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Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Creating a Sound Entrepreneur Growth Environment, Advocating Excellent Entrepreneurship and Better Exerting Entrepreneurs' Role [Effective]
中共中央、国务院关于营造企业家健康成长环境弘扬优秀企业家精神更好发挥企业家作用的意见 [现行有效]

Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Creating a Sound Entrepreneur Growth Environment, Advocating Excellent Entrepreneurship and Better Exerting Entrepreneurs' Role 


(September 8, 2017) (2017年9月8日)

Entrepreneurs are major parties to economic activities. Since the reform and opening up, a group of excellent entrepreneurs have grown quickly in market competition, and a number of enterprises with core competitiveness have sprung up, making significant contributions to accruing social wealth, creating jobs, promoting economic and social development, and enhancing comprehensive national power. It is of great significance for deepening the supply-side structural reform, animating the market, and realizing the sound, sustainable economic and social development to create a sound entrepreneur growth environment, advocate excellent entrepreneurship and better exert entrepreneurs' role. To this end, the following opinions are hereby offered: 企业家是经济活动的重要主体。改革开放以来,一大批优秀企业家在市场竞争中迅速成长,一大批具有核心竞争力的企业不断涌现,为积累社会财富、创造就业岗位、促进经济社会发展、增强综合国力作出了重要贡献。营造企业家健康成长环境,弘扬优秀企业家精神,更好发挥企业家作用,对深化供给侧结构性改革、激发市场活力、实现经济社会持续健康发展具有重要意义。为此,提出以下意见。
I. General requirements 一、总体要求
(1) Guiding ideology   1.指导思想
We shall comprehensively implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, carry out in depth the spirit of a series of important speeches and new concepts, thoughts and strategies of managing state affairs of General Secretary Xi Jinping, focus on creating a legal environment to protect the lawful rights and interests of entrepreneurs, a market environment to promote fair competition and bona fide operation among entrepreneurs, and a social atmosphere to respect and stimulate entrepreneurs founding or doing businesses, guide entrepreneurs in loving the country, dedicating themselves to work, abiding by the discipline and law, creating new businesses, making innovations, and serving society, trigger the initiative, activism and creativity of entrepreneurs, exert entrepreneurs' role, and contribute more to prompting sustainable, sound economic and social development and social harmony and stability and accomplish the goal of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.  全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,着力营造依法保护企业家合法权益的法治环境、促进企业家公平竞争诚信经营的市场环境、尊重和激励企业家干事创业的社会氛围,引导企业家爱国敬业、遵纪守法、创业创新、服务社会,调动广大企业家积极性、主动性、创造性,发挥企业家作用,为促进经济持续健康发展和社会和谐稳定、实现全面建成小康社会奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出更大贡献。
(2) Basic principles   2.基本原则
-- Setting an example in observing the discipline and law and enhancing responsibility assumption. The lawful rights and interests of entrepreneurs are protected by law, and entrepreneurs are allowed to play their role in demonstrating observance of the discipline and law and fulfill responsibility and contribute more to establishing a good political ecology, cleansing social atmosphere, and creating a clean environment.  --模范遵纪守法、强化责任担当。依法保护企业家合法权益,更好发挥企业家遵纪守法、恪尽责任的示范作用,推动企业家带头依法经营,自觉履行社会责任,为建立良好的政治生态、净化社会风气、营造风清气正环境多作贡献。
-- Innovating on systems and mechanisms and triggering vigor and vitality. A new type of close, clean government-business relationship shall be created, a government-enterprise interaction mechanism shall be innovated on, and the entrepreneur positive stimulation mechanism and the property protection system shall be improved, to enhance entrepreneur' innovation dynamism and entrepreneurship motivation. --创新体制机制、激发生机活力。营造“亲”“清”新型政商关系,创新政企互动机制,完善企业家正向激励机制,完善产权保护制度,增强企业家创新活力、创业动力。
-- Following development patterns and optimizing the development environment. Talent administration by the party shall be adhered to, market patterns and entrepreneur growth patterns shall be followed, precision supporting policies shall be improved, policy implementation shall be prompted, the confidence of entrepreneurs shall be boosted, their expectations shall be stabilized, and a law-oriented, transparent, equitable policy and public opinion environment shall be created. --遵循发展规律、优化发展环境。坚持党管人才,遵循市场规律和企业家成长规律,完善精准支持政策,推动政策落地实施,坚定企业家信心,稳定企业家预期,营造法治、透明、公平的政策环境和舆论环境。
-- Paying attention to demonstration and motivation and focusing on advocation and inheritance. Advanced role models for entrepreneurs shall be chosen and publicized, excellent entrepreneurship shall be advocated, an excellent entrepreneur team shall be built, and the fostering of a young generation of entrepreneurs shall be enhanced, so as to allow excellent entrepreneurship to pass onto future generations. --注重示范带动、着力弘扬传承。树立和宣传企业家先进典型,弘扬优秀企业家精神,造就优秀企业家队伍,强化年轻一代企业家的培育,让优秀企业家精神代代传承。
II. Creating a legal environment to protect the lawful rights and interests of entrepreneurs 二、营造依法保护企业家合法权益的法治环境
(3) Protecting the property rights of entrepreneurs by law. The opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on improving property protection system and lawfully protecting property shall be comprehensively implemented, prominent problems in the aspect of property protection shall be conscientiously solved, property dispute petition cases generating strong public concern shall be identified and corrected in a timely manner, and cases involving infringements upon property right shall be analyzed, and good practices, experience and cases relating to legal, effective property right protection shall be summarized and publicized. A permanent mechanism to legally, equally protect property rights of various ownership economies shall be established at a faster pace in all aspects and parts such as legislation, law enforcement, justice, and law observance. A mechanism of compensation and remedy for the damage to the lawful rights and interests of enterprises caused by adjustment of government plans and change of policies shall be researched on and established. 3.依法保护企业家财产权。全面落实党中央、国务院关于完善产权保护制度依法保护产权的意见,认真解决产权保护方面的突出问题,及时甄别纠正社会反映强烈的产权纠纷申诉案件,剖析侵害产权案例,总结宣传依法有效保护产权的好做法、好经验、好案例。在立法、执法、司法、守法等各方面各环节,加快建立依法平等保护各种所有制经济产权的长效机制。研究建立因政府规划调整、政策变化造成企业合法权益受损的依法依规补偿救济机制。
(4) Protecting the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in innovation by law. It shall be explored to determine the amount of damages by reference to the market value of intellectual property under existing framework of laws and regulations, and evidence rules, evidence disclosure and evidence obstruction removal rules in legal proceedings shall be improved. A green channel for non-litigation administrative enforcement shall be explored and established. Measures for the protection of intellectual property in innovation achievements such as business models and cultural creativity shall be researched on and developed. 4.依法保护企业家创新权益。探索在现有法律法规框架下以知识产权的市场价值为参照确定损害赔偿额度,完善诉讼证据规则、证据披露以及证据妨碍排除规则。探索建立非诉行政强制执行绿色通道。研究制定商业模式、文化创意等创新成果的知识产权保护办法。
(5) Protecting the operation autonomy of entrepreneurs by law. Entrepreneurs shall conduct autonomous operations by law, without being intervened in by governments and departments at all levels and their functionaries. List systems relating to enterprise-related charges and supervision and inspection, among others, shall be established and improved, enterprise-related charges, apportionment matters and various standard satisfaction appraisal activities shall be reviewed, and administrative law enforcement conditions shall be standardized and detailed, so as to minimize enterprise burden and reduce discretionary power. The right of enterprises to autonomously join or quit industrial associations or chambers of commerce shall be guaranteed by law. A unified national enterprise right defense service platform shall be researched on and established. 5.依法保护企业家自主经营权。企业家依法进行自主经营活动,各级政府、部门及其工作人员不得干预。建立完善涉企收费、监督检查等清单制度,清理涉企收费、摊派事项和各类达标评比活动,细化、规范行政执法条件,最大程度减轻企业负担、减少自由裁量权。依法保障企业自主加入和退出行业协会商会的权利。研究设立全国统一的企业维权服务平台。
III. Creating a market environment that promotes fair competition and bona fide operation among entrepreneurs 三、营造促进企业家公平竞争诚信经营的市场环境
(6) Enhancing the protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in fair competition. The fair competition review system shall be implemented to establish the fundamental position of competition policies. The market access negative list system shall be comprehensively implemented to ensure that various market participants legally, equally enter industries, fields and business not on the negative list. Monopoly, unfair competition and regional protectionism shall be combated, various regulations and practices obstructing market unity and fair competition shall be reviewed or repealed by law, the market environment featuring equal rights, opportunities and rules shall be improved, and market participants of various ownership economies shall be promoted in equally using factors of production, openly, fairly and equitably participating in market competition, and equally enjoying legal protection. 6.强化企业家公平竞争权益保障。落实公平竞争审查制度,确立竞争政策基础性地位。全面实施市场准入负面清单制度,保障各类市场主体依法平等进入负面清单以外的行业、领域和业务。反对垄断和不正当竞争,反对地方保护,依法清理废除妨碍统一市场公平竞争的各种规定和做法,完善权利平等、机会平等、规则平等的市场环境,促进各种所有制经济依法依规平等使用生产要素、公开公平公正参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护。
(7) Improving the entrepreneur bona fide operation incentive and restraint mechanism. The spirit of contract shall be adhered to, publicity to entrepreneur's good faith shall be enhanced, the enterprise bona fide undertaking system shall be implemented, and entrepreneurs shall be supervised in voluntarily remaining bona fide, observing the law, doing business bona fide, and conducting production and operation in accordance with the laws and regulations. The national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publication system shall be used, the information on enterprises and entrepreneurs in departments and fields including industry and commerce, public finance and taxation, finance, justice, environmental protection, safety supervision, industrial association, and chambers of commerce shall be consolidated, personal credit records and good faith archives of entrepreneurs shall be established, and joint incentives for good faith and joint punishment for dishonesty shall be implemented. 7.健全企业家诚信经营激励约束机制。坚守契约精神,强化企业家信用宣传,实施企业诚信承诺制度,督促企业家自觉诚信守法、以信立业,依法依规生产经营。利用全国信用信息共享平台和国家企业信用信息公示系统,整合在工商、财税、金融、司法、环保、安监、行业协会商会等部门和领域的企业及企业家信息,建立企业家个人信用记录和诚信档案,实行守信联合激励和失信联合惩戒。
(8) Constantly making regulation fairer, more standard and simpler. The regulation list system shall be promoted, and regulatory matters, basis, departments, power, content, methods, procedures and punitive measures shall be specified and standardized. Regulation through inspections of randomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the publication of inspection results shall be comprehensively implemented to effectively avoid selective law enforcement. Comprehensive regulation shall be advanced, and coordinated cross-department, cross-region market regulation shall be strengthened. Comprehensive law enforcement shall be promoted in priority in the fields such as food and drug safety, quality inspection in industry and commerce, public health, work safety, culture and tourism, resource and environment, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, transport, urban and rural construction, and ocean fishery, and cross-department comprehensive law enforcement shall be vigorously explored in fields with good conditions. Prudential regulation modes encouraging innovation shall be explored and established. Repeated and multi-department law enforcement shall be eliminated, and the efficiency of comprehensive law enforcement shall be raised, to ease enterprise burden.

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