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Measures for the Administration of Import of Audio and Video Recordings (2011) [Effective]
音像制品进口管理办法(2011) [现行有效]


Order of the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and the General Administration of Customs 国家新闻出版总署、中华人民共和国海关总署令

(No. 53)

The Measures for the Administration of Import of Audio and Video Recordings, as adopted at the 1st executive meeting of the General Administration of Press and Publication on March 17, 2011 and by the General Administration of Customs, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance.

Director of the General Administration of Press and Publication: Liu Binjie
新闻出版总署 署长 柳斌杰

Director of the General Administration of Customs: Yu Guangzhou
海 关 总 署 署长 于广洲

April 6, 2011

Measures for the Administration of Import of Audio and Video Recordings

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulation on the Administration of Audio and Video Recordings北大法宝,版权所有 and the relevant provisions of the state for purposes of strengthening the administration of import of audio and video recordings, promoting international culture exchanges and cooperation and enriching the cultural life of the people.   第一条 为了加强对音像制品进口的管理,促进国际文化交流与合作,丰富人民群众的文化生活,根据《音像制品管理条例》及国家有关规定,制定本办法。

Article 2 The term “audio and video recordings” as mentioned in these Measures shall refer to audio tapes, video tapes, phonograph records, compact discs, laser discs, etc. on which contents are recorded.   第二条 本办法所称音像制品,是指录有内容的录音带、录像带、唱片、激光唱盘、激光视盘等。

Article 3 These Measures shall apply to the import of finished audio and video recordings and import of audio and video recordings used for publication and other purposes from abroad.   第三条 凡从外国进口音像制品成品和进口用于出版及其他用途的音像制品,适用本办法。

The term “publication” in the preceding paragraph shall include publication through an information network.

Audio and video recordings used for radio and television broadcast shall be governed by laws and administrative regulations on radio and television.

Article 4 The General Administration of Press and Publication shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the import of audio and video recordings throughout the country, content examination, etc.   第四条 新闻出版总署负责全国音像制品进口的监督管理和内容审查等工作。

The administrative departments of press and publication of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the import of audio and video recordings within their respective administrative regions in accordance with these Measures.

The customs at various levels shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the import of audio and video recordings according to their respective functions.

Article 5 In the business activities of import of audio and video recordings, the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations shall be complied with, the orientation of serving people and serving socialism shall be followed, and the disseminated thoughts, ethics, science, technology, culture and knowledge shall be conducive to the economic development and social advancement.   第五条 音像制品进口经营活动应当遵守宪法和有关法律、法规,坚持为人民服务和为社会主义服务的方向,传播有益于经济发展和社会进步的思想、道德、科学技术和文化知识。

Article 6 The state shall prohibit the import of audio and video recordings with any of the following contents:   第六条 国家禁止进口有下列内容的音像制品:

(1) content that goes against the basic principles established in the Constitution; (一)反对宪法确定的基本原则的;

(2) content that endangers the national unity, sovereignty and territory integrity; (二)危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;

(3) content that divulges any state secret, endangers the national security or causes damage to the honor or interests of the state; (三)泄漏国家秘密、危害国家安全或者损害国家荣誉和利益的;

(4) content that incites ethnic hatred or discrimination, undermines the solidarity of ethnic groups, or infringes upon the mores and customs of any ethnic group; (四)煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯的;

(5) content that propagates a cult or superstition; (五)宣扬邪教、迷信的;

(6) content that disrupts the public order or undermines the social stability; (六)扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

(7) content that propagates obscenity, gambling or violence or instigates crimes; (七)宣扬淫秽、赌博、暴力或者教唆犯罪的;

(8) content that insults or defames others, or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of others; (八)侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

(9) content that harms the social morality or any fine folk culture tradition; and (九)危害社会公德或者民族优秀文化传统的;

(10) other contents prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the state. (十)有法律、行政法规和国家规定禁止的其他内容的。

Article 7 The state shall apply a permit system to the establishment of entities importing finished audio and video recordings (hereinafter referred to as “importers of finished audio and video recordings”).   第七条 国家对设立音像制品成品进口单位实行许可制度。

Chapter II Importers 第二章 进口单位

Article 8 The business of importing finished audio and video recordings shall be operated by importers of finished audio and video recordings approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication; and no entity or individual shall operate the business of importing finished audio and video recordings without such an approval.   第八条 音像制品成品进口业务由新闻出版总署批准的音像制品成品进口单位经营;未经批准,任何单位或者个人不得从事音像制品成品进口业务。

Article 9 An importer of finished audio and video recordings to be established shall meet the following conditions:   第九条 设立音像制品成品进口经营单位,应当具备以下条件:

(1) It has a name and articles of association; (一)有音像制品进口经营单位的名称、章程;

(2) Its sponsor and the competent authority governing its sponsor meet the requirements of the General Administration of Press and Publication; (二)有符合新闻出版总署认定条件的主办单位及其主管机关;

(3) It has a definite business scope; (三)有确定的业务范围;

(4) It has the ability to preliminarily examine the contents of the imported audio and video recordings; (四)具有进口音像制品内容初审能力;

(5) It has capital suitable for the business of importing audio and video recordings; (五)有与音像制品进口业务相适应的资金;

(6) It has fixed business premises; and (六)有固定的经营场所;

(7) Other conditions as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the state. (七)法律、行政法规和国家规定的其他条件。

Article 10 To establish an importer of finished audio and video recordings, the applicant shall submit an application to the General Administration of Press and Publication, obtained a permit for importing audio and video recordings from the General Administration of Press and Publication after approval, and collect a business license at the administrative department for industry and commerce on the basis of the permit.
   第十条北大法宝,版权所有 设立音像制品成品进口经营单位,应当向新闻出版总署提出申请,经审查批准,取得新闻出版总署核发的音像制品进口经营许可证件后,持证到工商行政管理部门依法领取营业执照。

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