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Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Circuit Court Trial Administration [Effective]
最高人民法院巡回法庭审判管理工作指导意见 [现行有效]

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Circuit Court Trial Administration 


(April 6, 2017, No. 9 [2017] of the Supreme People's Court) (2017年4月6日 法发〔2017〕9号印发)
All units of the Supreme People's Court: 本院各单位:
The Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Circuit Court Trial Administration, as deliberated and adopted at the SPC President's Work Meeting, are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 《最高人民法院巡回法庭审判管理工作指导意见》已经院长办公会议审议通过,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
Annex: 附:
Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Circuit Court Trial Administration 最高人民法院巡回法庭审判管理工作指导意见
These Guiding Opinions are developed based on the actual work of the Supreme People's Court for further deepening the implementation of all the work requirements of the Party Group of the Supreme People's Court regarding circuit trials, judicial responsibility system, judicial publicity, and online case handling, practically strengthening circuit court trial administration, effectively ensuring the quality and efficiency of case handling by circuit courts, and fully using the demonstration effect of circuit courts. 为进一步深入贯彻落实院党组关于巡回审判、司法责任制、司法公开、网上办案等各项工作要求,切实加强巡回法庭审判管理工作,有效确保巡回法庭办案工作的质量和效率,充分发挥巡回法庭示范效应,结合我院工作实际,制定此指导意见。

I. Case acceptance and docketing phases 一、收立案阶段
1 Functionaries of litigation service centers shall collect by various means the certificate document numbers (identification card numbers, military official certificate numbers, passport numbers or organization codes, among others), mobile phone numbers and service addresses, among others, of retrial applicants, petitioners, appellants, and agents ad litem, guide the aforesaid persons in choosing electronic service, and require them to sign "service address and mode confirmation," and provide the information such as the contact information of the respondents and appellees. 1.诉讼服务中心工作人员应当通过各种方式采集再审申请人、申诉人、上诉人及诉讼代理人的证件号码(身份证号、军官证号、护照号或者组织机构代码等)、手机号码、送达地址等,引导上述人员选择接受电子送达,要求上述人员签署“送达地址、送达方式确认书”,提供被申请人、被申诉人、被上诉人联系方式等信息。
2 If the conditions for case docketing in civil or administrative retrial applications or criminal petition are met, the functionaries of litigation service centers shall require retrial applicants or petitioners to submit the electronic copies of retrial applications or written petitions, effective judgments in the original trial, identification certificates, power of attorney, and evidential materials supporting retrial application or reasons for petition. Where retrial applicants or petitioners fail to submit electronic copies, or where the electronic copies are contrary to requirements, functionaries shall give one-off notice of the specifications and formats of the documents they need to provide. If electronic copies cannot be provided alone owing to difficulties, functionaries shall guide scanning centers in providing assistance and making electronic copies. 2.对于符合民事、行政再审申请或者刑事申诉立案条件的,诉讼服务中心工作人员应当要求再审申请人或者申诉人提交再审申请书或者申诉状、原审生效裁判文书、身份证明材料、委托代理手续以及支持申请再审或者申诉理由的有关证据材料的电子文档。再审申请人或者申诉人未提交电子文档或者提交的电子文档不符合要求的,工作人员应当一次性告知其所需提供材料的规格和样式。对于确有困难无法自行提供电子文档的,工作人员应当指导扫描中心帮助制作电子文档。
3 With respect to a case for second-instance trial, the court of first instance shall hand over case files in the original trial together with electronic copies of the case files in the original trial and of written appeal, judgments in the original trial, identification certificates, power of attorney, relevant evidential materials and other appellate documents. If electronic copies of case files are not provided as required, the functionaries of the litigation service center shall require the court of first instance to supplement documents. If electronic copies of appellate documents are not provided as required, the functionaries of the litigation service center may either require the court of first instance to supplement documents or guide the scanning center in making electronic copies. 3.对于二审案件,一审法院移送一审卷宗时,应当同时提供一审电子卷宗和上诉状、一审裁判文书、身份证明材料、委托代理手续、有关证据材料等上诉材料的电子文档。对于未按照要求提供电子卷宗的,诉讼服务中心工作人员应当要求一审法院补充材料。对于未按照要求提供上诉材料电子文档的,诉讼服务中心工作人员可以要求一审法院补充材料,也可以指导扫描中心制作。
4 Circuit courts shall vigorously guide civil or administrative retrial applicants or agents ad litem in applying for online case docketing appointment or online case docketing relying on the Internet. Retrial applicants who apply for online case docketing appointment, or agents ad litem who apply for online case docketing, shall enter the information specified in Article 1 of these Guiding Opinions in detail and upload the electronic copies specified in Article 2 of these Guiding Opinions. If an online case docketing appointment has been made, the circuit court shall provide a prior case docketing channel, and the retrial applicant shall submit original litigation documents at the case docketing window and sign "service address and mode confirmation." 4.巡回法庭应当积极引导民事、行政再审申请人和诉讼代理人依托互联网申请网上预约立案或者网上立案。再审申请人申请网上预约立案,或者诉讼代理人申请网上立案的,应当详细填录本指导意见第1条规定的信息,并上传本指导意见第2条规定的电子文档。对于已经在网上预约立案的,巡回法庭应当提供优先立案通道,由再审申请人在立案窗口提交诉讼材料原件,并签署“送达地址、送达方式确认书”。
5 Information centers shall establish a stable, easy channel for the access to the original trial electronic case file to support functionaries of circuit courts in instantaneously accessing to all electronic case files in the original trials of local courts based on visits and the need of case handling and support the automatic importation of electronic case files in the original trials into the case handling platforms. Circuit courts with good conditions shall establish a special channel for the access to electronic case file jointly with local higher people's courts to realize interconnection and information sharing with local courts' information-based platforms. Circuit courts shall supervise local courts to cooperate in effectively conducting all the work including creation of and access to electronic case files to ensure the resolution of difficulties in online case handling from the source. 5.信息中心应当建立稳定便捷的原审电子卷宗调取通道,支持巡回法庭工作人员根据接访和办案工作需要依权限实时调取辖区法院所有原审电子卷宗,并支持将原审电子卷宗自动导入办案平台。有条件的巡回法庭,可以会同辖区高级人民法院探索建立专门的电子卷宗调取通道,实现与辖区法院信息化平台的互联互通、信息共享。巡回法庭应当督促辖区法院配合做好电子卷宗制作和调取等各项工作,确保从源头上解决网上办案难题。
6 Except where national secrets are involved, circuit courts shall conduct all the work relying on the public complaint system or case handling platforms from the time when accepting the case documents submitted by lower-level courts, parties to cases or agents ad litem, all case documents shall be circulated and approved online and be traceable for the whole process, and the process and progress of cases shall be voluntarily disclosed to parties to cases and agents ad litem. 6.自接收下级法院、案件当事人或者诉讼代理人提交的案件材料开始,除涉及国家秘密的内容外,巡回法庭的所有工作均应依托信访系统或者办案平台进行,所有案件材料均应实现网上流转、网上审批、全程留痕,案件流程进展情况均应向案件当事人及诉讼代理人主动公开。
7 At case docketing, functionaries docketing cases shall accurately and completely enter the information on parties to cases, cases of original instance, and causes for case docketing, among others, in the case handling platform. In respect of cases for second-instance trials, functionaries docketing cases shall enter the certificate numbers, mobile phone numbers, service addresses and other information of all parties to cases; and in respect of cases for review, functionaries docketing cases shall enter the certificate numbers, mobile phone numbers, service addresses and other information of parties applying for retrial or filing petitions. If parties to cases has entrusted agents ad litem at the phase of case docketing, functionaries docketing cases shall enter the information such as the certificate numbers, mobile phone numbers and service addresses of the agents ad litem. 7.立案时,立案工作人员应当准确完整填写办案平台中的案件当事人信息、原审案件信息、立案案由等各项立案信息。对于二审案件,立案工作人员应当填录所有案件当事人的证件号码、手机号码、送达地址等信息;对于审查类案件,立案工作人员应当填录申请再审、申诉一方当事人的证件号码、手机号码、送达地址等信息。案件当事人在立案阶段已经委托诉讼代理人的,立案工作人员应当填录诉讼代理人的证件号码、手机号码、送达地址等信息。
8 Except cases of which higher people's courts request approval of the extension of the time limit for trial, circuit courts shall generally not handle cases under the request. A circuit court that considers it necessary to handle such cases shall submit a report to the trial administration office and explain the reasons. If the trial administration office considers after joint research with the case docketing tribunal, research office and the relevant business departments that the circuit court shall conduct the trial, the circuit court may docket the cases. 8.除高级人民法院报请批准延长审限的案件外,巡回法庭一般情况下不应当办理请示案件。巡回法庭认为确实需要办理请示案件的,应当在立案前向审管办提交报告并说明理由。审管办会同立案庭、研究室及相关业务部门共同研究后,认为应当由巡回法庭审理的,巡回法庭可以立案。
9 Cases shall be assigned relying on the case handling platforms, the basic principles of randomness, balance and automation shall be adhered to, and manual case assignment shall no longer be adopted. A circuit court may, based on its actual circumstances, offer its detailed random case assignment rules to the trial administration office, and hand the rules over to the information center to process upon the review of the trial administration office. Case assignment rules shall be easy and feasible as much as possible on the basis of ensuring basically balanced workload of case handling by its presiding judges. The random case assignment rules of each circuit court shall be disclosed within the court. 9.分案工作依托办案平台进行,应当坚持随机、均衡、自动的基本原则,不再采用手工分案方式。巡回法庭可以结合自身实际,向审管办提出本庭详细的随机分案规则,经审管办审核后交信息中心办理。分案规则应在确保本庭主审法官办案工作量基本均衡的基础上,尽量简单、可行。各巡回法庭随机分案规则向全院公开。
10 Each circuit court shall appoint a court leader to be responsible for confirming and adjusting case assignment. The members of a collegial panel shall not be altered in principle upon determination thereof. Where the members of the collegial panel must be altered due to special need, a report shall be filed level by level with the court leader responsible for confirming and adjusting case assignment for approval. The adjustment of case assignment shall be disclosed to all the staff members of the court through the case-handling platform and to parties to cases and agents ad litem through the trial process information disclosure platform. 10.各巡回法庭应当指定一名庭领导负责确认和调整分案。确定合议庭成员后,原则上不应变更合议庭成员。因特殊需要必须变更合议庭成员的,应当层报负责调整分案的庭领导审批。调整分案情况通过办案平台向全庭所有人员公开,并通过审判流程信息公开平台向案件当事人及诉讼代理人公开。
II. Trial phase 二、审理阶段
11 Where case information changes in the process of case trial, the presiding judge shall guide the assistant judge or clerk in making alterations at the case-handling platform. With respect to a case in the review category, at the trial phase, the assistant judge or clerk shall collect and enter the information such as the certificate number, mobile phone number and service address of the respondent. If, at the trial phase in a case, parties entrust, add or replace agents ad litem, or the certificate number, mobile phone number or service address, among others, of an agent ad litem changes, the assistant judge or clerk shall collect and enter or update the aforesaid information. An assistant judge or a clerk shall collect the aforesaid information by consulting case files, by contacting the court at a lower level or the people's procuratorate, or by any other means.

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