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Shandong Lujin Industry Co., Ltd. v. Juancheng Lujin Crafts Co., Ltd. and Jining Lizhibang Home Textile Co., Ltd. (case about disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a registered trademark and unfair competition)
  • Type of Dispute: IPR-->Unfair Competition
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 08-05-2009
  • Procedural status: Trial at Second Instance

Shandong Lujin Industry Co., Ltd. v. Juancheng Lujin Crafts Co., Ltd. and Jining Lizhibang Home Textile Co., Ltd. (case about disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a registered trademark and unfair competition)
(case about disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a registered trademark and unfair competition)

Shandong Lujin Industry Co., Ltd. v. Juancheng Lujin Crafts Co., Ltd. and Jining Lizhibang Home Textile Co., Ltd.
(A case about disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a registered trademark and unfair competition)@#
[Judgment Abstract]@#
1. Under Article 49 of the Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, for a registered trademark whose product contains a generic name, logo, model number or that directly conveys product quality, key raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity or other distinctive features or a geographic name, the person with the exclusive right to use the registered trademark does not have the right to prohibit fair use by others. Hence, the exercise of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited in some ways. A trademark's function is primarily based on distinguishing products; that is, purchasers and consumers can distinguish corresponding products or services through different trademarks so that they are not confused regarding the sources of the products or services. Hence, the use in products or services of a generic name that is contained in the trademark of others is fair use, and such use does not constitute infringement upon the exclusive right of others to use a trademark.@#
2. The generic name of a product shall be pervasive and standardized. For those names which possess regional characteristics, when determining whether they are persuasive, the standard shall be the extent of acceptance within the specific regions where the product is produced and extent of acceptance by the relevant public, rather than whether the name is widely used across the nation. When determining whether a generic name is standardized, the standard shall be the general recognition of the relevant public and whether what the generic name refers to is specific. For those names that have become a convention already acknowledged by the relevant public, even if they do not conform to relevant scientific principles, it does not have an impact on a ruling regarding whether they are generic names. The following points are to be paid attention to when determining whether a product has a generic name: 1. whether the name is widely used in a certain region or a certain field and accepted by the relevant public; 2. whether the craft to which the name refers has been formed in a certain region or field through collective work over a lengthy period; and 3. whether the raw materials of the product to which the name refers are widely produced in a certain area or certain field.@#
Plaintiff: Shandong Lujin Industry Co., Ltd., domiciled at east side of 327 national highway, west of Jiaxiang County.@#
Legal Representative: Zhang Chengrui, chairman of the board of directors of this company.@#
Defendant: Juancheng Lujin Crafts Co., Ltd., domiciled at 113, north of West Renmin Road, Juancheng County.@#
Legal Representative: Lu Weimin, general manager of this company.@#
Defendant: Jining Lizhibang Home Textile Co., Ltd., domiciled at Business Street, Yunhe Road, Jining City.@#
Person in charge: Gong Xiucheng, manager of this company.@#
The plaintiff, Shandong Lujin Industry Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as “Lujin Co.”) filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People's Court of Jining City, Shandong Province for disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a registered trademark and unfair competition against the defendants, Juancheng Lujin Crafts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Juancheng Lujin Co.”) and Jining Lizhibang Home Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Lizhibang Co.”).@#
The plaintiff, Lujin Co., claimed that: Its predecessor was Ruijin Folk Crafts Factory of Jiaxiang County. Since 1985, the plaintiff had used a general term “Lujin” for the cotton cloth, crafts, clothes, beddings and other products produced by it. In 1999, the plaintiff applied for and registered the word trademark “LUJIN”; in 2001, it applied for and registered the composite trademark “Device + LUJIN (pinyin).” In 2006, the plaintiff became a member of “China Time-honored Brands” of China General Chamber of Commerce. In the same year, the plaintiff's trademark “LUJIN” was recognized as a “famous trademark of Shandong Province” by the Industrial and Commercial Administration of Shandong Province. The plaintiff found that there was a large quantity of Lujin products produced and sold by the defendants, Juancheng Lujin Co. and Lizhibang Co. within the area of Jining City. All these products used the word “Lujin” in a conspicuous position, and were sold by Lizhibang Lujin exclusive stores and many other exclusive stores. The aforesaid products of the defendants infringed upon the plaintiff's exclusive right to use the registered trademark “LUJIN”. Furthermore, the name of Juancheng Lujin Co. contained “LUJIN,” the word in the plaintiff's registered trademark, which misled the consumers and constituted unfair competition. The plaintiff thus requested the court to order the two defendants to immediately stop the production and sale of the infringing products which used the word “LUJIN” and destroy the infringing products and packages already produced; to order Juancheng Lujin Co. to change its name by removing the word “LUJIN” from its name; to order the stores of Lizhibang Co. to stop the use of the word “LUJIN” on their shop names; and to order the two defendants to compensate the plaintiff in the amount of 500, 000 yuan for economic loss and bear all costs paid by the plaintiff in order to stop the defendants' infringement including but not limited to court costs, investigation fees and lawyers' fees.@#


原告鲁锦公司诉称:原告前身是嘉祥县瑞锦民间工艺品厂。1985年起原告将所产棉布、工艺品、服装和床上用品等产品统称为“鲁锦”。1999年原告申请注册了“鲁锦”文字商标;2001年申请注册了“图形+ LUJIN(鲁锦拼音)”组合商标。2006年,原告被中国商业联合会吸收为“中华老字号”会员单位。同年,原告的“鲁锦”商标被山东省工商局认定为“山东省著名商标”。原告发现在济宁市区域内,有大量被告鄄城鲁锦公司、礼之邦公司生产、销售的鲁锦产品。这些产品都在显著位置标明了“鲁锦”字样,并由礼之邦鲁锦专卖店等众多专卖店进行销售。被告的上述产品侵犯了原告的“鲁锦”注册商标专用权。另外,鄄城鲁锦公司企业名称中含有原告的“鲁锦”注册商标字样,误导消费者,构成不正当竞争。请求判令二被告立即停止生产、销售带有“鲁锦”字样的侵权产品,并销毁已生产的侵权产品和包装;判令鄄城鲁锦公司变更企业名称,去掉其名称中的“鲁锦”字样;判令礼之邦公司所属店堂门面不得使用“鲁锦”字样;判令二被告赔偿经济损失50万元,并承担本案诉讼费、调查费、律师费等原告为制止被告侵权行为所支出的一切费用。@#
原告鲁锦公司的前身嘉祥县瑞锦民间工艺品厂经向国家工商总局商标局申请,于1999年12月21日取得注册号为第 1345914号的“鲁锦”文字商标,有效期为 1999年12月21日至2009年12月20日,核定使用商品为第25类服装、鞋、帽类,具体为“服装、套装、汗衫、制服、茄克 (服装)、背心(马甲)、童装、睡衣(含睡衣裤)、运动衫、吸汗内衣等”。原告又于2001年11月14日取得注册号为第1665032号的“Li+LUJIN”的组合商标,有效期为2001年11月14日至2011年11月13日,核定使用商品为第24类的“纺织物、棉织品、内衣用织物、纱布、纺织品、毛巾布、无纺布、浴巾、床单、纺织品家具罩等”。嘉祥县瑞锦民间工艺品厂于2001年2月9日经工商部门核准依法更名为嘉祥县鲁锦实业有限公司,后于2007年6月11日更名为山东鲁锦实业有限公司。@#
另查明,被告鄄城鲁锦公司于2003年 3月3日经工商局核准登记成立,系有限责任公司,其在产品上所使用的商标是“精一坊文字+图形”组合商标,该商标已向国家工商总局商标局申请注册,但尚未核准。 2007年9月,鄄城鲁锦公司向国家工商总局商标评审委员会申请撤销原告鲁锦公司已注册的第1345914号“鲁锦”商标,商评委已经受理但至今未作出裁定。原告系从礼之邦鲁锦专卖店购买涉案商品取证,在该店门面上“鲁锦”已被突出放大使用,但其出具的发票上所加盖的印章为被告礼之邦公司公章。@#

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