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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》若干问题的解释 [已被修订]

Public Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 


The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted at the 1259th meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 3, 2002. They are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on February 1, 2003.

The Supreme People's Court

January 6, 2003

Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 1259th meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 3, 2002, No.3 Interpretation [2003] of the Supreme People's Court)
(2002年12月3日最高人民法院审判委员会第1259次会议通过 法释[2003]3号)

In order to correctly try maritime cases and in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the following interpretation is given with respect to the application of the Special Maritime Procedure Law by the people's courts.

I. Jurisdiction 


Article 1 Maritime tort disputes and maritime contract disputes that arise on the sea or on the sea-connected waters and that relate to ships, transport, production, or operations, as well as other maritime dispute cases provided for by laws and relevant judicial interpretations, shall be under the special jurisdiction of the maritime courts and the people's courts at the higher level thereof.   第一条 在海上或者通海水域发生的与船舶或者运输、生产、作业相关的海事侵权纠纷、海商合同纠纷,以及法律或者相关司法解释规定的其他海事纠纷案件由海事法院及其上级人民法院专门管辖。

Article 2 The jurisdiction over maritime tort dispute cases and maritime carriage contract dispute cases shall be governed by Chapter 25 of the civil procedure law; where there is no corresponding provision in Chapter 25 of the civil procedure law, Items 1) and 2) of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law and other relevant provisions of the civil procedure law shall apply.   第二条 涉外海事侵权纠纷案件和海上运输合同纠纷案件的管辖,适用民事诉讼法第二十五章的规定;民事诉讼法第二十五章没有规定的,适用海事诉讼特别程序法六条第二款(一)、(二)项的规定和民事诉讼法的其他有关规定。

Article 3 The term “ocean ship” as prescribed in Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the ships suitable for sailing on the sea or on the sea-connected waters.   第三条 海事诉讼特别程序法六条规定的海船指适合航行于海上或者通海水域的船舶。

Article 4 The term “port of registry” as prescribed in Item 1) of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the port of registry of the defendant ship. Where the port of registry of the defendant ship is not within the People's Republic of China and that of the plaintiff ship is within the People's Republic of China, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the port of registry of the plaintiff ship is located.   第四条 海事诉讼特别程序法六条第二款(一)项规定的船籍港指被告船舶的船籍港。被告船舶的船籍港不在中华人民共和国领域内,原告船舶的船籍港在中华人民共和国领域内的,由原告船舶的船籍港所在地的海事法院管辖。

Article 5 The terms “port of departure”, “port of transshipment”, and “port of destination” as prescribed in Item 2) of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refer to the port of departure, port of transshipment, and port of destination stipulated in the contract or where the contract is actually performed. Where the port of departure, port of transshipment, and port of destination stipulated in the contract are different from the port of departure, port of transshipment, and port of destination where the contract is actually performed, the place of actual performance shall be used to determine the jurisdiction over the case.   第五条 海事诉讼特别程序法六条第二款(二)项规定的起运港、转运港和到达港指合同约定的或者实际履行的起运港、转运港和到达港。合同约定的起运港、转运港和到达港与实际履行的起运港、转运港和到达港不一致的,以实际履行的地点确定案件管辖。

Article 6 The phrase “the place where the insured object is located” as used in Item 4) of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the place where the insured ship is located.   第六条 海事诉讼特别程序法六条第二款(四)项的保赔标的物所在地指保赔船舶的所在地。

Article 7 The phrase “the place where the ship is located” as prescribed in Item 7) of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the place of berth or the place where the ship is detained at the time when the legal proceedings are initiated.   第七条 海事诉讼特别程序法六条第二款(七)项规定的船舶所在地指起诉时船舶的停泊地或者船舶被扣押地。

Article 8 A maritime court shall accept the suits directly brought to it that arise from disputes over the service contracts of seamen.   第八条 因船员劳务合同纠纷直接向海事法院提起的诉讼,海事法院应当受理。

Article 9 A suit arising from maritime salvage charges may be subject to the jurisdiction either determined in accordance with Article 32 of the civil procedure law, or of the maritime court of the place where the salvaged property other than the ship is located.   第九条 因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,除依照民事诉讼法三十二条的规定确定管辖外,还可以由被救助的船舶以外的其他获救财产所在地的海事法院管辖。

Article 10 A dispute over the borrowing contract relating to security on or priority claims to the ship shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the defendant's domicile, the place of performance, the port of registry of the ship, or the place where the ship is located.   第十条 与船舶担保或者船舶优先权有关的借款合同纠纷,由被告住所地、合同履行地、船舶的船籍港、船舶所在地的海事法院管辖。

Article 11 The phrase “the sea areas under jurisdiction” as prescribed in Item 3) of Article 7 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones, continental shelves, and other sea areas that are under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.   第十一条 海事诉讼特别程序法七条(三)项规定的有管辖权的海域指中华人民共和国的毗连区、专属经济区、大陆架以及有管辖权的其他海域。

Article 12 The term “place of performance” as prescribed in Item 3) of Article 7 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the place of actual performance of the contract; where the contract has not been actually performed, it refers to the place of performance stipulated in the contract.   第十二条 海事诉讼特别程序法七条(三)项规定的合同履行地指合同的实际履行地;合同未实际履行的,为合同约定的履行地。

Article 13 Where a party applies for enforcement of a maritime arbitration award or recognition or enforcement of a foreign maritime arbitration award in accordance with Article 11 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, the case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the property against which the award is enforced is located or of the domicile of the person against whom the award is enforced; where the property is a ship, the case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of a maritime court regardless of whether that ship is within the jurisdiction area of that maritime court. If there is no maritime court at the place where the ship is located, the jurisdiction shall be assumed by the nearest maritime court.   第十三条 当事人根据海事诉讼特别程序法十一条的规定申请执行海事仲裁裁决,申请承认和执行国外海事仲裁裁决的,由被执行的财产所在地或者被执行人住所地的海事法院管辖;被执行的财产为船舶的,无论该船舶是否在海事法院管辖区域范围内,均由海事法院管辖。船舶所在地没有海事法院的,由就近的海事法院管辖。

The phrases “the place where the property is located” and “the domicile of the person against whom the award is enforce” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the areas over which a maritime court exercises its jurisdiction.

Article 14 A case of determination of the effect of maritime arbitration agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place of the defendant's domicile, the place of performance, or the place where the stipulated arbitration institution is located.   第十四条 认定海事仲裁协议效力案件,由被申请人住所地、合同履行地或者约定的仲裁机构所在地的海事法院管辖。

Article 15 Except the maritime courts and the people's courts at the higher levels thereof, a local people's court shall not accept the application for preservation of ship filed by a party; where a local people's court needs to detain and auction a ship for the enforcement of an effective legal document, that court shall entrust the execution to the maritime court of the place of registry of the ship or of the place where the ship is located.   第十五条 除海事法院及其上级人民法院外,地方人民法院对当事人提出的船舶保全申请应不予受理;地方人民法院为执行生效法律文书需要扣押和拍卖船舶的,应当委托船籍港所在地或者船舶所在地的海事法院执行。

Article 16 If more than two maritime courts have jurisdiction over a suit, the plaintiff may bring the suit to either of them; if the plaintiff brings a suit to more than two maritime courts which have jurisdiction, the maritime court that first puts the case on file shall assume the jurisdiction.   第十六条 两个以上海事法院都有管辖权的诉讼,原告可以向其中一个海事法院起诉;原告向两个以上有管辖权的海事法院起诉的,由最先立案的海事法院管辖。

Article 17 If there is any dispute between two maritime courts over the jurisdiction, those courts shall settle the dispute through consultation, if the consultation fails, they shall report to the Supreme People's Court for designation of jurisdiction.   第十七条 海事法院之间因管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决;协商解决不了的,报请最高人民法院指定管辖。

II. Preservation for Maritime Claims 


Article 18 The phrase “property of the person against whom the preservation claim is filed” as prescribed in Article 12 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law includes the ship, the cargo carried by the ship, and the ship's fuel and supplies. The preservation for maritime claim to other properties shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the civil procedure law on property preservation.   第十八条 海事诉讼特别程序法十二条规定的被请求人的财产包括船舶、船载货物、船用燃油以及船用物料。对其他财产的海事请求保全适用民事诉讼法有关财产保全的规定。

Article 19 The phrase “cargo carried by the ship” as prescribed in the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the cargo that is under the control of the carrier, and that has not been loaded, or has already been loaded, and has already be unloaded.   第十九条 海事诉讼特别程序法规定的船载货物指处于承运人掌管之下,尚未装船或者已经装载于船上以及已经卸载的货物。

Article 20 The phrase “the place where the property to be preserved is located” as prescribed in Article 13 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law refers to the place where the ship or the cargo is located. Where the party applies for maritime claim preservation of any cargo that has already been unloaded but is still under the control of the carrier, if the place where the cargo is located is not within the jurisdiction area of a maritime court, that party may file the claim with the maritime court of the place of discharge, either may he file the claim with the local people's court of the place where the cargo is located.   第二十条 海事诉讼特别程序法十三条规定的被保全的财产所在地指船舶的所在地或者货物的所在地。当事人在诉讼前对已经卸载但在承运人掌管之下的货物申请海事请求保全,如果货物所在地不在海事法院管辖区域的,可以向卸货港所在地的海事法院提出,也可以向货物所在地的地方人民法院提出。

Article 21 The application for preservation for maritime claim filed before the suit or arbitration shall be governed by Article 14 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law.   第二十一条 诉讼或者仲裁前申请海事请求保全适用海事诉讼特别程序法十四条的规定。

Where a foreign court has already accepted a related maritime case or the relevant dispute has already been submitted for arbitration, but the involved property is within the People's Republic of China, if a party applies for maritime claim preservation with the maritime court of the place where the property is located, the maritime court shall accept the application.

Article 22 Where an interested party raises any objection against the ruling of maritime claim preservation made by a maritime court, and the court deems that the grounds for the objection are untenable upon examination, it shall notify the interested party in writing.   第二十二条 利害关系人对海事法院作出的海事请求保全裁定提出异议,经审查认为理由不成立的,应当书面通知利害关系人。

Article 23 Where a person against whom the application for maritime claim preservation is filed or an interested party requires that the applicant compensate losses in accordance with Article 20 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, and brings a suit to the maritime court taking the preservative measures, that maritime court shall accept the case.   第二十三条 被请求人或者利害关系人依据海事诉讼特别程序法二十条的规定要求海事请求人赔偿损失,向采取海事请求保全措施的海事法院提起诉讼的,海事法院应当受理。

Article 24 The loss resulting from the wrongful application for detainment of a ship includes the maintenance charges and expenses occurred during the period of berth when the ship is detained, the loss of sailing period as a result of detainment of the ship, and the expenses incurred by the person against whom the application is filed to provide security to release the ship from detainment.   第二十四条 申请扣押船舶错误造成的损失,包括因船舶被扣押在停泊期间产生的各项维持费用与支出、船舶被扣押造成的船期损失和被申请人为使船舶解除扣押而提供担保所支出的费用。

Article 25 Where a ship has been detained for more than 30 days, or the cargo or any other property has been detained for more than 15 days as security for maritime claim, and the maritime claimant fails to bring the suit or apply arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement, the maritime court shall cancel the preservation or return the security in a timely manner.   第二十五条 海事请求保全扣押船舶超过三十日、扣押货物或者其他财产超过十五日,海事请求人未提起诉讼或者未按照仲裁协议申请仲裁的,海事法院应当及时解除保全或者返还担保。

Where the maritime claimant fails to bring the suit or apply for arbitration within the time limit, but the claimant settles the case or agrees on the period of security through agreement with the person against whom the application is filed, the maritime court may make a ruling recognizing that agreement upon application by the maritime claimant.

Article 26 Where an applicant has provided a limited amount of security for the application for detainment of a ship, but fails to add more security in accordance with the notification of the maritime court upon expiration of the detainment, the maritime court may cancel the detainment.   第二十六条 申请人为申请扣押船舶提供限额担保,在扣押船舶期限届满时,未按照海事法院的通知追加担保的,海事法院可以解除扣押。

Article 27 Except that the maritime claimant and the party against whom the claim is filed have any otherwise agreement, the maritime claimant shall return the security furnished to him as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 18 and Article 74 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law; where the maritime claimant fails to return the security, that security shall lose effect on the day following the expiration of the period of the preservation for maritime claim.   第二十七条 海事诉讼特别程序法十八条第二款、第七十四条规定的提供给海事请求人的担保,除被请求人和海事请求人有约定的外,海事请求人应当返还;海事请求人不返还担保的,该担保至海事请求保全期间届满之次日失效。

Article 28 Various maintenance charges and expenses occurred during the period when a ship is detained shall be deemed as charges paid for the joint interest of the creditors, and shall be set aside by priority from the sum obtained from auction of the ship.   第二十八条 船舶被扣押期间产生的各项维持费用和支出,应当作为为债权人共同利益支出的费用,从拍卖船舶的价款中优先拨付。

Article 29 Where a maritime court allows a ship which has already been preserved to continue the operation in accordance with Article 27 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, the case shall be limited to allowing a ship sailing on a domestic route to finish its current voyage.   第二十九条 海事法院根据海事诉讼特别程序法二十七条的规定准许已经实施保全的船舶继续营运的,一般仅限于航行于国内航线上的船舶完成本航次。

Article 30 If, after bringing the suit or applying for arbitration, a maritime claimant does not apply for auction of the detained ship, the maritime court may auction the ship upon the application of the party against which the application for detainment is filed, and the sum obtained from the auction shall be submitted to the maritime court.   第三十条 申请扣押船舶的海事请求人在提起诉讼或者申请仲裁后,不申请拍卖被扣押船舶的,海事法院可以根据被申请人的申请拍卖船舶。拍卖所得价款由海事法院提存。

Article 31 Where a maritime court makes the ruling to auction a ship, it shall make public announcements for 3 successive days through the newspaper or other news media.   第三十一条 海事法院裁定拍卖船舶,应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体连续公告三日。

Article 32 Where an interested party requests for termination of the auction of a detained ship, the maritime court shall make the ruling on whether to permit the request or not; where the maritime court makes the ruling to terminate the auction, the expenses occurred for preparation for the auction shall be borne by the interested party.
   第三十二条 利害关系人请求终止拍卖被扣押船舶的,是否准许,海事法院应当作出裁定;海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶的,为准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由利害关系人承担。

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