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Provisions on the Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Internet Information Content Management [Expired]
互联网信息内容管理行政执法程序规定 [失效]

Order of the Cyberspace Administration of China 


(No. 2) (第2号)

The Provisions on the Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Internet Information Content Management, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Cyberspace Administration of China, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on June 1, 2017. 《互联网信息内容管理行政执法程序规定》已经国家互联网信息办公室室务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2017年6月1日起施行。
Director: Xu Lin 主任 徐麟
May 2, 2017 2017年5月2日
Provisions on the Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Internet Information Content 互联网信息内容管理行政执法程序规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating and guaranteeing the fulfillment of functions by the administrative departments of Internet information content according to the law, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and protecting state security and public interests, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Law of The People's Republic Of China on Administrative Penalty, the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China and the Notice of the State Council on Authorizing the Cyberspace Administration of China to Be Responsible for the Management of Internet Information Content.   第一条 为了规范和保障互联网信息内容管理部门依法履行职责,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护国家安全和公共利益,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》《中华人民共和国网络安全法》和《国务院关于授权国家互联网信息办公室负责互联网信息内容管理工作的通知》,制定本规定。
Article 2 The administrative departments of Internet information content that implement administrative law enforcement according to the law and impose administrative penalties on those who have behaviors in violation of any laws, regulations or rules on Internet information content management shall be governed by these Provisions.   第二条 互联网信息内容管理部门依法实施行政执法,对违反有关互联网信息内容管理法律法规规章的行为实施行政处罚,适用本规定。
For the purposes of these Provisions, the “administrative departments of Internet information content” means the Cyberspace Administration of China and the local cyberspace administrations. 本规定所称互联网信息内容管理部门,是指国家互联网信息办公室和地方互联网信息办公室。
Article 3 When implementing administrative law enforcement, the administrative departments of Internet information content shall follow the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and ensure clear facts, conclusive evidence, lawful procedures, accurate and appropriate laws, regulations and rules, and standard use of law enforcement documents.   第三条 互联网信息内容管理部门实施行政执法,应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,做到事实清楚、证据确凿、程序合法、法律法规规章适用准确适当、执法文书使用规范。
Article 4 The administrative departments of Internet information content shall establish an inspection system for administrative law enforcement.   第四条 互联网信息内容管理部门建立行政执法督查制度。
The administrative departments of Internet information content at higher levels shall supervise the administrative law enforcement implemented by the administrative departments of Internet information content at lower levels. 上级互联网信息内容管理部门对下级互联网信息内容管理部门实施的行政执法进行督查。
Article 5 The administrative departments of Internet information content shall strengthen the building of law enforcement teams, and establish and improve systems for the training, examination and assessment, qualification management and employment with certificates of law enforcement officers.   第五条 互联网信息内容管理部门应当加强执法队伍建设,建立健全执法人员培训、考试考核、资格管理和持证上岗制度。
Law enforcement officers shall attend the legal knowledge and business knowledge training organized by the administrative departments of Internet information content, and may only engage in the law enforcement work after taking or passing the qualification examinations for administrative law enforcement and obtaining law enforcement certificates. 执法人员应当参加互联网信息内容管理部门组织的法律知识和业务知识培训,并经行政执法资格考试或者考核合格,取得执法证后方可从事执法工作。
Law enforcement certificates shall be made, verified and issued in a unified manner by the Cyberspace Administration of China or be verified and issued by the administrative departments of Internet information content of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government authorized by the Cyberspace Administration of China. 执法证由国家互联网信息内容管理部门统一制定、核发或者授权省、自治区、直辖市互联网信息内容管理部门核发。
Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管辖

Article 6 Administrative penalties shall be imposed by the administrative departments of Internet information content at places where the unlawful behaviors occur.   第六条 行政处罚由违法行为发生地的互联网信息内容管理部门管辖。
“Places where the unlawful behaviors occur” include the place of recordation of the website where unlawful behaviors are committed, the place of industrial and commercial registration (the principal place of business, in case the place of industrial and commercial registration is inconsistent with the principal place of business), the places where the website founder, administrator and users are located, the network access place, and the places where computers and other terminal facilities are located, among others. 违法行为发生地包括实施违法行为的网站备案地,工商登记地(工商登记地与主营业地不一致的,应按主营业地),网站建立者、管理者、使用者所在地,网络接入地,计算机等终端设备所在地等。
Article 7 The administrative departments of Internet information content at or below the city (prefecture or autonomous prefecture) level shall, according to their functions and powers, have jurisdiction over the administrative penalty cases of Internet information content within their respective administrative regions.   第七条 市(地、州)级以下互联网信息内容管理部门依职权管辖本行政区域内的互联网信息内容行政处罚案件。
The administrative departments of Internet information content of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the powers, have jurisdiction over the major and complicated administrative penalty cases of Internet information content within their respective administrative regions. 省、自治区、直辖市互联网信息内容管理部门依职权管辖本行政区域内重大、复杂的互联网信息内容行政处罚案件。
The administrative departments of Internet information content shall, according to their functions and powers, have jurisdiction over the cases where they impose administrative penalties and the major and complicated cases of Internet information content across the country. 国家互联网信息内容管理部门依职权管辖应当由自己实施行政处罚的案件及全国范围内发生的重大、复杂的互联网信息内容行政处罚案件。
The administrative departments of Internet information content of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, under the laws, regulations and rules and in consideration of local realities, develop the specific provisions on hierarchical jurisdiction within their respective administrative regions. 省、自治区、直辖市互联网信息内容管理部门可以依据法律法规规章,结合本地区实际,制定本行政区域内级别管辖的具体规定。
Article 8 Where two or more administrative departments of Internet information content have jurisdiction over the same violation of a party, the administrative department of Internet information content which first dockets the case shall have jurisdiction over the case. If necessary, the case may be transferred to the administrative department of Internet information content at the principal place where the violation occurs for jurisdiction.   第八条 对当事人的同一违法行为,两个以上互联网信息内容管理部门均有管辖权的,由先行立案的互联网信息内容管理部门管辖。必要时,可以移送主要违法行为发生地的互联网信息内容管理部门管辖。
Where two or more administrative departments of Internet information content have disputes over jurisdiction, they may settle the disputes through negotiation; and where the negotiation fails, they may submit a request to the common administrative department of Internet information content at the next higher level for designating jurisdiction. 两个以上的互联网信息内容管理部门对管辖权有争议的,应当协商解决;协商不成的,报请共同的上一级互联网信息内容管理部门指定管辖。
Article 9 When deeming necessary, the administrative departments of Internet information content at higher levels may directly handle cases over which the administrative departments of Internet information content at lower levels have jurisdiction, and may also transfer cases over which they have jurisdiction to the administrative departments of Internet information content at lower levels for handling.   第九条 上级互联网信息内容管理部门认为必要时,可以直接办理下级互联网信息内容管理部门管辖的案件,也可以将自己管辖的案件移交下级互联网信息内容管理部门办理。
The administrative departments of Internet information content at lower levels that are unable to exercise jurisdiction for cases over which they have jurisdiction due to special reasons may submit requests to the administrative departments of Internet information content at higher levels for jurisdiction or designation of jurisdiction. 下级互联网信息内容管理部门对其管辖的案件由于特殊原因不能行使管辖权的,可以报请上级互联网信息内容管理部门管辖或者指定管辖。
Article 10 The administrative departments of Internet information content finding out cases over which they have no jurisdiction shall transfer these cases to the administrative departments of Internet information content with jurisdiction in a timely manner.   第十条 互联网信息内容管理部门发现案件不属于其管辖的,应当及时移送有管辖权的互联网信息内容管理部门。
The administrative department of Internet information content to which a case is transferred shall submit a letter to the administrative department of Internet information content transferring the case in a timely manner to notify the case handling results; and the administrative department of Internet information content deeming that the transfer is inappropriate shall submit a request to the common administrative department of Internet information content at the next higher level for designated jurisdiction, but shall not transfer the case once again. 受移送的互联网信息内容管理部门应当将案件查处结果及时函告移送案件的互联网信息内容管理部门;认为移送不当的,应当报请共同的上一级互联网信息内容管理部门指定管辖,不得再次移送。
Article 11 An administrative department of Internet information content at a higher level shall, within 10 working days of receipt of a jurisdiction disputes or a request for instructions for designated jurisdiction, make a decision of designated jurisdiction and notify the administrative departments of Internet information content at lower levels in writing.   第十一条 上级互联网信息内容管理部门接到管辖争议或者报请指定管辖请示后,应当在十个工作日内作出指定管辖的决定,并书面通知下级互联网信息内容管理部门。
Article 12 An administrative department of Internet information content finding out that a case is subject to the jurisdiction of another administrative authority shall transfer the case to the relevant authority according to the law.   第十二条 互联网信息内容管理部门发现案件属于其他行政机关管辖的,应当依法移送有关机关。
An administrative department of Internet information content finding out that an illegal act is suspected of a crime shall transfer the case to the judicial organ in a timely manner. Where the judicial organ decides to docket the case, the administrative department of Internet information content shall, within three days of the date of receiving the notice of the judicial organ on case docketing, transfer the materials on the case to the judicial organ and complete the handover formalities. 互联网信息内容管理部门发现违法行为涉嫌犯罪的,应当及时移送司法机关。司法机关决定立案的,互联网信息内容管理部门应当自接到司法机关立案通知书之日起三日内将与案件有关的材料移交司法机关,并办结交接手续。
Article 13 Where it needs to revoke a permit for Internet news information services or withdraw an Internet news information service license according to the law, an administrative department of Internet information content shall present a handling suggestion and submit the evidence and relevant materials obtained to the administrative department of Internet information content issuing the permit or license, and the original license-issuing administrative department of Internet information content shall make a decision on whether or not to revoke the permit or withdraw the license.   第十三条 互联网信息内容管理部门对依法应当撤销互联网新闻信息服务许可、吊销互联网新闻信息服务许可证的,应当提出处理建议,并将取得的证据及相关材料报送原发证的互联网信息内容管理部门,由原发证的互联网信息内容管理部门依法作出是否撤销许可、吊销许可证的决定。
Chapter III Case Docketing 

第三章 立案

Article 14 The administrative departments of Internet information content shall investigate and handle the following situations in a timely manner and fill out the Registration Form of Case Sources (See Annex 1 for the format):   第十四条 互联网信息内容管理部门应当对下列事项及时调查处理, 并填写《案件来源登记表》(格式见附件1):
(1) Case clues are found in supervision and inspection. (一)在监督检查中发现案件线索的;
(2) A natural person, a legal person or another organization files a complaint, petition or tip-off. (二)自然人、法人或者其他组织投诉、申诉、举报的;
(3) A case is assigned by a higher authority or requested to be investigated and handled by a subordinate authority. (三)上级机关交办或者下级机关报请查处的;
(4) A case is transferred by a relevant department or is found out through other ways or approaches. (四)有关部门移送或者经由其他方式、途径发现的。
Article 15 To docket a case of administrative penalty, the following conditions shall be met:   第十五条 行政处罚立案应当符合下列条件:
(1) There are facts that are suspected of violating the law. (一)有涉嫌违法的事实;
(2) Administrative penalties shall be given according to the law. (二)依法应当予以行政处罚;
(3) The case falls under the scope of administrative penalty for Internet information content supervision and administration. (三)属于互联网信息内容监督管理行政处罚的范围;
(4) The administrative department of Internet information content has jurisdiction over the case. (四)属于本互联网信息内容管理部门管辖。
Where the conditions are met, the Approval Form for Docketing (see Annex 2 for the format) shall be filled out, relevant materials shall be concurrently attached and be submitted to the person in charge of the administrative department of Internet information content for approval within seven working days, and two or more law enforcement officers shall be determined as the case undertaker. Under special circumstances, an extension of 15 working days may be granted for docketing. 符合立案条件的,应当填写《立案审批表》(格式见附件2),同时附上相关材料,在七个工作日内报互联网信息内容管理部门负责人批准立案,并确定两名以上执法人员为案件承办人。特殊情况下,可以延长至十五个工作日内立案。
Article 16 For the complaints, petitions and tip-offs that are not approved to be docketed, with the approval of the person in charge of the administrative department of Internet information content, the persons that file the complaints, petitions and tip-offs and have affixed the signatures shall be notified of the results, and the relevant information on disapproving docketing shall be recorded in writing and be retained.   第十六条 对于不予立案的投诉、申诉、举报,经互联网信息内容管理部门负责人批准后,应将结果告知具名的投诉人、申诉人、举报人,并将不予立案的相关情况作书面记录留存。
Where the docketing of cases transferred by other departments are disapproved, the departments transferring the cases shall be notified in writing. 对于其他部门移送的案件,决定不予立案的,应当书面告知移送部门。
Where a case is disapproved to be docketed or is canceled after docketing, the undertaker shall prepare an Approval Form for Disapproval of Docketing (see Annex 3 for the format) or an Approval Form for Canceling a Case after Docketing (see Annex 4 for the format) and submit it to the person in charge of the administrative department of Internet information content for approval. 不予立案或者撤销立案的,承办人应当制作《不予立案审批表》(格式见附件3)或者《撤销立案审批表》(格式见附件4),报互联网信息内容管理部门负责人批准。
Article 17 A case-handling person under one of the following circumstances shall voluntarily withdraw from the case; and the parties to the case shall also have the right to apply for his or her withdrawal:   第十七条 办案人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避;当事人也有权申请办案人员回避:
(1) He or she is a party to this case or a close relative thereof. (一)是本案的当事人或者当事人的近亲属;
(2) He or she has a direct interest in this case. (二)与本案有直接利害关系;
(3) He or she has other relations with the parties to this case, which may affect the impartial handling of this case. (三)与本案当事人有其他关系,可能影响案件公正处理。
The withdrawal of a case-handling person shall be decided by the person in charge of the administrative department of Internet information content. A party that refuses to accept a decision of withdrawal may apply for reconsideration. 办案人员的回避由互联网信息内容管理部门负责人决定。当事人对决定不服的,可以申请复议一次。
Before a decision of withdrawal is made, the person against whom an application for withdrawal is filed shall not cease the investigation or handling of the case. 回避决定作出前,被申请回避人员不停止对案件的调查处理。
Chapter IV Investigation and Evidence-Taking 

第四章 调查取证

Article 18 When an administrative department of Internet information content conducts investigation and obtains evidence of a case, there shall be less than two law enforcement officers who shall produce their law enforcement certificates. If necessary, professionals may also be hired to offer assistance.   第十八条 互联网信息内容管理部门进行案件调查取证时,执法人员不得少于两人,并应当出示执法证。必要时,也可以聘请专业人员进行协助。
Where evidence is collected and obtained from a party to a case for the first time, the party shall be notified of the right to apply for the withdrawal of case-handling persons. 首次向案件当事人收集、调取证据的,应当告知其有申请办案人员回避的权利。
Where evidence is collected and obtained from a relevant entity or individual, the entity or individual shall be notified of the obligation of faithfully providing evidence. The persons investigated or the relevant personnel shall truthfully answer questions, assist and cooperate in investigation, provide the information issued by Internet information service providers, the information issued by users, the log information and other relevant materials that shall be kept according to the law in a timely manner, and shall not obstruct or disturb the investigation of cases.

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