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Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2008 Revision) [Expired]
最高人民法院研究室关于少管人员释放后犯罪的能否适用《关于处理逃跑或者重新犯罪的劳改犯和劳教人员的决定》问题的电话答复 [失效]

Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce 


(No. 4)

The Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2008), approved by the State Council, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on January 1, 2009.The Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2004) (Order No. 13 [2004] of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce) promulgated in July 2004 and the Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Liaoning Province (Order No. 47 [2006] of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce) promulgated in September 2006 shall be abolished simultaneously.

In accordance with the Provisions on Guiding the Direction of Foreign Investments (Order No. 346 of the State Council), the foreign-funded projects under this Catalogue may enjoy the preferential policies for foreign-funded projects in the encouraged category. The foreign-funded projects under construction which meet the provisions of this Category may be governed by the relevant policies for this Catalogue.

Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Zhang Ping
国家发展和改革委员会主任:张 平

Minister of Commerce: Chen Deming,
商  务  部   部  长:陈德铭

December 23, 2008

Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2008)

Shanxi Province   山西省

1. Plantation and deep processing of pastures and forage crops 1. 牧草饲料作物种植及深加工

2. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands and protection of natural forests 2. 退耕还林还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

3. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dry land farming and conservation tillage 3. 节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

4. Projects of ecological system restoration and reconstruction in mined-out and subsidence areas of mining areas 4.采煤矿区采空、塌陷区域生态系统恢复与重建工程

5. Comprehensive utilization of silica resources (excluding exploration and exploitation) 5. 硅石资源综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

6. Comprehensive utilization of kaoline (excluding exploration and exploitation) 6. 高岭土综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

7. Development of applied coal processing technologies and production of coal products (controlled by Chinese party) 7. 煤炭加工应用技术开发和产品生产(中方控股)

8. Production and development of downstream chemical products of coal bed methane 8.煤层气下游化工产品生产和开发

9. Comprehensive utilization of coke byproducts 9.焦炭副产品综合利用

10. Deep processing of silk products 10.丝绸产品深加工

11. Printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration 11.包装装潢印刷品印刷

12. Technical development and production of high-grade glass products and high-tech ceramics (including industrial ceramics) 12. 高档玻璃制品、高技术陶瓷(含工业陶瓷)技术开发和产品生产

13. Technical development and deep processing of special varieties of high-quality float glass (super white, super thin and online Low-E) 13. 特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

14. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 14. 日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

15. Production of stainless steel products 15.不锈钢制品生产

16. Technical development and manufacture of precision castings and forgings 16. 精铸、精锻件技术开发及制造

17. Production of steel-cord rubber conveyor belts 17. 钢丝绳芯橡胶输运带生产

18. Production of hydraulic technical systems and molds thereof 18. 液压技术系统及模具生产

19. Manufacture of small- and medium-sized dry land and mountain agricultural machinery and supporting tools 19. 旱地、山地中小农业机械及配套机具制造

20. Electricity generation, heat supply and other comprehensive utilization of the remaining heat of middling coal and coke oven gas 20. 洗中煤、焦炉煤气余热发电、供热等综合利用

21. Value-added telecommunications business (within the framework of commitments upon China accession to the WTO) 21.增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

22. Road transportation of passengers (controlled by Chinese party) 22.道路旅客运输(中方控股)

23. Construction and business operation of urban gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 23. 城市供气、供热、供排水管网建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

24. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 24. 旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region   内蒙古自治区

1. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands, restoration of pastures to grasslands and protection of natural forests 1.退耕还林还草、退牧还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

2. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dry land farming and conservation tillage 2.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

3. Fine and deep processing of beet sugar and comprehensive utilization of byproducts 3.甜菜糖精深加工及副产品综合利用

4. Fine and deep processing of copper, lead, zinc and aluminum (excluding exploration, exploitation and smelting) 4.铜、铅、锌、铝精深加工(勘查、开采、冶炼除外)

5. Comprehensive utilization and fine and deep processing of nonmetallic minerals (andalusite, bentonite, dolomite, crystal graphite, perlite and zeolite) (excluding exploration and exploitation) 5.非金属矿(红柱石、膨润土、白云石、晶质石墨、珍珠岩、沸石)综合利用及精细加工(勘探、开采除外)

6. Development of hi-tech wool textile and knitting products 6.毛纺织、针织品高新技术产品开发

7. Development of applied coal processing technologies and production of coal products (controlled by Chinese party) 7.煤炭加工应用技术开发和产品生产(中方控股)

8. Deep processing of rare earth and production of applied products thereof 8.稀土深加工及应用产品生产

9. Development and utilization of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Policies on Utilization of Natural Gas) 9.天然气下游化工产品开发和利用(列入《天然气利用政策》限制类和禁止类的除外)

10. Processing of Mongolian medicines (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibited categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 10.蒙药材加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

11. Development and utilization of bio-pharmaceutical products by using the viscera of cattle and sheep as raw materials (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 11.以牛羊内脏为原料的生物制药产品的开发利用(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

12. Production of specially-needed ethical products, handicraft articles, packing containers and materials, and glass products for daily use 12.少数民族特需用品、工艺美术品、包装容器材料及日用玻璃制品生产

13. Technical development and deep processing of special varieties of high-quality float glass (super white, super thin and online Low-E) 13.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

14. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 14.日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

15. Electricity generation, heat supply and other comprehensive utilization of the remaining heat of middling coal and coke oven gas 15.洗中煤、焦炉煤气余热发电、供热等综合利用

16. Value-added telecommunications business (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 16.增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

17. Road transportation of passengers (controlled by Chinese party) 17.道路旅客运输(中方控股)

18. Construction and business operation of urban gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 18.城市供气、供热、供排水管网建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

19. Development, construction and business operation of eco-tourism resources such as ice and snow, forests and grassland 19.冰雪、森林、草原生态旅游资源开发、建设和经营

20. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 20.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Liaoning Province   辽宁省

1. Development and production of seeds (seedlings) of vegetables and fruits (excluding genetically modified plant seeds) (controlled by Chinese party) 1. 蔬菜、水果等种子(种苗)(转基因植物种子除外)开发、生产(中方控股)

2. Breeding of meat chickens, live pigs, steers and meat sheep and the deep processing of products thereof 2. 肉鸡、生猪、肉牛和肉羊饲养及产品深加工

3. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands 3. 退耕还林还草等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

4. Processing and comprehensive utilization of oil shale, magnesium and zircon (relatively controlled by Chinese party) 4. 油母页岩、镁、锆石加工及综合利用(中方相对控股)

5. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk (tussah silk) and chemical fiber 5. 高档棉、毛、麻、丝(柞蚕丝)、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工

6. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine and production of derivatives thereof (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 6.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工及其衍生物的生产(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

7. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 7.日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

8. Production of methanol and other products with coal as raw material and by using large-scale equipment and technologies (600,000 ton or more per year) 8.采用大型装备和技术(60万吨/年以上)生产以煤炭为原料的甲醇等产品

9. Production of million-ton ethylene and downstream deep-processing products thereof 9.百万吨乙烯及下游深加工产品生产

10. Production of high-performance radial tires 10.高性能子午线轮胎生产

11. Manufacture of metal packing, automated storage and retrieval warehouses and logistic warehousing equipment 11. 金属包装、自动化立体仓库及仓储物流设备制造

12. Manufacture of components and parts of automobiles (automobile gearboxes, automobile engine crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder blocks and cylinder heads, engine electronic injection systems, automobile shock absorbers, clutches, engine timing chains, automobile lights and automobile meters) 12. 汽车零部件制造(汽车变速箱,汽车发动机曲轴、连杆、缸体、缸盖,发动机电子喷射系统,汽车减振器,离合器,发动机正时链,汽车车灯,汽车仪表)

13. Manufacture of auxiliary marine diesel engines, components, parts and accessories 13. 船用柴油机辅机、零部件、配件制造

14. Development and production of digital medical equipment and key parts 14. 数字医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

15. Deep processing of high-precision copper plate and strip 15. 高精度铜板带材深加工

16. Manufacture of steel wire lines and super-fine steel wire ropes 16. 钢丝连线、超细钢丝绳制造

17. Medical institutions (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 17. 医疗机构(限于合资、合作)

18. Construction and business operation of urban centralized gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 18. 城市集中供热、供气、供排水管网建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

19. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 19. 旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

20. Fine and deep processing and continuous industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 20. 经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Jilin Province   吉林省

1. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dry land farming and conservation tillage 1.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

2. Breeding of meat chickens, meat gooses, live pigs, steers and meat sheep and deep processing of products thereof 2.肉鸡、肉鹅、生猪、肉牛和肉羊饲养及产品深加工

3. Development and processing of featured ecological foods and drinks of Changbai Mountain such as nutlets, wild vegetables, fungus, wood frog, tussahs and honey (excluding national secondary protection plants such as Korean pine seeds and pine mushroom) 3.果仁、山野菜、菌类、林蛙、柞蚕、蜂蜜等长白山特色生态食品、饮品的开发和加工(红松籽、松茸等国家二级保护植物除外)

4. Production of natural mineral drinking water (controlled by Chinese party) 4.饮用天然矿泉水生产(中方控股)

5. Development and comprehensive utilization of diatomite (excluding exploration and exploitation) 5.硅藻土资源开发及综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

6. Spinning, knitting and garment processing and production of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp and chemical fiber 6.高档棉、毛、麻、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

7. Development and production of animal and plant medicinal resources (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 7.动植物药材资源开发生产(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

8. Technical development and deep processing of special varieties of high-quality float glass (super white, super thin and online Low-E) 8.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

9. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 9.日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

10. Production of high-performance radial tires 10.高性能子午线轮胎生产

11. Manufacture of components and parts of automobiles (automobile gearboxes, automobile engine crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder blocks and cylinder heads, engine electronic injection systems, automobile shock absorbers, clutches, engine timing chains, automobile lights and automobile meters) 11.汽车零部件制造(汽车变速箱,汽车发动机曲轴、连杆、缸体、缸盖,发动机电子喷射系统,汽车减振器,离合器,发动机正时链,汽车车灯,汽车仪表)

12. Manufacture of wind and biomass power generation equipment (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 12.风力发电设备、生物质能发电设备制造(限于合资、合作)

13. Value-added telecommunications business (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 13.增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

14. Road transportation of passengers (controlled by Chinese party) 14.道路旅客运输(中方控股)

15. Automobile financial services 15.汽车金融服务

16. Construction and business operation of urban gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 16.城市供气、供热、供排水管网建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

17. Vocational educational institutions (limited to contractual joint ventures) 17.职业教育机构(限于合作)

18. Medical institutions (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 18.医疗机构(限于合资、合作)

19. Development of ice and snow tourism resources and construction and business operation of ski resorts 19.冰雪旅游资源开发及滑雪场建设、经营

20. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 20.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

21. Fine and deep processing and continuous industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 21.经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Heilongjiang Province   黑龙江省

1. Development and production of seeds (seedlings) of vegetables, fruits, etc. (excluding genetically modified plant seeds) (controlled by Chinese party) 1.蔬菜、水果等种子(种苗)(转基因植物种子除外)开发、生产(中方控股)

2. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands and protection of natural forests 2.退耕还林还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

3. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dry land farming and conservation tillage 3.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

4. Projects of water control, irrigation of paddy fields and water-saving irrigation in dry farmland 4.水利枢纽工程、水田灌区工程、旱田节水灌区工程

5. Production of natural mineral drinking water (controlled by Chinese party) 5.饮用天然矿泉水生产(中方控股)

6. Production of sugar with beets and comprehensive utilization of byproducts thereof 6.甜菜制糖及副产品综合利用

7. Deep processing of potato 7.马铃薯深加工

8. Breeding of meat chickens, live pigs, steers and meat sheep and deep processing of products thereof 8.肉鸡、生猪、肉牛和肉羊饲养及产品加工

9. Development of applied coal processing technologies and production of coal products (controlled by Chinese party) 9.煤炭加工应用技术开发和产品生产(中方控股)

10. Deep processing of graphite products (excluding production lines of graphite electrodes with common or high power) 10.石墨产品深加工(普通功率和高功率石墨电极生产线除外)

11. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine and production of derivatives thereof (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 11.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工及其衍生物的生产(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

12. Technical development and deep processing of special varieties of high-quality float glass (super white, super thin and online Low-E) 12.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

13. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 13.日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

14. Manufacture of cutting and measuring tools 14.切削刀具、量具、刃具制造

15. Production of high-performance radial tires 15.高性能子午线轮胎生产

16. Manufacture of components and parts of automobiles (automobile gearboxes, automobile engine crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder blocks and cylinder heads, engine electronic injection systems, automobile shock absorbers, clutches, engine timing chains, automobile lights and automobile meters) 16.汽车零部件制造(汽车变速箱,汽车发动机曲轴、连杆、缸体、缸盖,发动机电子喷射系统,汽车减振器,离合器,发动机正时链,汽车车灯,汽车仪表)

17. Development and production of medical apparatus and key parts 17.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

18. Manufacture of power-grid intelligent management and control system equipment 18.电网智能管理控制系统设备制造

19. Value-added telecommunications business (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 19.增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

20. Road transportation of passengers (controlled by Chinese party) 20.道路旅客运输(中方控股)

21. Vocational educational institutions (limited to contractual joint ventures) 21.职业教育机构(限于合作)

22. Medical institutions (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 22.医疗机构(限于合资、合作)

23. Construction and business operation of urban gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 23.城市供气、供热、供排水管网建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

24. Development of forest, ice and snow tourism resources and construction and business operation of ski resorts 24.森林、冰雪旅游资源开发及滑雪场建设、经营

25. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 25.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

26. Fine and deep processing and continuous industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 26.经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Anhui Province   安徽省

1. Development and application of conservation tillage technologies 1.保护性耕作技术开发与应用

2. Fine and deep processing and comprehensive utilization of Chinese sorghum and silkworm cocoons 2.高粱、蚕茧精深加工及综合利用

3. Comprehensive utilization of resources associated with coal such as kaolin, coal bed gas (gas), mine water and natural coke (excluding exploration and exploitation) 3.高岭土、煤层气(瓦斯)、矿井水及天然焦等煤炭伴生资源综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

4. Comprehensive utilization of non-metallic minerals (calcite, bentonite, kaolin, attapulgite clay, limestone and quartz sand) (excluding exploration and exploitation) 4.非金属矿(方解石、膨润土、高岭土、凹凸棒粘土、石灰石、石英砂)综合利用(勘查、开采除外)

5. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 5.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工

6. Deep processing and comprehensive utilization of large-scale integrated coal coking and salinization (controlled by Chinese party) 6.大型煤焦化--盐化一体化深加工及综合利用(中方控股)

7. Processing and production of Chinese medicinal materials, extracts of Chinese traditional medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 7.中药材、中药提取物、中成药加工及生产(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

8. Fine and deep processing and comprehensive utilization of non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead and zinc (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 8.铜、铅、锌等有色金属精深加工及综合利用(限于合资、合作)

9. Printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration 9.包装装潢印刷品印刷

10. Technical development and deep processing of special varieties of high-quality float glass (super white, super thin and online Low-E) 10.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

11. Production of new dry-process cement of cement clinker with a daily production capacity of 4, 000 ton or more 11.日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产

12. Production of high-performance radial tires 12.高性能子午线轮胎生产

13. Manufacture of components and parts of automobiles (automobile gearboxes, automobile engine crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder blocks and cylinder heads, engine electronic injection systems, automobile shock absorbers, clutches, engine timing chains, automobile lights and automobile meters) 13.汽车零部件制造(汽车变速箱,汽车发动机曲轴、连杆、缸体、缸盖,发动机电子喷射系统,汽车减振器,离合器,发动机正时链,汽车车灯,汽车仪表)

14. Manufacture of plant for new dry-process cement 14.新型干法水泥成套设备制造

15. Production of large-scale oxygen generators, large-scale coke ovens and heavy cast steel machines 15.大型制氧机、大型焦炉及重型铸钢机械产品生产

16. Development and manufacture of large-scale numeric control forging equipment and components thereof 16.大型数控锻压设备及部件开发与制造

17. Development and manufacture of fork trucks, excavators and special-purpose vehicles and components and parts thereof 17.叉车、挖掘机、专用车及零部件开发与制造

18. Production and manufacture of highly efficient and energy saving compressors and special enameled wires for refrigerators and air conditioners 18.电冰箱、空调用高效节能压缩机、特种漆包线生产制造

19. Technical development and production of high-performance magnetic materials and devices 19.高性能磁性材料及器件技术开发、生产

20. Value-added telecommunications business (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 20.增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

21. Road transportation of passengers (controlled by Chinese party) 21.道路旅客运输(中方控股)

22. Medical institutions (limited to equity or contractual joint venture) 22.医疗机构(限于合资、合作)

23. Vocational educational institutions (limited to contractual joint ventures) 23.职业教育机构(限于合作)

24. Construction and business operation of urban gas supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by Chinese party in large cities) 24.城市供气、供热、供排水管网的建设、经营(大城市中方控股)

25. Protection, development and business operation of tourist attractions and construction of supporting facilities thereof 25.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Jiangxi Province   江西省

1. Dressing of copper ore and extraction and fine and deep processing of associated elements 1.铜矿选矿、伴生元素提取及精深加工

2. Dressing, smelting, application and deep processing of non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, power quartz, wollastonite, sepiolite and dolomite for chemical use 2.高岭土、粉石英、硅灰石、海泡石、化工用白云石等非金属矿选冶、应用及深加工

3. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 3.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工

4. Deep processing of rare earth and production of applied products thereof 4.稀土深加工及应用产品生产

5. Production of fine chemical products such as inorganic and organic chlorines (excluding organic chlorines with high residues)

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