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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Some Issues concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury [Revised]
最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释 [已被修订]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 


The "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Some Issues concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury", which was adopted at the 1299th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 4, 2003, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on May 1, 2004.

December 26, 2003

Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Some Issues concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury

(Adopted at the 1299th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 4, 2003; Interpretation No. 20 [2003] of the Supreme People's Court)
(2003年12月4日最高人民法院审判委员会第1299次会议通过 法释[2003]20号)

In order to correctly try the cases on compensation for personal injury, lawfully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, we hereby give our interpretation as follows regarding the relevant issues concerning the application of law in accordance with the "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the General Principles of Civil Law) and the "Civil Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Litigation Law) and other relevant laws:

Article 1 Where an obligee to compensation brings a lawsuit due to an injury to his life, health or body, claiming compensation for property losses or psychological injuries against the obligor to compensation, the people's court shall accept the lawsuit.   第一条 因生命、健康、身体遭受侵害,赔偿权利人起诉请求赔偿义务人赔偿财产损失和精神损害的,人民法院应予受理。

An "obligee to compensation" mentioned in the present Article means a victim who directly suffers from personal injury due to a tort or any other cause of injury, or a person in need of maintenance and upbringing for which the victim is obligated in accordance with law, or a close relative of the deceased victim.

An "obligor to compensation" mentioned in the present Article means a natural person, legal person or other organization that shall bear civil liabilities in accordance with the law for the tort or any other cause of injury committed by himself/itself or by any other person.

Article 2 Where a victim has any intent or negligence for the occurrence or enlargement of the same injury, the liabilities of the obligor to compensation may be mitigated or exempted in accordance with Article 131 of the General Principles of Civil Law. However, if the tortfeasor causes injury to another person by intent or major negligence, while the victim only has generic negligence, the liabilities of the obligor to compensation shall not be mitigated.   第二条 受害人对同一损害的发生或者扩大有故意、过失的,依照民法通则一百三十一条的规定,可以减轻或者免除赔偿义务人的赔偿责任。但侵权人因故意或者重大过失致人损害,受害人只有一般过失的,不减轻赔偿义务人的赔偿责任。

If, when Paragraph 3 of Article 106 of the General Principles of Civil Law is applied to determine the liabilities of an obligor to compensation, the victim is found to have any major negligence, the liabilities of the obligor to compensation may be mitigated.

Article 3 Where two or more persons cause an injury to others by joint intent or joint negligence, or their injurious acts are directly combined and result in the same injury consequence even if there is no joint intent or joint negligence, a joint tort shall be constituted, and the tortfeasors shall bear joint liabilities in accordance with Article 130 of the General Principles of Civil Law.   第三条 二人以上共同故意或者共同过失致人损害,或者虽无共同故意、共同过失,但其侵害行为直接结合发生同一损害后果的,构成共同侵权,应当依照民法通则一百三十条规定承担连带责任。

Where two or more persons have no joint intent or joint negligence, but separately commit several acts that are indirectly combined and result in the same injury consequence, they shall bear corresponding compensation liabilities respectively in appropriate proportions upon the extent of their faults or the reasons of such injury.

Article 4 Where two or more persons jointly commit any act endangering the personal safety of any other person and result in any injury, they shall bear joint liabilities in accordance with Article 130 of the General Principles of Civil Law in the case that the actual injuring person is unable to be determined. Where anyone who is suspected to have caused the joint danger can prove that the injury consequence is not caused from his act, he shall bear no compensation liabilities.   第四条 二人以上共同实施危及他人人身安全的行为并造成损害后果,不能确定实际侵害行为人的,应当依照民法通则一百三十条规定承担连带责任。共同危险行为人能够证明损害后果不是由其行为造成的,不承担赔偿责任。

Article 5 Where an obligee to compensation brings a lawsuit against some of the joint tortfeasors, the people's court shall add other joint tortfeasors as joint defendants. Where the obligee to compensation abandons his litigation claims against some of the joint tortfeasors in the process of litigation, other joint tortfeasors shall not bear joint liabilities for the share of compensation that ought to be previously borne by the defendants against whom the abandoned litigation claims were proposed. If the scope of liabilities is difficult to be determined, all the joint tortfeasors shall be putatively deemed to bear equal liabilities.   第五条 赔偿权利人起诉部分共同侵权人的,人民法院应当追加其他共同侵权人作为共同被告。赔偿权利人在诉讼中放弃对部分共同侵权人的诉讼请求的,其他共同侵权人对被放弃诉讼请求的被告应当承担的赔偿份额不承担连带责任。责任范围难以确定的,推定各共同侵权人承担同等责任。

The people's court shall inform the obligee to compensation of the legal consequence of his abandonment of the litigation claims, and shall state such abandonment in the legal documents.

Article 6 Where a natural person, legal person or any other organization who engages in the business of hotel, catering or entertainment, etc. or carries out other social activities, fails to perform the security guaranty obligation within a reasonable scope, and thus causes any other person to suffer from a personal injury, and the obligee to compensation claims against the obligor for bearing corresponding compensation liabilities, the people's court shall support such claim.   第六条 从事住宿、餐饮、娱乐等经营活动或者其他社会活动的自然人、法人、其他组织,未尽合理限度范围内的安全保障义务致使他人遭受人身损害,赔偿权利人请求其承担相应赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。

Where a third person's tort results in an injury, he shall bear the compensation liabilities. If the obligor for security guaranty has any fault, he shall bear corresponding supplementary compensation liabilities within a scope of his capacity to prevent or stop such injury. The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person. If the obligee to compensation brings a lawsuit against the obligor for security guaranty, he shall regard the third person as a joint defendant, unless the third person is unable to be determined.

Article 7 Where a school, kindergarten or other educational institution lawfully obligated for educating, managing and protecting minors fails to perform the relevant obligations within the scope of its duties, and thus causes a minor to suffer from a personal injury, or causes a personal injury to any other person via the minor, it shall bear compensation liabilities matching its fault.   第七条 对未成年人依法负有教育、管理、保护义务的学校、幼儿园或者其他教育机构,未尽职责范围内的相关义务致使未成年人遭受人身损害,或者未成年人致他人人身损害的,应当承担与其过错相应的赔偿责任。

Where a third person's tort causes a minor to suffer from a personal injury, he shall bear the compensation liabilities. If the school, kindergarten or other educational institution has any fault, it shall bear corresponding supplementary compensation liabilities.

Article 8 Where the legal representative, responsible person or any employee of a legal person or any other organization causes an injury to others in his implementation of duties, the said legal person or organization shall bear the civil liabilities in accordance with Article 121 of the General Principles of Civil Law. If any of the aforementioned persons commits an act irrelevant to his duties, and thus causes an injury to others, he himself shall bear the compensation liabilities.
   第八条 法人或者其他组织的法定代表人、负责人以及工作人员,在执行职务中致人损害的,依照民法通则一百二十一条的规定,由该法人或者其他组织承担民事责任。上述人员实施与职务无关的行为致人损害的,应当由行为人承担赔偿责任。

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