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Ten Model Cases of Judicial Protection of the Ecological Environment in the Yellow River Basin Published by the Supreme People's Court [Effective]
最高人民法院发布10起黄河流域生态环境司法保护典型案例 [现行有效]

Ten Model Cases of Judicial Protection of the Ecological Environment in the Yellow River Basin Published by the Supreme People's Court 


(June 5, 2020) (2020年6月5日)

I. Case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings of illegally felling trees by defendant Jia Bozhou 一、被告人甲波周盗伐林木刑事附带民事公益诉讼案
II. Case of excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs by Hu Yanjun, Li Fuqiang, and other four defendants 二、被告人户燕军、李富强等6人盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬案
III. Case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings of illegally hunting and killing rare and endangered wild animals by defendant Gongga Pingcuo and two other persons 三、被告人贡嘎平措等3人非法猎捕、杀害珍贵、濒危野生动物刑事附带民事公益诉讼案
IV. Yima Chaoyang Zhifeng Farming Plant v. Henan Yima Lianchuang Chemicals Co., Ltd. (case of dispute over water pollution liability) 四、义马市朝阳志峰养殖厂诉河南省义马市联创化工有限责任公司水污染责任纠纷案
V. Gansu Xingguo Hydroelectric Development Co., Ltd. v. People's Government of Xiahe County, Gansu Province (case of unilateral rescission of an administrative agreement) 五、甘肃兴国水电开发有限责任公司诉甘肃省夏河县人民政府单方解除行政协议案
VI. Henan Environment Federation v. Liaocheng Dongran Chemicals Co., Ltd. (case of public interest litigation of dispute over environmental pollution) 六、河南省环保联合会诉聊城东染化工有限公司环境污染公益诉讼纠纷案
VII. People's Procuratorate of Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province v. Water Affairs Bureau of Dongying City (case of administrative public interest litigation of failure to fully perform the statutory duties of riverway regulation) 七、山东省东营市东营区人民检察院诉东营市水利局未全面履行河道监管法定职责行政公益诉讼案
VIII. People's Procuratorate of Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province and People's Government of Dacheng Township, Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province (case of administrative public interest litigation of failure to perform the statutory duties of riverway regulation) 八、陕西省三原县人民检察院诉陕西省三原县大程镇人民政府未履行环境保护和污染防治法定职责行政公益诉讼案
IX. People's Procuratorate of Lan County, Shanxi Province and the Water Affairs Bureau of Lan County (case of administrative public interest litigation of failure to perform the statutory duties of riverway regulation) 九、山西省岚县人民检察院诉岚县水利局未履行环境保护和污染防治法定职责行政公益诉讼案
X. Case of judicial confirmation of compensation for eco-environmental damage between the Ecology and Environment Bureau of Zhengzhou City and Henan Xinzhou Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 十、郑州市生态环境局与河南鑫洲建筑工程有限公司生态环境损害赔偿司法确认案
I. Case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings of illegally felling trees by defendant Jia Bozhou   一、被告人甲波周盗伐林木刑事附带民事公益诉讼案
[Basic Facts] 【基本案情】
Defendant Jia Bozhou applied for felling trees of 50 cubic meters for building a house. At the end of July 2018, without obtaining the permit for felling trees, Jiabozhou lied that he has been granted the tree-felling quota and asked persons to fell 39 spruces on the Liegeng mountain in Chong'er Township, with the stocking volume of 44.87 cubic meters. On September 10 of the same year, Jiabozhou voluntarily surrendered himself to the Forest Public Security Bureau of Ruoergai County, truthfully confessed to the criminal facts, and signed a written recognizance to admit guilt and accept punishment. The People's Procuratorate of Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province filed an incidental civil public interest lawsuit according to the law. 被告人甲波周为自建房屋申请砍伐木材50立方米。2018年7月底,在尚未取得林木采伐许可证情况下,甲波周谎称已取得砍树指标,请人在崇尔乡列更山上砍伐云杉树木39棵、蓄积为44.87立方米。同年9月10日,甲波周主动到若尔盖县森林公安局投案,如实供述犯罪事实,后签署认罪认罚具结书。四川省若尔盖县人民检察院依法提起刑事附带民事公益诉讼。
[Judgment] 【裁判结果】
In the trial of first instance, the People's Court of Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province held that without obtaining the permit for felling trees, for the purpose of illegal occupation, Jiabozhou felled spruces, trees owned by the state, with the stocking volume of 44.87 cubic meters. With a large volume, Jiabozhou was guilty of illegally felling trees. Considering that Jiabozhou voluntarily surrendered himself, he illegally felled trees for the purpose of self-building of a house, and he admitted guilt and accepted punishment, he should be given a mitigated punishment. The People's Procuratorate of Ruoergai County filed an incidental civil public interest lawsuit according to the law. Since the subject was eligible and the procedures were legitimate, the People's Court of Ruoergai County upheld its public interest claims. The court of first instance entered a judgment that for illegally felling trees, Jiabozhou should be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of two years with suspended execution of three years, in addition to a fine of CNY2,000; within six months after the judgment took effect, Jiabozhou replanted 390 spruces. 四川省若尔盖县人民法院一审认为,甲波周在未取得林木采伐许可证的情况下,以非法占有为目的,擅自砍伐国家所有林木云杉,蓄积44.87立方米,数量巨大,已构成盗伐林木罪。鉴于甲波周构成自首,其盗伐林木目的是用于自建房且能认罪认罚,故对其减轻处罚。若尔盖县人民检察院依法提起附带民事公益诉讼,主体适格,程序合法,对其公益诉讼请求予以支持。一审法院判决甲波周犯盗伐林木罪,判处有期徒刑二年、缓刑三年,并处罚金2000元;甲波周在判决生效后六个月内,补种云杉树390株。
[Significance] 【典型意义】
This is a case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings arising from illegal felling of trees. Ruoergai County is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and is an important water conservation area. The forest resources in this area play such important roles as water and soil conservation and maintaining of biodiversity. Through the trial of this case, the people's court implemented the concept of restorative justice by applying the criminal and civil liability methods in an overall manner and ruled that Jiabozhou should assume criminal liability and eco-environmental restoration liability, and established an accountability mechanism for both punishment and replanting trees. It is of active promoting roles in effectively establishing the ecological protection awareness of “felling trees with permit and assuming liability for destroying trees” and promoting the forming of eco-friendly way of life with harmonious co-existence of human and nature. 本案系盗伐林木引发的刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件。若尔盖县地处黄河上游,是重要的水源涵养区。该区域的森林资源具有保持水土、维护生物多样性等重要作用。通过案件审理,人民法院统筹运用刑事、民事责任方式,落实恢复性司法理念,在判决甲波周负刑事责任的同时承担补植复绿的生态环境修复责任,构建惩处和复绿并举的责任追究机制,对于有效树立“伐树要许可、毁树须担责”的生态保护意识,推动形成人与自然和谐共生的绿色生活方式,具有积极的促进作用。
II. Case of excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs by Hu Yanjun, Li Fuqiang, and four other defendants   二、被告人户燕军、李富强等6人盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬案
[Basic Facts] 【基本案情】
From September 2016 to July 2017, defendants Hu Yanjun, Li Fuqiang, and other four persons committed acts of excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs in several places including Meiyuanzhuang North Street, Yindu District, Anyang City. In particular, they excavated and robbed two bronze godots on the Meiyuanzhuang North Street, Yindu District and they were afterwards sold by Li Fuqiang at the price of CNY3,000. It was appraised by the Henan Station for Appraisal of Exits of Cultural Relics from China that the series of excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs damaged the cultural layer of the Shang Dynasty in the Yin Ruins and the places of such excavating and robbing acts were within the key protection zone of the Yin Ruins Protection Area, a key national cultural relics protection entity, the general protection zone, and the construction control zone. 2016年9月至2017年7月间,被告人户燕军、李富强等6人在安阳市殷都区梅园庄北街等多处地方实施盗掘行为。其中,在殷都区梅园庄北街盗挖出两个青铜戈,后被李富强以3000元的价格出售。经国家文物出境鉴定河南站鉴定,该系列盗掘行为破坏了殷墟遗址的商代文化层,盗掘位置分别位于全国重点文物保护单位殷墟遗址保护区的重点保护区、一般保护区、建设控制地带。
[Judgment] 【裁判结果】
In the trial of first instance, the Intermediate People's Court of Anyang City, Henan Province held that Hu Yanjun, Li Fuqiang, and four other persons excavated and robbed ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs within the scope of the protection zone of the key national cultural relics protection entity and they were guilty of excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs. The court of first instance entered a judgment that for excavating and robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs, Hu Yanjun, Li Fuqiang, and four other persons were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonments ranging from 15 years to 12 years with deprival of political rights for two years, in addition to fines ranging from CNY200,000 to 150,000. 河南省安阳市中级人民法院一审认为,户燕军、李富强等6人盗掘全国重点文物保护单位保护区范围内的古文化遗址、古墓葬,其行为构成盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬罪。一审法院判决户燕军、李富强等6人犯盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬罪,判处有期徒刑十五年至十二年不等,均剥夺政治权利二年,并处罚金二十万元至十五万元不等。
[Significance] 【典型意义】
The Yellow River culture is an integral part of the Chinese civilization and abundant ancient cultural relics and complexes of ancient tombs are distributed in the Yellow River basin. In particular, the Yin Ruins is included in the World Heritage List and has important conservation values. The cultural relics including ancient cultural relics have very high values in culture, science, history, aesthetics, education, and environment and they are an inseparable part of environmental protection. The judgment of this case has reflected the policy orientation of the people's court for severely cracking down on acts of destroying ancient cultural relics and ancient tombs and protecting, inheriting, and carrying forward the Yellow River culture and it has educating and guiding roles in raising the public awareness of heritage conservation. 黄河文化是中华文明的重要组成部分,黄河流域分布着大量的古文化遗址和古墓葬群。其中,殷墟遗址被列入世界文化遗产名录,具有重要的保护价值。包括古文化遗址在内的人文遗迹在文化、科学、历史、美学、教育、环境等方面都具有极高价值,是环境保护不可分割的组成部分。本案判决体现了人民法院严厉打击破坏古文化遗址和古墓葬行为,保护、传承、弘扬黄河文化的政策导向,对提高公众文物保护意识具有教育指引作用。
III. Case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings of illegally hunting and killing rare and endangered wild animals by defendant Gongga Pingcuo and two other persons   三、被告人贡嘎平措等3人非法猎捕、杀害珍贵、濒危野生动物刑事附带民事公益诉讼案
[Basic Facts] 【基本案情】
In December 2017, defendant Gongga Pingcuo and other two persons illegally caught and killed three mare Alpine musk deer by using wire traps in a valley near the Bangqiong Temple in Zhongda Township, Yushu City and buried the corpses near the scene. Upon receipt of a tip-off, police officers from the Forest Public Security Bureau of Yushu City captured the three persons on the scene. It was appraised that the wild animals involved, Alpine musk deer, are animals under key national protection of Grade I and the overall value of three Alpine musk deer was CNY90,000. The People's Procuratorate of Yushu City, Qinghai Province filed an incidental civil public interest lawsuit according to the law. 2017年12月间,被告人贡嘎平措等3人在玉树市仲达乡邦琼寺附近一山沟处用铁丝陷阱非法捕杀三只母马麝,并将尸体埋于现场附近。玉树市森林公安局民警接群众报案后将三人当场抓获。经鉴定,案涉野生动物马麝为国家一级重点保护动物,三只马麝整体价值为90000元。青海省玉树市人民检察院依法提起刑事附带民事公益诉讼。
[Judgment] 【裁判结果】
In the trial of first instance, the People's Court of Yushu City, Qinghai Province held that Gongga Pingcuo and two other persons were guilty of illegally hunting and killing rare and endangered wild animals. The acts of the three defendants impaired public interests and they should assume the losses to national wild animal resources arising from their criminal acts. The court of first instance entered a judgment that Gongga Pingcuo and other two persons were guilty of illegally hunting and killing rare and endangered wild animals and they should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonments ranging from five years to three years and six months, in addition to fines; and the three defendants should jointly compensate for the losses to wild animal resources, CNY90,000, and extend a formal apology to the public. 青海省玉树市人民法院一审认为,贡嘎平措等3人的行为,构成非法猎捕、杀害珍贵、濒危野生动物罪。三被告人的行为损害了社会公共利益,应承担因犯罪行为给国家野生动物资源造成的损失。一审法院判决贡嘎平措等3人犯非法猎捕、杀害珍贵、濒危野生动物罪,判处有期徒刑五年至三年六个月不等,并处罚金;判决三被告共同赔偿野生动物资源损失90000元,并公开向社会公众道歉。
[Significance] 【典型意义】
This is a case of civil public interest litigation incidental to criminal proceedings arising from illegal hunting and killing of rare and endangered wild animals. Protecting rare and endangered wild animals is of great significance for protecting biodiversity and maintaining the ecosystem balance. The Sanjiangyuan region is the cradle of the Yellow River and has rich biodiversity, but it is also an ecologically vulnerable area. In this case, the people's court severely punished crimes of destroying wild animal resources and legally entered a judgment that defendants should compensate for national economic losses and extended a formal apology. It has reflected the functions of justice for protecting the public interests of ecological environment and is of great significance for comprehensively forbidding and punishing illegal trading of wild animals, guiding the public in establishing an awareness of voluntarily protecting wild animals and their habitats, and safeguarding the national bio-safety and ecological safety. 本案系非法猎捕、杀害珍贵、濒危野生动物引发的刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件。保护珍贵、濒危野生动物对于保护生物多样性、维护生态系统平衡具有重要意义。三江源地区是黄河的发源地,生物多样性丰富,但同时也属于生态脆弱区。本案在严惩破坏野生动物资源犯罪的同时,依法判决赔偿国家经济损失并赔礼道歉,体现了司法保护生态环境公共利益的功能,对于全面禁止和惩治非法野生动物交易,引导社会公众树立自觉保护野生动物及其栖息地意识,维护国家生物安全和生态安全具有重要意义。
IV. Yima Chaoyang Zhifeng Farming Plant v. Henan Yima Lianchuang Chemicals Co., Ltd. (case of dispute over water pollution liability)   四、义马市朝阳志峰养殖厂诉河南省义马市联创化工有限责任公司水污染责任纠纷案
[Basic Facts] 【基本案情】
Yima Chaoyang Zhifeng Farming Plant (hereinafter referred to as “Zhifeng Farming Plant”) is an individual business after the industrial and commercial registration in June 2017 and its business scope includes chicken feeding and freshwater fish farming. The Farming Plant is adjacent to the Jianhe River, a tributary of the Yellow River, and the pond water was infiltrated from the Jianhe River. In February 2018, Henan Yima Lianchuang Chemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Lianchuang Chemicals Company”) dumped industrial wastewater to the upper reaches of the Jianhe River, resulting in water pollution of fishponds and fishing ponds of Zhifeng Farming Plant located in the lower reaches of the Jianhe River, and its fish fries all died. Zhifeng Farming Plant filed a lawsuit with the people's court and requested the people's court to order that Lianchuang Chemicals Company should compensate for losses arising from dead fish in the fishponds, fishing operation losses, and chicken feeding losses and assume the liabilities for environmental restoration of fishponds and chicken farms and bear the expenses for environmental restoration. 义马市朝阳志峰养殖厂(以下简称志峰养殖厂)是2017年6月经工商登记注册的个体工商户,经营范围为鸡饲养、养殖淡水鱼。该养殖厂毗邻黄河支流涧河,鱼塘用水系涧河渗入。2018年2月,河南省义马市联创化工有限责任公司(以下简称联创化工公司)向涧河上游水域倾倒工业废水,导致位于涧河下游的志峰养殖厂中养鱼塘、钓鱼塘水质均被污染,所饲养鱼苗全部死亡。志峰养殖厂诉至法院,请求判令联创化工公司赔偿其鱼塘死鱼损失、钓鱼经营损失、养鸡损失并承担修复鱼塘、养鸡环境修复责任及环境修复费用等。
[Judgment] 【裁判结果】
In the trial of first instance, the People's Court of Yima City, Henan Province held that the discharge of pollutants to the Jianhe River by Lianchuang Chemicals Company and the fact that the fish fed by Zhifeng Farming Plant all died may be identified. In addition, the aquaculture water of Zhifeng Farming Plant was from the lower reaches of the Jianhe River to which Lianchuang Chemicals Company discharged pollutants and there was certain relevance between the discharge of pollutants by Lianchuang Chemicals Company and death of fish of Zhifeng Farming Plant. Lianchuang Chemicals Company should bear the burden of proving there is no causation between its discharge of pollutants and death of fish of Zhifeng Farming Plant. Lianchuang Chemicals Company failed to present evidence to prove that there was no causation between its discharge of pollutants and death of fish fed by Zhifeng Farming Plant. Therefore, as the environmental polluter, Lianchuang Chemicals Company should assume the tortious liability for Zhifeng Farming Plant according to the law. According to the expert opinions, the court of first instance entered a judgment that Lianchuang Chemicals Company should pay CNY89,600 as compensation for losses to fishponds and fishing ponds of Zhifeng Farming Plant and the lawyer's fee and bear the environmental restoration expense of CNY24,400. 河南省义马市人民法院一审认为,联创化工公司向涧河水体排放污染物的行为以及志峰养殖厂所养殖鱼死亡的事实均可认定,且志峰养殖厂养殖鱼水体位于联创化工公司向涧河排污的下游段,具有一定关联性,应由联创化工公司就其排污行为与志峰养殖厂养殖鱼死亡之间不存在因果关系承担举证责任。联创化工公司未能举证证明其排污行为与志峰养殖厂养殖鱼死亡之间不存在因果关系,故联创化工公司作为环境污染者,依法应对志峰养殖厂承担侵权责任。一审法院依据鉴定意见,判决联创化工公司赔偿志峰养殖厂养鱼塘及钓鱼塘损失89600元及律师费,承担环境修复费用24400元。
[Significance] 【典型意义】
This is a model case of dispute over water pollution arising from damages in the lower reaches by discharge of pollutants in the upper reaches. Plaintiff in the environmental tort dispute should assume the preliminary burden of proof for relevance between the pollution acts and the damage consequences. In this case, considering that plaintiff and defendant were in the upper and lower reaches in terms of geographic locations, the people's court determined that the relevance was tenable and transferred the burden of proof for absence of causation to defendant and it was accurate application of the rules on the assignment of burden of proof for causation in an environmental tort. The judgment of this case has specified that the victim may raise a claim for eco-environmental restoration closely related to the protection of lawful personal and property rights and interests in a private interest lawsuit and the eco-environmental restoration expenses must be used in the eco-environmental restoration. The accurate trial of this case has implemented the principle of liability for damages and it has a demonstration effect in how to properly handle the cohesive relationship with maintaining the public eco-environmental interests.

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