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The Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019

The Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019 


(State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, March 2020) (中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 2020年3月)

Contents 目录
Foreword 序言
I. Civil and Political Rights in Name Only 一、公民权利和政治权利有名无实
II. Absence of Basic Guarantee of Social and Economic Rights 二、经济和社会权利缺乏基本保障
III. Ethnic Minorities Suffer from Bullying and Exclusion 三、少数族裔饱受欺凌排斥
IV. Severe Discrimination and Violence Against Women 四、妇女面临严重歧视与暴力
V. Vulnerable Groups Living in Difficulties 五、弱势群体处境艰难
VI. Migrants Suffer Inhumane Treatment 六、移民遭受非人道对待
VII. The United States Wantonly Trampled on Human Rights in Other Countries 七、肆意践踏他国人权
Foreword 序言
"We lied, we cheated, we stole ... It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment," said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a speech on April 15, 2019. 美国国务卿蓬佩奥2019年4月15日在演讲时说:“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃……这才是美国不断探索进取的荣耀。”
The remarks of U.S. politicians have completely exposed their hypocrisy of adopting double standards on human rights issues and using them to maintain hegemony. 美国政客的言论彻底暴露了其在人权问题上奉行双重标准、以人权维护霸权的虚伪面目。
The United States claims to be founded on human rights, touting itself as a world human rights defender. Following a framework of its own narrow understanding of human rights and using its core interests of pursuing global hegemony as a yardstick, the United States released annual reports on other countries' human rights every year by piecing together innuendoes and hearsay. These reports wantonly distorted and belittled human rights situation in countries and regions that did not conform to U.S. strategic interests, but turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the persistent, systematic and large-scale human rights violations in the United States. 美国号称人权立国,以世界人权卫士自居,以自身对人权的狭隘理解为框架,以称霸全球的核心利益为标尺,每年根据捕风捉影、道听途说的材料拼凑出年度国别人权报告,对不符合其战略利益的国家和地区的人权状况肆意歪曲贬低,却对自身持续性、系统化、大规模侵犯人权的斑斑劣迹置若罔闻、熟视无睹。
This report is based on a variety of published data, reports and research findings. The facts detailed in the report prove that in recent years, especially since 2019, the human rights situation in the United States has been poor and deteriorating. 本报告所依据的资料,来源于各类公开发布的数据、报道及研究成果。报告中的事实证明,近年来,特别是2019年以来,美国的人权状况乏善可陈,呈日益恶化之势。
-- The United States is a country with the worst gun violence in the world. The number of mass killings in the United States hit a record high of 415 in 2019, with more than one happening for every day of the year. In total 39,052 people died from gun related violence in the United States in 2019. A person is killed with a gun in the United States every 15 minutes. "This seems to be the age of mass shootings," commented USA Today. --美国是世界上枪支暴力最严重的国家。2019年共发生415起大规模枪击事件,平均每天超过一起;共有39052人死于与枪支有关的暴力事件,每15分钟就有一人被枪杀。《今日美国报》评论称,“美国或已步入大规模枪击时代”。
-- Elections have become money games for the rich. Spending in the 2018 elections for Congress topped 5.7 billion U.S. dollars, making the battle for control of the House and Senate the most expensive midterm ever. In 2018, the 10 largest individual donors funneled more than 436 million U.S. dollars to Super PACs (political action committees) in the midterm elections. The race to raise money for the 2020 presidential election is heating up. Candidates have raised more than 1.08 billion U.S. dollars for the election. --选举沦为富人的金钱游戏。2018年中期选举支出高达57亿美元,成为有史以来最昂贵的国会选举;10个最大的个人捐助者向超级政治行动委员会注资4.36亿美元。2020年总统选举筹资竞赛日趋狂热,所有参选人已筹集超过10.8亿美元竞选资金。
-- The United States has the most serious polarization between the rich and poor among developed countries. The Gini Index grew to 0.485 in 2018, the highest level in 50 years. The wealthiest 10 percent of U.S. households control nearly 75 percent of household net worth. The bottom 50 percent saw essentially zero net gains in wealth from 1989 to 2018. --美国在西方国家中贫富分化最为严重。2018年基尼系数攀升至0.485,贫富差距创50年来新高。最富有的10%家庭占有美国全部家庭净资产的近75%。1989年至2018年,最底层50%的家庭财富净增长基本为零。
-- The United States is currently the only developed country where millions of people are hungry. There were 39.7 million people living in poverty in the United States, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released in 2018. On a single night in the previous year, more than half a million Americans lacked permanent shelter. There were 65 million adults who chose not to seek treatment for a medical issue because of the cost. --美国是目前唯一有数百万人处于饥饿状态的发达国家。人口普查局2018年的统计数据显示,美国有3970万贫困人口。每晚至少有50万美国人无家可归。有6500万人因医疗费用过高而放弃治疗。
-- Racial hate crimes in the United States have shocked the world. White supremacy in the United States has shown a resurgence trend. The majority of domestic terror related arrests were linked to white supremacist violence. A white man opened fire and killed 22 people at a Walmart superstore in El Paso, Texas. His motive was hatred toward Hispanics. "The United States has always been in the midst of a white nationalist terrorist crisis," said a comment. --美国种族仇恨犯罪震惊世界。美国白人至上主义回潮,国内近年来发生的恐怖活动大多与白人至上主义暴力有关。埃尔帕索沃尔玛超市枪击案致22人死亡,白人枪手的行凶动机是对拉美裔的种族仇恨。评论认为,“美国一直处在白人至上恐怖主义的危机之中”。
-- Shootings and brutal abuse of African Americans by policemen are frequent. African American adults are 5.9 times more likely to be incarcerated than white adults. An UN Special Rapporteur called such racial disparities a vestige of slavery and racial segregation. --警察枪杀和残暴虐待非洲裔案件频发。非洲裔成年人被监禁的概率是白人成年人的5.9倍。联合国特别报告员指出,这种大规模的监禁是奴隶制及种族隔离所产生的余孽。
-- The racial gap in employment and wealth is striking. Over the past 40 years, workers of African descent have consistently endured an unemployment rate approximately twice that of their white counterparts. The typical wealth for a white household is nearly 10 times that for African Americans. If current trends continue, it could take more than 200 years for the average family of African descent to accumulate the same amount of wealth as its white counterparts. --就业和财富的种族差距惊人。在过去的40年里,非洲裔工人的失业率一直是白人的两倍。白人家庭的平均财富几乎是非洲裔家庭的10倍。以目前的趋势,非洲裔家庭积累的财富需要200多年才能达到白人家庭现在的水平。
-- Religious intolerance continues to deteriorate. Pew Research Center surveys showed that about 82 percent of respondents say Muslims are subject to at least some discrimination in the United States. Some 64 percent say Jews face at least some discrimination in the United States. Extremists inspired by extremist ideology were responsible for 249 anti-Semitic incidents in 2018. An UN report noted the exceptionally violent anti-Semitic incidents in the United States. --宗教不宽容持续恶化。皮尤研究中心的调查显示,82%的受访者认为穆斯林在美国面临歧视,64%的受访者认为犹太人在美国面临歧视。2018年,极端主义者制造了249起反犹事件。联合国报告认为,美国存在异常暴力化的反犹太主义。
-- The United States has the most dangerous situation for women among high-income countries. In 2015, an astounding 92 percent of all women killed with guns in these countries were from the United States. Women in the United States were 21 times more likely to die by firearm homicide than women in peer nations. Every month, an average of 52 women were shot and killed by an intimate partner. Up to 70 percent of U.S. women had experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. --美国是高收入国家中女性处境最危险的国度。高收入国家被枪杀的女性中92%来自美国,美国女性被枪击致死的概率比其他高收入国家高21倍,美国平均每个月有52名女性被其伴侣枪杀致死。多达70%的美国女性曾遭受来自亲密伴侣的身体或性暴力。
-- Child poverty is a shocking problem. Around 12.8 million U.S. children lived in poverty and a total of 3.5 million children under five were poor, with 1.6 million of those children living in extreme poverty. "No child should have to worry where her next meal will come from or whether she will have a place to sleep each night in the wealthiest nation on Earth," commented the Children's Defense Fund in a report, adding that yet "about one in five children in America lived in poverty and faced these harsh realities every day." --儿童贫困问题触目惊心。美国仍有1280万名儿童生活在贫困之中,5岁以下的贫困儿童数量多达350万,其中160万生活在极端贫困中。美国儿童保护基金批评道:“在全球最富有的国家,居然还有超过五分之一的儿童每天都不得不面对无比残酷的现实--下顿吃什么,今晚睡哪里?”
-- Poverty among the elderly is becoming more and more serious. One in 12 seniors aged 60 and older -- 5.5 million people -- did not have enough food. About 40 percent of middle-class Americans would live close to or in poverty by the time they reach age 65. --老年人贫困问题越来越严重。美国60岁以上的老年人中,每12人中就有1人缺乏足够的食物,总人数达550万。大约40%的美国中产阶级到65岁时将接近或陷入贫困。
-- The U.S. government's treatment of immigrants has become increasingly harsh and inhumane. The "zero-tolerance" policy caused the separations of many children from their families. U.S. immigration authorities had separated more than 5,400 children from their parents at the Mexico border since July 2017. A total of 24 immigrants, including seven children, have died in U.S. custody since 2018. --美国政府对待移民日趋严苛和非人道。“零容忍”政策导致大量儿童被迫与亲人分离。2017年7月以来,移民当局在边境将5400多名儿童与父母分离。2018年以来,共有包括7名儿童在内的24名移民在美国边境收容所拘留期间死亡。
-- The United States is "the most warlike nation in the history of the world." The United States has spent 6.4 trillion U.S. dollars on wars it launched since 2001, which resulted in more than 800,000 deaths and left tens of millions displaced. --美国堪称“世界历史上最好战的国家”。2001年以来,美国不断对外发动战争,花费的财政开支超过6.4万亿美元,造成的死亡人数超过80万,导致数千万人流离失所。
I. Civil and Political Rights in Name Only   一、公民权利和政治权利有名无实
The United States flaunts itself as "the land of freedom" and a "beacon of democracy," which, however, is just something imaginary that fools the people and the world. The lack of restraint in the right to hold guns has led to rampant gun violence, posing a serious threat to citizens' life and property safety. Worsening money politics distorts public opinion and makes the so-called democratic election a game for the rich. 美国自我标榜为“自由的乐土”和“民主的灯塔”,但这不过是愚弄民众、欺骗世界的虚构幻境。缺乏约束的持枪自由导致枪支暴力泛滥,对公民的生命、人身、财产安全构成了严重威胁;愈演愈烈的金钱政治扭曲民意,使所谓的民主选举沦为了富人的游戏。
Politics has led to a proliferation of guns. The manufacture, sale and use of guns in the United States is a huge industrial chain, forming a huge interest group. Interest groups such as the National Rifle Association made large political donations for presidential and congressional elections. The intertwined drawbacks of party politics, election politics and money politics make it difficult for the legislative and executive authorities to do anything about gun control, only allowing the situation to deteriorate. According to an U.S. online media report dated Dec. 11, 2019, the United States has far more guns than any other country and in 2017 the estimated number of civilian-owned firearms in the United States was 120.5 guns per 100 residents, meaning there were more firearms than people. A Nov. 20, 2019 report on the website of the Center for American Progress said that a person is killed with a gun in the United States every 15 minutes, citing figures on shooting deaths from 2008 through 2017. In total 39,052 people died from gun related violence in the United States in 2019. 政治裹挟下枪支泛滥成灾。美国的枪支制造、买卖和使用是一个巨大的产业链,形成了庞大的利益集团。全国步枪协会等利益集团为总统选举和国会选举提供大量的政治捐款。美国党派政治、选票政治、金钱政治的诸多弊端相互交织,使得立法和行政机构难以在枪支管控问题上有所作为,任由事态持续恶化。美国在线媒体2019年12月11日报道,美国是世界上私人拥有枪支数量最多的国家,枪支数量远远超过人口总数,2017年平均每百名居民拥有120.5支枪。美国进步中心网站2019年11月20日报道,2008年至2017年,美国至少有342439人被枪击致死,这意味着每15分钟就有一人被枪杀。2019年美国共有39052人死于与枪支有关的暴力事件。
Mass shootings occurred one after another. The United States is a country with the worst gun violence in the world. Frequent mass shootings have become a defining feature of the United States. Citing figures from the Gun Violence Archive (GVA) , the online edition of The Mirror reported on Dec. 30, 2019 that the number of mass killings in the United States hit a record high of 415 in 2019, with more than one happening for every day of the year. That compares with 337 in 2018; 346 in 2017; 382 in 2016; 335 in 2015 and 269 in 2014, the first year the GVA kept records. The three worst U.S. shootings of 2019 took place in El Paso, Texas, Virginia Beach, and Dayton, Ohio, which killed 22, 12 and nine people, respectively. "This seems to be the age of mass shootings," commented USA Today in an online report. 大规模枪击事件接连发生。美国是世界上枪支暴力最严重的国家,频繁发生的大规模枪击事件已成为美国的标志性特征。英国《镜报》网站2019年12月30日报道,根据“枪支暴力档案室”的数据,2019年美国共发生415起大规模枪击事件,平均每天超过一起,达到自2014年统计该数据以来的历史新高。相比之下,2014年美国共发生大规模枪击事件269起,2015年为335起,2016年为382起,2017年为346起,2018年为337起。2019年美国发生的最严重三起枪击案件为:造成22人死亡的得克萨斯州埃尔帕索市沃尔玛枪击案、造成12人死亡的弗吉尼亚海滩市枪击案、造成9人死亡的俄亥俄州代顿市枪击案。《今日美国报》评论称,“美国或已步入大规模枪击时代”。
Violent crimes number is alarming. The "Crime in the United States, 2018" report released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2019 showed that in 2018, an estimated 1,206,836 violent crimes occurred nationwide, including 16,214 murders, 139,380 rapes, 282,061 robberies, and 807,410 aggravated assaults. The "Criminal Victimization, 2018" report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2019 showed that the number of violent-crime victims aged 12 or older in the United States was 3.3 million in 2018, rising for three consecutive years. 暴力犯罪数量惊人。联邦调查局2019年发布的《2018年美国犯罪报告》显示,2018年美国共发生1206836起暴力犯罪案件。其中,谋杀案为16214起,强奸案为139380起,抢劫案为282061起,重伤案为807410起。美国司法统计局2019年发布的《全国犯罪受害调查报告》显示,2018年美国共有330万名12岁以上居民遭受暴力犯罪侵害,这一数据已连续三年增加。
People's property safety is at risk. The "Crime in the United States, 2018" report released by the FBI showed that in 2018 there were an estimated 7,196,045 property crime offenses in the nation, with a rate of property crime estimated at 2,199.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. Property crimes in 2018 resulted in losses estimated at 16.4 billion U.S. dollars. Among the property crimes were an estimated 748,841 thefts of motor vehicles and 1,230,149 burglaries. The estimated rate of motor vehicle thefts was 229 per 100,000 inhabitants. Vehicles stolen were worth an estimated total of more than 6 billion U.S. dollars. Victims of burglary offenses suffered an estimated 3.4 billion U.S. dollars in property losses. The average dollar loss per burglary offense was 2,799 dollars. 民众财产安全堪忧。联邦调查局2019年发布的《2018年美国犯罪报告》显示,2018年美国共发生7196045起财产犯罪案件,平均每10万居民发生2199.5起,财产犯罪受害者共蒙受164亿美元损失。其中,车辆失窃案件748841起,平均每10万居民发生229起,被盗车辆价值超过60亿美元;入室盗窃案件1230149起,造成财产损失约34亿美元,平均每起损失2799美元。
Poor handling of cases by the police resulted in the loss of public confidence. Incidents reported to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) of the FBI in 2018 involved nearly 6.6 million criminal offenses and nearly 7 million victims. The website of Pew Research Center reported on Oct. 17, 2019 that in the United States in 2018, 45.5 percent of violent crimes and 17.6 percent of property crimes were cleared, citing FBI figures. Many victims did not report a crime out of a feeling that police "would not or could not do anything to help." In 2018, only 43 percent of violent crimes and 34 percent of property crimes tracked by the Bureau of Justice Statistics were reported to police. 警方办案不力导致民众失去信心。联邦调查局“全国犯罪案件报告系统”的数据显示,2018年美国共报告了近660万起刑事犯罪,涉及近700万名受害者。皮尤研究中心网站2019年10月17日报道,联邦调查局的数据显示,2018年美国暴力犯罪结案率仅为45.5%,财产犯罪结案率仅为17.6%。很多受害者觉得警方无能,“不会或无法提供帮助”,只得放弃报案。2018年,司法统计局追踪的暴力犯罪案件中,警方接到报案的只有43%,财产犯罪案件中警方接到报案的只有34%。
Citizens' personal dignity and privacy are systematically violated. According to a Dec. 6, 2019 report on the website of the Dallas Morning News, Texas is home to eight secretive surveillance centers, which, supported jointly by federal, state and local law enforcement departments, are created for the purpose of better sharing intelligence and better monitoring and analyzing social media and other online forums. A decade ago, when fusion centers were coming online, the American Civil Liberties Union issued a warning that the centers had ambiguous lines of authority and excessive secrecy. The threat, it stated, for "the creation of a total surveillance society," is real. According to an U.S. Government Accountability Office report released on June 4, 2019, the FBI's face recognition office can now search databases with more than 641 million photos. Half of U.S. adults -- more than 117 million people -- are in a law enforcement face recognition network, according to a Georgetown University study report, which raises serious questions about privacy and civil liberties violations, particularly for African Americans. 公民人格尊严和隐私权遭受系统性侵犯。《达拉斯晨报》网站2019年12月6日报道,美国联邦、州和地方执法部门仅在得克萨斯州就设有8个秘密监视中心,共享情报监控社交媒体和其他在线论坛。早在10年前这些监控中心上线时,美国公民自由联盟就对其侵犯公民隐私发出警告,称其权限模糊、过度保密,使得“建立一个全面监控社会”的威胁变成现实。美国审计署2019年6月4日的报告显示,联邦调查局的人脸识别办公室可以在无合法许可的情况下,任意检索包含超过6.41亿张照片的数据库。乔治城大学公布的一项研究显示,约一半美国成年人--超过1.17亿人,被纳入在执法机构使用的人脸识别系统中,其中非洲裔比其他族裔更容易受到审查。
Prison management disorders resulted in frequent abuse scandals. A report carried by the website of the Department of Justice on April 3, 2019 said Alabama's prisons for men fail to protect prisoners from prisoner-on-prisoner violence and sexual abuse and that prisoners experience serious harm, including deadly harm, as a result. The website of the Sun reported on Dec. 10, 2019 that 14 women are suing the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in the United States over systemic abuse they claim to have endured at the prison. Allegations of sexual assault and harassment behind bars in the United States skyrocketed 180 percent from 2011 to 2015. Solitary confinement, which according to the United Nations is a torturous practice, causes severe mental and physical pain or suffering and may even lead to death. A 2017 survey of state prisons estimated around 61,000 prisoners are held in solitary confinement in the United States on any given day, according to a Sept. 4, 2019 report on the website of the Guardian. 监狱管理混乱导致虐囚丑闻频发。美国司法部网站2019年4月3日报道,阿拉巴马州男子监狱无法保护犯人免受囚犯之间的暴力和性侵,导致囚犯受到严重伤害甚至致死。英国《太阳报》网站2019年12月10日报道,14名女性囚犯对美国科尔曼联邦监狱提起诉讼,指控该监狱持续存在对囚犯的系统性虐待。2011年至2015年,美国监狱的性侵犯和性骚扰指控激增了180%。单独囚禁是联合国认定的一种酷刑,会对囚犯的精神、身体和情绪造成严重伤害,甚至可能导致死亡。英国《卫报》网站2019年9月4日报道,2017年的一项调查显示,美国每天都有约6.1万名囚犯被单独囚禁。
Political elections were reduced to money games. CNN reported on Feb. 7, 2019 that spending in the 2018 elections for Congress topped 5.7 billion U.S. dollars, shooting past the 5.3 billion U.S. dollars spent during the then-recording breaking 2008 presidential election and making the battle for control of the House and Senate the most expensive midterm ever. The Florida U.S. Senate race was the most expensive contest of the midterms, with the spending topping 209 million U.S. dollars. The winning candidate Republican Rick Scott poured more than 63 million U.S. dollars of his personal fortune into the contest. In 2018, the 10 largest individual donors funneled more than 436 million U.S. dollars to Super PACs (political action committees) in the most expensive midterm elections ever, according to a report dated Aug. 14, 2019 on the website of the Time magazine. Big money in politics has overwhelmed the political process, granting wealthy special interests more power now than at any time in recent American history, "distorting the voices of everyday citizens and putting the foundation of our democracy at risk." 政治选举沦为金钱游戏。美国有线电视新闻网2019年2月7日报道,2018年美国中期选举的支出高达57亿美元,甚至超过了2008年总统选举花费的53亿美元,成为有史以来最昂贵的国会选举。其中,佛罗里达州联邦参议员竞选耗资最为庞大,共花费2.09亿美元,最终胜选的共和党候选人里克·斯科特在竞选中投入了6300多万美元的个人财产。《时代周刊》网站2019年8月14日报道,在2018年的中期选举中,10个最大的个人捐助者向超级政治行动委员会注资4.36亿美元。富有的特殊利益集团获得前所未有的政治影响力,金钱支配了政治进程,“扭曲了真实民意,侵蚀了民主基石”。
The race to raise money for the 2020 presidential election is heating up. According to data released on Dec. 29, 2019 on the website of the Federal Election Commission, candidates have raised more than 1.08 billion U.S. dollars for the 2020 presidential election and spent 531 million U.S. dollars. In his first week as a Democratic U.S. presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg launched a 40-plus million U.S. dollar advertising campaign, according to a HuffPost report dated Nov. 30, 2019. Presidential candidates have spent more than 100 million U.S. dollars on digital ads, noted a report released by the Center for Responsive Politics on Nov. 24, 2019. 2020年总统选举筹资竞赛日趋狂热。美国联邦选举委员会网站2019年12月29日公布的数据显示,2020年总统选举的所有参选人已筹集超过10.8亿美元竞选资金,已花费5.31亿美元。《赫芬顿邮报》网站2019年11月30日报道,民主党参选人迈克尔·布隆伯格在宣布竞选的第一周便投入4000多万美元开展广告宣传。政治响应中心2019年11月24日发布的报告显示,所有总统参选人仅在数字广告上的支出就已超过1亿美元。
America's self-touted "freedom of the press" is in name only. For the third time in three years, the United States' standing in an annual index of press freedom declined, said a report released on the website of the Washington Post on April, 18, 2019. Data released by the website of the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker on Dec. 29, 2019 showed that in 2019 in the United States there were 38 journalists who were attacked, 28 incidents in which journalists were denied access to government events, nine journalists who were arrested or faced with criminal charges. Since 2017, at least 54 journalists have been subpoenaed or had their records seized and 36 journalists have been arrested while covering protests in the United States. The current U.S. Administration is "mounting the most direct attack on press freedom in American history," according to a report dated Dec. 12, 2019 on the website of the Guardian. 自我标榜的“新闻自由”有名无实。《华盛顿邮报》网站2019年4月18日报道,美国在年度新闻自由指数中的排名连续三年下降。“美国新闻自由追踪系统”网站2019年12月29日公布的数据显示,2019年美国共有38名记者遭到袭击,发生记者被拒绝参加公开政府活动的事件28起,9名记者被捕或面临刑事指控。自2017年以来,至少有54名记者被传唤或被没收采访记录,36名记者在报道抗议活动时被捕。英国《卫报》网站2019年12月12日报道指出,本届美国政府“对新闻自由进行了有史以来最持久的攻击”。
Demonstrators were arrested for protesting against government policies. Calls for the closure of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have intensified since the U.S. Government in 2018 implemented its "zero tolerance" policy on immigration. About 100 protesters demanding an end to the ICE were arrested in New York City, according to a CNN report on Aug. 11, 2019. At least 15 protesters were arrested in a demonstration organized by Greenpeace USA on Sept. 12, 2019, said a report on the website of Houston Chronicle. Nearly 40 protesters attended a planned protest in Miami on Nov. 29, 2019 for government action on climate change and one protester was arrested, according to a report on the website of Miami Herald. 示威民众因抗议政府政策而遭逮捕。美国有线电视新闻网2019年8月11日报道,自从美国政府2018年实施“零容忍”移民政策后,呼吁关闭移民及海关执法局的呼声此起彼伏,约100名抗议者在纽约市被逮捕。《休斯顿纪事报》网站2019年9月12日报道,美国绿色和平组织的抗议者当日在休斯敦举行示威活动,至少15名抗议者被捕。《迈阿密先驱报》网站2019年11月29日报道,迈阿密近40位气候变化倡议者当日举行抗议活动,要求政府采取措施应对气候变化,1人被捕。
II. Absence of Basic Guarantee of Social and Economic Rights   二、经济和社会权利缺乏基本保障
Behind the overall prosperity of the United States is the cruel reality of the serious polarization between the rich and the poor in the country. The income distribution gap continues to widen, the medical and education cost continues to rise, the coverage of social security is shrinking and the lives of the people at the bottom are miserable. 美国整体富强的面纱背后,遮掩的却是贫富严重分化的冷酷现实。国民收入分配差距持续扩大,医疗教育费用不断攀升,社会保障覆盖面却在萎缩,底层民众生活苦不堪言。
The gap between rich and poor hit a 50-year high. In May 2018, Philip G. Alston, the United Nation's special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, published a report saying the United States had the highest rate of income inequality among Western countries. The Washington Times reported on its website on Sept. 27, 2019 that the Gini Index of the United States has been rising steadily over the past five decades, citing figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Gini Index grew to 0.485 in 2018, the highest level in 50 years. Citing a report from the New York-based financial firm JP Morgan Chase, the USA Today website reported on May 26, 2019 that the wealthiest 10 percent of U.S. households control nearly 75 percent of household net worth. "The increasing consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few has gone beyond what many Americans deem to be justified or morally acceptable." The basic trend of widening income gap in the United States is casting negative influences on the enjoyment and realization of human rights. The New York Times website reported on Sept. 10, 2019 that the expanding gap between rich and poor is not only widening the gulf in incomes and wealth in America. It is helping the rich lead longer lives, while cutting short the lives of those who are struggling. The polarization between the rich and the poor in the United States is a stable long-term trend. The main reason for this trend is structural, which is determined by the political system of the United States and the capital interests represented by the U.S. government. The U.S. government not only lacks the political will to eliminate these structural causes, but also continuously introduces policies and measures to strengthen them. In the United States, "the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power," said Alston, the special rapporteur. 贫富差距创50年来新高。联合国极端贫困与人权问题特别报告员菲利普·奥尔斯顿在2018年5月发表的访美报告中指出,美国已经沦为贫富分化最严重的西方国家。《华盛顿时报》网站2019年9月27日报道,美国人口普查局的统计数据显示,过去50年来,美国的基尼系数一直在稳步上升。2018年基尼系数攀升至0.485,贫富差距达到50年来最高水平。《今日美国报》网站2019年5月26日报道,摩根大通公司发布的报告显示,美国最富有的10%家庭占有近75%的家庭净资产。“财富越来越多地集中在少数人手中,已经超出了许多美国人认为合理或道德上可以接受的范围”。美国贫富持续分化的基本趋势对人权的享有和实现产生了严重的负面影响。《纽约时报》网站2019年9月10日报道,贫富差距不仅扩大了美国人的收入和财富差距,还导致了富人寿命更长而穷人寿命更短。美国的贫富分化是一个稳定的长期趋势,造成这种趋势的主要原因是结构性的,这是由美国的政治制度和美国政府所代表的资本利益所决定的。美国政府不仅缺乏消除这些结构性原因的政治意愿,反而不断推出使之强化的政策措施。正如奥尔斯顿特别报告员所指出的,美国“极端贫困的持续存在是当权者做出的政治选择”。
Inequality in income distribution is growing. USA Today reported on its website on April 17 and May 26, 2019 that income inequality is a growing problem in the United States, which could be contributed to factors including the stagnant middle-class wages and skyrocketing executive compensation. In some of the largest and most recognizable global companies, chief executives earn in less than an hour as much as their typical employee earns in an entire year. MyLogIQ, a data aggregator of public companies, released a report comparing total CEO compensation to median employee compensation for companies on the S&P 500 index, identifying 13 companies where the CEO makes at least 1,000 times the salary of their typical employee, while the biggest contrast was 3,566 times. Citing a Federal Reserve report, the Forbes website reported on May 29, 2019 that in 2018, the richest 10 percent held 70 percent of total household wealth, up from 60 percent in 1989. The share funneled to the top 1 percent jumped to 32 percent in 2018 from 23 percent in 1989. The bottom 50 percent saw essentially zero net gains in wealth over those 30 years, driving their already meager share of total wealth down to just 1 percent from 4 percent, who are literally getting crushed by the weight of rising inequalities. 收入分配不平等日益严重。《今日美国报》网站2019年4月17日和5月26日报道,美国的收入不平等问题不断恶化,中产阶级工资停滞不前和高管薪酬飙升是主要原因之一。一些大企业和知名公司首席执行官不到一个小时的收入,相当于普通员工一整年的收入。MyLogIQ机构对标准普尔500指数公司的薪酬分析报告显示,有13家公司首席执行官的工资至少是普通员工薪酬中位数的1000倍,最高的达到3566倍。《福布斯》网站2019年5月29日报道,美联储的报告显示,1989年至2018年,最富有10%的家庭占有家庭财富总额的比例从60%上升至70%,最富有1%的家庭占有家庭财富总额的比例从23%上升至32%,而最底层50%的家庭财富净增长基本为零,在家庭财富总额中所占比例从4%降至1%,正在被日益加剧的不平等压垮。
People at the bottom are living in distress. In the United States, where the economy is already highly developed, many still face the threat of hunger. The United States remains the only developed country where millions go hungry, said an article published on Dec. 16, 2019 on the website of the American Bar Association. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 39.7 million people living in poverty in the United States, including 12.8 million children in 2018. American Progress website reported on Feb. 13, 2019 that more than 4 in 10 Americans are struggling to afford basics such as housing, food, and health care. The U.S. Congress has refused to raise the federal minimum wage of 7.25 U.S. dollars per hour for a decade, contributing to the worsening of poverty. The Economic Policy Institute said on Aug. 27, 2019 that the real value (inflation-adjusted) of the federal minimum wage in 2019 has dropped 17 percent since 2009 and 31 percent since 1968. The Los Angeles Times reported on its website on May 7, 2019 that the U.S. government proposed to use a sham inflation rate to throw millions off poverty rolls. "This administration isn't interested in knowing how many Americans are living in poverty, or how to help them. In the games it wants to play with numbers." 底层民众生活窘困。在经济已经高度发达的美国,很多公民却依然面临饥饿威胁。美国律师协会网站2019年12月16日的文章指出,美国是目前唯一有数百万人处于饥饿状态的发达国家,人口普查局2018年的统计数据显示美国有3970万贫困人口,其中包含1280万名儿童。美国进步中心网站2019年2月13日报道,超过40%的美国人难以负担住房、食品和医疗等基本生活支出,而国会10年来一直拒绝提高7.25美元的联邦最低时薪,进一步加剧了贫困问题。经济政策研究所2019年8月27日发布的数据显示,2019年联邦最低工资的实际价值因通货膨胀比2009年下降了17%,比1968年下降了31%。《洛杉矶时报》网站2019年5月7日报道,美国政府试图使用“虚假通胀率”来“剔除”数百万贫困人口,“本届政府对于有多少贫困人口及如何帮助他们毫不在意,只是盘算着如何玩一场数字游戏”。
The homeless are in a miserable situation. USA Today reported on its website on Oct. 7, 2019 that on a single night in the previous year, more than half a million Americans lacked permanent shelter, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Los Angeles Times reported online on July 2, 2019 that nearly 8 million Americans lost homes in the recession and its aftermath. For America's middle class, the homeownership rate fell to about 60 percent in 2016 from roughly 70 percent in 2004, according to separate Federal Reserve data. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority on June 4, 2019 released the results of the 2019 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which showed 58,936 people in Los Angeles County experiencing homelessness, representing a 12 percent rise from the previous year. CNN reported on June 18, 2019 that the rise in homelessness in neighboring counties was equally bracing. Homelessness was up 43 percent in Orange County over the previous year, 28 percent in Ventura County and 50 percent in Kern County. The homeless did not receive sympathy or help. The BBC website reported on July 18, 2019 that government officials in West Palm Beach, Florida are trying to drive the homeless away from the city's waterfront space by playing on an endless loop of music through the night. Maria Foscarinis, executive director of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, said, "Driving them out by blaring music is just inhumane and really shocking." 无家可归者处境悲惨。《今日美国报》网站2019年10月7日报道,住房和城市发展部的数据显示,每晚至少有50万美国人无家可归。《洛杉矶时报》网站2019年7月2日报道,受经济衰退影响,近800万美国人失去了房屋。美联储的数据显示,美国中产阶级的住房拥有率从2004年的70%下降至2016年的60%。洛杉矶无家可归者服务管理局2019年6月4日公布数据显示,洛杉矶县有58936人无家可归,比2018年增加12%。美国有线电视新闻网2019年6月18日报道,洛杉矶邻近地区无家可归者数量的增加同样惊人。与2018年相比,奥兰治县的无家可归者增加了43%,文图拉县增加了28%,克恩县增加了50%。无家可归者并没有得到同情和帮助。英国广播公司网站2019年7月18日报道,佛罗里达州西棕榈滩的政府通过整晚无休止地循环播放音乐,将无家可归者驱离城市滨水区域。“无家可归与贫穷问题”国家法律中心执行主任玛丽亚·福斯卡尼斯指出:“用喧闹的音乐驱赶无家可归者是不人道的,令人震惊。”
The public medical burden is overwhelming. The health gap between the United States and countries with the same level of development continues to widen, one reason is that the public medical burden is too heavy. CBS website said on July 1, 2019 that price hikes on prescription drugs are surging, with more than 3,400 drugs having boosted their prices in the first six months of 2019, an increase of 17 percent in the number of drug hikes from a year earlier, while the average price hike is 10.5 percent. On Nov. 21, 2019, the American Broadcasting Company website cited a new report by the Commonwealth Fund to report that middle-class employees' premium and deductible contributions rose nearly 6 percent per year between 2008 and 2018, during which the share of such spending in household income also climbed to 11.5 percent from 7.8 percent. American Broadcasting Company reported on April 3, 2019 that Americans borrowed 88 billion U.S. dollars to pay for health care in the past 12 months. According to a new national survey by Gallup and West Health, 15 million Americans deferred purchasing prescription drugs due to the costs of the medications. Beyond that, there were 65 million adults who chose not to seek treatment for a medical issue because of the cost, according to the survey. 民众医疗负担过重。美国与同等发展水平国家之间的健康差距继续拉大,原因之一是民众医疗负担过重。哥伦比亚广播公司网站2019年7月1日报道,美国处方药价格持续飙升,2019年前6个月有超过3400种药物价格上涨,涨价药物种类比一年前增加了17%,药物平均价格上涨了10.5%。美国广播公司网站2019年11月21日报道,联邦基金会的报告显示,2008年至2018年,美国中产阶级的医疗费用支出每年增长近6%,占家庭收入的比例从7.8%攀升至11.5%。美国广播公司网站2019年4月3日报道,美国民众在过去12个月因支付医疗费用借债高达880亿美元。根据盖洛普公司的调查,美国有1500万人由于药物费用过高而不得不推迟购买处方药,有6500万人由于医疗费用过高而在生病时放弃治疗。
The number of people without health insurance soars. The United States is one of the few developed countries that do not have universal health insurance, and a significant number of residents do not have health insurance, so they cannot get the health care they deserve when they fall ill. The website of the Los Angeles times on Jan. 23, 2019 reported that at the end of 2018, 13.7 percent of U.S. adults were uninsured, up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016, according to a survey by Gallup. The new report also indicates that some 7 million U.S. adults have likely lost or dropped coverage since 2016. More than 21 percent of adults under 35 now lack health insurance, according to the Gallup survey, up nearly 5 percentage points in just the last two years. A study by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families found the number of children in the United States without health insurance increased in 2018 for the first time in more than a decade. 没有医疗保险的人数大幅上升。美国是少数没有实行全民医疗保险的发达国家之一,有相当数量的居民没有医疗保险,因而无法在患病时得到应有的医疗保障。《洛杉矶时报》网站2019年1月23日报道,盖洛普公司的调查显示,没有医疗保险的美国成年人比例由2016年的10.9%大幅攀升至2018年的13.7%,这意味着约700万人失去了医疗保险。35岁以下的成年人中没有医疗保险的比例在过去两年内上升近5个百分点,超过了21%。乔治城大学家庭与儿童研究中心的研究显示,2018年,没有医疗保险的儿童数量十多年来首次增加。
Drug abuse is getting worse. American Progress reported online on Jan. 10, 2019 that 630,000 people died of drug overdoses across the country from 1999 through 2016. In 2017, a staggering 72,000 Americans died of drug overdoses -- nearly 200 people every day. The Guardian website reported on Dec. 18, 2019 that the popularity of drug has been booming in U.S. campuses, as about one out of five high school students in the United States said they vaped marijuana in the previous year. On May 29, 2019, the Chicago Tribune reported on its website that according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, one in 16 high school seniors report daily use of marijuana. 毒品滥用日益严重。美国进步中心网站2019年1月10日报道,1999年至2016年,美国有63万人死于吸毒过量;而2017年更是高达72000人,这意味着平均每天有近200人死于吸毒过量。英国《卫报》网站2019年12月18日报道称,毒品对美国校园的侵蚀越来越严重,多达20%的高中生吸食大麻。《芝加哥论坛报》网站2019年5月29日报道,据国家药物滥用研究所统计,每16名高中生中就有一人每天吸食大麻。
Shrinking government financial aid leads to a surge in financial pressure on college students. APM (American Public Media) website reported on Feb. 25, 2019 that states have cut their investment in higher education by 9 billion U.S. dollars in the last decade, which had led to surging tuitions and burden of paying student loans. The Forbes reported on its website on Feb. 25, 2019 that borrowers collectively owed more than 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars in student loan debt in the U.S. in 2019, hitting a record high. Student loan debt was the second highest consumer debt category - behind only mortgage debt. The website of USA Today reported on June 10, 2019 that many college students were having difficulties finding a place to sleep. The report cited a survey to say that homelessness affected 18 percent of respondents attending two-year colleges, and 14 percent of those attending four-year institutions. The number who said they had experienced housing insecurity was 48 percent for those enrolled in four-year institutions. Still, of the nearly 399,000 community college students in California who experienced some period of homelessness in the previous year, 80,000 of them slept in their cars.

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