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Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port [Effective]
中共中央、国务院印发《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》 [现行有效]

Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port 


As the largest special economic zone in China, Hainan has unique advantages of comprehensively deepening reform and testing the highest level of opening-up policies. It is a major reform and opening up initiative which is put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping who has planned, deployed and promoted it by himself; in addition, it is a strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee in the light of the overall situation of China and the international community through in-depth study, overall consideration and scientific planning–to support Hainan in gradually exploring and steadily promoting the construction of the Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, and establishing the Free Trade Port policy and institutional system step by step and stage by stage. Today's world is undergoing a new round of major development, major transformation and major adjustment; the protectionism & unilateralism are on the rise; and the economic globalization is faced with greater headwinds and undertows. Building the Free Trade Port in Hainan is the fundamental requirement of promoting high-level opening up and establishing a new opening-up economic system; it is the urgent need of deepening market-oriented reform and creating a legal-based, international and convenient business environment; it is the strategic choice of implementing the new development concept, promoting high-quality development and building a modern economic system; it is the practical action of supporting the economic globalization and building a community of shared future for mankind. This plan is formulated in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Hainan Province and Hainan Special Economic Zone, implement the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hainan's Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening up, and speed up the construction of a high-level free trade port with Chinese characteristics. 中共中央、国务院印发了《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》主要内容如下。海南是我国最大的经济特区,具有实施全面深化改革和试验最高水平开放政策的独特优势。支持海南逐步探索、稳步推进中国特色自由贸易港建设,分步骤、分阶段建立自由贸易港政策和制度体系,是习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推动的改革开放重大举措,是党中央着眼国内国际两个大局,深入研究、统筹考虑、科学谋划作出的战略决策。当今世界正在经历新一轮大发展大变革大调整,保护主义、单边主义抬头,经济全球化遭遇更大的逆风和回头浪。在海南建设自由贸易港,是推进高水平开放,建立开放型经济新体制的根本要求;是深化市场化改革,打造法治化、国际化、便利化营商环境的迫切需要;是贯彻新发展理念,推动高质量发展,建设现代化经济体系的战略选择;是支持经济全球化,构建人类命运共同体的实际行动。为深入贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝海南建省办经济特区30周年大会上的重要讲话精神,落实《中共中央、国务院关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》要求,加快建设高水平的中国特色自由贸易港,制定本方案。
I. General Requirements   一、总体要求
(I) Guiding ideology
We must follow the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Socialism Ideology with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era. We must fully implement the spirit of the 19th Session of the National Congress of CPC, as well as the 2nd,3rd and 4th plenary sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC. We must uphold the Party's overall leadership, adhere to the fundamental keynote of China's steady progress, adhere to the new development concept, stick with high quality development, and comprehensively promote the “five-in-one” overall layout, and coordinately promote the Four-Prolonged Strategic Layout; We must aim at the high-level international economic and trade rules, emancipate our mind, innovate bravely, focus on the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, establish a policy system which is suitable for the high-level Free Trade Port, build a Special Customs Supervision Zone with international competitiveness and influence, and build Hainan Free Trade Port into a flagship and an important opening-up door leading China's opening up in the new era.
(II) General principles (二)基本原则
★Learn from International Experience. We must adhere to the high-starting point planning and high-standard construction, actively adapt to the new trend in the restructuring of international economic and trade rules, learn from advanced operation modes, management expertise and institutional arrangement of global free trade ports, form an opening-up policy & institutional system with international competitiveness, accelerate the establishment of a new opening-up economic system, enhance the region's radiating and driving effects, and create the frontier region in China that deeply integrates into the global economic system. ——借鉴国际经验。坚持高起点谋划、高标准建设,主动适应国际经贸规则重构新趋势,充分学习借鉴国际自由贸易港的先进经营方式、管理方法和制度安排,形成具有国际竞争力的开放政策和制度,加快建立开放型经济新体制,增强区域辐射带动作用,打造我国深度融入全球经济体系的前沿地带。
★Reflect Chinese Characteristics. We must adhere to the Party's centralized and unified leadership, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people-centered principle, and practice the core values of socialism, so as to ensure the correct direction during the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. We should give full play to the institutional advantages of the collaboration & cooperation nationwide and concentrating our resources on major issues; mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all parties; gather global high-quality production factors; make new breakthroughs in promoting institutional innovation, cultivating new growth drivers, and building a new pattern of comprehensive opening up; so as to provide solid support for the realization of national strategic goals. We should strengthen exchanges & cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, and promote the interactive development along with the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. ——体现中国特色。坚持党的集中统一领导,坚持中国特色社会主义道路,坚持以人民为中心,践行社会主义核心价值观,确保海南自由贸易港建设正确方向。充分发挥全国上下一盘棋和集中力量办大事的制度优势,调动各方面积极性和创造性,集聚全球优质生产要素,着力在推动制度创新、培育增长动能、构建全面开放新格局等方面取得新突破,为实现国家战略目标提供坚实支撑。加强与东南亚国家交流合作,促进与粤港澳大湾区联动发展。
★Fit the Positioning of Hainan. We should focus on the strategic positioning that Hainan is endowed by China to build the comprehensively deepened reform & opening up pilot area, the national-level pilot zone for eco-civilization, the international tourism & consumption center and the service guarantee zone for national major strategic projects; give full play to its advantages, such as rich natural resources, unique geographic location, and being backed by a super-large-scale domestic market and hinterland economy, seize the new-round important opportunity of the global scientific & technological revolution and industrial transformation, focus on the development of tourism, modern service industry and high-tech industry, and accelerate the cultivation of new cooperative & competitive advantages with Hainan characteristics. ——符合海南定位。紧紧围绕国家赋予海南建设全面深化改革开放试验区、国家生态文明试验区、国际旅游消费中心和国家重大战略服务保障区的战略定位,充分发挥海南自然资源丰富、地理区位独特以及背靠超大规模国内市场和腹地经济等优势,抢抓全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革重要机遇,聚焦发展旅游业、现代服务业和高新技术产业,加快培育具有海南特色的合作竞争新优势。
★Highlight Reform and Innovation. We should strengthen the awareness of reform and innovation, endow Hainan with greater autonomy for reform, support Hainan to push forward reform and innovation in an all-round and vigorous way, actively explore the establishment of more flexible and efficient laws & regulations, regulatory models and management systems to adapt to the construction of the Free Trade Port; make great efforts to remove the institutional & mechanism barriers that hinder the flow of production factors. We should deepen the opening up of commodity & factor flows, accelerate the institutional opening up of rules & other institutions, and drive the reform in an all-round way with a high level of opening-up. We should strengthen the system integration of the reform, focus on the coordinated promotion, and make the various innovation initiatives cooperate with each other and complement each other, thus improving the overall efficiency of reform and innovation. ——突出改革创新。强化改革创新意识,赋予海南更大改革自主权,支持海南全方位大力度推进改革创新,积极探索建立适应自由贸易港建设的更加灵活高效的法律法规、监管模式和管理体制,下大力气破除阻碍生产要素流动的体制机制障碍。深入推进商品和要素流动型开放,加快推动规则等制度型开放,以高水平开放带动改革全面深化。加强改革系统集成,注重协调推进,使各方面创新举措相互配合、相得益彰,提高改革创新的整体效益。
★Stick to the Bottom-Line Thinking. We should persist on working steadily, push the work ahead step by step, make overall & comprehensive arrangements for the pace and progress of opening-up, and launch an item only when preparation is well-completed, never rush for progress or quick success. We should deepen the efforts to streamline administration and delegate power, integrate decentralization with management, and upgrade services, comprehensively implement the institutional system of convenient access and law-based process supervision, and establish regulatory standards and norms that are in line with international standards. We should strengthen major risk identification and systematic risk prevention, establish and improve risk prevention & control supporting measures, improve the system & mechanism for prevention and control of major epidemics, and improve the public health emergency management system, carry out the work of normalized assessment, and rectify the deviation and the error in time, thus ensuring the correct and healthy development of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. ——坚持底线思维。坚持稳扎稳打、步步为营,统筹安排好开放节奏和进度,成熟一项推出一项,不急于求成、急功近利。深入推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务,全面推行准入便利、依法过程监管的制度体系,建立与国际接轨的监管标准和规范制度。加强重大风险识别和系统性风险防范,建立健全风险防控配套措施。完善重大疫情防控体制机制,健全公共卫生应急管理体系。开展常态化评估工作,及时纠偏纠错,确保海南自由贸易港建设方向正确、健康发展。
(III) Developmental goals (三)发展目标
By 2025, we will initially establish the free trade port policy & institutional system, which focuses on trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Build an overall business environment that reaches top level in China, with substantial increase in market entities, significant improvement in industrial competitiveness, effective risk prevention and control, gradually improved legal system that adapt to the construction of the Free Trade Port, and significantly improved quality and efficiency of economic development. 到2025年,初步建立以贸易自由便利和投资自由便利为重点的自由贸易港政策制度体系。营商环境总体达到国内一流水平,市场主体大幅增长,产业竞争力显著提升,风险防控有力有效,适应自由贸易港建设的法律法规逐步完善,经济发展质量和效益明显改善。
By 2035, the institutional system and operation mode of the Free Trade Port will be more mature. The trade & investment rules that are characterized by freedom, fairness, law-based order and high-level process supervision will be basically constructed, thus realizing freedom & convenience of trade, investment, cross-border capital flow, personnel entry & exit, and transportation, as well as data security and orderly flow. The business environment will be more optimized, the legal system will be more sound, the risk prevention and control system will be more rigorous, and the modern social governance pattern will be basically formed, thus forming a new highland of China's opening-up economy. 到2035年,自由贸易港制度体系和运作模式更加成熟,以自由、公平、法治、高水平过程监管为特征的贸易投资规则基本构建,实现贸易自由便利、投资自由便利、跨境资金流动自由便利、人员进出自由便利、运输来往自由便利和数据安全有序流动。营商环境更加优化,法律法规体系更加健全,风险防控体系更加严密,现代社会治理格局基本形成,成为我国开放型经济新高地。
By the middle of this century, the high-level Free Trade Port with strong international influence will be fulfilled in an all-round way. 到本世纪中叶,全面建成具有较强国际影响力的高水平自由贸易港。
(IV) Implementation scope
The implementation scope of Hainan Free Trade Port is the whole region of Hainan Island.
II. Design of Institutional System   二、制度设计
The policy & institutional system of Hainan Free Trade Port should be constructed through focusing on the liberalization and facilitation of trade & investment; being supported by the free, orderly, safe and convenient cross-border flow of various production factors as well as modern industrial system; being guaranteed by special tax system arrangement, efficient social governance system and sound legal system; and establishing on the premise of clear work division and mechanism measures, and keeping the bottom line of avoiding systemic risk. 以贸易投资自由化便利化为重点,以各类生产要素跨境自由有序安全便捷流动和现代产业体系为支撑,以特殊的税收制度安排、高效的社会治理体系和完备的法治体系为保障,在明确分工和机制措施、守住不发生系统性风险底线的前提下,构建海南自由贸易港政策制度体系。
(I) Free and convenient trade. Under the premise of effective supervision, a Special Customs Supervision Zone shall be constructed for closed operation on the whole island. The institutional system of liberalization and facilitation with “zero tariff” as basic feature shall be applied to trade in goods. Liberalization and facilitation policy & measures with the basic characteristic of “permitting both entry and operation” shall be applied to trade in service. (一)贸易自由便利。在实现有效监管的前提下,建设全岛封关运作的海关监管特殊区域。对货物贸易,实行以“零关税”为基本特征的自由化便利化制度安排。对服务贸易,实行以“既准入又准营”为基本特征的自由化便利化政策举措。
1.Open up the “front line”. We shall set up the “front line” between Hainan Free Trade Port and other countries and regions outside the customs territory of the People's Republic of China. At the “front-line” border-entry/exit link, we shall strengthen entry/exit safety supervision, and enhance public health & safety at port, bio-safety, food safety, and product quality & safety control at national border. Under the premise of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations stipulated in the international treaties to which China is a party or a member, the list of goods and items that are prohibited or restricted from import and export shall be formulated in Hainan Free Trade Port. The goods and items out of the list shall be freely imported and exported and supervised by the customs authority according to law. We shall formulate a catalogue of goods that are subject to import duties at Hainan Free Trade Port, and goods out of the catalogue will be exempted from import duties when entering the Free Trade Port. The trans-shipped goods delivered by the Through B/L(TBL) shall be exempt from taxes or inspection. The goods and items departing the border from Hainan Free Trade Port shall be subject to export control regulations. We shall implement convenient and efficient customs supervision, and build the “single window” for high-level international trade. 1.“一线”放开。在海南自由贸易港与中华人民共和国关境外其他国家和地区之间设立“一线”。“一线”进(出)境环节强化安全准入(出)监管,加强口岸公共卫生安全、国门生物安全、食品安全、产品质量安全管控。在确保履行我国缔结或参加的国际条约所规定义务的前提下,制定海南自由贸易港禁止、限制进出口的货物、物品清单,清单外货物、物品自由进出,海关依法进行监管。制定海南自由贸易港进口征税商品目录,目录外货物进入自由贸易港免征进口关税。以联运提单付运的转运货物不征税、不检验。从海南自由贸易港离境的货物、物品按出口管理。实行便捷高效的海关监管,建设高标准国际贸易“单一窗口”。
2. Regulate the “second line” well. A “second line” shall be established between Hainan Free Trade Port and other areas within the customs territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the mainland”). When goods enter the mainland from Hainan Free Trade Port, relevant formalities shall be handled according to the import regulations in principle, and customs duties and import-related taxes shall be levied according to the regulations. For goods that are produced by the encouraged industrial enterprises and do not contain imported materials or with an added value to the imported materials that are processed in Hainan Free Trade Port of more than 30% (including), the import tariff should be exempt when they enter the mainland through the “second line”, and the import value-added tax and consumption tax shall be levied in accordance with the regulations. Posted articles shall be supervised and taxed according to regulations when they enter the mainland from Hainan Free Trade Port. We shall simplify the import management of the transportation means from Hainan Free Trade Port to the mainland. Goods, articles and transportation means shall be managed in accordance with domestic circulation regulations when entering Hainan Free Trade Port from the mainland. The mainland's goods do not need to go through customs declaration formalities on condition that they are transferred to the mainland via Hainan Free Trade Port. Yet they should be loaded and unloaded at the customs-supervised workplace (site) in the Free Trade Port, and should be stored separately from other customs-supervised goods, with obvious marks. The site operating enterprise shall obey the supervision requirements of the customs, and transmit the information of goods in and out of the site to the customs. 2.“二线”管住。在海南自由贸易港与中华人民共和国关境内的其他地区(以下简称内地)之间设立“二线”。货物从海南自由贸易港进入内地,原则上按进口规定办理相关手续,照章征收关税和进口环节税。对鼓励类产业企业生产的不含进口料件或者含进口料件在海南自由贸易港加工增值超过30%(含)的货物,经“二线”进入内地免征进口关税,照章征收进口环节增值税、消费税。行邮物品由海南自由贸易港进入内地,按规定进行监管,照章征税。对海南自由贸易港前往内地的运输工具,简化进口管理。货物、物品及运输工具由内地进入海南自由贸易港,按国内流通规定管理。内地货物经海南自由贸易港中转再运往内地无需办理报关手续,应在自由贸易港内海关监管作业场所(场地)装卸,与其他海关监管货物分开存放,并设立明显标识。场所经营企业应根据海关监管需要,向海关传输货物进出场所等信息。
3. Freedom in the island. The customs implements low-intervention, efficient and precise supervision on the enterprises and institutions in Hainan Free Trade Port, so as to realize free production and operation of the enterprises that are located in the Free Trade Port. The customs formalities shall be simplified for those transit goods that are shipped from abroad, reloaded, sorted and assembled at Hainan Free Trade Port, and then transported to other countries or regions. There is no storage period for the goods in Hainan Free Trade Port, and the storage place can be chosen freely. The goods that are subject to “zero-tariff” policy is exempt from routine supervision by the customs. 3.岛内自由。海关对海南自由贸易港内企业及机构实施低干预、高效能的精准监管,实现自由贸易港内企业自由生产经营。由境外启运,经海南自由贸易港换装、分拣集拼,再运往其他国家或地区的中转货物,简化办理海关手续。货物在海南自由贸易港内不设存储期限,可自由选择存放地点。实施“零关税”的货物,海关免于实施常规监管。
4. Promote free and convenient trade in service. We should implement the system of negative list of cross-border service trade, break down all kinds of barriers under such service trade modes as cross-border delivery, overseas consumption and natural person movement, and give national treatment to overseas service providers. We should carry out the fund payment and transfer system that is matching with cross-border service trade. We should standardize domestic regulations that are affecting free and convenient service trade further in terms of notification, qualification requirements, technical standards, transparency, regulatory consistency, etc. 4.推进服务贸易自由便利。实施跨境服务贸易负面清单制度,破除跨境交付、境外消费、自然人移动等服务贸易模式下存在的各种壁垒,给予境外服务提供者国民待遇。实施与跨境服务贸易配套的资金支付与转移制度。在告知、资格要求、技术标准、透明度、监管一致性等方面,进一步规范影响服务贸易自由便利的国内规制。
(II) Freedom and convenience of investment. We should significantly loosen market access in Hainan Free Trade Port, strengthen property rights protection, ensure fair competition, create an open, transparent and predictable investment environment, and further encourage the vitality of various market entities. (二)投资自由便利。大幅放宽海南自由贸易港市场准入,强化产权保护,保障公平竞争,打造公开、透明、可预期的投资环境,进一步激发各类市场主体活力。
5. Implement the “market access upon commitment” system. We should strictly implement the “non-prohibition is equal to permitting access” policy, cancel the license and approval for the fields with mandatory standards in principle on the premise of “being able to manage”, establish and improve the filing system, and allow the market entities to carry out investment and business activities on condition that they promise to meet the relevant requirements and submit relevant materials for filing. From the time of receiving the filing, the filing-accepting institution shall assume the censoring responsibility. We should implement the management system of pre-access national treatment plus the negative list for foreign investment, and substantially reduce the prohibiting and restrictive provisions. 5.实施市场准入承诺即入制。严格落实“非禁即入”,在“管得住”的前提下,对具有强制性标准的领域,原则上取消许可和审批,建立健全备案制度,市场主体承诺符合相关要求并提交相关材料进行备案,即可开展投资经营活动。备案受理机构从收到备案时起,即开始承担审查责任。对外商投资实施准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,大幅减少禁止和限制条款。
6. Innovate and improve the system of investment freedom. We should implement the investment facilitation system that is focusing on process supervision, establish such policies and systems as the establishment convenience that is mainly based on electronic licenses, the operation convenience that is mainly based on “responding promptly”, “avoiding interruption”, the cancellation convenience that is mainly based on the announced commitment and optimized procedures, and the bankruptcy convenience that is mainly based on diligently-performed duties. 6.创新完善投资自由制度。实行以过程监管为重点的投资便利制度。建立以电子证照为主的设立便利,以“有事必应”、“无事不扰”为主的经营便利,以公告承诺和优化程序为主的注销便利,以尽职履责为主的破产便利等政策制度。
7. Establish and improve the fair competition system. We should strengthen the basic position of competition policies, and ensure that all market entities that are featured with different types of ownership enjoy equal treatment in terms of factor acquisition, standard setting, access licensing, business operation, preferential policies, etc. We should treat domestic and foreign enterprises equally in the process of the government procurement. We should strengthen and optimize anti-monopoly law enforcement, break administrative monopoly, prevent market monopoly, and maintain the fairly-competitive market order. 7.建立健全公平竞争制度。强化竞争政策的基础性地位,确保各类所有制市场主体在要素获取、标准制定、准入许可、经营运营、优惠政策等方面享受平等待遇。政府采购对内外资企业一视同仁。加强和优化反垄断执法,打破行政性垄断,防止市场垄断,维护公平竞争市场秩序。
8. Improve the system of property rights protection. We should protect the right of private and legal persons in terms of acquiring, using, disposing and inheriting property according to law, as well as the right of the owner of the property that is expropriated to get compensation when expropriating private and legal persons' property according to law. We should implement the Company Law and other laws & regulations, and strengthen the protection for the small and medium-sized investors. We should increase penalties for infringement of intellectual property rights, and establish and improve the mechanisms of market entities' classified supervision and punishment for dishonesty in the field of intellectual property rights. We should strengthen the application of Blockchain technology in intellectual property transactions, proof-filing and other aspects, and explore new models that are suitable for the development of the Free Trade Port. 8.完善产权保护制度。依法保护私人和法人财产的取得、使用、处置和继承的权利,以及依法征收私人和法人财产时被征收财产所有人得到补偿的权利。落实公司法等法律法规,加强对中小投资者的保护。加大知识产权侵权惩罚力度,建立健全知识产权领域市场主体信用分类监管、失信惩戒等机制。加强区块链技术在知识产权交易、存证等方面应用,探索适合自由贸易港发展的新模式。
(III) Free and convenient cross-border capital flow. We should adhere to financial services for the real economy, focus on trade & investment liberalization and facilitation, open up capital projects in stages, and orderly promote the free & convenient capital flow between Hainan Free Trade Port and foreign countries. (三)跨境资金流动自由便利。坚持金融服务实体经济,重点围绕贸易投资自由化便利化,分阶段开放资本项目,有序推进海南自由贸易港与境外资金自由便利流动。
9. Establish a multi-functional free trade account system. We should establish the foundational platform for Hainan's financial opening to the outside world on the basis of the existing domestic accounts of local and foreign currencies and free trade accounts, and set up the “electronic purse seine” of capital through the isolation of financial accounts, so as to provide basic conditions for realizing the free and convenient cross-border capital flow between Hainan Free Trade Port and foreign countries. 9.构建多功能自由贸易账户体系。以国内现有本外币账户和自由贸易账户为基础,构建海南金融对外开放基础平台。通过金融账户隔离,建立资金“电子围网”,为海南自由贸易港与境外实现跨境资金自由便利流动提供基础条件。
10. Facilitate the capital flow of cross-border trade and investment. We should further promote the facilitation of trade settlement in terms of cross-border goods trade, services trade and new-type international trade, and turn the bank's authenticity censoring from pre-event audit into post-event audit. We should simplify the management according to the mode of national treatment plus negative list before access in the link of cross-border direct investment transaction, improve the convenience of registration and exchange in the exchange link, and explore a new form of cross-border investment management to adapt to the market demand. In the field of cross-border financing, we should explore the establishment of a new foreign debt management system, pilot the foreign debt management framework in the link of merger and transaction, improve the filing and registering management in terms of enterprises' foreign debt issuing, comprehensively implement the macro prudential management for full-caliber cross-border financing, steadily expand the scope of cross-border asset transfer, and improve the level of foreign debt's fund exchange facilitation. In the field of cross-border securities investment and financing, we should focus on serving the needs of real economy investment and financing, support the development of Hainan's industries with characteristics and comparative advantages, give priority to them in terms of overseas listing and issuance of bonds, and simplify exchange management. 10.便利跨境贸易投资资金流动。进一步推动跨境货物贸易、服务贸易和新型国际贸易结算便利化,实现银行真实性审核从事前审查转为事后核查。在跨境直接投资交易环节,按照准入前国民待遇加负面清单模式简化管理,提高兑换环节登记和兑换的便利性,探索适应市场需求新形态的跨境投资管理。在跨境融资领域,探索建立新的外债管理体制,试点合并交易环节外债管理框架,完善企业发行外债备案登记制管理,全面实施全口径跨境融资宏观审慎管理,稳步扩大跨境资产转让范围,提升外债资金汇兑便利化水平。在跨境证券投融资领域,重点服务实体经济投融资需求,扶持海南具有特色和比较优势的产业发展,并在境外上市、发债等方面给予优先支持,简化汇兑管理。
11. Further open up the financial industry. Hainan Free Trade Port should take the lead in implementing the opening-up policy in the financial markets. Support should be given to building international marketplaces of energy, shipping, property rights, equities and so on and also to speeding up the establishment of settlement centers. 11.扩大金融业对内对外开放。率先在海南自由贸易港落实金融业扩大开放政策。支持建设国际能源、航运、产权、股权等交易场所。加快发展结算中心。
12. Speed up financial reforms and innovations. Support should be given to the innovation and standardized development of financial services in the housing rental market and to the development of REITs. Industrial financing channels in various forms should be expanded with steady steps, and restrictions on the scope of foreign-invested enterprises' utilizing their capital funds should be relaxed. Innovations should be made in the policies, products and instruments of scientific and technological finance. 12.加快金融改革创新。支持住房租赁金融业务创新和规范发展,支持发展房地产投资信托基金(REITs)。稳步拓宽多种形式的产业融资渠道,放宽外资企业资本金使用范围。创新科技金融政策、产品和工具。
(IV) Access freedom and facilitation. As per the development requirements of Hainan Free Trade Port, more open talent policies and stay and residence policies for high-end talents should be enacted so as to foster the formation of talent clusters. More exit and entry management facilitation policies should be enforced on the premise of effectively controlling foreign-related security risks and hazards. (四)人员进出自由便利。根据海南自由贸易港发展需要,针对高端产业人才,实行更加开放的人才和停居留政策,打造人才集聚高地。在有效防控涉外安全风险隐患的前提下,实行更加便利的出入境管理政策。
13. Access facilitation should be provided to high-level talents of foreign nationalities in terms of investment and start-ups, lecturing and exchanging activities, and business and trade. The foreign talents evaluation mechanism should be improved, the category of human resources should be evaluated with the level of remuneration as the main indicator, and a market-oriented talent mechanism should be gradually established. A negative list management mode should be enforced regarding to work permit of foreign personnel in Hainan Free Trade Port, and more liberal stay and residence policies on foreign professional and technical staff should be adopted. Qualified overseas personnel should be allowed to hold the post as legal representatives of the statutory bodies, public institutions and state-owned enterprises in Hainan Free Trade Port. Easy temporary entry and exit policies on commercial personnel should be issued. 13.对外籍高层次人才投资创业、讲学交流、经贸活动方面提供出入境便利。完善国际人才评价机制,以薪酬水平为主要指标评估人力资源类别,建立市场导向的人才机制。对外籍人员赴海南自由贸易港的工作许可实行负面清单管理,放宽外籍专业技术技能人员停居留政策。允许符合条件的境外人员担任海南自由贸易港内法定机构、事业单位、国有企业的法定代表人。实行宽松的商务人员临时出入境政策。
14. Establish and improve talent service and management system. Efforts should be made to realize the share and linked approval and linked inspection of information on work permit, visa, and stay and residence. The establishment of talent service centers should be advanced to provide services on employment, education and living and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of talents. 14.建立健全人才服务管理制度。实现工作许可、签证与居留信息共享和联审联检。推进建立人才服务中心,提供工作就业、教育生活服务,保障其合法权益。
15. Implement more convenient entry and exit management policy. Visa-free access policy that's applicable to a broader range should be phased in and the visa-free duration of stay should be gradually extended. Entry-exit frontier inspection and management should be optimized to facilitate the customs clearance of commercial personnel and cruise ships. 15.实施更加便利的出入境管理政策。逐步实施更大范围适用免签入境政策,逐步延长免签停留时间。优化出入境边防检查管理,为商务人员、邮轮游艇提供出入境通关便利。
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