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Provisions of the Ministry of Commerce on the Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign Investors (2015Amendment) [Effective]
商务部关于外商投资举办投资性公司的规定(2015修正) [现行有效]

Provisions of the Ministry of Commerce on the Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign Investors 


(Issued by the Order No. 22 [2004] of the Ministry of Commerce on November 17, 2004; and amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Commerce on Amending Some Rules and Regulatory Documents by the Order No. 2 [2015] of the Ministry of Commerce on October 28, 2015) (2004年11月17日商务部令二○○四年第22号公布 根据2015年10月28日中华人民共和国商务部令2015年第2号《商务部关于修改部分规章和规范性文件的决定》修正)

Article 1 In order to promote foreign investors to invest in China, introduce advanced technologies and management experiences from abroad, foreign investors are permitted to, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China on foreign investments as well as the present Provisions, establish investment companies in China.   第一条 为了促进外国投资者来华投资,引进国外先进技术和管理经验,允许外国投资者根据中国有关外国投资的法律、法规及本规定,在中国设立投资性公司。
Article 2 The term “investment company” as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to a company established by a foreign investor in the form of either wholly-owned enterprise or Chinese-foreign joint venture to engage in direct investments. Such a company shall be in the form of a limited liability company or a joint stock company.   第二条 本规定中投资性公司系指外国投资者在中国以独资或与中国投资者合资的形式设立的从事直接投资的公司。公司形式为有限责任公司或股份有限公司。
Article 3 An applicant who intends to establish an investment company shall meet the following conditions:   第三条 申请设立投资性公司应符合下列条件:
(1) (a) It is in good credit status and has the necessary economic strength to establish an investment company, with its total amount of assets during the year before the application being no less than US$ 400 million, and it has established a foreign-funded enterprise inside the territory of China, with the amount of registered capital it has actually contributed being US$ 10 million or more, or; (b) It is in good credit status and has the necessary economic strength to establish an investment company, and has established 10 or more foreign-funded enterprises inside the territory of China, with the amount of registered capital it has actually contributed being US$ 30 million or more; (一)1、外国投资者资信良好,拥有举办投资性公司所必需的经济实力,申请前一年该投资者的资产总额不低于四亿美元,且该投资者在中国境内已设立了外商投资企业,其实际缴付的注册资本的出资额超过一千万美元,或者;2、外国投资者资信良好,拥有举办投资性公司所必需的经济实力,该投资者在中国境内已设立了十个以上外商投资企业,其实际缴付的注册资本的出资额超过三千万美元;
(2) If it establishes an investment company by means of joint venture, the Chinese investor shall be in good credit status and have the necessary economic strength to establish an investment company, with its total amount of assets during the year before the application being no less than RMB 100 million Yuan; (二)以合资方式设立投资性公司的,中国投资者应为资信良好,拥有举办投资性公司所必需的经济实力,申请前一年该投资者的资产总额不低于一亿元人民币;
The foreign investor that applies to establish an investment company shall be a foreign company, enterprise or economic organization. If there are two or more foreign investors, there shall be at least one foreign investor who holds a major share and conforms to Item (1) of Paragraph 1 of the present Article. 申请设立投资性公司的外国投资者应为一家外国的公司、企业或经济组织,若外国投资者为两个以上的,其中应至少有一名占大股权的外国投资者符合本条第一款第(一)项的规定。
Article 4 A foreign investor who meets the conditions prescribed in Item (1), Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the present Provisions may invest to establish an investment company in the name of its wholly-owned subsidiary company.   第四条 符合本规定第三条第一款第(一)项规定的条件的外国投资者可以其全资拥有的子公司的名义投资设立投资性公司。
Article 5 If a foreign investor that applies to establish an investment company meets the conditions prescribed in Item (1), Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the present Provisions, it must issue a letter of warranty to the examination and approval organ, guaranteeing the contribution of the registered capital by the established investment company when investing inside the territory of China and the technology transfer of the said foreign investor or affiliated company.   第五条 申请设立投资性公司的外国投资者符合本规定第三条第一款第(一)项规定的条件的,该外国投资者须向审批机关出具保证函,保证其所设立的投资性公司在中国境内投资时注册资本的缴付和属于该外国投资者或关联公司的技术转让。
If a foreign investor invests to establish an investment company in the name of its wholly-owned subsidiary company, the parent company must issue a letter of warranty to the approval organ, guaranteeing the the subsidiary company's contribution of the registered capital of the investment company to be established according to the conditions of the approval organ, and guaranteeing the the investment company's contribution of registered capital when investing inside the territory of China and the technology transfer of the parent company and its subsidiaries. 以全资拥有的子公司的名义投资设立投资性公司的,其母公司须向审批机关出具保证函,保证其子公司按照审批机关批准的条件完成对所设立的投资性公司的注册资本的缴付,并保证该投资性公司在中国境内投资时的注册资本的缴付和属于该母公司及其所属公司的技术转让。
Article 6 An investor shall, when applying to establish an investment company, submit the following documents to the commerce administrative department of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, or city directly under state planning where the investment company will be located for verification and consent, which, if consented to, shall be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce for examination and approval.   第六条 申请设立投资性公司,投资者应将下列文件经拟设立投资性公司所在地的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市商务主管部门审核同意后,报商务部审查批准。
(1)In the case of establishing a joint venture, a project proposal on the establishment of a joint venture investment company, a feasibility study report, and contracts and articles of association signed by all parties to the investment; (一)设立合资的投资性公司投资各方签署的申请报告、合同、章程;
In the case of establishing a wholly-owned investment company, a project proposal signed by the foreign investor, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise's application form, feasibility study report and articles of association; 设立独资的投资性公司外国投资者签署的外资企业申请表、可行性研究报告、章程;
(2)The certification documents of credit status, certification documents of registration (photocopies) and certification documents of the legal representative (photocopies) of all parties to the investment; (二)投资各方的资信证明文件、注册登记证明文件(复印件)和法定代表人证明文件(复印件);
(3)The approval certificate (photocopy) and business license (photocopy) of the enterprise invested by the foreign investor; (三)外国投资者已投资企业的批准证书(复印件)和营业执照(复印件);
(4)The recent 3 years of balance sheets of all parties to the investment which have been audited in pursuance of law; (四)依法审计的投资各方近三年的资产负债表;
(5) The letter of warranty to be submitted as required by Article 5 of the present Provisions; and (五)依据本规定第五条应提交的保证函;
(6) Other documents required by the Ministry of Commerce. (六)商务部要求的其他文件。
All of the above-mentioned documents shall be formal documents unless they are indicated to be photocopies. 上述文件除已注明为复印件的,一律应为正式文件。
As to the documents not signed by a legal representative, a power of attorney of the legal representative shall be presented. 非法定代表人签署文件的,应出具法定代表人的委托授权书。
If a lawfully established intermediary institution is authorized to file the application, a power of attorney signed by the legal representative of the investor shall be presented. 委托依法设立的中介机构代为办理申请手续的,应出具由投资者法定代表人签署的委托授权书。
Article 7 A foreign investor must use convertible currencies or the Renminbi profits it obtains inside the territory of China or the lawful Renminbi proceeds it obtains due to any share transfer or liquidation, etc. as the registered capital it contributes to the investment company. A Chinese investor may invest in Renminbi. If a foreign investor uses its lawful Renminbi proceeds as registered capital to contribute to the investment company, it shall submit the relevant evidential documents and the tax payment receipts.   第七条 外国投资者须以可自由兑换的货币或其在中国境内获得的人民币利润或因转股、清算等活动获得的人民币合法收益作为其向投资性公司注册资本的出资。中国投资者可以人民币出资。外国投资者以其人民币合法收益作为其向投资性公司注册资本出资的,应当提交相关证明文件及税务凭证。
Article 8 In the registered capital of an investment company, there shall be at least US $ 30 million which shall be regarded as investments to the newly established foreign-funded enterprise, or be regarded as the incompletely contributed amount of investments to the foreign-funded enterprise invested and established by the parent company or affiliated company (with the formalities of stock right transfer having been lawfully completed), or the increased portion of investments, or be used for establishing a research and development center or other institutions, or be used for purchasing the stock rights of a shareholder of a domestic company inside the territory of China (excluding the stock rights formed by the capital contributions already paid by the parent company or the affiliated companies of the investment company).   第八条 投资性公司的注册资本中至少应有三千万美元作为向其投资新设立的外商投资企业的出资,或作为向其母公司或关联公司已投资设立外商投资企业(已依法办理完毕股权转让手续)未缴付完毕的出资额的出资,或增资部分的出资,或用于设立研发中心等机构的投资,或用于购买中国境内公司股东的股权(不包括投资性公司母公司或其关联公司已缴付完毕的出资额形成的股权)。
Article 9 If the registered capital of an investment company is no less than USD $ 30 million, the amount of loans shall be no more than 4 times of the contributed amount of registered capital. If the registered capital of an investment company is no less than USD $ 100 million, the amount of loans shall be no more than 6 times of the contributed amount of registered capital. If the amount of loans for the investment company is planned to exceed the above limit due to operation needs , it shall report to the Ministry of Commerce for approval.   第九条 投资性公司的注册资本不低于三千万美元,其贷款额不得超过已缴付注册资本额的四倍。投资性公司的注册资本不低于一亿美元,其贷款额不得超过已缴付注册资本额的六倍。投资性公司因经营需要,贷款额拟超过上述规定,应当报商务部批准。
Article 10 An investment company may, after its establishment is approved by the Ministry of Commerce, run the following business on the basis of its actual needs in undertaking business activities in China:   第十条 投资性公司经商务部批准设立后,可以依其在中国从事经营活动的实际需要,经营下列业务:
(1)Investing in accordance with the law in the areas where foreign investments are permitted by the state. (一)在国家允许外商投资的领域依法进行投资;
(2)Being entrusted in writing by an enterprise it invests in (unanimously adopted by the board of directors) to provide the enterprise with the following services: (二)受其所投资企业的书面委托(经董事会一致通过),向其所投资企业提供下列服务:
(a)Assisting or representing the said enterprise in purchasing machinery equipment, office equipment and raw materials, components and parts needed in production for the enterprise's own use from both home and abroad, as well as in selling products manufactured by the said enterprise in both domestic and overseas markets, and providing after-sale service; 1、协助或代理其所投资的企业从国内外采购该企业自用的机器设备、办公设备和生产所需的原材料、元器件、零部件和在国内外销售其所投资企业生产的产品,并提供售后服务;
(b)Balancing foreign exchange between the enterprises it invests in upon the consent and under the supervision of the foreign exchange department; 2、在外汇管理部门的同意和监督下,在其所投资企业之间平衡外汇;
(c)Providing the enterprise it invests in with such services as technical support in the process of production, sale and market development, training for employees, and intra-enterprise personnel management, etc.;

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