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Trial Measures for the Administration of China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Expired]
中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区管理试行办法[失效] [失效]

Order of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government 


(Order No. 322) (第322号)

The Trial Measures for the Administration of China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, as adopted at the 22nd executive meeting of the Fifth People's Government of Chongqing Municipality on August 20, 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区管理试行办法》已经2018年8月20日市五届人民政府第22次常务会议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Mayor: Tang Liangzhi 市 长  唐良智
September 17, 2018 2018年9月17日
Trial Measures for the Administration of China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区管理试行办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Framework Plan for China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone approved by the State Council and the relevant laws and regulations, in light of the actual circumstances of Chongqing, for purposes of promoting and guaranteeing the construction of China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone.   第一条 为了推进和保障中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区建设,根据国务院批准的《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区总体方案》和有关法律法规,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as “CQFTZ") established with the approval of the State Council.   第二条 本办法适用于经国务院批准设立的中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区(以下简称重庆自贸试验区)。
The scope of CQFTZ covers Liangjiang Area, Xiyong Area, and Guoyuan Port Area, including Yuzhong District, Jiangbei District, Shapingba District, Jiulongpo District, Nan'an District, Beibei District, Yubei District, and some areas of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area and Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone. 重庆自贸试验区的实施范围涵盖两江片区、西永片区、果园港片区,具体范围包括渝中区、江北区、沙坪坝区、九龙坡区、南岸区、北碚区、渝北区以及两江新区、西永综合保税区的部分区域。
Article 3 CQFTZ shall, with system innovation as its core and based on the “Two Points” orientation and the “Two Places” and “Two Highs” goal, create a comprehensive test zone integrating investment, trade and financial settlement, a risk and stress testing zone featuring a new system of open economy, a pioneering zone integrating the reform of systems, and a zone for balanced development of open platforms, and build an international inland logistics hub with multimodal transport as the core, an inland international trade center based on goods trade, a modern financial center based on financial settlement facilitation, an operation center of modern service industry with connectivity as its goal, and a major national modern manufacturing base supported by technological innovation.   第三条 重庆自贸试验区以制度创新为核心,按照“两点”定位、“两地”“两高”目标,打造投资、贸易、金融结算便利化三位一体的综合试验区、开放型经济新体制的风险压力测试区、改革系统集成的先行区、开放平台协同发展区,建设以多式联运为核心的内陆国际物流枢纽,以货物贸易为基础的内陆国际贸易中心、以金融结算便利化为抓手的现代金融中心、以互联互通为目标的现代服务业运营中心,以科技创新为支撑的国家重要现代制造业基地。
Article 4 CQFTZ shall focus on developing Liangjiang Area into a cluster area of high-end industries and high-end elements, Xiyong Area into a demonstration area of transformation and upgrading of processing trade, and Guoyuan Port Area into a multi-modal transport logistics transfer center.   第四条 两江片区重点打造高端产业与高端要素集聚区,西永片区重点打造加工贸易转型升级示范区,果园港片区重点打造多式联运物流转运中心。
Areas under special customs supervision within CQFTZ shall focus on exploring institutional innovations with trade facilitation as major content, and conduct bonded processing, bonded logistics, bonded services and other services; and other areas shall mainly explore the opening up of the investment field and reforms of the investment administration system, improve interim and ex-post supervision, promote innovation on the financial system, and vigorously develop high-end manufacturing industries and modern services. 重庆自贸试验区内的海关特殊监管区域重点探索以贸易便利化为主要内容的制度创新,开展保税加工、保税物流、保税服务等业务;非海关特殊监管区域重点探索投资领域开放、投资管理体制改革、完善事中事后监管,推动金融制度创新,积极发展高端制造业和现代服务业。
Article 5 CQFTZ shall build a law-based, internationalized convenient business environment by following the principles of openness for investment, trade facilitation, financial innovation and transparent policies, sound services and efficient regulation.   第五条 重庆自贸试验区遵循投资开放、贸易便利、金融创新和政策透明、服务完善、监管高效的原则,建设法治化、国际化、便利化营商环境。
CQFTZ shall vigorously explore new possibilities, pioneer new approaches, encourage innovation, tolerate failure, and protect the initiative and enthusiasm of institutional innovation in order to create an environment of independent reform and active progress. 重庆自贸试验区大胆探索、先行先试、鼓励创新、宽容失败,保护制度创新的主动性、积极性,营造自主改革、积极进取的环境。
Article 6 CQFTZ shall deepen the pilot programs of reform and opening up in various fields and increase stress testing and strengthening supervision to prevent risks.   第六条 重庆自贸试验区深化各领域改革开放试点,加大压力测试,加强监管,防控风险。
CQFTZ shall, in a timely manner, summarize and evaluate the implementation effect of the tasks of the reform pilot program, and replicate and popularize the results with good effect and controllable risks according to the prescribed procedures. 重庆自贸试验区及时总结评估改革试点任务实施效果,对试点效果好、风险可控的成果,应当按照规定程序复制推广。
Chapter II Administration System 

第二章 管理体制

Article 7 The leading group for the work of CQFTZ is responsible for organizing and leading CQFTZ in its comprehensive construction and for coordinating its major matters.   第七条 重庆自贸试验区工作领导小组负责组织领导重庆自贸试验区全面建设,统筹协调重庆自贸试验区重大事项。
Article 8 Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone Office (hereinafter referred to as “CQFTZ Office”) is responsible for leading the construction of CQFTZ and performing the following duties:   第八条 重庆自贸试验区办公室(以下简称重庆自贸办)负责牵头推进重庆自贸试验区建设,履行下列职责:
(1) Organizing the implementation of the Framework Plan for China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, coordinating the reform in investment, trade, finance, and interim and ex post regulation as well as other various tasks of the reform pilot program and reform and innovation measures. (一)组织实施《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区总体方案》,协调推进投资、贸易、金融、事中事后监管改革等各项改革试点任务和改革创新措施;
(2) Conducting research and offering policies and suggestions on all reform and innovations in CQFTZ. (二)研究提出深化重庆自贸试验区各项改革创新的政策建议;
(3) Responsible for the liaison, supervision and evaluation of regional management agencies. (三)负责对各区域管理机构的联络、督促和考核工作;
(4) Coordinating the relevant work of departments responsible for finance, customs, inspection and quarantine, maritime affairs, border inspection and other business within CQFTZ, and establishing a linkage and cooperation mechanism. (四)协调重庆自贸试验区内负责金融、海关、检验检疫、海事、边检等业务的部门有关工作,建立联动合作机制;
(5) Cooperating with relevant functional departments of the state to carry out national security examination, anti-monopoly investigation and other related work in CQFTZ. (五)配合国家有关职能部门在重庆自贸试验区实施国家安全审查、反垄断审查等有关工作;
(6) Collecting and releasing relevant public information on CQFTZ, and comprehensively assessing the operation of CQFTZ. (六)统计发布重庆自贸试验区相关公共信息,综合评估重庆自贸试验区运行情况;
(7) Conducting external publicity, liaison and exchange. (七)开展对外宣传、联络和交流;
(8) Assuming the day-to-day work of the leading group for the work of CQFTZ. (八)承担重庆自贸试验区工作领导小组日常工作;
(9) Other functions vested by the Municipal Government. (九)市政府赋予的其他职责。
Article 9 The governments and development zones and functional area management agencies of the regions where all areas within CQFTZ are located shall specify specialized agencies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “regional management agencies”), which shall coordinate and promote the construction of CQFTZ under the guidance of CQFTZ Office.   第九条 重庆自贸试验区实施范围内各区域所在地区政府和开发区、功能区管理机构应当明确专门机构(以下统称区域管理机构),在重庆自贸办的指导下统筹协调推进所在区域重庆自贸试验区建设。
Article 10 The relevant functional departments of the municipal government responsible for the reform in investment, trade, finance, and interim and ex post regulation and other work shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Framework Plan for China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, effectively advance institutional innovation and pilot reform of related fields within the scope of legal responsibilities.   第十条 市政府负责投资、贸易、金融、事中事后监管改革等工作的有关职能部门应当按照《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区总体方案》要求,在法定职责范围内做好相关领域的制度创新和改革试点。
Article 11 The central authorities in Chongqing responsible for customs, inspection and quarantine, maritime affairs, border inspection, foreign exchange, finance, taxation and other business shall fulfill their duties according to the law, implement policies and measures concerning CQFTZ, and support the reform and innovation of CQFTZ.   第十一条 负责海关、检验检疫、海事、边检、外汇、金融、税务等业务的中央在渝单位依法履行职责,落实有关重庆自贸试验区的政策措施,支持重庆自贸试验区改革创新。
Chapter III Investment and Opening-up 

第三章 投资开放

Article 12 CQFTZ shall implement the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list to encourage foreign investment. For the fields beyond the negative list, foreign-funded projects shall be subject to recordation under the principle of equal treatment to both domestic and foreign investors, unless the confirmation of domestic investment projects is retained as provided for by the State Council.   第十二条 重庆自贸试验区对外商投资实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,负面清单之外的领域,按照内外资一致的原则,对外商投资项目实行备案管理,但国务院规定对国内投资项目保留核准的除外。
Article 13 CQFTZ shall implement the “Multiple Licenses in One and One License One Code” commercial registration system to streamline the registration procedures for the formation of enterprises, implement the system of self-declaration of enterprise names, whole-process electronic registration and summary de-registration for market players, and introduce the system of commitment to registration and declaration of enterprises' domiciles (business premises) to create an easy and convenient market access and exit environment.   第十三条 重庆自贸试验区实行“多证合一、一照一码”商事登记制度,简化企业设立登记程序,推行企业名称自主申报、注册登记全程电子化和市场主体简易注销制度,试行企业住所(经营场所)登记申报承诺制度,营造宽松便捷的市场准入、退出环境。
Article 14 CQFTZ shall deepen the “Separating Operating Permits from Business License” reform, gradually expand the scope of administrative licensing items that are canceled directly, subject to recordation instead of approval, and subject to the notification and commitment system, improve the transparency and predictability of approval, and strengthen the administration of market access for administrative licensing items relating to specific activities.   第十四条 重庆自贸试验区深化“证照分离”改革,逐步扩大直接取消、改为备案、实行告知承诺制的行政许可事项范围,提高审批的透明度和可预期性,加强对有关特定活动行政许可事项的市场准入管理。
Within CQFTZ, the enterprise approval items shall, according to the standardization requirements, be subject to online approval, parallel approval and time-limited closure, and at the same time the systems of primary responsibility, notification and commitment, and one-time administrative fees for construction projects shall be introduced. The reform measures to improve the efficiency of administrative approval and the quality of services shall first be applied in CQFTZ. 重庆自贸试验区内企业审批事项按照标准化要求实行网上审批、并联审批、限时办结,推行首问负责制、告知承诺制、建设项目“一费制”。有关提高行政审批效率和服务质量的改革举措应当首先在重庆自贸试验区适用。
Article 15 CQFTZ shall strengthen the administration of foreign investment and establish the system of information disclosure for the actual controllers of foreign investment.   第十五条 重庆自贸试验区加强外商投资管理,建立外商投资实际控制人信息披露制度。
Article 16 Where an enterprise incorporated in CQFTZ invests in other regions within the jurisdiction of Chongqing, the relevant functional departments shall establish convenient channels to facilitate the entry and exit of enterprise funds and settlement.   第十六条 重庆自贸试验区内登记设立的企业到重庆辖区内其他地区投资的,有关职能部门应当建立便捷通道,为企业资金进出和结算等提供便利。
Article 17 CQFTZ shall support enterprises in conducting multiple forms of overseas investment and cooperation, and overseas investment items that do not involve sensitive countries and regions and sensitive industries shall be subject to the recordation system.   第十七条 重庆自贸试验区支持企业开展多种形式的境外投资合作,对不涉及敏感国家和地区、敏感行业的境外投资项目实行备案制。
Enterprises shall be encouraged to innovate the ways of outbound investment and cooperation. Ex-post administration of and services for overseas investment shall be strengthened, and the safety risk warning and emergency response guarantee system of overseas assets and personnel shall be improved. 鼓励企业创新对外投资合作方式。加强境外投资事后管理和服务,完善境外资产、人员安全风险预警和应急保障体系。
Chapter IV Trade Facilitation 

第四章 贸易便利

Article 18 CQFTZ shall support and encourage the development of new business forms and new modes of trade.   第十八条 重庆自贸试验区支持和鼓励发展贸易新业态、新模式。
(1) To promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade. An international processing base for gradient transfer of industries shall be established, and the whole-process industrial chain shall be improved, to increase the added value of trade. (一)促进加工贸易转型升级,建立产业梯度转移的国际加工基地,完善全流程产业链,提高贸易附加值;
(2) To promote the development of trade in services. Enterprises shall launch the development and design business and the business of maintenance, testing, and dismantling, among others, that is targeted at the global market and has controllable risks and conduct the exhibition, auction and trading of bonded cultural artworks. (二)促进服务贸易发展,开展研发设计和面向全球市场、风险可控的境内外维修、检测、拆解等业务,开展保税文化艺术品的展示、拍卖、交易业务;
(3) To promote the development of new types of trade. Enterprises shall promote such business forms as entrepot trade, bonded exhibition and trade, pledged financing of warehouse receipts and bills of lading, financial leasing, cross-border e-commerce, and market procurement trade, introduce bonded warehousing business of motor vehicles, and develop international express logistics.

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