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Implementation Measures of the China Banking Regulatory Commission for the Administrative Licensing Items concerning Foreign-Funded Banks (2018 Revision) [Expired]
中国银监会外资银行行政许可事项实施办法(2018修订) [失效]

Implementation Measures of the China Banking Regulatory Commission for the Administrative Licensing Items concerning Foreign-Funded Banks 


(Promulgated by Order No. 4 [2015] CBRC , and revised in accordance with Decision of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Amending the Implementation Measures of the China Banking Regulatory Commission for the Administrative Licensing Items concerning Foreign-Funded Banks on February 13, 2018)


Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 To regulate the administrative licensing activities of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”) and its local offices concerning foreign-funded banks, define the administrative licensing items, conditions, procedures, and time limits, and protect the lawful rights and interests of applicants, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Commercial Bank Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks, other laws and administrative regulations, and the relevant decisions of the State Council.   第一条 为规范银监会及其派出机构实施外资银行行政许可行为,明确行政许可事项、条件、程序和期限,保护申请人合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国行政许可法》《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》等法律、行政法规及国务院有关决定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “foreign-funded banks” includes: wholly foreign-funded banks, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture banks, branches of foreign banks, and representative offices of foreign banks. Wholly foreign-funded banks, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture banks, and branches of foreign banks are collectively referred to as for-profit foreign-funded banks. Representative offices of foreign banks are banking representative offices under the supervision of the CBRC.   第二条 本办法所称外资银行包括:外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行和外国银行代表处。外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行统称外资银行营业性机构。外国银行代表处是指受银监会监管的银行类代表处。
Article 3 The CBRC and its local offices shall implement administrative licensing for foreign-funded banks in accordance with these Measures and the Provisions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on the Implementation Procedures for Administrative Licensing.   第三条 银监会及其派出机构依照本办法和《中国银行业监督管理委员会行政许可实施程序规定》,对外资银行实施行政许可。
Article 4 The following items concerning foreign-funded banks shall be subject to administrative licensing by the CBRC and its local offices: the formation, modification, and termination of an institution, the scope of business, the office qualifications of directors and senior executives, and other administrative licensing items prescribed by laws and administrative regulations or decided by the State Council.   第四条 外资银行下列事项应当经银监会及其派出机构行政许可:机构设立、机构变更、机构终止、业务范围、董事和高级管理人员任职资格,以及法律、行政法规规定和国务院决定的其他行政许可事项。
Article 5 For the purposes of these Measures, “prudential conditions” includes, at a minimum, the following:   第五条 本办法所称审慎性条件,至少包括下列内容:
(1) Having a good reputation in the industry and a good social image. (一)具有良好的行业声誉和社会形象;
(2) Having good performances as a going concern with a good asset quality. (二)具有良好的持续经营业绩,资产质量良好;
(3) Having a management team with good professional skills and management capability. (三)管理层具有良好的专业素质和管理能力;
(4) Having a sound risk management system capable of effectively controlling various risks. (四)具有健全的风险管理体系,能够有效控制各类风险;
(5) Having a sound internal control system and an effective management information system. (五)具有健全的内部控制制度和有效的管理信息系统;
(6) Having prepared all financial reports under the prudential principle, for which unqualified opinions have been issued by accounting firms. (六)按照审慎会计原则编制财务会计报告,且会计师事务所对财务会计报告持无保留意见;
(7) No record of any serious violation of laws and regulations or involvement in any major case resulting from internal management problems. (七)无重大违法违规记录和因内部管理问题导致的重大案件;
(8) Having effective human resources management rules and highly competent professionals. (八)具有有效的人力资源管理制度,拥有高素质的专业人才;
(9) Having the experience in and capability of managing and supporting institutional activities in China. (九)具有对中国境内机构活动进行管理、支持的经验和能力;
(10) Having effective capital restraint and replenishment mechanisms. (十)具备有效的资本约束与资本补充机制;
(11) Having a sound corporate governance structure. (十一)具有健全的公司治理结构;
(12) Other prudential conditions as set out by any law or administrative regulation or the CBRC. (十二)法律、行政法规和银监会规定的其他审慎性条件。
Items (9), (10), and (11) of the preceding paragraph are only applicable to wholly foreign-funded banks and their shareholders, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture banks and their shareholders, and foreign banks. 本条第(九)项、第(十)项、第(十一)项仅适用于外商独资银行及其股东、中外合资银行及其股东以及外国银行。
Article 6 The name of a foreign-funded bank shall include both a Chinese name and a foreign name. The Chinese name of a branch of a foreign bank or a representative office of a foreign bank shall indicate the nationality and mode of liability of the foreign bank. The nationality shall be based on the place of registration of the foreign bank, but if the name of the foreign bank has indicated its nationality, the name of the branch or representative office need not repeat it. If the mode of liability of the foreign bank is unlimited liability, the mode of liability may be omitted in the Chinese name. The Chinese name of a branch office formed in the inland/mainland by a bank from Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan region only needs to indicate the mode of liability.   第六条 外资银行名称应当包括中文名称和外文名称。外国银行分行和外国银行代表处的中文名称应当标明该外国银行的国籍及责任形式。国籍以外国银行注册地为准,如外国银行名称已体现国籍,可不重复。如外国银行的责任形式为无限责任,可在中文名称中省略责任形式部分。香港、澳门、台湾地区的银行在内地/大陆设立的分支机构的中文名称只须标明责任形式。
Article 7 The materials required to be submitted under these Measures, except annual reports, shall be accompanied with a Chinese version if they are prepared in a foreign language. An annual report printed in a language other than Chinese and English shall be accompanied with a Chinese or English version.   第七条 本办法要求提交的资料,除年报外,凡用外文书写的,应当附有中文译本。以中文和英文以外文字印制的年报应当附有中文或者英文译本。
For the purposes of these Measures, “annual report” means an audited annual report accompanied with a written audit opinion issued by an accounting firm recognized by the country or region where the applicant is located. 本办法所称年报应当经审计,并附申请人所在国家或者地区认可的会计师事务所出具的审计意见书。
Article 8 Where any material required to be submitted under these Measures is required to bear the signature of the authorized signatory, it shall be accompanied with a power of attorney issued to the authorized signatory.   第八条 本办法要求提交的资料,如要求由授权签字人签署,应当一并提交该授权签字人的授权书。
A photocopy of the business license, a photocopy of the financial business permit, a power of attorney, and a letter of guarantee issued by a foreign bank to assume liabilities for the taxes and obligations of its branch in China, as required to be submitted under these Measures, shall be notarized by an organization recognized by the country or region where it is located, and be authenticated by the embassy or consulate of China in the country, but a photocopy of the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce of China need not be notarized, and a notarization document issued by a notary office in China need not be authenticated. 本办法要求提交的营业执照复印件、经营金融业务许可文件复印件、授权书、外国银行对其在中国境内分行承担税务和债务责任的保证书,应当经所在国家或者地区认可的机构公证,并且经中国驻该国使馆、领馆认证,但中国工商行政管理机关出具的营业执照复印件无须公证、中国境内公证机构出具的公证材料无须认证。
The CBRC may, as it deems necessary, require any other application materials submitted by an applicant to be notarized by an organization recognized by the country or region where the applicant is located and be authenticated by the embassy or consulate of China in the country. 银监会视情况需要,可以要求申请人报送的其他申请资料经所在国家或者地区认可的机构公证,并且经中国驻该国使馆、领馆认证。
Chapter II Formation of Institutions 

第二章 机构设立

Section 1 Formation of Wholly Foreign-Funded Banks and Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Banks 

第一节 外商独资银行、中外合资银行设立

Article 9 A wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed shall meet the following conditions:   第九条 拟设立的外商独资银行、中外合资银行应当具备下列条件:
(1) It has bylaws in compliance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Commercial Bank Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks. (一)具有符合《中华人民共和国公司法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》和《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》规定的章程;
(2) Its registered capital is paid-in capital, the minimum amount of which is 1 billion yuan or an equivalent in freely convertible currencies. (二)注册资本应当为实缴资本,最低限额为10亿元人民币或者等值的自由兑换货币;
(3) It has directors and senior executives who are qualified to hold office and qualified personnel who are familiar with the banking business. (三)具有符合任职资格条件的董事、高级管理人员和熟悉银行业务的合格从业人员;
(4) It has a sound organizational structure and complete management rules. (四)具有健全的组织机构和管理制度;
(5) It has business premises, safety protection measures, and other facilities commensurate with its operations. (五)具有与业务经营相适应的营业场所、安全防范措施和其他设施;
(6) It has established an information technology framework commensurate with its operations, has necessary, safe, and compliant information technology systems to support its operations, and has technologies and measures to ensure the effective and safe operation of the information technology systems. (六)具有与业务经营相适应的信息科技架构,具有支撑业务经营的必要、安全且合规的信息科技系统,具备保障信息科技系统有效安全运行的技术与措施。
Article 10 A shareholder of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed shall meet the following conditions:   第十条 拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行的股东,应当具备下列条件:
(1) Having sustained profitability, having a good credit standing, and having no record of any serious violation of laws and regulations. (一)具有持续盈利能力,信誉良好,无重大违法违规记录;
(2) Having effective anti-money laundering rules, except for a Chinese non-financial institution shareholder. (二)具备有效的反洗钱制度,但中方非金融机构股东除外;
(3) In the case of a foreign shareholder, having experience in engaging in international financial activities, being effectively regulated by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located, and having obtained an approval of its application from the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located. (三)外方股东具有从事国际金融活动的经验,受到所在国家或者地区金融监管当局的有效监管,并且其申请经所在国家或者地区金融监管当局同意;
(4) The prudential conditions as set out in Article 5 of these Measures. (四)本办法第五条规定的审慎性条件。
The country or region where the shareholder of a wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed or the foreign shareholder of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed is located shall have a good economic condition and a sound financial regulatory system, and the financial regulatory authority thereof has established a sound supervision cooperation mechanism with the CBRC. 拟设外商独资银行的股东、中外合资银行的外方股东所在国家或者地区应当经济状况良好,具有完善的金融监督管理制度,并且其金融监管当局已经与银监会建立良好的监督管理合作机制。
Article 11 A shareholder of a wholly foreign-funded bank shall be a financial institution. In addition to the conditions as set out in Article 10 of these Measures, the sole or controlling shareholder thereof shall meet the following conditions:   第十一条 拟设外商独资银行的股东应当为金融机构,除应当具备本办法第十条规定的条件外,其中唯一或者控股股东还应当具备下列条件:
(1) It is a commercial bank. (一)为商业银行;
(2) Its year-end total assets in the year prior to its application for formation are not less than USD 10 billion or, in the case of a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, USD 6 billion. (二)提出设立申请前1年年末总资产不少于100亿美元,香港、澳门地区的银行提出设立申请前1年年末总资产不少于60亿美元;
(3) Its capital adequacy ratio satisfies the requirements of the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located and the CBRC. (三)资本充足率符合所在国家或者地区金融监管当局以及银监会的规定。
Article 12 A shareholder of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed shall meet the conditions as set out in Article 10 of these Measures. In addition, a foreign shareholder and the sole or principal Chinese shareholder thereof shall be financial institutions, and the sole or principal foreign shareholder shall meet the following conditions:   第十二条 拟设中外合资银行的股东除应当具备本办法第十条规定的条件外,外方股东及中方唯一或者主要股东应当为金融机构,且外方唯一或者主要股东还应当具备下列条件:
(1) It is a commercial bank. (一)为商业银行;
(2) Its year-end total assets in the year prior to its application for formation are not less than USD 10 billion or, in the case of a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, USD 6 billion. (二)提出设立申请前1年年末总资产不少于100亿美元,香港、澳门地区的银行提出设立申请前1年年末总资产不少于60亿美元;
(3) Its capital adequacy ratio satisfies the requirements of the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located and the CBRC. (三)资本充足率符合所在国家或者地区金融监管当局以及银监会的规定。
Article 13 The principal shareholder as mentioned in Article 12 of these Measures means a commercial bank that holds 50% or more of the total capital or total shares of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed or, though not holding 50% or more of the total capital or total shares thereof, falls under any of the following circumstances:   第十三条 本办法第十二条所称主要股东,是指持有拟设中外合资银行资本总额或者股份总额50%以上,或者不持有资本总额或者股份总额50%以上但有下列情形之一的商业银行:
(1) Holding half or more of the voting rights of the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed. (一)持有拟设中外合资银行半数以上的表决权;
(2) Having the power to control the financial and operating policies of the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed. (二)有权控制拟设中外合资银行的财务和经营政策;
(3) Having the power to appoint and remove the majority of the members of the board of directors or a similar authority in the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed. (三)有权任免拟设中外合资银行董事会或者类似权力机构的多数成员;
(4) Having half or more of the voting rights in the board of directors or a similar authority in the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed. (四)在拟设中外合资银行董事会或者类似权力机构有半数以上投票权。
The principal shareholder of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be formed shall include the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank in its consolidated statements. 拟设中外合资银行的主要股东应当将拟设中外合资银行纳入并表范围。
Article 14 An institution that falls under any of the following circumstances shall not be a shareholder of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank:   第十四条 有下列情形之一的,不得作为拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行的股东:
(1) Its corporate governance structure or mechanism is evidently defective. (一)公司治理结构与机制存在明显缺陷;
(2) Its equity relationships are complicated or of low transparency. (二)股权关系复杂或者透明度低;
(3) It has a large number of affiliates, with frequent or abnormal affiliated transactions. (三)关联企业众多,关联交易频繁或者异常;
(4) Its core business is not prominent or its business scope involves too many sectors. (四)核心业务不突出或者经营范围涉及行业过多;
(5) Its cash flow fluctuations are substantially affected by the economic climate. (五)现金流量波动受经济环境影响较大;
(6) Its liability-asset ratio or financial leverage ratio is higher than the average level of the industry. (六)资产负债率、财务杠杆率高于行业平均水平;
(7) It holds equity in the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank on behalf of others. (七)代他人持有外商独资银行、中外合资银行股权;
(8) Other circumstances that have a significantly adverse impact on the bank to be formed. (八)其他对拟设银行产生重大不利影响的情形。
Article 15 The formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall undergo two stages: formation preparation and business opening.   第十五条 设立外商独资银行、中外合资银行分为筹建和开业两个阶段。
Article 16 An application for the formation preparation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall be accepted and preliminarily examined by the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and be examined and decided by the CBRC.   第十六条 筹建外商独资银行、中外合资银行的申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理和初审,银监会审查和决定。
To apply for the formation preparation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located. 申请筹建外商独资银行、中外合资银行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located shall, within 20 days of acceptance of the application, submit the application materials and its examination opinion to the CBRC. The CBRC shall, within six months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. Under special circumstances, the CBRC may appropriately extend the period of examination, but the applicant shall be notified of the extension in writing and the extension may not exceed three months. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起20日内将申请资料连同审核意见报送银监会。银监会应当自收到完整申请资料之日起6个月内,作出批准或者不批准筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。特殊情况下,银监会可以适当延长审查期限,并书面通知申请人,但延长期限不得超过3个月。
Article 17 To apply for the formation preparation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located:   第十七条 申请筹建外商独资银行、中外合资银行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交下列申请资料(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application for formation preparation addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as jointly signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of each shareholder, containing the name, location, registered capital, types of business, and name and capital contribution ratio of each shareholder, among others, of the bank to be formed. (一)各股东董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)联合签署的致银监会主席的筹建申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、所在地、注册资本、申请经营的业务种类、各股东名称和出资比例等;
(2) A feasibility study report, containing, at a minimum, the basic information on the applicant, an analysis of the market prospect of the bank to be formed, a comprehensive business development plan, a management organizational structure, a forecast of the scale of assets and liabilities and profit or loss during three years after business opening, and a preliminary plan on the construction of information systems, data centers, and networks related to its operations. (二)可行性研究报告,内容至少包括申请人的基本情况、对拟设机构的市场前景分析、业务发展规划、组织管理结构、开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈亏预测,与业务经营相关的信息系统、数据中心及网络建设初步规划;
(3) The draft bylaws of the bank to be formed. (三)拟设机构的章程草案;
(4) The equity joint venture contract signed by all shareholders of the bank to be formed, except for a wholly foreign-funded bank with a sole shareholder. (四)拟设机构各股东签署的合资经营合同,但单一股东的外商独资银行除外;
(5) The bylaws of each shareholder of the bank to be formed. (五)拟设机构各股东的章程;
(6) The organizational structure charts of each shareholder of the bank to be formed and the group to which it belongs, a list of principal shareholders, and a list of overseas branch offices and affiliates. (六)拟设机构各股东及其所在集团的组织结构图、主要股东名单、海外分支机构和关联企业名单;
(7) The annual reports of each shareholder of the bank to be formed for the last three years. (七)拟设机构各股东最近3年的年报;
(8) The anti-money laundering rules of each shareholder of the bank to be formed, except for a Chinese non-financial institution shareholder. (八)拟设机构各股东的反洗钱制度,中方股东为非金融机构的,可不提供反洗钱制度;
(9) A letter of commitment to the long-term continuous operation in China and the effective management of the bank to be formed, as signed by all shareholders of the bank to be formed. (九)拟设机构各股东签署的在中国境内长期持续经营并对拟设机构实施有效管理的承诺函;
(10) A photocopy of the business license or financial business permit issued by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where a foreign shareholder of the bank to be formed is located and a written opinion thereof on its application. (十)拟设机构外方股东所在国家或者地区金融监管当局核发的营业执照或者经营金融业务许可文件的复印件及对其申请的意见书;
(11) In the case of formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank for the first time, an introduction to the financial system and a summary of the relevant financial regulation legislation of the country or region where the foreign shareholder is located. (十一)初次设立外商独资银行、中外合资银行的,应当报送外方股东所在国家或者地区金融体系情况和有关金融监管法规的摘要;
(12) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (十二)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 18 The applicant shall, within 15 days of receipt of the approval document for formation preparation, obtain an application form for business opening from the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located, and start the preparatory work. The preparatory period shall be six months from the day when the application for formation preparation is approved.   第十八条 申请人应当自收到筹建批准文件之日起15日内到拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构领取开业申请表,开始筹建工作。筹建期为自获准筹建之日起6个月。
If the applicant fails to complete the preparatory work within six months, the applicant shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located one month before the expiry of the preparatory period. The preparatory period may be extended by not more than three months. 申请人未在6个月内完成筹建工作,应当在筹建期届满前1个月向拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构报告。筹建延期的最长期限为3个月。
The applicant shall submit a business opening application before the expiry of the period specified in the preceding paragraph; otherwise, the approval document for formation preparation shall be invalidated. 申请人应当在前款规定的期限届满前提交开业申请,逾期未提交的,筹建批准文件失效。
Article 19 After the preparatory work for the formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is completed, the applicant shall apply to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located for an acceptance check. Upon passing the acceptance check, the applicant may apply for business opening. An application for business opening of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall be accepted, examined and decided by the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located.   第十九条 拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行完成筹建工作后,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局申请验收。经验收合格的,可以申请开业。外商独资银行、中外合资银行开业的申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理、审查和决定。
To apply for the business opening of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located. The CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located shall, within two months of acceptance of the application, submit the application materials and its examination opinion to the CBRC. The CBRC shall, within two months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. 拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行申请开业,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起2个月内,作出批准或者不批准开业的决定,并书面通知申请人,同时抄报银监会。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 20 To apply for the business opening of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the written opinion on the bank's passing the acceptance check for business opening and the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is to be located:   第二十条 拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行申请开业,应当将开业验收合格意见书连同下列申请资料报送拟设机构所在地银监局(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application for business opening addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the person in charge of the preparatory team, containing the name, domicile, registered capital, and business scope of the bank to be formed, the name and shareholding ratio of each shareholder, and the names of the proposed chairman of the board of directors and president (chief executive officer or general manager), among others; and, if there is a representative office in the same city where the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is located, an application for closing the representative office. (一)筹备组负责人签署的致银监会主席的开业申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、住所、注册资本、业务范围、各股东及其持股比例、拟任董事长和行长(首席执行官、总经理)的姓名等;与拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行在同一城市设有代表处的,应当同时申请关闭代表处;
(2) A completed application form for business opening. (二)开业申请表;
(3) Relevant materials required for the confirmation of the office qualifications of the proposed chairman of the board of directors and president (chief executive officer or general manager). (三)拟任董事长、行长(首席执行官、总经理)任职资格核准所需的相关资料;
(4) An audit report before business opening and a capital verification certificate issued by a statutory capital verification agency. (四)开业前审计报告和法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
(5) The organizational structure chart of the bank to be formed, the job description of each post, and the internal authorization and reporting routes. (五)拟设机构组织结构图、各岗位职责描述、内部授权和汇报路线;
(6) The names, resumes, and training records of the personnel of the bank to be formed. (六)拟设机构人员名单、简历和培训记录;
(7) The draft bylaws of the bank formed and a written legal opinion issued by a law firm legally formed in China on the draft bylaws. (七)拟设机构的章程草案以及在中国境内依法设立的律师事务所出具的对章程草案的法律意见书;
(8) The safety and fire protection device compliance certificates of the business premises or the photocopies thereof. (八)营业场所的安全、消防设施的合格证明或者相关证明复印件;
(9) A photocopy of a certificate of title to, a certificate of right to use, or a contract to lease the business premises. (九)营业场所的所有权证明、使用权证明或者租赁合同的复印件;
(10) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (十)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 21 A wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall, after receipt of the approval document for business opening and obtaining a financial business permit, undergo the registration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce, and obtain a business license.   第二十一条 外商独资银行、中外合资银行应当在收到开业批准文件并领取金融许可证后,到工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照。
The wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall open for business within six months of obtaining a business license. If it is unable to open for business within the period, it shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the bank is located one month before the expiry of the period for business opening. The period for business opening may be extended by not more than three months. 外商独资银行、中外合资银行应当自领取营业执照之日起6个月内开业。未能按期开业的,应当在开业期限届满前1个月向外商独资银行或者中外合资银行所在地银监会派出机构报告。开业延期的最长期限为3个月。
If the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank fails to open for business within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the approval document for business opening shall be invalidated, and the organ deciding on its business opening shall cancel the business opening permit, retract the financial business permit, and issue an announcement. 外商独资银行、中外合资银行未在前款规定期限内开业的,开业批准文件失效,由开业决定机关注销开业许可,收回其金融许可证,并予以公告。
Section 2 Restructuring a Branch of a Foreign Bank into a Wholly Foreign-Funded Bank 

第二节 外国银行分行改制为外商独资银行

Article 22 To apply for restructuring its branch in China into a wholly foreign-funded bank in which it is the sole investor, a foreign bank shall meet the conditions as set out in these Measures for the formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank, and make a commitment to the long-term continuous operation in China and the effective management of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed.   第二十二条 外国银行申请将其在中国境内分行改制为由其单独出资的外商独资银行,应当符合本办法有关设立外商独资银行的条件,承诺在中国境内长期持续经营并且具备对拟设外商独资银行实施有效管理的能力。
Article 23 To restructure its branch in China into a wholly foreign-funded bank in which it is the sole investor, a foreign bank shall undergo two stages: formation preparation by restructuring and business opening.   第二十三条 外国银行将其在中国境内分行改制为由其单独出资的外商独资银行,分为改制筹建和开业两个阶段。
Article 24 An application of a foreign bank for restructuring its branch in China into a wholly foreign-funded bank in which it is the sole investor shall be accepted and preliminarily examined by the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and be examined and decided by the CBRC.   第二十四条 外国银行将其在中国境内分行改制为由其单独出资的外商独资银行的申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理和初审,银监会审查和决定。
To apply for the formation preparation of a wholly foreign-funded bank by restructuring, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where each of the branches of the foreign bank in China is located. 申请改制筹建外商独资银行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交改制筹建申请资料,同时抄送该外国银行在中国境内所有分行所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located shall, within 20 days of acceptance of the application, submit the application materials and its examination opinion to the CBRC. The CBRC shall, within six months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. Under special circumstances, the CBRC may appropriately extend the period of examination, but the applicant shall be notified of the extension in writing and the extension may not exceed three months. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起20日内将申请资料连同审核意见报送银监会。银监会应当自收到完整申请资料之日起6个月内,作出批准或者不批准改制筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。特殊情况下,银监会可以适当延长审查期限,并书面通知申请人,但延长期限不得超过3个月。
Article 25 The applicant for the formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank by restructuring shall submit the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where each of the branches of the foreign bank in China is located:   第二十五条 申请改制筹建外商独资银行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交下列改制筹建申请资料(一式两份),同时抄送该外国银行在中国境内所有分行所在地银监会派出机构(各一份):
(1) A written application addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the applicant, containing the name, location, registered capital or working capital, and types of business, among others, of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed and its branch offices; and the amount and currency of the increase of the registered capital (if any). (一)申请人董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)签署的致银监会主席的申请书,内容包括拟设外商独资银行及其分支机构的名称、所在地、注册资本或者营运资金、申请经营的业务种类等;如同时申请增加注册资本,应当标明拟增加的注册资本金额及币种;
(2) A feasibility study report and an institutional restructuring plan, containing, at a minimum, the basic information on the applicant, an analysis of the market prospect of the bank to be formed, a comprehensive business development plan, a management organizational structure, a forecast of the scale of assets and liabilities and profit or loss during three years after business opening, and a preliminary plan on the construction of information systems, data centers, and networks related to its operations. (二)可行性研究报告及机构改制计划,内容至少包括申请人的基本情况、对拟设机构的市场前景分析、业务发展规划、组织管理结构、开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈亏预测,与业务经营相关的信息系统、数据中心及网络建设初步规划;
(3) The draft bylaws of the bank to be formed. (三)拟设机构的章程草案;
(4) A resolution on restructuring its branch in China into a wholly foreign-funded bank in which it is the sole investor as adopted by the board of directors of the applicant. (四)申请人关于将中国境内分行改制为由其单独出资的外商独资银行的董事会决议;
(5) A letter of opinion to agree that the wholly foreign-funded bank will succeed to the rights, obligations, and taxes of the former branch in China and a letter of commitment to assuming joint and several liability for the rights, obligations, and taxes of the former branch in China, as signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the applicant. (五)申请人董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)签署的同意由拟设外商独资银行承继原在中国境内分行债权、债务及税务的意见函以及对改制前原中国境内分行的债权、债务及税务承担连带责任的承诺函;
(6) A letter of commitment to the long-term continuous operation in China and the effective management of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed, as signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the applicant, including but not limited to permitting the wholly foreign-funded bank to use its goodwill and providing financial, management, and technical support for the bank. (六)申请人董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)签署的在中国境内长期持续经营并对拟设外商独资银行实施有效管理的承诺函,内容包括允许拟设外商独资银行使用其商誉、对拟设外商独资银行提供资本、管理和技术支持等;
(7) The audited consolidated financial reports on all branches in China for the two years prior to application. (七)申请人提出申请前2年在中国境内所有分行经审计的合并财务会计报告;
(8) A written opinion issued by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where the applicant is located on the restructuring of the branch in China. (八)申请人所在国家或者地区金融监管当局对其中国境内分行改制的意见书;
(9) The applicant's annual reports for the last three years. (九)申请人最近3年年报;
(10) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (十)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 26 The applicant shall, within 15 days of receipt of the approval document for formation preparation by restructuring, obtain an application form for business opening from the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the wholly foreign-funded bank is to be located, and start the preparatory work. The preparatory period shall be six months from the day when the application for formation preparation by restructuring is approved.   第二十六条 申请人应当自收到改制筹建批准文件之日起15日内到拟设外商独资银行所在地银监会派出机构领取开业申请表,开始筹建工作。筹建期为自获准改制筹建之日起6个月。
If the applicant fails to complete the preparatory work within six months, the applicant shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the wholly foreign-funded bank is to be located one month before the expiry of the preparatory period, and send a copy of the report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the former branch of the foreign bank is located. The preparatory period may be extended by not more than three months. 申请人未在6个月内完成改制筹建工作,应当在筹建期届满前1个月向拟设外商独资银行所在地银监会派出机构报告,并抄报原外国银行分行所在地银监会派出机构。筹建延期的最长期限为3个月。
The applicant shall submit a business opening application before the expiry of the period specified in the preceding paragraph; otherwise, the approval document for formation preparation by restructuring shall be invalidated. 申请人应当在前款规定的期限届满前提交开业申请,逾期未提交的,改制筹建批准文件失效。
Article 27 After the preparatory work for the formation of a wholly foreign-funded bank is completed, the applicant shall apply to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located for an acceptance check. Upon passing the acceptance check, the applicant may apply for business opening. An application for business opening shall be accepted and preliminarily examined by the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and be examined and decided by the CBRC.   第二十七条 拟设外商独资银行完成筹建工作后,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局申请验收。经验收合格的,可以申请开业。开业申请由拟设机构所在地银监局受理和初审,银监会审查和决定。
To apply for the business opening of a wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed by restructuring a foreign bank's branch in China, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the former branch of the foreign bank is located. 由外国银行在中国境内分行改制的外商独资银行申请开业,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送原外国银行分行所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located shall, within 20 days of acceptance of the application, submit the application materials and its examination opinion to the CBRC. The CBRC shall, within two months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起20日内将申请资料连同审核意见报送银监会。银监会应当自收到完整申请资料之日起2个月内,作出批准或者不批准开业的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 28 To apply for the business opening of a wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed by restructuring a foreign bank's branch in China, the applicant shall submit the written opinion on the bank's passing the acceptance check for business opening and the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the bank is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the former branch of the foreign bank is located:   第二十八条 由外国银行在中国境内分行改制的外商独资银行申请开业,应当将开业验收合格意见书连同下列申请资料报送拟设机构所在地银监局(一式两份),同时抄送原外国银行分行所在地银监会派出机构(各一份):
(1) A written application for business opening addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the person in charge of the preparatory team, containing the names and domiciles or business addresses of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed and its branch offices, the registered capital of the bank and the working capital of its branch offices, the types of business and the names of the proposed chairman of the board of directors and president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the bank, and the names of the presidents of the branches and sub-branches of the bank, among others. (一)筹备组负责人签署的致银监会主席的开业申请书,内容包括拟设外商独资银行及其分支机构名称、住所或者营业地址、注册资本及其分支机构的营运资金、申请经营的业务种类、拟任董事长、行长(首席执行官、总经理)及分支行行长的姓名等;
(2) A list of assets, liabilities, and ownership interest to be transferred to the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed and the pro forma balance sheet, income statement, five-category assets classification statement, and amount of loan loss provision of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed. (二)拟转入拟设外商独资银行的资产、负债和所有者权益的清单,拟设外商独资银行的模拟资产负债表、损益表、贷款质量五级分类情况表、贷款损失准备数额;
(3) An explanation on the completion of restructuring. (三)改制完成情况的说明;
(4) A written legal opinion issued by a law firm on assignment of contracts or the contingency plan prepared by the bank for contracts not meeting the assignment conditions. (四)律师事务所出具的关于合同转让法律意见书,对于不具备转让条件的合同,应当对银行制定的紧急预案提出法律意见;
(5) The audit report before business opening and the capital verification certificate issued by a statutory capital verification agency. (五)开业前审计报告和法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
(6) The draft bylaws of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed and a written legal opinion issued by a law firm legally formed in China on the draft bylaws. (六)拟设外商独资银行的章程草案以及在中国境内依法设立的律师事务所出具的对章程草案的法律意见书;
(7) The organizational structure chart of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed, the job description of each post, and the internal authorization and reporting routes. (七)拟设外商独资银行组织结构图、各岗位职责描述、内部授权和汇报路线;
(8) The names, resumes, and training records of the personnel of the wholly foreign-funded bank to be formed. (八)拟设外商独资银行人员名单、简历和培训记录;
(9) Relevant materials required for the confirmation of the office qualifications of the proposed chairman of the board of directors and president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the bank and the proposed presidents of the branch offices of the bank. (九)拟任外商独资银行董事长、行长(首席执行官、总经理)以及外商独资银行分行行长、管理型支行行长任职资格核准所需的相关资料;
(10) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (十)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 29 To restructure its branch in China into a wholly foreign-funded bank in which it is the sole investor, a foreign bank shall, after receipt of the approval document for business opening, surrender the financial business permit of the former branch, obtain a new financial business permit, undergo the registration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce, and obtain a business license. The former branch of the foreign bank shall undergo the deregistration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce according to the law.   第二十九条 外国银行将其在中国境内分行改制为由其单独出资的外商独资银行,应当在收到开业批准文件后交回原外国银行分行的金融许可证,领取新的金融许可证,到工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照。原外国银行分行应当依法向工商行政管理机关办理注销登记。
Article 30 A wholly foreign-funded bank formed by restructuring a foreign bank's branch in China shall open for business within six months of obtaining a business license. If it is unable to open for business within the period, it shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the wholly foreign-funded bank is located one month before the expiry of the period for business opening. The period for business opening may be extended by not more than three months.   第三十条 由外国银行分行改制的外商独资银行应当自领取营业执照之日起6个月内开业。未能按期开业的,应当在开业期限届满前1个月向外商独资银行所在地银监会派出机构报告。开业延期的最长期限为3个月。
If a wholly foreign-funded bank fails to open for business within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the approval document for business opening shall be invalidated, and the organ deciding on its business opening shall cancel the business opening permit, retract the financial business permit, and issue an announcement. 外商独资银行未在前款规定期限内开业的,开业批准文件失效,由开业决定机关注销开业许可,收回其金融许可证,并予以公告。
Section 3 Formation of a Branch of a Foreign Bank 

第三节 外国银行分行设立

Article 31 To form a branch of a foreign bank, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第三十一条 设立外国银行分行,申请人应当具备下列条件:
(1) It has sustained profitability, has a good credit standing, and has no record of any serious violation of laws and regulations. (一)具有持续盈利能力,信誉良好,无重大违法违规记录;
(2) It has experience in engaging in international financial activities. (二)具有从事国际金融活动的经验;
(3) It has effective anti-money laundering rules. (三)具有有效的反洗钱制度;
(4) It is effectively regulated by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located, and has obtained an approval of its application from the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located. (四)受到所在国家或者地区金融监管当局的有效监管,并且其申请经所在国家或者地区金融监管当局同意;
(5) Its year-end total assets in the year prior to its application for formation are not less than USD 20 billion or, in the case of a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, USD 6 billion. (五)提出设立申请前1年年末的总资产不少于200亿美元,香港、澳门地区的银行提出设立申请前1年年末的总资产不少于60亿美元;
(6) Its capital adequacy ratio satisfies the requirements of the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located and the CBRC. (六)资本充足率符合所在国家或者地区金融监管当局以及银监会的规定;
(7) The prudential conditions as set out in Article 5 of these Measures. (七)本办法第五条规定的审慎性条件。
To form a branch of a foreign bank, the applicant shall provide, free of charge, working capital of not less than 200 million yuan or an equivalent in freely convertible currencies to the branch to be formed. 设立外国银行分行,申请人应当无偿拨给拟设分行不少于2亿元人民币或者等值自由兑换货币的营运资金。
The country or region where the foreign bank to form a branch is located shall have a good economic condition and a sound financial regulatory system, and the financial regulatory authority thereof has established a sound supervision cooperation mechanism with the CBRC. 拟设分行的外国银行所在国家或者地区应当经济状况良好,具有完善的金融监督管理制度,并且其金融监管当局已经与银监会建立良好的监督管理合作机制。
Article 32 To form any additional branches in China, a foreign bank shall meet the conditions as set out in Article 31 of these Measures, and its existing branches in China shall be in good operating condition, satisfy the requirements of prudential supervision in terms of major regulatory indicators, and meet the prudential conditions as set out by the CBRC.   第三十二条 外国银行在中国境内增设分行,除应当具备本办法第三十一条规定的条件外,其在中国境内已设分行应当经营状况良好,主要监管指标达到监管要求,并符合银监会规定的审慎性条件。
Article 33 The formation of a branch of a foreign bank shall undergo two stages: formation preparation and business opening.   第三十三条 设立外国银行分行分为筹建和开业两个阶段。
Article 34 An application for the formation preparation of a branch of a foreign bank shall be accepted and preliminarily examined by the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and be examined and decided by the CBRC.   第三十四条 筹建外国银行分行的申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理和初审,银监会审查和决定。
To apply for the formation preparation of a branch of a foreign bank, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located. 申请筹建外国银行分行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located shall, within 20 days of acceptance of the application, submit the application materials and its examination opinion to the CBRC. The CBRC shall, within six months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. Under special circumstances, the CBRC may appropriately extend the period of examination, but the applicant shall be notified of the extension in writing and the extension may not exceed three months. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起20日内将申请资料连同审核意见报送银监会。银监会应当自收到完整申请资料之日起6个月内,作出批准或者不批准筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。特殊情况下,银监会可以适当延长审查期限,并书面通知申请人,但延长期限不得超过3个月。
Article 35 To apply for the formation preparation of a branch of a foreign bank, the applicant shall submit the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located:   第三十五条 申请筹建外国银行分行,申请人应当向拟设机构所在地银监局报送下列申请资料(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the applicant, containing the name, location, working capital, and types of business, among others, of the branch to be formed. (一)申请人董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)签署的致银监会主席的筹建申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、所在地、营运资金、申请经营的业务种类等;
(2) A feasibility study report, containing the basic information on the applicant, an analysis of the market prospect of the branch to be formed, a comprehensive business development plan, a management organizational structure, and a forecast of the scale of assets and liabilities and profit or loss during the three years after business opening, among others. (二)可行性研究报告,内容包括申请人的基本情况、对拟设机构的市场前景分析、业务发展规划、组织管理结构、开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈亏预测等;
(3) The bylaws of the applicant. (三)申请人章程;
(4) The organizational structure charts of the applicant and the group to which it belongs, a list of principal shareholders, and a list of overseas branch offices and affiliates. (四)申请人及其所在集团的组织结构图、主要股东名单、海外分支机构和关联企业名单;
(5) The applicant's annual reports for the last three years. (五)申请人最近3年年报;
(6) The anti-money laundering rules of the applicant. (六)申请人的反洗钱制度;
(7) A photocopy of the business license or financial business permit issued by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where the applicant is located and a written opinion thereof on its application. (七)申请人所在国家或者地区金融监管当局核发的营业执照或者经营金融业务许可文件的复印件及对其申请的意见书;
(8) In the case of formation of a branch of a foreign bank for the first time, an introduction to the financial system and a summary of the relevant financial regulation legislation of the country or region where the applicant is located. (八)初次设立外国银行分行的,申请人应当报送所在国家或者地区金融体系情况和有关金融监管法规的摘要;
(9) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (九)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 36 The applicant shall, within 15 days of receipt of the approval document for formation preparation, obtain an application form for business opening from the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located, and start the preparatory work. The preparatory period shall be six months from the day when the application for formation preparation is approved.   第三十六条 申请人应当自收到筹建批准文件之日起15日内到拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构领取开业申请表,开始筹建工作。筹建期为自获准筹建之日起6个月。
If the applicant fails to complete the preparatory work within six months, the applicant shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located one month before the expiry of the preparatory period. The preparatory period may be extended by not more than three months. 申请人未在6个月内完成筹建工作,应当在筹建期届满前1个月向拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构报告。筹建延期的最长期限为3个月。
The applicant shall submit a business opening application before the expiry of the period specified in the preceding paragraph; otherwise, the approval document for formation preparation shall be invalidated. 申请人应当在前款规定的期限届满前提交开业申请。逾期未提交的,筹建批准文件失效。
Article 37 After the preparatory work for the formation of a branch of a foreign bank is completed, the applicant shall apply to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located for an acceptance check. Upon passing the acceptance check, the applicant may apply for business opening. An application for the business opening of a branch of a foreign bank shall be accepted, examined, and decided by the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located.   第三十七条 拟设外国银行分行完成筹建工作后,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局申请验收。经验收合格的,可以申请开业。外国银行分行的开业申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理、审查和决定。
To apply for the business opening of a branch of a foreign bank to be formed, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located. 拟设外国银行分行申请开业,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located shall, within 20 days of acceptance of the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, notify the applicant in writing of the decision, and send a copy of the decision to the CBRC. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起2个月内,作出批准或者不批准开业的决定,并书面通知申请人,同时抄报银监会。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 38 To apply for the business opening of a branch of a foreign bank, the applicant shall submit the written opinion on the branch's passing the acceptance check for business opening and the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located:   第三十八条 拟设外国银行分行申请开业,应当将开业验收合格意见书连同下列申请资料报送拟设机构所在地银监局(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application for business opening addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the person in charge of the preparatory team, containing the name, business address, working capital, and business scope of the branch to be formed and the name of the proposed president of the branch, among others; and, if there is a representative office in the same city where the branch is to be located, an application for closing the representative office. (一)筹备组负责人签署的致银监会主席的开业申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、营业地址、营运资金、业务范围、拟任分行行长姓名等;在拟设分行同一城市设有代表处的,应当同时申请关闭代表处;
(2) A completed application form for business opening. (二)开业申请表;
(3) Relevant materials required for the confirmation of the office qualification of the proposed president of the branch. (三)拟任外国银行分行行长任职资格核准所需的相关资料;
(4) The audit report before business opening and the capital verification certificate issued by a statutory capital verification agency. (四)开业前审计报告和法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
(5) A letter of guarantee issued by the foreign bank to assume liabilities for the taxes and obligations of the branch to be formed. (五)外国银行对拟设分行承担税务、债务责任的保证书;
(6) The organizational structure chart of the branch to be formed, the job description of each post, and the internal authorization and reporting routes. (六)拟设分行组织结构图、各岗位职责描述、内部授权和汇报路线;
(7) The names, resumes, and training records of the personnel of the branch to be formed. (七)拟设分行人员名单、简历和培训记录;
(8) The safety and fire protection device compliance certificates of the business premises or the photocopies of relevant certificates. (八)营业场所的安全、消防设施的合格证明或者相关证明复印件;
(9) A photocopy of a certificate of title to, a certificate of right to use, or a contract to lease the business premises. (九)营业场所的所有权证明、使用权证明或者租赁合同复印件;
(10) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (十)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 39 A branch of a foreign bank shall, after receipt of the approval document for business opening and obtaining a financial business permit, undergo the registration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce, and obtain a business license.   第三十九条 外国银行分行应当在收到开业批准文件并领取金融许可证后,到工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照。
A branch of a foreign bank shall open for business within six months of obtaining a business license. If it is unable to open for business within the period, it shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at place where it is located one month before the expiry of the period for business opening. The period for business opening may be extended by not more than three months. 外国银行分行应当自领取营业执照之日起6个月内开业。未能按期开业的,应当在开业期限届满前1个月向所在地银监会派出机构报告。开业延期的最长期限为3个月。
If a branch of a foreign bank fails to open for business within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the approval document for business opening shall be invalidated, and the organ deciding on its business opening shall cancel the business opening permit, retract the financial business permit, and issue an announcement. 外国银行分行未在前款规定期限内开业的,开业批准文件失效,由开业决定机关注销开业许可,收回其金融许可证,并予以公告。
Section 4 Formation of a Branch of a Wholly Foreign-Funded Bank or a Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Bank 

第四节 外商独资银行、中外合资银行下设分行设立

Article 40 To form a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第四十条 外商独资银行、中外合资银行下设分行,应当具备下列条件:
(1) It shall provide, free of charge, working capital o to the branch to be formed, provided that the sum of working capital provided for all of its branch offices shall not exceed 60% of the total capital of the head office. (一)无偿拨给拟设分行营运资金,拨给各分支机构营运资金的总和,不得超过总行资本金总额的60%;
(2) Its major regulatory indicators satisfy the regulatory requirements. (二)主要监管指标达到监管要求;
(3) The prudential conditions as set out by the CBRC. (三)银监会规定的审慎性条件。
Article 41 The formation of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall undergo two stages: formation preparation and business opening.   第四十一条 设立外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行,分为筹建和开业两个阶段。
Article 42 An application for the formation preparation of a province branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be subject to the direct supervision of the CBRC shall be accepted, examined, and decided by the CBRC. An application for the formation preparation of any other branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall be accepted, examined, and decided by the CBRC office at the place where the branch is to be located.   第四十二条 银监会直接监管的外商独资银行一级分行、中外合资银行一级分行的筹建申请,由银监会受理、审查和决定。其他外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行的筹建申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理、审查和决定。
To apply for the formation preparation of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located. 申请筹建外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行,申请人应当向银监会或拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC or the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located shall, within six months of acceptance of the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant in writing of the decision. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. Under special circumstances, the CBRC or the CBRC office at the place where the branch is to be located may appropriately extend the period of examination, but the applicant shall be notified of the extension in writing and the extension may not exceed three months. 银监会或拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起6个月内,作出批准或者不批准筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。特殊情况下,银监会或拟设机构所在地银监局可以适当延长审查期限,并书面通知申请人,但延长期限不得超过3个月。
Article 43 To apply for the formation preparation of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC or the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located:   第四十三条 申请筹建外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行,申请人应当向银监会或拟设机构所在地银监局报送下列申请资料(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the president (chief executive officer or general manager) of the applicant, containing the name, location, working capital, and types of business, among others, of the branch to be formed. (一)申请人董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)签署的致银监会主席的筹建申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、所在地、营运资金、申请经营的业务种类等;
(2) A feasibility study report, containing the basic information on the applicant, an analysis of the market prospect of the branch to be formed, a comprehensive business development plan, a management organizational structure, and a forecast of the scale of assets and liabilities and profit or loss during the three years after business opening, among others. (二)可行性研究报告,内容包括申请人的基本情况、对拟设机构的市场前景分析、业务发展规划、组织管理结构、开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈亏预测等;
(3) The bylaws of the applicant. (三)申请人章程;
(4) The annual reports of the applicant. (四)申请人年报;
(5) The anti-money laundering rules of the applicant. (五)申请人反洗钱制度;
(6) A photocopy of the business license of the applicant. (六)申请人营业执照复印件;
(7) A resolution to form the branch as adopted by the board of directors of the applicant. (七)申请人关于同意设立分行的董事会决议;
(8) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (八)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 44 The applicant shall, within 15 days of receipt of the approval document for formation preparation, obtain an application form for business opening from the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located, and start the preparatory work. The preparatory period shall be six months from the day when the application for formation preparation is approved.   第四十四条 申请人应当自收到筹建批准文件之日起15日内到拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构领取开业申请表,开始筹建工作。筹建期为自获准筹建之日起6个月。
If the applicant fails to complete the preparatory work within six months, the applicant shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located one month before the expiry of the preparatory period. The preparatory period may be extended by not more than three months. 申请人未在6个月内完成筹建工作,应当在筹建期届满前1个月向拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构报告。筹建延期的最长期限为3个月。
The applicant shall submit a business opening application before the expiry of the period specified in the preceding paragraph; otherwise, the approval document for formation preparation shall be invalidated. 申请人应当在前款规定的期限届满前提交开业申请,逾期未提交的,筹建批准文件失效。
Article 45 After the preparatory work for the formation of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is completed, the applicant shall apply to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located for an acceptance check. Upon passing the acceptance check, the applicant may apply for business opening. An application for the business opening of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall be accepted, examined, and decided by the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located.   第四十五条 拟设外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行完成筹建工作后,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局申请验收。经验收合格的,可以申请开业。外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行的开业申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局受理、审查和决定。
To apply for the business opening of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located. 拟设外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行申请开业,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局提交申请资料,同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。
The CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located shall, within two months of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, notify the applicant in writing of the decision, and send a copy of the decision to the CBRC. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. 拟设机构所在地银监局应当自受理之日起2个月内,作出批准或者不批准开业的决定,并书面通知申请人,同时抄报银监会。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 46 To apply for the business opening of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, the applicant shall submit the written opinion on the branch's passing the acceptance check for business opening and the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office at the place where the branch is to be located, and send one copy thereof to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the branch is to be located:   第四十六条 拟设外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行申请开业,应当将开业验收合格意见书连同下列申请资料报送拟设机构所在地银监局(一式两份),同时抄送拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构(一份):
(1) A written application for business opening addressed to the Chairman of the CBRC as signed by the person in charge of the preparatory team, containing the name, business address, working capital, and business scope of the branch to be formed and the name of the proposed president of the branch, among others. (一)筹备组负责人签署的致银监会主席的开业申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、营业地址、营运资金、业务范围、拟任分行行长姓名等;
(2) A completed application form for business opening. (二)开业申请表;
(3) Relevant materials required for the confirmation of the office qualification of the proposed president of the branch. (三)拟任分行行长任职资格核准所需的相关资料;
(4) The audit report before business opening and the capital verification certificate issued by a statutory capital verification agency. (四)开业前审计报告和法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
(5) The safety and fire protection device compliance certificates of the business premises or the photocopies of relevant certificates. (五)营业场所的安全、消防设施的合格证明或者相关证明复印件;
(6) The organizational structure chart of the branch to be formed, the job description of each post, and the internal authorization and reporting routes. (六)拟设机构组织结构图、各岗位职责描述、内部授权和汇报路线;
(7) The names, resumes, and training records of the personnel of the branch to be formed. (七)拟设机构人员名单、简历和培训记录;
(8) A photocopy of a certificate of title to, a certificate of right to use, or a contract to lease the business premises. (八)营业场所的所有权证明、使用权证明或者租赁合同的复印件;
(9) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (九)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 47 A branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall, after receipt of the approval document for business opening and obtaining a financial business permit, undergo the registration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce, and obtain a business license.   第四十七条 外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行应当在收到开业批准文件并领取金融许可证后,到工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照。
A branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall open for business within six months of obtaining a business license. If it is unable to open for business within the period, it shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at its place where it is located one month before the expiry of the period for business opening. The period for business opening may be extended by not more than three months. 外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行应当自领取营业执照之日起6个月内开业。未能按期开业的,应当在开业期限届满前1个月向所在地银监会派出机构报告。开业延期的最长期限为3个月。
If a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank fails to open for business within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the approval document for business opening shall be invalidated, and the organ deciding on its business opening shall cancel the business opening permit, retract the financial business permit, and issue an announcement. 外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行未在前款规定期限内开业的,开业批准文件失效,由开业决定机关注销开业许可,收回其金融许可证,并予以公告。
Section 5 Formation of Sub-branches 

第五节 支行设立

Article 48 To form a sub-branch, the applicant shall have an establishment at or above the branch level in the same administrative division of the city where the sub-branch to be formed is located. The same administrative division of the city where the sub-branch to be formed is located means the city or an administrative division below the city.   第四十八条 设立支行,申请人应当在拟设支行所在城市同一行政区划内设有分行或者分行以上机构。所在城市同一行政区划是指所在城市及以下行政区划。
For a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, its branch within Guangdong province may apply for forming a sub-branch in a different place within Guangdong province. For a wholly foreign-funded bank formed in the inland by a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, its branch in Guangdong province may apply for forming a sub-branch in a different place within Guangdong province. 香港、澳门地区的银行在广东省内设立的分行可以申请在广东省内设立异地支行。香港、澳门地区的银行在内地设立的外商独资银行在广东省内设立的分行,可以申请在广东省内设立异地支行。
Article 49 To form a sub-branch, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第四十九条 设立支行,申请人应当具备下列条件:
(1) It has been one year or more since it officially opened for business, and the quality of its assets is good. In the case of a branch in Guangdong province of a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region or a wholly foreign-funded bank formed in the inland by a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, it has been one year or more since the branch officially opened for business, and the quality of its assets is good. (一)正式营业1年以上,资产质量良好;香港、澳门地区的银行在广东省内分行或者香港、澳门地区的银行在内地设立的外商独资银行在广东省内分行正式营业1年以上,资产质量良好;
(2) It has a relatively strong internal control capability, and has neither committed any serious violation of laws and regulations nor been involved in any major case resulting from internal management problems in the last year. In the case of a branch in Guangdong province of a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region or a wholly foreign-funded bank formed in the inland by a bank from Hong Kong or Macao region, the branch has a relatively strong internal control capability, and has neither committed any serious violation of laws and regulations nor been involved in any major case resulting from internal management problems in the last year. (二)具有较强的内部控制能力,最近1年无重大违法违规行为和因内部管理问题导致的重大案件;香港、澳门地区的银行在广东省内分行或者香港、澳门地区的银行在内地设立的外商独资银行在广东省内分行具有较强的内部控制能力,最近1年无重大违法违规行为和因内部管理问题导致的重大案件;
(3) It has the ability to provide working capital. (三)具有拨付营运资金的能力;
(4) It has established rules and mechanisms for the performance evaluation, oversight, authorization, and adjustment of senior executives, and has sufficient business management professionals. (四)已建立对高级管理人员考核、监督、授权和调整的制度和机制,并有足够的专业经营管理人才;
(5) Other prudential conditions as set out by the CBRC. (五)银监会规定的其他审慎性条件。
Article 50 The applicant that plans to form a sub-branch shall, three days before the formation preparation of the sub-branch, submit a formation preparation report to the local CBRC office at the place where the sub-branch is to be formed or the authorized local CBRC dispatched office and receive the application form for starting business, and commence formation preparation.   第五十条 拟设立支行的申请人应在支行筹建3日前向拟设地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构提交筹建报告并领取开业申请表,开始筹建工作。
Article 51 The applicant for the formation of a sub-branch shall complete formation preparation within nine months from submitting the formation preparation report.   第五十一条 拟设立支行的申请人应在提交筹建报告之日起9个月内完成筹建工作。
After the preparatory work for the formation of a sub-branch is completed, the applicant shall apply to the CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located for an acceptance check. Upon passing the acceptance check, the applicant may apply for business opening. An application for the business opening of a sub-branch shall be accepted, examined, and decided by the CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located. 拟设支行完成筹建工作后,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构申请验收。经验收合格的,可以申请开业。支行开业申请,由拟设机构所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构受理、审查和决定。
To apply for the business opening of a sub-branch to be formed, the applicant shall submit the application materials to the CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located. 拟设支行申请开业,应当向拟设机构所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构提交申请资料。
The CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located shall, within 30 days of acceptance of the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, notify the applicant in writing of the decision, and send a copy thereof to the CBRC and the CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be explained. 拟设机构所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构应当自受理之日起30日内,作出批准或者不批准开业的决定,并书面通知申请人。同时抄送银监会和拟设机构所在地银监会派出机构。决定不批准的,应当说明理由。
If the applicant fails to submit an application for starting business within the prescribed time limit, it shall report to the local CBRC office at the place where the sub-branch is to be formed or the authorized local CBRC dispatched office in a timely manner. 申请人逾期未提交开业申请的,应及时向拟设地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构报告。
Article 52 To apply for the business opening of a sub-branch, the applicant shall submit the written opinion on the sub-branch's passing the acceptance check for business opening and the following application materials in duplicate to the CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located:   第五十二条 拟设支行申请开业,应当将开业验收合格意见书连同下列申请资料报送拟设机构所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构(一式两份):
(1) A written application for business opening addressed to the person in charge of the CBRC Office or the authorized CBRC Sub-office at the place where the sub-branch is to be located as signed by the person in charge of the preparatory team, containing the name, business address, working capital, and business scope of the sub-branch to be formed and the name of the proposed president of the sub-branch, among others. (一)筹备组负责人签署的致所在地银监局或者经授权的银监会派出机构负责人的开业申请书,内容包括拟设机构的名称、营业地址、营运资金、业务范围、拟任支行行长的姓名等;
(2) A completed application form for business opening. (二)开业申请表;
(3) A capital verification certificate issued by a statutory capital verification agency, proving that the working capital commensurate with its business scale has been received. (三)与业务规模相适应的营运资金已拨付到位,法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
(4) Relevant materials required for the confirmation of the office qualification of the proposed president of the management sub-branch. (四)拟任管理型支行行长任职资格核准所需的相关资料;
(5) The organizational structure chart of the sub-branch to be formed, the job description of each post, and the internal authorization and reporting routes. (五)拟设支行的组织结构图、各岗位职责描述、内部授权和汇报路线;
(6) The names, resumes, and training records of the personnel of the sub-branch to be formed. (六)拟设支行人员名单、简历和培训记录;
(7) A photocopy of a certificate of title to, a certificate of right to use, or a contract to lease the business premises. (七)营业场所的所有权证明、使用权证明或者租赁合同的复印件;
(8) The safety and fire protection device compliance certificates of the business premises or the photocopies of relevant certificates. (八)营业场所的安全、消防设施的合格证明或者相关证明复印件;
(9) Other materials as required by the CBRC. (九)银监会要求的其他资料。
Article 53 A sub-branch shall, after receipt of the approval document for business opening and obtaining a financial business permit, undergo the registration procedure with the administrative department for industry and commerce, and obtain a business license.   第五十三条 支行应当在收到开业批准文件并领取金融许可证后,到工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照。
The sub-branch shall open for business within six months of obtaining a business license. If it is unable to open for business within the period, it shall report to the CBRC Sub-office at the place where it is located one month before the expiry of the period for business opening. The period for business opening may be extended by not more than three months.

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