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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的解释 [已被修订]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court 


The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 1636th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 18, 2014, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on February 4, 2015. 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》已于2014年12月18日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1636次会议通过,现予公布,自2015年2月4日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
January 30, 2015 2015年1月30日
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的解释
(Adopted at the 1636th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 18, 2014, Interpretation No. 5 [2015] of the Supreme People's Court) (2014年12月18日最高人民法院审判委员会第1636次会议通过 法释〔2015〕5号)
Table of Contents 目录
I. Jurisdiction 一、管辖
II. Disqualification 二、回避
III. Primary Litigation Participants 三、诉讼参加人
IV. Evidence 四、证据
V. Periods and Service of Process 五、期间和送达
VI. Mediation 六、调解
VII. Preservation and Advance Enforcement 七、保全和先予执行
VIII. Compulsory Measures against Obstruction of Civil Procedures 八、对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施
IX. Litigation Expenses 九、诉讼费用
X. Formal Procedure at First Instance 十、第一审普通程序
XI. Summary Procedure 十一、简易程序
XII. Small Claims in Summary Procedure 十二、简易程序中的小额诉讼
XIII. Public Interest Actions 十三、公益诉讼
XIV. Third-Party Revocation Actions 十四、第三人撤销之诉
XV. Enforcement Opposition Actions 十五、执行异议之诉
XVI. Procedure at Second Instance 十六、第二审程序
XVII. Special Procedures 十七、特别程序
XVIII. Trial Supervision Procedure 十八、审判监督程序
XIX. Procedure for Urging Debt Repayment 十九、督促程序
XX. Procedure for Announcement to Urge Declaration of Claims 二十、公示催告程序
XXI. Enforcement Procedure 二十一、执行程序
XXII. Special Provisions on Foreign-Related Civil Procedures 二十二、涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定
XXIII. Supplementary Provisions 二十三、附则
On August 31, 2012, the Decision on Amending the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China was deliberated and adopted at the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress. In accordance with the Civil Procedure Law as amended and in consideration of the civil trial and enforcement practices of the people's courts, this Interpretation is developed. 2012年8月31日,第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议审议通过了《关于修改〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的决定》。根据修改后的民事诉讼法,结合人民法院民事审判和执行工作实际,制定本解释。
I. Jurisdiction 


Article 1 As mentioned in Article 18(1) of the Civil Procedure Law, “major foreign-related cases” includes a case involving a large amount in dispute, a case with complicated circumstances, a case in which one side consists of a large number of parties, and other cases having a major impact.   第一条 民事诉讼法十八条第一项规定的重大涉外案件,包括争议标的额大的案件、案情复杂的案件,或者一方当事人人数众多等具有重大影响的案件。
Article 2 Patent infringement cases shall be under the jurisdiction of intellectual property courts, as well as the intermediate people's courts and basic people's courts specified by the Supreme People's Court.   第二条 专利纠纷案件由知识产权法院、最高人民法院确定的中级人民法院和基层人民法院管辖。
Cases of maritime affairs and maritime commerce shall be under the jurisdiction of maritime courts. 海事、海商案件由海事法院管辖。
Article 3 “Domicile of a citizen” means a citizen's place of permanent residence, and “domicile of a legal person or any other organization” means the place where its principal office is located.   第三条 公民的住所地是指公民的户籍所在地,法人或者其他组织的住所地是指法人或者其他组织的主要办事机构所在地。
Where the place where the principal office of a legal person or any other organization is located cannot be determined, the place of registration of the legal person or other organization shall be its place of domicile. 法人或者其他组织的主要办事机构所在地不能确定的,法人或者其他组织的注册地或者登记地为住所地。
Article 4 “Place of habitual residence of a citizen” means the place where a citizen has continuously resided for one year or more after leaving his or her place of domicile when instituting an action, except the place of hospitalization.   第四条 公民的经常居住地是指公民离开住所地至起诉时已连续居住一年以上的地方,但公民住院就医的地方除外。
Article 5 An action instituted against a partnership of individuals or a partnership of entities without an office shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the defendant's place of registration. If none of the defendants are registered and they are not in the same territorial jurisdiction, the people's court at the place of domicile of each defendant shall have jurisdiction over the case.   第五条 对没有办事机构的个人合伙、合伙型联营体提起的诉讼,由被告注册登记地人民法院管辖。没有注册登记,几个被告又不在同一辖区的,被告住所地的人民法院都有管辖权。
Article 6 Where the registered permanent residence of the defendant in a case is cancelled, the jurisdiction over the case shall be determined in accordance with the provision of Article 22 of the Civil Procedure Law; and where the registered permanent residences of both the plaintiff and the defendant are cancelled, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of residence of the defendant.   第六条 被告被注销户籍的,依照民事诉讼法二十二条规定确定管辖;原告、被告均被注销户籍的,由被告居住地人民法院管辖。
Article 7 Where the registered permanent residence of a party to a case has been removed but the new permanent residence of the party has not been registered, if the party has a place of habitual residence, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at such a place; or if the party does not have a place of habitual residence, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the original place of registered permanent residence.   第七条 当事人的户籍迁出后尚未落户,有经常居住地的,由该地人民法院管辖;没有经常居住地的,由其原户籍所在地人民法院管辖。
Article 8 Where both parties to a case are incarcerated or are subjected to any compulsory correctional measure, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the original place of domicile of the defendant. If the defendant is incarcerated or is subjected to any compulsory correctional measure for one year or more, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place where the defendant is incarcerated or is subjected to the compulsory correctional measure.   第八条 双方当事人都被监禁或者被采取强制性教育措施的,由被告原住所地人民法院管辖。被告被监禁或者被采取强制性教育措施一年以上的,由被告被监禁地或者被采取强制性教育措施地人民法院管辖。
Article 9 Where the places of domicile of the two or more defendants in a case involving recovery of support for elderly parents, child support, or support for other adult dependents are not in the same territorial jurisdiction, the case may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of domicile of the plaintiff.   第九条 追索赡养费、抚育费、扶养费案件的几个被告住所地不在同一辖区的,可以由原告住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 10 A case filed against specification of a guardian or a case involving modification of guardianship may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of domicile of the ward.   第十条 不服指定监护或者变更监护关系的案件,可以由被监护人住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 11 A civil case to which both parties are military personnel or military entities shall be under the jurisdiction of a military court.   第十一条 双方当事人均为军人或者军队单位的民事案件由军事法院管辖。
Article 12 A case filed by one spouse for divorce one year or more after the other spouse left their place of domicile may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of domicile of the plaintiff.   第十二条 夫妻一方离开住所地超过一年,另一方起诉离婚的案件,可以由原告住所地人民法院管辖。
A case filed by one spouse for divorce one year or more after both spouses left their place of domicile shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of habitual residence of the defendant. If the defendant does not have a place of habitual residence, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of residence of the defendant when the action is instituted. 夫妻双方离开住所地超过一年,一方起诉离婚的案件,由被告经常居住地人民法院管辖;没有经常居住地的,由原告起诉时被告居住地人民法院管辖。
Article 13 Where a court of a foreign country in which an overseas Chinese who got married in China settles rejects a divorce action involving the overseas Chinese on the ground that such a case must be under the jurisdiction of the court at the place of celebration, if a party institutes a divorce action in a people's court, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of celebration or the place of last domestic residence of a party.   第十三条 在国内结婚并定居国外的华侨,如定居国法院以离婚诉讼须由婚姻缔结地法院管辖为由不予受理,当事人向人民法院提出离婚诉讼的,由婚姻缔结地或者一方在国内的最后居住地人民法院管辖。
Article 14 Where a court of a foreign country in which an overseas Chinese who got married abroad settles rejects a divorce action involving the overseas Chinese on the ground that such a case must be under the jurisdiction of a court of the country of nationality of the overseas Chinese, if a party institutes a divorce action in a people's court, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the original place of domicile or the place of last domestic residence of a party.   第十四条 在国外结婚并定居国外的华侨,如定居国法院以离婚诉讼须由国籍所属国法院管辖为由不予受理,当事人向人民法院提出离婚诉讼的,由一方原住所地或者在国内的最后居住地人民法院管辖。
Article 15 Where both spouses are Chinese citizens but one lives abroad and the other lives in China, the people's court at the place of domicile of the spouse who lives in China shall have jurisdiction over a divorce action between them, regardless of which spouse institutes a divorce action in a people's court. Where the spouse who lives abroad institutes an action in a court of the country of residence of the spouse, and the spouse who lives in China institutes an action in a people's court, the people's court in which the action is instituted shall have jurisdiction over the divorce case.   第十五条 中国公民一方居住在国外,一方居住在国内,不论哪一方向人民法院提起离婚诉讼,国内一方住所地人民法院都有权管辖。国外一方在居住国法院起诉,国内一方向人民法院起诉的,受诉人民法院有权管辖。
Article 16 Where both spouses are Chinese citizens, and they live abroad but have not settled abroad, if one spouse institutes a divorce action in a people's court, the people's court at the original place of domicile of the plaintiff or defendant shall have jurisdiction over the divorce case.   第十六条 中国公民双方在国外但未定居,一方向人民法院起诉离婚的,应由原告或者被告原住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 17 Where both of the divorced Chinese citizens have settled abroad, an action instituted in a people's court for division of property in China shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place where the major property is located.   第十七条 已经离婚的中国公民,双方均定居国外,仅就国内财产分割提起诉讼的,由主要财产所在地人民法院管辖。
Article 18 Where the parties have agreed on a place of performance in a contract, such a place of performance shall be the place where the contract is performed.   第十八条 合同约定履行地点的,以约定的履行地点为合同履行地。
Where the parties fail to agree on or clearly agree on a place of performance in a contract, and the subject matter of dispute is the payment of money, the place where the recipient of money is located shall be the place where the contract is performed; in the delivery of real property, the place where the real property is located shall be the place where the contract is performed; and for any other subject matter, the place where the party performing the agreed obligations is located shall be the place where the contract is performed. For a contract on spot transactions, the place of transaction shall be the place where the contract is performed. 合同对履行地点没有约定或者约定不明确,争议标的为给付货币的,接收货币一方所在地为合同履行地;交付不动产的,不动产所在地为合同履行地;其他标的,履行义务一方所在地为合同履行地。即时结清的合同,交易行为地为合同履行地。
Where a contract is not actually performed, and the place of domicile of either party is not the place of performance as agreed on in the contract, the people's court at the place of domicile of the defendant shall have jurisdiction. 合同没有实际履行,当事人双方住所地都不在合同约定的履行地的,由被告住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 19 For a property leasing contract or a financial leasing contract, the place where the leased property is used shall be the place where the contract is performed, unless the parties have agreed otherwise on the place of performance in the contract.   第十九条 财产租赁合同、融资租赁合同以租赁物使用地为合同履行地。合同对履行地有约定的,从其约定。
Article 20 For a sales contract concluded on an information network, if the subject matter is delivered on the information network, the place of domicile of the buyer shall be the place where the contract is performed; or if the subject matter is delivered by any other means, the place of receipt shall be the place where the contract is performed, unless the parties have agreed otherwise on the place of performance in the contract.   第二十条 以信息网络方式订立的买卖合同,通过信息网络交付标的的,以买受人住所地为合同履行地;通过其他方式交付标的的,收货地为合同履行地。合同对履行地有约定的,从其约定。
Article 21 For an action instituted for a dispute arising from a property insurance contract, if the subject matter insured is a transport vehicle or the goods in transit, the case may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place where the transport vehicle is registered, the place of destination, or the place where the insurance accident occurs.   第二十一条 因财产保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,如果保险标的物是运输工具或者运输中的货物,可以由运输工具登记注册地、运输目的地、保险事故发生地人民法院管辖。
A case of dispute over a personal insurance contract may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of domicile of the insured. 因人身保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,可以由被保险人住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 22 For an action instituted for a dispute arising from records in the register of shareholders, a request for modification of company registration, shareholders' right to know, a resolution of a company, a corporate combination or division, a capital increase or decrease of a company, the jurisdiction over the case may be determined in accordance with the provision of Article 26 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第二十二条 因股东名册记载、请求变更公司登记、股东知情权、公司决议、公司合并、公司分立、公司减资、公司增资等纠纷提起的诉讼,依照民事诉讼法二十六条规定确定管辖。
Article 23 Where a creditor applies for issuance of an order for payment, Article 21 of the Civil Procedure Law shall apply, and the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the basic people's courtat the place of domicile of the debtor.   第二十三条 债权人申请支付令,适用民事诉讼法二十一条规定,由债务人住所地基层人民法院管辖。
Article 24 As mentioned in Article 28 of the Civil Procedure Law, “place where the tort occurs” includes the place where a tort is committed and the place where the result of a tort occurs.   第二十四条 民事诉讼法二十八条规定的侵权行为地,包括侵权行为实施地、侵权结果发生地。
Article 25 The place where a tort is committed on an information network shall include the place where the computer and other pieces of information equipment used to commit the alleged tort are located, and the place where the result of a tort occurs shall include the place of domicile of the victim.   第二十五条 信息网络侵权行为实施地包括实施被诉侵权行为的计算机等信息设备所在地,侵权结果发生地包括被侵权人住所地。
Article 26 For an action instituted for property or bodily damage caused by the substandard quality of a product or service, the people's courts at the place where the product is manufactured, the place where the product is sold, the place where the service is rendered, the place where the tort occurs, and the place of domicile of the defendant shall all have jurisdiction.   第二十六条 因产品、服务质量不合格造成他人财产、人身损害提起的诉讼,产品制造地、产品销售地、服务提供地、侵权行为地和被告住所地人民法院都有管辖权。
Article 27 An action instituted by the respondent or an interested party for losses resulting from a party's failure to institute an action or apply for arbitration within the statutory period after applying for preservation before the institutionofaction shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court taking the preservation measures.   第二十七条 当事人申请诉前保全后没有在法定期间起诉或者申请仲裁,给被申请人、利害关系人造成损失引起的诉讼,由采取保全措施的人民法院管辖。
Where a party institutes an action or applies for arbitration within the statutory period after applying for preservation before the institution of action, an action instituted by the respondent or an interested party for losses resulting from the preservation measures shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court which accepts that action or takes the preservation measures. 当事人申请诉前保全后在法定期间内起诉或者申请仲裁,被申请人、利害关系人因保全受到损失提起的诉讼,由受理起诉的人民法院或者采取保全措施的人民法院管辖。
Article 28 As mentioned in Article 33 (1) of the Civil Procedure Law, “real estate dispute” means a property dispute arising from the confirmation of rights in real estate, division of real estate, or neighboringrelations, among others.   第二十八条 民事诉讼法三十三条第一项规定的不动产纠纷是指因不动产的权利确认、分割、相邻关系等引起的物权纠纷。
The jurisdiction over a contractual dispute involving contracted operations on rural land, tenancy, construction of a building project, or purchase of a policy-based property shall be determined according to the jurisdiction over a real estate dispute. 农村土地承包经营合同纠纷、房屋租赁合同纠纷、建设工程施工合同纠纷、政策性房屋买卖合同纠纷,按照不动产纠纷确定管辖。
For registered real estate, the location recorded in the real estate register shall be the place where the real estate is located; and for unregistered real estate, the place where the real estate is actually located shall be the place where the real estate is located. 不动产已登记的,以不动产登记簿记载的所在地为不动产所在地;不动产未登记的,以不动产实际所在地为不动产所在地。
Article 29 As mentioned in Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Law, “written agreement” means the jurisdiction clauses in a written contract and a written agreement on choice of jurisdiction reached before litigation.   第二十九条 民事诉讼法三十四条规定的书面协议,包括书面合同中的协议管辖条款或者诉讼前以书面形式达成的选择管辖的协议。
Article 30 Where the court having jurisdiction can be determined according to a jurisdiction agreement when an action is instituted, the agreement shall prevail; otherwise, the jurisdiction over the action shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.   第三十条 根据管辖协议,起诉时能够确定管辖法院的,从其约定;不能确定的,依照民事诉讼法的相关规定确定管辖。
Where a jurisdiction agreement provides that two or more people's courts at places with substantial connection to a dispute shall have jurisdiction over the dispute, the plaintiff may institute an action in one of the people's courts. 管辖协议约定两个以上与争议有实际联系的地点的人民法院管辖,原告可以向其中一个人民法院起诉。
Article 31 Where, after a business enters into a jurisdiction agreement with a consumer by using standard clauses without reminding in appropriate manners the consumer to pay attention to such clauses, the consumer claims the nullification of the jurisdiction agreement, the claim shall be supported by the people's court.   第三十一条 经营者使用格式条款与消费者订立管辖协议,未采取合理方式提请消费者注意,消费者主张管辖协议无效的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 32 Where a jurisdiction agreement provides that the people's court at the place of domicile of one party has jurisdiction, but the place of domicile of the party changes after the agreement is concluded, the people's court at the place of domicile of the party when the agreement is concluded shall have jurisdiction, unless the parties agree otherwise.   第三十二条 管辖协议约定由一方当事人住所地人民法院管辖,协议签订后当事人住所地变更的,由签订管辖协议时的住所地人民法院管辖,但当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 33 When a contract is assigned, the jurisdiction agreement on the contract shall bind the assignee, unless the assignee is not aware of the jurisdiction agreement at the time of assignment or it is otherwise agreed on in the assignment agreement and the other party in the contract consents.   第三十三条 合同转让的,合同的管辖协议对合同受让人有效,但转让时受让人不知道有管辖协议,或者转让协议另有约定且原合同相对人同意的除外。
Article 34 Where the parties to a property dispute that arises when they cohabit or after their marital relationship or adoptive relationship is dissolved reach a jurisdiction agreement, the jurisdiction over the case may be determined in accordance with the provision of Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第三十四条 当事人因同居或者在解除婚姻、收养关系后发生财产争议,约定管辖的,可以适用民事诉讼法三十四条规定确定管辖。
Article 35 Where a party fails to respond to an action upon expiry of the period for submitting a statement of defense, if the people's court of first instance finds before holding a court session that the case is not under its jurisdiction, it shall issue a ruling to transfer the case to the people's court having jurisdiction over the case.   第三十五条 当事人在答辩期间届满后未应诉答辩,人民法院在一审开庭前,发现案件不属于本院管辖的,应当裁定移送有管辖权的人民法院。
Article 36 Where two or more people's courts have jurisdiction over an action, the people's court that firstly dockets the case shall not transfer the case to any other people's court having jurisdiction. If a people's court finds out before docketing a case that the case has been docketed by another people's court having jurisdiction, it shall docket the case again; and if it finds out after docketing the case that another competent people's court having jurisdiction has docketed the case before it, it shall issue a ruling to transfer the case to the people's court docketing the case before it.   第三十六条 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的诉讼,先立案的人民法院不得将案件移送给另一个有管辖权的人民法院。人民法院在立案前发现其他有管辖权的人民法院已先立案的,不得重复立案;立案后发现其他有管辖权的人民法院已先立案的,裁定将案件移送给先立案的人民法院。
Article 37 After a case is accepted, the jurisdiction of the people's court accepting the action shall not be affected by any change in the place of domicile or place of habitual residence of a party.   第三十七条 案件受理后,受诉人民法院的管辖权不受当事人住所地、经常居住地变更的影响。
Article 38 After a people's court having jurisdiction accepts a case, it shall not, on the ground of adjustment of administrative areas, transfer the case to the people's court having jurisdiction after such adjustment. An appellate case after adjudication or a case retried under the trial supervision procedure shall be tried by the people's court at a higher level of the original trial people's court. A case ordered or remanded by the people's court at a higher level for retrial shall be retried by the original trial people's court.   第三十八条 有管辖权的人民法院受理案件后,不得以行政区域变更为由,将案件移送给变更后有管辖权的人民法院。判决后的上诉案件和依审判监督程序提审的案件,由原审人民法院的上级人民法院进行审判;上级人民法院指令再审、发回重审的案件,由原审人民法院再审或者重审。
Article 39 Wherea people's court is determined to have jurisdiction upon examination of an objection to jurisdiction, the jurisdiction shall not be changed because a party files a counterclaim, adds any new claim or modifies its claims, unless the provisions regarding hierarchical jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction are violated.   第三十九条 人民法院对管辖异议审查后确定有管辖权的,不因当事人提起反诉、增加或者变更诉讼请求等改变管辖,但违反级别管辖、专属管辖规定的除外。
For a case remanded for retrial or retried under the procedure at first instance by a people's court, where a party raises an objection to jurisdiction, the people's court will not examine it. 人民法院发回重审或者按第一审程序再审的案件,当事人提出管辖异议的,人民法院不予审查。
Article 40 In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2, Article 37 of the Civil Procedure Law, where two people's courts with a dispute over jurisdiction request their common superior to specify jurisdiction after their consultations fail, if both courts are basic people's courts in the same district of a prefecture or city, the intermediate people's court of the prefecture or city shall specify jurisdiction in a timely manner; if both courts are people's courts in the same province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the higher people's court of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall specify jurisdiction in a timely manner; if both courts are in different provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the consultation between the higher people's courts fails, the Supreme People's Court shall specify jurisdiction in a timely manner.   第四十条 依照民事诉讼法三十七条第二款规定,发生管辖权争议的两个人民法院因协商不成报请它们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖时,双方为同属一个地、市辖区的基层人民法院的,由该地、市的中级人民法院及时指定管辖;同属一个省、自治区、直辖市的两个人民法院的,由该省、自治区、直辖市的高级人民法院及时指定管辖;双方为跨省、自治区、直辖市的人民法院,高级人民法院协商不成的,由最高人民法院及时指定管辖。
When a request is made to the superior to specify jurisdiction under the preceding paragraph, it shall be made level by level. 依照前款规定报请上级人民法院指定管辖时,应当逐级进行。
Article 41 Where a people's court specifies jurisdiction under paragraph 2, Article 37 of the Civil Procedure Law, it shall issue a ruling thereon.   第四十一条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法三十七条第二款规定指定管辖的,应当作出裁定。
Where a case is reported to a people's court at a higher level for specification of jurisdiction, a people's court shall suspend the trial. Where the people's court issues a judgment or ruling before a ruling to specify jurisdiction is issued, the people's court at a higher level shall revoke the judgment or ruling when issuing a ruling to specify jurisdiction. 对报请上级人民法院指定管辖的案件,下级人民法院应当中止审理。指定管辖裁定作出前,下级人民法院对案件作出判决、裁定的,上级人民法院应当在裁定指定管辖的同时,一并撤销下级人民法院的判决、裁定。
Article 42 A people's court may, before trial, transfer a first instance civil case under any of the following circumstances to a people's court at a lower level for trial in accordance with the provision of paragraph 1, Article 38 of the Civil Procedure Law:   第四十二条 下列第一审民事案件,人民法院依照民事诉讼法三十八条第一款规定,可以在开庭前交下级人民法院审理:
(1) A case concerning a debtor in the bankruptcy procedure. (一)破产程序中有关债务人的诉讼案件;
(2) A case involving numerous parties who are inconvenient to institute actions. (二)当事人人数众多且不方便诉讼的案件;
(3) A case of any other type as determined by the Supreme People's Court. (三)最高人民法院确定的其他类型案件。
Before transferring such a case to a people's court at a lower level for trial, a people's court shall report the situation to a people's court at a higher level for approval. Upon approval, the people's court shall issue a ruling to transfer the case to the people's court at a lower level for trial. 人民法院交下级人民法院审理前,应当报请其上级人民法院批准。上级人民法院批准后,人民法院应当裁定将案件交下级人民法院审理。
II. Disqualification 


Article 43 Under any of the following circumstances, a judge shall voluntarily disqualify himself or herself, and a party shall be entitled to request disqualification of such a judge:   第四十三条 审判人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避,当事人有权申请其回避:
(1) The judge is a party to the case or is a close relative of a party to the case. (一)是本案当事人或者当事人近亲属的;
(2) The judge or a close relative thereof is an interested party to the case. (二)本人或者其近亲属与本案有利害关系的;
(3) The judge once acted as a witness, identification or evaluation expert, defender, litigation representative, or interpreter of the case. (三)担任过本案的证人、鉴定人、辩护人、诉讼代理人、翻译人员的;
(4) The judge is a close relative of a litigation representative in the case. (四)是本案诉讼代理人近亲属的;
(5) The judge or a close relative thereof holds shares or equities in an unlisted company which is a party to the case. (五)本人或者其近亲属持有本案非上市公司当事人的股份或者股权的;
(6) The judge has any other interested relationship with a party to a case or a litigation representative thereof, which may affect the impartial trial of the case. (六)与本案当事人或者诉讼代理人有其他利害关系,可能影响公正审理的。
Article 44 A party shall be entitled to request disqualification of a judge under any of the following circumstances:   第四十四条 审判人员有下列情形之一的,当事人有权申请其回避:
(1) The judge accepts any treat from a party to the case or an agent thereof or attends any activity sponsored by a party to the case or an agent thereof. (一)接受本案当事人及其受托人宴请,或者参加由其支付费用的活动的;
(2) The judge extorts or accepts any property or other benefit from a party to the case or an agent thereof. (二)索取、接受本案当事人及其受托人财物或者其他利益的;
(3) The judge meets a party to the case or the litigation representative thereof in violation of rules. (三)违反规定会见本案当事人、诉讼代理人的;
(4) The judge recommends or introduces a litigation representative to a party to the case or introduces the case to a lawyer or any other person for handling. (四)为本案当事人推荐、介绍诉讼代理人,或者为律师、其他人员介绍代理本案的;
(5) The judge borrows money or any other property from a party to the case or an agent thereof. (五)向本案当事人及其受托人借用款物的;
(6) Any other improper conduct which may affect the impartial trial of the case. (六)有其他不正当行为,可能影响公正审理的。
Article 45 A judge who once participated in the trial of a case under one trial procedure may not participate in the trial of the case under another procedure.   第四十五条 在一个审判程序中参与过本案审判工作的审判人员,不得再参与该案其他程序的审判。
However, for a case remanded for retrial, the members of the collegial panel under the original second-instance procedure shall not be subject to the restriction mentioned in the preceding paragraph, provided that the case enters again the second-instance procedure after the court of first instance adjudicates the case. 发回重审的案件,在一审法院作出裁判后又进入第二审程序的,原第二审程序中合议庭组成人员不受前款规定的限制。
Article 46 Where a judge who shall disqualify himself/herself fails to do so and none of the parties applies for disqualification of the judge, the president or the judicial committee of the people's court shall decide to disqualify the judge.   第四十六条 审判人员有应当回避的情形,没有自行回避,当事人也没有申请其回避的,由院长或者审判委员会决定其回避。
Article 47 A people's court shall notify the parties to a case of their right to apply for disqualification of any member of the collegial panel, the sole judge or the clerk.   第四十七条 人民法院应当依法告知当事人对合议庭组成人员、独任审判员和书记员等人员有申请回避的权利。
Article 48 As mentioned in Article 44 of the Civil Procedure Law, “judge” includes the president, vice presidents, members of the judicial committee, division chief judges, associate chief judges, judges, assistant judges, and people's assessors of a people's court at any level.   第四十八条 民事诉讼法四十四条所称的审判人员,包括参与本案审理的人民法院院长、副院长、审判委员会委员、庭长、副庭长、审判员、助理审判员和人民陪审员。
Article 49 The relevant provisions on the disqualification of judges shall apply to clerks and executors.   第四十九条 书记员和执行员适用审判人员回避的有关规定。
III. Primary Litigation Participants 


Article 50 The legal representative of a legal person shall be the one as legally registered, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law. For a legal person not required to be registered, the principal person in charge of it shall be its legal representative; in the absence of the principal person in charge, the deputy person in charge shall be its legal representative.   第五十条 法人的法定代表人以依法登记的为准,但法律另有规定的除外。依法不需要办理登记的法人,以其正职负责人为法定代表人;没有正职负责人的,以其主持工作的副职负责人为法定代表人。
Where the legal representative is changed but the registration thereof has not been completed yet, if the new legal representative requests the old legal representative to participate in the action, the people's court may grant permission. 法定代表人已经变更,但未完成登记,变更后的法定代表人要求代表法人参加诉讼的,人民法院可以准许。
For any other organization, its principal responsible person shall be its legal representative. 其他组织,以其主要负责人为代表人。
Article 51 Where the legal representative of a legal person changes in an action, the new legal representative shall continue to participate in the action, and the identity certificate of the new legal representative shall be submitted to the people's court. The litigation conduct of the old legal representative shall bind.   第五十一条 在诉讼中,法人的法定代表人变更的,由新的法定代表人继续进行诉讼,并应向人民法院提交新的法定代表人身份证明书。原法定代表人进行的诉讼行为有效。
The preceding paragraph shall apply in an action involving the participation of any other organization. 前款规定,适用于其他组织参加的诉讼。
Article 52 As mentioned in Article 48 of the Civil Procedure Law, “other organizations” means organizations that are lawfully established, have certain organizational frameworks and property but do not have the legal person status, including:   第五十二条 民事诉讼法四十八条规定的其他组织是指合法成立、有一定的组织机构和财产,但又不具备法人资格的组织,包括:
(1) Sole proprietorships that have been registered and obtained business licenses according to the law. (一)依法登记领取营业执照的个人独资企业;
(2) Partnership enterprises that have been registered and obtained business licenses according to the law. (二)依法登记领取营业执照的合伙企业;
(3) Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises that have been registered and obtained business licenses according to the law. (三)依法登记领取我国营业执照的中外合作经营企业、外资企业;
(4) Lawfully formed branch offices and representative offices of social organizations. (四)依法成立的社会团体的分支机构、代表机构;
(5) Legal persons' lawfully formed branch offices that have obtained business licenses according to the law. (五)依法设立并领取营业执照的法人的分支机构;
(6) Commercial banks', policy banks' and non-banking financial institutions' lawfully formed branch offices that have obtained business licenses according to the law. (六)依法设立并领取营业执照的商业银行、政策性银行和非银行金融机构的分支机构;
(7) Township enterprises and neighborhood enterprises that have been registered and obtained business licenses according to the law. (七)经依法登记领取营业执照的乡镇企业、街道企业;
(8) Other organizations that meet the conditions set out in this Article. (八)其他符合本条规定条件的组织。
Article 53 For a branch office not lawfully formed by a legal person or a lawfully formed branch office that has not obtained the business license, the legal person forming it shall be a party to the case.   第五十三条 法人非依法设立的分支机构,或者虽依法设立,但没有领取营业执照的分支机构,以设立该分支机构的法人为当事人。
Article 54 Where a party conducts civil activities in the name of another party, if a party requests that both of the two to assume civil liability according to the law, the two parties shall be co-litigants.   第五十四条 以挂靠形式从事民事活动,当事人请求由挂靠人和被挂靠人依法承担民事责任的,该挂靠人和被挂靠人为共同诉讼人。
Article 55 Where, in an action, a party dies and it is necessary to wait for his or her successors to indicate whether they will participate in the action, the people's court shall issue a ruling to suspend the action. The people's court shall notify the successors to participate in the action as the parties to the case, and the litigation conduct of the deceased shall bind the successors that participate in the action.   第五十五条 在诉讼中,一方当事人死亡,需要等待继承人表明是否参加诉讼的,裁定中止诉讼。人民法院应当及时通知继承人作为当事人承担诉讼,被继承人已经进行的诉讼行为对承担诉讼的继承人有效。
Article 56 Where an employee of a legal person or any other organization causes any harm to another person in the execution of his or her work duty, the legal person or other organization shall be a party to the case.   第五十六条 法人或者其他组织的工作人员执行工作任务造成他人损害的,该法人或者其他组织为当事人。
Article 57 Where the party providing labor services causes any harm to another person as the result of the labor services, the party receiving labor services shall be the defendant in the action instituted by the victim.   第五十七条 提供劳务一方因劳务造成他人损害,受害人提起诉讼的,以接受劳务一方为被告。
Article 58 Where, during the period of employment secondment, a seconded worker causes any harm to another person in the execution of his or her work duty, the receiver of the seconded worker shall be a party to the case. If the party claims that the supplier of the seconded worker shall assume liability, the supplier of the seconded worker shall be a co-defendant.   第五十八条 在劳务派遣期间,被派遣的工作人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的,以接受劳务派遣的用工单位为当事人。当事人主张劳务派遣单位承担责任的,该劳务派遣单位为共同被告。
Article 59 In an action, the business operator registered on the business license of an individual industrial and commercial household shall be a party to the case. If the individual industrial and commercial household has a trade name, the trade name registered on the business license shall be a party to the case, provided that the basic information about the business operator of the trade name shall be stated.   第五十九条 在诉讼中,个体工商户以营业执照上登记的经营者为当事人。有字号的,以营业执照上登记的字号为当事人,但应同时注明该字号经营者的基本信息。
If the business operator registered on the business license is inconsistent with the actual business operator, the registered business operator and the actual business operator shall be co-litigants. 营业执照上登记的经营者与实际经营者不一致的,以登记的经营者和实际经营者为共同诉讼人。
Article 60 In an action, all partners of an individual partnership that has not been registered and obtained a business license according to the law shall be parties to the joint action. If the individual partnership has a trade name approved and registered according to the law, the registered trade name shall be specified in legal documents. All partners may recommend a representative or representatives, for which a letter of recommendation shall be issued.   第六十条 在诉讼中,未依法登记领取营业执照的个人合伙的全体合伙人为共同诉讼人。个人合伙有依法核准登记的字号的,应在法律文书中注明登记的字号。全体合伙人可以推选代表人;被推选的代表人,应由全体合伙人出具推选书。
Article 61 Where the parties to a dispute reach a mediation agreement upon the mediation of the people's mediation committee, but one party fails to perform the mediation agreement and the other party institutes an action in a people's court, the opposing party shall be the defendant.   第六十一条 当事人之间的纠纷经人民调解委员会调解达成协议后,一方当事人不履行调解协议,另一方当事人向人民法院提起诉讼的,应以对方当事人为被告。
Article 62 Under any of the following circumstances, the actor shall be a party to the case:   第六十二条 下列情形,以行为人为当事人:
(1) Without registering a legal person or any other organization as required, the actor conducts civil activities in the name of the legal person or other organization. (一)法人或者其他组织应登记而未登记,行为人即以该法人或者其他组织名义进行民事活动的;
(2) The actor conducts civil activities in the name of the principal without authorization, beyond authorization or after the termination of authorization, unless the other party has reason to believe that the actor has authorization. (二)行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人名义进行民事活动的,但相对人有理由相信行为人有代理权的除外;
(3) After a legal person or any other organization is terminated according to the law, the actor still conducts civil activities in its name. (三)法人或者其他组织依法终止后,行为人仍以其名义进行民事活动的。
Article 63 In the combination of an enterprise legal person, for a dispute arising from a civil activity conducted before the combination, the enterprise after the combination shall be a party to the case; in the division of an enterprise legal person, for a dispute arising from a civil activity conducted before the division, the enterprises after the division shall be co-litigants.   第六十三条 企业法人合并的,因合并前的民事活动发生的纠纷,以合并后的企业为当事人;企业法人分立的,因分立前的民事活动发生的纠纷,以分立后的企业为共同诉讼人。
Article 64 In the dissolution of an enterprise legal person, before it is liquidated and deregistered according to the law, the enterprise legal person shall be a party to the case; if it is deregistered without liquidation, its shareholder, promoter or capital contributor shall be a party to the case.   第六十四条 企业法人解散的,依法清算并注销前,以该企业法人为当事人;未依法清算即被注销的,以该企业法人的股东、发起人或者出资人为当事人。
Article 65 For the lending of a business letter of introduction, special seal for contractual uses, blank sealed contract or bank account, the lending entity and the borrowing entity shall be co-litigants.   第六十五条 借用业务介绍信、合同专用章、盖章的空白合同书或者银行账户的,出借单位和借用人为共同诉讼人。
Article 66 For an action instituted for a guarantee contract dispute, where the creditor claims its rights against the guarantor and the warrantee, the people's court shall take the guarantor and the warrantee as co-defendants; if the guarantee contract is about a general guarantee and the creditor sues only against the guarantor, the people's court shall notify the warrantee to participate in the action as a codefendant; and if the creditor sues only against the warrantee, the people's court may only take the warrantee as the defendant.   第六十六条 因保证合同纠纷提起的诉讼,债权人向保证人和被保证人一并主张权利的,人民法院应当将保证人和被保证人列为共同被告。保证合同约定为一般保证,债权人仅起诉保证人的,人民法院应当通知被保证人作为共同被告参加诉讼;债权人仅起诉被保证人的,可以只列被保证人为被告。
Article 67 Where a person without civil competency or with limited civil competency causes damage to others, the person and the guardian thereof shall be co-defendants.   第六十七条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人造成他人损害的,无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人和其监护人为共同被告。
Article 68 For a civil dispute between a villagers' committee or a villagers' group and another party, the villagers' committee or the villagers' group shall be a party to the case, provided that, in case of the villagers' group, it shall have independent property.   第六十八条 村民委员会或者村民小组与他人发生民事纠纷的,村民委员会或者有独立财产的村民小组为当事人。
Article 69 For an action instituted against an infringement upon the body, bone, name, image, reputation, honor or privacy of the deceased, a close relative of the deceased shall be a party to the case.   第六十九条 对侵害死者遗体、遗骨以及姓名、肖像、名誉、荣誉、隐私等行为提起诉讼的,死者的近亲属为当事人。
Article 70 For an action instituted for an inheritance dispute, where only some of the inheritors institute the action, the people's court shall notify other inheritors to participate in the action as co-plaintiffs; if any inheritors as notified are not willing to participate in the action but do not clearly renounce their substantial rights, the people's court shall still take them as co-plaintiffs.   第七十条 在继承遗产的诉讼中,部分继承人起诉的,人民法院应通知其他继承人作为共同原告参加诉讼;被通知的继承人不愿意参加诉讼又未明确表示放弃实体权利的,人民法院仍应将其列为共同原告。
Article 71 Where the plaintiff institutes an action against the principal and the agent, requesting them to assume joint and several liability, the principal and the agent shall be co-defendants.   第七十一条 原告起诉被代理人和代理人,要求承担连带责任的,被代理人和代理人为共同被告。
Article 72 If, after the right to a common property is damaged by another person, only some of the common property right holders institute an action, other common property right holders shall be taken as co-litigants.   第七十二条 共有财产权受到他人侵害,部分共有权人起诉的,其他共有权人为共同诉讼人。
Article 73 Where a party who must participate in a joint action fails to participate in the action, the people's court shall notify the party to participate in the action in accordance with the provision of Article 132 of the Civil Procedure Law, and the party may also request for adding it as a party. The people's court shall examine such a request. If the ground is tenable, the people's court shall issue a ruling to dismiss the request; if the ground is not tenable, the people's court shall notify in writing the added party to participate in the action.   第七十三条 必须共同进行诉讼的当事人没有参加诉讼的,人民法院应当依照民事诉讼法一百三十二条的规定,通知其参加;当事人也可以向人民法院申请追加。人民法院对当事人提出的申请,应当进行审查,申请理由不成立的,裁定驳回;申请理由成立的,书面通知被追加的当事人参加诉讼。
Article 74 When adding a party to a joint action, the people's court shall notify the other parties. Where a party that shall be added as a plaintiff has expressly renounced its substantial rights, it is permitted to not add the party. A party that is unwilling to participate in the action yet refuses to renounce its substantial rights shall still be added as a co-plaintiff, and its absence in the action will not affect the people's court's trial and judgment of the case.   第七十四条 人民法院追加共同诉讼的当事人时,应当通知其他当事人。应当追加的原告,已明确表示放弃实体权利的,可不予追加;既不愿意参加诉讼,又不放弃实体权利的,仍应追加为共同原告,其不参加诉讼,不影响人民法院对案件的审理和依法作出判决。
Article 75 As mentioned in Articles 53, 54 and 199 of the Civil Procedure Law, “numerous” generally means ten or more persons.   第七十五条 民事诉讼法五十三条、第五十四条和第一百九十九条规定的人数众多,一般指十人以上。
Article 76 In accordance with the provision of Article 53 of the Civil Procedure Law, where the parties on one side of an action are numerous but the exact number of such parties is certain when the action is instituted, all of such parties may recommend their common representatives, or some of such parties may recommend their own representatives. For parties that cannot select representatives, they may participate by themselves in a necessary joint action, or may institute another action in a common joint action.   第七十六条 依照民事诉讼法五十三条规定,当事人一方人数众多在起诉时确定的,可以由全体当事人推选共同的代表人,也可以由部分当事人推选自己的代表人;推选不出代表人的当事人,在必要的共同诉讼中可以自己参加诉讼,在普通的共同诉讼中可以另行起诉。
Article 77 In accordance with the provision of Article 54 of the Civil Procedure Law, where the parties on one side of an action are numerous but the exact number of such parties is uncertain when the action is instituted, the parties shall recommend representatives. If they cannot recommend one, the people's court may propose one and decide upon consultation with the parties; if such consultation fails, the people's court may specify one among the parties instituting the action.   第七十七条 根据民事诉讼法五十四条规定,当事人一方人数众多在起诉时不确定的,由当事人推选代表人。当事人推选不出的,可以由人民法院提出人选与当事人协商;协商不成的,也可以由人民法院在起诉的当事人中指定代表人。
Article 78 The “representatives” as mentioned in Articles 53 and 54 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be two to five persons, and each representative may have one or two litigation representatives.   第七十八条 民事诉讼法五十三条和第五十四条规定的代表人为二至五人,每位代表人可以委托一至二人作为诉讼代理人。
Article 79 For a case accepted under Article 54 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court may publish a notice to notify right holders to register with the people's court. The period of notification shall be determined in view of the specific circumstances of the case, but may not be less than 30 days.   第七十九条 依照民事诉讼法五十四条规定受理的案件,人民法院可以发出公告,通知权利人向人民法院登记。公告期间根据案件的具体情况确定,但不得少于三十日。
Article 80 A right holder registered with the people's court under Article 54 of the Civil Procedure Law shall prove his legal relationship with the opposing party and the damage he has suffered from. If he fails to do so, registration will not be granted, and he may institute a separate action. The judgment made by the people's court shall be enforced within the scope of registration. When a right holder that has not been registered institutes an action, the people's court shall issue a ruling to apply the judgment or ruling issued by the people's court if upholding his claim.   第八十条 根据民事诉讼法五十四条规定向人民法院登记的权利人,应当证明其与对方当事人的法律关系和所受到的损害。证明不了的,不予登记,权利人可以另行起诉。人民法院的裁判在登记的范围内执行。未参加登记的权利人提起诉讼,人民法院认定其请求成立的,裁定适用人民法院已作出的判决、裁定。
Article 81 In accordance with the provision of Article 56 of the Civil Procedure Law, a third party with an independent claim shall have the right to submit claims, facts and basis to the people's court and become a party to the case, while a third party without an independent claim may participate in the action upon his request or the notification of the people's court.   第八十一条 根据民事诉讼法五十六条的规定,有独立请求权的第三人有权向人民法院提出诉讼请求和事实、理由,成为当事人;无独立请求权的第三人,可以申请或者由人民法院通知参加诉讼。
Where a third party not participating in the action under the procedure at first instance applies to participate in the procedure at second instance, the people's court may grant permission. 第一审程序中未参加诉讼的第三人,申请参加第二审程序的,人民法院可以准许。
Article 82 In an action of first instance, a third party without an independent claim shall have no right to raise an objection to jurisdiction and shall have no right to relinquish or modify its claims or request for withdrawal of the action, but shall have the right to file an appeal if being ordered to assume civil liability.   第八十二条 在一审诉讼中,无独立请求权的第三人无权提出管辖异议,无权放弃、变更诉讼请求或者申请撤诉,被判决承担民事责任的,有权提起上诉。
Article 83 In an action, the guardian of a person without civil competency or with limited civil competencyshall be his legal representative. If the guardian has not been determined in advance, the persons qualified for guardianship may determine one upon consultation; if such consultation fails, the people's court shall specify one of them as the person's legal representative in the action. If there is no such a guardian as prescribed in paragraph 1 or 2, Article 16 or paragraph 1, Article 17 of the General Principles of the Civil Law for the party, the people's court may specify a relevant organization prescribed in paragraph 4, Article 16 or paragraph 3, Article 17 of the General Principles of the Civil Law to act as the legal representative in the action.   第八十三条 在诉讼中,无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人的监护人是他的法定代理人。事先没有确定监护人的,可以由有监护资格的人协商确定;协商不成的,由人民法院在他们之中指定诉讼中的法定代理人。当事人没有民法通则十六条第一款、第二款或者第十七条第一款规定的监护人的,可以指定该法第十六条第四款或者第十七条第三款规定的有关组织担任诉讼中的法定代理人。
Article 84 A party may not authorize a person without civil competency or with limited civil competencyor any other party prohibited by the law to act as a legal representative to act as its legal representative.   第八十四条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人以及其他依法不能作为诉讼代理人的,当事人不得委托其作为诉讼代理人。
Article 85 In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2(2), Article 58 of the Civil Procedure Law, a relative with a spousal relationship, lineal consanguinity, collateral consanguinity within three generations, close affinity, or maintenance or support relationship with a party may act as the litigation representative of the party in the name of a close relative of the party.   第八十五条 根据民事诉讼法五十八条第二款第二项规定,与当事人有夫妻、直系血亲、三代以内旁系血亲、近姻亲关系以及其他有抚养、赡养关系的亲属,可以当事人近亲属的名义作为诉讼代理人。
Article 86 In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2(2), Article 58 of the Civil Procedure Law, an employee with a lawful labor relationship with a party may act as the litigation representative of the party in the name of the party's employee.   第八十六条 根据民事诉讼法五十八条第二款第二项规定,与当事人有合法劳动人事关系的职工,可以当事人工作人员的名义作为诉讼代理人。
Article 87 In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2(3), Article 58 of the Civil Procedure Law, the following conditions shall be met when a relevant social group recommends a citizen to act as A legal representative:   第八十七条 根据民事诉讼法五十八条第二款第三项规定,有关社会团体推荐公民担任诉讼代理人的,应当符合下列条件:
(1) The social group is a non-profit incorporated organization lawfully registered and formed or lawfully exempted from registration. (一)社会团体属于依法登记设立或者依法免予登记设立的非营利性法人组织;
(2) The represented party is a member of the social group, or the place of domicile of one party to the case is within the activity area of the social group. (二)被代理人属于该社会团体的成员,或者当事人一方住所地位于该社会团体的活动地域;
(3) The matter is within the scope of business as indicated in the articles of association of the social group. (三)代理事务属于该社会团体章程载明的业务范围;
(4) The recommended citizen is the person in charge of the social group or an employee that has a legal labor relationship with the social group. (四)被推荐的公民是该社会团体的负责人或者与该社会团体有合法劳动人事关系的工作人员。
If recommended by All-China Patent Agents Association, a patent agency may act as a litigation representative in a case of patent dispute. 专利代理人经中华全国专利代理人协会推荐,可以在专利纠纷案件中担任诉讼代理人。
Article 88 A litigation representative shall submit relevant materials to the people's court according to the following provisions in addition to the power of attorney required by Article 59 of the Civil Procedure Law:   第八十八条 诉讼代理人除根据民事诉讼法五十九条规定提交授权委托书外,还应当按照下列规定向人民法院提交相关材料:
(1) A lawyer shall submit his legal professional qualification certificate and the certification documents on his law firm. (一)律师应当提交律师执业证、律师事务所证明材料;
(2) A basic-level legal service worker shall submit his practice certificate, a reference letter issued by the basic-level legal service office, and the certification documents on the fact that one party to the case is within its jurisdiction. (二)基层法律服务工作者应当提交法律服务工作者执业证、基层法律服务所出具的介绍信以及当事人一方位于本辖区内的证明材料;
(3) A close relative of the party shall submit his identity certificate and the certification documents on the fact that he is a close relative of the party. (三)当事人的近亲属应当提交身份证件和与委托人有近亲属关系的证明材料;
(4) An employee of the party shall submit his identity certificate and the certification documents on his legal labor relationship with the party. (四)当事人的工作人员应当提交身份证件和与当事人有合法劳动人事关系的证明材料;
(5) A citizen recommended by the community or employer of the party shall submit his identity certificate, the recommendation materials, and the certification documents on the fact that the party belongs to the community or employer. (五)当事人所在社区、单位推荐的公民应当提交身份证件、推荐材料和当事人属于该社区、单位的证明材料;
(6) A citizen recommended by a relevant social group shall submit his identity certificate and the certification materials on satisfaction of the conditions as set out in Article 87 of this Interpretation. (六)有关社会团体推荐的公民应当提交身份证件和符合本解释第八十七条规定条件的证明材料。
Article 89 The power of attorney to be submitted by a party to the people's court shall be submitted before the court session. If the power of attorney only states the words “general agency” without a specific authorization, the litigation representative shall have no right to admit, waive or alter claims, conduct mediation, or file a counterclaim or appeal for the party.   第八十九条 当事人向人民法院提交的授权委托书,应当在开庭审理前送交人民法院。授权委托书仅写“全权代理”而无具体授权的,诉讼代理人无权代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,进行和解,提出反诉或者提起上诉。
For a case tried under summary procedure, where both parties appear before the court at the same time and a court session is held to try the case, they may retain litigation representatives verbally on the spot, which shall be included in the transcripts by the people's court. 适用简易程序审理的案件,双方当事人同时到庭并径行开庭审理的,可以当场口头委托诉讼代理人,由人民法院记入笔录。
IV. Evidence 


Article 90 A party shall provide evidence to prove the facts on which his claims are based or to repudiate the facts on which the claims of the opposing party are based, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law.   第九十条 当事人对自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事实,应当提供证据加以证明,但法律另有规定的除外。
Where a party fails to provide evidence or the evidence provided is insufficient to support his claims before a judgment is entered, the party bearing the burden of proof shall take the adverse consequences. 在作出判决前,当事人未能提供证据或者证据不足以证明其事实主张的,由负有举证证明责任的当事人承担不利的后果。
Article 91 A people's court shall determine the carrying of burden of proof under the following principles, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law:   第九十一条 人民法院应当依照下列原则确定举证证明责任的承担,但法律另有规定的除外:
(1) A party claiming the existence of a legal relationship shall carry the burden of proof on the basic facts giving rise to the legal relationship. (一)主张法律关系存在的当事人,应当对产生该法律关系的基本事实承担举证证明责任;
(2) A party claiming the modification or extinction of a legal relationship or the impairment of a right shall carry the burden of proof on the basic facts about the modification or extinction of a legal relationship or the impairment of a right. (二)主张法律关系变更、消灭或者权利受到妨害的当事人,应当对该法律关系变更、消灭或者权利受到妨害的基本事实承担举证证明责任。
Article 92 Where one party expressly acknowledges the facts unfavorable to it in a court session or in such a written material as the written complaint, written statement of defense or statement of attorney, the other party does not need to provide proof.   第九十二条 一方当事人在法庭审理中,或者在起诉状、答辩状、代理词等书面材料中,对于己不利的事实明确表示承认的,另一方当事人无需举证证明。
For facts concerning an identity relationship, national interests or public interests which the people's court shall investigate into based on their powers and functions, the preceding paragraph shall not apply. 对于涉及身份关系、国家利益、社会公共利益等应当由人民法院依职权调查的事实,不适用前款自认的规定。
Where the facts acknowledged by a party are inconsistent with the facts verified, the people's court will not confirm them. 自认的事实与查明的事实不符的,人民法院不予确认。
Article 93 A party need not provide evidence for the following facts:   第九十三条 下列事实,当事人无须举证证明:
(1) Natural laws and theorems. (一)自然规律以及定理、定律;
(2) Facts known to all. (二)众所周知的事实;
(3) Facts deduced from legal provisions. (三)根据法律规定推定的事实;
(4) Facts established on the basis of known facts and daily life experience. (四)根据已知的事实和日常生活经验法则推定出的另一事实;
(5) Facts confirmed by effective rulings issued by people's courts. (五)已为人民法院发生法律效力的裁判所确认的事实;
(6) Facts confirmed by effective awards rendered by arbitration agencies. (六)已为仲裁机构生效裁决所确认的事实;
(7) Facts proven by effective notarization documents. (七)已为有效公证文书所证明的事实。
The facts mentioned in items (2) through (4) shall be excluded if the party has contrary evidence which suffices to refute, and the facts mentioned in items (5) through (7) shall be excluded if the party has contrary evidence which suffices to overturn. 前款第二项至第四项规定的事实,当事人有相反证据足以反驳的除外;第五项至第七项规定的事实,当事人有相反证据足以推翻的除外。
Article 94 The evidence which a party and its litigation representative are unable to collect for some objective reasonsas mentioned in paragraph 2, Article 64 of the Civil Procedure Law includes:   第九十四条 民事诉讼法六十四条第二款规定的当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的证据包括:
(1) Evidence that is preserved by the relevant state authority and to which both the party and its litigation representative have no access for consulting and taking. (一)证据由国家有关部门保存,当事人及其诉讼代理人无权查阅调取的;
(2) Evidence concerning state secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy. (二)涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私的;
(3) Other evidence which the party and its litigation representative are unable to collect for some objective reasons (三)当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的其他证据。
For evidence which a party and its litigation representative are unable to collect for some objective reasons, the party may apply in written to the people's court for investigation and collection before the expiry of the evidence-producing term. 当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的证据,可以在举证期限届满前书面申请人民法院调查收集。
Article 95 If the evidence which a party applies for investigation and collection is irrelevant or meaningless to the facts to be proven or is otherwise unnecessary to collect upon investigation, the people's court shall not approve.   第九十五条 当事人申请调查收集的证据,与待证事实无关联、对证明待证事实无意义或者其他无调查收集必要的,人民法院不予准许。
Article 96 The evidence which the people's court deems necessary for trying a case as mentioned in paragraph 2, Article 64 of the Civil Procedure Law includes:   第九十六条 民事诉讼法六十四条第二款规定的人民法院认为审理案件需要的证据包括:
(1) Evidence that may damage national interests or public interests. (一)涉及可能损害国家利益、社会公共利益的;
(2) Evidence concerning any identity relationship. (二)涉及身份关系的;
(3) Evidence concerning an action mentioned in Article 55 of the Civil Procedure Law. (三)涉及民事诉讼法五十五条规定诉讼的;
(4) There is a possibility that the parties, maliciously in collusion, attempt to infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others. (四)当事人有恶意串通损害他人合法权益可能的;
(5) Evidence concerning such procedural matters as adding a party, suspending the trial, terminating the trial and disqualification based on its powers and functions. (五)涉及依职权追加当事人、中止诉讼、终结诉讼、回避等程序性事项的。
Except for the evidence mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall investigate and collect evidence upon the application of a party. 除前款规定外,人民法院调查收集证据,应当依照当事人的申请进行。
Article 97 A people's court shall assign two or more persons to jointly investigate and collect evidence. The investigation materials shall be signed, fingerprinted or sealed by the investigators, the respondent and the recording personnel.   第九十七条 人民法院调查收集证据,应当由两人以上共同进行。调查材料要由调查人、被调查人、记录人签名、捺印或者盖章。
Article 98 A party which applies for evidence preservation in accordance with the provision of paragraph 1, Article 81 of the Civil Procedure Law may submit an application in writing before the expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence.   第九十八条 当事人根据民事诉讼法八十一条第一款规定申请证据保全的,可以在举证期限届满前书面提出。
Where evidence preservation may cause any loss to others, the people's court shall order the party to provide corresponding security. 证据保全可能对他人造成损失的,人民法院应当责令申请人提供相应的担保。
Article 99 A people's court shall determine the time limit for adducing evidence by a party during the preparatory stage before trial. The time limit for adducing evidence may be negotiated by the parties, subject to permission of the people's court.   第九十九条 人民法院应当在审理前的准备阶段确定当事人的举证期限。举证期限可以由当事人协商,并经人民法院准许。
The time limit for adducing evidence determined by a people's court shall not be less than 15 days for a case under the formal procedure at first instance, and shall not be less than 10 days for a case under the procedure at second instance in which a party provides new evidence. 人民法院确定举证期限,第一审普通程序案件不得少于十五日,当事人提供新的证据的第二审案件不得少于十日。
Where a party applies for providing rebuttal evidence against evidence provided or providing supplements and corrections for defects in the source, form, and other aspects of evidence after the expiry of the time limit for adducing evidence, a people's court may, at its discretion, re-determine the time limit for adducing evidence, which is not subject to the provision of the preceding paragraph. 举证期限届满后,当事人对已经提供的证据,申请提供反驳证据或者对证据来源、形式等方面的瑕疵进行补正的,人民法院可以酌情再次确定举证期限,该期限不受前款规定的限制。
Article 100 A party which applies for an extension the time limit for adducing evidence shall submit an application in writing before the expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence.   第一百条 当事人申请延长举证期限的,应当在举证期限届满前向人民法院提出书面申请。
Where the grounds for the application are tenable, a people's court shall grant permission, appropriately extend the time limit for adducing evidence, and notify other parties. The extended time limit for adducing evidence shall be applicable to other parties. 申请理由成立的,人民法院应当准许,适当延长举证期限,并通知其他当事人。延长的举证期限适用于其他当事人。
Where the grounds for the application are not tenable, the people's court shall not grant permission, but shall notify the applicant. 申请理由不成立的,人民法院不予准许,并通知申请人。
Article 101 Where a party provides any evidence beyond the time limit, the people's court shall order the party to provide an explanation, and may request the party to provide corresponding evidence, if necessary.   第一百零一条 当事人逾期提供证据的,人民法院应当责令其说明理由,必要时可以要求其提供相应的证据。
Where a party provides evidence beyond the time limit for objective reasons or the opposite party does not raise any objection against the evidence provided beyond the time limit, it shall not be deemed overdue. 当事人因客观原因逾期提供证据,或者对方当事人对逾期提供证据未提出异议的,视为未逾期。
Article 102 Evidence provided by a party beyond the time limit deliberately or due to gross negligence shall be deemed inadmissible by a people's court. But the evidence which is related to the basic facts of the case shall be deemed admissible by the people's court which shall impose an admonition or a fine in accordance with the provisions of Article 65 and paragraph 1, Article 115 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第一百零二条 当事人因故意或者重大过失逾期提供的证据,人民法院不予采纳。但该证据与案件基本事实有关的,人民法院应当采纳,并依照民事诉讼法六十五条、第一百一十五条第一款的规定予以训诫、罚款。
Evidence provided by a party beyond the time limit not deliberately or due to gross negligence shall be deemed admissible by a people's court which shall impose an admonition on the party. 当事人非因故意或者重大过失逾期提供的证据,人民法院应当采纳,并对当事人予以训诫。
Where a party requests the opposite party to compensate for costs of transportation, accommodation, meals, lost labor, witness presenting at court, and other necessary expenses arising from overdue provision of evidence, a people's court may be supportive. 当事人一方要求另一方赔偿因逾期提供证据致使其增加的交通、住宿、就餐、误工、证人出庭作证等必要费用的,人民法院可予支持。
Article 103 Evidence shall be presented in court and cross-examined by the parties. Evidence without cross-examination by the parties shall not be regarded as the basis for deciding the facts of a case.   第一百零三条 证据应当在法庭上出示,由当事人互相质证。未经当事人质证的证据,不得作为认定案件事实的根据。
A party's evidence admissible during the preparatory phase before hearing shall be deemed as evidence cross-examined upon explanation by judges during court hearing. 当事人在审理前的准备阶段认可的证据,经审判人员在庭审中说明后,视为质证过的证据。
Evidence which involves any state secret, trade secret and individual privacy, or which shall be kept confidential according to the law shall not be cross-examined in public. 涉及国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私或者法律规定应当保密的证据,不得公开质证。
Article 104 A people's court shall organize the parties to make cross-examination on the authenticity and legitimacy of evidence and the relevance of the evidence to be investigated, and explain and debate on the existence or not and degree of the probative force of the evidence.   第一百零四条 人民法院应当组织当事人围绕证据的真实性、合法性以及与待证事实的关联性进行质证,并针对证据有无证明力和证明力大小进行说明和辩论。
Evidence which can reflect the reality of a case, which is related with the facts to be investigated, and whose source and form comply with the provisions of laws shall be deemed the basis for deciding the facts of a case. 能够反映案件真实情况、与待证事实相关联、来源和形式符合法律规定的证据,应当作为认定案件事实的根据。
Article 105 A people's court shall, in accordance with legal procedures, comprehensively and objectively examine and verify evidence; utilize logical reasoning and daily life rules to judge the existence of the probative force of evidence or not and the degree of the probative force according to the law and publicize the reasons and results of the judgment.   第一百零五条 人民法院应当按照法定程序,全面、客观地审核证据,依照法律规定,运用逻辑推理和日常生活经验法则,对证据有无证明力和证明力大小进行判断,并公开判断的理由和结果。
Article 106 Evidence formed or acquired by serious infringement upon the lawful rights and interests of others, violation of the law prohibitions or serious breach of public order and good custom shall not be deemed the basis for deciding the facts of a case.   第一百零六条 对以严重侵害他人合法权益、违反法律禁止性规定或者严重违背公序良俗的方法形成或者获取的证据,不得作为认定案件事实的根据。
Article 107 In lawsuits, facts accepted by the parties by compromise for the purpose of reaching an reconciliation agreement or a settlement agreement shall not be regarded as basis adverse thereto in the subsequent lawsuits, except as otherwise specified by laws or agreed by the parties.   第一百零七条 在诉讼中,当事人为达成调解协议或者和解协议作出妥协而认可的事实,不得在后续的诉讼中作为对其不利的根据,但法律另有规定或者当事人均同意的除外。
Article 108 For evidence provided by a party who bears the burden of proof, where a people's court finds out high possibility of existence of the facts to be investigated upon examination in combination with relevant facts, it shall be deemed that the facts exist.   第一百零八条 对负有举证证明责任的当事人提供的证据,人民法院经审查并结合相关事实,确信待证事实的存在具有高度可能性的,应当认定该事实存在。
For evidence provided by a party for the purpose of refuting the facts claimed by the party who bears the burden of proof, where a people's court believes whether the facts to be investigated are true or false is not clear upon examination in combination with relevant facts, it shall be deemed that the facts do not exist. 对一方当事人为反驳负有举证证明责任的当事人所主张事实而提供的证据,人民法院经审查并结合相关事实,认为待证事实真伪不明的,应当认定该事实不存在。
Where a law provides otherwise for the evidence standards for the facts to be proved, such standards shall prevail. 法律对于待证事实所应达到的证明标准另有规定的,从其规定。
Article 109 For proof of facts concerning fraud, duress, and malicious collusion, as well as proof of facts concerning oral will or gift by a party, where a people's court is convinced that the possibility for the existence of the facts to be investigated are beyond a reasonable doubt, it shall be deemed that such facts exist.   第一百零九条 当事人对欺诈、胁迫、恶意串通事实的证明,以及对口头遗嘱或者赠与事实的证明,人民法院确信该待证事实存在的可能性能够排除合理怀疑的,应当认定该事实存在。
Article 110 A people's court, if deems it necessary, may require the parties to appear in court in person, for questioning on the relevant facts of a case; and may request the parties to sign letters of guarantee before questioning.   第一百一十条 人民法院认为有必要的,可以要求当事人本人到庭,就案件有关事实接受询问。在询问当事人之前,可以要求其签署保证书。
The letters of guarantee shall specify that statements are to be made according to the facts and the statement maker will be willing to accept punishment if any misrepresentation is made, and so on. The parties shall sign or affix seals on the letters of guarantee. 保证书应当载明据实陈述、如有虚假陈述愿意接受处罚等内容。当事人应当在保证书上签名或者捺印。
Where a party who bears the burden of proof refuses to appear in court, accept questioning, or sign the letter of guarantee, and there is lack of other evidence to prove the facts to be investigated, a people's court shall not assert the facts claimed. 负有举证证明责任的当事人拒绝到庭、拒绝接受询问或者拒绝签署保证书,待证事实又欠缺其他证据证明的,人民法院对其主张的事实不予认定。
Article 111 Where it is indeed difficult to provide the original copy of documentary evidence as set forth in Article 70 of the Civil Procedure Law, including the following circumstances:   第一百一十一条 民事诉讼法七十条规定的提交书证原件确有困难,包括下列情形:
(1) The original copy of documentary evidence is lost, extinguished or damaged. (一)书证原件遗失、灭失或者毁损的;
(2) The original copy, under control of the opposite party, is refused to be submitted despite lawful notification of submission. (二)原件在对方当事人控制之下,经合法通知提交而拒不提交的;
(3) The original copy is under the control of another person who is entitled not to submit it. (三)原件在他人控制之下,而其有权不提交的;
(4) It is inconvenient to submit the original copy because of excess space or volume. (四)原件因篇幅或者体积过大而不便提交的;
(5) A party who bears the burden of proof is unable to obtain the original copy of documentary evidence through applying for investigation and collection by a people's court or other ways. (五)承担举证证明责任的当事人通过申请人民法院调查收集或者其他方式无法获得书证原件的。
Under the aforesaid circumstances, a people's court shall review to determine whether the duplicate of the documentary evidence is able to be regarded as the basis for deciding the facts of a case, in combination with other evidence and the specific circumstances of the case. 前款规定情形,人民法院应当结合其他证据和案件具体情况,审查判断书证复制品等能否作为认定案件事实的根据。
Article 112 Where the documentary evidence is under the control of the opposite party, the party who bears the burden of proof may submit a written application requesting the people's court to order the opposite party to submit it before the expiry of the time limit for adducing evidence.   第一百一十二条 书证在对方当事人控制之下的,承担举证证明责任的当事人可以在举证期限届满前书面申请人民法院责令对方当事人提交。
Where the grounds for the application are tenable, a people's court shall order the opposite party to submit. The expenses arising from the submission of documentary evidence shall be assumed by the applicant. Where the opposite party refuses to submit without justified reason, a people's court may identify that the contents of the documentary evidence adduced by the applicant are true. 申请理由成立的,人民法院应当责令对方当事人提交,因提交书证所产生的费用,由申请人负担。对方当事人无正当理由拒不提交的,人民法院可以认定申请人所主张的书证内容为真实。
Article 113 Where a party holding the documentary evidence destroys relevant documentary evidence or implements other behavior which makes the documentary evidence be unable to be used for the purpose of impeding the use by the opposite party, a people's court may, in accordance with the provision of Article 111 of the Civil Procedure Law, impose a fine or detention.   第一百一十三条 持有书证的当事人以妨碍对方当事人使用为目的,毁灭有关书证或者实施其他致使书证不能使用行为的,人民法院可以依照民事诉讼法一百一十一条规定,对其处以罚款、拘留。
Article 114 The matters recorded in the documents which are formulated by a State organ or another organization with social management functions according to law within their scope of functions shall be presumed to be true, except as otherwise overthrown by sufficient contrary evidence. When necessary, a people's court may request the organ or organization to explain the authenticity of the documents.   第一百一十四条 国家机关或者其他依法具有社会管理职能的组织,在其职权范围内制作的文书所记载的事项推定为真实,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。必要时,人民法院可以要求制作文书的机关或者组织对文书的真实性予以说明。
Article 115 The evidentiary materials produced by an entity to a people's court shall be signed or sealed by the person in charge and the preparer of the entity, with the seal of the entity to be affixed. A people's court may conduct an investigation of the evidentiary materials on the entity and the preparer of the evidentiary materials. If necessary, the preparer of the evidentiary material may be requested to appear in court as a witness.   第一百一十五条 单位向人民法院提出的证明材料,应当由单位负责人及制作证明材料的人员签名或者盖章,并加盖单位印章。人民法院就单位出具的证明材料,可以向单位及制作证明材料的人员进行调查核实。必要时,可以要求制作证明材料的人员出庭作证。
Where an entity and a preparer of the evidentiary materials refuse the investigation of a people's court or a preparer of the evidentiary materials refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, the evidentiary materials shall not be deemed as the basis for deciding the facts of a case. 单位及制作证明材料的人员拒绝人民法院调查核实,或者制作证明材料的人员无正当理由拒绝出庭作证的,该证明材料不得作为认定案件事实的根据。
Article 116 Audio-visual recordings shall include audio recordings and video recordings.   第一百一十六条 视听资料包括录音资料和影像资料。
Electronic data shall include e-mails, electronic data interchange, online chatting records, blog, micro-blog, SMS, electronic signatures, domains and other information formed or stored in electronic media. 电子数据是指通过电子邮件、电子数据交换、网上聊天记录、博客、微博客、手机短信、电子签名、域名等形成或者存储在电子介质中的信息。
The provisions on electronic data shall apply to the audio recordings and video recordings stored in electronic media. 存储在电子介质中的录音资料和影像资料,适用电子数据的规定。
Article 117 A party which applies for the presence of a witness in court shall propose before the expiry of the time limit for adducing evidence.   第一百一十七条 当事人申请证人出庭作证的,应当在举证期限届满前提出。
Where the circumstances as set forth in paragraph 1, Article 96 of these Interpretations are satisfied, a people's court may notify witnesses of testifying in court according to the powers. 符合本解释第九十六条第一款规定情形的,人民法院可以依职权通知证人出庭作证。
Without notice by a people's court, a witness may not testify in court, except as agreed by the two parties and permitted by a people's court. 未经人民法院通知,证人不得出庭作证,但双方当事人同意并经人民法院准许的除外。
Article 118 The travel, room and board, meal, and other necessary expenses of a witness for performing his or her obligation of testifying in court as set forth in Article 74 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be calculated according to the standards of travel expenses and subsidies for staff of organs and public institutions. Loss of working time shall be calculated as per the standard of national average daily pay of employees in the prior year.   第一百一十八条 民事诉讼法七十四条规定的证人因履行出庭作证义务而支出的交通、住宿、就餐等必要费用,按照机关事业单位工作人员差旅费用和补贴标准计算;误工损失按照国家上年度职工日平均工资标准计算。
A people's court allowing witnesses to testify in court shall notify the applicant of prepaying the expenses of witness presenting at court. 人民法院准许证人出庭作证申请的,应当通知申请人预缴证人出庭作证费用。
Article 119 A people's court shall inform the witness of the obligation of testifying truthfully and the legal consequence of giving false testimony and order the witness to sign a letter of guarantee, before the witness appears in court to testify, except persons without capacity for civil conduct and persons with limited capacity for civil conduct.   第一百一十九条 人民法院在证人出庭作证前应当告知其如实作证的义务以及作伪证的法律后果,并责令其签署保证书,但无民事行为能力人和限制民事行为能力人除外。
The relevant provisions of these Interpretations shall apply to parties' signing of a letter of guarantee. 证人签署保证书适用本解释关于当事人签署保证书的规定。
Article 120 A witness who refuses to sign a letter of guarantee shall not testify and shall assume relevant expenses.   第一百二十条 证人拒绝签署保证书的,不得作证,并自行承担相关费用。
Article 121 A party which applies for identification may propose before the expiry of the time limit for adducing evidence. Matters applied for identification which are irrelevant to the facts to be investigated or meaningless for the facts to be investigated shall not be permitted by a people's court.   第一百二十一条 当事人申请鉴定,可以在举证期限届满前提出。申请鉴定的事项与待证事实无关联,或者对证明待证事实无意义的,人民法院不予准许。
A people's court which permits the parties to apply for identification shall organize the parties to determine the qualified identification experts upon negotiations. Where negotiations of parties fail, identifiers shall be designated by a people's court. 人民法院准许当事人鉴定申请的,应当组织双方当事人协商确定具备相应资格的鉴定人。当事人协商不成的,由人民法院指定。
Where the conditions for investigating and collecting evidence according to the powers are satisfied, a people's court shall entrust identification according to the powers and designate qualified identification experts after seeking opinions of the parties. 符合依职权调查收集证据条件的,人民法院应当依职权委托鉴定,在询问当事人的意见后,指定具备相应资格的鉴定人。
Article 122 A party may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 79 of the Civil Procedure Law, apply for inviting one to two persons with expertise to appear in court to conduct cross-examination on the expert opinions on behalf of the party or propose opinions on the specialized issues involved in the facts of a case, before the expiry of the time limit for adducing evidence.   第一百二十二条 当事人可以依照民事诉讼法七十九条的规定,在举证期限届满前申请一至二名具有专门知识的人出庭,代表当事人对鉴定意见进行质证,或者对案件事实所涉及的专业问题提出意见。
Opinions proposed by persons with expertise in court on the specialized issues shall be deemed as statements of the parties. 具有专门知识的人在法庭上就专业问题提出的意见,视为当事人的陈述。
Where an application of a party is permitted by a people's court, relevant expenses shall be assumed by the applying party. 人民法院准许当事人申请的,相关费用由提出申请的当事人负担。
Article 123 A people's court may cross-examine persons with expertise appearing in court. Permitted by the court, the parties may cross-examine persons with expertise appearing in court. Persons with expertise respectively applied for by the parties may confront on relevant issues of a case.   第一百二十三条 人民法院可以对出庭的具有专门知识的人进行询问。经法庭准许,当事人可以对出庭的具有专门知识的人进行询问,当事人各自申请的具有专门知识的人可以就案件中的有关问题进行对质。
Persons with expertise may not participate in court hearing activities other than those on the specialized issues. 具有专门知识的人不得参与专业问题之外的法庭审理活动。
Article 124 A people's court, where it deems necessary, may survey the physical evidence or site according to the application of a party or the powers. The privacy and dignity of others shall be protected in survey.   第一百二十四条 人民法院认为有必要的,可以根据当事人的申请或者依职权对物证或者现场进行勘验。勘验时应当保护他人的隐私和尊严。
A people's court may require the identification expert to participate in the survey; and may require the identification expert to conduct identification in survey. 人民法院可以要求鉴定人参与勘验。必要时,可以要求鉴定人在勘验中进行鉴定。
V. Periods and Service of Process 


Article 125 In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2, Article 82 of the Civil Procedure Law, all the time periods calculated by hour in civil proceedings shall start from the next hour. Periods calculated by day, month and year shall start from the next day.   第一百二十五条 依照民事诉讼法八十二条第二款规定,民事诉讼中以时起算的期间从次时起算;以日、月、年计算的期间从次日起算。
Article 126 The time limit for docketing a case as prescribed in Article 123 of the Civil Procedure Law, if the bill of complaint is not complete and the plaintiff is notified of supplementing it, shall start from the next day after the plaintiff has supplemented the bill of complaint. For a case transferred to a people's court at a lower level by a people's court at a higher level, it shall start from the next day after the people's court in which the action is instituted receives the bill of complaint.   第一百二十六条 民事诉讼法一百二十三条规定的立案期限,因起诉状内容欠缺通知原告补正的,从补正后交人民法院的次日起算。由上级人民法院转交下级人民法院立案的案件,从受诉人民法院收到起诉状的次日起算。
Article 127 The period of six months as prescribed in paragraph 3, Article 56 and Article 205 of the Civil Procedure Law and Articles 374, 384, 401, 422, and 423 of this Interpretation and the period of one year as prescribed in Article 223 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be the invariable periods to which the provisions on the suspension, interruption or extension of time limitations for instituting an action shall not apply.   第一百二十七条 民事诉讼法五十六条第三款、第二百零五条以及本解释第三百七十四条、第三百八十四条、第四百零一条、第四百二十二条、第四百二十三条规定的六个月,民事诉讼法二百二十三条规定的一年,为不变期间,不适用诉讼时效中止、中断、延长的规定。
Article 128 Where a case is retried under the procedure at first instance or the procedure at second instance, the time limit for completing the trial as prescribed in Article 149 and Article 176 of the Civil Procedure Law shall apply. The time limit for completing the trial shall start from the next day after the retrial case is docketed.   第一百二十八条 再审案件按照第一审程序或者第二审程序审理的,适用民事诉讼法一百四十九条、第一百七十六条规定的审限。审限自再审立案的次日起算。
Article 129 A people's court shall complete the review of a retrial case within three months upon the receipt of the application. However, the announcement period, the periods for reconciliation of the litigants, and other periods shall not be included in the period of review. Extension, if necessary, under special circumstances, shall be subject to approval of the president of the court.   第一百二十九条 对申请再审案件,人民法院应当自受理之日起三个月内审查完毕,但公告期间、当事人和解期间等不计入审查期限。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。
Article 130 For the service of litigation documents on a legal person or other organization, the legal representative of the legal person or the main person in-charge of the organization or the person in the office, mail room or janitor's room responsible for receipt of mails shall sign for litigation documents or affix seals; otherwise, the service by leaving the rejected legal document at the place of abode shall be applied.   第一百三十条 向法人或者其他组织送达诉讼文书,应当由法人的法定代表人、该组织的主要负责人或者办公室、收发室、值班室等负责收件的人签收或者盖章,拒绝签收或者盖章的,适用留置送达。
The representatives of relevant grassroots organizations and entities as provided in Article 86 of the Civil Procedure Law may be neighborhood committees of the recipients, employees of the villagers' committees, and employees of the entities of the recipients. 民事诉讼法八十六条规定的有关基层组织和所在单位的代表,可以是受送达人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会的工作人员以及受送达人所在单位的工作人员。
Article 131 For the service of litigation documents directly served by a people's court, the parties may be notified of receiving at the people's court. Where a party refuses to sign a service acknowledgement at the people's court, it shall be deemed served. Judges and court clerks shall indicate the situation of service and sign on the service acknowledgement.   第一百三十一条 人民法院直接送达诉讼文书的,可以通知当事人到人民法院领取。当事人到达人民法院,拒绝签署送达回证的,视为送达。审判人员、书记员应当在送达回证上注明送达情况并签名。
A people's court may directly serve the litigation document on parties in locations other than the places of their domiciles. Where a party refuses to sign a service acknowledgement, the service of process shall be recorded by photograph, video and other means, and the process shall be deemed served. Judges and court clerks shall indicate the situation of service and sign on the service acknowledgement. 人民法院可以在当事人住所地以外向当事人直接送达诉讼文书。当事人拒绝签署送达回证的,采用拍照、录像等方式记录送达过程即视为送达。审判人员、书记员应当在送达回证上注明送达情况并签名。
Article 132 If the recipient has a litigation representative, the people's court may serve the legal document either on the recipient or on his litigation representative. If the recipient has designated his litigation representative for receipt of legal document, the service by leaving the rejected legal document at the place of abode may be applied in the case of service of a legal document on the litigation representative.   第一百三十二条 受送达人有诉讼代理人的,人民法院既可以向受送达人送达,也可以向其诉讼代理人送达。受送达人指定诉讼代理人为代收人的,向诉讼代理人送达时,适用留置送达。
Article 133 A consent judgment shall be served directly on the parties concerned, and the service by leaving the rejected legal document at the place of abode shall not be applied. If any parties concerned can not sign for the consent judgment by himself for certain reasons, he can designate an agent for doing so.   第一百三十三条 调解书应当直接送达当事人本人,不适用留置送达。当事人本人因故不能签收的,可由其指定的代收人签收。
Article 134 If a litigation document is served by the entrusted people's court in accordance with the provision of Article 88 of the Civil Procedure Law, the entrusting people's court shall issue a power of attorney and attach the litigation document for service and the service acknowledgement, and the date stated by the recipient on the service acknowledgement shall be the date of service.   第一百三十四条 依照民事诉讼法八十八条规定,委托其他人民法院代为送达的,委托法院应当出具委托函,并附需要送达的诉讼文书和送达回证,以受送达人在送达回证上签收的日期为送达日期。
For a service of process through entrustment, the entrusted people's court shall vicariously complete service of process within ten days upon receipt of the letter of entrustment and relevant litigation documents. 委托送达的,受委托人民法院应当自收到委托函及相关诉讼文书之日起十日内代为送达。
Article 135 Process may be served electronically via fax, email, mobile communications and other specific systems.   第一百三十五条 电子送达可以采用传真、电子邮件、移动通信等即时收悉的特定系统作为送达媒介。
The date of reaching the specific system of the person to be served as provided in paragraph 2, Article 87 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be the date of successful service of process as indicated in the corresponding system of the people's court. However, where the date of reaching the specific system as proved by the person to be served is inconsistent with the date of successful service of process as indicated in the corresponding system of the people's court, the former shall prevail. 民事诉讼法八十七条第二款规定的到达受送达人特定系统的日期,为人民法院对应系统显示发送成功的日期,但受送达人证明到达其特定系统的日期与人民法院对应系统显示发送成功的日期不一致的,以受送达人证明到达其特定系统的日期为准。
Article 136 Where a person to be served agrees to adopt electronic service, it shall be confirmed in the confirmation form for service address.   第一百三十六条 受送达人同意采用电子方式送达的,应当在送达地址确认书中予以确认。
Article 137 Where a party does not change the address for service in writing in application for appeal, retrial or enforcement, his address for service as confirmed in the procedure of the first instance may be deemed as the address for service of the procedure of the second instance, the procedure of supervision of adjudication, and the enforcement procedure.   第一百三十七条 当事人在提起上诉、申请再审、申请执行时未书面变更送达地址的,其在第一审程序中确认的送达地址可以作为第二审程序、审判监督程序、执行程序的送达地址。
Article 138 For the service of process by announcement, an announcement shall be posted on the bulletin board of the court or at the domicile of the person to be served. An announcement may also be published in newspaper, information networks and other media. The last posting or publishing date shall prevail for the date of announcement. Where there are special requirements for the service by announcement, the announcement shall be made in the required manner. After expiration of the term of announcement, the process shall be deemed served.   第一百三十八条 公告送达可以在法院的公告栏和受送达人住所地张贴公告,也可以在报纸、信息网络等媒体上刊登公告,发出公告日期以最后张贴或者刊登的日期为准。对公告送达方式有特殊要求的,应当按要求的方式进行。公告期满,即视为送达。
Where a people's court posts an announcement at a domicile of the person to be served, the process of posting shall be recorded by photograph, video and other means. 人民法院在受送达人住所地张贴公告的,应当采取拍照、录像等方式记录张贴过程。
Article 139 The reasons for service of process by announcement shall be explained. For the service of the duplicate of a bill of complaint or a petition for appeal by announcement, the people's court shall indicate the key points of complaint or appeal, the term for the person to be served to make defense as well as the legal consequences if the recipient fails to make defense within the stipulated term. For the service of a summons by announcement, the people's court shall indicate the place and time for court appearance as well as the legal consequences for failure to appear in court at the designated place and time. For the service of a judgment or ruling, the people's court shall indicate main adjudication items, as well as the rights of appeal, term of appeal and the appellate people's court, where a party is entitled to appeal.   第一百三十九条 公告送达应当说明公告送达的原因;公告送达起诉状或者上诉状副本的,应当说明起诉或者上诉要点,受送达人答辩期限及逾期不答辩的法律后果;公告送达传票,应当说明出庭的时间和地点及逾期不出庭的法律后果;公告送达判决书、裁定书的,应当说明裁判主要内容,当事人有权上诉的,还应当说明上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的人民法院。
Article 140 Where a case is heard under summary procedure, service by announcement shall not be applicable.   第一百四十条 适用简易程序的案件,不适用公告送达。
Article 141 If any party rejects to sign for a judgment or ruling when the people's court pronounces a judgment or ruling at fixed time, the process shall be deemed served, and the circumstance shall be indicated in the transcripts of pronouncement.   第一百四十一条 人民法院在定期宣判时,当事人拒不签收判决书、裁定书的,应视为送达,并在宣判笔录中记明。
VI. Mediation 


Article 142 If, after acceptance of a case, the people's court deems upon examination that the legal relationship is explicit and facts are clear, it can directly conduct mediation after having solicited the consent of both parties.   第一百四十二条 人民法院受理案件后,经审查,认为法律关系明确、事实清楚,在征得当事人双方同意后,可以径行调解。
Article 143 No mediation may be made for cases heard under special procedure, supervision procedure, and public notice procedure, cases confirming marriage and other personal status relationship, and other cases for which mediation may not be made according to the nature of cases.   第一百四十三条 适用特别程序、督促程序、公示催告程序的案件,婚姻等身份关系确认案件以及其他根据案件性质不能进行调解的案件,不得调解。
Article 144 A people's court which finds out that parties, maliciously in collusion, attempt to infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of other persons by reconciliation or mediation, in hearing civil cases, shall deal with it in accordance with the provisions of Article 112 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第一百四十四条 人民法院审理民事案件,发现当事人之间恶意串通,企图通过和解、调解方式侵害他人合法权益的,应当依照民事诉讼法一百一十二条的规定处理。
Article 145 When a people's court hears civil cases, it shall conduct mediation on the principle of free will and legality. If one party or both parties are unwilling to conduct mediation, a judgment shall be rendered in a timely manner.   第一百四十五条 人民法院审理民事案件,应当根据自愿、合法的原则进行调解。当事人一方或者双方坚持不愿调解的,应当及时裁判。
A people's court shall conduct mediation when hearing the cases of divorce, but shall not conduct long-term mediation without decisive results. 人民法院审理离婚案件,应当进行调解,但不应久调不决。
Article 146 When a people's court hears civil cases, mediation shall not be made in public, unless as agreed by the parties.   第一百四十六条 人民法院审理民事案件,调解过程不公开,但当事人同意公开的除外。
The contents of mediation agreements shall not be disclosed, unless when deemed as necessary by the people's court for the protection of national interests, public interests and the lawful rights and interests of others. 调解协议内容不公开,但为保护国家利益、社会公共利益、他人合法权益,人民法院认为确有必要公开的除外。
Persons presiding over and participating in the mediations shall keep the mediation process, as well as the state secrets, trade secrets, personal privacy, and other information inappropriate to be disclosed which are obtained during the mediation process confidential, except for the protection of national interests, public interests and the lawful rights and interests of others. 主持调解以及参与调解的人员,对调解过程以及调解过程中获悉的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私和其他不宜公开的信息,应当保守秘密,但为保护国家利益、社会公共利益、他人合法权益的除外。
Article 147 When the people's court mediates a case, if the parties can not appear in court, upon special authorization, his authorized agent can participate in mediation, and the mediation agreement as concluded may be signed by his authorized agent.   第一百四十七条 人民法院调解案件时,当事人不能出庭的,经其特别授权,可由其委托代理人参加调解,达成的调解协议,可由委托代理人签名。
If one party to a case of divorce can not appear in court for mediation under a special circumstance, except that party himself can not express his ideas, he shall present written opinions. 离婚案件当事人确因特殊情况无法出庭参加调解的,除本人不能表达意志的以外,应当出具书面意见。
Article 148 Where parties request a people's court to make a written judgment according to the settlement or mediation agreement after reaching an agreement through settlement or mediation themselves, the people's court may not grant permission.   第一百四十八条 当事人自行和解或者调解达成协议后,请求人民法院按照和解协议或者调解协议的内容制作判决书的,人民法院不予准许。
For a case of divorce in which one party is a person of no capacity for civil conduct, his statutory agent shall participate in litigation for him. If the statutory agent reaches an agreement with the opposite party and requests to issue a judgment, the people's court can prepare a judgment based on the contents of the agreement. 无民事行为能力人的离婚案件,由其法定代理人进行诉讼。法定代理人与对方达成协议要求发给判决书的,可根据协议内容制作判决书。
Article 149 The consent judgment shall take effect only after signed by the parties for the service of process. The day when the party that receives the consent judgment behind makes signature shall be the day when the consent judgment comes into effect.   第一百四十九条 调解书需经当事人签收后才发生法律效力的,应当以最后收到调解书的当事人签收的日期为调解书生效日期。
Article 150 A people's court which needs a third party without independent claim to assume liability in the mediation of civil cases shall be subject to the consent of the third party. If the third party retracts before a mediation agreement is served on the party, the people's court shall render a judgment in a timely manner.   第一百五十条 人民法院调解民事案件,需由无独立请求权的第三人承担责任的,应当经其同意。该第三人在调解书送达前反悔的,人民法院应当及时裁判。
Article 151 Where it takes effect after parties agree to sign or affix seals on the mediation agreements as provided in paragraph 1 (4), Article 98 of the Civil Procedure Law, it shall be recorded in the transcripts or be attached in the annex to the mediation agreement upon review and confirmation by the people's court, and become legally binding immediately after both sides and the judges and court clerk affix their signatures or seals to the transcripts.   第一百五十一条 根据民事诉讼法九十八条第一款第四项规定,当事人各方同意在调解协议上签名或者盖章后即发生法律效力的,经人民法院审查确认后,应当记入笔录或者将调解协议附卷,并由当事人、审判人员、书记员签名或者盖章后即具有法律效力。
Where the parties request the preparation of a consent judgment under the aforesaid circumstances, a people's court may prepare a consent judgment and serve it on the parties upon review and confirmation. Parties' rejection of consent judgment shall not affect the validity of the mediation agreement. 前款规定情形,当事人请求制作调解书的,人民法院审查确认后可以制作调解书送交当事人。当事人拒收调解书的,不影响调解协议的效力。
VII. Preservation and Advance Enforcement 


Article 152 Where a people's court orders an interested party or parties concerned to provide security when taking pre-action preservation and litigation preservation measures in accordance with the provisions of Article 100 and Article 101 of the Civil Procedure Law, they shall be notified in writing.   第一百五十二条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法一百条、第一百零一条规定,在采取诉前保全、诉讼保全措施时,责令利害关系人或者当事人提供担保的,应当书面通知。
An interested party which applies for pre-action preservation shall provide security. A party applying for pre-action property preservation shall provide security equivalent to the amount of preservation requested. In special circumstances, a people's court may handle it at its discretion. A party applying for pre-action behavior preservation shall provide security of the amount which is determined by a people's court based on the specific circumstances of the case. 利害关系人申请诉前保全的,应当提供担保。申请诉前财产保全的,应当提供相当于请求保全数额的担保;情况特殊的,人民法院可以酌情处理。申请诉前行为保全的,担保的数额由人民法院根据案件的具体情况决定。
In a lawsuit, a people's court applying for preservation measures according to the application or powers shall determine whether the parties shall provide security and the amount of such security, based on the specific circumstances of the case. 在诉讼中,人民法院依申请或者依职权采取保全措施的,应当根据案件的具体情况,决定当事人是否应当提供担保以及担保的数额。
Article 153 When a people's court adopts the measure for preservation of seasonal goods, fresh or decayable goods, or goods unsuitable for long-time preservation, it can order the party concerned to timely dispose of the said goods and keep money therefrom; and when necessary, the people's court may sell off the said goods and keep the money.   第一百五十三条 人民法院对季节性商品、鲜活、易腐烂变质以及其他不宜长期保存的物品采取保全措施时,可以责令当事人及时处理,由人民法院保存价款;必要时,人民法院可予以变卖,保存价款。
Article 154 When a people's court adopts the measures of seizure, detention, or freezing, it shall properly keep the property as seized, detained, or frozen. For property unsuitable to be kept by a people's court, a people's court may designate the preserved person to keep it. For property unsuitable to be kept by the preserved person, a people's court may entrust the keeping to others or the preservation applicant.   第一百五十四条 人民法院在财产保全中采取查封、扣押、冻结财产措施时,应当妥善保管被查封、扣押、冻结的财产。不宜由人民法院保管的,人民法院可以指定被保全人负责保管;不宜由被保全人保管的,可以委托他人或者申请保全人保管。
Security interest occupied by a security interest holder by seizure, detention, or freezing shall generally be kept by the security interest holder. For those kept by a people's court, the right of pledge and the lien shall not be eliminated due to the adoption of preservation measures. 查封、扣押、冻结担保物权人占有的担保财产,一般由担保物权人保管;由人民法院保管的,质权、留置权不因采取保全措施而消灭。
Article 155 Property kept by the preserved person as designated by a people's court may be continuously used by the preserved person, if continuous use has no significant impact on the value of such property. Property kept by a people's court or kept by others and the preservation applicant upon commission shall not be used by the people's court or other keepers.   第一百五十五条 由人民法院指定被保全人保管的财产,如果继续使用对该财产的价值无重大影响,可以允许被保全人继续使用;由人民法院保管或者委托他人、申请保全人保管的财产,人民法院和其他保管人不得使用。
Article 156 A people's court which takes property preservation methods and measures shall handle it in accordance with the relevant provisions of the enforcement procedure.   第一百五十六条 人民法院采取财产保全的方法和措施,依照执行程序相关规定办理。
Article 157 A people's court may adopt the measure of property preservation to the object under mortgage, pledge or lien, but the mortgagee, pledgee or lienor has the priority of compensation.   第一百五十七条 人民法院对抵押物、质押物、留置物可以采取财产保全措施,但不影响抵押权人、质权人、留置权人的优先受偿权。
Article 158 For the receivable proceeds due to the debtor, the people's court may adopt the measure of property preservation and restrict the debtor from drawing these proceeds, and notify the relevant entity of offering assistance in the enforcement.   第一百五十八条 人民法院对债务人到期应得的收益,可以采取财产保全措施,限制其支取,通知有关单位协助执行。
Article 159 If the debtor's properties are not enough for the request for property preservation but the debtor has mature creditor's rights to others, the people's court may rule, upon application of the creditor, that others shall not make payment to the debtor. If others request to make payment, the property or money shall be submitted to the people's court.   第一百五十九条 债务人的财产不能满足保全请求,但对他人有到期债权的,人民法院可以依债权人的申请裁定该他人不得对本案债务人清偿。该他人要求偿付的,由人民法院提存财物或者价款。
Article 160 Where a party institutes an action in a people's court having jurisdiction other than the people's court taking pre-action preservation measures, the people's court taking pre-action preservation measures shall transfer the preservation formalities to the court accepting the case. A ruling of pre-action preservation shall be deemed as the ruling made by the people's court to which the formalities are transferred.   第一百六十条 当事人向采取诉前保全措施以外的其他有管辖权的人民法院起诉的,采取诉前保全措施的人民法院应当将保全手续移送受理案件的人民法院。诉前保全的裁定视为受移送人民法院作出的裁定。
Article 161 For a case of appeal filed because the party is not satisfied with the judgment of first instance, if the party concerned transfers, hides, sells or destroys the property before the people's court of second instance receives the case as filed, and the measure of preservation shall be adopted, the people's court of first instance can adopt the measure of property preservation upon application of the party concerned or upon the strength of its authority. The ruling about preservation of the people's court of first instance shall be timely reported to the people's court of second instance.   第一百六十一条 对当事人不服一审判决提起上诉的案件,在第二审人民法院接到报送的案件之前,当事人有转移、隐匿、出卖或者毁损财产等行为,必须采取保全措施的,由第一审人民法院依当事人申请或者依职权采取。第一审人民法院的保全裁定,应当及时报送第二审人民法院。
Article 162 A people's court of second instance which renders a ruling to adopt renewal preservation measures or new preservation measures for the preservation measures adopted by the people's court of first instance may implement it on its own or entrust the implementation to the people's court of first instance.   第一百六十二条 第二审人民法院裁定对第一审人民法院采取的保全措施予以续保或者采取新的保全措施的,可以自行实施,也可以委托第一审人民法院实施。
A people's court of retrial which renders a ruling to adopt renewal preservation measures or new preservation measures for the previous preservation measures may implement it on its own or entrust the implementation to the people's court of original trial. 再审人民法院裁定对原保全措施予以续保或者采取新的保全措施的,可以自行实施,也可以委托原审人民法院或者执行法院实施。
Article 163 After legal instruments enter into force and before they enter the implementation procedure, a creditor, under emergency circumstances such as the opposite party's transfer of property which may lead to inability to implement the effective legal instruments or difficulty to implement them in the absence of application for preservation, may apply for preservation measures with the court of enforcement. Where a creditor fails to apply for enforcement within five days after the expiry of the performance term as specified in the legal instrument, a people's court shall cancel the preservation.   第一百六十三条 法律文书生效后,进入执行程序前,债权人因对方当事人转移财产等紧急情况,不申请保全将可能导致生效法律文书不能执行或者难以执行的,可以向执行法院申请采取保全措施。债权人在法律文书指定的履行期间届满后五日内不申请执行的,人民法院应当解除保全。
Article 164 For the property posted as security provided by the preservation applicant or others, a people's court shall complete the formalities of seizure, detention, freezing and others.   第一百六十四条 对申请保全人或者他人提供的担保财产,人民法院应当依法办理查封、扣押、冻结等手续。
Article 165 After a people's court rules to take the measures of preservation, except that the people's court that rendered the preservation ruling or the superior thereof removes the preservation measures, no entity may remove the preservation measures within the term of preservation.   第一百六十五条 人民法院裁定采取保全措施后,除作出保全裁定的人民法院自行解除或者其上级人民法院决定解除外,在保全期限内,任何单位不得解除保全措施。
Article 166 After a ruling of adopting preservation measures is rendered, a people's court shall render a ruling of removing preservation, in one of the following circumstances:   第一百六十六条 裁定采取保全措施后,有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当作出解除保全裁定:
(1) The preservation is false. (一)保全错误的;
(2) The applicant withdraws the application for preservation. (二)申请人撤回保全申请的;
(3) The applicant's prosecution or claims are dismissed by a valid judgment. (三)申请人的起诉或者诉讼请求被生效裁判驳回的;
(4) Other circumstances under which a people's court deems that preservation shall be removed. (四)人民法院认为应当解除保全的其他情形。
Where preservation measures implemented by registration are removed, a notice of enforcement assistance shall be issued to the registration authority. 解除以登记方式实施的保全措施的,应当向登记机关发出协助执行通知书。
Article 167 Where the preserved person of property preservation provides other equivalent property posted as security which is conducive to enforcement, a people's court may render a ruling of changing the subject matter of preservation to the property posted as security by the preserved person.   第一百六十七条 财产保全的被保全人提供其他等值担保财产且有利于执行的,人民法院可以裁定变更保全标的物为被保全人提供的担保财产。
Article 168 A preservation ruling, without revocation or removal by a people's court according to the law, shall be automatically converted to seizure, detention, and freezing measures, after entering into the enforcement procedure. The term shall be calculated continuously. The court of enforcement does not need to prepare a new ruling in writing, except when the seizure, detention, and freezing term expires.   第一百六十八条 保全裁定未经人民法院依法撤销或者解除,进入执行程序后,自动转为执行中的查封、扣押、冻结措施,期限连续计算,执行法院无需重新制作裁定书,但查封、扣押、冻结期限届满的除外。
Article 169 The “advance enforcement” prescribed in the Civil Procedure Law shall be conducted by the people's court after a case has been accepted but before the final judgment is made. The advance enforcement shall be limited to the scope of claims of the party concerned and to the urgent needs for the life, production or business operation of the party concerned.   第一百六十九条 民事诉讼法规定的先予执行,人民法院应当在受理案件后终审判决作出前采取。先予执行应当限于当事人诉讼请求的范围,并以当事人的生活、生产经营的急需为限。
Article 170 The “emergencies” prescribed in Article 106 (3) in the Civil Procedure Law shall include:   第一百七十条 民事诉讼法一百零六条第三项规定的情况紧急,包括:
(1) It is necessary to immediately stop infringement and remove obstacle. (一)需要立即停止侵害、排除妨碍的;
(2) It is necessary to immediately stop some acts. (二)需要立即制止某项行为的;
(3) The insurance compensation in the urgent need for recovery of production or business operation is recovered. (三)追索恢复生产、经营急需的保险理赔费的;
(4) It is necessary to immediately refund social insurance and social assistance funds. (四)需要立即返还社会保险金、社会救助资金的;
(5) Failure to refund immediately will seriously affect the life and operation of the right holders. (五)不立即返还款项,将严重影响权利人生活和生产经营的。
Article 171 Against a ruling of preservation or advance enforcement, a party may apply for reconsideration with the people's court rendering such ruling within five days from the receipt of the ruling. A people's court shall, within ten days after receipt of the application for reconsideration, conduct examination. The people's court shall reject the application of the party concerned if the ruling is correct; or shall alter or cancel the original ruling if the ruling is inappropriate.   第一百七十一条 当事人对保全或者先予执行裁定不服的,可以自收到裁定书之日起五日内向作出裁定的人民法院申请复议。人民法院应当在收到复议申请后十日内审查。裁定正确的,驳回当事人的申请;裁定不当的,变更或者撤销原裁定。
Article 172 Against a ruling on preservation or advance enforcement, an interested party may apply for reconsideration. The people's court rendering the ruling shall handle it in accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第一百七十二条 利害关系人对保全或者先予执行的裁定不服申请复议的,由作出裁定的人民法院依照民事诉讼法一百零八条规定处理。
Article 173 If, after the advance enforcement by the people's court, an applicant shall return the proceeds obtained from advance enforcement according to the judgment that has come into force, Article 233 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be applied.   第一百七十三条 人民法院先予执行后,根据发生法律效力的判决,申请人应当返还因先予执行所取得的利益的,适用民事诉讼法二百三十三条的规定。
VIII. Compulsory Measures against Obstruction of Civil Procedures 


Article 174 As mentioned in Article 109 of the Civil Procedure Law, “defendant who must appear in court” means a defendant who has the obligation to support elderly parents, underage children, or other adult dependants and whose appearance in court is indispensable for finding case facts.   第一百七十四条 民事诉讼法一百零九条规定的必须到庭的被告,是指负有赡养、抚育、扶养义务和不到庭就无法查清案情的被告。
Where a plaintiff whose appearance in court is indispensable for finding case facts refuses to appear in court without justifiable reasons after being summonsed twice by a people's court, the people's court may summons the plaintiff by force. 人民法院对必须到庭才能查清案件基本事实的原告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。
Article 175 A warrant shall be issued for a summons by force and be directly served on the summonsed person. Before summonsing a person by force, the summonsed person shall be informed of the consequences of refusal to appear in court, and may be summonsed to court by force if the summonsed person still refuses to appear in court after criticism and education.   第一百七十五条 拘传必须用拘传票,并直接送达被拘传人;在拘传前,应当向被拘传人说明拒不到庭的后果,经批评教育仍拒不到庭的,可以拘传其到庭。
Article 176 Where any litigant participant or other person has any of the following acts, a people's court may handle it in accordance with the provision of Article 110 of the Civil Procedure Law:   第一百七十六条 诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以适用民事诉讼法一百一十条规定处理:
(1) Unauthorized audio, video, and photograph recording; (一)未经准许进行录音、录像、摄影的;
(2) on-site dissemination of trial activities by mobile communications and other means without permission; and (二)未经准许以移动通信等方式现场传播审判活动的;
(3) other activities disturbing the court order and obstructing judicial activities. (三)其他扰乱法庭秩序,妨害审判活动进行的。
In case of the circumstances as provided in the preceding paragraph, a people's court may temporarily seize the equipment of litigant participants or other persons for audio, video, and photograph recording, as well as dissemination of trial activities; and order them to delete relevant contents. In case of refusal to delete, a people's court may take necessary means to forcibly remove these contents. 有前款规定情形的,人民法院可以暂扣诉讼参与人或者其他人进行录音、录像、摄影、传播审判活动的器材,并责令其删除有关内容;拒不删除的,人民法院可以采取必要手段强制删除。
Article 177 A collegial bench or an independent judge shall make decision of admonishing and ordering persons to leave the court. The admonishing contents and the illegal facts of the persons who are ordered to leave the court shall be recorded in the trial transcripts.   第一百七十七条 训诫、责令退出法庭由合议庭或者独任审判员决定。训诫的内容、被责令退出法庭者的违法事实应当记入庭审笔录。
Article 178 If a people's court needs to adopt detention measures in accordance with the provisions from Article 110 to 114 of the Civil Procedure Law, it shall be subject to approval by the court president, a written decision of detention shall be made, and the detainee shall be transferred by judicial police to the local public security organ for custody.   第一百七十八条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法一百一十条至第一百一十四条的规定采取拘留措施的,应经院长批准,作出拘留决定书,由司法警察将被拘留人送交当地公安机关看管。
Article 179 If the detainee does not stay within the jurisdiction of the people's court that makes the decision of detention, this people's court shall assign clerks to the people's court at the place where the detainee stays and request the latter to offer assistance in enforcement, and the entrusted people's court shall timely assign clerks for assistance in enforcement. If the detainee applies for reconsideration or admits and corrects errors during the course of detention, and the measure of detention needs to be removed in advance, the entrusted people's court shall inform of the circumstance or bring forward a suggestion to the entrusting people's court for examination and decision.   第一百七十九条 被拘留人不在本辖区的,作出拘留决定的人民法院应当派员到被拘留人所在地的人民法院,请该院协助执行,受委托的人民法院应当及时派员协助执行。被拘留人申请复议或者在拘留期间承认并改正错误,需要提前解除拘留的,受委托人民法院应当向委托人民法院转达或者提出建议,由委托人民法院审查决定。
Article 180 After taking the measure of detention against a detainee, a people's court shall, within 24 hours, notify the detainee's family members; and if such family members actually fail to be notified on schedule or cannot be notified, it shall be on record.   第一百八十条 人民法院对被拘留人采取拘留措施后,应当在二十四小时内通知其家属;确实无法按时通知或者通知不到的,应当记录在案。
Article 181 Where the measure of detention needs to be immediately taken in the case of such emergency circumstances as clamoring in a courtroom or attacking a courtroom, and resisting the exercise of official duties by violence, threat, and other means, after detaining the offenders, the judicial personnel shall report to the president of the people's court for supplementing the approval formality. If the president deems that the measure of detention is improper, the detention shall be removed.   第一百八十一条 因哄闹、冲击法庭,用暴力、威胁等方法抗拒执行公务等紧急情况,必须立即采取拘留措施的,可在拘留后,立即报告院长补办批准手续。院长认为拘留不当的,应当解除拘留。
Article 182 Where the detainee admits his or her mistake and shows repentance during the period of detention, he or she may be ordered to make a statement of repentance and the measure of detention may be removed in advance. The removal of detention in advance shall be subject to approval of the president of a people's court, and a written decision on removal of detention in advance shall be made and given to the public security organ in charge of custody of the detainee for enforcement.   第一百八十二条 被拘留人在拘留期间认错悔改的,可以责令其具结悔过,提前解除拘留。提前解除拘留,应报经院长批准,并作出提前解除拘留决定书,交负责看管的公安机关执行。
Article 183 The measures of fine and detention as prescribed in Articles 110 to 113 of the Civil Procedure Law may be applied either separately or concurrently.   第一百八十三条 民事诉讼法一百一十条至第一百一十三条规定的罚款、拘留可以单独适用,也可以合并适用。
Article 184 The measures of fine and detention against the same obstruction of civil procedures shall not be applied continuously. Where a new obstruction of civil procedures occurs, the people's court may impose a fine or detention again.   第一百八十四条 对同一妨害民事诉讼行为的罚款、拘留不得连续适用。发生新的妨害民事诉讼行为的,人民法院可以重新予以罚款、拘留。
Article 185 Where a person on whom a fine or detention is imposed refuses to accept the decision on fine or detention and applies for reconsideration, the person shall file the application for reconsideration within three days upon receipt of the written decision. The people's court at the higher level shall make a decision within five days upon receipt of the application for reconsideration, and notify the people's court at the lower level and the parties of the reconsideration conclusion.   第一百八十五条 被罚款、拘留的人不服罚款、拘留决定申请复议的,应当自收到决定书之日起三日内提出。上级人民法院应当在收到复议申请后五日内作出决定,并将复议结果通知下级人民法院和当事人。
Article 186 Where the people's court at the higher level holds that the compulsory measure is improper at the time of reconsideration, it shall prepare a written decision to revoke or modify the decision on detention or fine as made by the people's court at the lower level; and if the circumstance is urgent, may issue the written decision within three days after a verbal notice is given.   第一百八十六条 上级人民法院复议时认为强制措施不当的,应当制作决定书,撤销或者变更下级人民法院作出的拘留、罚款决定。情况紧急的,可以在口头通知后三日内发出决定书。
Article 187 The conduct of “obstructing judicial personnel from performing their duties by violence, threat or any other means” as prescribed in paragraph 1(5), Article 111 of the Civil Procedure Law include:   第一百八十七条 民事诉讼法一百一十一条第一款第五项规定的以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍司法工作人员执行职务的行为,包括:
(1) Clamoring or stranding in a courtroom and failing to obey the judicial personnel's dissuasion. (一)在人民法院哄闹、滞留,不听从司法工作人员劝阻的;
(2) Deliberately damaging or seizing legal instruments and seizure marks of a people's court. (二)故意毁损、抢夺人民法院法律文书、查封标志的;
(3) Clamoring in or attacking the scene for exercising official duties, besieging or detaining enforcement personnel or personnel who assist in enforcement. (三)哄闹、冲击执行公务现场,围困、扣押执行或者协助执行公务人员的;
(4) Damaging, seizing, or withholding case materials, vehicles for exercising official duties, other instruments for exercising official duties, garments of personnel exercising official duties, and certificates for exercising official duties. (四)毁损、抢夺、扣留案件材料、执行公务车辆、其他执行公务器械、执行公务人员服装和执行公务证件的;
(5) Obstructing judicial personnel from inquiring, seizing, impounding, freezing, appropriating, auctioning, or selling the property by violence, threat, or other means. (五)以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍司法工作人员查询、查封、扣押、冻结、划拨、拍卖、变卖财产的;
(6) Other conduct of obstructing judicial personnel from exercising their duties by violence, threat or any other means. (六)以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍司法工作人员执行职务的其他行为。
Article 188 The conduct of refusing to enforce an effective judgment or ruling of a people's court as prescribed in paragraph 1(6), Article 111 of the Civil Procedure Law include:   第一百八十八条 民事诉讼法一百一十一条第一款第六项规定的拒不履行人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定的行为,包括:
(1) Hiding, transferring, selling, damaging property, or transferring property free of charge, trading property at an obviously unreasonable price, abandoning mature creditor's rights, or providing guarantee for other persons free of charge after a legal instrument has come into effect, causing the failure of the people's court to enforce the legal instrument. (一)在法律文书发生法律效力后隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损财产或者无偿转让财产、以明显不合理的价格交易财产、放弃到期债权、无偿为他人提供担保等,致使人民法院无法执行的;
(2) Hiding, transferring, damaging, or disposing of property that has been provided to a people's court as guarantee without the permission of the people's court. (二)隐藏、转移、毁损或者未经人民法院允许处分已向人民法院提供担保的财产的;
(3) Consuming in violation of the order of the people's court on high consumption restriction. (三)违反人民法院限制高消费令进行消费的;
(4) Having the capacity but refusing to perform obligations as determined in an effective legal instrument in accordance with the notice of a people's court on enforcement. (四)有履行能力而拒不按照人民法院执行通知履行生效法律文书确定的义务的;
(5) Refusing to assist in enforcing the judgment or ruling after an individual with the obligation to assist in enforcement receives a written notice of enforcement assistance from the people's court. (五)有义务协助执行的个人接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,拒不协助执行的。
Article 189 Where any litigation participant or other person commits any of the following conduct, a people's court may punish such litigation participant or other person in accordance with the provisions of Article 111 of the Civil Procedure Law:   第一百八十九条 诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以适用民事诉讼法一百一十一条的规定处理:
(1) The litigation participant or other person institutes an action or participates in the litigation by passing other person off. (一)冒充他人提起诉讼或者参加诉讼的;
(2) A witness makes a false testimony after signing a letter of guarantee, which impedes the case trial by the people's court. (二)证人签署保证书后作虚假证言,妨碍人民法院审理案件的;
(3) Forging, concealing, damaging, or refusing to submit material evidence on the capacity of the party against whom enforcement is sought for performing the obligation, which impedes the people's court from identifying the property status of the party against whom enforcement is sought. (三)伪造、隐藏、毁灭或者拒绝交出有关被执行人履行能力的重要证据,妨碍人民法院查明被执行人财产状况的;
(4) Illegally unfreezing the property that has been frozen by the people's court. (四)擅自解冻已被人民法院冻结的财产的;
(5) Revealing information to a party and assisting the party in transferring or hiding property after receiving a written notice of enforcement assistance form the people's court. (五)接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,给当事人通风报信,协助其转移、隐匿财产的。
Article 190 The “lawful rights and interests of other persons” as prescribed in Article 112 of the Civil Procedure Law include the lawful rights and interests of a party not to the case, national interest, and public interest.   第一百九十条 民事诉讼法一百一十二条规定的他人合法权益,包括案外人的合法权益、国家利益、社会公共利益。
Where a third party institutes an action for revoking an effective judgment, ruling, or consent judgment in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3, Article 56 of the Civil Procedure Law and it is found upon examination that the parties to the original case maliciously institute a false action in collusion, the parties to the original case shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 112 of the Civil Procedure Law. 第三人根据民事诉讼法五十六条第三款规定提起撤销之诉,经审查,原案当事人之间恶意串通进行虚假诉讼的,适用民事诉讼法一百一十二条规定处理。
Article 191 Where an entity commits any conduct as prescribed in Article 112 or Article 113 of the Civil Procedure Law, a people's court shall impose a fine on the entity and may impose a fine or detention on the primary person in charge or directly liable persons of the entity; if suspected of any crime, they shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law.   第一百九十一条 单位有民事诉讼法一百一十二条或者第一百一十三条规定行为的,人民法院应当对该单位进行罚款,并可以对其主要负责人或者直接责任人员予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 192 Where the relevant entity commits any of the following conduct after receiving a written notice of enforcement assistance from a people's court, the people's court may punish such entity by applying the provisions of Article 114 of the Civil Procedure Law:   第一百九十二条 有关单位接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以适用民事诉讼法一百一十四条规定处理:
(1) The relevant entity allows the party against whom enforcement is sought to make high consumption. (一)允许被执行人高消费的;
(2) The relevant entity allows the party against whom enforcement is sought to exit China. (二)允许被执行人出境的;
(3) The relevant entity refuses to cease to handle the transfer of a relevant property right certificate, the registration of ownership change, and the examination and approval of planning. (三)拒不停止办理有关财产权证照转移手续、权属变更登记、规划审批等手续的;
(4) The relevant entity delays the handling on the grounds that it is necessary to request for internal instructions and internal approval and there are internal provisions. (四)以需要内部请示、内部审批,有内部规定等为由拖延办理的。
Article 193 When imposing a fine on an individual or an entity, a people's court shall, according to such factors as the nature, circumstances, and consequences of obstruction of civil procedures the individual or entity commits, the local economic development level, and the amount of subject matter of action, determine corresponding amount of fine within the limits as prescribed in paragraph 1, Article 115 of the Civil Procedure Law.   第一百九十三条 人民法院对个人或者单位采取罚款措施时,应当根据其实施妨害民事诉讼行为的性质、情节、后果,当地的经济发展水平,以及诉讼标的额等因素,在民事诉讼法一百一十五条第一款规定的限额内确定相应的罚款金额。
IX. Litigation Expenses 


Article 194 For a case tried in accordance with Article 54 of the Civil Procedure Law, no case acceptance fee needs to be paid in advance and the losing party shall supplement the case acceptance fee based on the amount of subject matter of action after the case is concluded.
   第一百九十四条 依照民事诉讼法五十四条审理的案件不预交案件受理费,结案后按照诉讼标的额由败诉方交纳。

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