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Regulations on Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement of Migrants for Large and Medium Water Conservation and Power Construction Projects (2017 Revision) [Effective]
大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例(2017修订) [现行有效]

Regulations on Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement of Migrants for Large and Medium Water Conservation and Power Construction Projects 


(Promulgated by Order No. 471 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on July 7, 2006; revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations for the first time on July 18, 2013; revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations for the second time on December 7, 2013; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement of Migrants for Large and Medium Water Conservation and Power Construction Projects for the third time on April 14, 2017) (2006年7月7日中华人民共和国国务院令第471号公布 根据2013年7月18日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2013年12月7日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订 根据2017年4月14日《国务院关于修改〈大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例〉的决定》第三次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purpose of doing a good job in the land requisition compensation and resettlement of migrants for large and medium water conservation and power construction projects, maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of migrants and ensuring the smooth construction of the projects, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and the Water Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为了做好大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置工作,维护移民合法权益,保障工程建设的顺利进行,根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和《中华人民共和国水法》,制定本条例。
Article 2 The land requisition compensation and resettlement of migrants for large and medium water conservation and power projects shall be governed by this Regulation.   第二条 大中型水利水电工程的征地补偿和移民安置,适用本条例。
Article 3 The state shall adopt a development migrant policy. It shall make the migrants' living level reach or exceed their former one by combining the early stage compensations and subsidies with follow-up support.   第三条 国家实行开发性移民方针,采取前期补偿、补助与后期扶持相结合的办法,使移民生活达到或者超过原有水平。
Article 4 The land requisition compensation and resettlement of migrants for large and medium water conservation and power construction projects shall comply with the following principles:   第四条 大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置应当遵循下列原则:
(1)Being man-orientated, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the migrants and satisfying the migrants' demands of subsistence and development; (一)以人为本,保障移民的合法权益,满足移民生存与发展的需求;
(2)Taking the interests of the whole into account, obeying the overall arrangement of the state, and giving attention to the interests of the state, collectives and individuals; (二)顾全大局,服从国家整体安排,兼顾国家、集体、个人利益;
(3)Saving land, reasonably planning the land to be requisitioned for projects, and controlling the scale of migrants; (三)节约利用土地,合理规划工程占地,控制移民规模;
(4)Ensuring the harmony of sustainable development with comprehensive exploitation and development of resources and ecological environment; and (四)可持续发展,与资源综合开发利用、生态环境保护相协调;
(5)Adjusting measures to local conditions and planning as a whole. (五)因地制宜,统筹规划。
Article 5 The migrant resettlement shall be subject to government leadership, level-by-level responsibility, based on county, and participation of project legal persons.   第五条 移民安置工作实行政府领导、分级负责、县为基础、项目法人参与的管理体制。
The migrant administrative department of the State Council for water conservation and power projects (hereinafter referred to the migrant administrative department of the State Council) shall be responsible for the administration and supervision of resettlement of migrants of large and medium water conservation and power construction projects throughout the country. 国务院水利水电工程移民行政管理机构(以下简称国务院移民管理机构)负责全国大中型水利水电工程移民安置工作的管理和监督。
The local people's governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for organizing and leading the migrant resettlement for large and medium water conservation and power projects within their respective administrative areas. The migrant administrative departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the administration of and supervision over the migrant resettlement for large and medium water conservation and power projects within their respective areas. 县级以上地方人民政府负责本行政区域内大中型水利水电工程移民安置工作的组织和领导;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的移民管理机构,负责本行政区域内大中型水利水电工程移民安置工作的管理和监督。
Chapter II Plan on Resettlement of Migrants 

第二章 移民安置规划

Article 6 With regard to a large or medium water conservation and power project for which a project legal person is established, the project legal person shall prepare a plan outline of the resettlement of migrants and shall, according to the examination and approval power, submit it to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the migrant administrative department of the State Council for examination and approval. The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the migrant administrative department of the State Council shall, prior to the examination and approval, consult the opinions of the local people's governments at the county level or above where the migration area and the migrant resettlement area are located.   第六条 已经成立项目法人的大中型水利水电工程,由项目法人编制移民安置规划大纲,按照审批权限报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院移民管理机构审批;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院移民管理机构在审批前应当征求移民区和移民安置区县级以上地方人民政府的意见。
With regard to a large or medium water conservation and power project for which no project legal person is established, the project administrative department shall, jointly with the local people's governments at the county level or above of the migration areas and the migrant resettlement areas, prepare a plan outline of resettlement of migrants, submit it to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the migrant administrative department of the State Council for examination and approval. 没有成立项目法人的大中型水利水电工程,项目主管部门应当会同移民区和移民安置区县级以上地方人民政府编制移民安置规划大纲,按照审批权限报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院移民管理机构审批。
Article 7 A plan outline of resettlement of migrants shall be prepared on the basis of the results of investigation of land to be occupied by the project and material objects in the areas to be submerged, information about the economy, society, and load capacity of resources and environment of migration areas and the migrant resettlement areas.   第七条 移民安置规划大纲应当根据工程占地和淹没区实物调查结果以及移民区、移民安置区经济社会情况和资源环境承载能力编制。
The investigation of land to be occupied by the project and material objects in the area to be submerged shall be made by the project administrative department or the project legal person jointly with the local people's governments where the land to be occupied by the project and the area to be submerged are located. The investigation of material objects shall be comprehensive and accurate. After the investigation results have been signed and confirmed by the investigators and the investigated and have been announced to the general public, the relevant local people's governments shall sign opinions thereon. Prior to the investigation of material objects, the provincial people's government where the land to be occupied by the project and areas to be submerged are located shall publish an announcement to ban new construction projects and move-in population and shall arrange the investigation of material objects. 工程占地和淹没区实物调查,由项目主管部门或者项目法人会同工程占地和淹没区所在地的地方人民政府实施;实物调查应当全面准确,调查结果经调查者和被调查者签字认可并公示后,由有关地方人民政府签署意见。实物调查工作开始前,工程占地和淹没区所在地的省级人民政府应当发布通告,禁止在工程占地和淹没区新增建设项目和迁入人口,并对实物调查工作作出安排。
Article 8 The plan outline of resettlement of migrants shall mainly include the migrant resettlement task, location, criterions, rural migrants' production and resettlement form, evaluation of the migrants' living level, forecast of the living level after resettlement, policies on follow-up support to the reservoir migrants, principle on the demarcation of the affected scope above the submerge line, and principle for the preparation of a plan on resettlement of migrants.   第八条 移民安置规划大纲应当主要包括移民安置的任务、去向、标准和农村移民生产安置方式以及移民生活水平评价和搬迁后生活水平预测、水库移民后期扶持政策、淹没线以上受影响范围的划定原则、移民安置规划编制原则等内容。
Article 9 To prepare a plan outline of resettlement of migrants, the project legal person or project administrative department shall widely listen to the opinions of the migrants and residents in the migrant resettlement areas, and hold a hearing where necessary.   第九条 编制移民安置规划大纲应当广泛听取移民和移民安置区居民的意见;必要时,应当采取听证的方式。
A plan outline of resettlement of migrants is the essential basis for the preparation of a migrant resettlement plan. It shall be executed strictly. It shall not be adjusted or modified randomly. If it is really necessary to make an adjustment or modification, it shall be subject to the approval of the original approval organ. 经批准的移民安置规划大纲是编制移民安置规划的基本依据,应当严格执行,不得随意调整或者修改;确需调整或者修改的,应当报原批准机关批准。
Article 10 If a project legal person has already been established, it shall prepare a migrant resettlement plan according to the approved plan outline of resettlement of migrants. If no project legal person has been established, the project administrative department shall, jointly with the local people's governments at the county level or above where the migration area and the migrant resettlement areas are located, prepare a migrant resettlement plan according to the approved plan outline of resettlement of migrants.   第十条 已经成立项目法人的,由项目法人根据经批准的移民安置规划大纲编制移民安置规划;没有成立项目法人的,项目主管部门应当会同移民区和移民安置区县级以上地方人民政府,根据经批准的移民安置规划大纲编制移民安置规划。
After a plan on the resettlement of migrants for a large or medium water conservation and power project has been examined and approved by the migrant administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or by the migrant administrative department of the State Council, the project legal person or the project administrative department shall submit it, along with the feasibility study report or project application report, to the project examination and approval department for examination and approval. 大中型水利水电工程的移民安置规划,按照审批权限经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府移民管理机构或者国务院移民管理机构审核后,由项目法人或者项目主管部门报项目审批或者核准部门,与可行性研究报告或者项目申请报告一并审批或者核准。
To examine and approve the migrant resettlement plan, the migrant administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the migrant administrative department of the State Council shall consult the opinions of the relevant departments of the people's government at the same level, and opinions of the local people's governments at the county level or above where the migration area and the migrant resettlement areas are located. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府移民管理机构或者国务院移民管理机构审核移民安置规划,应当征求本级人民政府有关部门以及移民区和移民安置区县级以上地方人民政府的意见。
Article 11 The preparation of a migrant resettlement plan shall be based on the load capacity of resources and environment and follow the principle of combining the local resettlement with non-local resettlement, centralized resettlement with separate resettlement, government resettlement with resettlement on the migrants' own initiatives.   第十一条 编制移民安置规划应当以资源环境承载能力为基础,遵循本地安置与异地安置、集中安置与分散安置、政府安置与移民自找门路安置相结合的原则。
The preparation of a migrant resettlement plan shall respect the production and living forms, habits and customs of the minority ethnic groups. 编制移民安置规划应当尊重少数民族的生产、生活方式和风俗习惯。
A migrant resettlement plan shall be linked to the plan on the national economy and social development, overall plan on utilization of land, overall plans of cities, plans on villages and market towns. 移民安置规划应当与国民经济和社会发展规划以及土地利用总体规划、城市总体规划、村庄和集镇规划相衔接。
Article 12 A migrant resettlement plan shall make arrangements for the resettlement of rural migrants, relocation of urban (market) towns, relocation of industrial and mining enterprises, relocation or rebuilding of particular facilities, construction of protection projects, follow-up support to reservoir migrants, land requisition compensation, budget (estimate) of migrant resettlement fund, etc.   第十二条 移民安置规划应当对农村移民安置、城(集)镇迁建、工矿企业迁建、专项设施迁建或者复建、防护工程建设、水库水域开发利用、水库移民后期扶持措施、征地补偿和移民安置资金概(估)算等作出安排。
The production and living difficulties of residents within the affected scope above the submerge line as a result of the water storage of reservoir shall be integrated into the migrant resettlement plan and shall, according to the economic and reasonable principle, be properly settled. 对淹没线以上受影响范围内因水库蓄水造成的居民生产、生活困难问题,应当纳入移民安置规划,按照经济合理的原则,妥善处理。
Article 13 To make a plan on the resettlement of rural migrants, the project legal person or project administrative department shall reasonably mark out the places for resettlement of rural migrants by focusing on the agricultural production resettlement and observing the principle of helping the production, facilitating the living and protecting the ecology. Where possible, such a plan shall also include the construction of small towns.   第十三条 对农村移民安置进行规划,应当坚持以农业生产安置为主,遵循因地制宜、有利生产、方便生活、保护生态的原则,合理规划农村移民安置点;有条件的地方,可以结合小城镇建设进行。
After the resettlement of rural migrants, it shall be ensured that the migrants have land and other agricultural production materials which are approximately equal to those owned by residents of the migrant resettlement areas. 农村移民安置后,应当使移民拥有与移民安置区居民基本相当的土地等农业生产资料。
Article 14 To make a plan on the resettlement of urban (market) migrants, the project legal person or project administrative department shall, on the basis of the status quo of the urban (market) towns, save land and make reasonable arrangements.   第十四条 对城(集)镇移民安置进行规划,应当以城(集)镇现状为基础,节约用地,合理布局。
The relocation of industrial and mining enterprises shall conform to the industrial policies of the state and take into the account of the technological renovation and structural adjustment. The enterprises, which adopt backward technologies, waste resources, produce products of poor quality, seriously pollute the environment or do not meet the work safety conditions shall be closed up according to law. 工矿企业的迁建,应当符合国家的产业政策,结合技术改造和结构调整进行;对技术落后、浪费资源、产品质量低劣、污染严重、不具备安全生产条件的企业,应当依法关闭。
Article 15 To prepare a migrant resettlement plan, the project legal person or project administrative department shall widely listen to the opinions of the migrants and residents of the migrant resettlement areas. Where necessary, it shall hold a hearing.   第十五条 编制移民安置规划应当广泛听取移民和移民安置区居民的意见;必要时,应当采取听证的方式。
An approved migrant resettlement plan is an essential basis for organizing and carrying out the resettlement of migrants. It shall be strictly executed and shall not be adjusted or revised randomly. Where it is really necessary to make an adjustment or supplement, it shall be subject to a new approval in accordance with Article 10 of this Regulation. 经批准的移民安置规划是组织实施移民安置工作的基本依据,应当严格执行,不得随意调整或者修改;确需调整或者修改的,应当依照本条例第十条的规定重新报批。
With regard to any large or medium water conservation or power construction project, for which a migrant resettlement plan is not prepared, or whose migrant resettlement has not undergone examination and approval, the relevant departments shall not approve it or approve its construction, nor handle the land use formalities or other relevant formalities. 未编制移民安置规划或者移民安置规划未经审核的大中型水利水电工程建设项目,有关部门不得批准或者核准其建设,不得为其办理用地等有关手续。
Article 16 The land requisition compensation and migrant resettlement fund, tax on occupation of cultivated land, reclaiming fee of cultivated land, and the relevant forest and vegetation restoration fees to be paid under the relevant provisions of the State Council shall be included into the budget of a large or medium water conservation and power project.   第十六条 征地补偿和移民安置资金、依法应当缴纳的耕地占用税和耕地开垦费以及依照国务院有关规定缴纳的森林植被恢复费等应当列入大中型水利水电工程概算。
The land requisition compensation and migrant resettlement fund includes the land compensation fee, resettlement subsidies, relocation of rural residential areas, relocation of urban (market) towns, relocation of industrial and mining enterprises as well as relocation of particular facilities or rebuilding compensation (including compensation for the fixtures of the land), indemnities for the personal properties of migrants (including the indemnities for the fixtures of the land and young crops) and moving subsidies, subsidies for cleaning the bottom of the reservoir, subsidies for the protection of cultural relics in the submerge areas, as well as other expenses as prescribed by the state. 征地补偿和移民安置资金包括土地补偿费、安置补助费,农村居民点迁建、城(集)镇迁建、工矿企业迁建以及专项设施迁建或者复建补偿费(含有关地上附着物补偿费),移民个人财产补偿费(含地上附着物和青苗补偿费)和搬迁费,库底清理费,淹没区文物保护费和国家规定的其他费用。
Article 17 The selection of sites for the relocation or rebuilding of rural residential areas for the centralized resettlement of rural migrants, urban (market) towns, industrial and mining enterprises, specific facilities shall be based on the evaluation of environmental impact, survey of hydrological geology and engineering geology, prevention and control of geological disasters, and evaluation of risks of geological disasters.   第十七条 农村移民集中安置的农村居民点、城(集)镇、工矿企业以及专项设施等基础设施的迁建或者复建选址,应当依法做好环境影响评价、水文地质与工程地质勘察、地质灾害防治和地质灾害危险性评估。
Article 18 Where possible, protection projects shall, on the economic and reasonable precondition, be built and other protection measures shall be taken for the residential areas and cultivated land within the submerge areas so as to decrease the submerge losses.   第十八条 对淹没区内的居民点、耕地等,具备防护条件的,应当在经济合理的前提下,采取修建防护工程等防护措施,减少淹没损失。
The expenses for the construction of protection projects shall be paid by the project legal person and the operation management expenses shall be paid by the administrative department of the large or medium water conservation and power project. 防护工程的建设费用由项目法人承担,运行管理费用由大中型水利水电工程管理单位负责。
Article 19 The location of the cultural relics within the land occupied by the project and within the submerge areas shall be clearly investigated and the protection value of the cultural relics shall be determined. The guideline of “stressing protection, giving priority to salvage” shall be observed. The priority shall be given to the protection and excavation of important cultural relics.   第十九条 对工程占地和淹没区内的文物,应当查清分布,确认保护价值,坚持保护为主、抢救第一的方针,实行重点保护、重点发掘。
Chapter III Land Requisition Compensation

第三章 征地补偿


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