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Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Principles of Q&A on the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (I) [Effective]
最高人民法院关于印发《民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点问答口径(一)》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Principles of Q&A on the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (I) 


(No. 105 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) (法〔2020〕105号)

The higher people's courts of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, and Ningxia provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government): 北京、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、山东、河南、湖北、广东、四川、贵州、云南、陕西、宁夏等省(区、市)高级人民法院:
Since the launch of the pilot program of separation between complicated cases and simple cases in civil procedure, the higher people's courts in regions under the pilot program have attached great importance, coordinated planning, and established rules and systems, and the courts under the pilot program have voluntarily taken action, solidly conducted advancement, carried out exploration and innovation, and effectively ensured the smooth and orderly progress of the pilot program. For the purposes of further strengthening the guidance on the pilot program and harmonizing policy principles, the Supreme People's Court has, based on the common issues arising in the current stage of the pilot program, researched and compiled the Principles of Q&A on the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (I), which are issued to you for all courts under the pilot program to implement mutatis mutandis. 民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点工作启动以来,各试点地区高级人民法院高度重视、统筹谋划、建章立制,各试点法院主动作为、扎实推进、探索创新,有效确保了试点工作平稳有序推进。为进一步加强试点工作指导,统一政策口径,最高人民法院针对试点工作现阶段出现的共性问题,研究编写了《民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点问答口径(一)》,现印发给你们,供各试点法院参照执行。
The higher people's courts in all regions under the pilot program shall attach great importance to the organization and implementation of the pilot program, policy interpretation, and publicity and guidance and effectively fulfill the primary responsibility for the pilot program. First, improving the organization and implementation mechanism. The organization and management mechanism for the pilot program shall be improved, a joint meeting system for the pilot program jointly participated in by the relevant departments shall be established as soon as possible, the monthly report system for the pilot program shall be implemented, and an organization and implementation mechanism of vertical interconnection, orderly connection, holistic advancement, and classification-based guidance shall be shaped. Second, effectively integrating supporting systems. The policy support of local CPC committees and governments shall be sought, the pilot program shall be voluntarily reported to the standing committees of provincial people's congresses, the deep integration of the pilot program into the litigation source governance system shall be promoted, and supporting measures shall be improved, so as to ensure that the pilot program is coordinated and efficient. Third, strengthening policy guidance for lower courts. Based on local actual circumstances, detailed implementation rules, work standards, and operational guidelines shall be developed and improved, a normalized collection and feedback mechanism for questions and recommendations shall be established, innovation of basic organizations shall be encouraged, follow-up supervisory guidance shall be enhanced, and assessment shall be conducted in due course. Fourth, improving the training and publicity mechanism. Video conferencing and other informatization methods shall be fully used to organize thematic training, and interpretation materials for the pilot program shall be prepared and issued, so as to help judges establish a correct concept, understand the spirit of the pilot program, and enhance their capability to handle cases. The publicity on the pilot program shall continue to be effectively directed, the people-centered publicity orientation shall be grasped, and the effectiveness of the pilot program shall be actively demonstrated, so as to promote the building of a consensus on the reform. 各试点地区高级人民法院要高度重视试点工作的组织实施、政策解读和宣传引导,切实履行好试点工作的主体责任。一是健全组织实施机制。完善试点工作组织管理机制,尽快建立由相关部门共同参加的试点工作联席会议制度,落实试点工作月报制度,形成上下贯通、有序衔接、统筹推进、分类指导的组织实施机制。二是做好配套系统集成。积极争取所在地党委政府政策支持,主动向省级人大常委会报告试点工作,推动将试点工作深度融入诉源治理体系,完善配套举措,确保试点工作协同高效。三是强化对下政策指导。结合地方实际,制定完善实施细则、工作标准和操作指引,建立问题建议常态化收集反馈机制,鼓励基层创新,强化跟踪督导,适时开展评估。四是完善培训宣传机制。充分利用视频会议等信息化手段组织开展专题培训,编印试点工作解读材料,帮助审判人员树立正确理念、领会试点精神、提升办案能力。持续做好试点工作宣传引导,把握以人民为中心的宣传导向,积极展示试点成效,推动凝聚改革共识。
In the future, the Supreme People's Court will issue Q&A principles from time to time in accordance with the arrangement of the pilot program and the needs of trial practice. The higher people's courts in all regions under the pilot program shall collect and calculated the issues encountered by the courts under the pilot program under their jurisdiction when implementing the Q&A principles mutatis mutandis and promptly report the issues to the Office of the Leading Group of Judicial Reform of the Supreme People's Court in the form of monthly report or special report on the pilot program. 今后,最高人民法院将根据试点工作安排和审判实践需要,不定期印发问答口径。各试点地区高级人民法院应当收集研判所辖试点法院参照执行问答口径中遇到的问题,并及时通过试点工作月报或专报形式报告最高人民法院司法改革领导小组办公室。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
April 15, 2020 2020年4月15日
Principles of Q&A on the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (I) 民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点问答口径(一)
1. In addition to the legal provisions of which the application is adjusted with the authority of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, which provisions of judicial interpretations may be included together in the scope of adjustment of application?   一、除全国人大常委会授权调整适用的法律条文外,哪些司法解释条文可以一并调整适用?
A: According to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Authorizing the Supreme People's Court to Carry out the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the "Authorizing Decision"), the courts under the pilot program may adjust the application of a total of six articles of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Procedure Law"), and the application of the provisions of judicial interpretations correlated therewith is adjusted together, including: Article 136, Article 140, Article 257, paragraph 1 of Article 258, Article 259, Article 261, Article 271, Article 272, Article 274, Article 275, Article 277, Article 280, and Article 282 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law"); Article 19 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Specially-Invited Mediation by the People's Courts; Article 14 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Disclosure of Trial Process Information on the Internet by People's Courts; and paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Strictly Regulating the Issues on Extending the Time Limit for Trial and Postponing the Hearing for Civil and Commercial Cases. 答:根据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于授权最高人民法院在部分地区开展民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点工作的决定》(以下简称《授权决定》),试点法院可以调整适用的《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(以下简称《民事诉讼法》)条文共六条,与之相关联的司法解释条文一并调整适用,具体包括:《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》(以下简称《民事诉讼法司法解释》)第一百三十六条、第一百四十条、第二百五十七条、第二百五十八条第一款、第二百五十九条、第二百六十一条、第二百七十一条、第二百七十二条、第二百七十四条、第二百七十五条、第二百七十七条、第二百八十条、第二百八十二条;《最高人民法院关于人民法院特邀调解的规定》第十九条;《最高人民法院关于人民法院通过互联网公开审判流程信息的规定》第十四条;《最高人民法院关于严格规范民商事案件延长审限和延期开庭问题的规定》第四条第四款。
2. Can the provisions of the Measures of the Supreme People's Court for the Implementation of the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures") be cited as a judging basis?   二、《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点实施办法》(以下简称《实施办法》)条文能否作为裁判依据引用?
A: No. Article 4 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Citation of Such Normative Legal Documents as Laws and Regulations in the Judgments requires that a civil judgment shall cite laws, legal interpretations or judicial interpretations. The Implementation Measures are not judicial interpretations and cannot be cited as a judging basis. For the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law and its judicial interpretations of which the application has been adjusted in the pilot program, if legal provisions need to be specified as a basis in court trial or judgments, the Authorizing Decision may be cited. For example, "According to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Authorizing the Supreme People's Court to Carry out the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure, this case shall be under the ordinary procedure and tried by a judge sitting alone." 答:不能。《最高人民法院关于裁判文书引用法律、法规等规范性法律文件的规定》第四条规定,民事裁判文书应当引用法律、法律解释或者司法解释。《实施办法》不是司法解释,不能作为裁判依据引用。对于试点工作已调整适用的《民事诉讼法》及其司法解释相关规定,需要在庭审或裁判文书中明确法律条文依据的,可以引用《授权决定》,例如:“依据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于授权最高人民法院在部分地区开展民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点工作的决定》,本案适用普通程序,由审判员独任审理。”
3. How to cooperate with the pilot program and improve the litigation separation and connection mechanism?   三、如何配合试点工作,健全完善诉讼分流和衔接机制?
A: The courts under the pilot program shall, in accordance with the Implementation Measures and the Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Deepening the Reform of the Separation, Mediation, Expedited Procedure and Speedy Trial Mechanism, based on their respective actual circumstances, improve the litigation separation and connection mechanism and pay attention to separation in the following three stages: 答:试点法院应当根据《实施办法》及《最高人民法院关于深化“分调裁审”机制改革的意见》,结合本院实际,健全完善诉讼分流和衔接机制,重点做好以下三个阶段的分流:
First, improving the mechanism of separation between judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution. Separation between judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution shall be strengthened, the work of the online and offline diversified conflict and dispute mediation and resolution platforms established by CPC committees and the government shall be effectively connected, dispute resolution shall be provided at an earlier stage, legal guidelines shall be strengthened, model cases shall be demonstrated, and the parties shall be actively directed to resolute disputes by mediation, arbitration, administrative reconsideration, administrative adjudication, and other means. 第一,完善“诉非分流”机制。加强诉讼与非诉讼解纷方式分流,做好与党委政府牵头建立的线上线下矛盾纠纷多元调处化解平台工作对接,前移解纷端口,加强法律指引,示范典型案例,积极引导当事人通过调解、仲裁、行政复议、行政裁决等方式解决纠纷。
Second, improving the mechanism of separation between mediation and adjudication. A civil dispute brought before the people's court shall undergo "separation between mediation and adjudication" at the litigation service center, unless mediation is not suitable based on the nature of the case, or mediation fails to produce a mediation agreement. With the consent of the parties, appointed mediation may be carried out before litigation. If a mediation agreement is reached, the parties shall be encouraged and directed to perform voluntarily. If the parties do not consent to mediation before litigation, the case shall be registered and filed according to the law. If the case is registered and filed because appointed mediation fails, the mediation materials may continue to be used as litigation materials after sufficient notification, with the consent of the parties, after the legality review of the court. 第二,完善“调裁分流”机制。对起诉到人民法院的民事纠纷,除根据案件性质不适宜调解,或者已经调解但无法达成调解协议的情形外,先行在诉讼服务中心进行“调裁分流”。在征得当事人同意后,可以在诉前开展委派调解。达成调解协议的,鼓励引导当事人自动履行。当事人不同意诉前调解的,依法登记立案。委派调解不成登记立案的,调解材料经充分告知、当事人同意及法院审查合法后,可以作为诉讼材料继续使用。
Third, improving the mechanism of separation between complicated cases and simple cases. The courts under the pilot program may appoint procedural selectors, who, taking into account the nature of cases, causes of action, amount of subject matters, number of parties, degree of difficulty and complexity, degree of social concern, and other factors, determine the degree of complexity and difficulty of the cases, preliminarily determine applicable trial procedures and types of trial organizations, and tag the cases in the trial system. A case assigned to a trial organization shall first be reviewed by it for confirmation of the trial procedure for the case. If the trial organization holds that the procedure is not properly selected, it shall communicate with the procedural selector, and if it is agreed that adjustment is required, revocation shall be made for another selection; and if an agreement fails to be reached, a report shall be made to the president of the court for approval in a timely manner. After the parties have been notified of the relevant matters, if the circumstances for a switch between trial organizations or trial procedures are met, a switch shall be made according to the law, and the case shall not be returned for another selection. For a switch between trial organizations, the original sole judge shall generally continue to participate in the trial of the case, except for a matter concerning disqualification or a complaint about illegality. 第三,完善“繁简分流”机制。试点法院可以设置程序分流员,综合考虑案件性质、案由、标的额、当事人数量、疑难复杂程度、社会关注程度等因素,判断案件繁简难易程度,初步确定应当适用的审理程序和审判组织类型,并在审判系统中标记。案件分配至审判组织后,应当先由其审查确认案件审理程序。审判组织认为程序分流不当的,应当与程序分流员沟通,一致认为应当调整的,收回重新分流;不能达成一致意见的,及时报院庭长审批。向当事人告知相关事项后,发现符合审判组织或审理程序转换情形的,应当依法转换,不得再退回重新分流。涉及审判组织转换的,除非存在回避和投诉违法事宜,原独任法官一般继续参加案件审理。
4. May a people's court appoint a mediation organization or mediator not on the specially-invited mediation list to mediate? May the parties move the people's court for judicial confirmation of a mediation agreement reached by a mediation organization or mediator not on the specially-invited mediation list?   四、人民法院能否委派特邀调解名册以外的调解组织或调解员调解?当事人对特邀调解名册以外的调解组织或调解员调解达成的调解协议,能否向人民法院申请司法确认?
A: No. For the time being, ensuring the close connection between specially-invited mediation and judicial confirmation is an important guarantee to prevent and eliminate risks and press home the advantage of mediation, and it is not allowed to bypass the list. The mediators appointed by people's courts shall be the mediation organizations and mediators on the specially-invited mediation list, in addition to people's mediation organizations. In practice, the parties may voluntarily and independently choose mediation organizations and mediators not on the list to mediate in and resolve disputes and voluntarily perform the mediation agreements reached; and in such a case, an application for judicial confirmation shall be rejected by the people's court. 答:不能。在现阶段,确保特邀调解和司法确认紧密衔接,是防范化解风险、发挥调解优势的重要保障,不能绕开名册搞“体外循环”。人民法院委派调解的对象,除人民调解组织外,应当是特邀调解名册之内的调解组织和调解员。实践中,当事人可以基于自愿,自主选择由名册之外的调解组织、调解员调解解决纠纷,达成调解协议后应当自动履行;这类情况申请司法确认的,人民法院不予受理。
5. Is the acceptance of judicial confirmation cases by people's courts conditional on their having jurisdiction over the disputes?   五、人民法院受理司法确认案件是否以对纠纷具有诉讼管辖权为前提?
A: Judicial confirmation as a special procedure is not to determine the facts of the dispute related to a mediation agreement, but to review the voluntariness, legality and enforceability of the mediation agreement itself. According to the Authorizing Decision, for a judicial confirmation case, the court of competent jurisdiction shall be determined in accordance with Article 4 of the Implementation Measures, not conditional on its having jurisdiction over the dispute. The practice is more favorable to people's courts verifying the situation in a timely manner and enhancing the professionalism and intensiveness of the review of mediation agreements. 答:司法确认作为特别程序,不是对调解协议所涉纠纷事实的认定,而是对调解协议本身自愿性、合法性、可执行性的审查。根据《授权决定》,司法确认案件应当按照《实施办法》第四条确定管辖法院,不以对纠纷具有诉讼管辖权为前提,这样更有利于人民法院及时核实情况,提升调解协议审查的专业化、集约化水平。
6. If the parties agree on their own motion upon mediation by a specially-invited mediator and apply for judicial confirmation, how to determine the "place where the mediation agreement is signed"?   六、当事人自行约定由特邀调解员调解,申请司法确认的,如何认定“调解协议签订地”?
A: If the parties agree on their own motion upon mediation by a specially-invited mediator, handling shall be dependent on the following circumstances: First, if the place where the mediation agreement is actually signed is the same as the jurisdiction of the basic people's court that manages the specially-invited mediation list, the basic people's court where the mediation agreement is actually signed shall exercise jurisdiction. Second, if the place where the mediation agreement is actually signed is inconsistent with the jurisdiction of the basic people's court that manages the specially-invited mediation list, the place where the mediation agreement is signed shall be the jurisdiction of the basic people's court that manages the specially-invited mediation list. Third, if it is difficult to determine the place where the mediation agreement is actually signed because of the online signing of the mediation agreement and other circumstances, the basic people's court that manages the specially-invited mediation list shall exercise jurisdiction.

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