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Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation) [Expired]
中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行) [失效]

Order of the Fifth Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 


(No. 12)


The Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation), as adopted at the 25th Session of the Fifth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 19, 1982, is hereby issued and shall be implemented for trial purpose as of July 1, 1983.


Chairman of the Standing Committee: Ye Jianying


委员长 叶剑英

November 19, 1982





(Adopted at the 25th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress on November 19, 1982)



第一章 总 则

Article 1. This Law is enacted for the purpose of ensuring food hygiene and preventing food contamination and harmful substances from causing injury to human health in order to safeguard the health of the people of China's various nationalities and improve their physical fitness.   第一条 为保证食品卫生, 防止食品污染和有害因素对人体的危害, 保障人民身体健康,增强各族人民的体质,特制定本法。

Article 2. The state shall practise a system of food hygiene supervision.   第二条 国家实行食品卫生监督制度。

Article 3. Whoever engages in food production or marketing within the territory of the People's Republic of China must observe this Law.   第三条 凡在中华人民共和国领域内从事食品生产经营的, 都必须遵守本法。

Any person shall have the right to inform the authorities and lodge a complaint about violations of this Law.

This Law applies to all foods and food additives as well as containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food; it also applies to the premises, facilities and environment associated with food production or marketing.


第二章 食品的卫生

Article 4. Food shall be nontoxic and harmless, conform to proper nutritive requirements and have appropriate sensory properties such as colour, fragrance and taste.   第四条 食品应当无毒、 无害, 符合应当有的营养要求,具有相应的色、香、味等感官性状。

Article 5. Principal and supplementary foods intended especially for infants and preschool children shall conform to the nutritive and hygienic standards promulgated by the health authority of the State Council.   第五条 专供婴幼儿的主、 辅食品, 必须符合国务院卫生行政部门制定的营养、卫生标准。

Article 6. The processes by which food is produced or marketed shall conform to the requirements for hygiene stated below.   第六条 食品生产经营过程必须符合下列卫生要求:

(1) The environment inside and outside any food production or marketing establishment shall be kept clean and tidy; measures shall be taken to eliminate flies, rodents, cockroaches and other harmful insects and to remove conditions for their propagation; and a prescribed distance shall be kept from any toxic or harmful site. (一)保持内外环境整洁,采取消除苍蝇、老鼠、蟑螂和其他有害昆虫及其孳生条件的措施,与有毒、有害场所保持规定的距离;

(2) An enterprise engaged in food production or marketing shall have workshops or other premises for the preparation of raw materials and for processing, packing and storage that are commensurate with the varieties and quantities of the products handled. (二)食品生产经营企业应当有与产品品种、数量相适应的食品原料处理、加工、包装、贮存等厂房或者场所;

(3) Appropriate facilities shall be made available for disinfection, changing clothes, toilet, natural and artificial light, ventilation, prevention of spoilage, protection against dust, elimination of flies and rodents, washing of equipment, sewage discharge and the containment of garbage and other wastes. (三)应当有相应的消毒、更衣、盥洗、采光、照明、通风、防腐、防尘、防蝇、防鼠、洗涤、污水排放、存放垃圾和废弃物的设施;

(4) The layout of installations and the application of technological processes shall be rational in order to prevent contamination between raw and cooked foods and between raw materials and finished products; food must not be placed in contact with any toxic substance or filth. (四)设备布局和工艺流程应当合理,防止生食品与熟食品、原料与成品交叉污染,食品不得接触有毒物、不洁物;

(5) Tableware, tea sets and containers for ready-to-eat foods must be cleaned and disinfected prior to use; cooking utensils and other utensils must be washed after use and kept clean. (五)餐具、茶具和盛放直接入口食品的容器,使用前必须洗净、消毒,炊具、用具用后必须洗净,保持清洁;

(6) Any containers and equipment used for the transportation, loading and unloading of food as well as the conditions under which these operations are carried out must conform to hygiene requirements in order to prevent food contamination. (六)运输和装卸食品的包装容器、工具、设备和条件必须符合卫生要求,防止食品污染;

(7) Ready-to-eat foods shall be kept in small packets or in clean, nontoxic packaging materials. (七)直接入口的食品应当有小包装或者使用无毒、清洁的包装材料;

(8) All persons involved in food production or marketing shall maintain a constant standard of personal hygiene, taking care to wash their hands thoroughly and wear clean work clothes and headgear while preparing or selling food; also, proper utensils must be used when selling ready-to-eat foods. (八)食品生产经营人员应当经常保持个人卫生, 生产、销售食品时,必须将手洗净,穿戴清洁的工作衣、帽;销售直接入口食品时,必须使用售货工具;

(9) Any water used must conform to the national hygiene standards for drinking-water in urban and rural areas. (九)用水必须分别符合国家规定的城乡生活饮用水卫生标准。

The hygiene requirements for food production or marketing undertaken by food vendors and persons engaged in the food business in urban and rural free markets shall be formulated separately, with reference to this Article, by the standing committees of the people's congresses in the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Article 7. The production and marketing of foods in the following categories shall be prohibited:   第七条 禁止生产经营下列食品:

(1) foods that can be injurious to human health because they are putrid or deteriorated, spoiled by rancid oil or fat, moulded, infested with insects or worms, contaminated, contain foreign matter or manifest other sensory abnormalities; (一)腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物或者其他感官性状异常,可能对人体健康有害的;

(2) foods that contain or are contaminated by toxic or deleterious substances and can thus be injurious to human health; (二)含有毒、有害物质或者被有毒、有害物质污染,可能对人体健康有害的;

(3) foods that contain pathogenic parasites, microorganisms or an amount of microbial toxin exceeding the tolerance prescribed by the state; (三)含有致病性寄生虫、微生物的,或者微生物毒素含量超过国家限定标准的;

(4) meat and meat products that have not been inspected by the veterinary health service or have failed to pass such inspection; (四)未经兽医卫生检验或者检验不合格的肉类及其制品;

(5) poultry, livestock, game and aquatic animals that have died from disease, poisoning or some unknown cause, as well as products made from them; (五)病死、毒死或者死因不明的禽、畜、兽、水产动物等及其制品;

(6) foods contaminated by use of filthy or seriously damaged containers or packages, or filthy means of conveyance; (六)容器包装污秽不洁、严重破损或者运输工具不洁造成污染的;

(7) foods that impair nutrition or health because they are adulterated or misbranded; (七)掺假、掺杂、伪造,影响营养、卫生的;

(8) foods prepared from inedible raw materials; (八)用非食品原料加工的;

(9) foods for which the storage time limit has expired; (九)超过保存期限的;

(10) foods of which the sale has been specifically prohibited, for the prevention of diseases or other special reasons, by the health authority of the State Council or by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government; (十)为防病等特殊需要,国务院卫生行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府专门规定禁止出售的;

(11) foods that contain additives or residues of pesticides that have not been approved for use by the health authority of the State Council; and (十一)含有未经国务院卫生行政部门批准使用的添加剂、农药(残留)的;

(12) other foods that do not conform to the standards and provisions for food hygiene. (十二)其他不符合食品卫生标准、卫生规定的。

Article 8. Food must not contain medicinal substances, with the exception of those materials which have traditionally served as both food and medicaments and materials which are used as condiments or fortifiers.   第八条 食品不得加入药物 。 按照传统既是食品又是药品的以及作为调料或者食品强化剂加入的除外。


第三章 食品添加剂的卫生

Article 9. Food additives must meet quality standards and be produced by factories designated by the competent authorities of the State Council and of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government that are responsible for chemical industry, light industries, petroleum industry, forestry, aquatic products, pharmaceuticals, and so on.   第九条 食品添加剂必须符合质量标准, 由国务院和省、 自治区、直辖市的化工、轻工、石油、林业、水产、医药等主管部门指定工厂生产。

Article 10. The production, marketing and use of food additives must conform to hygiene standards for use of food additives and the /hygiene management regulations. The marketing or use of substandard products or products from undesignated factories shall be prohibited.   第十条 生产经营和使用食品添加剂, 必 须符合食品添加剂使用卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定;不得经营、使用不合格产品和非指定工厂的产品。


第四章 食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备的卫生

Article 11. Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to hygiene standards and the hygiene management regulations.   第十一条 食品容器、 包装材料和食品用工具、 设备必须符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定。

Article 12. The raw materials for making containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must meet hygiene requirements. The finished products should be easy to clean and disinfect.   第十二条 食品容器、 包装材料和食品用工具、 设备的生产必须采用符合卫生要求的原料。产品应当便于清洗和消毒。

Article 13. Products made of paper, plastic, rubber or other material, as well as paints and coatings, that are to be placed in direct contact with food shall be manufactured by factories specially designated by the authorities responsible for their production.   第十三条 直接接触食品的纸张、塑料、橡胶等制品和涂料应当由生产主管部门负责组织专门生产。


第五章 食品卫生标准和管理办法的制定

Article 14. The health authority of the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate national hygiene standards, hygiene management regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food, the detergents used for washing food or utensils and equipment used for food, and the tolerances for contaminants and radioactive substances in food.   第十四条 食品、 食品添加剂, 食品容器、包装材料,食品用工具、设备,用于清洗食品和食品用工具、设备的洗涤剂以及食品中污染物质、放射性物质容许量的国家卫生标准、卫生管理办法和检验规程,由国务院卫生行政部门制定或者批准颁发。

Article 15. If the state has not formulated hygiene standards for a certain food, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish local hygiene standards for that food and report them to the health authority of the State Council for the record. The departments in charge of food production or marketing or the enterprises engaged in such production or marketing may, with the approval of the health authorities at the corresponding level, incorporate the hygiene norms into the quality standards for their products.   第十五条 国家未制定卫生标准的食品, 省、 自治区、直辖市人民政府可以制定地方卫生标准,报国务院卫生行政部门备案;食品生产经营主管部门或者食品生产经营企业,经同级卫生行政部门同意,可以在产品质量标准中列入卫生指标。

Article 16. If there are norms of significance to the science of health within the national quality standards for food additives, they must be examined and approved by the health authority of the State Council.   第十六条 食品添加剂的国家产品质量标准中有卫生学意义的指标 , 必须经国务院卫生行政部门审定。

Appraisals on the safety for use of agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, shall be examined and approved by the health authority of the State Council.

Veterinary hygiene inspection procedures for slaughtered livestock and poultry shall be formulated jointly by the relevant departments and the health authority of the State Council.

Article 17. All hygiene standards, hygiene management regulations and inspection procedures shall be subject to timely revision, examination and approval by the departments responsible for their formulation or promulgation, in the light of actual needs.   第十七条 各项卫生标准、 卫生管理办法和检验规程, 由制定或者颁发的部门根据实际需要及时进行修订或者审定。


第六章 食品卫生管理

Article 18. The departments in charge of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall be responsible for food hygiene within their respective administrative systems and shall oversee the implementation of this Law.   第十八条 食品生产经营企业的主管部门负责本系统的食品卫生工作,并对执行本法情况进行检查。

Article 19. The departments in charge of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing, as well as the enterprises themselves, shall set up and improve food hygiene management and inspection agencies within their respective administrative systems or units or shall appoint full-time or part-time personnel to manage food hygiene.   第十九条 食品生产经营企业的主管部门和 食品生 产经营企业必须建立健全本系统、本单位的食品卫生管理、检验机构或者配备专职或者兼职食品卫生管理人员。

Article 20. The responsibilities of the food hygiene management and inspection agencies or the personnel who manage food hygiene shall be:   第二十条 食品卫生管理、检验机构或者食品卫生管理人员的职责是:

(1) to implement the legislation and regulations on food hygiene and organize the training of personnel engaged in food production or marketing; (一)贯彻执行食品卫生法规和有关规章制度,组织培训食品生产经营人员;

(2) to carry out hygiene management and examination or inspection of food and of the processes by which food is produced or marketed; and (二)对食品和食品生产经营过程进行卫生管理、检验或者检查;

(3) to supervise food hygiene activities, criticize and stop acts that contravene the legislation on food hygiene, report their findings to higher authorities and agencies responsible for food hygiene supervision and propose measures to deal with violations. (三)对食品卫生工作进行监督,对违反食品卫生法规的行为进行批评、制止,向上级和食品卫生监督机构反映情况,并提出处理意见。

Article 21. The selection of sites and the designs for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall meet hygiene requirements, and the agencies responsible for food hygiene supervision must participate in the examination of those designs and in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects.   第二十一条 食品生产经营企业的新建、 扩建、 改建工程的选址和设计应当符合卫生要求,其设计审查和工程验收必须有食品卫生监督机构参加。

Article 22. Before starting production on new types of food or food additives using new resources, the enterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene and nutrition of such products; before starting production on new types of containers, packagings, utensils, or equipment used for foods, using new raw or processed materials, the enterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene of such products. Before starting production on the above new products, it shall also be necessary to provide samples of the products for examination and approval, in accordance with the specified procedures for examining and approving food hygiene standards.   第二十二条 利用新资源生产的食品、 食品添加剂的新品种, 生产经营企业在投入生产前,必须提出该产品卫生评价和营养价所需的资料;利用新的原材料生产的食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备的新品种,生产经营企业在投入生产前,必须提出该产品卫生评价所需的资料。上述新品种在投入生产前还需提供样品,并按照规定的食品卫生标准审批程序报请审批。

Article 23. Any standardized packaged food or food additive must include a product description or an affixed label indicating the name of the product, the name of the factory, the place and date of manufacture, the batch number (or code number), the specifications, the composition or principal ingredients, the time limit for storage, the method of consumption or use, and other such information. The product description or affixed label for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or fraudulent advertising.   第二十三条 定型包装食品和食品添加剂, 必须有产品说明书或者商品标志,根据不同产品分别按规定标出品名、产地、厂名、生产日期、批号(或者代号)、规格、配方或者主要成分、保存期限、食用或者使用方法等。食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书或者商品标志,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。

Article 24. Whenever producers or marketers of food procure supplies, they shall, in accordance with the relevant state regulations, request inspection certificates or laboratory test reports and the supplier must provide these. The scopes and types of certificates required shall be specified by the health authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.   第二十四条 食品生产经营者采购食品 , 应当按照国家有关规定索取检验合格证或者化验单,销售者应当保证提供。需要索证的范围和种类由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门规定。

Article 25. All persons engaged in food production or marketing must undergo an annual medical examination; persons newly employed or serving temporarily in this field must also undergo a medical examination and may not start work until they have obtained a health certificate.   第二十五条 食品生产经营人员每年必须进行健康检查 ; 新参加工作和临时参加工作的食品生产经营人员必须进行健康检查,取得健康证后方可参加工作。

Persons suffering from dysentery, typhoid, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases of the digestive tract (including pathogen carriers), active tuberculosis, suppurative or exudative dermatosis or any other disease incompatible with food hygiene, must not be engaged in any work involving contact with ready-to-eat foods.
凡患有痢疾、伤寒、病毒性肝炎等消化道传染病(包括病原携带者), 活动性肺结核,化脓性或者渗出性皮肤病以及其他有碍食品卫生的疾病的,不得参加接触直接入口食品的工作。

Article 26. Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing as well as food vendors must obtain a hygiene licence before they shall be permitted to apply for registration or a change of registration with the departments for the administration of industry and commerce   第二十六条 食品生产经营企业和食品商贩 , 必须先取得卫生许可证方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记或者变更登记。

The procedures for the issuance and administration of hygiene licences shall be specified by the health authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Article 27. The departments for the administration of industry and commerce shall be responsible for the management of food hygiene, and the inspection of food hygiene in general, on urban and rural free markets; the agencies for food hygiene supervision shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of food hygiene; the departments of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery shall be responsible for the veterinary hygiene inspection of livestock and poultry.   第二十七条 城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理工作和 一般食品卫生检查工作, 由工商行政管理部门负责,食品卫生监督检验工作由食品卫生监督机构负责,畜、禽兽医卫生检验工作由农牧渔业部门负责。

Article 28. Imported foods, food additives and the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must comply with national hygiene standards and the hygiene management regulations.   第二十八条 进口的食品、 食品添加剂、 食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具及设备,必须符合国家卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定。

The above-mentioned imports shall be subject to hygiene supervision and inspection by the frontier agencies for food hygiene supervision and inspection. When declaring such products for inspection, the importer shall submit the relevant data and inspection reports on the pesticides, additives, fumigants and other such substances used by the exporting country (region).

The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of goods based on the certificates issued by the frontier agencies for food hygiene supervision and inspection.

Article 29. Foods for export shall be subject to hygiene supervision and inspection by the state inspection agencies for import and export goods.   第二十九条 出口食品由国家进出口商品检验部门进行卫生监督、检验。

The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of export goods based on the certificates issued by the state inspection agencies for import and export goods.


第七章 食品卫生监督

Article 30. The health authorities at all levels shall direct food hygiene supervision.   第三十条 各级卫生行政部门领导食品卫生监督工作。

Article 31. At the county level and above, the health and antiepidemic stations or food hygiene supervision and inspection offices that are administered by the health authorities shall be the agencies for food hygiene supervision and shall be responsible for food hygiene supervision within the scope of their jurisdiction.   第三十一条 卫生行政部门 所属县 以上卫生防疫站或者食品卫生监督检验所为食品卫生监督机构,负责管辖范围内的食品卫生监督工作。

Health and antiepidemic stations of railways and other communications agencies, factories (fields) and mines shall function as the agencies for food hygiene supervision within the scope of their jurisdiction and shall receive professional guidance from the local agencies for food hygiene supervision.

Article 32. The agencies for food hygiene supervision shall appoint food hygiene supervisors. The supervisors shall be qualified specialists certified by the people's government at the corresponding level.   第三十二条 食品卫生监督机构设立食品卫生监督员 。 食品卫生监督员由合格的专业人员担任,由同级人民政府发给证书。

The food hygiene supervisors of railways and other communications agencies, factories (fields) and mines shall be certified by the relevant authorities at a higher level.

Article 33. The functions of the agencies for food hygiene supervision shall be as follows:   第三十三条 食品卫生监督机构的职责是:

(1) to provide monitoring, inspection and technical guidance for food hygiene; (一)进行食品卫生监测、检验和技术指导;

(2) to contribute to the training of personnel for food production and marketing and to supervise the medical examinations of such personnel; (二)协助培训食品生产经营人员,监督食品生产经营人员的健康检查;

(3) to spread knowledge of food hygiene and nutrition, provide appraisals of food hygiene and publicize the existing situation in food hygiene; (三)宣传食品卫生、营养知识,进行食品卫生评价,公布食品卫生情况;

(4) to conduct hygiene inspection on sites selected or designs made for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing and participate in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects; (四)对食品生产经营企业的新建、扩建、改建工程的选址和设计进行卫生审查,并参加工程验收;

(5) to undertake investigation of accidents involving food poisoning or food contamination and take appropriate measures of control; (五)对食物中毒和食品污染事故进行调查,并采取控制措施;

(6) to conduct on-the-spot inspections, make supervisory rounds and promptly deal with any problems discovered; (六)进行现场检查和巡回监督,及时处理发现的问题;

(7) to determine the responsibility of persons who violate this Law and impose administrative penalties on them according to law; and (七)对违反本法的行为追查责任,依法进行行政处罚;

(8) to take charge of other matters that concern food hygiene supervision. (八)负责其他食品卫生监督事项。

Article 34. Food hygiene supervisors shall carry out the tasks assigned to them by the agencies for food hygiene supervision.   第三十四条 食品卫生监督员执行食品卫生监督机构交付的任务。

While carrying out their tasks, food hygiene supervisors may obtain information from the producers or marketers of food, request necessary data, enter production or marketing premises to inspect them, and get free samples in accordance with regulations. The producers or marketers of food may not turn down such requests or hold back any information.

The food hygiene supervisors shall be obliged to keep confidential any technical data provided by the producers or marketers.

Article 35. The health authorities of the State Council and of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, if the need arises, assign competent units other than the agencies for food hygiene supervision as units for the inspection of food hygiene; these units shall undertake food hygiene inspection and provide inspection reports.   第三十五条 国务院和省、 自治区、 直辖市的卫生行政部门,根据需要可以在食品卫生监督机构之外确定具备条件的单位作为食品卫生检验单位,进行食品卫生检验并出具检验报告。

Article 36. Units where food poisoning accidents have occurred as well as units where the victims have been admitted for hospitalization shall, in addition to taking rescue measures, submit prompt reports to the local agencies for food hygiene supervision in accordance with relevant state provisions.   第三十六条 发生食物中毒的单位 和接 收病人进行治疗的单位,除采取抢救措施外,应当根据国家有规定,及时向所在地食品卫生监督机构报告。


第八章 法律责任

Article 37. In cases of serious violation of this Law, the agencies for food hygiene supervision may impose the following administrative penalties on the violators:   第三十七条 对违反本法情节较重的,食品卫生监督机构可以给予以下行政处罚:

(1) a warning and a time limit for rectification; (一)警告并限期改进;

(2) an order for the withdrawal of products already sold of which the production and marketing have been prohibited; (二)责令追回已售出的禁止生产经营的产品;

(3) confiscation or destruction of foods or food additives of which the production and marketing have been prohibited; (三)没收或者销毁禁止生产经营的食品、食品添加剂;

(4) a fine of not less than 20 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan; (四)罚款二十元以上、三万元以下;

(5) an order for the suspension of business for rectification; or (五)责令停业改进;

(6) revocation of the hygiene licence. (六)吊销卫生许可证。

Revocation of a hygiene licence and a fine exceeding 5,000 yuan shall be subject to approval by a people's government at the county level or above.

The above mentioned administrative penalties may be imposed separately or concurrently.

The confiscated items shall be disposed of under the supervision of the agencies for food hygiene supervision.

Article 38. If a party refuses to accept the administrative penalty imposed on it by an agency for food hygiene supervision, it may file a suit in a people's court within 15 days from the date of receiving notification of the penalty. However, any decision on food control shall be enforced immediately. If a party neither pays the fine imposed, nor files a suit within the time limit, the agency for food hygiene supervision shall request a people's court to order compulsory enforcement in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (for Trial Implementation).   第三十八条 当事人对食品卫生监督机构给予的行政处罚不服的 , 在接到处罚通知之日起十五天内,可以向人民法院起诉。但是,对食品控制的决定应当立即执行。对罚款的决定不履行又逾期不起诉的,由食品卫生监督机构申请人民法院依照中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)规定的程序强制执行。

Article 39. Whoever through violation of this Law is responsible for an accident of food poisoning or a disease caused by food-borne bacteria shall compensate the victims for the harm done to them. The victims shall have the right to claim compensation for harm.   第三十九条 违反本法, 造成食物中毒事故或者其他食源性疾患的, 应当负损害赔偿责任。受害人有权要求损害赔偿。

Compensation for harm shall cover medical expenses, salary losses due to work missed, living allowances and, in the case of a deceased victim, funeral expenses and pension for his dependants.

Article 40. Claims for compensation shall be dealt with by the health authorities at the county level or above; if a party refuses to accept their decision, it may file a suit in a people's court. The victim or his representative may also bring the case before a people's court directly.   第四十条 损害赔偿要求, 由县以上卫生行政部门处理, 当事人不服的,可以向人民法院起诉;也可以由受害人或者其代理人直接向人民法院起诉。

Claims for compensation shall be submitted within one year from the date on which the victims or their representatives become or should become aware of the harm done; no claims for compensation shall be dealt with beyond this time limit.

Article 41. Whoever through violation of this Law is directly responsible for a serious accident of food poisoning or a serious disease caused by food-borne bacteria which results in death or disability to work shall be investigated for criminal liability in the light of the circumstances and pursuant to the provisions of Articles 187, 114, or 164 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. If the circumstances are minor and exemption from criminal sanction may be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, an administrative penalty shall be imposed by the department in charge.   第四十一条 违反本法, 造成严重食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾患, 致人死亡或者致人残疾因而丧失劳动能力的,根据不同情节,对直接责任人员分别依照中华人民共和国刑法一百八十七条、第一百一十四条或者第一百六十四条的规定,追究刑事责任。情节轻微、依照中华人民共和国刑法规定可以免予刑事处分的,由主管部门酌情给予行政处分。


第九章 附 则

Article 42. The health authority of the State Council shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation which shall come into force upon approval by the State Council.   第四十二条 国务院卫生行政部门根据本法,制定实施细则,报国务院批准施行。

Article 43. For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:   第四十三条 本法用语定义如下:

" Food " means any finished product or raw material provided for people to eat or drink, as well as any product that has traditionally served as both food and medicament, with the exception of products used solely for medical purposes.
食品: 指各种供人食用或者饮用的成品和原料以及按照传统既是食品又是药品的物品,但是不包括以治疗为目的的物品。

" Food additive " means any synthetic compound or natural substance put into food to improve its quality, colour, fragrance or taste, or for the sake of preservation or processing.

" Food fortifier " means any natural or artificial food additive belonging to the category of natural nutrients that is put into food to increase its nutritive value.

" Containers and packaging used for food " means products of various materials including paper, bamboo, wood, metal, enamelware, ceramics, plastics, rubber, natural fibres, synthetic fibres and glass that are used to wrap or contain food, as well as paints or coatings that come in direct contact with food.

" Utensils and equipment used for food " means apparatus including machinery, piping, conveyor belts, containers, utensils and tableware that come in direct contact with food in the course of food production or marketing.

" Food production or marketing " means all operations in the production of food (other than planting and breeding) and activities such as the gathering, purchase, processing, storage, transport, display, supply and sale of food.

" Producers or marketers of food " means all units or persons involved in food production or marketing, including workers' dining halls, food vendors and other such operations.

Article 44. Procedures for the administration of food for export shall be formulated separately by the state authority responsible for the inspection of imported and exported goods in conjunction with the health authority of the State Council and the authorities in charge of the relevant departments of production.   第四十四条 出口食品的管理办法 , 由国家进出口商品检验部门会同国务院卫生行政部门和有关生产主管部门另行制定。

Article 45. This Law shall come into force for trial implementation as of July 1, 1983.   第四十五条 本法自一九八三年七月一日起试行。

The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Food Hygiene shall be invalidated on the day this Law comes into force for trial implementation. In cases of any conflict between previously promulgated regulations concerning food hygiene and this Law, this Law shall prevail.

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