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Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation (2017 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国国际海运条例实施细则(2017修正) [已被修订]

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation



(Promulgated by the Ministry of Transport on January 20, 2003; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation on August 29, 2013; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation by Order No.4 of 2017 of the Ministry of Transport on March 7, 2017) (2003年1月20日交通部发布 根据2013年8月29日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国国际海运条例实施细则〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2017年3月7日交通运输部令2017年第4号交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国国际海运条例实施细则〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Implementation Rules are enacted in accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Ocean Shipping (hereinafter referred to as Shipping Regulations).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国国际海运条例》(以下简称《海运条例》)的规定,制定本实施细则。
Article 2 The Ministry of Communications and the communications authorities of the relevant local people's governments shall, according to the provisions of the Shipping Regulations and these implementation rules and in line with the principles of fairness, high efficiency and convenience, administer the business activities of international ocean shipping, and the business activities affiliated to international ocean shipping, and encourage fair competition and prohibit unfair competition.   第二条 交通运输部和有关地方人民政府交通运输主管部门应当依照《海运条例》和本实施细则的规定,按照公平、高效、便利的原则,管理国际海上运输经营活动和与国际海上运输相关的辅助性经营活动,鼓励公平竞争,禁止不正当竞争。
Article 3 The meaning of the following terms as used in the Shipping Regulations and these implementation rules are as follows:   第三条 《海运条例》和本实施细则中下列用语的含义是:
1) International shipping business refers to the services of international marine cargo and passenger transportation that the international shipping operator provides by using the ships and shipping space it owns or operates, as well as the relevant activities carried out for the completion of these services around its ships, passengers or goods carried, including signing the relevant agreements, accepting bookings, negotiating on and collecting passenger ticket fares and freights, issuing passenger tickets and bills of lading and other relevant transport documents, arranging embarkation and disembarkation by passengers, arranging for loading and unloading of goods, arranging for storage, handing over the goods, and arranging for transshipment and ship's entry and exit of the port etc. (一)国际船舶运输业务,是指国际船舶运输经营者使用自有或者经营的船舶、舱位,提供国际海上货物运输和旅客运输服务以及为完成这些服务而围绕其船舶、所载旅客或者货物开展的相关活动,包括签订有关协议、接受订舱、商定和收取客票票款和运费、签发客票和提单及其他相关运输单证、安排旅客上下船舶、安排货物装卸、安排保管、进行货物交接、安排中转运输和船舶进出港等活动。
2) International shipping operators include Chinese international shipping operators and foreign international shipping operators. Among which, Chinese international shipping operators refer to the Chinese business corporations operating international shipping business that have obtained the International Shipping License pursuant to the Shipping Regulations and these implementation rules; foreign international shipping operators refer to the foreign enterprises established according to foreign laws and operating international shipping business through Chinese ports. (二)国际船舶运输经营者,包括中国国际船舶运输经营者和外国国际船舶运输经营者。其中,中国国际船舶运输经营者是指依据《海运条例》和本实施细则规定取得《国际船舶运输经营许可证》经营国际船舶运输业务的中国企业法人;外国国际船舶运输经营者是指依据外国法律设立经营进出中国港口国际船舶运输业务的外国企业。
3) International liner shipping business refers to providing regular international ocean cargo or passenger transportation between fixed ports by using the ships self-owned or operated, or by the method provided in Paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Shipping Regulations. (三)国际班轮运输业务,是指以自有或者经营的船舶,或者以《海运条例》十三条第三款规定的方式,在固定的港口之间提供的定期国际海上货物或旅客运输。
4) Non-vessel shipping refers to the business provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Shipping Regulations, including the following activities conducted around the goods for the completion of that business: (四)无船承运业务,是指《海运条例》七条第二款规定的业务,包括为完成该项业务围绕其所承运的货物开展的下列活动:
a. Signing international cargo transportation contract with the consignor as the carrier; (1)以承运人身份与托运人订立国际货物运输合同;
b. Accepting and delivering the goods as the carrier; (2)以承运人身份接收货物、交付货物;
c. Issuing the bills of lading or other transportation documents; (3)签发提单或者其他运输单证;
d. Taking freight and other remunerations for the service; (4)收取运费及其他服务报酬;
e. Booking shipping space and handling consignment for the goods carried with the international shipping operators or operators of other transportation means; (5)向国际船舶运输经营者或者其他运输方式经营者为所承运的货物订舱和办理托运;
f. Paying charges or other transportation fees; (6)支付运费或者其他运输费用;
g. Devanning and consolidating containers; (7)集装箱拆箱、集拼箱业务;
h. Other relevant businesses. (8)其他相关的业务。
5) Non-vessel shipping operators include Chinese non-vessel shipping operators and foreign non-vessel shipping operators. Among which, Chinese non-vessel shipping operators refer to the Chinese business corporations that have obtained the qualification for non-vessel shipping business according to the Shipping Regulations and these implementation rules; foreign non-vessel shipping operators refer to the foreign enterprises that were established according to foreign laws and that have obtained the qualification for non-vessel shipping business through Chinese ports according to the relevant provisions of the Shipping Regulations and these implementation rules. (五)无船承运业务经营者,包括中国无船承运业务经营者和外国无船承运业务经营者。其中中国无船承运业务经营者是指依照《海运条例》和本实施细则规定取得无船承运业务经营资格的中国企业法人;外国无船承运业务经营者是指依照外国法律设立并依照《海运条例》和本实施细则的相关规定取得经营进出中国港口货物无船承运业务资格的外国企业。
6) International ship agency operators refer to the Chinese business corporations that were established according to the law of China and that undertake the businesses provided in Article 25 of the Shipping Regulations. (六)国际船舶代理经营者,是指依照中国法律设立从事《海运条例》二十五条规定业务的中国企业法人。
7) International ship management operators refer to the Chinese business corporations that were established according to the law of China and that undertake the businesses provided in Article 26 of the Shipping Regulations. (七)国际船舶管理经营者,是指依照中国法律设立从事《海运条例》二十六条规定业务的中国企业法人。
8) Foreign-funded enterprises refer to the Chinese-foreign equity-joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and solely foreign-funded enterprises that were established according to the law of China. (八)外商投资企业,是指依照中国法律投资设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外商独资企业。
9) Resident representative offices of foreign merchants refer to the non-business agencies established by foreign enterprises or other economic organizations within China to carry out activities like publicity, introduction, consultation and contact etc. (九)外商常驻代表机构,是指外国企业或者其他经济组织在中国境内依法设立的,为其派出机构开展宣传、推介、咨询和联络活动的非营业性机构。
10) Enterprise business registration documents refer to the business licenses or establishment certificate of the enterprise issued by the enterprise registration department or the relevant authority of the country where the enterprise is located. In case the overseas enterprise business registration documents are photocopies, they must be accompanied by the confirmation of the enterprise registration department or the notarization certifying that the photocopies and the originals are consistent. (十)企业商业登记文件,是指企业登记机关或者企业所在国有关当局签发的企业营业执照或者企业设立的证明文件。境外企业商业登记文件为复印件的,须有企业登记机关在复印件上的确认或者证明复印件与原件一致的公证文书。
11) Liner conference agreements refer to the various kinds of agreements that are concluded by and between the members of the liner conference and between the liner conferences themselves and that are in conformity with the definition of the Convention On a Code of Conduct for Liner Conference, 1974. (十一)班轮公会协议,是指符合联合国《1974年班轮公会行动守则公约》定义的,由班轮公会成员之间以及班轮公会之间订立的各类协议。
12) Operation agreements refer to the agreements concluded by and between two or more international liner shipping operators on the increase or reduction of ships on one or more sea routes for the purpose of stabilizing or controlling the freight rates, as well as other agreements coordinating the joint conducts of the international liner shipping operators, including the conference minutes containing the aforesaid contents; and the agreements and the various kinds of union agreements, association agreements concluded by and between two or more international liner shipping operators on the joint use of ships, joint use of port facilities and other cooperation for the purpose of promoting efficiency. (十二)运营协议,是指两个或者两个以上国际班轮运输经营者为稳定或者控制运价订立的关于在一条或者数条航线上增加或者减少船舶运力协议,以及其他协调国际班轮运输经营者共同行动的协议,包括具有上述性质内容的会议纪要;两个或者两个以上国际班轮运输经营者为提高运营效率订立的关于共同使用船舶、共同使用港口设施及其他合作经营协议和各类联盟协议、联营体协议。
13) Freight rate agreements refer to the agreements concluded by and between two or more international linter shipping operators on charging items and the rates thereof, freight rates or additional fees etc, including the conference minutes containing the aforesaid contents. (十三)运价协议,是指两个或者两个以上国际班轮运输经营者之间订立的关于收费项目及其费率、运价或者附加费等内容的协议,包括具有上述内容的会议纪要。
14) Publicized freight rates refer to the freight rates stated on the freight rate book of the international liner shipping operator and non-vessel shipping operator. The freight rate book is composed of the freight rates, the rules for freight rate, and the provisions that the carrier and consignor shall observe. (十四)公布运价,是指国际班轮运输经营者和无船承运业务经营者运价本上载明的运价。运价本由运价、运价规则、承运人和托运人应当遵守的规定等内容组成。
15) Negotiated freight rates refer to the freight rates agreed upon by the international liner shipping operator and the cargo owner and non-vessel shipping operator, including the freight rates and the relevant factors. Negotiated freight rates shall be established in the form of written contract or agreement. (十五)协议运价,指国际班轮运输经营者与货主、无船承运业务经营者约定的运价,包括运价及其相关要素。协议运价以合同或者协议形式书面订立。
16) Practice qualification certificate refers to the personal resume proving that the person has more than 3 years of experience in international ocean shipping or auxiliary business activities thereof. The personal resume must be notarized by a notary organization. (十六)从业资历证明文件,是指被证明人具有3年以上从事国际海上运输或者国际海上运输辅助性经营活动经历的个人履历表。个人履历表须经公证机关公证。
Chapter II Operations of International Ocean Shipping and the Auxiliary Businesses Thereof 

第二章 国际海上运输及其辅助性业务的经营者

Article 4 The application for international shipping business by Chinese business corporations shall meet the conditions provided in Article 5 of the Shipping Regulations, taking into consideration the competition on the international ocean shipping market and the policies of the state on the development of international ocean transportation promulgated by the Ministry of Communications.   第四条 中国企业法人申请经营国际船舶运输业务,应当符合《海运条例》五条规定的条件,考虑交通运输部公布的国际海运市场竞争状况和国家关于国际海上运输业发展的政策。
The Ministry of Communications shall, in a timely manner, promulgate on its government website and other appropriate media the competition on the international ocean shipping market and the policies of the state on the development of international ocean transportation. Without being promulgated, the aforesaid competition and policies may not be taken as the basis for rejecting applications. 交通运输部应当在其政府网站和其他适当媒体上及时公布国际海运市场竞争状况和国家关于国际海上运输业发展的政策。上述状况和政策未经公布,不得作为拒绝申请的理由。
Article 5 For the application for international shipping business by a Chinese business corporation, the applicant shall file the application with the Ministry of Communications and submit the relevant materials, and shall, at the same time, send copies of the application materials to the communications authority of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the enterprise is located. The application materials shall include:   第五条 中国企业法人申请经营国际船舶运输业务,申请人应当向交通运输部提出申请,报送相关材料,并应同时将申请材料抄报企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通运输主管部门。申请材料应当包括:
1) Application form; (一)申请书;
2) Photocopies of the enterprise business registration document and company bylaws of the applicant; (二)申请人的企业商业登记文件、公司章程的复印件;
3) Duplicates or copies of the ship ownership certificate, nationality certificate and statutory inspection certificate; (三)船舶所有权证书、国籍证书和法定检验证书的副本或者复印件;
4) Photocopies of required International Ship Security Certificate, Safety Management Certificate, and shipping company safety and pollution prevention capacity compliance certification. (四)规定的国际船舶保安证书、安全管理证书、航运公司安全与防污染能力符合证明的复印件;
5) Samples of the bills of lading, passenger tickets or multimode transport documents; (五)提单、客票或者多式联运单证样本;
6) Practice qualification certificates of the senior managerial personnel in conformity with the provisions of the Ministry of Communications. (六)符合交通运输部规定的高级业务管理人员的从业资格证明。
The communications authority of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, after receiving the aforesaid materials sent, examine the relevant materials and give opinions, and the relevant opinions shall be submitted to the Ministry of Communications within 10 workdays from the receipt of the relevant materials. 有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通运输主管部门自收到上述抄报材料后,应当就有关材料进行审核,提出意见,并应当自收到有关材料之日起10个工作日内将有关意见报送交通运输部。
The Ministry of Communications shall, after receiving the application materials of the applicant, examine those materials according to Articles 5 and 6 of the Shipping Regulations and decide to approve the application or not within 30 days from the day on which the complete set of application materials are received. If the application is approved, the International Shipping License shall be issued to the applicant; if not, the applicant shall be notified by written form and be informed of the reasons. 交通运输部收到申请人的申请材料后,应当在申请材料完整齐备之日起30个工作日内按照《海运条例》五条和第六条的规定进行审核,作出许可或者不许可的决定。决定许可的,向申请人颁发《国际船舶运输经营许可证》;决定不许可的,应当书面通知申请人并告知理由。
An enterprise with a Business Permit for International Vessel Transportation shall, within the period of running international vessel transportation business, ensure that the relevant certificates and certification as set out in this Article remain lawful and valid. 取得《国际船舶运输经营许可证》的企业在经营国际船舶运输业务期间,应当确保本条所列有关证书、证明持续合法有效。
Article 6 The establishment of branches within China by a Chinese international shipping operator shall be governed by the procedures provided in Article 5 of these implementation rules. The application materials shall include:   第六条 中国国际船舶运输经营者在中国境内设立分支机构的,适用本实施细则第五条规定的程序。申请材料应当包括:
1) Application form; (一)申请书;
2) Photocopies of business registration documents and bylaws of the parent company; (二)母公司的商业登记文件、公司章程的复印件;
3) Photocopy of the International Shipping License of the parent company; (三)母公司的《国际船舶运输经营许可证》复印件;
4) Confirmation documents of the parent company on the business scope of the branch to be established; (四)母公司对该分支机构经营范围的确认文件;
5) Practice qualification certificates of the senior managerial personnel in conformity with the provisions of the Ministry of Communications. (五)符合交通运输部要求的高级业务管理人员的从业资格证明。
The branch of a Chinese international shipping operator may provide services to the ships owned or operated by its parent company, such as handling the formalities for the ship's entry and exit of port, arranging for the port operations, accepting bookings, issuing passenger tickets or bills of lading and taking the freight etc. 中国国际船舶运输经营者的分支机构可为其母公司所有或者经营的船舶提供办理船舶进出港口手续、安排港口作业、接受订舱、签发客票或者提单、收取运费等服务。
Article 7 A foreign-funded enterprise established to run international shipping agency business shall have fixed business premises and necessary business facilities, and have at least two senior business executives with more than three years of experience in international maritime transportation business.   第七条 设立外商投资企业经营国际船舶代理业务,应当有固定的营业场所和必要的营业设施,其高级业务管理人员中至少应当有2人具有3年以上从事国际海上运输经营活动的经历。
An enterprise running international shipping agency business shall, within 30 days following the commencement of the business, file enterprise name, registration place, contact information and other information and a photocopy of the Business License for Enterprise Legal Person with the Ministry of Transport. The Ministry of Transport shall regularly publish the names of international shipping agency business operators at its website or a website which is authorized to do so. 经营国际船舶代理业务的企业,应当在开业后30日内向交通运输部报备企业名称、注册地、联系方式等信息和《企业法人营业执照》复印件。交通运输部定期在其政府网站或者授权发布的网站发布国际船舶代理业务经营者名称。
Where an enterprise engaged in international shipping agency business alters its information or intends to terminate the international shipping agency business, it shall, within 15 days upon the alteration of information or termination of business activities, file with the Ministry of Transport. 从事国际船舶代理业务的企业变更企业信息或者不再从事国际船舶代理经营活动的,应当在信息变更或者停止经营活动的15日内,向交通运输部备案。
Article 8 A Chinese enterprise legal person which applies for running international ship management business shall file an application with the competent transport department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the business is to be run, and application documents shall include:   第八条 中国企业法人申请经营国际船舶管理业务,应当向拟经营业务所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通运输主管部门提出申请,申请材料应当包括:
1) a written application; (一)申请书;
2) photocopies of the enterprise business registration document and company bylaws of the applicant; (二)申请人的商业登记文件、公司章程的复印件;
3) certification document of fixed business premises; (三)固定营业场所的证明文件;
4) a photocopy of shipping company safety and pollution prevention capacity compliance certification; (四)航运公司安全与防污染能力符合证明复印件;
5) a certification document of qualifications and experience of a senior business executive as required in Article 9 (2) of the Regulation on International Marine Transportation; and (五)《海运条例》九条第(二)项规定的高级业务管理人员的从业资历证明文件;
6) photocopies of the competency certificates of the captain, chief engineer as provided for in Article 9(2) of the Regulation on International Marine Transportation. (六)《海运条例》九条第(三)项规定的人员的船长、轮机长适任证书复印件。
The communications authority of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, after receiving the aforesaid materials sent, examine the relevant materials within 10 workdays from the day on which the complete set of application materials is received. If the materials are true and meet the conditions provided in Article 9 of the Shipping Regulations, the qualification registration shall be made and the International Shipping Auxiliary Business Qualification Registration Certificate shall be issued; if the materials are untrue or fail to meet the conditions provided in Article 9 of the Shipping Regulations, no registration shall be made and the applicant shall be notified by written form and be informed of the reasons. 有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通运输主管部门收到申请人的申请材料后,应当在申请材料完整齐备之日起15个工作日内进行审核。材料真实且符合《海运条例》九条规定条件的,予以资格登记,并颁发《国际海运辅助业经营资格登记证》;材料不真实或者不符合《海运条例》九条规定条件的,不予登记,书面通知申请人并告知理由。
An enterprise with an International Shipping Auxiliary Business Qualification Registration Certificate shall, within the period of running international vessel management business, ensure that the relevant certificates and certification as set out in this Article remain lawful and valid. 取得《国际海运辅助业经营资格登记证》的企业在经营国际船舶管理业务期间,应当确保本条所列有关证书、证明持续合法有效。
Article 9 Where a branch established within the territory of China by an international ship management operator operates the relevant business, it shall meet the provisions of Article 9 of the Regulation on Maritime Transportation, and make registration in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Regulation on Maritime Transportation and Article 8 herein. The application materials for registration shall include:   第九条 国际船舶管理经营者在中国境内的分支机构经营相关业务的,应当符合《海运条例》九条的规定,并按照《海运条例》十条和本实施细则第八条的规定进行登记。登记申请材料应当包括:
(1) an application form; (一)申请书;
(2) Photocopies of business registration documents and bylaws of the parent company; (二)母公司的商业登记文件、公司章程的复印件;
(3) the photocopy of the International Maritime Transportation Auxiliary Business Qualification Registration Certificate of the parent company; (三)母公司的《国际海运辅助业经营资格登记证》复印件;
(4) the confirmation documents of the parent company on the business scope of the said branch; (四)母公司确定该分支机构经营范围确认文件;
(5) certificates of the business premise; and (五)营业场所的证明文件;
(6) documents certifying the business experience or qualification of the personnel as prescribed in Article 9 of the Regulation on Maritime Transportation. (六)《海运条例》九条规定的人员的从业资历或者资格的证明文件。
Article 10 An international shipping operator applying for undertaking international liner shipping business through Chinese ports shall file the application with the Ministry of Communications and submit the materials provided for in Article 14 of the Shipping Regulations. The Ministry of Communications shall make the examination pursuant to Article 14 of the Shipping Regulations. If the registration is to be made, the International Liner Shipping Qualification Registration Certificate shall be issued. If the application materials are untrue or incomplete, no registration shall be made, and the applicant shall be notified by written form and be informed of the reasons.   第十条 国际船舶运输经营者申请经营进出中国港口国际班轮运输业务,应当向交通运输部提出申请,并报送《海运条例》十四条规定的材料。交通运输部应当按照《海运条例》十四条的规定进行审核。予以登记的,颁发《国际班轮运输经营资格登记证》。申请材料不真实、不齐备的,不予登记,应当书面通知申请人并告知理由。
After the international shipping operator obtains the qualification for operating international liner shipping through Chinese ports, the Ministry of Communications shall promulgate on its government website or a website which is authorized to do so the name of that international liner shipping operator and the sample of its bill of lading.

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