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Administrative Punishment Measures of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission [Effective]
中国银保监会行政处罚办法 [现行有效]

Order of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 8 [2020]) (2020年第8号)

The Administrative Punishment Measures of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, as adopted at the 3rd executive meeting of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on April 9, 2020, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on August 1, 2020. 《中国银保监会行政处罚办法》已于2020年4月9日经中国银保监会2020年第3次委务会议通过。现予公布,自2020年8月1日起施行。
Chairman: Guo Shuqing 主席 郭树清
June 15, 2020 2020年6月15日
Administrative Punishment Measures of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国银保监会行政处罚办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the imposition of administrative punishments by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CBIRC”) and its local offices and maintaining the order of banking and insurance sectors, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws.   第一条 为规范中国银行保险监督管理委员会(以下简称银保监会)及其派出机构行政处罚行为,维护银行业保险业市场秩序,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国保险法》等相关法律,制定本办法。
Article 2 The CBIRC and its local offices shall, in accordance with these Measures, legally impose administrative punishments on banking and insurance institutions, other entities and individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “parties”) against their violations of laws, administrative regulations and provisions on banking and insurance regulation, except as otherwise provided for by any law or administrative regulation.   第二条 银行保险机构、其他单位和个人(以下简称当事人)违反法律、行政法规和银行保险监管规定,银保监会及其派出机构依法给予行政处罚的,按照本办法实施。法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, administrative punishments include:   第三条 本办法所指的行政处罚包括:
(1) warning; (一)警告;
(2) fine; (二)罚款;
(3) confiscating illegal income; (三)没收违法所得;
(4) ordering the cessation of business operation for rectification; (四)责令停业整顿;
(5) revoking the financial or business permit; (五)吊销金融、业务许可证;
(6) canceling or revoking office qualifications; (六)取消、撤销任职资格;
(7) restricting the business scope of the insurance institution; (七)限制保险业机构业务范围;
(8) ordering the insurance institution to cease the acceptance of new business; (八)责令保险业机构停止接受新业务;
(9) revoking the representative office of a foreign bank or revoking a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China; (九)撤销外国银行代表处、撤销外国保险机构驻华代表机构;
(10) ordering the replacement of the chief representative of a foreign bank or the chief representative of a foreign insurance institution's representative office in China; (十)要求撤换外国银行首席代表、责令撤换外国保险机构驻华代表机构的首席代表;
(11) prohibiting the violator from working in the banking sector or entering the insurance sector; and (十一)禁止从事银行业工作或者禁止进入保险业;
(12) any other administrative punishment prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (十二)法律、行政法规规定的其他行政处罚。
Article 4 The CBIRC and its local offices shall impose administrative punishments under the following principles:   第四条 银保监会及其派出机构实施行政处罚,应当遵循以下原则:
(1) Fairness, impartiality and openness. (一)公平、公正、公开;
(2) Legal procedures. (二)程序合法;
(3) Appropriate punishments against violations of law. (三)过罚相当;
(4) Protecting the parties' lawful rights and interests. (四)维护当事人的合法权益;
(5) Combining punishment and education. (五)处罚与教育相结合。
Article 5 The CBIRC and its local offices shall implement the administrative punishment rules that separate case docketing and investigation, trial and decision-making, and establish an administrative punishment committee.   第五条 银保监会及其派出机构实行立案调查、审理和决定相分离的行政处罚制度,设立行政处罚委员会。
An office shall be established under the administrative punishment committee at the legal affairs department of the CBIRC or its local office. If the legal affairs department has not been established, the duties of such an office shall be performed by the relevant department. 行政处罚委员会下设办公室,行政处罚委员会办公室设在银保监会及其派出机构的法律部门;暂未设立法律部门的,由相关部门履行其职责。
Article 6 When the CBIRC or its local office punishes a banking or insurance institution, it shall legally subject the relevant liable persons to legal liability by such methods as taking disciplinary actions against and imposing administrative punishments on them.   第六条 银保监会及其派出机构在处罚银行保险机构时,依法对相关责任人员采取责令纪律处分、行政处罚等方式追究法律责任。
Article 7 A party falling under any of the following circumstances shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment in accordance with the law:   第七条 当事人有下列情形之一的,应当依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚:
taking the initiative to eliminate or mitigate the harmful consequences of the violation of law; 主动消除或者减轻违法行为危害后果的;
being coerced by another person into committing any violation of law; 受他人胁迫有违法行为的;
performing meritorious service in cooperating with the administrative agency in the investigation and handling of any violation of law; or 配合行政机关查处违法行为有立功表现的;
any other circumstance where a lighter or mitigated punishment shall be given in accordance with the law. 其他依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚的。
Where the violation of law is minor and corrected in a timely manner without any harmful consequences, no administrative punishment shall be imposed on it. 违法行为轻微并及时纠正,没有造成危害后果的,不予行政处罚。
Article 8 A party falling under any of the following circumstances shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the law:   第八条 当事人有下列情形之一的,依法从重处罚:
(1) Committing repeated violations of laws. (一)屡查屡犯的;
(2) Failing to cooperate in regulatory law enforcement. (二)不配合监管执法的;
(3) Harmful consequences are serious and adverse social effects are caused. (三)危害后果严重,造成较为恶劣社会影响的;
(4) Any other circumstance where a heavier punishment shall be given in accordance with the law. (四)其他依法从重行政处罚的情形。
Article 9 Under any of the following circumstances, a staff member of the CBIRC or its local office participating in the imposition of administrative punishments shall apply for withdraw, and a party or the representative thereof has the right to request the withdrawal of such a person:   第九条 银保监会及其派出机构参与行政处罚的工作人员有下列情形之一的,本人应当申请回避,当事人及其代理人也有权申请其回避:
(1) The person is a close relative of a party to the case or the representative thereof. (一)是案件当事人或其代理人的近亲属的;
(2) The person is a directly interested party to the case. (二)与案件有直接利害关系的;
(3) The person has any other relationship with a party to the case or the representative thereof, which may affect the impartial handling of the case. (三)与案件当事人或其代理人有其他关系,可能影响案件公正处理的;
(4) Any other circumstance where the party shall withdraw in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or other provisions. (四)根据法律、行政法规或者其他规定应当回避的。
Where a party and its representative file a withdrawal application, they shall state the reason therefor. Before a withdrawal decision is made, the relevant staff member shall suspend the investigation and trial of the case, except under particular circumstances. 当事人及其代理人提出回避申请的,应当说明理由。回避决定作出前,有关工作人员应当暂停对案件的调查审理,有特殊情况的除外。
Article 10 The withdrawal of any investigator or trial person in a case shall be decided by the person in charge of the department where the relevant person works, and the withdrawal of any member of the administrative punishment committee shall be decided by the chairman thereof; the withdrawal of the chairman of the committee shall be decided by the principal person in charge of the banking or insurance regulator where he or she works. If the principal person in charge serves as the chairman of the committee, whether he or she shall withdraw shall be decided by the institution at the next higher level.   第十条 案件调查人员及审理人员的回避由相关人员所在部门负责人决定,行政处罚委员会委员的回避由主任委员决定;主任委员的回避由所在银行保险监督管理机构的主要负责人决定,主要负责人担任主任委员的,其是否回避由上一级机构决定。
Article 11 A party shall have the right to make statements and arguments regarding the administrative punishment imposed by the CBIRC or its local office. Against an administrative punishment decision, a party shall have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law.   第十一条 当事人对银保监会及其派出机构作出的行政处罚,享有陈述权和申辩权。对行政处罚决定不服的,有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。
Where the facts, grounds and evidence presented by the party are tenable, the CBIRC or its local office shall adopt them and may not aggravate the punishment due to the arguments of the party. 当事人提出的事实、理由和证据成立的,银保监会及其派出机构应当予以采纳,不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。
Article 12 The staff members of the CBIRC and its local offices participating in the imposition of administrative punishments shall keep confidential state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy to which they have access in the investigation and handling of cases.   第十二条 银保监会及其派出机构参与行政处罚的工作人员应当保守案件查办中获悉的国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私。
Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管辖

Article 13 The CBIRC shall impose administrative punishments against the following violations of law:   第十三条 银保监会对下列违法行为给予行政处罚:
(1) Those committed by incorporated banking institutions under its direct regulation and their employees. (一)直接监管的银行业法人机构及其从业人员实施的;
(2) Those committed by incorporated insurance institutions under its direct regulation and their employees. (二)直接监管的保险业法人机构及其从业人员实施的;
(3) Other violations of law against which the CBIRC shall impose administrative punishments. (三)其他应当由银保监会给予行政处罚的违法行为。
Article 14 A local CBIRC office shall be responsible for imposing administrative punishments against the following violations of laws within its jurisdiction:   第十四条 派出机构负责对辖区内的下列违法行为给予行政处罚:
(1) Those committed by incorporated banking institutions under its direct regulation and their employees. (一)直接监管的银行业法人机构及其从业人员实施的;
(2) Those committed by the branches of incorporated banking institutions and their employees. (二)银行业法人机构的分支机构及其从业人员实施的;
(3) Those committed by the branches of insurance companies and their employees. (三)保险公司分支机构及其从业人员实施的;
(4) Those committed by insurance intermediary institutions and their employees. (四)保险中介机构及其从业人员实施的;
(5) Illegal formation of insurance institutions to provide illegal insurance services. (五)非法设立保险业机构,非法经营保险业务的;
(6) Other violations of law against which the local CBIRC office shall impose administrative punishments. (六)其他应由派出机构给予行政处罚的违法行为。
Article 15 Any violation of law committed at a different place shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the local CBIRC office at the place where the violation of law is committed. The local CBIRC office at the place where the violation of law is committed shall inform the local CBIRC office at the place where the violator is located in a timely manner, and the local CBIRC office at the place where the violator is located shall actively cooperate in the investigation and handling of the violation of law.   第十五条 异地实施违法行为的,由违法行为发生地的派出机构管辖。行为发生地的派出机构应当及时通知行为主体所在地的派出机构,行为主体所在地的派出机构应当积极配合违法行为的查处。
Where the local CBIRC office at the place where the violation of law is committed considers it inappropriate to exercise jurisdiction, it may transfer the case to the local CBIRC office at the place where the violator is located for jurisdiction. 违法行为发生地的派出机构认为不宜行使管辖权的,可以移交行为主体所在地的派出机构管辖。
Before making an administrative punishment decision, the local CBIRC office at the place where the violation of law is committed or the local CBIRC office at the place where the violator is located may solicit the opinions of the other party and inform the other party of the punishment result in writing. 违法行为发生地的派出机构或行为主体所在地的派出机构作出行政处罚决定前可以征求对方意见,并应当书面告知处罚结果。
Article 16 Where an administrative punishment shall be imposed on any violation of law as discovered in cross inspection (investigation) or cross-regional inspection (investigation), the regulator having jurisdiction shall be requested to docket a case for investigation and handling and the relevant evidentiary materials shall be transferred in a timely manner.   第十六条 因交叉检查(调查)或者跨区域检查(调查)发现违法行为需要给予行政处罚的,应当提请有管辖权的监督管理机构立案查处,并及时移交相关证据材料。
Article 17 A local CBIRC office shall, when finding that any violation of law does not fall under its jurisdiction, transfer it to the local CBIRC office having jurisdiction. If two or more local CBIRC offices have jurisdiction over the same violation of law, the local CBIRC office that first dockets the case shall have jurisdiction.   第十七条 派出机构发现不属于自己管辖的违法行为的,应当移送有管辖权的派出机构。两个以上派出机构对同一违法行为都有管辖权的,由最先立案的派出机构管辖。
Where the jurisdiction is unclear or disputable, they may request their common authority at the next higher level to designate jurisdiction. 对管辖权不明确或者有争议的,应当报请共同的上一级机构指定管辖。
Article 18 An institution at a higher level may directly investigate and handle any violation of law that shall be investigated and handled by an institution at a lower level, or may authorize an institution at a lower level to investigate and handle any violation of law that shall be investigated and handled by it, or authorize an institution at a lower level to investigate and handle any violation of law that shall be investigated and handled by any other institution at a lower level.   第十八条 上级机构可以直接查处应由下级机构负责查处的违法行为,可以授权下级机构查处应由其负责查处的违法行为,也可以授权下级机构查处应由其他下级机构负责查处的违法行为。
Where jurisdiction is authorized, written authorization documents shall be issued. 授权管辖的,应当出具书面授权文件。
Article 19 For insurance violations of law in telemarketing subject to the jurisdiction of a local CBIRC office, the specific jurisdiction shall be determined according to the following requirements in principle:   第十九条 派出机构管辖的电话销售保险违法行为,原则上按照下列要求确定具体管辖地:
(1) The violation of law found in the routine regulation of the telemarketing business shall be investigated and handled by the local CBIRC office at the place where the call is made. (一)在对电话销售业务日常监管中发现的违法行为,由呼出地派出机构查处;
(2) The violation of law found in such work as complaints and reports shall be investigated and handled by the local CBIRC office at the place where the insurance applicant is located, and may also be investigated and handled by the local CBIRC office at the place where the call is made through consultation with the local CBIRC office at the place where the call is made. (二)在投诉、举报等工作中发现的违法行为,由投保人住所地派出机构查处,经与呼出地派出机构协商一致,也可以由呼出地派出机构查处。
Article 20 An administrative punishment case where the financial permit of a banking institution is revoked shall be under the jurisdiction of the regulator issuing the financial permit, and a copy of the punishment decision shall be sent to the regulator approving the formation preparation of the institution and the relevant department of the CBIRC.   第二十条 吊销银行业机构金融许可证的行政处罚案件,由颁发该金融许可证的监督管理机构管辖,处罚决定抄送批准该机构筹建的监督管理机构及银保监会相关部门。
An administrative punishment case where a banking institution is ordered to suspend business operation for rectification shall be under the jurisdiction of the regulator approving the business commencement of the banking institution, and a copy of the punishment decision shall be sent to the regulator approving the formation preparation of the institution and the relevant department of the CBIRC. 责令银行业机构停业整顿的行政处罚案件,由批准该银行业机构开业的监督管理机构管辖,处罚决定抄送批准该机构筹建的监督管理机构及银保监会相关部门。
Chapter III Case Docketing and Investigation 

第三章 立案调查

Article 21 Where the CBIRC or its local office finds that a party is suspected of any violation of law, administrative regulation or provision on banking and insurance regulation, and shall be given any administrative punishment in accordance with the law, it shall docket the case if it has jurisdiction.   第二十一条 银保监会及其派出机构发现当事人涉嫌违反法律、行政法规和银行保险监管规定,依法应当给予行政处罚且有管辖权的,应当予以立案。
Article 22 To docket a case, the case docketing and investigation department shall enter an Approval Form for Docketing a Case for Administrative Punishment, which shall be subject to the approval of the person in charge of the case docketing and investigation department.   第二十二条 立案应当由立案调查部门填写行政处罚立案审批表,由分管立案调查部门的负责人批准。
The case docketing and investigation department shall complete investigation within 90 days after docketing a case. The term for investigation may be properly extended under particular circumstances. 立案调查部门应当在立案之日起九十日以内完成调查工作。有特殊情况的,可以适当延长。
Article 23 Investigators shall investigate case facts in a comprehensive, objective and impartial manner, and sufficiently collect evidence in accordance with the law.   第二十三条 调查人员应当对案件事实进行全面、客观、公正的调查,并依法充分收集证据。
Where the supporting documents legally obtained through on-site inspection, investigation, inspection by letters and visits, and other methods before the docketing of a case on administrative punishment comply with the requirements for administrative punishment evidence, they may be directly taken as the evidence for the administrative punishment case, provided that the aforesaid circumstances shall be indicated in the investigation report. 行政处罚立案前通过现场检查、调查、信访核查等方式依法获取的证明材料符合行政处罚证据要求的,可以作为行政处罚案件的证据,但应当在调查报告中载明上述情况。
Article 24 The measure of advance registration for preservation may be taken if evidence may be lost or hard to be obtained later. To take the measure of advance registration for preservation, an Approval Form for Advance Registration to Preserve Evidence shall be entered and submitted to the person in charge of the CBIRC or its local office for approval.   第二十四条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,可以采取先行登记保存措施。采取先行登记保存措施,应当填写先行登记保存证据审批表,并由银保监会负责人或者派出机构负责人批准。
Article 25 Where advance registration is conducted to preserve evidence, a notice of advance registration to preserve evidence shall be issued, a checklist of registered evidence for preservation shall be entered, to which the party shall affix his or her signature or seal for confirmation and the advance registration sealing strips of the CBIRC or its local office shall be affixed, and evidence shall be preserved by the party as it is.   第二十五条 先行登记保存证据的,应当签发先行登记保存证据通知书,填写先行登记保存证据清单,由当事人签字或者盖章确认,并加封银保监会或者派出机构先行登记保存封条,就地由当事人保存。
During the period of advance registration of evidence for preservation, the party or relevant persons may not damage, destroy or transfer evidence. A decision on how to deal with evidence registered in advance for preservation shall be made within seven days. 登记保存证据期间,当事人或者有关人员不得损毁、销毁或者转移证据。对于先行登记保存的证据,应当在七日以内作出处理决定。
Article 26 Case investigation shall be conducted by not less than two investigators, who shall present their lawful credentials and an investigation (on-site inspection) notice to the party or the relevant entity and individual.   第二十六条 调查人员进行案件调查时不得少于二人,并应当向当事人或者有关单位和个人出示合法证件和调查(现场检查)通知书。
Article 27 An investigation institution that needs assistance in investigation from a local CBIRC office shall issue a request for assistance in investigation. The assisting institution shall complete investigation within the time limit required by the investigation institution. If an extension is needed, the assisting institution shall inform the investigation institution in a timely manner.   第二十七条 需要银保监会派出机构协助调查的,调查机构应当出具协助调查函。协助机构应当在调查机构要求的期限内完成调查。需要延期的,协助机构应当及时告知调查机构。
Article 28 Where a party's violation of law does not fall under the jurisdiction of the CBIRC and its local office, the case docketing and investigation department shall promptly transfer the case to the relevant department for handling in accordance with the law.   第二十八条 当事人违法行为不属于银保监会及其派出机构管辖的,立案调查部门应当依法及时向有关部门移送处理。
Where a party's violation of law is suspected of any crime, the case docketing and investigation department shall promptly transfer the case to the judicial authority or disciplinary inspection and supervision authority in accordance with the relevant provisions. 当事人违法行为涉嫌犯罪的,立案调查部门应当依照有关规定及时移送司法机关或者纪检监察机关。
Article 29 The case docketing and investigation department shall, when investigating any violation of law committed by a banking or insurance institution, investigate and determine the violations of law and liabilities of the relevant liable persons.   第二十九条 立案调查部门在调查银行保险机构违法行为时,应当对相关责任人员的违法行为及其责任一并进行调查认定。
Article 30 After the conclusion of investigation of a case, the case docketing and investigation department shall prepare an investigation report, which shall indicate:   第三十条 调查终结后,立案调查部门应当制作调查报告。调查报告应当载明以下事项:
(1) the source of the case; (一)案件来源;
(2) basic information on the parties; (二)当事人的基本情况;
(3) process of investigation and evidence collection; (三)调查取证过程;
(4) facts of the violation of law committed by the institution and relevant evidence; (四)机构违法事实和相关证据;
(5) facts of the violation of law committed by the relevant liable personnel, relevant evidence and determination of liabilities; (五)相关责任人员的违法事实、相关证据以及责任认定情况;
(6) time limitation of the administrative punishment; (六)行政处罚时效情况;
(7) statements and opinions of the party, whether they are adopted or not and the reasons therefor; (七)当事人的陈述意见、采纳情况及理由;
(8) the risk and loss resulting from the violation of law and illegal income; (八)违法行为造成的风险、损失以及违法所得情况;
(9) the circumstance where a heavier, lighter or mitigated punishment is given, and the grounds therefor; and (九)从重、从轻、减轻的情形及理由;
(10) administrative punishment recommendations, grounds, and basis. (十)行政处罚建议、理由及依据。
Chapter IV Evidence Collection 

第四章 取证

Article 31 Administrative punishment evidence shall include:   第三十一条 行政处罚证据包括:
(1) documentary evidence; (一)书证;
(2) physical evidence; (二)物证;
(3) audiovisual materials; (三)视听资料;
(4) electronic data; (四)电子数据;
(5) testimony of witness; (五)证人证言;
(6) statements of the parties; (六)当事人陈述;
(7) identification or evaluation opinions; (七)鉴定意见;
(8) survey transcripts and on-site records; and (八)勘验笔录、现场笔录;
(9) other evidence provided for by laws and administrative regulations. (九)法律、行政法规规定的其他证据。
Article 32 Investigators shall comprehensively collect evidence on the party's violation of law and the seriousness of circumstances, and the evidence shall satisfy the following requirements:   第三十二条 调查人员应当全面收集当事人违法行为及其情节轻重的有关证据,证据应当符合以下要求:
(1) The evidence is relevant to the facts to be proved. (一)与被证明事实具有关联性;
(2) The evidence is able to reflect the facts to be proved in a truthful and objective manner. (二)能够真实、客观反映被证明事实;
(3) The evidence is collected under statutory procedures. (三)收集证据行为符合法定程序。
Article 33 Investigators shall collect documentary evidence in compliance with the following requirements:   第三十三条 调查人员收集书证,应当符合下列要求:
(1) Investigators shall collect the original of documentary evidence, if it is indeed difficult to collect the original of documentary evidence, they may collect a photocopy, scanned copy, remade copy, extracts or any other duplicate verified as identical with the original. (一)收集书证的原件,收集原件确有困难的,可以收集与原件核对无误的复印件、扫描件、翻拍件、节录本等复制件;
(2) The date of provision and source of a photocopy, scanned copy, remade copy, extracts or any other duplicate shall be indicated, the provider shall indicate “verified as identical with the original,” affix the entity's official seal or the provider's signature or seal, and affix the official seal to the edge of pages if there are many pages. (二)复印件、扫描件、翻拍件、节录本等复制件应当注明提供日期、出处,由提供者载明“与原件核对一致”,加盖单位公章或由提供者签章,页数较多的可以加盖骑缝章;
(3) In the case of collection of documentary evidence such as statements, accounting books and professional technical materials, the specific items to be proved shall be stated. (三)收集报表、会计账册、专业技术资料等书证,应当说明具体证明事项。
Article 34 When collecting physical evidence, investigators shall collect the original object. If it is indeed difficult to collect the original object, a duplicate verified as identical with the original object or other evidence such as a photo or video recording of the physical evidence may be collected, but an explanation on the duplication process, the time of duplication, the person who prepares the duplicate, and other information shall be made.   第三十四条 调查人员收集物证时,应当收集原物。收集原物确有困难的,可以收集与原物核对无误的复制件或证明该物证的照片、录像等其他证据,但是应当附有制作过程、时间、制作人等情况的相关说明。
Article 35 Investigators shall collect audio and video recordings in compliance with the following requirements:
   第三十五条 调查人员提取视听资料应当符合下列要求:

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