力于维护以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为基石的国际法;致力于维护以联合国为核心的国际体系,呼吁各主权国家合作维护和平与安全,推动可持续发展,促进和保护民主、所有人的人权和基本自由,在互利合作的基础上构建人类命运共同体。
4. We recognize the Victory in the Second World War as our common legacy and pay tribute to all those who fought against fascism, tyranny and militarism, colonialism and for liberation of the colonized, for freedom of nations and stress the importance of preservation and inadmissibility of desecration or destruction of monuments erected in their remembrance. We recall that, born out of the horrors of the Second World War, the United Nations, as a common endeavor for humanity, was established to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and since then has helped to shape the very structure of relations between nations in the modern age. We further urge for a resolute stand against the rehabilitation of Nazi ideology, racism, xenophobia, colonialism and the distortion of history.   4、我们认为第二次世界大战的胜利是我们的共同财富。我们向所有曾为反抗法西斯主义、暴政、军国主义和殖民主义而战斗的人们致敬,向所有曾为殖民地解放和民族自由而战斗的人们致敬。我们强调应保护他们的纪念碑,不得亵渎或破坏。我们忆及联合国诞生于第二次世界大战的灾难之中,其作为人类共同的事业,旨在使后世免遭惨不堪言之战祸。自成立以来,联合国帮助构建了现代国家关系的架构。我们进一步敦促各国坚决反对纳粹意识形态、种族主义、排外、殖民主义沉渣泛起,坚决反对歪曲历史。
5. We call the international community to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations by enhanced efforts to establish a more fair, just, inclusive, equitable and representative multipolar international system, based on sovereign equality of all States, respect for their territorial integrity and mutual respect for interests and concerns of all. We reaffirm the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and the resolution of international disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law as well as the inadmissibility of the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations. We stress further the imperative of refraining from any coercive measures not based on international law and the UN Charter.   5、我们呼吁国际社会在坚持主权平等、尊重各国领土完整、尊重彼此利益和关切基础上,努力构建更加公平、公正、包容、平等、更具代表性的多极国际体系,以此庆祝联合国成立75周年。我们重申不干涉他国内政原则,坚持根据正义和国际法原则和平解决国际争端,反对使用武力、威胁使用武力或以其他任何违反联合国宗旨和原则的方式,侵犯他国领土完整或政治独立。我们进一步强调不应采取任何没有国际法和《联合国宪章》依据的强制性措施。
6. We reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and the principles of mutual respect, sovereign equality, democracy, inclusiveness, and strengthened collaboration. We will continue working towards strengthening and reforming international governance so that it is more inclusive, representative, democratic with meaningful and greater participation of developing countries in international decision-making and better attuned to the contemporary realities. We acknowledge that current interconnected international challenges should be addressed by strengthened international cooperation in the interest of both nations and peoples through reinvigorated and reformed multilateral system, including the UN, the WTO, the WHO, the IMF and other international organizations. We underline, in this regard, the imperative that international organizations be fully driven by Member States and promote the interest of all.   6、我们重申坚持多边主义,恪守相互尊重、主权平等、民主、包容和加强协作的原则。我们将继续推动加强全球治理,通过改革提升其包容性、代表性和民主性,提升发展中国家在国际事务决策中的实质性参与度,推动全球治理体系更符合当代现实。我们认为,应重振和改革包括联合国、世界贸易组织、世界卫生组织、国际货币基金组织等国际组织在内的多边体系,加强国际合作,应对当前相互交织的全球挑战,维护各国和各国人民的利益。为此,我们强调国际组织应全面坚持会员国主导,促进所有国家的利益。
7. We congratulate India on its election as a member of the UN Security Council for the term 2021-2022 and commend South Africa for its contribution as a UN Security Council member in 2019-2020. We also recognize the candidacy of Brazil as a UNSC member for the biennium 2022-2023. It will be an opportunity to enhance further BRICS countries dialogue on issues on the UN Security Council agenda and for continued cooperation of BRICS countries in areas of mutual interest, including through regular exchanges amongst their Permanent Missions to the United Nations and in other international fora.   7、我们祝贺印度当选为2021-2022年联合国安理会非常任理事国,赞赏南非作为2019-2020年联合国安理会非常任理事国期间所作贡献。我们也注意到巴西提出竞选2022-2023年安理会非常任理事国。这将为金砖国家就联合国安理会事务增进对话、在拥有共同利益的领域继续开展合作提供契机,包括通过五国常驻联合国及其他多边机构代表团定期会晤等进行对话。
8. We recognize the UNGA resolution 75/1 adopted on 21 September 2020 and reiterate the call for reforms of the principal organs of the United Nations. We commit to instill new life into discussions on reform of the UN Security Council and continue the work to revitalize the General Assembly and strengthen the Economic and Social Council.   8、我们注意到2020年9月21日联合国大会第75/1号决议,再次呼吁改革联合国主要机构。我们致力于为联合国安理会改革相关讨论注入新活力,继续努力振兴联合国大会,并加强联合国经社理事会。
9. We recall the 2005 World Summit Outcome document and reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative, effective, and efficient, and to increase the representation of the developing countries so that it can adequately respond to global challenges.   9、我们回顾2005年世界首脑会议成果文件,重申需要对联合国包括其安理会进行全面改革,使之更具代表性、效力和效率,增强发展中国家代表性,以应对全球挑战。
10. We reiterate the imperative of strengthening international cooperation with a view to increasing individual and shared capacities to jointly address emerging world-wide threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its adverse impacts, in an efficient, pragmatic, coordinated and prompt manner. We stress the value of cooperation among States needed to urgently restore international trust, economic growth and trade, strengthen markets stability and resilience, preserve jobs and income, in particular for the most vulnerable groups of society.   10、我们重申应加强国际合作,提升各国和国际社会能力,共同有效、务实、协调、迅速地应对新冠肺炎疫情及其负面影响等新的全球性威胁。我们强调迫切需要通过国家间合作恢复国际信任、经济增长和贸易,增强市场稳定和韧性,维持就业和收入水平,特别是保护最弱势社会群体的就业和收入。
11. We express our solidarity with all people and countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences along with our deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims of the pandemic and all those whose lives and livelihoods have been affected. We also extend our sincere gratitude to all health workers, doctors, nurses, personnel of infectious and other hospitals, polyclinics, dispensaries, ambulances, researchers, who do their professional duty in dangerous and difficult conditions and, risking their health, help other people.   11、我们向受到新冠肺炎疫情及其后果影响的所有人民和国家表达支持,向因疫情身故的遇难者家属以及所有生命和生计受到影响的人表示最深切的慰问和同情。我们向所有在危险和困难条件下尽职履责、不顾个人安危帮助他人的卫生工作者、医生、护士以及医院、综合诊所、药房、救护、研究机构工作人员表达衷心感谢。
12. We recognize the role of extensive immunization against COVID-19 in preventing, containing and stopping transmission in order to bring the pandemic to an end, once safe, quality, efficacious, effective, accessible and affordable vaccines are available. We acknowledge initiatives by the WHO, governments, non-profit organisations, research institutes and the pharmaceutical industry to expedite the research, development and production of the COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutics and support cooperative approaches in this regard. We will work to ensure that, when available, it is disseminated in a fair, equitable and affordable basis. In this regard we support the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) initiative.   12、我们认为一旦出现安全、优质、有效、可及和可负担的新冠疫苗,开展大规模免疫接种有利于预防、遏制和阻断新冠病毒,结束疫情大流行。我们注意到世界卫生组织、各国政府、非营利性组织、研究机构、医药行业有关加快新冠疫苗和治疗手段的研发和生产倡议,支持在上述方面开展合作。我们将努力确保疫苗面世后,将以公平、平等和可负担方式分配。为此,我们支持全球合作加速开发、生产、公平获取新冠肺炎防控新工具倡议。
Policy and Security 政治安全合作
13. We note that despite COVID-19 pandemic limitations intense BRICS dialogue has continued on topical policy, peace and security issues in relevant intra-BRICS mechanisms. We welcome the Stand-alone Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations on 4 September 2020, in the course of which they exchanged views on major international and regional issues, as well as on ways to strengthen BRICS cooperation and on possibilities for mutual support of initiatives and closer cooperation at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. We also welcome the Extraordinary Videoconference of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations on 28 April 2020.   13、我们注意到,尽管受新冠肺炎疫情影响,五国仍继续在金砖有关机制框架下就热点政治以及和平与安全问题开展了密集对话。我们欢迎2020年9月4日举行的金砖国家正式外长会晤。会晤期间,外长们就重大国际和地区问题以及金砖国家合作交换了意见,探讨了在第75届联大上支持彼此倡议并开展更紧密合作的可能性。我们也欢迎2020年4月28日举行的金砖国家应对新冠肺炎疫情特别外长会。
14. We welcome the Tenth Meeting of BRICS High Representatives for Security, held on 17 September 2020, and commend them for enriching the BRICS dialogue on counter-terrorism, security in the use of ICTs, major international and regional hot spots, peacekeeping and transnational organized crime.   14、我们欢迎2020年9月17日举行的第十次金砖国家安全事务高级代表视频会议,赞赏他们加强了金砖国家在反恐、信息通信技术安全使用、重大国际和地区热点问题、维和及跨国有组织犯罪等问题上的对话。
15. We reaffirm our commitment to collective efforts for peaceful settlement of disputes through political and diplomatic means. We note the UN Secretary-General's initiative for a global ceasefire and, in this context, recall the UNSC Resolution 2532(2020) demanding a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations on its agenda with the exception of military operations against terrorist groups, designated as such by the UN Security Council, and calling for durable humanitarian pause against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.   15、我们重申致力于共同努力通过政治和外交手段和平解决争端。我们注意到联合国秘书长的全球停火倡议,忆及联合国安理会第2532号决议要求,除针对安理会列名的恐怖组织开展的军事行动外,有关冲突各方立即全面停止敌对行动,呼吁在新冠肺炎疫情背景下实现持久的人道主义停火。
16. We express our support for urgent political and diplomatic efforts to maintain and strengthen international peace and security. We regret disruptions of strategic stability mechanisms and arms control regimes and commit to uphold them. We underscore the fundamental importance of the 2010 Russia-US Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms for the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and we call on the parties to agree on its extension without delay.   16、我们支持采取紧急政治和外交努力,维护和加强国际和平与安全。我们致力于维护战略稳定机制和军控体系,对相关体系遭到破坏表示遗憾。我们强调2010年俄美《关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器措施的条约》对核裁军和核不扩散机制的根本重要性,呼吁双方尽快就条约延期达成一致。
17. We emphasize the fundamental importance of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC) as a pillar of the international WMD disarmament and control regime. We underline the need to comply with and strengthen the BTWC, including by adopting a legally binding Protocol to the Convention that provides for, inter alia, an efficient verification mechanism. We support prompt resumption of the negotiations on such a Protocol. The BTWC functions, including in what concerns the UN Security Council, should not be duplicated by other mechanisms. Efforts aimed at the resolution of implementation issues should be consistent with the BTWC.   17、我们强调《禁止细菌(生物)及毒素武器的发展、生产和储存以及销毁这类武器的公约》(《禁止生物武器公约》)作为国际大规模杀伤性武器削减和控制机制支柱的根本重要性。我们强调应遵守和强化《禁止生物武器公约》,包括达成具有法律约束力的附加议定书以建立有效核查机制。我们支持立即重启关于附加议定书的谈判。《禁止生物武器公约》的职能,包括联合国安理会关切的事项,不应被其他机制替代。应依照《禁止生物武器公约》解决履约关切。
18. We reaffirm support for the preservation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) as an effective disarmament and non-proliferation instrument and call upon the States Parties to uphold the integrity of the CWC and engage in a constructive dialogue with a view to restoring the spirit of consensus in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).   18、我们重申支持维护《禁止化学武器公约》这一有效的裁军和不扩散机制,呼吁各缔约国维护《禁止化学武器公约》的完整性,开展建设性对话,恢复禁止化学武器组织(禁化武组织)内协商一致的精神。
19. We underline the importance of ensuring safety and security of outer space activities and use of outer space for peaceful purposes as well as to prevent an arms race in outer space. We emphasize the urgent need to negotiate a legally binding multilateral instrument that could fill the gap in the international legal regime applicable to outer space, including on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and the threat or use of force against outer space objects. We stress that practical Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs), including such as the "No First Placement" initiative, may also contribute towards this goal. We reaffirm that TCBMs should complement, but not substitute for, effective legally binding regime for outer space.   19、我们强调确保外空活动安全、和平利用外空、防止外空军备竞赛的重要性。我们强调迫切需要就具有法律约束力的多边文书开展谈判,以填补包括防止在外空放置武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力在内的有关外空国际法律机制的空白。我们强调透明和建立信任等务实措施,包括“不首先在外空部署武器”的倡议,也有助于实现这一目标。我们重申透明和建立信任措施可补充而非替代有效的具有法律约束力外空机制。
20. We reiterate the importance of the strict adherence to the principles established in the Outer Space Treaty in order to contribute to the sustainable and peaceful use of outer space for the benefit and in the interests of all countries. We reaffirm the need to carry on activities in the peaceful exploration and uses of outer space in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, to preserve outer space for future generations. The application of relevant space technologies for peaceful purposes will be a tangible contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We underscore the importance of further BRICS cooperation in the area of remote sensing satellites.   20、我们重申应严格遵守《外空条约》确立的各项原则,为促进可持续及和平利用外空作出贡献,维护各国利益和福祉。我们重申应根据包括《联合国宪章》在内的国际法,开展和平探索和利用外空的活动,为后代保护好外空。和平利用有关空间技术有助于实现可持续发展目标。我们强调金砖国家在遥感卫星领域进一步开展合作的重要性。
21. We emphasize the need to ensure the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, including in the context of the safety of space operations. We welcome, in this respect, the adoption by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) at its 62nd session of the report with 21 guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, and we commit to contribute to the Working Group established to address this issue and operationalisation of its agreed structure and work programme.   21、我们强调应确保包括空间行动安全在内的外空活动的长期可持续性。我们欢迎联合国和平利用外空委员会第六十二届会议通过报告,提出关于外空活动长期可持续性的21条指南。我们支持为解决该问题设立的工作组,并为落实其商定的架构和工作方案作出贡献。
22. We express grave concern at the rise of violence and continuing armed conflicts in different parts of the world that have significant impact at both the regional and international levels. We concur that all conflicts should be resolved by peaceful means and diplomatic engagement through political dialogue and negotiations in line with international law, particularly the UN Charter.   22、我们对世界有关地区暴力上升、武装冲突持续并在国际和地区层面产生严重影响深表关切。我们一致认为,一切冲突都应根据国际法,特别是《联合国宪章》,通过政治对话和谈判以和平方式和外交手段解决。
23. We reaffirm strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. We are convinced that there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict. We also reaffirm our commitment to advancing a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process in line with UNSC Resolution 2254, culminating in constitutional reform and free and fair elections. We emphasize in this context the importance of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva launched with the decisive participation of the countries-guarantors of the Astana Process and all states engaged in efforts to address the conflict through political means and welcome the efforts of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Syria to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the Committee. We express our conviction that, in order to reach general agreement, members of the Constitutional Committee should be guided by the commitment to compromise and cooperate constructively without foreign interference. We welcome the signing of the Additional Protocol to the Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-Escalation Area. We reaffirm the international obligations to fight terrorism in all its forms and highlight the importance of unity in the fight against terrorist organizations in Syria as designated by the UN Security Council. We emphasize the fundamental importance of allowing unhindered humanitarian aid in accordance with the UN humanitarian principles and the post-conflict reconstruction of Syria that would create conditions for the safe, voluntary and dignified return of Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons to their places of permanent residence thus contributing to achieving long-term stability and security in Syria and the region in general. We are also concerned about all those in vulnerable situations and condemn persecution on ethnic or religious grounds.   23、我们重申对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国主权、独立、统一和领土完整的坚定承诺。我们坚信军事手段不能解决叙利亚冲突。我们重申致力于根据联合国安理会第2254号决议推进联合国推动的“叙人主导、叙人所有”的政治进程,最终实现宪法改革和自由公正的选举。我们强调,在阿斯塔纳进程保证方以及其他相关国家的决定性参与下设立的日内瓦叙利亚宪法委员会对于通过政治手段解决冲突非常重要。我们欢迎联合国秘书长叙利亚问题特使为确保委员会可持续性和有效性所作努力。我们深信,为达成普遍一致,宪法委员会的成员应致力于在不受外来干涉的情况下作出妥协并开展建设性合作。我们欢迎签署《伊德利卜冲突降级区局势稳定谅解备忘录附加议定书》。我们重申打击一切形式恐怖主义的国际义务,强调团结一致打击联合国安理会列名的叙利亚恐怖组织的重要性。我们强调要根据联合国人道主义原则保障人道主义援助畅通和叙利亚冲突后重建,为叙利亚难民安全、自愿、有尊严地回国,并为国内流离失所者返回永久居住地创造条件,以实现叙利亚和整个地区的长期稳定与安全。我们对所有弱势人群表示关切,谴责以种族或宗教为由实施迫害。
24. We are convinced that failure to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to hamper peace and stability in the Middle East. We remain committed to a just and lasting peace in the region, stating that a two-state solution must be sought, guided by the international legal framework previously in place, such as the relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, resulting in the creation of an independent and viable State of Palestine, existing peacefully side by side with its neighbours. We express the need for new and creative diplomatic efforts to achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement and emphasize the importance of an early launch of direct negotiations between the Palestinian and the Israeli sides.   24、我们相信,如果巴以冲突得不到解决,将继续破坏中东和平与稳定。我们继续致力于在该地区实现公正和持久和平,认为必须以联合国相关决议和“阿拉伯和平倡议”等业已存在国际法律框架为指引谋求两国方案,建立一个独立的、自立的巴勒斯坦国,并与邻国和平共处。我们认为需要作出新的、创造性的外交努力,公正、持久、全面解决巴以冲突。我们强调巴以双方尽早启动直接谈判的重要性。
25. We express our solidarity with the people of Lebanon in connection with the massive explosion in the port of Beirut on 4 August 2020, which resulted in considerable casualties and large-scale destruction. We call upon all members of the international community to provide assistance to Lebanon with the purpose of overcoming the consequences of the catastrophe and the speedy normalization of the political and socio-economic situation in the country. We emphasize that, taking into consideration the legitimate aspirations of the Lebanese people for political solutions to the current challenges faced by the nation, Lebanese political forces should be able to work together in the current complicated conditions and take decisive steps for the sake of de-escalation of tensions, renunciation of violence and prevention of the situation sliding out of control.   25、我们向遭受2020年8月4日贝鲁特港口大爆炸的黎巴嫩人民表示支持,大爆炸造成大量人员伤亡和大规模破坏。我们呼吁国际社会向黎巴嫩提供援助,帮助该国克服灾难影响,尽快实现政治和社会经济形势回归正常。考虑到黎巴嫩人民通过政治方式解决当前该国面临挑战的愿望,我们强调黎巴嫩各政治力量应在当前复杂形势下团结协作,采取果断措施缓和紧张局势,放弃使用暴力,防止局势失控。
26. We reaffirm our continued support for efforts by the Iraqi Government towards national reconstruction, development and a mutually respectful and inclusive national dialogue. Stressing the need to unconditionally respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and the inadmissibility of any interference in its internal affairs, we emphasize the importance of supporting the Iraqi people in their fight against manifestations of extremism and terrorism and promoting economic recovery of the country. We further acknowledge the importance of stability in Iraq for regional and international security, condemn in the strongest possible terms the heinous and inhuman violence perpetrated by terrorist and extremist groups, such as the self-styled ISIS, in the territory of Iraq.   26、我们重申继续支持伊拉克政府努力实现国家重建和发展,并在相互尊重和包容基础上开展全国对话。我们强调应无条件地尊重伊拉克的主权和领土完整,反对任何国家干涉该国内政。我们强调应支持伊拉克人民打击各种形式的极端主义和恐怖主义,实现经济复苏。我们认为伊拉克的稳定对地区和国际安全非常重要,对“伊斯兰国”等恐怖和极端组织在伊拉克境内制造的令人发指的非人道暴行表示最强烈谴责。
27. We reaffirm our grave concern over the humanitarian crisis and the ongoing conflict in the Republic of Yemen that has a significant impact on security and stability of the whole region. We recall the need for a full cessation of hostilities in the country and establishment of an inclusive negotiation process mediated by the UN and reaffirm that progress cannot be achieved without a constructive dialogue with due account of the legitimate interests of different political forces of the country. Without sustainable peace in Yemen the humanitarian crisis will only continue to worsen and we emphasize further the importance of providing urgent humanitarian assistance to Yemenis and facilitating the rapid, safe and unhindered access of humanitarian supplies to all people and across all regions of the country.   27、我们再次对也门共和国人道主义危机和持续冲突表示严重关切,这一冲突对整个地区的安全和稳定造成严重影响。我们重申也门境内应全面停止敌对行动,并建立在联合国斡旋下的包容性谈判进程。我们重申只有在充分考虑也门不同政治力量正当利益的基础上开展建设性对话,才能取得进展。如果也门不实现可持续和平,人道主义危机只会继续恶化。我们进一步强调向也门人民提供紧急人道主义援助的重要性,以使该国所有人和所有地区都能快速、安全、不受阻碍地获得人道主义物资。
28. We express our serious concern over the ongoing tensions, including one-sided actions, in the Gulf region. We reaffirm the support of the BRICS countries for the efforts to resolve the existing disagreements through negotiations and diplomatic engagement, stress the need for promoting a positive and constructive agenda in the region, in which all countries jointly respond to common threats and challenges.   28、我们对海湾地区局势持续紧张、包括单方面行动深表关切。我们重申金砖国家支持通过谈判和外交接触解决现有分歧,强调应在该地区推动一个各国携手应对共同威胁和挑战的积极、建设性议程。
29. We call for the establishment of long-term peace in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and reaffirm our unwavering support to the people of Afghanistan in its efforts toward building a stable, inclusive, peaceful, independent and prosperous sovereign State. We welcome the launch of intra-Afghan negotiations and will continue to support the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process. We condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and express concern over the unstable security environment.   29、我们呼吁在阿富汗伊斯兰共和国实现长期和平,重申对阿富汗人民建设一个稳定、包容、和平、独立、繁荣的主权国家的坚定支持。我们欢迎阿富汗启动内部谈判,将继续支持“阿人主导、阿人所有”的和平进程。我们对阿富汗发生的恐怖袭击表示最强烈谴责,对不稳定的安全环境表示关切。
30. We welcome the agreement reached by the Leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia on a complete ceasefire since 10 November 2020 in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone and support further political and diplomatic efforts to create the necessary conditions for a lasting and comprehensive peace in the region.   30、我们欢迎阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚领导人达成自2020年11月10日起在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突地区实现全面停火的协议,支持作出进一步政治和外交努力,为实现该地区全面持久和平创造必要条件。
31. We express our support for continuing the diplomatic negotiations in bilateral and multilateral formats to resolve all issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, including its complete denuclearization, and maintain peace and stability in North East Asia. We reaffirm the commitment to a comprehensive peaceful, diplomatic and political solution to the situation.

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