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Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China (2017 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国律师法(2017修正) [现行有效]

Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 19th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on May 15, 1996; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on December 29, 2001; revised at the 30th Session of the Tenth National People's Congress on October 28, 2007; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on October 26, 2012; and amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Eight Laws Including the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China at the 29th Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on September 1, 2017) (1996年5月15日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议通过 根据2001年12月29日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国律师法〉的决定》第一次修正 2007年10月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议修订 根据2012年10月26日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国律师法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2017年9月1日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国法官法〉等八部法律的决定》第三次修正)
Table of Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Lawyer Practice Licensing 第二章 律师执业许可
Chapter III Law Firms 第三章 律师事务所
Chapter IV Practices, Rights and Obligations of Lawyers 第四章 律师的业务和权利、义务
Chapter V Lawyers' Association 第五章 律师协会
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Law has been made to improve the lawyer system, standardize the practicing conduct of lawyers, safeguard the legal practice of law by lawyers, and discharge the functions of lawyers in the building of a socialist legal system.   第一条 为了完善律师制度,规范律师执业行为,保障律师依法执业,发挥律师在社会主义法制建设中的作用,制定本法。
Article 2 A lawyer as mentioned in this Law shall refer to a practitioner who has acquired a lawyer's practicing certificate according to law and accepts authorization or appointment to provide legal services for a client.   第二条 本法所称律师,是指依法取得律师执业证书,接受委托或者指定,为当事人提供法律服务的执业人员。
A lawyer shall maintain the legal rights and interests of a client, maintain the correct enforcement of law, and maintain the social fairness and justice. 律师应当维护当事人合法权益,维护法律正确实施,维护社会公平和正义。
Article 3 In practicing law, a lawyer must observe the Constitution and laws and adhere to the professional ethics and practicing disciplines of lawyers.   第三条 律师执业必须遵守宪法和法律,恪守律师职业道德和执业纪律。
In practicing law, a lawyer must take fact as the basis and take law as the yardstick. 律师执业必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。
In practicing law, a lawyer must accept the supervision of the state, public and client. 律师执业应当接受国家、社会和当事人的监督。
The legal practice of a lawyer shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual shall infringe upon the legal rights and interests of a lawyer. 律师依法执业受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵害律师的合法权益。
Article 4 The justice administrative authorities shall supervise and provide guidance for lawyers, law firms and lawyers' associations in accordance with this Law.   第四条 司法行政部门依照本法对律师、律师事务所和律师协会进行监督、指导。
Chapter II Lawyer Practice Licensing 

第二章 律师执业许可

Article 5 To apply for practicing law, a person shall satisfy the following conditions:   第五条 申请律师执业,应当具备下列条件:
1. Upholding the Constitution of the People's Republic of China; (一)拥护中华人民共和国宪法
2. He or she has passed the national uniform legal profession qualification examination and obtained the legal profession qualification; (二)通过国家统一法律职业资格考试取得法律职业资格;
3. Completing one-year internship at a law firm; and (三)在律师事务所实习满一年;
4. Having good character and conduct. (四)品行良好。
The certificate of passing the national uniform judicial examination and lawyer's qualification certificate obtained before the national uniform legal profession qualification shall have equal force with the national uniform legal profession qualification certificate. 实行国家统一法律职业资格考试前取得的国家统一司法考试合格证书、律师资格凭证,与国家统一法律职业资格证书具有同等效力。
Article 6 To apply for practicing law, a person shall lodge an application with the justice administrative authority of the people's government of a city with districts or the people's government of a district of a municipality directly under the Central Government, and submit the following materials:   第六条 申请律师执业,应当向设区的市级或者直辖市的区人民政府司法行政部门提出申请,并提交下列材料:
1. The national uniform legal profession qualification certificate; (一)国家统一法律职业资格证书;
2. Document issued by a lawyers' association on the applicant's passing the internship assessment; (二)律师协会出具的申请人实习考核合格的材料;
3. Identity certificate of the applicant; and (三)申请人的身份证明;
4. Certificate issued by a law firm on agreeing to accept the applicant. (四)律师事务所出具的同意接收申请人的证明。
To apply for practicing law on a part-time basis, a person shall also submit a certificate that the work unit of the applicant allows the applicant to practice law on a part-time basis. 申请兼职律师执业的,还应当提交所在单位同意申请人兼职从事律师职业的证明。
The authority accepting the application shall examine the application and submit its examination opinions and all application materials to the justice administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government within 20 days as of the date of acceptance. The justice administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall review the submissions and make a decision on approving or disapproving the practice of law within ten days as of receiving the submissions. If the practice of law is approved, a lawyer's practicing certificate shall be issued to the applicant; if the practice of law is disapproved, the reasons shall be explained in writing to the applicant. 受理申请的部门应当自受理之日起二十日内予以审查,并将审查意见和全部申请材料报送省、自治区、直辖市人民政府司法行政部门。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府司法行政部门应当自收到报送材料之日起十日内予以审核,作出是否准予执业的决定。准予执业的,向申请人颁发律师执业证书;不准予执业的,向申请人书面说明理由。
Article 7 A lawyer's practicing certificate shall not be issued to an applicant who is under any of the following circumstances:   第七条 申请人有下列情形之一的,不予颁发律师执业证书:
1. Having no capacity or limited capacity in civil conduct; (一)无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的;
2. Having a record of criminal punishment, except for a crime of negligence; or (二)受过刑事处罚的,但过失犯罪的除外;
3. He or she is expelled from a public office or his or her lawyer's or notary's practicing license is revoked. (三)被开除公职或者被吊销律师、公证员执业证书的。
Article 8 Where a person, who has received regular course education or above in an institution of higher learning, has been engaged in the professional work for at least 15 years in a field short of legal service staff and has a senior professional title or an equivalent professional title, applies for practicing law on a full-time basis, an approval of practice of law may be granted if he passes the assessment of the justice administrative authority under the State Council. The specific rules shall be made by the State Council.   第八条 具有高等院校本科以上学历,在法律服务人员紧缺领域从事专业工作满十五年,具有高级职称或者同等专业水平并具有相应的专业法律知识的人员,申请专职律师执业的,经国务院司法行政部门考核合格,准予执业。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 9 Under either of the following circumstances, the justice administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall revoke a decision on approving the practice of law, and cancel the lawyer's practicing certificate of the person whose practice of law is approved:   第九条 有下列情形之一的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府司法行政部门撤销准予执业的决定,并注销被准予执业人员的律师执业证书:
1. An applicant has acquired a lawyer's practicing certificate by fraud, bribery or any other illicit means; or (一)申请人以欺诈、贿赂等不正当手段取得律师执业证书的;
2. The practice of law by an applicant who does not satisfy the conditions set forth in this Law has been approved. (二)对不符合本法规定条件的申请人准予执业的。
Article 10 A lawyer may only practice law in one law firm. Where a lawyer changes his firm of practice, he shall apply for replacement of the lawyer's practicing certificate.   第十条 律师只能在一个律师事务所执业。律师变更执业机构的,应当申请换发律师执业证书。
The practice of law by a lawyer shall be free of territorial restrictions. 律师执业不受地域限制。
Article 11 A civil servant shall not concurrently serve as a practicing lawyer.   第十一条 公务员不得兼任执业律师。
A lawyer, who serves as a member of a standing committee of a people's congress at any level, shall not be engaged in a practice of representation or defense in litigation during his term of membership. 律师担任各级人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员的,任职期间不得从事诉讼代理或者辩护业务。
Article 12 A person who is engaged in the legal education or research work in an institution of higher learning or research institute may apply for practicing law as a part-time lawyer, according to the procedures set forth in Article 6 of this Law, with the consent of the work unit of the person, if the conditions set forth in Article 5 of this Law are satisfied.   第十二条 高等院校、科研机构中从事法学教育、研究工作的人员,符合本法第五条规定条件的,经所在单位同意,依照本法第六条规定的程序,可以申请兼职律师执业。
Article 13 A person who has not acquired a lawyer's practicing certificate shall not be engaged in legal service practices in the name of lawyer; and, except as otherwise provided for by law, shall not be engaged in a practice of representation or defense in litigation.   第十三条 没有取得律师执业证书的人员,不得以律师名义从事法律服务业务;除法律另有规定外,不得从事诉讼代理或者辩护业务。
Chapter III Law Firms 

第三章 律师事务所

Article 14 A law firm is a firm where a lawyer practices law. To form a law firm, the following conditions shall be satisfied:   第十四条 律师事务所是律师的执业机构。设立律师事务所应当具备下列条件:
1. It shall have its own name, residence and articles of association; (一)有自己的名称、住所和章程;
2. It shall have lawyers consistent with the provisions of this Law; (二)有符合本法规定的律师;
3. The promoter shall be a lawyer with certain practicing experience and without suffering a penalty of cessation of practicing within three years; and (三)设立人应当是具有一定的执业经历,且三年内未受过停止执业处罚的律师;
4. It shall have assets in the amount as provided for by the justice administrative authority of the State Council. (四)有符合国务院司法行政部门规定数额的资产。
Article 15 To form a partnership law firm, in addition to satisfying the conditions set forth in Article 14 of this Law, there shall be three or more partners, and a promoter shall be a lawyer with practicing experience for three or more years.   第十五条 设立合伙律师事务所,除应当符合本法第十四条规定的条件外,还应当有三名以上合伙人,设立人应当是具有三年以上执业经历的律师。
A partnership law firm may be formed as a general partnership or a limited liability partnership. The partners of a partnership law firm shall be liable for the debts of the law firm in terms of the form of partnership. 合伙律师事务所可以采用普通合伙或者特殊的普通合伙形式设立。合伙律师事务所的合伙人按照合伙形式对该律师事务所的债务依法承担责任。
Article 16 To form a sole proprietorship law firm, in addition to satisfying the conditions set forth in Article 14 of this Law, the promoter shall be a lawyer with practicing experience for five or more years. The promoter shall be unlimitedly liable for the debts of the law firm.   第十六条 设立个人律师事务所,除应当符合本法第十四条规定的条件外,设立人还应当是具有五年以上执业经历的律师。设立人对律师事务所的债务承担无限责任。
Article 17 To apply for forming a law firm, the following materials shall be submitted:   第十七条 申请设立律师事务所,应当提交下列材料:
1. The written application; (一)申请书;
2. The name and articles of association of the law firm to be formed; (二)律师事务所的名称、章程;
3. The list and resumes, identity certificates and lawyer's practicing certificates of lawyers; (三)律师的名单、简历、身份证明、律师执业证书;
4. Certificate of residence; and (四)住所证明;
5. Certificate of assets. (五)资产证明。
To form a partnership law firm, a partnership agreement shall also be submitted. 设立合伙律师事务所,还应当提交合伙协议。
Article 18 To form a law firm, an application shall be lodged with the justice administrative authority of the people's government of a city with districts or the people's government of a district of a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the authority accepting the application shall examine the application and submit its examination opinions and all application materials to the justice administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government within 20 days as of the date of acceptance. The justice administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall review the submissions and make a decision on approving or disapproving the formation of the law firm within ten days as of receiving the submissions. If the formation of the law firm is approved, a law firm's practicing certificate shall be issued to the applicant; if the formation of the law firm is disapproved, the reasons shall be explained in writing to the applicant.
   第十八条 设立律师事务所,应当向设区的市级或者直辖市的区人民政府司法行政部门提出申请,受理申请的部门应当自受理之日起二十日内予以审查,并将审查意见和全部申请材料报送省、自治区、直辖市人民政府司法行政部门。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府司法行政部门应当自收到报送材料之日起十日内予以审核,作出是否准予设立的决定。准予设立的,向申请人颁发律师事务所执业证书;不准予设立的,向申请人书面说明理由。

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