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Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks [Effective]
关于供商标注册用的商品和服务的国际分类的尼斯协定 [现行有效]

(of June 15, 1957,as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967,and at Geneva on May 13, 1977,and amended on September 28, 1979) 〔一九五七年六月十五日签订于尼斯 一九六七年七月十四日修订于斯德哥尔摩 一九七七年五月十三日修订于日内瓦〕

Article 1 Establishment of a Special Union;Adoption of an International Classification;Definition and Languages of the Classification 第一条〔设立特别同盟;采用国际分类,分类表的说明和文字〕

(1) The countries to which this Agreement applies constitute a Special Union and adopt a common classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks (hereinafter designated as "the Classification"). (一)参加本协定的国家组成特别同盟,采用共同的商品和服务分类表以供商标注册之用(以下简称“分类表”)。

(2) The Classification consists of: (二)分类表由下列两表组成:

(i) a list of classes, together with, as the case may be, explanatory notes; (1)类目表,并视需要附加注释。

(ii) an alphabetical list of goods and services (hereinafter designated as "the alphabetical list") with an indication of the class into which each of the goods or services falls. (2)依字母顺序排列的商品和服务细目表(以下简称“细目表”),并指出每一商品和服务项目所属的类目。

(3) The Classification comprises: (三)分类表包括:

(i) the classification published in 1971 by the International Bureau of Intellectual Property (hereinafter designated as "the International Bureau") referred to in the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, it being understood, however, that the explanatory notes to the list of classes included in that publication shall be regarded as provisional and as recommendations until such time as explanatory notes to the list of classes are established by the Committee of Experts referred to in Article 3; (1)《成立世界知识产权组织公约》中的知识产权国际局(以下简称“国际局”)于一九七一年公布的分类表。但其中类目表所附注释,在经过第三条所说的专家委员会确认以前,应视为临时性建议。

(ii) the amendments and additions which have entered into force, pursuant to Article 4(1) of the Nice Agreement of June 15, 1957, and of the Stockholm Act of July 14, 1967, of that Agreement, prior to the entry into force of the present Act; (2)在现行议定书生效以前,依据一九五七年六月十五日尼斯协定第四条第(一)款和一九六七年七月十四日斯德哥尔摩议定书已经生效的修改和增订。

(iii) any changes to be made in accordance with Article 3 of this Act and which enter into force pursuant to Article 4(1) of this Act. (3)按照本议定书第三条作出并依据本议定书第四条第(一)款生效的任何变动。

(4) The Classification shall be in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic. (四)分类表使用英文和法文两种文字,两种文本具有同等效力。

(5)(a) The classification referred to in paragraph (3)(i), together with those amendments and additions referred to in paragraph (3)(ii) which have entered into force prior to the date this Act is opened for signature, is contained in one authentic copy, in the French language, deposited with the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter designated respectively "the Director General" and "the Organization"). Those amendments and additions referred to in paragraph (3)(ii) which enter into force after the date this Act is opened for signature shall also be deposited in one authentic copy, in the French language, with the Director General. (五)(1)第三款第(1)项所指的分类表,和第(三)款第(2)项所指的在本议定书开放签字日期以前已经生效的修改和增订,列载于法文原本,交由世界知识产权组织总干事(以下分别简称“总干事”和“产权组织”)保管。第(三)款第(2)项所指的在本议定书开放签字日期以后生效的修改和增订,其法文原本同样由总干事保管。

(b) The English version of the texts referred to in subparagraph (a) shall be established by the Committee of Experts referred to in Article 3 promptly after the entry into force of this Act. Its authentic copy shall be deposited with the Director General. (2)前项所称文本的英译本,应由第三条所指的专家委员会,在本议定书生效以后,尽快确认,其原本由总干事保管。

(c) The changes referred to in paragraph (3)(iii) shall be deposited in one authentic copy, in the English and French languages, with the Director General. (3)第(三)款第(3)项所指的变动,应将其英文和法文原本交总干事保管。

(6) Official texts of the Classification, in Arabic, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and in such other languages as the Assembly referred to in Article 5 may designate, shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested Governments and either on the basis of a translation submitted by those Governments or by any other means which do not entail financial implications for the budget of the Special Union or for the Organization. (六)阿拉伯文、德文、意大利文、葡萄牙文、俄文、西班牙文及其他经第五条的大会指定的文字的分类表正式文本,应由总干事在有关政府提供的译本的基础上,或者采取不牵涉本特别联盟或产权组织财政预算的其他办法,与有关政府协商制定。

(7) The alphabetical list shall mention, opposite each indication of goods or services, a serial number that is specific to the language in which the said list is established, together with: (七)字母顺序细目表应对每一商品和服务项目编有特别用于该表文种的顺序号,同时:

(i) in the case of the alphabetical list established in English, the serial number mentioned in respect of the same indication in the alphabetical list established in French, and vice versa; (1)英文字母顺序细目表的顺序号,应载明在法文字母顺序细目表的同一指定细目上,反之亦同;

(ii) in the case of any alphabetical list established pursuant to paragraph (6), the serial number mentioned in respect of the same indication in the alphabetical list established in English or in the alphabetical list established in French. (2)依据第(六)款确定的任何文种的顺序号,应载明在英文或法文字母顺序细目表的同一指定细目上。

Article 2 Legal Effect and Use of the Classification 第二条〔分类的法律效力和使用〕

(1) Subject to the requirements prescribed by this Agreement, the effect of the Classification shall be that attributed to it by each country of the Special Union. In particular, the Classification shall not bind the countries of the Special Union in respect of either the evaluation of the extent of the protection afforded to any given mark or the recognition of service marks. (一)按照本协定规定的要求,分类的效力取决于特别同盟的每一个国家。特别是在对任何商标提供保护的范围或对服务商标的认可方面,对特别同盟国家不具有约束力。

(2) Each of the countries of the Special Union reserves the right to use the Classification either as a principal or as a subsidiary system. (二)特别同盟各国保留将分类表作为主要体系使用或者作为辅助体系使用的权利。

(3) The competent Offices of the countries of the Special Union shall include in the official documents and publications relating to registrations of marks the numbers of the classes of the Classification to which the goods or services for which the mark is registered belong. (三)特别同盟各国的主管机关,应在其有关商标注册的官方文件和公告中,将商标注册时商品或服务项目所属分类的类别号载明。

(4) The fact that a term is included in the alphabetical list in no way affects any rights which might subsist in such a term. (四)细目表载明的期限不形成任何权利。

Article 3 Committee of Experts 第三条〔专家委员会〕

(1) A Committee of Experts shall be set up in which each country of the Special Union shall be represented. (一)特别同盟各个国家派代表组成专家委员会。

(2)(a) The Director General may, and, if requested by the Committee of Experts, shall, invite countries outside the Special Union which are members of the Organization or party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property to be represented by observers at meetings of the Committee of Experts. (二)(1)经专家委员会要求,总干事可以邀请不属于本特别同盟而属于产权组织或保护工业产权巴黎公约成员国的国家,派观察员参加专家委员会会议。

(b) The Director General shall invite intergovernmental organizations specialized in the field of marks, of which at least one of the member countries is a country of the Special Union, to be represented by observers at meetings of the Committee of Experts. (2)总干事可以邀请对商标有专门研究的政府间组织,派观察员参加专家委员会会议。该组织至少应有一个成员国属于特别同盟国家。

(c) The Director General may, and, if requested by the Committee of Experts, shall, invite representatives of other intergovernmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations to participate in discussions of interest to them. (3)经专家委员会要求,总干事可以邀请其他政府间组织和非政府间国际组织,参加与他们有关的讨论。

(3) The Committee of Experts shall: (三)专家委员会的职责:

(i) decide on changes in the Classification; (1)对分类的变动作出决定;

(ii) address recommendations to the countries of the Special Union for the purpose of facilitating the use of the Classification and promoting its uniform application; (2)向特别同盟国家提出建议,以利分类的使用并促进使用的一致;

(iii) take all other measures which, without entailing financial implications for the budget of the Special Union or for the Organization, contribute towards facilitating the application of the Classification by developing countries; (3)在不牵涉特别同盟和产权组织财政预算的条件下,采取一切措施,为便于发展中国家使用分类作出贡献;

(iv) have the right to establish subcommittees and working groups. (4)有权设立小组委员会和工作组。

(4) The Committee of Experts shall adopt its own rules of procedure. The latter shall provide for the possibility of participation in meetings of the subcommittees and working groups of the Committee of Experts by those intergovernmental organizations referred to in paragraph (2)(b) which can make a substantial contribution to the development of the Classification. (四)专家委员会应制定自己的议事规则。为使第(二)款第(2)项的能为分类的发展作出实际贡献的政府间组织,参加专家委员会的小组委员会和工作组的会议,提供可能。

(5) Proposals for changes in the Classification may be made by the competent Office of any country of the Special Union, the International Bureau, any intergovernmental organization represented in the Committee of Experts pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) and any country or organization specially invited by the Committee of Experts to submit such proposals. The proposals shall be communicated to the International Bureau, which shall submit them to the members of the Committee of Experts and to the observers not later than two months before the session of the Committee of Experts at which the said proposals are to be considered. (五)特别同盟国家的有关机关、国际局,依据第二款第(2)项参加专家委员会的政府间组织以及经专家委员会特邀提出建议的国家或组织,可以对分类的变动提出建议。建议应送国际局,并由国际局在研究该建议的专家委员会开会前至少两个月,送交专家委员会成员和观察员。

(6) Each country of the Special Union shall have one vote. (六)特别同盟的每一国家有一票投票权。

(7)(a) Subject to subparagraph (b), the decisions of the Committee of Experts shall require a simple majority of the countries of the Special Union represented and voting. (七)(1)除下列第(2)项规定外,专家委员会的决议由出席的特别同盟国家的简单多数票通过。

(b) Decisions concerning the adoption of amendments to the Classification shall require a majority of four-fifths of the countries of the Special Union represented and voting. "Amendment" shall mean any transfer of goods or services from one class to another or the creation of any new class. (2)通过分类修正案的决议,应由出席的特别同盟国家以五分之四多数票通过。“修正”指将商品或服务项目从一个类目转为另一个类目,或创立新的类目。

(c) The rules of procedure referred to in paragraph (4) shall provide that, except in special cases, amendments to the Classification shall be adopted at the end of specified periods; the length of each period shall be determined by the Committee of Experts. (3)第(四)款所指的议事规则应规定,除特殊情况外,分类的修正案应在特定期限的最后通过。特定期限的长短由专家委员会决定。

(8) Abstentions shall not be considered as votes. (八)弃权不算投票。

Article 4 Notification, Entry Into Force and Publication of Changes 第四条〔通知、生效和变更的公布〕

(1) Changes decided upon by the Committee of Experts and recommendations of the Committee of Experts shall be notified to the competent Offices of the countries of the Special Union by the International Bureau. Amendments shall enter into force six months after the date of dispatch of the notification. Any other change shall enter into force on a date to be specified by the Committee of Experts at the time the change is adopted. (一)专家委员会决定的变更和专家委员会的建议,应由国际局通知特别同盟国家的主管机关。修正案应在发出通知后六个月生效。其他变更应在专家委员会通过时指定的日期生效。

(2) The International Bureau shall incorporate in the Classification the changes which have entered into force. Announcements of those changes shall be published in such periodicals as may be designated by the Assembly referred to in Article 5. (二)国际局应将已经生效的变更编入分类。变更的通告应在第五条所指的大会指定的期刊上公布。

Article 5 Assembly of the Special Union 第五条〔特别同盟大会〕

(1)(a) The Special Union shall have an Assembly consisting of those countries which have ratified or acceded to this Act. (一)(1)特别同盟大会由已经批准或加入本议定书的国家组成。

(b) The Government of each country shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts. (2)每个国家可派一名代表参加,并可由若干副代表、顾问和专家协助。

(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Government which has appointed it. (3)每个代表团的费用由指派该代表团的政府负担。

(2)(a) Subject to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4, the Assembly shall: (二)(1)除第三条和第四条规定外,大会的职责如下:

(i) deal with all matters concerning the maintenance and development of the Special Union and the implementation of this Agreement;

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