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Implementation Measures for the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education [Effective]
中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例实施办法 [现行有效]

Order No. 20 of the Ministry of Education 


The Implementation Measures for the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education, which were adopted ministers' meeting on March 1, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on July 1, 2004.

Minister of Education Zhou Ji

June 2, 2004
教育部部长 周济

Implementation Measures for the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education

Chapter I. General Provisions 


第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Measures are formulated to implement the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education (hereinafter referred to as the RCFCE). 

   第一条 为实施《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》(以下简称《中外合作办学条例》),制定本办法。
Article 2 The present Measures shall apply to the specific requirements for the establishment, activities and management of the Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions, and the examination, approval and management of Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects according to the RCFCE such as diploma education, self-study examination aids, elementary education remediation and preschool education, etc. 

The term "Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects" as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the cooperative educational and teaching activities between Chinese education institutions and foreign education institutions without establishing any education institution, and the said activities mainly aim to enroll Chinese citizens in the aspects of disciplines, specialties and courses.
   第二条 中外合作办学机构设立、活动及管理中的具体规范,以及依据《中外合作办学条例》举办实施学历教育和自学考试助学、文化补习、学前教育等的中外合作办学项目的审批与管理,适用本办法。

In accordance with the provisions of the RCFCE, the measures for the examination, approval and management of Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects relating to the training of occupational skills shall be separately formulated by the labor administrative department of the State Council.

Article 3 The state encourages cooperative education between Chinese education institutions and foreign education institutions whose academic level and educational and teaching quality are universally acknowledged. It encourages the cooperative education activities relating to the subjects, specialties and fields that are new and badly demanded in China. 

The state encourages Chinese-foreign cooperative education in China's west regions, remote and poverty-stricken regions.
   第三条 国家鼓励中国教育机构与学术水平和教育教学质量得到普遍认可的外国教育机构合作办学;鼓励在国内新兴和急需的学科专业领域开展合作办学。

Article 4 The Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions shall, according to the Regulations on the Implementation of the Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, be entitled to enjoy the support and awards given by the state to non-state schools. 

Any private organizations or individuals who have made other outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese-foreign cooperative education shall be given awards by the administrative departments of education.
   第四条 中外合作办学机构根据《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法实施条例》的规定,享受国家给予民办学校的扶持与奖励措施。

Chapter II. Establishment of Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education institutions 


第二章 中外合作办学机构的设立

Article 5 The Chinese and foreign cooperators who intend to carry out Chinese-foreign cooperative education shall enter into cooperative agreements on the basis of equality and negotiation. 

A cooperative agreement shall contain the name and address of the to-be-established Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution; the name and address of the Chinese and foreign cooperators, the legal representative, the purposes of running the education institution, the goal of education, the details of cooperative activities and time limit, each party's amount and way of capital contributions, rights and obligations, and the methods for solving disputes, etc.
   第五条 中外合作办学者应当在平等协商的基础上签订合作协议。

The cooperative agreement shall be accompanied by a Chinese text. If any text is in a foreign language, its content shall be in conformity to that in Chinese.

Article 6 The Chinese and foreign cooperators who apply for establishing a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution shall have corresponding qualifications and relatively high education quality. 

If a Chinese and foreign cooperator who has already established any Chinese-foreign cooperative institution applies for establishing a new one, the former Chinese-foreign cooperative institution shall have passed the evaluation by the original examination and approval organ or a private intermediary organization upon its authorization.
   第六条 申请设立中外合作办学机构的中外合作办学者应当具有相应的办学资格和较高的办学质量。

Article 7 No Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution may establish any branch institution or any other Chinese-foreign cooperative institution. 

   第七条 中外合作办学机构不得设立分支机构,不得举办其他中外合作办学机构。
Article 8 If it is confirmed, upon evaluation, that a Chinese-foreign cooperative institution has brought in foreign quality education resources, either the Chinese or foreign cooperator may sign an agreement with any other private organization or individual so as to get educational fund. This private organization or individual may, as the representative of the Chinese or foreign cooperator signing the said agreement, be a member of the executive council, board of directors or joint managerial committee of the to-be-established Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, but shall not take the position of the chairman of the executive council, chairman of the board of directors or director of the joint managerial committee, nor participate in the educational and teaching activities of the to-be-established Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution. 

   第八条 经评估,确系引进外国优质教育资源的,中外合作办学者一方可以与其他社会组织或者个人签订协议,引入办学资金。该社会组织或者个人可以作为与其签订协议的中外合作办学者一方的代表,参加拟设立的中外合作办学机构的理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会,但不得担任理事长、董事长或者主任,不得参与中外合作办学机构的教育教学活动。
Article 9 The investments made by the Chinese and foreign cooperators shall be compatible with the level and scale of the to-be-established Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, and they shall be subject to verification in accordance with the law. 

The Chinese and foreign cooperators shall make payments of the operational funds under the cooperative agreement in full amount and in good time. During the existence of the Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, the Chinese and foreign cooperators shall not withdraw the registered capital, nor may they misappropriate the operating funds.
   第九条 中外合作办学者投入的办学资金,应当与拟设立的中外合作办学机构的层次和规模相适应,并经依法验资。

Article 10 With regard to the intellectual property as the educational investment of a Chinese or foreign cooperator, its price shall be determined by both the Chinese and foreign cooperators according to the principle of fairness and reasonableness or shall be evaluated by a private intermediary organization as agreed by both parties and undergo relevant formalities in pursuance of the law. 

Where a Chinese education institution invests state-owned assets in the establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, it shall, according to relevant regulations of the state, hire a private intermediary organization with assessment qualifications to assess the said state-owned assets in accordance with the law. It shall reasonably determine their value on the basis of the assessment result, and shall perform the obligation of managing them.
   第十条 中外合作办学者作为办学投入的知识产权,其作价由中外合作办学者双方按照公平合理的原则协商确定或者聘请双方同意的社会中介组织依法进行评估,并依法办理有关手续。

Article 11 Where a Chinese or foreign cooperator uses intellectual property as its educational investment, it shall submit the pertinent materials of intellectual property, including a photocopy of the intellectual property certificate, valid status, practical value, basis for the price computation and the pricing agreement concluded between both parties, etc. 

   第十一条 中外合作办学者以知识产权作为办学投入的,应当提交该知识产权的有关资料,包括知识产权证书复印件、有效状况、实用价值、作价的计算根据、双方签订的作价协议等有关文件。
Article 12 According to the agreements concluded between China and foreign governments or at the request of Chinese education institutions, the administrative department of the State Council and the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government may invite foreign education institutions to cooperate with Chinese education institutions. 

An invited foreign education institutions shall be an institution of higher or occupational education that is famous in the world or in the country where it is located.
   第十二条 根据与外国政府部门签订的协议或者应中国教育机构的请求,国务院教育行政部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以邀请外国教育机构与中国教育机构合作办学。

Article 13 With regard to an application for the establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institution of junior college diploma education or higher, the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the to-be-established institution is located shall give its opinion, then report to the administrative department of education of the State Council for examination and approval. 

The provisions in Article 12 of the RCFCE and the preceding Paragraph shall apply, by analogy, to the examination and approval of the applications of Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions for issuing diploma and degree certificates of foreign education institutions.
   第十三条 申请设立实施本科以上高等学历教育的中外合作办学机构,由拟设立机构所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府提出意见后,报国务院教育行政部门审批。

Article 14 When applying for the preparatory or direct formal establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, the Chinese cooperator shall submit the documents as required in the RCFCE. Among the said documents, the project report or formal establishment application shall be filled out according to the content and format of the Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education Institution Application Form made by the administrative department of education of the State Council in pursuance of Article 14 (1) and Article 17 (1) of the RCFCE. 

   第十四条 申请筹备设立或者直接申请正式设立中外合作办学机构,应当由中国教育机构提交《中外合作办学条例》规定的文件。其中,申办报告或者正式设立申请书应当按照国务院教育行政部门根据《中外合作办学条例》十四条第(一)项和第十七条第(一)项,制定的《中外合作办学机构申请表》所规定的内容和格式填写。
Article 15 The examination and approval organ shall not approve the establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution under any of the following circumstances and inform the applicant of the reasons in writing: 

   第十五条 有下列情形之一的,审批机关不予批准筹备设立中外合作办学机构,并应当书面说明理由:
(1) In violation of the social public interests, historical and cultural tradition and education's public welfare nature, being inconsistent with the demands of the development of national or local educational undertaking; 

(2) Either of the Chinese-foreign cooperators doesn't meet the pertinent requirements; 

(3) The cooperative agreement doesn't meet the statutory requirements, but the applicant fails to correct it after having been informed of the circumstance; 

(4) The application documents contain any false information; or 

(5) Other circumstances under which no approval may be granted in pursuance of the law and administrative regulation. 

Article 16 The articles of association of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution shall specify the following matters: 

   第十六条 中外合作办学机构的章程应当规定以下事项:
(1) The name and address of the Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution; 

(2) The purposes, scale, level and category of the Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution; 

(3) The amount, sources and nature of the school assets and financial accounting system; 

(4) Whether the Chinese-foreign cooperators demand reasonable returns; 

(5) The method for establishing the executive council, board of directors or joint managerial committee, personnel composition, power, term of office and rules of procedure; 

(6) The procedures for the appointment and dismissal of the legal representative; 

(7) The forms of democratic management and supervision; 

(8) The reasons and procedures for termination, and methods of liquidation; 

(9) The procedure for modifying the articles of association; and 

(10) Other matters that shall be prescribed in the articles of association. 

Article 17 A Chinese-foreign cooperative institution can only use one name. The name translated into a foreign language shall be in conformity to the one in Chinese. 

The name of a Chinese-foreign cooperative institution shall reflect its nature, level and type, it shall not contain such words as "China", "Chinese" and "national" ("Zhongguo", "Chinese" and "Quanguode") etc. It shall not be in violation of Chinese law and administrative regulation, nor may it impair the public interests.
   第十七条 中外合作办学机构只能使用一个名称,其外文译名应当与中文名称相符。

A Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution without legal person qualifications shall not be named as an institution for higher education of China.

Article 18 Anyone who applies for formal establishment after having completed the preparatory establishment or directly applies for the formal establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution, it shall not only submit the relevant materials as listed in Article 17 of the RCFCE, but also the following: 

   第十八条 完成筹备,申请正式设立或者直接申请正式设立中外合作办学机构,除提交《中外合作办学条例》十七条规定的相关材料外,还应当依据《中外合作办学条例》有关条款的规定,提交以下材料:

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