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Application of Zhang Mu for State Compensation (case regarding application for State compensation)

Application of Zhang Mu for State Compensation (case regarding application for State compensation)
(case regarding application for State compensation)
[Key Terms]
criminal prosecution ; release property ; during the continuity of a marital relationship ; claim for compensation
[Disputed Issues]
Where a couple was prosecuted for complicity in a crime and later commuted guilty; the people's court released the fine and the property confiscated by wrongful conviction at the application of one party; and later the couple divorced; whether the other party can claim for compensation on the ground that the release of fund and property infringes its individual property rights and interests?
[Case Summary]
Under Article 18 Paragraph 2 of the State Compensation Law where an authority performing the criminal investigation prosecution or trial functions a detention center a prison administrative authority or any of their functionaries commit any of the following infringements upon the property rights in performing their functions...

 Application of Zhang Mu for State Compensation 



[Judgment Abstract] [裁判摘要]
Both the husband and wife wereprosecuted for complicity in a crime. The relevant fund was transferred tojudicial authorities, and the confiscation sentence was executed during the continuityof the marital relationship, with no portion between the parties identified.After the couple was later commuted guilty in the retrial of the people'scourt, the court released all confiscated property at the application of oneparty. The release is not inappropriate and does not affect the substantialrights and interests of the couple regarding disposal of the relevant propertyas their common assets.  It lacks oflegal basis for the other party to claim for compensation after divorce on theground that the release of the relevant property infringes its individualproperty rights and interests and such claim shall not be supported by the compensationcommittees of the people's court. 夫妻二人涉嫌共同犯罪被刑事追诉,涉案款项被司法机关扣划及嗣后刑罚执行发生在夫妻双方婚姻关系存续期间,且未实际区分双方各自的份额。夫妻二人经人民法院再审改判无罪后,人民法院根据一方提出的申请将涉案款项全部发还,该行为并无不当,亦不影响夫妻双方对该款项作为夫妻共有财产予以处分的实体权益。离婚后,另一方以原发还行为侵犯其个人财产权益为由提出的赔偿请求事项缺乏法律依据,人民法院赔偿委员会不予支持。
Full-text omitted

 赔偿请求人张牧因错判罚金、没收财产申请天津市高级人民法院(以下简称天津高院)国家赔偿一案,不服天津高院 2011年11月30日作出的(2010)津高法赔字第0001号赔偿决定,向本院赔偿委员会申请作出赔偿决定。本院赔偿委员会依法对本案进行了审理,现已审理终结。
 2.天津高院将罚金视为夫妻共有财产,发还其中一人于法无据。(1)罚金和赔偿都具有特定性,符合国家赔偿法十八条规定情形的受害人有取得赔偿的权利,且天津高院刑事判决中罚没的款项实为张牧及其控股公司名下财产,故天津高院理应发还张牧本人;(2)张牧与马萍于2005年签署的《关于婚姻关系存续期间所得财产分别归夫妻各自所有的协议》中约定,没有对方的书面授权,一方无权处分对方的财产,天津高院在没有张牧授权及未通知张牧的情况下,将本应发还张牧个人的款项一并发还马萍(澳籍华人,与张牧原系夫妻关系),其行为显属不当;(3)2008年3月20日,北京市东城区法院已判决张牧、马萍离婚,2008年4月10日公告送达, 2008年11月17日生效。
 1999年10月,马萍、张牧通过张淑莹与张世莉结识,商定由马萍将资金存入张世莉指定银行,张世莉按照存款比例的 16.2%付给高息。1999年10月25日至27日,马萍、张牧将存款人民币2000万元存入天津鑫万房地产开发有限公司(以下简称鑫万公司,后先后更名为天津市置地实业发展有限公司、天津市冠博实业发展有限公司,2005年6月7日注销)账户内。 1999年12月28日和2000年1月3日,马萍、张牧用美元存单作质押,以个人综合消费的名义,从中国工商银行北京市分行南礼士路支行西四储蓄所贷款人民币 3020万元,马萍、张牧将该款及其他款项共计人民币3500万元存入中国银行天津和平支行凯旋门分理处。马萍、张牧先后获得张世莉等人支付的高息现金人民币 1272万元。

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