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Beijing Declaration-Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future

Beijing Declaration-Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future



1.1 We, the Heads of State, Government and Delegations of the People's Republic of China and 53 African countries, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), gathered in China on the 3rd and 4th of September for the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Under the theme "China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future through Win-Win Cooperation" and committed to the development of FOCAC and to deepening China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, we adopted by consensus the Beijing Declaration-Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future. 1.1我们,中华人民共和国和53个非洲国家的国家元首、政府首脑、代表团团长和非洲联盟委员会主席,于2018年9月3日至4日在中国举行2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会。围绕“合作共赢,携手构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体”主题,致力于推进中非合作论坛建设,深化中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,协商一致通过《关于构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体的北京宣言》。
1.2 We extend warm congratulations to the Republic of the Gambia, the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, and Burkina Faso on becoming new members of FOCAC following the Johannesburg Summit. 1.2我们对中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会召开以来,冈比亚共和国、圣多美和普林西比民主共和国、布基纳法索3国成为中非合作论坛新成员表示热烈祝贺。
2. In a world of major development, transformation and adjustments, peace and development remain our common aspirations. Growing interconnection and inter-dependence among countries has made collaboration the only viable way to effectively address terrorism, conflicts, wealth gaps, poverty, climate change, land degradation, food insecurity, major communicable diseases, protectionism and other global challenges. 2.当今世界正处于大发展大变革大调整时期,和平与发展仍然是我们的共同核心任务,世界各国相互联系和依存日益加深,唯有携手合作,才能有效应对恐怖主义、冲突、贫富差距、贫困、气候变化、土地退化、粮食安全、重大传染性疾病、保护主义等全球性挑战。
3.1 Recalling and fully endorsing the vision of "a community with a shared future for mankind" and "China-Africa community with a shared future", which has been articulated by leaders of China and Africa on both bilateral and multilateral occasions in recent years, we call on all countries to work in concert toward a community with a shared future for mankind, an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity, and a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation, with a view to upholding and advancing world peace and development. 3.1共同忆及和充分肯定中非领导人近年来在双多边场合提及“人类命运共同体”和“中非命运共同体”理念,共同倡议世界各国同心协力,构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界,建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,维护和促进世界和平与发展。
3.2 We believe that China and Africa are a community with a shared future. China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with the most developing countries. Sharing weal and woe, the Chinese and African peoples have forged a deep friendship rooted in our similar historical experiences, development tasks and political aspirations. We agree to strengthen collective dialogue, enhance traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation, and work together toward an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. 3.2我们一致认为,中非历来是命运共同体。中国是最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆。基于共同历史遭遇、发展任务和政治诉求,中非人民同呼吸、共命运,结下深厚友谊。一致承诺,加强集体对话,增进传统友谊,深化务实合作,携手打造更加紧密的中非命运共同体。
4.1 We applaud that, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits is observed; market principles and international norms are followed; openness, transparency, and win-win results are advocated and practiced; efforts are made to develop inclusive, accessible and reasonably priced infrastructure that delivers extensive benefits and are consistent with the national conditions and laws and regulations of related countries, with a view to promoting high-quality and sustainable development for all. The Belt and Road development responds to the call of the times and brings benefits to all peoples. 4.1我们赞赏“一带一路”倡议遵循共商共建共享原则,遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,坚持公开透明,谋求互利共赢,打造包容可及、价格合理、广泛受益、符合国情和当地法律法规的基础设施,致力于实现高质量、可持续的共同发展。“一带一路”建设顺应时代潮流,造福各国人民。
4.2 Africa, being part of the historical and natural extension of the Belt and Road, has been an important participant in this initiative. The cooperation between China and Africa under the Belt and Road Initiative will generate more resources and means, expand the market and space for African development, and broaden its development prospects. We agree to form a strong synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, Agenda 2063 of the African Union (AU), as well as the development strategies of African countries. The closer connectivity in policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people-to-people ties, strengthened industrial capacity cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and greater cooperation in the planning of African infrastructure and industrial development will lend new impetus to the win-win cooperation and common development between China and Africa. 4.2非洲是“一带一路”历史和自然延伸,是重要参与方。中非共建“一带一路”将为非洲发展提供更多资源和手段,拓展更广阔的市场和空间,提供更多元化的发展前景。我们一致同意将“一带一路”同联合国2030年可持续发展议程、非盟《2063年议程》和非洲各国发展战略紧密对接,加强政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,促进双方“一带一路”产能合作,加强双方在非洲基础设施和工业化发展领域的规划合作,为中非合作共赢、共同发展注入新动力。
4.3 African countries support China in hosting the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2019. China welcomes African countries' active participation in the Forum. 4.3非洲国家支持中国于2019年举办第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,中国欢迎非洲国家积极参与相关活动。
5.1 We applaud the role FOCAC has played over the past 18 years to promote China-Africa relations. The follow-up actions and the implementation of the outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit, including the "ten cooperation plans" and the FOCAC Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018), have produced fruitful results. 5.1我们一致高度评价中非合作论坛18年来对中非关系发展的促进作用。2015年论坛约翰内斯堡峰会提出的中非“十大合作计划”及《中非合作论坛-约翰内斯堡行动计划(2016-2018年)》各项后续行动落实取得丰硕成果。
5.2 We recognize that the FOCAC mechanism is increasingly efficient and has become a leading player in international cooperation with Africa. We agree to uphold the existing mechanism and preserve its uniqueness and strengths to further advance China-Africa relations and cooperation in the new era. We also agree to make the Forum a major platform for China-Africa cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. 5.2我们一致认为论坛机制日益高效,引领国际对非合作。同意维护论坛现有机制,保持特色和优势,更好促进新时代中非关系和中非合作发展。同意将论坛作为中非共建“一带一路”的主要平台。
6. China will continue to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with African countries in keeping with the principle of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests and the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith, as proposed by H.E. President Xi Jinping. We are committed to working together to leverage our respective strengths, accommodating each other's concerns, and developing and enriching the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership to the benefit of the Chinese and African peoples. 6.中方愿继续秉持习近平主席提出的真实亲诚理念和正确义利观,加强同非洲国家团结合作。我们致力于共同努力,发挥好各自优势,照顾好彼此关切,不断建设和丰富中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,造福中非人民。
7.1 China commends the African integration process, and pledges its continued support for Africa's efforts in seeking strength through unity, accelerating integration, upholding peace and stability, and achieving even faster economic growth. China takes note of the encouraging progress achieved in these areas at the AU Summits in recent years. 7.1中方赞赏非洲一体化进程,承诺继续支持非洲谋求联合自强、加快推进一体化、维护和平稳定、实现经济更快增长等努力。注意到近年非盟首脑会议在上述方面取得令人鼓舞的成果。
7.2 We welcome China's stronger cooperation with the AU, its agencies and African regional economic organizations, and support the AUC in playing a constructive role in promoting China-Africa transnational and trans-regional cooperation. China welcomes a representational office of the AU in Beijing, and supports AU reform to enhance its capacity building and efficiency. 7.2我们欢迎中方继续同非盟及其所属机构、非洲区域经济组织等加强合作,支持非盟委员会在推动中非跨国跨区域合作中发挥建设性作用。中方欢迎非盟在北京设立驻华代表处,支持非盟改革,提升非盟能力建设和工作效率。
8. We agree to continue to give each other firm support in upholding territorial integrity, sovereignty, security and development interests. African members of FOCAC reaffirm their commitment to the one-China principle, and their support for China's reunification and China's efforts in resolving territorial and maritime disputes peacefully through friendly consultation and negotiation. China reaffirms its commitment, on the basis of the one-China principle, to growing friendship and cooperation with all African countries and sharing with them its development opportunities. China reiterates its firm commitment to the principle of non-interference in others' internal affairs and supports African countries in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions.

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