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Human Rights in Xinjiang - Development and Progress

Human Rights in Xinjiang - Development and Progress



The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室
June 2017 2017年6月

Contents 目 录
Foreword 前 言

I. Political Rights   一、政治权利
II. Civil Rights   二、公民权利
III. Economic Rights   三、经济权利
IV. Social Rights   四、社会权利
V. Cultural Rights   五、文化权利
VI. Environmental Rights   六、环境权利
VII. Right to Freedom of Religious Belief   七、宗教信仰自由权利
VIII. Rights of Women, Children, the Elderly and Disabled   八、妇女、儿童、老年人、残疾人权利
前 言
Realization of full human rights is an ideal, one that humankind has pursued for as long as we can remember. It is also a goal that the Chinese people, including people of the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, have worked hard to reach. 实现充分的人权是人类长期追求的理想,也是包括新疆各族人民在内的全中国人民长期为之奋斗的目标。
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, the ethnic groups of Xinjiang suffered oppression from invading foreign forces, the feudal exploiting class and the privileged religious hierarchy. At the bottom of the social ladder, they were deprived of basic human rights. The founding of the PRC and the socialist system prepared a fundamental political prerequisite and laid the institutional basis for the people of Xinjiang's ethnic groups to enjoy such rights. In 1955, the system of regional ethnic autonomy was implemented in Xinjiang, offering further guarantee to the Xinjiang people in exercising their right as masters of the country. Since 1978, when China launched its epoch-making reform and opening-up drive, a new historical phase has been ushered in the economic and social development of Xinjiang, and people of the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang have seen great progress in the protection of their human rights. 1949年中华人民共和国成立前,新疆各族人民遭受着外国侵略势力、封建剥削阶级和宗教特权阶层的压迫,社会地位极其低下,无法享有基本人权。新中国的成立和社会主义制度的确立,为新疆各族人民真正享有人权奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础。1955年,中国在新疆实行民族区域自治制度,进一步保障了新疆各族人民当家作主的权利。自1978年中国实行改革开放以来,新疆经济社会发展进入了一个新的历史时期,各族人民的人权保障水平不断提升。

The central government has over the years set great store by Xinjiang. It has taken effective measures to develop the economy, improve people's living standards, enhance the well-being of the public, promote ethnic unity and progress, and safeguard the basic rights of all ethnic groups. In particular, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has worked hard to promote economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress across the country. This means following the people-oriented principle, and forging new ideas of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development shared by all. Committed to the progress of Xinjiang and its people, the CPC Central Committee has pooled the strength of the nation to develop the region. In recent years, it has, proceeding from the overall development of the causes of the Party and state, constantly enriched and developed its core strategies for the development and governance of Xinjiang by making maintaining the social order and lasting political stability the overall objective of work in relation to Xinjiang. It called governing Xinjiang in accordance with law, maintaining stability in Xinjiang through ethnic solidarity, and being committed to the development of Xinjiang for a long time to come; keeping to the goal of all ethnic groups working together for common prosperity and development; making energetic efforts to press forward with the development of various undertakings in Xinjiang and focusing on the protection and improvement of the people's living standards; and taking all necessary steps to ensure the people of various ethnic groups the equal right to participation and in development, and equal access to the fruits of development.


I. Political Rights   一、政治权利
Xinjiang has been home to numerous ethnic groups since remote antiquity, and there are now 56 ethnic groups residing on this vast piece of land. Irrespective of their size of population, degree of development, and religious faith, the people of all Xinjiang's ethnic groups enjoy the same status and the same rights, and must fulfill the same obligations in accordance with the law. Their political rights as citizens are fully protected. 新疆自古以来就是多民族聚居的地方,目前有56个民族。不论人口多少、发展程度高低、宗教信仰差异,新疆各族人民都具有同等地位,依法享有相同权利,履行相同义务,公民的政治权利得到了充分保障。
The system of regional ethnic autonomy is in place. Based on the principle of safeguarding national unity, the system of regional ethnic autonomy provides a strong institutional guarantee for the ethnic groups of Xinjiang to exercise their right of autonomy, administer their own local affairs, and participate as equals in administering state affairs. According to China's Constitution and relevant state laws, the legislature of the autonomous region, while enjoying the legislative power entitled to provincial-level administrative divisions as prescribed by law, has the power to enact regulations on the exercise of regional autonomy and other particular regulations in line with the local political, economic and cultural conditions. By the end of 2016, the autonomous regional people's congress and its standing committee had formulated in total 372 local regulations (including 153 already in effect), passed 52 regulatory resolutions and decisions, and approved 113 separate regulations and other regulations submitted by the various cities, autonomous prefectures or autonomous counties. 民族区域自治制度得到贯彻落实。民族区域自治制度的确立,为新疆各族人民在维护国家统一原则下,充分行使自治权利,自主管理地方事务,平等参与管理国家事务提供了有力的制度保障。自治区立法机关根据宪法和法律,既享有普通省级行政区地方立法权,又享有根据本区域政治、经济和文化特点制定自治条例、单行条例的立法权。截至2016年年底,自治区人民代表大会及其常委会共制定区域特色的地方性法规372件,其中现行有效的地方性法规153件,作出法规性决议、决定52件,批准设区的市、自治州、自治县报批的单行条例和地方性法规113件。
The right to vote and right to be elected are fully protected. In Xinjiang, as elsewhere in China, citizens aged 18 or above enjoy the right to vote and the right to be elected in accordance with the law. As the Constitution and relevant state laws prescribe, people of all ethnic groups in the autonomous region directly elect deputies to the people's congresses at county (city or urban district) and township (town) levels, and these deputies then elect deputies to the prefecture (prefecture-level city) people's congress, the people's congress of the autonomous region, and the National People's Congress (NPC). The 12th NPC has a total of 60 deputies from Xinjiang, of whom 38 (63 percent) are from ethnic minority groups. The 12th People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is formed by 550 deputies, of whom 363 (66 percent) are of ethnic minority origins. 选举权和被选举权得到充分保障。在新疆,年满18周岁公民依法享有选举权和被选举权。依照宪法与法律规定,各族人民直接选举县(市、区)、乡(镇)人民代表大会代表,在此基础上又选举出全国和自治区、州(市)人民代表大会代表。第十二届全国人民代表大会共有新疆代表60名,其中少数民族代表38名,占63.33%。第十二届新疆维吾尔自治区人民代表大会共有代表550名,其中少数民族代表363名,占66%。
Steady progress has been observed in consultative democracy. Within the institutional framework of consultative democracy, the CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) organizations at all levels in the autonomous region have actively innovated the forms, enriched the content and developed platforms of consultation to encourage more extensive participation and administration of state affairs by people from all ethnic groups and all walks of life, thus bringing into place initially a wide-ranging and multi-tiered regular framework of consultative democracy. Members of CPPCC organizations at all levels have conducted in-depth research and drafted bills that actively reflect social conditions and public opinion; they constantly pursue initiatives to facilitate democratic scrutiny. Among members of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, 31 come from Xinjiang, of whom 18 (58 percent) are members of ethnic minorities. The 11th CPPCC of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has 479 members, of whom 228 (48 percent) are members of ethnic minorities. As of March 2017, the 11th CPPCC of Xinjiang had submitted a total of 4,920 proposals covering politics, the economy, culture, education, science and technology and other fields. 协商民主稳步推进。在协商民主的制度框架内,自治区各级政协积极创新协商形式、丰富协商内容、搭建协商平台,广泛吸收各族各界人士参政议政,初步形成了宽领域、多层次、常态化的协商民主格局。各级政协委员深入调研,踊跃提交议案,积极反映社情民意,主动进行民主监督。第十二届全国政协委员中,住新疆的有31名,其中少数民族委员18名,占58.1%。第十一届新疆维吾尔自治区政协有委员479名,其中少数民族委员228名,占47.6%。截至2017年3月,第十一届新疆维吾尔自治区政协共提交议案4920件,涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等领域。
The right of ethnic minority groups to participate in public affairs is guaranteed. Xinjiang is the only autonomous region in China with all three levels of autonomous divisions (i.e., autonomous region, autonomous prefecture and autonomous county). It now has under its jurisdiction five autonomous prefectures and six autonomous counties. People's congresses and people's governments of these autonomous administrative divisions at different levels exercise the autonomous power to administer their local affairs. Chairperson of the autonomous region, governors of autonomous prefectures, and heads of autonomous counties are all citizens from the ethnic groups exercising regional autonomy of the said areas. In 1950, there were only about 3,000 ethnic minority officials in Xinjiang. By 1955, this figure had increased to 46,000. In 2016, the number of ethnic minority officials in the region's civil service reached 91,076, accounting for 40 percent of the region's total. Of them, women officials of ethnic minority origins accounted for more than 66 percent of the total of female officials in Xinjiang. 少数民族参政权得到保证。作为全国唯一三级自治地方(区、州、县)俱全的自治区,新疆设有5个自治州、6个自治县。自治地方的各级人民代表大会和人民政府行使管理本地区事务的权力,自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长均由实行区域自治的民族公民担任。1950年,新疆少数民族干部仅有约3000人,1955年增加到4.6万人。2016年,全区少数民族公务员已达91076人,占干部总数的40.24%。其中,少数民族妇女干部占全区妇女干部总数的66%以上。
Community-level democratic rights are guaranteed and respected. The Measures of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for Implementing the Organic Law of the Villagers' Committees of the People's Republic of China, the Procedures of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on the Election of the Villagers' Committee, and the Implementation Measures of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Making Village Affairs Transparent have been revised and implemented. The Opinions on Regulating and Strengthening Community Work, and the Implementation Opinions on Building Stronger Service Capabilities for Town and Township Governments have been formulated. Steady improvement has been seen in the community-level legal framework. The system of community-level self-governance is being strengthened, while systems of democratic election, democratic management, democratic supervision, and publicity of affairs have kept improving. Well-defined systems, standards and procedures are being followed in community-level democratic consultation. 基层民主权利得到保障和落实。修订并实施《新疆维吾尔自治区实施〈中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法〉办法》《新疆维吾尔自治区村民委员会选举办法》《新疆维吾尔自治区村务公开办法》,制定《关于进一步规范和加强社区工作的意见》和《关于加强乡镇政府服务能力建设的实施意见》,基层法制建设不断完善。基层群众自治制度更加健全,民主选举、民主管理、民主监督和事务公开制度日益完善。基层民主协商进一步制度化、规范化、程序化。
II. Civil Rights   二、公民权利
Xinjiang fully respects and effectively guarantees the civil rights of its citizens in accordance with the law, by respecting and protecting life and property, safeguarding the right to a fair trial, and promoting free expression. 新疆坚持尊重和保护公民生命财产安全,切实维护公正审判权,促进公民自由表达,公民权利依法得到了充分尊重和有效保障。
Life and property are respected and protected. Since the 1990s, violent terrorists, nationalist separatists, and religious extremists have plotted and committed a series of violent terrorist crimes, causing loss of life to and damaging the property of people of all ethnic groups. In 2009, the July 5 riot in Urumqi killed 197, injured more than 1,700, and caused colossal damage to property. The Kunming railway station terrorist attack of March 1, 2014 caused 31 deaths and injured another 141. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has taken a series of measures designed to strike against violent terrorist crimes, strengthen social protection and control, modernize the governance system and capacity, and safeguard the lives and property of all the people of Xinjiang, whatever their ethnic group. These measures include the promulgation and implementation of the Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Enforcement of the Anti-Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China. 生命财产权受到尊重和保护。自20世纪90年代以来,暴力恐怖势力、民族分裂势力、宗教极端势力策划实施了一系列暴力恐怖犯罪活动,严重危害了各族人民的生命财产安全。其中,2009年乌鲁木齐“7·5”打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件,造成197人死亡、1700多人受伤;2014年昆明“3·01”火车站暴力恐怖事件,造成31人死亡、141人受伤。自治区采取一系列措施,颁布实施了《新疆维吾尔自治区实施〈中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法〉办法》,依法严厉打击暴力恐怖犯罪,加强社会面防控,推进治理体系和治理能力现代化,切实维护各族人民的生命财产安全。
The right to fair trial is maintained. Judicial organs in Xinjiang uphold the principles of legally prescribed punishment, presumption of innocence, and evidentiary adjudication, and fully protect citizens' right to fair trial at all stages from investigation to prosecution, to trial and execution. The right of suspects and criminal defendants to defense is guaranteed in accordance with the law. Citizens' right to use the spoken and written languages of their own ethnic groups in legal proceedings is protected. By implementing the Interim Measures for Legal Assistance of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the right to legal assistance for disadvantaged groups is guaranteed. With constant improvement in the judicial relief system, the legitimate rights and interests of indemnity claimants are safeguarded, and the right to relief of disadvantaged groups is protected. In 2016, people's courts at various levels in Xinjiang settled 298 state compensation and judicial relief cases, deferring, reducing or exempting the litigation costs to a value of RMB26.7 million. A platform for judicial openness was established to release information on judicial proceedings, so as to ensure the public's right to information. From 2014 to 2016, people's courts at various levels in Xinjiang released more than 210,000 effective judgment documents on China Judgments Online. In 2016, there were 4,569 lawyers in Xinjiang. 公正审判权得到切实维护。新疆司法机关坚持罪刑法定、疑罪从无、证据裁判等原则,从侦查、检察、审判、执行等各环节充分保障公民获得公正审判的权利。依法保障犯罪嫌疑人、刑事被告人的辩护权。保障各民族公民使用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。实施《新疆维吾尔自治区法律援助试行办法》,切实维护困难群体获得法律援助的权利。有效保障赔偿请求人的合法权益,不断完善司法救助制度,保障困难群众获得诉讼救济权利。2016年,新疆各级人民法院共办结国家赔偿与司法救助案件298件,共计为生活困难群众缓、减、免诉讼费用2666.7万元。建立司法公开平台,发布案件审理、执行信息,充分保障公民司法知情权。2014年至2016年,新疆各级人民法院在中国裁判文书网共发布生效裁判文书21万余份。2016年,新疆共有律师4569人。
The right to freedom of expression is protected. To safeguard the public's right to free expression as prescribed by the Constitution, and to expand, diversify, and improve access to the required channels, Xinjiang has created a wide range of Internet infrastructure and websites (or platforms), while continuing to promote traditional media, such as radio, television, newspapers and magazines. As a result, the citizens' right to information, right to participation, and right of scrutiny are guaranteed. The number of netizens in Xinjiang rose from 448,000 in 2002 to 12,960,000 by the end of 2016. This growth rate ranked 3rd in China, with a rate of penetration of 54.9 percent, which ranked 1st in the western region. 表达自由的权利得到有效保障。为落实宪法规定的公民表达自由,新疆在办好广播、电视、报纸、杂志等传统媒体的同时,大力开展互联网基础设施建设,搭建各种形式的网站(平台),使公民的表达渠道不断拓展,表达方式更加多样,表达诉求更加便捷,有效保障了公民的知情权、参与权和监督权。截至2016年年底,新疆网民人数由2002年的44.8万人增加到1296万人,增速位居全国第三;普及率达到54.9%,位居西部第一。

III. Economic Rights   三、经济权利

Over the years, Xinjiang has maintained a constant focus on economic development. It thereby strives to improve standards of living, benefit the local economy, and encourage unity. It ensures that all the people share the fruits of development, and effectively protects the various economic rights of citizens. Public well-being has improved.


The right to development has been promoted. Prior to the founding of the PRC, most of the farmland in Xinjiang was owned by serf owners and landlords, and most livestock, water sources and pasturelands were controlled by the nobility and tribal chiefs. Peasants and herdsmen, accounting for 93 percent of the local total population, did not even possess a basic livelihood and the means to work. At the time, Xinjiang's production capability was extremely low, as agriculture, mainly based on kantumanhoes and ox-drawn plows, was wholly outdated. It had no industry, and could not even produce basic industrial items like steel nails and matches. It lacked the basic conditions for development. Since the founding of the PRC, Xinjiang has improved its preconditions for development, and gradually set up a modern agricultural system and a comprehensive manufacturing industry. The autonomous region's society and economy have been transformed. Since the launch of China's reform and opening-up drive in 1978, Xinjiang's GDP has soared from RMB3.9 billion to RMB961.7 billion in 2016. Its per-capita GDP has grown from RMB313 to RMB40,427 in the same period. The per-capita disposable income of urban residents has risen from RMB319 to RMB28,463 and that of rural residents from RMB119 to RMB10,183.

A better quality of life has been guaranteed. Great improvements have been seen in the living conditions of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. Farmers and herdsmen living in high mountainous, and cold or remote areas have gradually been provided access to power, tap water and modern transport facilities. The Engel coefficient of urban households decreased from 57.3 percent in 1980 to 29.1 percent in 2016; that of rural households from 60 percent to 31.7 percent. The autonomous region has directed a considerable effort to infrastructure construction in tap water, power and gas. By the end of 2016, the eight million rural population was guaranteed access to safe drinking water, and 72.5 percent of rural households had access to tap water. A series of programs were in place, involving rural safe housing subsidy, nomadic settlement subsidy, and urban low-income housing. The per-capita living space of urban residents rose from 3.5 sq m in 1978 to more than 31.1 sq m in 2016, while that of rural residents increased from 9.46 sq m in 1994 to more than 25.7 sq m in 2016. Transport has also been improved and the people now have access to convenient and rapid traffic facilities. From 1978 to 2016, the kilometrage of roads open to powered vehicles increased from 23,800 km to 182,100 km, and rail kilometrage grew from 1,435 km to 5,868 km. Expressways and high-speed railways developed from scratch, reaching 4,395 km and 717 km, respectively. About 97 percent of administrative villages now have access to metalled roads, and 96 percent have access to bus services. There are 18 civil airports in Xinjiang. 基本生活保障水平不断提升。新中国成立以来,新疆各族人民生活条件发生了根本性改变,高寒边远山区农牧民逐步结束了没有电和自来水、交通封闭的时代。城镇和农村居民家庭恩格尔系数分别由1980年的57.3%和60%左右,下降到2016年的29.1%和31.7%。全面推进通水、通电、通气建设,截至2016年年底,800万农村人口饮水安全问题得到解决,农村自来水普及率达72.5%以上。实施安居富民、定居兴牧、城镇保障性安居工程建设,1978年至2016年,城镇人均住宅建筑面积由3.5平方米增长到31.1平方米以上;1994年至2016年,农村人均住房面积由9.46平方米增长到25.7平方米以上。积极推进交通建设,公路通车里程由1978年的2.38万公里增长到2016年的18.21万公里,同期铁路通车里程由1435公里增长到5868公里。高速公路、高速铁路从无到有,分别实现通车里程4395公里和717公里。民用机场达到18个。行政村公路通畅率达97.06%,建制村通客车率达96%,公民的出行更加便捷。

Further improvement has been made in the quality of life and daily living conditions of the impoverished. Xinjiang has implemented targeted and effective measures in poverty alleviation. Appropriate projects have been planned and carried out for the benefit of specific impoverished groups and even individual impoverished households. Aid workers have been assigned to villages according to specific conditions, and funds have been used effectively to achieve concrete results. Southern Xinjiang has been taken as the focus of the poverty-relief program. More funds and more social resources have been directed to the area. Ten special projects involving employment-based poverty reduction have been implemented. Infrastructure and basic public services have been improved. By the end of 2016, the incidence of poverty had dropped to 10 percent or less, thus better safeguarding the poor's rights to life and development.


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