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Measures of Jiangsu Province on Assessment of the Law-based Administration [Expired]
江苏省依法行政考核办法 [失效]

Decree of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province 


(No. 47)

The Measures of Jiangsu Province on Assessment of the Law-based Administration, discussed and adopted at the Twentieth Executive Meeting of the Provincial People's Government on November 25, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall enter into effect as of January 1, 2009.

Governor: Luo Zhijun
省 长 罗志军

December 3, 2008

Measures of Jiangsu Province on Assessment of the Law-based Administration

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Implementing Outline for Promoting the Law-based Administration in a All-round Way formulated by the State Council, Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Administration of Governments of Cities and Counties and other laws and regulations, in light of the specific situation of this Province, and for the purposes of promoting the law-based administration in a all-round way and accelerating the building of a government under the rule of law.   第一条 为全面推进依法行政,加快建设法治政府,根据国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》和《国务院关于加强市县政府依法行政的决定》等有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the assessment of law-based administration within the administrative region of this Province.   第二条 本省行政区域内的依法行政考核工作,适用本办法。

Article 3 The term "assessment of law-based administration" as used in these Measures refers to the activities conducted by assessing organs for the examination, evaluation and reward and punishment of the units being assessed in promoting law-based administration when implementing the Implementing Outline for Promoting the Law-based Administration formulated by the State Council, and the Decision of the State Council on Strengthening the Law-based Administration of Governments of Cities and Counties.   第三条 本办法所称依法行政考核,是指考核机关对考核对象贯彻落实国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》和《国务院关于加强市县政府依法行政的决定》推进依法行政情况进行的考查、评价和奖惩等活动。

Article 4 The local people's government at or above the county level shall exert an unified leadership in assessing law-based administration within the administrative region of this Province.   第四条 县级以上地方人民政府统一领导本行政区域内的依法行政考核工作。

Office of Leading Group on the Work of Promoting Law-Based Administration set up by the local people's Government at or above the county level shall concretely organize the assessment of law-based administration in accordance with the arrangement of the people's government at the corresponding level.

Article 5 Assessment of law-based administration shall follow the principle of seeking truth from facts, impartiality and fairness, and public participation.   第五条 依法行政考核应当遵循实事求是、公平公正、公众参与的原则。

Article 6 Assessment of law-based administration shall be included into the performance assessment indicator system for the government, government departments and staff members.   第六条 依法行政考核应当纳入政府、政府部门及其工作人员的实绩考核指标体系。

ChapterⅡ Assessing Organs 

第二章 考核机关

Article 7 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for assessing the departments subordinate to them and the lower level people's governments for law-based administration.   第七条 县级以上地方人民政府负责对所属部门和下级人民政府依法行政情况进行考核。

Article 8 The departments directly under the provincial government shall be assessed by the superior departments, which shall fully solicit the opinions of the local people's government and send a copy of results to the local people's governments' advisory and coordinating organs of the work of law-based administration.   第八条 实行省以下垂直管理部门,由其上级管理部门进行考核,并充分听取地方人民政府的意见,考核结果抄告地方人民政府依法行政工作议事协调机构。

Article 9 The departments under dual leadership shall be assessed by the local people's governments, which shall fully solicit the opinions of the superior administrative departments and send a copy of results to their superior administrative departments.   第九条 实行双重管理的部门,由地方人民政府进行考核,并充分听取其上级管理部门的意见,考核结果抄告其上级管理部门。

Chapter III Contents and Basic Requirements of Assessment 

第三章 考核内容和基本要求

Article 10 The contents of assessment of law-based administration are as follows:   第十条 依法行政考核的内容包括:

(1) Performing duties according to law; (一)依法履行职责;

(2) Scientific and democratic decision-making; (二)科学民主决策;

(3) Strengthening system construction; (三)加强制度建设;

(4) Regulating administrative law enforcement; (四)规范行政执法;

(5) Intensifying administrative supervision; (五)强化行政监督;

(6) Preventing and resolving social contradictions; (六)防范化解社会矛盾;

(7) Implementing and pushing forward safeguard measures for law-based administration. (七)落实推进依法行政保障措施。

Article 11 The basic requirements for performing duties according to law:   第十一条 依法履行职责的基本要求:

(1) Regulating the establishment of organizations, strengthening management on posts and staff size of an organization, rationally defining the functions and authorities of government departments, and efficiently coordinating the function disputes of the subordinate departments; (一)规范机构设置,加强机构编制管理,合理界定政府部门职能和权限,有效协调所属部门职能争议;

(2) Promoting the separation of governmental functions from enterprise management, separation of governmental functions from assets management, separation of government from public institutions and separation of government from market intermediaries, so as to give a full play to the basic role of market in the allocation of resources; (二)推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政府与市场中介组织分开,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用;

(3) Establishing effective connection and beneficial interaction between government administration and grass-roots self-governance, and strengthening the upbringing, regulation and management of social organizations; (三)建立政府行政管理与基层群众自治有效衔接和良性互动机制,加强对社会组织的培育、规范和管理;

(4) Establishing and improving various kinds of early warning and emergency mechanisms, properly handling the contingencies, and maintaining normal public orders; (四)建立健全各种预警和应急机制,妥善处理各种突发事件,维持正常的社会秩序;

(5) Improving the public fiscal system and the systems of centralized treasury payment, government procurement and comprehensive department budget, intensifying budget management and supervision, strengthening government non-tax revenue management, and regulating government procurement behaviors; (五)完善公共财政体制,健全国库集中支付、政府采购和部门综合预算制度,强化预算管理和监督,加强政府非税收入管理,规范政府采购行为;

(6) Deepening the reform of administrative examination and approval system, reducing items of administrative examination and approval, innovating administration methods, and strengthening the follow-up supervision and uplifting administrative efficiency; (六)深化行政审批制度改革,减少行政审批项目,创新行政管理方式,加强后续监管,提高行政效率;

(7) Establishing and improving government information disclosure system, clarifying the responsibilities of the government information disclosure, and providing conveniences for the pubic to obtain government information; (七)建立健全政府信息公开制度,落实政府信息公开责任,为公众获取政府信息提供便利条件;

(8) Strengthening electronic government construction, pushing forward the web-based operation of administrative powers in an open and transparent manner, expanding the scope of government web office, and realizing the information interconnection and resources sharing between government departments; (八)加强电子政务建设,推进行政权力网上公开透明运行,扩大政府网上办公范围,实现政府部门间信息互通和资源共享;

(9) Establishing and improving administrative accountability system centering on chief executives, and improving government executive ability and public credibility. (九)建立健全以行政首长为重点的行政问责制,提高政府执行力和公信力。

Article 12 Basic requirements for scientific and democratic decision-making:   第十二条 科学民主决策的基本要求:

(1) Improving the rules of administrative decision-making, and regulating the procedures of administrative decision-making; (一)完善行政决策规则,规范行政决策程序;

(2) Sticking to the systems of solicitation of opinions, hearing, examination of legality and collectively making major administrative decisions; (二)坚持重大行政决策听取意见、听证、合法性审查、集体决定等制度;

(3) Establishing and improving a post-assessment system for the implementation of major administration decisions, timely finding and correcting the problems with such decisions so as to reduce the losses caused by erroneous decisions; (三)建立健全重大行政决策实施情况后评价制度,及时发现并纠正行政决策存在的问题,减少决策失误造成的损失;

(4) Setting up and improving a system of inquiry into the administrative decision-making responsibility to integrate the decision-making rights with the decision-making responsibilities. (四)建立健全行政决策责任追究制度,实现决策权和决策责任相统一。

Article 13 Basic requirements for strengthening system construction:
   第十三条 加强制度建设的基本要求:

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