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Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) (2015 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国海关对保税物流中心(A型)的暂行管理办法(2015修改) [已被修订]

Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) 


(The Decision of the General Administration of Customs on Amending Some Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on April 27, 2015; the General Administration of Customs hereby decides to amend six rules including the Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Bonded Warehouses and the Goods Stored Therein by the Order No. 227 of the General Administration of Customs on April 28, 2015) (2015年4月27日海关总署署务会议审议通过《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》 海关总署对《中华人民共和国海关对保税仓库及所存货物的管理规定》等6部规章进行了修改 以海关总署令第227号公布 2015年4月28日)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 The present Measures are formulated according to the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state in order to adapt to the development of modern international logistics and regulate the administration of bonded logistics centers (type A) and the import and export of goods and business operations of those bonded warehousing logistics enterprises by the customs.   第一条 为适应现代国际物流的发展,规范海关对保税物流中心(A型)及其进出货物的管理和保税仓储物流企业的经营行为,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和国家有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 The term "bonded logistics centers (type A) (hereinafter referred to as logistics centers) " as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the customs surveillance places as approved by the General Administration of Customs that are operated and specially undertaken by legal person enterprises within the territory of China to undertake business operations of bonded warehousing logistics.   第二条 本办法所称的保税物流中心(A型)(以下简称物流中心),是指经海关批准,由中国境内企业法人经营、专门从事保税仓储物流业务的海关监管场所。
Article 3 The logistics centers shall, according to their service range, be classified into public logistics centers and self-use logistics centers on the basis of their service ranges.   第三条 物流中心按照服务范围分为公用型物流中心和自用型物流中心。
The term "public logistics centers" refers to the customs surveillance places that are operated by the legal person enterprise within the territory of China to specially undertake the business operation of warehousing logistics to provide a comprehensive service of bonded warehousing logistics services to the society. 公用型物流中心是指由专门从事仓储物流业务的中国境内企业法人经营,向社会提供保税仓储物流综合服务的海关监管场所。
The term "self-use logistics centers" refers to the customs surveillance places that are operated by the legal person enterprises that only provide bonded warehousing logistics services to themselves or the internal members thereof. 自用型物流中心是指中国境内企业法人经营,仅向本企业或者本企业集团内部成员提供保税仓储物流服务的海关监管场所。
Article 4 Any of the following goods may be stored into logistics centers upon the approval of the customs:   第四条 下列货物,经海关批准可以存入物流中心:
(1) Domestic export goods; (一)国内出口货物;
(2) Transit goods and international transfer goods; (二)转口货物和国际中转货物;
(3) Goods as temporarily stored by foreign business people; (三)外商暂存货物;
(4) Exported and imported goods for processing trade; (四)加工贸易进出口货物;
(5) Materials supplied for international shipping and aircrafts and spare parts for maintenance of international shipping and aircrafts; (五)供应国际航行船舶和航空器的物料、维修用零部件;
(6) Imported consignments of spare parts for maintenance of foreign products; (六)供维修外国产品所进口寄售的零配件;
(7) Ordinary trade goods that have not gone through customs clearance; or (七)未办结海关手续的一般贸易进口货物;
(8) Any other goods as approved by the customs that haven't gone through the customs clearance. (八)经海关批准的其他未办结海关手续的货物。
An enterprise that operates any logistics center shall carry out its business operation of bonded warehousing logistics according to the range of goods and catalogs of commodities as approved by the customs for storage. 物流中心经营企业应当按照海关批准的存储货物范围和商品种类开展保税仓储物流业务。
Chapter II Establishment of Logistics Centers 

第二章 物流中心的设立

Article 5 The logistics centers shall be established in those places with big international logistic demand and convenient communications where the customs surveillance is easy to be carried out.   第五条 物流中心应当设在国际物流需求量较大,交通便利且便于海关监管的地方。
Article 6 An enterprise that operates a logistics center shall satisfy the following conditions:   第六条 物流中心经营企业应当具备下列资格条件:
(1) It has been registered by the administrative department of industry and commerce and has the status of a legal person; (一)经工商行政管理部门注册登记,具有独立的企业法人资格。
(2) It has the ability to pay taxes to the customs and to perform any other legal liabilities; (二)具备向海关缴纳税款和履行其他法律义务的能力。
(3) It has a business place for goods storage and has the land use right of the business place. Where the entity leases any land or place from any other person for business operation, the leasing term shall be no less than 3 years; (三)具有专门存储货物的营业场所,拥有营业场所的土地使用权。租赁他人土地、场所经营的,租期不得少于3年。
(4) Where an entity engages in any storage of commodities subject to special licensing, it shall hold the prescribed special license; (四)经营特殊许可商品存储的,应当持有规定的特殊经营许可批件。
(5) Where an entity operates a self-use logistics center, the annual import and export amount (including the deep processing carry-over) in eastern regions shall not be lower than US $0.2 billion and that in the mid-western regions shall not be lower than US $50 million; and (五)经营自用型物流中心的企业,年进出口金额(含深加工结转)东部地区不低于2亿美元,中西部地区不低于5000万美元。
(6) It shall have a management system that meets the requirements of the customs surveillance and an accounting system that observes the provisions of the Accounting Law. (六)具有符合海关监管要求的管理制度和符合会计法规定的会计制度。
Article 7 An enterprise that operates a logistics center, when applying for the establishment of a logistics center, shall satisfy the following conditions:   第七条 物流中心经营企业申请设立物流中心应当具备下列条件:
(1) It meets the requirements of supervision, planning and construction of logistics centers by the customs; (一)符合海关对物流中心的监管规划建设要求;
(2) As for the warehousing area of a public logistics center (including a yard), it shall be no less than 20,000 square meters in the eastern regions and it shall be no less than 5, 000 square meters in the mid-western regions; (二)公用型物流中心的仓储面积,东部地区不低于20000平方米,中西部地区不低于5000平方米;
(3) As for the warehousing area of a self-use logistics center, it shall be no less than 4,000 square meters in the eastern regions and it shall be no less than 2, 000 square meters in the mid-western regions; (三)自用型物流中心的仓储面积(含堆场),东部地区不低于4000平方米,中西部地区不低于2000平方米;
(4) It shall establish a computerized management system that meets the requirements of the customs surveillance, provide the terminal equipment for the reference of data by the customs, and, in light of the certification means and data standards as prescribed by the customs, get connected to the customs through the platform of "electronic port" so as to realize the data exchange and information pooling between the customs and such departments as state taxation and foreign exchange on an uniform platform; (四)建立符合海关监管要求的计算机管理系统,提供供海关查阅数据的终端设备,并按照海关规定的认证方式和数据标准,通过“电子口岸”平台与海关联网,以便海关在统一平台上与国税、外汇管理等部门实现数据交换及信息共享;
(5) It shall establish such supervision and office facilities as safety segregation facilities, video supervision and control system that comply with the requirements of the customs surveillance; and (五)设置符合海关监管要求的安全隔离设施、视频监控系统等监管、办公设施;
(6) It observes such laws, administrative regulations, rules and relevant provisions of the state in such aspects as land administration, planning, fire control, security, quality inspection and environmental protection. (六)符合国家土地管理、规划、消防、安全、质检、环保等方面的法律、行政法规、规章及有关规定。
Article 8 An enterprise that applies for the establishment of any logistics center shall file a written application to the customs directly affiliated to General Administration of Customs and submit the following materials that are affixed with the enterprise's seal:   第八条 申请设立物流中心的企业应当向直属海关提出书面申请,并递交以下加盖企业印章的材料:
(1) Application Form (See Attachment 1 for the format); (一)申请书(样式见附件1);
(2) Opinion of the people's government at the municipal (districted municipality) level (with the feasibility report enclosed) (二)市级(设区的市)人民政府意见书(附可行性研究报告);
(3) A photocopy of the enterprise constitution; (三)企业章程复印件;
(4) A photocopy of the business license of the enterprise as a legal person; (四)企业法人营业执照复印件;
(5) A photocopy of the identity certification of the legal representative thereof; (五)法定代表人的身份证明复印件;
(6) A photocopy of the taxation registration certificate; (六)税务登记证复印件;
(7) A photocopy of the certification of its opening bank; (七)开户银行证明复印件;
(8) The internal management system of a logistics center; (八)物流中心内部管理制度;
(9) The certification document that its location choice complies with the overall planning of land use and its geographic location map and plane planning chart; and (九)选址符合土地利用总体规划的证明文件及地理位置图、平面规划图;
(10) A photocopy of the registration certificate of declaration operation by a declaration entity. (十)报关单位报关注册登记证书复印件。
Article 9 An application for the establishment of a logistics center shall be accepted by the customs directly affiliated to General Administration of Customs and shall be reported to the General Administration of Customs for examination and approval.   第九条 设立物流中心的申请由直属海关受理,报海关总署审批。
Article 10 An enterprise shall, within 1 year as of the approval as granted by the General Administration of Customs for its establishment of a logistics center, apply to the customs directly affiliated to General Administration of Customs for inspection and acceptance. The customs directly affiliated to General Administration of Customs shall, in collaboration with such departments as taxation and foreign exchange at the provincial level, carry out the examination and inspection according to the provisions of the present Measures.   第十条 企业自海关总署出具批准其筹建物流中心文件之日起1年内向直属海关申请验收,由直属海关会同省级税务、外汇管理等部门按照本办法的规定进行审核验收。
Where a logistics center is accepted as eligible upon inspection, the General Administration of Customs shall verify and issue the Acceptance Certificate of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) upon Inspection (See Attachment 2 for the format) and the Registration Certificate of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) (See Attachment 3 for the format) to the enterprise and issue a signboard of bonded logistics center (type A) (See Attachment 4 for the sample) as well. 物流中心验收合格后,由海关总署向企业核发《保税物流中心(A型)验收合格证书》(样式见附件2)和《保税物流中心(A型)注册登记证书》(样式见附件3),颁发保税物流中心(A型)标牌(样式见附件4)。
A logistics center shall carry out its business operation only after it passes the inspection and acceptance. 物流中心在验收合格后方可以开展有关业务。
Article 11 Where an enterprise that has been granted the approved for the establishment of a logistics center fails to apply for the inspection and acceptance in a timely manner due to any justifiable reason, the term for inspection and acceptance may be extended upon the approval of the customs directly affiliated to General Administration of Customs. However, the extension shall not surpass 6 months. In case of any special situation requiring a second extension, it shall be reported to the General Administration of Customs for approval.
   第十一条 获准设立物流中心的企业确有正当理由未按时申请验收的,经直属海关同意可以延期验收,但延期不得超过6个月。如果有特殊情况需要二次延期的,报海关总署批准。

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