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Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets [Effective]
中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例 [现行有效]


Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China



(No. 646) (第646号)

The Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets is hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 1, 2014. 现公布《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》,自2014年3月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总理 李克强
January 17, 2014 2014年1月17日
Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets 中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets (hereinafter referred to as the “Secrecy Law”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》(以下简称保密法)的规定,制定本条例。
Article 2 The state secrecy administrative department shall be responsible for the secrecy work throughout the country. The local secrecy administrative departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the secrecy work within their respective administrative regions under the guidance of the superior secrecy administrative departments.   第二条 国家保密行政管理部门主管全国的保密工作。县级以上地方各级保密行政管理部门在上级保密行政管理部门指导下,主管本行政区域的保密工作。
Article 3 A central state organ shall, within its functions, administer or guide the secrecy work within its system and oversee the implementation of secrecy laws and regulations, and may, alone or in conjunction with other relevant departments, develop secrecy rules for matters under the charge of it according to the actual circumstances.   第三条 中央国家机关在其职权范围内管理或者指导本系统的保密工作,监督执行保密法律法规,可以根据实际情况制定或者会同有关部门制定主管业务方面的保密规定。
Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the construction of secrecy infrastructure and the availability of key secrecy technology products.   第四条 县级以上人民政府应当加强保密基础设施建设和关键保密科技产品的配备。
The secrecy administrative departments at or above the provincial level shall strengthen the research and development of key secrecy technology products. 省级以上保密行政管理部门应当加强关键保密科技产品的研发工作。
The funds needed by a secrecy administrative department for performing its duties shall be included in the fiscal budget of the people's government at the same level. The funds needed by an organ or entity for the secrecy work shall be included in the annual fiscal budget or annual income and expenditure plan of the organ or entity. 保密行政管理部门履行职责所需的经费,应当列入本级人民政府财政预算。机关、单位开展保密工作所需经费应当列入本机关、本单位的年度财政预算或者年度收支计划。
Article 5 No organ or entity may classify matters which are required by law to be disclosed as state secrets, or disclose any information involving state secrets.   第五条 机关、单位不得将依法应当公开的事项确定为国家秘密,不得将涉及国家秘密的信息公开。
Article 6 A secrecy accountability system shall be implemented in organs or entities. The person in charge of an organ or entity shall be responsible for the secrecy work of the organ or entity, and staff members shall be responsible for the secrecy work of their positions.   第六条 机关、单位实行保密工作责任制。机关、单位负责人对本机关、本单位的保密工作负责,工作人员对本岗位的保密工作负责。
Organs or entities shall, as needed for their secrecy work, establish secrecy offices or designate persons to take charge of secrecy work. 机关、单位应当根据保密工作需要设立保密工作机构或者指定人员专门负责保密工作。
The implementation of the secrecy accountability system by organs or entities and their staff members shall be included in their annual review and assessment. 机关、单位及其工作人员履行保密工作责任制情况应当纳入年度考评和考核内容。
Article 7 The secrecy administrative departments at all levels shall organize publicity and education on secrecy on an ongoing basis. Organs or entities shall provide their staff members with education and training on secrecy situations, secrecy laws and regulations, and prevention and control through secrecy technologies, among others.   第七条 各级保密行政管理部门应当组织开展经常性的保密宣传教育。机关、单位应当定期对本机关、本单位工作人员进行保密形势、保密法律法规、保密技术防范等方面的教育培训。

Chapter II Scope and Classification of State Secrets 

第二章 国家秘密的范围和密级

Article 8 The specific scope of state secrets and their classification levels (hereinafter referred to as the “scope of classified information”) shall explicitly state the title, classification level, duration of classification, and clearance holders of each specific matter as a state secret.   第八条 国家秘密及其密级的具体范围(以下称保密事项范围)应当明确规定国家秘密具体事项的名称、密级、保密期限、知悉范围。
The scope of classified information shall be adjusted according to the changes in situation in a timely manner. Sufficient demonstration shall be conducted, and the opinions of the relevant organs and entities and the experts in the relevant fields shall be solicited, for the determination and modification of the scope of classified information. 保密事项范围应当根据情况变化及时调整。制定、修订保密事项范围应当充分论证,听取有关机关、单位和相关领域专家的意见。
Article 9 The person in charge of an organ or entity shall be the person responsible for classification in the organ or entity, and may, as needed for work, designate any other person as the person responsible for classification in the organ or entity.   第九条 机关、单位负责人为本机关、本单位的定密责任人,根据工作需要,可以指定其他人员为定密责任人。
The staff member specially responsible for classification shall receive training on classification, be familiar with classification duties and the scope of classified information, and understand classification procedures and methods. 专门负责定密的工作人员应当接受定密培训,熟悉定密职责和保密事项范围,掌握定密程序和方法。
Article 10 The person responsible for classification shall, within his or her scope of duties, undertake the determination, modification of classification, and declassification of state secrets. The specific duties include:   第十条 定密责任人在职责范围内承担有关国家秘密确定、变更和解除工作。具体职责是:
(1) examining and approving the classification level, duration of classification, and clearance holders of state secrets originated by the organ or entity; (一)审核批准本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密的密级、保密期限和知悉范围;
(2) reviewing state secrets originated by the organ or entity which are still in the duration of classification, and deciding whether to modify their classification or declassify them; and (二)对本机关、本单位产生的尚在保密期限内的国家秘密进行审核,作出是否变更或者解除的决定;
(3) for information the status of which as a state secret or the classification level of which is undefined, preliminarily determining its classification level and reporting it to the secrecy administrative department for decision under the prescribed procedure. (三)对是否属于国家秘密和属于何种密级不明确的事项先行拟定密级,并按照规定的程序报保密行政管理部门确定。
Article 11 Central state organs, provincial organs, and organs at the level of a districted city or autonomous prefecture may, as needed for the secrecy work or upon request of the relevant organs or entities, make classification authorization within the classification authority and the scope of authorization as prescribed by the state secrecy administrative department.   第十一条 中央国家机关、省级机关以及设区的市、自治州级机关可以根据保密工作需要或者有关机关、单位的申请,在国家保密行政管理部门规定的定密权限、授权范围内作出定密授权。
A classification authorization shall be made in writing. The authorizing organ shall oversee the exercise of the classification authority by the authorized organ or entity. 定密授权应当以书面形式作出。授权机关应当对被授权机关、单位履行定密授权的情况进行监督。
Authorizations made by a central state organ or provincial organ shall be filed with the state secrecy administrative department for recordation; and authorizations made by an organ at the level of a districted city or autonomous prefecture shall be filed with the secrecy administrative department of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government for recordation. 中央国家机关、省级机关作出的授权,报国家保密行政管理部门备案;设区的市、自治州级机关作出的授权,报省、自治区、直辖市保密行政管理部门备案。
Article 12 Where a state secret is originated by an organ or entity, at the same time, the handling person shall propose the classification level, duration of classification, and clearance holders of the state secrete according to the scope of classified information, submit them to the person responsible for classification for examination and approval, and take corresponding secrecy measures.   第十二条 机关、单位应当在国家秘密产生的同时,由承办人依据有关保密事项范围拟定密级、保密期限和知悉范围,报定密责任人审核批准,并采取相应保密措施。
Article 13 The organ or entity originating a state secret shall determine the specific duration of classification of the secret as prescribed in the scope of classified information. If the specific duration of classification is not prescribed in the scope of classified information, it may, as needed for work, determine the specific duration of classification of the secret within the limits of duration of classification as set out in the Secrecy Law. If the duration of classification cannot be determined, the conditions for declassification shall be specified.   第十三条 机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密,应当按照保密事项范围的规定确定具体的保密期限;保密事项范围没有规定具体保密期限的,可以根据工作需要,在保密法规定的保密期限内确定;不能确定保密期限的,应当确定解密条件。
The duration of classification of a state secret shall commence from the marked date of origin. If it is impossible to mark the date of origin, the organ or entity determining the state secret shall notify in writing the organs, entities, and personnel with clearance, and the duration of classification shall commence from the date of notification. 国家秘密的保密期限,自标明的制发日起计算;不能标明制发日的,确定该国家秘密的机关、单位应当书面通知知悉范围内的机关、单位和人员,保密期限自通知之日起计算。
Article 14 Organs or entities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Secrecy Law, strictly limit the clearance holders of state secrets, and maintain written records of persons with clearance for state secrets at or above the secret level.   第十四条 机关、单位应当按照保密法的规定,严格限定国家秘密的知悉范围,对知悉机密级以上国家秘密的人员,应当作出书面记录。
Article 15 State secret signs shall be affixed to the conspicuous parts of state secret carriers as well as equipment and products as state secrets. State secret signs shall indicate the classification level and the duration of classification. The original state secret signs shall be modified in a timely manner if the classification level or duration of classification of a state secret is modified.   第十五条 国家秘密载体以及属于国家秘密的设备、产品的明显部位应当标注国家秘密标志。国家秘密标志应当标注密级和保密期限。国家秘密的密级和保密期限发生变更的,应当及时对原国家秘密标志作出变更。
If it is impossible to affix state secret signs, the organ or entity determining the state secret shall notify in writing the organs, entities, and persons with clearance for the state secret. 无法标注国家秘密标志的,确定该国家秘密的机关、单位应当书面通知知悉范围内的机关、单位和人员。
Article 16 Where an organ or entity deems that a state secret originated by it satisfies the conditions for declassification or extension of the duration of classification as set out in the Secrecy Law, the organ or entity shall declassify the state secret or extend its duration of classification in a timely manner.   第十六条 机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密,认为符合保密法有关解密或者延长保密期限规定的,应当及时解密或者延长保密期限。
Where an organ or entity deems that a state secret originated by another organ or entity satisfies the conditions for declassification or extension of the duration of classification as set out in the Secrecy Law, the organ or entity may provide recommendations to the original organ or entity classifying the state secret or the superior thereof. 机关、单位对不属于本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密,认为符合保密法有关解密或者延长保密期限规定的,可以向原定密机关、单位或者其上级机关、单位提出建议。
Files as state secrets which have been legally transferred to the national archives facilities at all levels shall be subject to the declassification examination by the original organs or entities classifying them according to the relevant state provisions. 已经依法移交各级国家档案馆的属于国家秘密的档案,由原定密机关、单位按照国家有关规定进行解密审核。
Article 17 Where an organ or entity is disbanded or merged, the modification of classification and declassification of a state secret determined by the organ or entity shall be the responsibility of the organ or entity succeeding to the functions of the disbanded or merged organ or entity, its superior, or the organ or entity designated by the secrecy administrative department.
   第十七条 机关、单位被撤销或者合并的,该机关、单位所确定国家秘密的变更和解除,由承担其职能的机关、单位负责,也可以由其上级机关、单位或者保密行政管理部门指定的机关、单位负责。

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