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Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation [Effective]
上海合作组织成员国元首理事会青岛宣言 [现行有效]

Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation



The leaders of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the SCO or the Organisation), following the meeting of the Council of Heads of State in Qingdao on 10 June 2018, hereby declare the following. 上海合作组织(以下称“上合组织”或“本组织”)成员国领导人于2018年6月10日在中国青岛举行元首理事会会议,并发表宣言如下:
The dynamically developing world is currently going through a period of major changes and reconfiguration; the geopolitical landscape is becoming diversified and multipolar, and ties between countries are becoming closer. 当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,地缘政治版图日益多元化、多极化,国与国相互依存更加紧密。
At the same time, the factors of instability and uncertainty are increasing, the situation in the world economy remains unstable despite the positive changes, economic globalisation is confronted with the expansion of unilateral protectionist policies and other challenges in international trade, and the risks associated with the aggravation of conflicts in a number of regions, terrorism, drug trafficking and organised crime, epidemics of infectious diseases and climate change are also on the rise. Counteraction to these global challenges requires urgent development of collective and effective approaches of the world community. 同时,世界面临的不稳定性不确定性因素不断增加,世界经济形势明显向好,但仍不稳定,经济全球化进程遭遇贸易保护主义、单边主义等更多挑战,部分地区冲突加剧、恐怖主义、非法贩运毒品和有组织犯罪、传染性疾病、气候变化等威胁急剧上升引发的风险持续增加。国际社会迫切需要制定共同立场,有效应对上述全球挑战。
Following the Shanghai Spirit, which embodies mutual trust, equality, mutual benefit, equal rights, mutual consultations, respect for the diversity of cultures, and aspiration for joint development, amid fundamental changes in global affairs, the SCO consistently enhances political, security, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation and acts as one of the most influential participants in the modern system of international relations. 上合组织遵循“互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展”的“上海精神”,经受住国际风云变幻的严峻考验,不断加强政治、安全、经济、人文等领域合作,成为当代国际关系体系中极具影响力的参与者。
Relying on neighbouurly relations, friendship and cooperation, mutual respect for the cultural and civilisational diversity and social values of its Member States, on trustful dialogue and constructive partnership, the SCO sets an example of close and fruitful cooperation in building a more equitable and balanced world order based on an equal, cooperative, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security, ensuring the interests of each and every state in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. 上合组织在睦邻、友好、合作、相互尊重成员国文化文明多样性和社会价值观、开展信任对话和建设性伙伴关系的基础上树立了密切和富有成效的合作典范,致力于以平等、共同、综合、合作、可持续安全为基础构建更加公正、平衡的国际秩序,根据国际法准则和原则维护所有国家和每个国家的利益。
The Member States reaffirm their commitment to the goals and objectives stipulated in the SCO Charter and the SCO Development Strategy Towards 2025 by consistently developing the political, security, trade and economic, financial, investment, transport, energy, agricultural and humanitarian cooperation, promoting the construction of international relations of a new type based on mutual respect, justice, equality, mutually beneficial cooperation, and the formation of a common vision of building a community for the shared future of humankind. 成员国重申恪守《上合组织宪章》宗旨和任务,遵循《上合组织至2025年发展战略》,继续加强政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,发展安全、能源、农业等领域合作,推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,确立构建人类命运共同体的共同理念。
The Member States will continue to deepen multifaceted cooperation for peace, stability, development and prosperity in the SCO space. In this regard, they, supporting the efforts of the countries of the Central Asian region to intensify cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres, welcome the results of the first consultative meeting of the heads of state of Central Asia (Astana, 15 March 15 2018). 成员国将继续深化旨在促进上合组织地区和平稳定与发展繁荣的全方位合作。为此,成员国支持中亚国家为加强政治、经济、人文等领域合作所作努力,欢迎2018年3月15日在阿斯塔纳举行的首次中亚国家元首峰会成果。
The Member States note the new quality and dynamics that have emerged in various fields of cooperation since the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's accession to the SCO. They intend, based on strict observance of international treaties and SCO documents, to jointly promote the further expansion of the Organisation's potential in all areas of its activities. 成员国指出,上合组织吸收印度共和国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国加入后各领域合作迈上新台阶。成员国将在严格遵循上合组织国际条约和文件基础上,进一步挖掘本组织各项工作潜力。
The Member States reaffirm their readiness to increase cooperation with observer states and partners in the SCO dialogue on a mutually beneficial and equitable basis, to enhance the contacts and interaction of the SCO with the UN and its specialised bodies, and with other international and regional organisations. 成员国愿在互利平等基础上,深化同上合组织观察员国和对话伙伴的合作,扩大上合组织同联合国及其专门机构及其他国际和地区组织的交流合作。
The Member States are committed to strict compliance with the goals and principles of the UN Charter, primarily the equality and sovereignty of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, mutual respect of territorial integrity, the inviolability of borders, non-aggression, a peaceful settlement of disputes, the non-use of force or threat of force, and other universally recognised norms of international law aimed at the maintenance of peace and security, the development of cooperation among states, the strengthening of independence, the right of nations to determine their future and to choose their political, socioeconomic and cultural path. 成员国主张恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,特别是关于平等、国家主权、不干涉内政、相互尊重领土完整、边界不可侵犯、不侵略他国、和平解决争端、不使用武力或以武力相威胁等原则,以及旨在维护和平与安全、发展国家间合作、巩固独立、保障自主决定国家命运和政治、经济社会和文化发展道路的权利等其他公认的国际法准则。
The Member States reaffirm their resolve to strictly comply with the provisions of the Treaty on Good-Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation between the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (Bishkek, 16 August 2007) aimed at the further development of neighbourly and friendly relations in areas of mutual interest, including to turn mutual borders into borders of lasting peace and friendship. 成员国重申恪守2007年8月16日在比什凯克签署的《上合组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》规定,在共同关心的领域进一步发展睦邻友好关系,包括将共同边界建设成为永久和平友好的边界。
The Member States reaffirm their resolve to support the efforts of the UN as a universal multilateral organisation to maintain international peace and security, stimulate global development, and promote and protect human rights. They are committed to strengthening the key role of the UN Security Council as the main body responsible under the UN Charter for maintaining international peace and security. 成员国重申坚定支持联合国作为综合性多边组织在维护国际和平与安全、推动全球发展、促进和保护人权方面所作的努力,支持巩固《联合国宪章》规定的联合国安理会作为维护国际和平与安全主要机构的关键作用。
The Member States have taken note of the intention of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan to seek the position of non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. 成员国注意到吉尔吉斯共和国和塔吉克斯坦共和国竞选联合国安理会非常任理事国席位的愿望。
The Member States will continue to work together in the area of disarmament and arms control, peaceful use of nuclear energy, and political and diplomatic settlement of challenges to non- proliferation regimes. 成员国将继续在裁军、军控、和平利用核能、利用政治外交手段解决防扩散机制面临的挑战等问题上开展协作。
The Member States that are signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty are committed to strict compliance with NPT provisions, a comprehensive and balanced encouragement of NPT goals and principles, the promotion of the global non-proliferation regime and nuclear disarmament with due regard for the entirety of international stability factors, as well as stimulating equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 作为《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国的成员国,支持恪守条约规定,全面平衡推进该文件中规定的各项宗旨和原则,兼顾影响全球稳定的全部因素,加强国际核不扩散体系,推进核裁军进程,促进和平利用核能领域平等互利合作。
The Member States believe that an early enforcement of the Protocol on Security Assurances to the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia by all signatory states will be a major contribution to regional security and the global non-proliferation regime. 成员国认为,《中亚无核武器区条约》议定书尽快对所有签署国生效将为维护地区安全、巩固国际核不扩散体系作出重要贡献。
The Member States reaffirm that unilateral unrestricted build-up of missile defence systems by individual countries or groups of countries will damage international security and destabilise the global situation. They consider it unacceptable to strengthen one's security to the detriment of other's security. 成员国重申,个别国家或国家集团单方面不受限制地发展反导系统,损害国际安全、破坏世界局势稳定。成员国认为,实现自身安全不能以损害他国安全为代价。
The Member States point out the importance of keeping space free of weapons and support the practical measures to prevent an arms race in space. They welcome the resolution of the UN General Assembly Disarmament and International Security Committee on further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the creation of a group of governmental experts to prepare and submit proposals for an international legally binding instrument on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, which would prohibit the placement of weapons in outer space. 成员国指出,应维护外空非武器化,支持采取切实措施防止外空军备竞赛,欢迎联大裁军与国际安全委员会通过《防止外空军备竞赛的进一步切实措施》决议,成立政府专家组,就防止外空军备竞赛特别是防止在外空部署武器的具有法律约束力的国际文书进行审议并提出建议。
The Member States support the efforts and initiatives designed to stimulate strict compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention, enhance the prestige of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and strengthen the regime stipulated in the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction. 成员国支持旨在恪守《禁止化学武器公约》、提高禁化武组织权威及巩固《禁止生物武器公约》规范的努力和倡议。
The Member States strongly condemn all forms of terrorism and consider it necessary to make efforts to promote the creation of a unified global counterterrorism front with the central coordinating role of the UN on the basis of international law, without politicisation or double standards. They confirm the key role of the state and its competent agencies in counteracting terrorism, separatism and extremism on its territory, as well as in relevant cooperation within the SCO and in international formats. 成员国强烈谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,认为必须努力推动建立联合国发挥中心协调作用、以国际法为基础、摒弃政治化和双重标准的全球反恐统一战线。重申国家及其主管机构在本国境内打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义及在上合组织和其他国际机制框架内合作问题上的关键作用。
The Member States stand for reaching consensus on the issue of adopting the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism based on the UN Charter and other documents. They emphasise the importance of comprehensive measures to reach a peaceful settlement of international and regional conflicts, enhance efforts against terrorism and its ideology, the detection and elimination of factors and conditions that facilitate terrorism and extremism, acknowledging that there can be no justification of any act of terrorism or extremism. They praise the initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to launch the Code of Conduct in International Anti-Terrorist Operations in the UN format. 成员国主张在《联合国宪章》等联合国文件基础上以协商一致方式通过联合国关于打击国际恐怖主义的全面公约。强调反恐应综合施策,促进和平解决国际和地区冲突,加大力度打击恐怖主义及其思想,消除恐怖主义和极端主义滋生因素,标本兼治。不能以任何理由为任何恐怖主义和极端主义行径开脱。成员国欢迎哈萨克斯坦关于在联合国框架内制定实现和平、无恐怖主义世界行为准则的倡议。
The Member States note that the interference in the domestic affairs of other states under the pretence of combatting terrorism and extremism is unacceptable, as well as the use of terrorist, extremist and radical groups for one's own purposes. 成员国强调不允许以打击恐怖主义和极端主义为名干涉别国内政,不允许利用恐怖主义、极端主义和激进团伙谋取私利。
The Member States call for effectively fulfilling the requirements of specialised UN Security Council resolutions as regards efforts to counter any forms of financing terrorism and providing material and technical support to it; the measures include finding individuals and legal entities involved in economic relations with terrorists. 成员国指出,必须有效执行联合国安理会相关决议,加强多边合作打击一切形式的恐怖主义融资和物质技术支持,包括查处与恐怖分子有经济联系的自然人和法人。
In relation to the developments in the Middle East, the Member States note the growing threat from foreign terrorists who return to their countries or find shelter in third countries to continue their terrorist and extremist activity within the SCO. The Member States will work to improve the information exchange mechanisms regarding these people and their movements, and speed up procedures to extradite foreign terrorists in accordance with the national legislation of the SCO Member States and boost international cooperation both on the political level and between the security services. 鉴于当前西亚北非地区形势,成员国指出外国武装恐怖分子返回原籍国或在第三国寻找栖息地以在上合组织地区继续实施恐怖和极端活动的威胁上升。成员国将完善此类人群及其潜入潜出的情报交换机制,根据上合组织成员国国家法律实施更快捷的外国武装恐怖分子引渡机制,加强政治层面和情报部门间的国际合作。
The Member States praise the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the adoption of a special General Assembly resolution Education and Religious Tolerance, which it proposed at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly in September 2017 in New York. 成员国欢迎乌兹别克斯坦共和国在2017年9月于纽约举行的联合国大会第72次会议上提出的关于通过《教育与宗教包容》联大特别决议的倡议。
The Member States confirm the special role of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure in the joint fight against “the three evils” – terrorism, extremism and separatism – in order to ensure regional security, and will boost the potential of cooperation between competent agencies in this area. Considering the growing scale and mutual interconnectedness of threats to security, they noted the importance of the further improvement of the RATS SCO, including considering the organisation of a monitoring system of possible threats in the global information space, and counteracting them. 成员国肯定上合组织地区反恐怖机构在共同打击恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义“三股势力”和维护地区安全方面的特殊作用,将挖掘主管机关在上述领域的合作潜力。成员国指出,进一步完善上合组织地区反恐怖机构工作,包括研究建立监测和应对全球信息空间潜在的威胁系统问题,十分重要。
The implementation of the cooperation programme to fight terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2019?2021 will be prioritised. It is considered important to speed up the coming into effect of the SCO Convention on Countering Extremism, signed on 9 June 2017 in Astana. 成员国将重点关注落实《上合组织成员国打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义2019年至2021年合作纲要》,认为推动2017年6月9日在阿斯塔纳签署的《上合组织反极端主义公约》尽快生效十分重要。
The Member States praise the results of the international conference on countering terrorism and extremism (Dushanbe, 3?4 May 2018), which became an important venue for multilateral cooperation in these areas. 成员国高度评价2018年5月3日至4日在杜尚别举行的打击恐怖主义和极端主义国际会议成果,会议为各方开展上述领域合作提供了重要平台。
The Member States will continue to conduct regular joint anti-terrorist exercises, including the Peace Mission antiterrorism military exercise. They will continue to expand their cooperation in defence and security, on security issues for major events, and the training of personnel to enhance the capabilities of their respective armed forces and competent services. 成员国将继续定期举行包括“和平使命”军事反恐演习在内的联合反恐演习,进一步扩大防务和安全领域、大型活动安保和人员培训合作,提高各方武装力量和主管机关实战能力。
The Member States reaffirm their concern about the risk of weapons of mass destruction ending up at the disposal of terrorist groups; they advocate the strengthening of the international legal framework to counter this threat and support the initiative to draft an international convention against chemical and biological terrorist attacks at the Conference on Disarmament. 成员国对大规模杀伤性武器落入恐怖组织之手的危险表示担忧,主张巩固打击该威胁的国际法律基础,支持在裁军谈判会议上制定打击生化恐怖主义行为国际公约的倡议。
The Member States will strengthen their cooperation in combating the spread and propagation of terrorist ideology through the internet, including publicly justifying terrorism, recruiting members to terrorist groups, inciting and financing terrorist attacks, and online tutorials on methods of committing terrorist acts. They very much appreciate the Xiamen-2017 anti-cyber terrorism exercise held in China in 2017, aimed at curbing the use of the internet for terrorist, separatist and extremist purposes.

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