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Notice by the Management Committee of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone of Issuing the Several Policies of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone for Promoting the Development of the Cultural Industry [Effective]
中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理委员会关于印发《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区促进文化产业发展若干政策》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Management Committee of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone of Issuing the Several Policies of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone for Promoting the Development of the Cultural Industry 


All departments of the Management Committee and all subordinate entities; and all towns, development companies, and all relevant entities of the Lin-Gang Special Area: 管委会各部门、各直属单位,临港新片区各镇、各开发公司、各有关单位:
For the purposes of implementing the spirit of the Measures for the Administration of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Order No. 19 of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government) and the Several Opinions on Implementing the Special Supporting Policies for Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (No. 20 [2019], CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee), and granting greater support to the development of the cultural industry in the Lin-Gang Special Area, the Several Policies of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone for Promoting the Development of the Cultural Industry has been so developed. It has been adopted upon deliberation at the sixth director's executive meeting of the Management Committee in 2020 and is hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 为贯彻落实《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理办法》(沪府令19号)和《关于促进中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区高质量发展实施特殊支持政策的若干意见》(沪委发〔2019〕20号)的文件精神,进一步加大对临港新片区文化产业发展的支持力度,特制定《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区促进文化产业发展若干政策》,并经我委2020年第6次主任办公会审议通过,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
Management Committee of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理委员会
April 10, 2020 2020年4月10日
Several Policies of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone for Promoting the Development of the Cultural Industry 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区促进文化产业发展若干政策
For the purposes of promoting the development of the cultural industry in the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Lin-Gang Special Area”), effectively increasing the scale, total quantity, quality and efficiency, and urging the cultural industry to become an important support for the development of the urban functions in the Lin-Gang Special Area, these Policies are hereby developed according to the spirit of the General Plan for the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (No. 15 [2019], State Council), the Measures for the Administration of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Order No. 19 of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government), the Several Opinions on Implementing the Special Supporting Policies for Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Lin-Gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (No. 20 [2019], CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee), the Several Opinions on Accelerating the Innovative Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Shanghai, and the Three-Year Action Plan for Fully Winning an Initial Success of the Brand of “Shanghai Culture” and Accelerating the Building of an International Cultural Metropolis (2018-2020), etc. 为促进中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区(以下简称“临港新片区”)文化产业发展,切实提升规模总量及质量效益,推动文化产业成为临港新片区城市功能发展的重要支撑,根据《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区总体方案》(国发〔2019〕15号)、《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理办法》(沪府令19号)和《关于促进中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区高质量发展实施特殊支持政策的若干意见》(沪委发〔2019〕20号),以及《关于加快本市文化创意产业创新发展的若干意见》、《全力打响“上海文化”品牌加快建成国际文化大都市三年行动计划(2018-2020年)》等文件精神,特制定本政策。
I. Scope of support   一、支持范围
Enterprises and institutions in the cultural industry field whose industrial and commercial registration places, actual places of business and fiscal and taxation household places are in the Lin-Gang Special Area, and related supporting service enterprises and institutions, as well as major projects and brand activities related to the cultural industry that can be included in the scope of support upon determination. 工商注册地、实际经营地和财税户管地在临港新片区的文化产业领域企业、机构和与之相关的配套服务企业、机构,以及经认定后可列入支持范围的与文化产业相关的重大项目和品牌活动。
II. Contents supported   二、支持内容
The development of film and television, art performance, digital culture, artwork, creative design, publication, manufacturing of cultural equipment, and other cultural industries shall be supported, the integrated development of culture and tourism, sports, science and technology, commerce, finance, trade, and other industries shall be promoted, and the cultural industry system and the market system with international market influence and competitiveness shall be established. 支持临港新片区范围内影视、演艺、数字文化、艺术品、创意设计、出版、文化装备制造等文化产业发展,促进文化与旅游、体育、科技、商业、金融、贸易等产业的融合发展,打造具有国际市场影响力和竞争力的文化产业体系和市场体系。
1. Supporting the development of the film and television industry (一)支持影视产业发展
(1) The film and television industry shall be industrialized in greater depth, and the construction of a high-tech film and television production base that meets international industrial standards shall be supported. Market participants shall be supported in investing in and constructing comprehensive film and television bases, as well as such projects as post-production for film and television, application, research and development of technologies for special effects, and comprehensive supporting facilities for large-scale film and television events. Where the total investment reaches 50 million yuan and above, comprehensive consideration shall be given to the project quality, and upon evaluation and determination, subsidies not exceeding 30% of the total investment and up to 30 million yuan shall be granted. 1.深化影视产业工业化发展,支持建设符合国际行业标准的高科技影视摄制基地。支持市场主体投资建设影视综合基地、影视后期制作、特效技术应用与研发、影视大型活动综合配套等项目。对总投资额达到5000万元及以上的,综合考虑项目质量,经评审认定,按不超过总投资额的30%给予补贴,最高补贴金额不超过3000万元。
(2) A public service platform for the film and television industry shall be established to support the development of post-production for film, television and professional service enterprises. Market participants shall be supported in investing in and constructing public service platforms such as film and television property rights transaction, technical service, equipment leasing, derivatives development, smart ticket services, resource sharing, and talent training platforms in key fields, such as film and television creation, distribution, ticket service, and post-production. Public service platforms that are in short supply on the market and play a key leading role shall, upon evaluation and determination, be granted subsidies of up to 10 million yuan. 2.搭建影视产业公共服务平台,支持影视后期制作及专业服务企业发展。支持市场主体在影视创作、发行、票务、后期制作等关键领域投资建设影视产权交易、技术服务、设备租赁、衍生品开发、智能票务服务、资源共享和人才培训平台等公共服务平台。对市场紧缺且具有关键性引领作用的公共服务平台,经评审认定,给予最高不超过1000万元的补贴。
(3) The creation of film and television dramas shall be boomed, and the framing, filming and post-production of film and television works in the Lin-Gang Special Area shall be supported. 3.繁荣影视剧作品创制,支持电影、电视作品在临港新片区取景、摄制和后期制作。
(a) A film or television work that has been invested and filmed by an enterprise in the Lin-Gang Special Area as the primary producer, for which the project establishment has been completed in Shanghai, that has won a major award of an international A-class film festival or a major award of a famous domestic film and television festival, and whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 3 million yuan. (1)对临港新片区企业作为第一出品方投资拍摄,并在上海完成立项的电影或电视作品,获得国际A类电影节主要奖项或国内著名电影电视节主要奖项的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,经评审认定,给予最高不超过300万元的奖励。
(b) A film work that has been invested and filmed by an enterprise in the Lin-Gang Special Area as the primary producer, for which the project establishment has been completed in Shanghai, that is shown in theaters across the country, whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards, and whose box office has reached 100 million to 500 million yuan (excluding 500 million yuan), 500 million yuan to 1 billion yuan (excluding 1 billion yuan), or 1 billion yuan and above shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 2 million yuan, 5 million yuan, and 8 million yuan, respectively; and a film work that is shown on a main domestic online video platform and whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 2 million yuan, on the basis of the content, on-demand volume and other market performance indicators. (2)对临港新片区企业作为第一出品方投资拍摄,并在上海完成立项的电影作品在全国院线放映,票房达到1亿元至5亿元(不含5亿元)、5亿元至10亿元(不含10亿元)、10亿元及以上的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,经评审认定,分别给予最高不超过200万元、500万元、800万元的奖励;在国内主要视频网络平台播出的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,根据作品内容和点播量等市场表现,经评审认定,给予最高不超过200万元的奖励。
(c) TV series, self-produced cyber dramas, and cyber variety shows, among others, that have been invested and filmed by enterprises in the Lin-Gang Special Area as primary producers, for which the project establishment has been completed in Shanghai, that are premiered during prime time on CCTV's main channels or at the top five provincial satellite TV stations in terms of audience rating, and whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 30,000 yuan; and TV series, self-produced cyber dramas, and cyber variety shows, among others, that are shown on a main domestic online video platform and whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 1 million yuan. (3)对临港新片区企业作为第一出品方投资拍摄,并在上海完成立项的电视剧、网络自制剧、网络综艺等,在中央电视台主要频道或收视率排名前五的省级卫视黄金时间段首播的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,经评审认定,给予每集最高不超过3万元的奖励;在国内主要视频网络平台播出的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,经评审认定,给予最高不超过100万元的奖励。
(d) Film and television works whose production is participated in by enterprises in the Lin-Gang Special Area (the top three producers), that are framed and filmed or post-produced in the Lin-Gang Special Area, that are shown in theaters, at TV stations, or on a main domestic online video platform, and whose regional economic contribution has reached certain standards shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 1 million yuan. (4)对临港新片区企业参与出品(出品排序前三名),且在临港新片区取景拍摄或后期制作的影视作品等,在院线、电视台、国内主要视频网络平台上映、播出的,区域经济贡献达到一定标准,根据市场表现,经评审认定,给予最高不超过100万元的奖励。
2. Supporting the development of the art performance industry (二)支持演艺产业发展
(4) The construction of art performance venues shall be promoted and art performance space with multiple layouts, diversified integration and complete categories shall be expanded. Market participants shall be supported in building art performance venues in the Dishui Lake Landscape Belt, urban park belt, Greenbelt Mall, commercial complex, office buildings, industrial parks and other regions. Upon evaluation and determination, subsidies not exceeding 30% of the total investment and up to 30 million yuan shall be granted. 4.推进演艺场馆建设,拓展多点布局、多元融合、品类齐全的演艺空间。支持市场主体在滴水湖环湖景观带、城市公园带、绿地广场、商业综合体、办公楼宇、产业园区等区域建设演艺场馆。经评审认定,按不超过总投资额的30%给予补贴,最高补贴金额不超过3000万元。
(5) The new business type of art performance shall be boomed, and the creation, incubation, exhibition and performance of high-quality dramas shall be supported. The incubation and creation of high-quality works on the inheritance of Chinese traditional excellent culture, carrying forward the core socialist values, manifesting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and other themes shall be supported. Excellent original dramas created, rehearsed and premiered in the Lin-Gang Special Area shall, upon evaluation and determination, be given not more than 500,000 yuan of subsidies; and excellent resident dramas with an annual performance volume of 50 shows or more shall, upon evaluation and determination, be given subsidies up to 1 million yuan. 5.繁荣演艺新业态,支持精品剧目的创作、孵化和展演。支持孵化、创作传承中华传统优秀文化、弘扬社会主义核心价值观、彰显中华民族伟大复兴梦等主题的精品力作。对在临港新片区创作、排练并首演的优秀原创剧目,经评审认定,给予最高不超过50万元的补贴;对年演出量达到50场及以上的优秀驻场剧目,经评审认定,给予最高不超过100万元的补贴。
(6) High-quality art performance works shall be cultivated and the improvement of the professionalization and marketization level of art performance venues shall be supported. An operating venue where positive and sound performances are shown and that shows 200 or more performances in a year shall, upon evaluation and determination, be given subsidies of up to 1 million yuan; and an operating venue that introduces two or more top international and domestic performance projects shall, upon evaluation and determination, be given subsidies of up to 1 million yuan, on the basis of the quantity, quality, and market performance of the projects. 6.培育演艺精品,支持提升演艺场馆运营专业化、市场化水平。对演出内容积极健康、年演出量达到200场及以上的经营场馆,经评审认定,给予最高不超过100万元的补贴;对年引进国际国内顶级演出项目2个及以上的经营场馆,根据项目数量、质量和市场表现,经评审认定,给予最高不超过100万元的补贴。
(7) A high-quality art performance chain shall be created and the sound development of various art performance brokerage agencies shall be supported. The vitality of art performance brokerage agencies shall be fully stimulated and the business operation activities such as training, performance, creation, and live broadcasting shall be encouraged. An art performance brokerage agency that runs 1 or more internationally renowned overseas project(s) or 2 or more national projects in the Lin-Gang Special Area annually, comes to perform in the Lin-Gang Special Area, and has attracted extensive social influence shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 2 million yuan; and an art performance brokerage agency that runs 1 or more national project(s) or 3 or more provincial projects in the Lin-Gang Special Area annually, comes to perform in the Lin-Gang Special Area, and has attracted extensive social influence shall, upon evaluation and determination, be awarded up to 1 million yuan.

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