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Provisions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Procedures for Administrative Punishments (2017) [Expired]
中国保险监督管理委员会行政处罚程序规定(2017) [失效]

Order of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 1 [2017]) (2017年第1号)

The Provisions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Procedures for Administrative Punishments, as deliberated and adopted at the chairman's executive meeting of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on January 5, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on March 31, 2017. 中国保险监督管理委员会行政处罚程序规定》已经2017年1月5日中国保险监督管理委员会主席办公会审议通过,现予公布,自2017年3月31日起实施。
Chairman: Xiang Junbo 主 席   项俊波
January 25, 2017 2017年1月25日
Provisions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Procedures for Administrative Punishments 中国保险监督管理委员会行政处罚程序规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating and guaranteeing the imposition of administrative punishments by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CIRC”) and its local offices (hereinafter referred to as “local offices”) in accordance with the law, maintaining the insurance market order, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of insurance institutions, insurance asset management institutions, insurance intermediaries, foreign insurance institutions' representative offices in China, insurance practitioners, other organizations, and citizens (hereinafter referred to as the “parties”), these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Punishment Law”), the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Insurance Law”), and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范和保障中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)及中国保监会派出机构(以下简称派出机构)依法实施行政处罚,维护保险市场秩序,保护保险机构、保险资产管理机构、保险中介机构、外国保险机构驻华代表机构、保险从业人员、其他组织和公民(以下简称当事人)的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》(以下简称《行政处罚法》)、《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)及其他有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 Where any party violates any law, administrative regulation, or provision of the CIRC on insurance administration, the CIRC and its local office shall conduct investigation and handling in accordance with the law, and impose the following administrative punishments in accordance with the law:   第二条 当事人违反有关保险管理的法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定的,中国保监会及派出机构应当依法查处,并依法作出下列行政处罚:
(1) Warning. (一)警告;
(2) Fine. (二)罚款;
(3) Confiscation of illegal income. (三)没收违法所得;
(4) Restriction of business scope. (四)限制业务范围;
(5) Ordering the party to cease the acceptance of new business. (五)责令停止接受新业务;
(6) Ordering the party to cease business for an overhaul. (六)责令停业整顿;
(7) Revocation of business permit. (七)吊销业务许可证;
(8) Abolition of a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China. (八)撤销外国保险机构驻华代表机构;
(9) Disqualification of the party for taking the position. (九)撤销任职资格;
(10) Ordering the replacement of the chief representative of a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China. (十)责令撤换外国保险机构驻华代表机构的首席代表;
(11) Prohibiting the party from entering the insurance sector. (十一)禁止进入保险业;
(12) Any other administrative punishment prescribed by any law or administrative regulation. (十二)法律、行政法规规定的其他行政处罚。
The CIRC and its local offices shall impose the administrative punishments specified in the preceding paragraph under the procedures as prescribed by these Provisions, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the CIRC. 中国保监会及派出机构实施前款所列的行政处罚,应当遵循本规定的程序,中国保监会另有规定的除外。
An administrative punishment imposed without any legal basis or in violation of statutory procedures shall be null and void. 没有法定依据或者不遵守法定程序的,行政处罚无效。
Article 3 The CIRC and its local offices shall impose administrative punishments under the following principles:   第三条 中国保监会及派出机构实施行政处罚,应当遵循以下原则:
(1) Fairness and openness. (一)公正、公开;
(2) Protecting the parties' lawful rights and interests. (二)保护当事人的合法权益;
(3) Combination of punishment and education. (三)处罚与教育相结合;
(4) Clear facts, conclusive evidence, accurate determination of nature, correct application of basis, and appropriate punishment. (四)事实清楚,证据确凿,定性准确,适用依据正确,处罚适当;
(5) Legal procedures. (五)程序合法。
Article 4 The CIRC and its local offices shall, in accordance with the law, implement a withdrawal system in the imposition of administrative punishments.   第四条 中国保监会及派出机构实施行政处罚,依法实行回避制度。
Any regulatory person who has a direct interest relationship or any other relationship with a party which may affect his or her impartiality in law enforcement shall withdraw from the case. 监管人员与当事人有直接利害关系或者其他关系,可能影响公正执法的,应当回避。
Article 5 In the imposition of administrative punishments, the CIRC and its local offices shall implement a system that separates the filing and investigation of cases from the trial and decision of cases.   第五条 中国保监会及派出机构实施行政处罚,实行立案、调查与审理、决定相分离的制度。
Article 6 The CIRC and its local offices shall, before making a decision to impose any administrative punishment, inform the party of the facts, reasons and basis for making the decision as well as their legal rights.   第六条 中国保监会及派出机构在作出行政处罚决定之前,应当告知当事人作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知当事人依法享有的权利。
Article 7 The party shall have the rights to submit statements and arguments on the administrative punishment imposed by the CIRC or its local office; and have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law against any administrative punishment.   第七条 当事人对中国保监会及派出机构所给予的行政处罚,享有陈述权、申辩权;对行政处罚不服的,有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。
Where any administrative punishment illegally imposed by the CIRC or its local office causes any damage to a party, the party shall have the right to claim compensation in accordance with the law. 当事人因中国保监会及派出机构违法给予行政处罚受到损害的,有权依法提出赔偿要求。
Article 8 The CIRC and its local offices must sufficiently hear the opinions of the parties, and review the facts, reasons and evidence presented by the parties; and accept the substantiated facts, reasons or evidence.   第八条 中国保监会及派出机构必须充分听取当事人的意见,复核当事人提出的事实、理由和证据;当事人提出的事实、理由或者证据成立的,应当采纳。
Article 9 For the purposes of these Provisions, “insurance institutions” mean insurance companies and their branch offices formed with the approval of insurance regulatory authorities and registered in accordance with the law.   第九条 本规定所称保险机构,是指经保险监督管理机构批准设立,并依法登记注册的保险公司及其分支机构。
For the purposes of these Provisions, “insurance asset management institutions” mean insurance asset management companies and their branch offices formed with the approval of insurance regulatory authorities and registered in accordance with the law. 本规定所称保险资产管理机构,是指经保险监督管理机构批准设立,并依法登记注册的保险资产管理公司及其分支机构。
For the purposes of these Provisions, “insurance intermediaries” mean insurance agencies, insurance brokerage institutions, insurance assessment institutions and their branch offices. Insurance agencies include specialized insurance agencies and sideline insurance agencies. 本规定所称保险中介机构,是指保险代理机构、保险经纪机构和保险公估机构及其分支机构。保险代理机构包括保险专业代理机构和保险兼业代理机构。
Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管 辖

Article 10 A local CIRC office shall be responsible for imposing administrative punishments against the insurance violations of law committed by the following institutions and personnel within its jurisdiction:   第十条 派出机构负责对辖区内下列机构、人员的保险违法行为实施行政处罚:
(1) Branch offices of insurance companies and their employees. (一)保险公司分支机构及其从业人员;
(2) Insurance intermediaries and their employees. (二)保险中介机构及其从业人员;
(3) Other institutions and personnel prescribed by the CIRC. (三)保监会规定的其他机构、人员。
Article 11 A local CIRC office shall be responsible for legally imposing administrative punishments against the following violations of law within its jurisdiction:   第十一条 派出机构负责对辖区内下列违法行为依法实施行政处罚:
(1) Formation of an insurance company without approval. (一)擅自设立保险公司的;
(2) Illegal commercial insurance business activities. (二)非法从事商业保险业务活动的;
(3) Formation of an insurance asset management company without approval. (三)擅自设立保险资产管理公司的;
(4) Formation of a specialized insurance agency, insurance brokerage institution, or insurance assessment institution without approval. (四)擅自设立保险专业代理机构、保险经纪机构、保险公估机构的;
(5) Illegal insurance agency or brokerage business activities. (五)非法从事保险代理业务或者经纪业务活动的。
The local CIRC office shall impose administrative punishments against the aforesaid violations of law in accordance with the Insurance Law, the Measures for Banning Illegal Financial Institutions and Illegal Financial Business Activities, and the relevant provisions of the CIRC. 派出机构对上述违法行为实施行政处罚时,应当依照《保险法》非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动取缔办法》及中国保监会的有关规定执行。
Article 12 To impose the following administrative punishments, a local CIRC office shall report it to the CIRC for approval:   第十二条 派出机构实施下列行政处罚,应当报中国保监会批准:
(1) Revocation of a business permit issued by the CIRC. (一)吊销由中国保监会颁发的业务许可证;
(2) Disqualification of the party for holding the position confirmed by the CIRC. (二)撤销由中国保监会核准的任职资格。
Article 13 The insurance violations of law beyond the jurisdiction of local offices shall be under the jurisdiction of the CIRC.   第十三条 派出机构管辖以外的保险违法行为,由中国保监会管辖。
Article 14 The CIRC may directly investigate insurance violations of law within the jurisdiction of its local offices.   第十四条 中国保监会可以直接查处派出机构管辖的保险违法行为。
The CIRC may may entrust its local offices to investigate insurance violations of law within the jurisdiction of the CIRC, serve upon punishment documents and conduct other work, and local offices shall report the relevant information to the CIRC in a timely manner. 中国保监会可以委托派出机构负责中国保监会管辖的保险违法行为的调查和处罚文书送达等工作,派出机构应当将有关情况及时向中国保监会报告。
Article 15 Where an insurance violation of law is committed in a different place, the violation of law shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the local office at the place where the violation of law is committed. The local CIRC office at the place where the violation of law is committed shall inform the local office at the place where the violator is located in a timely manner. The local office at the place where the violator is located shall actively cooperate with the investigation and handling of the violation of law.   第十五条 异地实施保险违法行为的,由违法行为发生地的派出机构管辖。违法行为发生地的派出机构应当及时通知实施违法行为主体所在地的派出机构。实施违法行为主体所在地的派出机构应当积极配合违法行为的查处。
Article 16 For insurance violations of law in telemarketing subject to the jurisdiction of the local office, the specific jurisdiction shall be determined according to the following requirements in principle:   第十六条 派出机构管辖的电话销售保险违法行为,原则上按照下列要求确定具体管辖地:
(1) The local office at the place where the call is made shall investigate and handle the violations of law found in the routine supervision of the telemarketing business. (一)在对电话销售业务日常监管中发现的违法行为,由呼出地派出机构查处;
(2) The local office at the place where the call is received or the insurance applicant is located shall investigate and handle the violations of law found in such work as complaints and reports, and through consultation with the local office at the place where the call is made, the violation of law may also be investigated and handled by the local office where the call is made. (二)在投诉、举报等工作中发现的违法行为,由受话地或者投保人住所地派出机构查处,经与呼出地派出机构协商一致,也可以由呼出地派出机构查处。
Article 17 Where two or more local offices have jurisdiction over the same insurance violation of law or the place where the insurance violation of law is committed can hardly be ascertained, the local office that first dockets the case shall have jurisdiction.   第十七条 两个以上派出机构对同一保险违法行为都有管辖权的或者保险违法行为地难以查明的,由最先立案的派出机构管辖。
Where two or more local offices have any dispute over jurisdiction, they shall report it to the CIRC for the designation of jurisdiction. 两个以上派出机构因管辖权发生争议的,应当报请中国保监会指定管辖。
Article 18 Where any local office finds that the insurance violation of law does not fall under its jurisdiction, it shall, in a timely manner, transfer the case and relevant materials to the local CIRC office having jurisdiction. If the local CIRC office to which the case is transferred has any objection to the jurisdiction, it shall not transfer the case at its direction but shall report it to the CIRC for the designation of jurisdiction.   第十八条 派出机构发现所查处的保险违法行为不属于自己管辖时,应当及时将案件并相关材料移送有管辖权的派出机构。受移送的派出机构对管辖权有异议的,不得自行移送,应当报请中国保监会指定管辖。
Chapter III Case Docketing and Investigation 

第三章 立案与调查

Section 1 Case Docketing 

第一节 立 案

Article 19 Where the CIRC or its local office finds that a party is suspected of any violation of the insurance law, administrative regulation or provision of the CIRC, and shall be subject to any administrative punishment in accordance with the law, if it has jurisdiction, it shall docket a case.   第十九条 中国保监会及派出机构发现当事人涉嫌违反有关保险法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定,依法应当受到行政处罚且有权管辖的,应当予以立案。
Article 20 To docket a case, an Approval Form for Docketing a Case for Administrative Punishment shall be completed and subject to the approval of the person in charge of the case investigation department or the local office of the CIRC.   第二十条 立案应当填写《行政处罚立案审批表》,由中国保监会案件调查部门负责人或者派出机构负责人批准。
Where investigation has been conducted in accordance with the law before the case is docketed, and it is found through investigation that the party shall be given an administrative punishment in accordance with the law, the Approval Form for Docketing a Case for Administrative Punishment shall also be entered. 立案前已经依法开展调查,经调查发现当事人依法应予行政处罚的,也应当填写《行政处罚立案审批表》。
Article 21 The CIRC or its local office shall designate investigators for a case in a timely manner.   第二十一条 中国保监会或者派出机构应当及时指定案件调查人员。
The withdrawal of a case investigator shall be subject to the decision of the person in charge of the case investigation department or the local office of the CIRC. 案件调查人员的回避由中国保监会案件调查部门负责人或者派出机构负责人决定。
Section 2 Investigation and Collection of Evidence 

第二节 调查取证

Article 22 Investigators shall investigate case facts in a comprehensive, objective and impartial manner, and sufficiently collect evidence in accordance with the law.   第二十二条 调查人员应当对案件事实进行全面、客观、公正的调查,并依法充分收集证据。
Where the certification materials obtained through legal investigation before the docketing of a case on administrative punishment comply with the requirements for administrative punishment evidence, they may be directly taken as the evidence for the administrative punishment case. 行政处罚立案以前依法调查获取的证明材料符合行政处罚证据要求的,可以直接作为行政处罚案件的证据。
Article 23 In the investigation and collection of evidence, there shall be at least two investigators, who shall produce their legal certificates of the CIRC or its local office and a notice of supervision and inspection or investigation to the party or relevant persons.   第二十三条 调查人员调查取证时,不得少于两人,并应当向当事人或者有关人员出示中国保监会或者派出机构合法证件和监督检查、调查通知书。
Where there are less than two investigators or the investigators fail to produce their legal certificates or the notice of supervision and inspection or investigation, the entity or individual under inspection shall have the right to refuse to accept the investigation. 调查人员少于两人或者未出示合法证件和监督检查、调查通知书的,被检查单位和个人有权拒绝。
Article 24 Administrative punishment evidence covers:   第二十四条 行政处罚证据包括:
(1) documentary evidence; (一)书证;
(2) physical evidence; (二)物证;
(3) audiovisual materials; (三)视听资料;
(4) electronic data; (四)电子数据;
(5) testimony of witness; (五)证人证言;
(6) statements of a party; (六)当事人陈述;
(7) identification opinions; and (七)鉴定意见;
(8) inspection records and on-site records. (八)勘验笔录、现场笔录。
Article 25 Investigators shall collect and retrieve the original certificates relating to the case as documentary evidence. If it is difficult to obtain the original evidence, their duplicates, photocopies or extracts, among others, may be collected, and “no error is found through checking with the originals” shall be indicated directly or in an appropriate form, the issuer shall affix his or her name or seal, and when necessary, attach an explanation on the duplication process, the person who prepares the duplicate and other information.   第二十五条 调查人员应当收集、调取与案件有关的原始凭证作为书证。调取原始证据有困难的,可以收集复制件、影印件、节录本等,并直接标明或者以适当方式标明“经核对与原件无误”,由出具人签名或者盖章,必要时附有复制过程、复制人等情况的说明。
Article 26 Investigators that collect audiovisual materials shall retrieve the original carriers of audiovisual materials, and comply with the following requirements:   第二十六条 调查人员收集视听资料,应当提取视听资料的原始载体,并应当符合下列要求:
(1) An explanation on the production process, time, producer and other content, to which the original carrier holder shall affix his or her signature or seal. (一)附有制作过程、时间、制作人等内容的说明,并由原始载体持有人签字或者盖章;
(2) Audio materials, and the relevant character records to which the voice content is attached. (二)声音资料,还应当附有该声音内容的相关文字记录。
Where it is difficult to provide the original carrier, the duplicate may be provided, but an explanation on the duplication process, the person who prepares the duplicate and other information shall be made. 提供原始载体有困难的,可以提供复制件,但应当附有复制过程、复制人等情况的说明。
Article 27 Investigators that collect electronic data shall obtain the original carrier on electronic data, attach an explanation on the data content, collection time and place, collection process, collector and other information, to which the original data holder shall affix his or her signature or seal.   第二十七条 调查人员收集电子数据,应当提取电子数据原始载体,附有数据内容、收集时间和地点、收集过程、收集人等情况的说明,由原始数据持有人签名或者盖章。
Where it is impossible or indeed difficult to obtain the original carrier, the duplicate of electronic data may be provided, but an explanation on the duplication process, the person who prepares the duplicate, the place of storage of the original carrier and other information shall be made. 无法提取原始载体或者提取确有困难的,可以提供电子数据复制件,但应当附有复制过程、复制人、原始载体存放地点等情况的说明。
Article 28 Investigators may, in accordance with the law, require the parties and witnesses to provide certification materials or other materials relating to the violation of law, and the provider of materials shall affix his or her signature or seal to the relevant materials.   第二十八条 调查人员可以依法要求当事人及证人提供证明材料或者与违法行为有关的其他材料,并由材料提供人在有关材料上签名或者盖章。
Where the party refuses to do so, investigators shall indicate relevant information on relevant materials, and may request other personnel on site to affix their signatures or seals, and take the following measures as the case may be: 当事人拒绝的,调查人员应当在相关材料上注明情况,可以同时请在场的其他人员签名或者盖章,并可以视情形采取下列措施:
(1) Inviting the third party which is not a party to interest to witness and indicate the relevant information, and the third party shall affix his or her signature or seal. (一)邀请无利害关系的第三方见证并载明情况,由第三方签名或者盖章;
(2) Certifying by applying audio, video and other audiovisual materials in accordance with the law, and attaching an explanation on relevant audio and video production, to which the producer shall affix his or her signature or seal. (二)依法运用录音、录像等视听资料加以证明,并附有相关录音、录像制作说明,由制作人签名或者盖章。
Article 29 Investigators may interview the parties and witnesses. Interviews shall be conducted individually, and two or more parties and witnesses shall not be interviewed at the same time. Before interviews, the parties and witnesses shall be informed of their obligations to faithfully state facts and provide evidence.   第二十九条 调查人员可以询问当事人及证人。询问应当个别进行,不得同时询问两个或者两个以上当事人、证人。询问前应当告知其有如实陈述事实、提供证据的义务。
Investigation Records shall be made for interviews and be verified by the persons under investigation; and if they are incapable of reading, shall be read aloud to them. In the case of any mistake or omission in the records, correction or supplement shall be allowed. Upon verification, the persons under investigation shall affix their signatures or seals to each page of the records. Investigators shall affix their signatures to the records. If the persons under investigation refuse to affix their signatures or seals, investigators shall note on their records. 询问应当制作《调查笔录》,《调查笔录》应当交被调查人核对;对没有阅读能力的,应当向其宣读。笔录如有差错、遗漏,应当允许其更正或者补充。经核对无误后,由被调查人逐页签名或者盖章。调查人员应当在笔录上签名。被调查人拒绝签名或者盖章的,调查人员应当在笔录上注明。
Article 30 Where investigators conduct an on-site inspection of the items suspected of any violation of law, the party shall be present, and on-site inspection records shall be made; and if the party refuses to be present, it shall be noted on the on-site inspection records.   第三十条 调查人员对涉嫌违法的物品进行现场勘验时,应当有当事人在场,并制作现场勘验笔录;当事人拒绝到场的,应当在现场勘验笔录中注明。
Article 31 In evidence collection by sampling, the party shall be present, and a checklist of items shall be produced, to which the investigators and the party shall affix their signatures or seals.   第三十一条 抽样取证,应当有当事人在场,并开具物品清单,由调查人员和当事人签名或者盖章。
Article 32 Documents and materials that may be transferred, concealed, or destroyed may be seized for preservation.   第三十二条 对可能被转移、隐匿或者毁损的文件和资料可以予以封存。
Article 33 The preservative measure of advance registration may be taken for evidence that may be lost or be hard to be obtained later.   第三十三条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,可以采取先行登记保存措施。
To take the preservative measure of advance registration, a Form for the Approval of Advance Registration to Preserve Evidence shall be completed and submitted to the person in charge of the CIRC or its local office for approval. 采取先行登记保存措施,应当填写《先行登记保存证据审批书》,并由中国保监会负责人或者派出机构负责人批准。
Article 34 Where advance registration is conducted to preserve evidence, a Notice of Advance Registration to Preserve Evidence shall be issued, a Checklist of Registered Items for Preservation shall be completed, to which the party shall affix his or her signature or seal and the advance registration sealing strips of the CIRC or its local office shall be affixed, and the evidence shall be preserved by the party as it is.   第三十四条 先行登记保存证据的,应当签发《先行登记保存证物通知书》,填写《登记保存物品清单》,由当事人签字或者盖章确认,并加封中国保监会或者派出机构先行登记保存封条,就地由当事人保存。
During the period of advance registration of evidence for preservation, the party or relevant persons may not damage, destroy or transfer evidence. 登记保存证据期间,当事人或者有关人员不得损毁、销毁或者转移证据。
A decision on how to deal with evidence registered in advance for preservation shall be made within seven days. 对于先行登记保存的证据,应当在7日内作出处理决定。
Article 35 The relevant local office may be entrusted to assist in investigation and evidence collection, but a written authorization must be produced, and the entrusted local office shall provide active assistance.   第三十五条 委托相关派出机构协助调查、取证的,必须出具书面委托证明,受委托的派出机构应当积极予以协助。
Article 36 An accounting firm, a law firm, or any other social intermediary with good credit rating may be retained to participate in case investigation, but it must be required to produce a professional report.   第三十六条 案件调查可以聘请资信良好的会计师事务所和律师事务所等社会中介机构参与,但必须要求其出具专业报告。
Article 37 Where there is any evidence proving that any illegal capital or other property involved in the case has been or may be transferred or concealed or any important evidence has been or may be concealed, forged, or destroyed, with the approval of the principal person in charge of the CIRC or its local office, an application may be filed with the people's court for the freezing or seizure of the aforesaid property or evidence.   第三十七条 对有证据证明已经或者可能转移、隐匿违法资金等涉案财产或者隐匿、伪造、损毁重要证据的,经中国保监会主要负责人或者派出机构主要负责人批准,可以申请人民法院予以冻结或者查封。
Article 38 After the conclusion of investigation of a case, a case investigation report shall be prepared, and the report shall at least cover:   第三十八条 案件调查终结,应当制作案件调查报告,案件调查报告至少包括下列内容:
(1) basic information on the parties; (一)当事人的基本情况;
(2) an overview of the investigation and relevant evidence; and (二)调查的基本情况及相关证据;
(3) handling suggestion on administrative punishment and the relevant basis. (三)关于行政处罚的处理建议及相关依据。
Article 39 After the conclusion of investigation of a case, for any violation of law which shall be given an administrative punishment in accordance with the law, the case investigation department shall review the Approval Form for Docketing a Case for Administrative Punishment, the case investigation report, evidence, and other case files, and transfer the case to the trial procedure. If the case files fail to meet the prescribed requirements, the case investigation department shall transfer them after supplementation and improvement.   第三十九条 案件调查结束后,对依法应予行政处罚的违法行为,案件调查部门对《行政处罚立案审批表》、案件调查报告、证据等案件卷宗材料进行整理,案件移交进入审理程序。卷宗材料不够规范的,案件调查部门补充完善后再行移交。
Article 40 Where the case investigation department discovers that any facts of the violation of law are suspected of any crime and the violator shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law, it shall transfer the case to the judicial authority in accordance with the Provisions on the Transfer of Suspected Criminal Cases by Administrative Law Enforcement Authorities, the Provisions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Transfer of Suspected Criminal Cases in a Timely Manner in Administrative Law Enforcement, and other relevant provisions.   第四十条 发现违法事实涉嫌犯罪,依法需要追究刑事责任的,案件调查部门应当依照《行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定》《中国保监会关于在行政执法中及时移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定》及其他相关规定,及时向司法机关移送。
Chapter IV Punishment 

第四章 处 罚

Section 1 Trial 

第一节 审 理

Article 41 A case shall be tried in such aspects as the investigation procedure, determination of facts of the violation of law, determination of nature of the conduct, evidence admission, and types and extent of punishment. A major or complicated case shall be decided upon collective discussion in accordance with the law.   第四十一条 案件进入审理程序后,案件审理应当从调查程序、违法事实认定、行为定性、证据采信、处罚种类与幅度等方面进行。其中重大、复杂的案件,应当依法集体讨论决定。
Article 42 After the trial of a case is closed, a case trial report shall be prepared, and the case shall be handled as follows:   第四十二条 案件审理后,应当制作案件审理报告,案件作出以下处理:
(1) The case investigation department shall conduct supplementary investigation of the case if the major facts are unclear or major evidence is insufficient. (一)主要事实不清或者主要证据不足的,由案件调查部门补充调查;
(2) No punishment shall be imposed if the administrative violation of law is not constituted. (二)不构成行政违法的,依法不予处罚;
(3) The case investigation department shall handle the case if the party is administratively liable but may be exempt from administrative punishment because the circumstances are minor and regulatory measures other than administrative punishment are required. (三)虽构成行政违法但情节轻微可不予行政处罚,需要采取非行政处罚监管措施的,由案件调查部门处理;
(4) The punishment opinion shall be offered if an administrative punishment shall be imposed on the party. (四)应当予以行政处罚的,提出处罚意见。
Section 2 Notification of Rights 

第二节 权利告知

Article 43 The CIRC or its local office shall notify the parties of their rights before making a decision to impose an administrative punishment.   第四十三条 拟作出行政处罚决定的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当在作出决定前向当事人进行权利告知。
An Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment shall be made to notify the parties of the facts, reasons, and basis for the administrative punishment decision to be made and their rights to submit statements and arguments. 告知应当制作《行政处罚事先告知书》,告知当事人拟作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知当事人有权进行陈述和申辩。
Article 44 The parties shall have the rights to submit statements and arguments. A party which fails to exercise its rights to submit statements and arguments within ten days after the Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment is served shall be deemed to have waived such rights.   第四十四条 当事人有权进行陈述和申辩。自《行政处罚事先告知书》送达之日起10日内,当事人未行使陈述权、申辩权的,视为放弃权利。
Article 45 To submit statements and arguments, the parties shall submit written materials. Under particular circumstances, the time limit for submitting the written materials may be appropriately extended with the approval of the CIRC or its local office.   第四十五条 当事人要求陈述和申辩的,应当提交书面材料。当事人有特殊情况,经中国保监会或者派出机构批准,可以适当延长提交书面材料的期限。
The CIRC or its local office shall sufficiently hear the opinions of the parties, and diligently review the facts, reasons and evidence presented by the parties, and accept the substantiated facts, reasons, or evidence. 中国保监会或者派出机构应当充分听取当事人的意见,对当事人提出的事实、理由和证据,认真进行复核。当事人提出的事实、理由或者证据成立的,应当予以采纳。
No aggravated punishment may be imposed because a party has submitted arguments. 不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。
Article 46 Where any fact, reason, or basis for the administrative punishment decision to be made changes, a new Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment shall be made and served on the party.   第四十六条 拟作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由、依据有改变的,应当重新制作《行政处罚事先告知书》并送达当事人。
Section 3 Hearing 

第三节 听 证

Article 47 To impose any of the following administrative punishments in accordance with the law, the CIRC or its local office shall, in an Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment, also notify the party of its right to request a hearing:   第四十七条 中国保监会或者派出机构拟依法作出下列行政处罚的,应当在《行政处罚事先告知书》中一并告知当事人有要求举行听证的权利:
(1) Imposing a fine of not less than one million yuan on a corporate insurance institution or insurance asset management institution or a fine of not less than 200,000 yuan on a branch office thereof; imposing a fine of not less than 300,000 yuan on a corporate insurance intermediary or a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan on a branch office thereof; or imposing a fine of not less than one million yuan on any other legal person or organization. (一)对保险机构及保险资产管理机构法人处以100万元以上的罚款或者对其分支机构处以20万元以上的罚款;对保险中介机构法人处以30万元以上的罚款或者对其分支机构处以10万元以上的罚款;对其他法人、组织处以100万元以上的罚款;
(2) Imposing a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan on an individual. (二)对个人处以5万元以上的罚款;
(3) Restriction of business scope. (三)限制业务范围;
(4) Ordering the party to cease the acceptance of new business. (四)责令停止接受新业务;
(5) Ordering the party to cease business operation for an overhaul. (五)责令停业整顿;
(6) Revocation of business permit. (六)吊销业务许可证;
(7) Abolition of a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China. (七)撤销外国保险机构驻华代表机构;
(8) Disqualification of the party for taking the position. (八)撤销任职资格;
(9) Ordering the replacement of the chief representative of a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China. (九)责令撤换外国保险机构驻华代表机构的首席代表;
(10) Prohibiting the party from entering the insurance sector. (十)禁止进入保险业;
(11) Other punishments on which a party may request a hearing as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations, and the rules of the CIRC. (十一)法律、行政法规和中国保监会规章规定可以要求听证的其他处罚。
Article 48 A party which requests a hearing shall make the request within three days as of receipt of the Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment.   第四十八条 当事人要求听证的,应当自《行政处罚事先告知书》送达之日起3日内提出。
A party may also choose to submit statements and arguments, and the CIRC or its local office shall review the case in accordance with these Provisions. 当事人也可以选择陈述和申辩。当事人选择陈述和申辩的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当依照本规定予以复核。
Article 49 Where a party requests a hearing, the CIRC or its local office shall determine the presider of the hearing.   第四十九条 当事人要求听证的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当确定听证主持人。
Article 50 The presider of a hearing may exercise the following powers in the hearing process:   第五十条 听证主持人在听证程序中可以行使下列职权:
(1) Deciding the time and site of the hearing. (一)决定举行听证的时间和地点;
(2) Deciding the postponement, suspension, or close of the hearing. (二)决定听证的延期、中止或者终结;
(3) Questioning participants in the hearing. (三)询问听证参加人;
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