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Measures for the Administration of Natural Gas Infrastructure Construction and Operation [Effective]
天然气基础设施建设与运营管理办法 [现行有效]


Order of the National Development and Reform Commission



(No. 8) (第8号)

The Measures for the Administration of Natural Gas Infrastructure Construction and Operation, as deliberated and adopted at the Director's Executive Meeting of the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”), are hereby issued and shall come into force on April 1, 2014. 《天然气基础设施建设与运营管理办法》已经国家发展和改革委员会主任办公会审议通过,现予公布,自2014年4月1日起施行。
Annex: Measures for the Administration of Natural Gas InfrastructureConstruction and Operation 附件:《天然气基础设施建设与运营管理办法》
Director: Xu Shaoshi 主任 徐绍史
February 28, 2014 2014年2月28日
Annex: 附件
Measures for the Administration of Natural Gas InfrastructureConstruction and Operation 天然气基础设施建设与运营管理办法

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in order to strengthen the administration of natural gas infrastructureconstruction and operation, establish and improve the national natural gas pipeline network, improve the utilization efficiency of natural gas infrastructures, guarantee the safe and stable supply of natural gas, maintain the legitimate rights and interests of natural gas infrastructure operators and users, specify relevant responsibilities and obligations, and promote the sustainable, orderly and healthy development of the natural gas industry.   第一条 为加强天然气基础设施建设与运营管理,建立和完善全国天然气管网,提高天然气基础设施利用效率,保障天然气安全稳定供应,维护天然气基础设施运营企业和用户的合法权益,明确相关责任和义务,促进天然气行业持续有序健康发展,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the planning and construction of natural gas infrastructures within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction, natural gas infrastructure operations and services, natural gas operation regulation and emergency response and relevant administration activities.   第二条 中华人民共和国领域和管辖的其他海域天然气基础设施规划和建设、天然气基础设施运营和服务,天然气运行调节和应急保障及相关管理活动,适用本办法。
For the purpose of these Measures, “natural gas infrastructures” include natural gas transmission pipelines, gas storage facilities, liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) terminals, natural gas liquefaction facilities, natural gas compression facilities and relevant ancillary facilities, among others. 本办法所称天然气基础设施包括天然气输送管道、储气设施、液化天然气接收站、天然气液化设施、天然气压缩设施及相关附属设施等。
The urban fuel gas facilities shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations. 城镇燃气设施执行相关法律法规规定。
Article 3 For the purpose of these Measures, natural gas includes natural gas, coal bed methane, shale gas and coal-to-natural gas, among others.   第三条 本办法所称天然气包括天然气、煤层气、页岩气和煤制气等。
Article 4 The administration of natural gas infrastructure construction and operation shall adhere to the principles of making overall planning, conducting level-by-level administration, specifying responsibilities, guaranteeing supply, regulating services and strengthening supervision and administration so as to cultivate and form a natural gas market featured by equal participation, fair competition and orderly development.   第四条 天然气基础设施建设和运营管理工作应当坚持统筹规划、分级管理、明确责任、确保供应、规范服务、加强监管的原则,培育和形成平等参与、公平竞争、有序发展的天然气市场。
Article 5 The NDRC and the National Energy Administration “NEA”) shall be responsible for the administration of natural gas infrastructure construction and operation.   第五条 国家发展改革委、国家能源局负责全国的天然气基础设施建设和运营的管理工作。
The competent departments of natural gas of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the industrial administration of natural gas infrastructure construction and operation within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府天然气主管部门负责本行政区域的天然气基础设施建设和运营的行业管理工作。
Article 6 The State shall encourage various kinds of capital to participate in the investment and construction of the natural gas infrastructures included in the unified planning, and give support thereto.   第六条 国家鼓励、支持各类资本参与投资建设纳入统一规划的天然气基础设施。
The NEA and the competent departments of natural gas of local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and administration of the performance of obligations as prescribed in these Measures by natural gas sales enterprises, natural gas infrastructure operators and natural gas users. 国家能源局和县级以上地方人民政府天然气主管部门应当加强对天然气销售企业、天然气基础设施运营企业和天然气用户履行本办法规定义务情况的监督管理。
Article 7 The State shall encourage and support the research and development of advanced technologies and equipment of natural gas infrastructures, and give priority to the promotion and application of those verified to meet requirements.   第七条 国家鼓励、支持天然气基础设施先进技术和装备的研发,经验证符合要求的优先推广应用。

Chapter II Planning and Construction of Natural Gas Infrastructures 

第二章 天然气基础设施规划和建设

Article 8 The State shall make overall planning for the natural gas infrastructure construction. The development planning for natural gas infrastructures shall adhere to the principles ofplanning according to local conditions, safety, environment-friendliness, economical land utilization as well as economy and rationality.   第八条 国家对天然气基础设施建设实行统筹规划。天然气基础设施发展规划应当遵循因地制宜、安全、环保、节约用地和经济合理的原则。
Article 9 The NDRC and the NEA shall, in accordance with the requirements of the overall planning for national economy and social development and the planning for national major functional zones, and in consideration of the supply of and market demands for natural gas resources nationwide, organize the formulation of the national development planning for natural gas infrastructures.   第九条 国家发展改革委、国家能源局根据国民经济和社会发展总体规划、全国主体功能区规划要求,结合全国天然气资源供应和市场需求情况,组织编制全国天然气基础设施发展规划。
The competent departments of natural gas of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the national development planning for natural gas infrastructures and in consideration of the actual circumstances of their respective administrative regions, organize the formulation of the development planning for the natural gas infrastructures of their respective administrative regions, and send the copies thereof to the NDRC and the NEA. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府天然气主管部门依据全国天然气基础设施发展规划并结合本行政区域实际情况,组织编制本行政区域天然气基础设施发展规划,并抄报国家发展改革委和国家能源局。
In the process of implementing the development planning for natural gas infrastructures, planning formulation departments shall strengthen tracking and monitoring, conduct mid-term evaluation, and perform the original planning formulation approval procedures when it is necessary to make adjustments thereof. 天然气基础设施发展规划实施过程中,规划编制部门要加强跟踪监测,开展中期评估,确有必要调整的,应当履行原规划编制审批程序。
Article 10 The development planning for natural gas infrastructures shall include natural gas sources, modes of supply and the scales thereof; status quo of natural gas consumption and demand forecasting; status quo of construction of natural gas transmission pipelines, gas storage infrastructures and other infrastructures, and development objectives, project layout, demands for land use, sea use and island use, terminal layout and port shoreline utilization, construction investments, safeguard measures and other contents.   第十条 天然气基础设施发展规划应当包括天然气气源、供应方式及其规模,天然气消费现状、需求预测,天然气输送管道、储气设施等基础设施建设现状、发展目标、项目布局、用地、用海和用岛需求、码头布局与港口岸线利用、建设投资和保障措施等内容。
Article 11 The construction of natural gas infrastructure projects shall perform the approval, confirmation or recordation formalities in accordance with the relevant provisions. The natural gas infrastructure projects which apply for approval, confirmation or recordation shall comply with the planning as mentioned in Article 9 of these Measures. For a project which is notlisted under the planning but urgently needs to be constructed, the examination procedures thereof shall be implemented in a strict manner, and the approval, confirmation or recordation formalities thereof may be performed only after the construction of the project is deemed truly necessary upon assessment and demonstration as entrusted by the planning formulation department. It is not permitted to start constructing a natural gas infrastructure project which fails to undergo the approval, confirmation or recordation formalities.   第十一条 天然气基础设施项目建设应当按照有关规定履行审批、核准或者备案手续。申请审批、核准或者备案的天然气基础设施项目应当符合本办法第九条所述规划。对未列入规划但又急需建设的项目,应当严格规范审查程序,经由规划编制部门委托评估论证确有必要的,方可履行审批、核准或者备案手续。未履行审批、核准或者备案手续的天然气基础设施项目不得开工建设。
The copies of the approval or confirmation documents of natural gas infrastructure projects approved or confirmed by people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be sent to the NDRC. 由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批或者核准的天然气基础设施项目的批复文件,应当抄报国家发展改革委。
Article 12 The construction of natural gas infrastructures shall abide by the laws and regulations on engineering construction management, and meet the relevant engineering construction standards of the State.   第十二条 天然气基础设施建设应当遵守有关工程建设管理的法律法规的规定,符合国家有关工程建设标准。
During the period of construction of any natural gas infrastructure projects which have been approved, confirmed or filed for recordation, the original approval, confirmation or recordation departments may organize by themselves or authorize others to verify matters on approval, confirmation or recordation. 经审批、核准或者备案的天然气基础设施项目建设期间,原审批、核准或者备案部门可以自行组织或者以委托方式对审批、核准或者备案事项进行核查。
Article 13 After the completion of the construction of an approved natural gas infrastructure project, the original approval department shall conduct the completion acceptance check in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.   第十三条 经审批的天然气基础设施项目建成后,原审批部门应当按照国家有关规定进行竣工验收。
After the completion of the construction of a natural gas infrastructure project which has been confirmed or filed for recordation, the original confirmation or recordation department may organize by itself or authorize others to verify the matters on confirmation or recordation. Where any matter fails to meet requirements, the project entity shall be notified in writing to make rectification. The project entity shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, organize the completion acceptance check, and, within 30 days from the date when the project passes such a check, report the information on completion acceptance check to the original confirmation or recordation departments for recordation. 经核准、备案的天然气基础设施项目建成后,原核准、备案部门可以自行组织或者以委托方式对核准、备案事项进行核查,对不符合要求的书面通知整改。项目单位应当按照国家有关规定组织竣工验收,并自竣工验收合格之日起三十日内,将竣工验收情况报原核准、备案部门备案。
Article 14 The State shall encourage and support the interconnection of natural gas infrastructures.   第十四条 国家鼓励、支持天然气基础设施相互连接。
Interconnection shall be conducted under the principles of complying with the development planning for natural gas infrastructures, ensuring the safety of natural gas infrastructure operation, guaranteeing the rights and interests of existing users, improving the network level of natural gas pipelines and determining primarily through consultation by enterprises. Where necessary, the NDRC, the NEA and the competent departments of natural gas of people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall conduct the coordination thereof. 相互连接应当坚持符合天然气基础设施发展规划、保证天然气基础设施运营安全、保障现有用户权益、提高天然气管道网络化水平和企业协商确定为主的原则。必要时,国家发展改革委、国家能源局和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府天然气主管部门给予协调。
Article 15 The interconnection of natural gas infrastructures shall be taken into consideration in the process of the formulation of the development planning for natural gas infrastructures.   第十五条 天然气基础设施发展规划在编制过程中应当考虑天然气基础设施之间的相互连接。
Interconnectedpipelines may be invested in and constructed as an independent project, or be incorporated into a project of interconnected natural gas infrastructures. The investment sharing, gas transmission and supply and maintenance of interconnectedpipelines and other relevant matters shall be determined through consultation by relevant enterprises, and such enterprises shall provide necessary conveniences for each other. 互连管道可以作为单独项目进行投资建设,或者纳入相互连接的天然气基础设施项目。互连管道的投资分担、输供气和维护等事宜由相关企业协商确定,并应当互为对方提供必要的便利。
The approval documents for the approval or confirmation of natural gas infrastructure projects shall put forward specific requirements for connection plans. 天然气基础设施项目审批、核准的批复文件中应对连接方案提出明确要求。

Chapter III Natural Gas Infrastructure Operations and Services 

第三章 天然气基础设施运营和服务

Article 16 Natural gas infrastructure operators which concurrently engage in other natural gas businesses shall establish and improve their financial systems, and conduct independent accounting of natural gas infrastructure operations so as to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the costs and revenues of pipeline transportation, gas storage, gasification, liquefaction and compression, among others.
   第十六条 天然气基础设施运营企业同时经营其它天然气业务的,应当建立健全财务制度,对天然气基础设施的运营业务实行独立核算,确保管道运输、储气、气化、液化、压缩等成本和收入的真实准确。

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