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Measures for the Administration of the Overall Plan for Land Utilization [Expired]
土地利用总体规划管理办法 [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Land and Resources 


(No. 72) (第72号)

The Measures for the Administration of the Overall Plan for Land Utilization, as deliberated and adopted at the 1st executive meeting of the Ministry of Land and Resources on May 2, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《土地利用总体规划管理办法》已经2017年5月2日国土资源部第1次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Minister: Jiang Daming 部长 姜大明
May 8, 2017 2017年5月8日
Measures for the Administration of the Overall Plan for Land Utilization 土地利用总体规划管理办法
(Adopted at the 1st executive meeting of the Ministry of Land and Resources on May 2, 2017) (2017年5月2日国土资源部第1次部务会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of implementing the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, strengthening and standardizing the overall plan for and administration of land utilization, strictly protecting the cultivated land, and promoting the utilization of land in an economical and intensive way, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China.   第一条 为落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,加强和规范土地利用总体规划管理,严格保护耕地,促进节约集约用地,根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和《中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例》,制定本办法。
Article 2 The overall plan for land utilization, as an important integral part of the national spatial planning system, is an important basis for the implementation of land use control, the protection of land resources and the coordination of various land use activities.   第二条 土地利用总体规划是国家空间规划体系的重要组成部分,是实施土地用途管制,保护土地资源,统筹各项土地利用活动的重要依据。
Urban and rural construction, regional development, infrastructure construction, industrial development, ecological environment protection, mineral resources exploration and development and other various plans relevant to land utilization shall be connected with the overall plan for land utilization. 城乡建设、区域发展、基础设施建设、产业发展、生态环境保护、矿产资源勘查开发等各类与土地利用相关的规划,应当与土地利用总体规划相衔接。
Article 3 The development, examination, implementation, amendment, supervision and inspection of the overall plan for land utilization shall be governed by these Measures.   第三条 土地利用总体规划的编制、审查、实施、修改和监督检查,适用本办法。
Article 4 Entities and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the management of the overall plan for land utilization, their relevant scientific research, and other respects shall be commended and rewarded by the competent departments of land and resources.   第四条 在土地利用总体规划管理及其相关科学研究等方面取得显著成绩的单位和个人,由国土资源主管部门给予表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Development of Plan 

第二章 规划编制

Article 5 The overall plan for land utilization is divided into five levels including national, provincial, municipal, county and village (town).   第五条 土地利用总体规划分为国家、省、市、县和乡(镇)五级。
The overall plan for land utilization of villages are an important integral part of the overall plan for land utilization of villages (towns). 村土地利用规划是乡(镇)土地利用总体规划的重要组成部分。
Article 6 The overall plan for land utilization shall be developed by the people's governments at all levels according to the law and shall be specifically undertaken by the competent departments of land and resources. The competent departments of land and resources shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, develop the overall plan for land utilization at the same level and examine the overall plan for land utilization at lower levels.   第六条 土地利用总体规划依法由各级人民政府组织编制,国土资源主管部门具体承办。国土资源主管部门会同有关部门编制本级土地利用总体规划,审查下级土地利用总体规划。
The overall plan for land utilization shall be complied under the working principles of government organization, expert leadership, departmental cooperation and public participation. 编制土地利用总体规划,应当坚持政府组织、专家领衔、部门协作、公众参与的工作原则。
Article 7 Before the development of the overall plan for land utilization, the competent departments of land and resources shall evaluate the implementation of the plans currently in force, and carry out the basic investigation, the collection of land investigation results and materials, research of major problems, and other preliminary work.   第七条 土地利用总体规划编制前,国土资源主管部门应当对现行规划的实施情况进行评估,开展基础调查、土地调查成果资料收集、重大问题研究等前期工作。
Article 8 The competent departments of land and resources shall, according to the status quo of land utilization, according to the requirements of the national economic and social development plans, and on the basis of the major functional area plans, national land plans and the national development strategies, organize the development of the outlines for the overall plan for land utilization.   第八条 国土资源主管部门应当依据土地利用现状,按照国民经济和社会发展规划等要求,以主体功能区规划、国土规划、国家发展战略为基础,组织编制土地利用总体规划大纲。
An outline for the overall plan for land utilization includes: 土地利用总体规划大纲包括:
(1) the background of the plan; (一)规划背景;
(2) the status quo and evaluation of land utilization; (二)土地利用现状与评价;
(3) the guiding thought and principles; (三)指导思想和原则;
(4) the strategic positioning and objectives of land utilization; (四)土地利用战略定位和目标;
(5) the scale, structure and overall layout of land utilization; and (五)土地利用规模、结构与总体布局;
(6) the implementation measures of the plan. (六)规划实施措施。
Whether the outlines for the overall plan for land utilization of villages (towns) shall be developed shall be decided by the competent departments of land and resources of the districted cities and autonomous prefectures in light of the actual circumstances. 乡(镇)土地利用总体规划大纲是否编制,由设区的市、自治州国土资源主管部门根据实际情况决定。
Article 9 The local competent departments of land and resources at or above the county level shall, according to the outlines for the overall plan for land utilization that have passed the examination, develop the overall plan for land utilization.   第九条 县级以上地方国土资源主管部门依据经审核通过的土地利用总体规划大纲,编制土地利用总体规划。
The overall plan for land utilization of villages (towns) may be concurrently developed with the overall plan for land utilization at the county level in the localities. 乡(镇)土地利用总体规划可以与所在地的县级土地利用总体规划同步编制。
Article 10 During the process of developing the overall plan for land utilization, for the major issues involving the protection and sustainable development of land and resources, the conservation and intensive utilization of land, the optimization of the land utilization structure and layout, the protection and construction of the land use structure, etc., the competent department of land and resources shall organize relevant experts to conduct special research and demonstration.   第十条 在土地利用总体规划编制过程中,对涉及土地资源保护与可持续发展、土地节约集约利用、土地利用结构布局优化、土地生态环境保护与建设等重大问题,国土资源主管部门应当组织相关方面的专家进行专题研究和论证。
Article 11 The competent departments of land and resources shall, under the leadership of the people's governments at the same level, establish a coordination mechanism for the development departments for the overall plan for land utilization and solicit the opinions of all relevant departments.   第十一条 国土资源主管部门应当在本级人民政府的领导下,建立土地利用总体规划编制部门协调机制,听取各有关部门的意见。
Article 12 For the major issues in the development of the overall plan for land utilization, the competent departments of land and resources may, in light of the reality and by a variety of means, consult the public for solutions.   第十二条 对土地利用总体规划编制中的重大问题,国土资源主管部门可以根据实际情况采取多种方式向社会公众征询解决方案。
For the plans directly involving the lawful rights and interests of the citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, the opinions of the public shall be fully solicited by announcement, hearing or other means. 对直接涉及公民、法人和其他组织合法权益的规划内容,应当采取公告、听证或者其他方式,充分听取公众的意见。
Where the opinions are solicited by announcement, an announcement shall be made for no less than 30 days. Where the opinions are solicited by hearing, the procedures as specified in the Provisions on the Hearings in Respect of Land and Resources shall be followed. 采取公告方式听取意见的,公告的时间不得少于三十日。采取听证方式听取意见的,按照《国土资源听证规定》的程序进行。
Consultation, solicitation and adoption of the public opinions shall be jointly submitted as the examination materials for the submission of plans. 征询、听取和采纳公众意见情况应当作为规划报送审查材料一并上报。
Article 13 The competent departments of land and resources shall organize relevant experts to demonstrate the overall plan for land utilization, and the demonstration information shall be jointly submitted as the examination materials for the submission of plans.   第十三条 国土资源主管部门应当组织相关方面专家对土地利用总体规划进行论证,论证情况应当作为规划报送审查材料一并上报。
Article 14 The overall plan for land utilization shall be developed by advanced scientific and technological means, the information construction for the administration of plans shall be strengthened, and the level of developing the overall plan for land utilization shall be enhanced.   第十四条 土地利用总体规划编制应当运用先进的科学技术手段,加强规划管理信息化建设,提高土地利用总体规划的编制水平。
The construction of the database of the overall plan for land utilization shall be concurrently completed with the development of the overall plan for land utilization and shall be concurrently examined and confirmed. 土地利用总体规划数据库建设工作应当与土地利用总体规划编制工作同步完成,同步审查确认。
Chapter III Contents of Plan 

第三章 规划内容

Article 15 An overall plan for land utilization shall include the following:   第十五条 土地利用总体规划应当包括下列内容:
(1) the assessment of the information on the implementation of the plan currently in force; (一)现行规划实施情况评估;
(2) the background of the plan; (二)规划背景;
(3) the status quo and evaluation of land utilization; (三)土地利用现状与评价;
(4) the analysis on the situation of land supply and demand; (四)土地供需形势分析;
(5) the land utilization strategy; (五)土地利用战略;
(6) the main objectives of the plan, including the quantity of cultivated land, the basic farmland protection area, the scale of construction land, the land rectification arrangements, etc.; (六)规划主要目标,包括耕地保有量、基本农田保护面积、建设用地规模和土地整治安排等;
(7) the optimization program for the land utilization structure, layout, timing arrangements and utilization of land in an economical and intensive way; (七)土地利用结构、布局、时序安排和节约集约用地的优化方案;
(8) differentiated policies for land utilization; (八)土地利用的差别化政策;
(9) the responsibilities and guarantee measures for the implementation of the plan; (九)规划实施的责任与保障措施;
(10) the maps and drawings of the plan; and (十)规划图件和图则;
(11) the explanation of the plan and the coordination and transition with the relevant plan. (十一)规划说明以及与相关规划协调衔接情况。
The contents of an overall plan for land utilization of a village (town) as prescribed in the preceding paragraph may be appropriately simplified in light of the actual circumstances. 乡(镇)土地利用总体规划可以根据实际情况,适当简化前款规定的内容。
Article 16 A overall plan for land utilization at the provincial level shall highlight the following contents:   第十六条 省级土地利用总体规划,应当重点突出下列内容:
(1) the information on the implementation of the national land utilization tasks; (一)国家级土地利用任务的落实情况;
(2) the solution to the major land utilization issues; (二)重大土地利用问题的解决方案;
(3) the main directions of land utilization in each region; (三)各区域土地利用的主要方向;
(4) the regulation and control of municipal land utilization; (四)对市级土地利用的调控;
(5) the major special arrangements for land utilization; and (五)土地利用重大专项安排;
(6) the innovation on the mechanism for the implementation of the plan. (六)规划实施的机制创新。
The overall plan for land utilization of the municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be developed in consideration of the provisions of the preceding paragraph and Article 17 of these Measures. 其中直辖市的土地利用总体规划,综合前款规定和本办法第十七条规定的内容编制。
Article 17 An overall plan for land utilization at the municipal level shall highlight the following contents:   第十七条 市级土地利用总体规划,应当重点突出下列内容:
(1) the implementation of the provincial land utilization tasks; (一)省级土地利用任务的落实;
(2) the land utilization scale, structure, layout and timing arrangements; (二)土地利用规模、结构、布局和时序安排;
(3) the land utilization function division and its control rules of different divisions; (三)土地利用功能分区及其分区管制规则;
(4) the control of land utilization in central urban areas; (四)中心城区土地利用控制;
(5) the regulation and control of county land utilization; (五)对县级土地利用的调控;
(6) the centralized designated areas of basic farmland; (六)基本农田集中划定区域;
(7) the key project arrangements; and (七)重点工程安排;
(8) the fulfillment of the responsibilities for the implementation of the plan. (八)规划实施的责任落实。
The central urban areas as specified in item 4 of the preceding paragraph include the main urban areas and their associated functional groups, and the focus of the land utilization control is determining the scale and layout of the newly increased construction land within the planning period and specifying the expansion boundary of the construction land in the central urban area according to the requirements for the regulation and control of land purposes.

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