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Interim Measures for the Equity Management of Commercial Banks [Effective]
商业银行股权管理暂行办法 [现行有效]

Order of the China Banking Regulatory Commission 


(No. 1 [2018]) (2018年第1号)

The Interim Measures for the Equity Management of Commercial Banks, as adopted at the 1st chairman's meeting of the China Banking Regulatory Commission in 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 商业银行股权管理暂行办法已经中国银监会2018年第1次主席会议通过。现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Chairman: Guo Shuqing 主席:郭树清
January 5, 2018 2018年1月5日
Interim Measures for the Equity Management of Commercial Banks 商业银行股权管理暂行办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of equities of commercial banks, regulating the acts of shareholders of commercial banks, protecting the lawful rights and interests of commercial banks, depositors and other clients, as well as the lawful interests of shareholders, and promoting the sustainable and sound development of commercial banks, these Measures are developed according to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强商业银行股权管理,规范商业银行股东行为,保护商业银行、存款人和其他客户的合法权益,维护股东的合法利益,促进商业银行持续健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the commercial banks formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law. If any law or administrative regulation otherwise provides for the change of shareholders or adjustment to shareholders' shareholding ratio by foreign-funded banks, such provisions shall prevail.   第二条 本办法适用于中华人民共和国境内依法设立的商业银行。法律法规对外资银行变更股东或调整股东持股比例另有规定的,从其规定。
Article 3 Commercial banks shall conduct equity management under the principles of categorized management, good qualifications, clear relationships, specific rights and responsibilities, and openness and transparency.   第三条 商业银行股权管理应当遵循分类管理、资质优良、关系清晰、权责明确、公开透明原则。
Article 4 An investor and its affiliates and persons acting in concert, either separately or jointly, intending to initially or accumulatively hold more than 5% of total capital or total shares of a commercial bank, shall file an application with the CBRC or its local office for approval in advance. The official reply for the administrative licensing of proposed holding of more than 5% of total shares of a commercial bank through a domestic or overseas stock market shall be valid for six months. The specific requirements and procedures for approval shall be subject to relevant provisions issued by the CBRC.   第四条 投资人及其关联方、一致行动人单独或合计拟首次持有或累计增持商业银行资本总额或股份总额百分之五以上的,应当事先报银监会或其派出机构核准。对通过境内外证券市场拟持有商业银行股份总额百分之五以上的行政许可批复,有效期为六个月。审批的具体要求和程序按照银监会相关规定执行。
An investor and its affiliates and persons acting in concert that hold, either separately or jointly, not less than 1% but not more than 5% of a commercial bank's total capital or total shares shall, within ten working days of the date of obtaining corresponding equities, report to the CBRC or its local office. The specific requirements and procedures for reporting shall be otherwise prescribed by the CBRC. 投资人及其关联方、一致行动人单独或合计持有商业银行资本总额或股份总额百分之一以上、百分之五以下的,应当在取得相应股权后十个工作日内向银监会或其派出机构报告。报告的具体要求和程序,由银监会另行规定。
Article 5 Shareholders of a commercial bank shall have good social reputation, good credit records, tax payment records and financial status, comply with the laws and regulations, and satisfy the regulatory requirements.   第五条 商业银行股东应当具有良好的社会声誉、诚信记录、纳税记录和财务状况,符合法律法规规定和监管要求。
Article 6 The relationship between a commercial bank's shareholder and its controlling shareholder, actual controller, affiliates, persons acting in concert, ultimate beneficiaries and other parties shall be clear and transparent.   第六条 商业银行的股东及其控股股东、实际控制人、关联方、一致行动人、最终受益人等各方关系应当清晰透明。
The shareholding ratio of a shareholder and its affiliates and persons acting in concert shall be calculated on a consolidated basis. 股东与其关联方、一致行动人的持股比例合并计算。
Article 7 Shareholders of a commercial bank shall abide by laws, regulations, regulatory provisions and the company's bylaws, exercise their shareholders' rights and perform their statutory obligations in accordance with the law.   第七条 商业银行股东应当遵守法律法规、监管规定和公司章程,依法行使股东权利,履行法定义务。
A commercial bank shall strengthen the management of equity affairs and improve its corporate governance structure. 商业银行应当加强对股权事务的管理,完善公司治理结构。
The CBRC and its local offices shall conduct equity supervision of commercial banks in accordance with the law, and investigate and punish the violations of laws and regulations of commercial banks and their shareholders and other relevant entities and persons. 银监会及其派出机构依法对商业银行股权进行监管,对商业银行及其股东等单位和人员的相关违法违规行为进行查处。
Article 8 A commercial bank and its shareholders shall, according to the laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, fully disclose the relevant information and accept social supervision.   第八条 商业银行及其股东应当根据法律法规和监管要求,充分披露相关信息,接受社会监督。
Article 9 Commercial banks, the CBRC and its local offices shall strengthen the management of commercial banks' major shareholders.   第九条 商业银行、银监会及其派出机构应当加强对商业银行主要股东的管理。
“Major shareholders of a commercial bank” means shareholders that hold or control not less than 5% of the shares or voting rights of the commercial bank or that hold less than 5% of total capital or total shares of the commercial bank but have significant impact on the business management of the commercial bank. 商业银行主要股东是指持有或控制商业银行百分之五以上股份或表决权,或持有资本总额或股份总额不足百分之五但对商业银行经营管理有重大影响的股东。
For the purpose of the preceding paragraph, “significant impact” includes but is not limited to, dispatching directors, supervisors or senior executives to commercial banks, affecting the financial and business management decision-making of commercial banks via agreements or by other means, and other circumstances identified by the CBRC or its local offices. 前款中的“重大影响”,包括但不限于向商业银行派驻董事、监事或高级管理人员,通过协议或其他方式影响商业银行的财务和经营管理决策以及银监会或其派出机构认定的其他情形。
Chapter II Shareholders' Responsibilities 

第二章 股东责任

Article 10 Shareholders of a commercial bank shall fulfill the obligation of capital contribution in strict accordance with the laws and regulations and the provisions issued by the CBRC.   第十条 商业银行股东应当严格按照法律法规和银监会规定履行出资义务。
A shareholder of a commercial bank shall purchase shares of the commercial bank with its own funds obtained from legal sources, rather than entrusted funds, debt funds and other funds not owned by itself, unless otherwise prescribed by any law or regulation. 商业银行股东应当使用自有资金入股商业银行,且确保资金来源合法,不得以委托资金、债务资金等非自有资金入股,法律法规另有规定的除外。
Article 11 When purchasing shares of a commercial bank, a major shareholder shall undertake in writing to comply with laws and regulations, regulatory provisions and the company's bylaws and make a statement on the purpose of purchasing shares of the commercial bank.   第十一条 主要股东入股商业银行时,应当书面承诺遵守法律法规、监管规定和公司章程,并就入股商业银行的目的作出说明。
Article 12 No shareholder of a commercial bank may authorize any other person to or accept any other person's authorization to hold equity of the commercial bank.   第十二条 商业银行股东不得委托他人或接受他人委托持有商业银行股权。
A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall state its equity structure level by level up to its actual controller and ultimate beneficiary, as well as its relationship as an affiliate or a person acting in concert with any other shareholder. 商业银行主要股东应当逐层说明其股权结构直至实际控制人、最终受益人,以及其与其他股东的关联关系或者一致行动关系。
Article 13 A shareholder of a commercial bank that plans to transfer the equity of the commercial bank it holds shall notify the transferee that it should meet the conditions as set forth by laws and regulations and by the CBRC.   第十三条 商业银行股东转让所持有的商业银行股权,应当告知受让方需符合法律法规和银监会规定的条件。
Article 14 The same investor and its affiliates and persons acting in concert shall not purchase shares of more than two commercial banks as a major shareholder or control more than one commercial bank.   第十四条 同一投资人及其关联方、一致行动人作为主要股东参股商业银行的数量不得超过2家,或控股商业银行的数量不得超过1家。
The purchase of shares of a commercial bank by an investor holding shares of a commercial bank upon authorization by the State Council, a banking financial institution or an entity as otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations, or merger and acquisition or restructuring of a high-risk commercial bank by an investor upon approval of the CBRC shall not be subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 根据国务院授权持有商业银行股权的投资主体、银行业金融机构,法律法规另有规定的主体入股商业银行,以及投资人经银监会批准并购重组高风险商业银行,不受本条前款规定限制。
Article 15 The same investor and its affiliates and persons acting in concert purchasing shares of a commercial bank shall follow the requirements for shareholding ratio as prescribed by the CBRC.   第十五条 同一投资人及其关联方、一致行动人入股商业银行应当遵守银监会规定的持股比例要求。
Article 16 A commercial bank's major shareholder and its controlling shareholder or actual controller shall not fall under any of the following circumstances:   第十六条 商业银行主要股东及其控股股东、实际控制人不得存在下列情形:
(1) Being listed as an object subject to joint punishment for dishonesty by relevant departments. (一)被列为相关部门失信联合惩戒对象;
(2) Seriously evading bank debts. (二)存在严重逃废银行债务行为;
(3) Providing false materials or making false statement. (三)提供虚假材料或者作不实声明;
(4) Assuming significant liability for a commercial bank's business failure or material violation of laws and regulations. (四)对商业银行经营失败或重大违法违规行为负有重大责任;
(5) Rejecting or obstructing the lawful implementation of supervision and administration by the CBRC or its local office. (五)拒绝或阻碍银监会或其派出机构依法实施监管;
(6) Having been investigated and punished by the financial supervision department or relevant government departments due to violations of laws and regulations, and having caused adverse impact. (六)因违法违规行为被金融监管部门或政府有关部门查处,造成恶劣影响;
(7) Other circumstances that may cause adverse impact on a commercial bank's business management. (七)其他可能对商业银行经营管理产生不利影响的情形。
Article 17 A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall not transfer any equity it holds within five years from the date of obtaining the equity.   第十七条 商业银行主要股东自取得股权之日起五年内不得转让所持有的股权。
As to equity transfer as a result of risk disposal measures approved by the CBRC or its local office, or ordered by the CBRC or its local office, or involving judicial enforcement, or made between different entities controlled by the same investor, or under any other particular circumstance, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply. 经银监会或其派出机构批准采取风险处置措施、银监会或其派出机构责令转让、涉及司法强制执行或者在同一投资人控制的不同主体之间转让股权等特殊情形除外。
Article 18 A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall exercise its rights as a capital contributor in strict accordance with laws and regulations, regulatory provisions and the company's bylaws, fulfill the obligations of capital contributor, and shall not abuse shareholders' rights or utilize its influence to intervene in the decision-making power and management power that the board of directors and the senior management are entitled to in accordance with the company's bylaws, or directly intervene in or utilize influence to intervene in the business management of the commercial bank bypassing the board of directors and the senior management, conduct tunneling, or damage the lawful rights and interests of any depositor, the commercial bank or any other shareholder in any other form.   第十八条 商业银行主要股东应当严格按照法律法规、监管规定和公司章程行使出资人权利,履行出资人义务,不得滥用股东权利干预或利用其影响力干预董事会、高级管理层根据公司章程享有的决策权和管理权,不得越过董事会和高级管理层直接干预或利用影响力干预商业银行经营管理,进行利益输送,或以其他方式损害存款人、商业银行以及其他股东的合法权益。
Article 19 A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall, according to the regulatory provisions, make a written commitment to supply additional capital to the commercial bank when necessary, and report its capital replenishment ability to the CBRC or its local office on an annual basis through the commercial bank.   第十九条 商业银行主要股东应当根据监管规定书面承诺在必要时向商业银行补充资本,并通过商业银行每年向银监会或其派出机构报告资本补充能力。
Article 20 A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall establish an effective risk isolation mechanism to prevent risk contagion and transfer among shareholders, the commercial bank and other affiliates.   第二十条 商业银行主要股东应当建立有效的风险隔离机制,防止风险在股东、商业银行以及其他关联机构之间传染和转移。
Article 21 A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall effectively manage the concurrent holding of positions by any of the members of its board of directors, members of its board of supervisors and its senior executives in the commercial bank or in any other affiliate as a member of the board of directors, a member of the board of supervisors or a senior executive to prevent conflicts of interest.   第二十一条 商业银行主要股东应当对其与商业银行和其他关联机构之间董事会成员、监事会成员和高级管理人员的交叉任职进行有效管理,防范利益冲突。
Article 22 A shareholder of a commercial bank shall comply with laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the CBRC on affiliated transactions, shall not conduct inappropriate affiliated transactions with the commercial bank, or use its influence on the business management of the commercial bank to seek illicit benefits.   第二十二条 商业银行股东应当遵守法律法规和银监会关于关联交易的相关规定,不得与商业银行进行不当的关联交易,不得利用其对商业银行经营管理的影响力获取不正当利益。
Article 23 Where a shareholder of a commercial bank pledges its equity in the commercial bank, it shall comply with laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the CBRC on the pledge of equity of commercial banks, and shall not damage the interests of any other shareholder or the commercial bank.   第二十三条 商业银行股东质押其持有的商业银行股权的,应当遵守法律法规和银监会关于商业银行股权质押的相关规定,不得损害其他股东和商业银行的利益。
Article 24 Where a commercial bank is involved in any major risk incident or serious violation of law or regulation, and risk disposal, takeover or any other measure is taken against it by the CBRC or its local office, shareholders shall actively cooperate with the CBRC and its local office in risk disposal and other work.   第二十四条 商业银行发生重大风险事件或重大违法违规行为,被银监会或其派出机构采取风险处置或接管等措施的,股东应当积极配合银监会或其派出机构开展风险处置等工作。
Article 25 Financial products may hold shares of a listed commercial bank, but the shares accumulatively held in the same commercial bank by the financial products controlled by a single investor, issuer or manager and its actual controller, affiliates and persons acting in concert shall not exceed 5% of total shares of the commercial bank.   第二十五条 金融产品可以持有上市商业银行股份,但单一投资人、发行人或管理人及其实际控制人、关联方、一致行动人控制的金融产品持有同一商业银行股份合计不得超过该商业银行股份总额的百分之五。
A major shareholder of a commercial bank shall not hold shares of the commercial bank through financial products issued, managed or controlled by it by any other means. 商业银行主要股东不得以发行、管理或通过其他手段控制的金融产品持有该商业银行股份。
Chapter III Duties of Commercial Banks 

第三章 商业银行职责

Article 26 The board of directors of a commercial bank shall be diligent, and assume ultimate responsibility for the management of equity affairs.   第二十六条 商业银行董事会应当勤勉尽责,并承担股权事务管理的最终责任。
The board chairman of a commercial bank is the first responsible person for handling the equity affairs of the commercial bank. The board secretary shall assist the board chairman with his work, and is the person directly responsible for handling the equity affairs. 商业银行董事长是处理商业银行股权事务的第一责任人。董事会秘书协助董事长工作,是处理股权事务的直接责任人。
The board chairman and board secretary shall faithfully, honestly and diligently perform their duties. Those who fail to fulfill their duties with due diligence shall undertake legal liabilities according to the law. 董事长和董事会秘书应当忠实、诚信、勤勉地履行职责。履职未尽责的,依法承担法律责任。
Article 27 A commercial bank shall establish and improve an equity information management system and equity management rules, and effectively conduct equity information registration, management of affiliated transactions, information disclosure and other work.   第二十七条 商业银行应当建立和完善股权信息管理系统和股权管理制度,做好股权信息登记、关联交易管理和信息披露等工作。
A commercial bank shall strengthen communication with its shareholders and investors, and be responsible for such work as applying for administrative licensing relating to equity affairs, reporting of shareholders' information and relevant matters, and submission of materials. 商业银行应当加强与股东及投资者的沟通,并负责与股权事务相关的行政许可申请、股东信息和相关事项报告及资料报送等工作。
Article 28 A commercial bank shall include the regulatory requirements for the management of shareholders and shareholders' rights and obligations in its bylaws and specify the following content in the company's bylaws:
   第二十八条 商业银行应当将关于股东管理的相关监管要求、股东的权利义务等写入公司章程,在公司章程中载明下列内容:

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