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Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Determination of Product Rates of Property Insurance Companies [Effective]
中国保监会关于印发《财产保险公司产品费率厘定指引》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Determination of Product Rates of Property Insurance Companies 


(No. 2 [2017] of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission) (保监发〔2017〕2号)

All property insurance companies: 各财产保险公司:
For the purposes of strengthening the supervision and administration of the determination of product rates of property insurance companies, protecting the interests of the insured, and promoting the stable operation of companies, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has developed the Guidelines for the Determination of Product Rates of Property Insurance Companies, which are hereby issued to you for compliance and implementation. 为加强对财产保险公司产品费率厘定的监督管理,保护被保险人利益,促进公司稳健经营,我会制定了《财产保险公司产品费率厘定指引》。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
China Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国保监会
January 5, 2017 2017年1月5日
Guidelines for the Determination of Product Rates of Property Insurance Companies 财产保险公司产品费率厘定指引
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the supervision and administration of the determination of product rates of property insurance companies, protecting the interests of the insured, and promoting the stable operation of insurance companies, these Guidelines are developed in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Standards for the Internal Control of Insurance Companies and the Measures for Administration of Insurance Clauses and Insurance Rates of Property Insurance Companies.   第一条 为加强对财产保险公司产品费率厘定的监督管理,保护被保险人利益,促进保险公司稳健经营,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》《保险公司内部控制基本准则》和《财产保险公司保险条款和保险费率管理办法》,特制定本指引。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “insurance companies” mean property insurance companies legally formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, including Chinese-funded insurance companies, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture insurance companies, wholly foreign-funded insurance companies and branch companies of foreign insurance companies.   第二条 本办法所称保险公司,是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的财产保险公司,包括中资保险公司、中外合资保险公司、外资独资保险公司以及外国保险公司分公司。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, “insurance rates” mean the principles and methods for calculating premiums collected by insurance companies for undertaking the insurance liability. For the purposes of these Measures, “rates determination” means the determination of rates for insurance products subject to approval and the determination of rates for insurance products subject to recordation.   第三条 本办法所称保险费率,是保险公司承担保险责任收取的保险费的计算原则和方法。本办法所称费率厘定适用于审批型保险产品费率厘定和备案型保险产品费率厘定。
Article 4 Rates are important parts of insurance products. Insurance companies shall follow non-life insurance actuarial principles and methods and determine rates in a scientific manner under the principles of reasonableness, fairness and sufficiency.   第四条 费率是保险产品的重要组成部分。保险公司应遵循非寿险精算的原理和方法,按照合理、公平、充足的原则,科学厘定费率。
Article 5 Insurance companies shall establish internal recycling control procedures featuring advance preparation, interim calculation and ex post monitoring and adjustments in the process of rates determination.   第五条 保险公司应针对费率厘定过程,建立事前准备、事中测算和事后监控调整的内部循环控制流程。
Article 6 An insurance company shall establish an effective rates management mechanism under which rates are determined by the management, and actuarial, financial, underwriting, claim settlement and information technology departments, and other relevant functional departments shall be subject to hierarchical authorization, clear rights and obligations, division of work and cooperation, and mutual restriction.   第六条 保险公司应建立有效的费率管理机制,管理层、精算、财务、承保、理赔、信息技术及其他相关职能部门在费率厘定过程中应分级授权、权责分明、分工合作、相互制约。
The general manager of an insurance company is responsible for the authenticity of basic data on rates determination and the design, implementation, maintenance and monitoring of rules for the internal control of rates determination, and shall bear ultimate liability for the determined rates. 保险公司总经理负责费率厘定基础数据的真实性及费率厘定内部控制制度的设计、实施、维护与监控,并对费率厘定结果承担最终责任。
The chief actuary or person in charge of actuarial affairs of an insurance company shall ensure that the basic data, actuarial methods, actuarial assumption and actuarial model used in rates determination are in line with actuarial principles and the relevant provisions of these Measures, and shall ensure that the determined rates are reasonable, fair and sufficient. 保险公司总精算师或精算责任人应确保费率厘定过程中使用的基础数据、精算方法、精算假设和精算模型符合通用精算原理和本办法的有关规定,确保费率厘定结果合理、公平、充足。
Chapter II Rates Composition 

第二章 费率构成

Article 7 Product premiums include risk premium and additional premium.   第七条 产品保费包括风险保费和附加保费。
(1) Risk premium, also known as pure premium, means the premium collected by an insurance company to pay the expected insurance compensation. (一)风险保费又称纯保费,是指保险公司为支付预期的保险赔偿金收取的保费。
(2) “Additional premium” means the premium collected by an insurance company for the purposes of meeting risk management requirements, paying operation and management expenses, and gaining normal profits, among others. Additional premium includes expense addition, risk addition and profit addition, among others. (二)附加保费是指保险公司为满足风险管理要求、支付经营管理费用、获取正常利润等目的而收取的保费。附加保费包括费用附加、风险附加和利润附加等。
(a) “Expense addition” means expense costs incurred by an insurance company for securing and maintaining insurance policies, performing insurance liability and conducting other operation and management acts. 1.费用附加是指保险公司因获取保单、维持保单和履行保险责任等经营管理行为所产生的费用成本。
(b) “Risk addition” means the cost to be borne by an insurance company due to the uncertainty that the actual amount of compensation may be higher than the risk premium. 2.风险附加是指保险公司因实际赔偿金额可能高于风险保费的不确定性而承担的成本。
(c) “Profit addition” means the expected profit of an insurance company from selling insurance products. 3.利润附加是指保险公司销售保险产品的预期利润。
Article 8 Insurance rates consist of base rates and rates adjustment coefficient. Determined base rates include pure risk loss ratio and additional rates. “Pure risk loss ratio” means the ratio of risk premium to risk exposure, and “additional rates” mean the ratio of additional premium to the overall premium.   第八条 保险费率由基准费率和费率调整系数组成。厘定基准费率包括纯风险损失率和附加费率,纯风险损失率是指风险保费与风险暴露的比率,附加费率是指附加保费与总体保费的比率。
Chapter III Principle for Rates Determination 

第三章 费率厘定原则

Article 9 An insurance company shall follow the principle of reasonableness in rates determination. It shall not gain excessive profits inappropriate for its underwriting risk due to excessive rates, or set a high expense level not matching the services it provides in the rates structure, which damages the lawful interests of policyholders and the insured. Rates setting shall match insurance clauses and be conducive to stimulating policyholders to take the initiative to control risks.   第九条 保险公司进行费率厘定时应遵循合理性原则。不得因费率过高而获得与其承保风险不相称的超额利润,不得在费率结构中设置与其所提供服务不相符的高额费用水平,从而损害投保人、被保险人的合法利益。费率设定应与保险条款相匹配,并有利于激励保单持有人主动进行风险控制。
Article 10 An insurance company shall follow the principle of fairness in rates determination. Rates level shall match the risk characteristics of the insured and the subject matter of insurance, and no discriminatory rates arrangement shall be made according to the factors other than risk characteristics.   第十条 保险公司进行费率厘定时应遵循公平性原则。费率水平应与被保险人和保险标的的风险特征相匹配,且不得根据风险特征以外的因素作出歧视性的费率安排。
Article 11 An insurance company shall follow the principle of sufficiency in rates determination. Rates level shall not endanger the financial steadiness and solvency of an insurance company or hinder fair competition in the market. The rates level included in investment income shall, in principle, not be lower than the sum of all costs corresponding to it; and the rates adjustment coefficient set in the rates structure shall not affect rates sufficiency.   第十一条 保险公司进行费率厘定时应遵循充足性原则。费率水平不得危及保险公司财务稳健和偿付能力或妨碍市场公平竞争,计入投资收益后的费率水平原则上不得低于其所对应的各项成本之和,费率结构中所设置的费率调整系数不得影响费率充足性。
Chapter IV Preliminary Work for Rates Determination 

第四章 费率厘定前期准备

Article 12 Before rates determination, an insurance company shall comprehensively understand the risk characteristics of products, and determine the objectives and orientation of rates determination in combination with the financial situation, solvency condition, historical rates level and strategies of the company, among others, and under the principles of reasonableness, fairness and sufficiency.   第十二条 保险公司在费率厘定前应全面了解产品风险特性,结合公司财务状况、偿付能力状况、历史费率水平及公司战略等,按照合理、公平、充足的原则,确定费率厘定的目标与定位。
Article 13 An insurance company shall choose appropriate basic data for rates determination based on the objectives and orientation of rates determination.   第十三条 保险公司应根据费率厘定的目标与定位,选择合适的费率厘定基础数据。
Article 14 The basic data for rates determination by an insurance company shall be sourced from historical internal data of the company and external data.   第十四条 保险公司费率厘定基础数据来源包括公司内部历史数据和外部数据。
Article 15 The internal historical data of an insurance company shall include data on underwriting, claim settlement, expenses and re-insurance, among others.   第十五条 保险公司内部历史数据包括承保数据、理赔数据、费用数据和再保数据等。
(1) Underwriting data includes the information on the insurance contract, the subject matter of insurance and the insured. (一)承保数据包括保险合同相关信息、保险标的相关信息和被保险人相关信息等。
(2) Data on claim settlement includes the information on loss, compensation, direct expenses for claim settlement, and indirect expenses for claim settlement. (二)理赔数据包括出险相关信息、赔付相关信息、直接理赔费用相关信息和间接理赔费用相关信息。
(3) Expense data includes policy acquisition costs and policy maintenance costs. Policy acquisition costs include handling charges, insurance guarantee funds, insurance supervision fees, and aid funds for compulsory traffic accident liability insurance, among others. Policy maintenance costs include the related staff wages and welfare, business publicity expenses, rental fees and depreciation costs, among others. (三)费用数据包括保单获取成本和保单维持成本。保单获取成本包括手续费支出、保险保障基金、保险监管费、交强险救助基金等,保单维持成本包括相关的职工工资及福利费、业务宣传费、租赁费、折旧费等。
(4) Reinsurance data includes the information on reinsurance contractual conditions, cession proportion, amortized indemnity and amortized expenses, among others. (四)再保数据包括再保合同条件、再保分保比例、再保摊回赔款和再保摊回费用等相关信息。
Article 16 An insurance company shall establish the mechanism for extracting and managing basic data for rates determination. For historical internal data of the company, the script or system files on data extraction shall be recorded in the working paper for maintenance; and for external data, archives on data source and data schedule shall be established.   第十六条 保险公司应建立费率厘定基础数据的提取和管理机制。对于公司内部历史数据,应将提取数据的脚本或系统文件记入底稿留存;对于外部数据,应建立数据来源和数据清单的档案。
Article 17 An insurance company shall verify the basic data for rates determination and make professional judgments on the integrity, reasonableness and reliability of the basic data.   第十七条 保险公司应对费率厘定基础数据进行校验,对基础数据的完整性、合理性和可靠性进行职业判断。
(1) Data verification shall be conducted by at least the following methods: (一)数据校验应至少包含以下方式:
(a) Collecting the basic data for rates determination and verifying the collection results. 1.将费率厘定基础数据进行汇总,对汇总结果进行校验;
(b) Taking samples of the basic data for rates determination and verifying the sampling results. 2.将费率厘定基础数据进行抽样,对抽样结果进行校验。
(2) Data verification shall at least cover the following content:

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