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Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Water Transport Construction Market [Effective]
水运建设市场监督管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Transport 


(No. 74 [2016]) (2016年第74号)

The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Water Transport Construction Market, as adopted at the 28th executive meeting of the Ministry of Transport on November 30, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on February 1, 2017. 《水运建设市场监督管理办法》已于2016年11月30日经第28次部务会议通过,现予公布,自2017年2月1日起施行。
Minister: Li Xiaopeng 部长 李小鹏
December 6, 2016 2016年12月6日
Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Water Transport Construction Market 水运建设市场监督管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the order of the water transport construction market, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of all parties in the water transport construction market, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports, the Waterway Law of the People's Republic of China, the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Quality Management of Construction Projects, and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为规范水运建设市场秩序,保障水运建设市场各方当事人合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国港口法》《中华人民共和国航道法》《中华人民共和国招标投标法》《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 Water transport construction activities and supervision and administration of the water transport construction within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be governed by these Measures.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事水运建设活动及对水运建设市场实施监督管理,适用本办法。
For the purpose of these Measures, water transport construction means the construction of water transport infrastructure, including ports, wharfs, navigation channels and relevant facilities, and other projects. 本办法所称水运建设,是指水路运输基础设施包括港口、码头、航道及相关设施等工程建设。
Article 3 The water transport construction market shall follow the principle of fairness and impartiality, and honesty and good faith, and a unified, open, competitive and orderly market order shall be established and maintained. Any form of local protection and trade protection shall be prohibited.   第三条 水运建设市场应当遵循公平公正、诚实守信的原则,建立和维护统一开放、竞争有序的市场秩序。禁止任何形式的地方保护和行业保护。
Article 4 The Ministry of Transport shall be in charge of the supervision and administration of the water transport construction market in all localities.   第四条 交通运输部主管全国水运建设市场的监督管理工作。
The competent transport departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to the functions prescribed by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, be responsible for the supervision and administration of the water transport construction market within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府交通运输主管部门按照省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的职责负责本行政区域内水运建设市场的监督管理工作。
Article 5 Water transport construction market participants shall strengthen self-discipline, improve the internal management rules, conduct business with good faith, abide by professional ethics, conscientiously maintain the market order, fulfill the social responsibilities, and accept social supervision.   第五条 水运建设市场主体应当加强自律,完善内部管理制度,诚信经营,遵守职业道德,自觉维护市场秩序,履行社会责任,接受社会监督。
Article 6 The relevant industry association of water transport construction shall, according to the bylaws developed according to the law, carry out activities, improve the self-discipline management system of the industry, and intensify industry self-discipline and improve the services.   第六条 水运建设相关行业协会应当按照依法制定的章程开展活动,完善行业自律管理制度体系,加强行业自律和服务。
Article 7 The competent transport departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall innovate on the supervision mode and supervision means for the water transport construction market, strengthen the application of information technology and the sharing of credit information resources, and realize the coordination and supervision with relevant departments.   第七条 县级以上地方人民政府交通运输主管部门应当创新水运建设市场监管方式和监管手段,加强信息化应用和信用信息资源共享,实现与相关部门的协同监管。
Chapter II Water Transport Construction Market Participants and Their Acts 

第二章 水运建设市场主体及行为

Article 8 Water transport construction market participants shall strictly abide by the relevant construction laws, regulations, rules and relevant provisions, implement the construction standards of the state and the industry, and be honest and in good faith.   第八条 水运建设市场主体应当严格遵守有关建设法律、法规、规章及相关规定,执行国家和行业建设标准,诚实守信。
For the purpose of these Measures, water transport construction market participants include the project undertakers, practicing entities, and relevant practicing personnel of water transport construction. 本办法所称水运建设市场主体,包括水运建设项目单位、从业单位和相关从业人员。
For the purpose of these Measures, practicing entities include entities engaging in survey, design, construction, supervision, experiment and testing for water transport construction, and providing consulting, agent construction, bidding agency, and other relevant services. 本办法所称从业单位,包括从事水运建设勘察、设计、施工、监理、试验检测以及提供咨询、项目代建、招标代理等相关服务的单位。
For the purpose of these Measures, construction agent means an entity entrusted by a project undertaker to engage in management of a construction project. 本办法所称代建单位是指受项目单位委托从事建设项目管理的单位。
Article 9 Where the qualifications of water transport construction market participants are prescribed in laws and administrative regulations, the water transport construction market participants shall have the required qualifications prescribed according to the law.   第九条 法律、行政法规对水运建设市场主体的资质作出规定的,水运建设市场主体应当依法具备规定的资质要求。
In water transport construction business operation, no practicing entity may lend or transfer its qualification certificate, undertake any project in the name of another entity, or undertake any project beyond its qualification level. 从业单位在水运建设经营活动中,不得出借或者转让其资质证书,不得以他人名义承揽工程,不得超越资质等级承揽工程。
Article 10 A water transport construction project undertaker that have the following capacities required may independently conduct project construction management:   第十条 水运建设项目单位具备以下能力要求的,可以自行进行项目建设管理:
(1) The primary person in charge or technical person-in-charge of a project shall have the management experience appropriate to the construction project and shall have served as the person in charge of engineering, technology, planning, and other key positions of at least 2 similar water transport construction projects. The technical person-in-charge shall have the senior technical title or the corresponding technical capacity of the relevant profession. (一)项目主要负责人或者技术负责人具有与建设项目相适应的管理经验,至少在2个类似的水运建设项目的工程、技术、计划等关键岗位担任过负责人。技术负责人还应当具有相关专业的高级技术职称或者相应的技术能力;
(2) The setting and staffing of the project management institution shall meet the needs of project management. Persons in charge of engineering technology, quality, safety, finance, and other departments shall have the appropriate project management experience, and the corresponding technical titles at or above the intermediate level or the corresponding technical capacity. (二)项目管理机构的设置和人员配备应当满足该项目管理需要。工程技术、质量、安全和财务等部门的负责人应当具有相应的项目管理经验,以及相应的中级以上技术职称或者相应的技术能力。
Article 11 A project undertaker without the capacity for project construction management as prescribed in Article 10 shall entrust a construction agent satisfying the following requirements to conduct project construction management:   第十一条 项目单位不具备第十条规定的项目建设管理能力的,应当委托符合以下要求的代建单位进行项目建设管理:
(1) A construction agent has the legal person qualification and has the institution setting and relevant staffing that satisfy the requirements for the capacity for project construction management as prescribed in Article 10. (一)具有法人资格,机构设置和相关人员配备满足第十条规定的项目建设管理能力要求;
(2) A construction agent has similar water transport construction or management-related performance and sound market reputation. (二)具有类似水运建设或者管理相关业绩和良好的市场信誉;
(3) A construction agent has the management rules satisfying the requirements for water transport construction quality, safety, environmental protection, and other respects. (三)有满足水运建设质量、安全、环境保护等方面要求的管理制度。
To select a construction agent, a project undertaker shall give priority to selecting a construction agent with sound performance and credit and strong management ability from construction agents satisfying the requirements. 项目单位选择代建单位时,应当从符合要求的代建单位中,优先选择业绩和信用良好、管理能力强的代建单位。
Article 12 Water transport construction management entities and enterprises of water transport engineering survey, design, construction, and project supervision satisfying the requirements as prescribed in Article 11 of these Measures shall be encouraged to provide services of construction on a commission basis.   第十二条 鼓励满足本办法第十一条规定要求的水运建设管理单位及水运工程勘察、设计、施工、工程监理企业开展代建工作。
A construction agent shall not concurrently undertake the survey, design, construction, or supply of equipment for any project for which it provides services of construction on a commission basis or have any affiliated relationship or other direct interests with the aforesaid entities. 代建单位不得在所代建的项目中同时承担勘察、设计、施工、供应设备或者与以上单位有隶属关系及其他直接利益关系。
Article 13 A construction agent shall, according to the contract, conduct construction on a commission basis, perform the relevant management responsibilities in terms of project quality, safety, progress, project measurement, fund payment, environmental protection, and other relevant respects, undertake collection, sorting, and filing of the project files and relevant technical materials, and be responsible for the management of defect maintenance and other work during the quality defect liability period.   第十三条 代建单位依据合同开展代建工作,履行工程质量、安全、进度、工程计量、资金支付、环境保护等相关管理责任,承担项目档案及有关技术资料的收集、整理、归档等工作,负责质量缺陷责任期内的缺陷维修管理等工作。
Article 14 A project undertaker shall be comprehensively responsible for the construction management of a water transport construction project, shall strictly implement the basic construction procedures, and shall not violate or simplify the basic construction procedures without permission.   第十四条 项目单位全面负责水运建设项目的建设管理,应当严格执行基本建设程序,不得违反或者擅自简化基本建设程序。
Article 15 For a water transport construction project implemented by bidding, bidding shall be conducted according to the law, in strict accordance with the provisions of the relevant bidding laws, regulations, and rules of the state. No water transport construction market participant shall practice fraud, collude in bidding, or seek bid winning by bribery and other illegal means.   第十五条 水运建设项目实行招标投标的,应当严格遵守国家有关招标投标法律、法规、规章的规定,依法开展招标投标工作。水运建设市场主体不得弄虚作假,不得串通投标,不得以行贿等不合法手段谋取中标。
Article 16 For a water transport construction project implemented by general contracting of design and construction, the general contractor shall strengthen the coordination in design and construction, develop project management and coordination rules, improve and optimize the design in a timely manner according to the actual conditions of the project, improve the construction plan, rationally deploy the forces of design and construction, and improve the quality assurance system.   第十六条 水运建设项目实行设计施工总承包的,总承包单位应当加强设计与施工的协调,建立工程管理与协调制度,根据工程实际及时完善、优化设计,改进施工方案,合理调配设计和施工力量,完善质量保证体系。
The general contractor shall strengthen the management of the subcontracting projects. A subcontractor selected shall have the corresponding qualifications, and the subcontract shall, with the consent of the project undertaker, serve the subcontracting contract on the project undertaker. 总承包单位应当加强对分包工程的管理。选择的分包单位应当具备相应资格条件,并经项目单位同意,分包合同应当送项目单位。
Article 17 A survey and design entity may, with the consent of the project undertaker, subcontract the work of survey and design in the engineering design that is cross-professional or has special requirements to entities with corresponding qualifications. A survey and design entity shall assume joint and several liability for the work subcontracted to a subcontractor.   第十七条 勘察、设计单位经项目单位同意,可以将工程设计中跨专业或者有特殊要求的勘察、设计工作分包给有相应资质条件的单位承担。勘察、设计单位对分包单位的分包工作承担连带责任。
A construction entity may, with the consent of a construction entity, subcontract the non-primary or non-critical project, or the project suitable for professional construction to the entity with corresponding qualifications. A construction entity shall assume joint and several liability for the project subcontracted to a subcontractor. 施工单位经项目单位同意,可以将非主体、非关键性或者适合专业化施工的工程分包给具有相应资质条件的单位承担。施工单位对分包单位的分包工程承担连带责任。
A project undertaker shall strengthen the management of project subcontracting. A contractor shall submit the construction subcontracting contract to the supervision entity for examination and submit it to the project undertaker for recordation. 项目单位应当加强对工程分包的管理。承包单位应当将施工分包合同报监理单位审查,并报项目单位备案。
The supervision work shall not be subcontracted or transferred. 监理工作不得分包或者转包。
Article 18 A contractor shall be prohibited from transferring the water transport construction project undertaken by it. A subcontractor shall be prohibited from further subcontracting the water transport construction project undertaken by it.   第十八条 禁止承包单位将其承包的水运建设工程转包。禁止分包单位将其承包的水运建设工程再分包。
Article 19 All relevant entities of water transport construction shall, according to the contract, comprehensively perform the obligations:   第十九条 水运建设各相关单位应当按照合同约定全面履行义务:
(1) A project undertaker shall organize the implementation of the project within the reasonable construction period, shall not arbitrarily shorten the reasonable construction period or unreasonably extend the construction period, and shall make payment according to the contract; a project undertaker shall not explicitly or implicitly request the construction entity to use unqualified materials, components, or equipment; and a project undertaker that purchases materials, components, and equipment on its own according to the contract shall ensure that they meet the relevant standards of the state and satisfy the requirements of the design documents.

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