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Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Supervision of Ships (2020 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国船舶安全监督规则(2020修正) [已被修订]

Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Supervision of Ships 


(Promulgated by Order of the Ministry of Transport on May 23, 2017; and amended by the Ministry of Transport in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport to Amend the Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Supervision of Ships on March 16, 2020) (2017年5月23日交通运输部发布,根据2020年3月16日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国船舶安全监督规则〉的决定》修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of guaranteeing life and property safety on water, preventing the pollution to water areas caused by ships, and regulating the safety supervision of ships, these Rules are developed in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Port Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Traffic Safety on Inland Rivers, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Seafarers, other laws and regulations and the relevant international conventions China has concluded or acceded to.   第一条 为了保障水上人命、财产安全,防止船舶造成水域污染,规范船舶安全监督工作,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》《中华人民共和国港口法》《中华人民共和国内河交通安全管理条例》《中华人民共和国船员条例》等法律法规和我国缔结或者加入的有关国际公约的规定,制定本规则。
Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the safety supervision of ships of Chinese nationality, above-water facilities and ships of foreign nationalities which navigate, berth and operate in the water areas under the jurisdiction of China.   第二条 本规则适用于对中国籍船舶和水上设施以及航行、停泊、作业于我国管辖水域的外国籍船舶实施的安全监督工作。
These Rules shall not apply to military ships, fishing ships and ships for sports activities. 本规则不适用于军事船舶、渔业船舶和体育运动船艇。
Article 3 The supervision and administration of ship safety shall observe the principles of legality, impartiality, good faith and convenience for the people.   第三条 船舶安全监督管理遵循依法、公正、诚信、便民的原则。
Article 4 The Ministry of Transport shall take charge of the safety supervision of ships nationwide.   第四条 交通运输部主管全国船舶安全监督工作。
The maritime safety administration of the state shall be uniformly responsible for the safety supervision of ships nationwide. 国家海事管理机构统一负责全国船舶安全监督工作。
Maritime safety administrations at all levels shall conduct the safety supervision of ships according to duties and authorization. 各级海事管理机构按照职责和授权开展船舶安全监督工作。
Article 5 For the purposes of these Rules, “safety supervision of ships” means the safety supervision and administration activities conducted by maritime safety administrations in accordance with the law on whether the ships and relevant activities conducted by them conform to the provisions of laws, regulations, rules and relevant international conventions and regional cooperation organizations for port state control. Safety supervision of ships is divided into on-site supervision of ships and safety inspection of ships.   第五条 本规则所称船舶安全监督,是指海事管理机构依法对船舶及其从事的相关活动是否符合法律、法规、规章以及有关国际公约和港口国监督区域性合作组织的规定而实施的安全监督管理活动。船舶安全监督分为船舶现场监督和船舶安全检查。
“On-site supervision of ships” means the routine safety supervision and spot check of ships conducted by maritime safety administrations. 船舶现场监督,是指海事管理机构对船舶实施的日常安全监督抽查活动。
“Safety inspection of ships” means the safety supervision and inspection of ships' safety and technical conditions for pollution prevention, the assignment of seafarers and their competency, and maritime labor conditions conducted by maritime safety administrations according to certain intervals, including the supervision and inspection of the flag state and the supervision and inspection of the port state. 船舶安全检查,是指海事管理机构按照一定的时间间隔对船舶的安全和防污染技术状况、船员配备及适任状况、海事劳工条件实施的安全监督检查活动,包括船旗国监督检查和港口国监督检查。
Article 6 Maritime safety administrations shall provide necessary personnel, equipment and materials, among others, so as to satisfy the requirements for the supervision and administration of ship safety.   第六条 海事管理机构应当配备必要的人员、装备、资料等,以满足船舶安全监督管理工作的需要。
Article 7 The on-site supervision of ships shall be conducted by maritime administrative law enforcement officials with corresponding duties.   第七条 船舶现场监督应当由具备相应职责的海事行政执法人员实施。
Article 8 Maritime administrative law enforcement officials conducting the safety inspection of ships shall obtain qualification certificates of corresponding grades, and continuously update knowledge.   第八条 从事船舶安全检查的海事行政执法人员应当取得相应等级的资格证书,并不断更新知识。
Article 9 Maritime safety administrations shall establish the mechanism for the social supervision of safety conditions of ships, release the channels for filing reports and complaints, and improve the mechanism for handling reports and complaints.   第九条 海事管理机构应当建立对船舶安全状况的社会监督机制,公布举报、投诉渠道,完善举报和投诉处理机制。
Maritime safety administrations shall keep confidential the information for the personnel filing reports or complaints. 海事管理机构应当为举报人、投诉人保守秘密。
Chapter II Report on a Ship's Arriving in and Departing from Port 

第二章 船舶进出港报告

Article 10 A ship of Chinese nationality that navigates in water areas under the jurisdiction of China shall report its arriving in and departing from port according to the relevant provisions.   第十条 中国籍船舶在我国管辖水域内航行应当按照规定实施船舶进出港报告。
Article 11 A ship shall report the information on its arriving in and departing from port to the maritime safety administration that will depart from or arrive in the port four hours before the expected time of departure or arrival. If the voyage is less than four hours, a report shall be made before the ship departs from the former port.   第十一条 船舶应当在预计离港或者抵港4小时前向将要离泊或者抵达港口的海事管理机构报告进出港信息。航程不足4小时的,在驶离上一港口时报告。
Where a ship navigates on fixed navigation lines and a single voyage does not exceed two hours, it may report the information on its arriving in and departing from port at least once every day. 船舶在固定航线航行且单次航程不超过2小时的,可以每天至少报告一次进出港信息。
The ship shall be responsible for the integrity and authenticity of the report. 船舶应当对报告的完整性和真实性负责。
Article 12 The information on the arriving in and departing from port reported by a ship shall cover the dynamic information on the voyage, information on the crew, information on the carriage of passengers and goods, and the expected time and place of arrival and departure, among others.   第十二条 船舶报告的进出港信息应当包括航次动态、在船人员信息、客货载运信息、拟抵离时间和地点等。
Article 13 A ship may report the information on its arriving in and departing from port by such forms as the Internet, fax and short message, and make corresponding records in the ship's log book.   第十三条 船舶可以通过互联网、传真、短信等方式报告船舶进出港信息,并在船舶航海或者航行日志内作相应的记载。
Article 14 The maritime safety administration and the waterway transport administrative department shall establish an information platform to share the information on the ships' arriving in and departing from port .   第十四条 海事管理机构与水路运输管理部门应当建立信息平台,共享船舶进出港信息。
Chapter III Comprehensive Quality Management of Ships 

第三章 船舶综合质量管理

Article 15 The maritime safety administration shall establish a uniform information platform for the comprehensive quality management of ships, collect and process ship-related information, and establish archives on the comprehensive quality of ships.   第十五条 海事管理机构应当建立统一的船舶综合质量管理信息平台,收集、处理船舶相关信息,建立船舶综合质量档案。
Article 16 The information platform for the comprehensive quality management of ships shall cover the following information:   第十六条 船舶综合质量管理信息平台应当包括下列信息:
(1) Basic information on ships. (一)船舶基本信息;
(2) Information on the implementation of the provisions on ship safety and pollution prevention administration. (二)船舶安全与防污染管理相关规定落实情况;
(3) Information on water traffic accidents and pollution incidents. (三)水上交通事故情况和污染事故情况;
(4) Information on administrative penalty on water traffic safety violations imposed by maritime safety administrations. (四)水上交通安全违法行为被海事管理机构行政处罚情况;
(5) Ships' acceptance of safety supervision. (五)船舶接受安全监督的情况;
(6) Safety and honesty of shipping companies and ships. (六)航运公司和船舶的安全诚信情况;
(7) Reports on ships' arriving in and departing from port or the handling of formalities on ships' arriving in and departing from port. (七)船舶进出港报告或者办理进出港手续情况;
(8) Payment of relevant fees and taxes in accordance with the relevant provisions. (八)按照相关规定缴纳相关费税情况;
(9) Technical status of ship inspection. (九)船舶检验技术状况。
Article 17 The maritime safety administration shall assess the comprehensive quality of ships according to the information as mentioned in Article 16, and the comprehensive quality assessment result shall be released to the public.   第十七条 海事管理机构应当按照第十六条所述信息开展船舶综合质量评定,综合质量评定结果应当向社会公开。
Chapter IV Safety Supervision of Ships 

第四章 船舶安全监督

Section 1 Selection of Target Ships of Safety Supervision 

第一节 安全监督目标船舶的选择

Article 18 The maritime safety administration shall conduct the safety supervision of ships, and reduce unnecessary consequences caused to ships' normal production and operation.   第十八条 海事管理机构对船舶实施安全监督,应当减少对船舶正常生产作业造成的不必要影响。
Article 19 The maritime safety administration of the state shall determine the standards for the selection of target ships of safety supervision.   第十九条 国家海事管理机构应当制定安全监督目标船舶选择标准。
The maritime safety administration shall, in light of the actual circumstances of its jurisdiction, and under the principles of comprehensive coverage, highlighting the critical points, and openness and convenience, and in accordance with the standards for the selection of target ships prescribed by the regional cooperation organization for port state control to which China has acceded to and the maritime safety administration of the state, comprehensively consider the types of ships, age of ships, flaws of accepting ships' safety supervision in the past, and safety management of shipping companies, among others, and according to the prescribed intervals, select ships to conduct the safety supervision of ships. 海事管理机构应当结合辖区实际情况,按照全面覆盖、重点突出、公开便利的原则,依据我国加入的港口国监督区域性合作组织和国家海事管理机构规定的目标船舶选择标准,综合考虑船舶类型、船龄、以往接受船舶安全监督的缺陷、航运公司安全管理情况等,按照规定的时间间隔,选择船舶实施船舶安全监督。
Article 20 For ships not included in the ship selection target according to the standards for the selection of target ships, the maritime safety administration will not board the ship to conduct ship safety supervision in principle, unless special inspection is conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 21.   第二十条 按照目标船舶选择标准未列入选船目标的船舶,海事管理机构原则上不登轮实施船舶安全监督,但按照第二十一条规定开展专项检查的除外。
Article 21 Where inspection is required in important holidays and major activities of the state, or for specific water areas, specific safety matters and specific ships, the maritime safety administration may conduct special inspection by comprehensively adopting such forms as safety inspection of ships and on-site supervision of ships.   第二十一条 国家重要节假日、重大活动期间,或者针对特定水域、特定安全事项、特定船舶需要进行检查的,海事管理机构可以综合运用船舶安全检查和船舶现场监督等形式,开展专项检查。
Section 2 Safety Supervision of Ships 

第二节 船舶安全监督

Article 22 The on-site supervision of ships shall cover:
   第二十二条 船舶现场监督的内容包括:

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