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Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce and Other Departments on Issuing the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation) [Expired]
国家发展改革委、财政部、商务部等关于印发《公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)》的通知 [失效]

Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council on Issuing the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation) 


(No. 1849 [2017] of the National Development and Reform Commission) (发改价监〔2017〕1849号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and all ministries and commissions of and institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
According to the requirements of the Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System in Building a Market System (No. 34 [2016], State Council), the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council developed upon research the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation) in conjunction with relevant departments, which are hereby issued with the approval of the State Council, for the conscientious compliance and implementation by all administrative agencies and all organizations empowered by laws and regulations to administer public affairs in conducting a fair competition review. 根据《国务院关于在市场体系建设中建立公平竞争审查制度的意见》(国发〔2016〕34号)要求,国家发展改革委、财政部、商务部、国家工商行政管理总局、国务院法制办会同有关部门研究制定了《公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)》,经国务院同意,现予印发,请各行政机关以及法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织,在开展公平竞争审查时认真贯彻执行。
Annex: Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation) 附件:公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)
National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展改革委
Ministry of Finance 财  政  部
Ministry of Commerce 商  务  部
State Administration for Industry and Commerce 工 商 总 局
Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council 国务院法制办
October 23, 2017 2017年10月23日
Annex 附件
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation) 公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of ensuring the smooth progress of a fair competition review and promoting the effective implementation of the fair competition review system, these Detailed Rules are developed in accordance with the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China and the Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System in Building a Market System (No. 34 [2016], State Council) (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions").   第一条 为保障公平竞争审查工作顺利开展,推动公平竞争审查制度有效实施,根据《中华人民共和国反垄断法》、《国务院关于在市场体系建设中建立公平竞争审查制度的意见》(国发﹝2016﹞34号,以下简称《意见》),制定本细则。
Article 2 In developing rules, regulatory documents, and other policies and measures for market access, industry development, investment promotion, bidding, government procurement, code of operations, and qualification standards, among others, involving the economic activities of market participants (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "policies and measures"), administrative agencies and organizations empowered by laws and regulations to administer public affairs (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "policymakers") shall conduct a fair competition review to assess their impacts on market competition and prevent any preclusion or restriction of market competition.   第二条 行政机关以及法律法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织(以下统称政策制定机关),在制定市场准入、产业发展、招商引资、招标投标、政府采购、经营行为规范、资质标准等涉及市场主体经济活动的规章、规范性文件和其他政策措施(以下统称政策措施)时,应当进行公平竞争审查,评估对市场竞争的影响,防止排除、限制市场竞争。
Policies and measures which, as considered after review, will not produce the effect of preclusion or restriction of market competition may be implemented, while those producing such an effect shall not be issued or may be issued after they are revised to satisfy the relevant requirements; and no policies and measures may be issued without undergoing a fair competition review. 经审查认为不具有排除、限制竞争效果的,可以实施;具有排除、限制竞争效果的,应当不予出台或者调整至符合相关要求后出台;未经公平竞争审查的,不得出台。
For the joint development and issuance of any policy or measure in the name of two or more departments, the lead department shall take charge of the fair competition review, and the other departments shall participate in the fair competition review to the extent of their respective functions. 以多个部门名义联合制定出台的政策措施,由牵头部门负责公平竞争审查,其他部门在各自职责范围内参与公平竞争审查。
Article 3 In the process of drafting an administrative regulation, a policy of the State Council, or a local regulation which a government department takes charge of drafting, the drafting department shall conduct a fair competition review under these Detailed Rules, mutatis mutandis. Without a fair competition review, it may be submitted for deliberation.   第三条 对行政法规和国务院制定的政策措施、政府部门负责起草的地方性法规,由起草部门在起草过程中参照本细则规定进行公平竞争审查。未经公平竞争审查不得提交审议。
Article 4 The National Development and Reform Commission, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, establish an Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting for Fair Competition Review to generally coordinate and advance work on fair competition review and provide general guidance of the implementation of the fair competition review system. The fair competition review joint meetings or corresponding work coordination mechanisms established by local people's governments at various levels (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "joint meetings") shall be responsible for the general coordination of fair competition review work within their respective regions.   第四条 国家发展改革委、国务院法制办、财政部、商务部、工商总局会同有关部门,建立公平竞争审查工作部际联席会议制度,统筹协调推进公平竞争审查相关工作,对实施公平竞争审查制度进行宏观指导。地方各级人民政府建立的公平竞争审查联席会议或者相应的工作协调机制(以下统称联席会议),负责统筹协调本地区公平竞争审查工作。
The joint meetings at each level shall, every year, report the implementation of the fair competition review system within their respective regions to the joint meetings directly above them. 各级公平竞争审查联席会议应当每年向上级公平竞争审查联席会议报告本地区公平竞争审查制度实施情况。
Chapter II Review Mechanisms and Procedures 

第二章 审查机制和程序

Article 5 Policymakers shall establish and improve their self-review mechanisms, and specify the responsible bodies and review procedures. The self-review may be under the charge of a specific operating division of the policymaker or a particular body designated solely for such purpose by the policymaker, or be otherwise implemented.   第五条 政策制定机关应当建立健全自我审查机制,明确责任机构和审查程序。自我审查可以由政策制定机关的具体业务机构负责,或者由政策制定机关指定特定机构统一负责,也可以采取其他方式实施。
Article 6 In conducting a fair competition review, a policymaker shall follow the basic process of review (See Annex 1 for reference), and arrive at a definite review conclusion in writing (See Annex 2 for reference). The policymaker shall archive the written review conclusion.   第六条 政策制定机关开展公平竞争审查应当遵循审查基本流程(可参考附件一),并形成明确的书面审查结论(可参考附件二)。书面审查结论由政策制定机关存档。
If policies and measures are issued without the aforesaid written review conclusions, the fair competition review shall be deemed absent. 未形成书面审查结论出台政策措施的,视为未进行公平竞争审查。
Article 7 In conducting a fair competition review, a policymaker shall request the opinions of interested persons or the public comments, and include information on the request for opinions in the written review conclusion. Policymakers shall, according to the applicable laws and regulations, handle policies and measures requiring confidentiality before their issuance.   第七条 政策制定机关开展公平竞争审查,应当征求利害关系人意见或者向社会公开征求意见,并在书面审查结论中说明征求意见情况。对出台前需要保密的政策措施,由政策制定机关按照相关法律法规处理。
"Interested person" means a business participating in the relevant market competition, an upstream or downstream business, a consumer, or any other market participant whose fair participation in market competition may be impacted by a policy or measure. 利害关系人指参与相关市场竞争的经营者、上下游经营者、消费者以及政策措施可能影响其公平参与市场竞争的其他市场主体。
Article 8 In conducting a fair competition review, a policymaker may request the opinions of experts, scholars, legal advisers, and professional bodies. Information on the aforesaid requests for opinions if any shall be included in the written review conclusion.   第八条 政策制定机关开展公平竞争审查,可以征求专家学者、法律顾问、专业机构的意见。征求上述方面意见的,应当在书面审查结论中说明有关情况。
Article 9 Over the specific problems encountered in a fair competition review, a policymaker may consult anti-monopoly law enforcement bodies performing the corresponding duties. The anti-monopoly law enforcement bodies shall offer advice based on the materials provided by the policymaker.   第九条 政策制定机关可以就公平竞争审查中遇到的具体问题,向履行相应职责的反垄断执法机构提出咨询。反垄断执法机构基于政策制定机关提供的材料,提出咨询意见。
Article 10 In conducting a fair competition review, a policymaker may request the joint meeting at the same level for coordination with respect to an issue over which there is substantial dispute or it is difficult to reach a consensus among departments. The joint meeting may, as it deems necessary, convene under the relevant working rules to conduct coordination. If such coordination still fails, the policymaker may submit it to its superior for decision.   第十条 政策制定机关开展公平竞争审查时,对存在较大争议或者部门意见难以协调一致的问题,可以提请同级公平竞争审查联席会议协调。联席会议认为确有必要的,可以根据相关工作规则召开会议进行协调。仍无法协调一致的,由政策制定机关提交上级机关决定。
Article 11 A policymaker shall, each year, summarize the fair competition reviews conducted, and file a written summary report with the office of the joint meeting at the same level before January 31 of the following year.   第十一条 政策制定机关应当每年对开展公平竞争审查情况进行总结,于次年1月31日前将书面总结报告报送同级公平竞争审查联席会议办公室。
Article 12 Policymakers shall, on a regular basis, assess the impacts of policies and measures issued after a fair competition review on the unified national market and fair competition. Where the unified national market and fair competition are considered impaired upon assessment, they shall be repealed or amended and improved in a timely manner.   第十二条 对经公平竞争审查后出台的政策措施,政策制定机关应当对其影响全国统一市场和公平竞争的情况进行定期评估。经评估认为妨碍全国统一市场和公平竞争的,应当及时废止或者修改完善。
Policymakers may conduct the regular assessment once every three years or at their discretion according to the actual circumstances. In the latter case, policymakers shall specify the frequency of assessment at the time of issuance of policies and measures. 定期评估可以每三年进行一次,也可以由政策制定机关根据实际情况自行决定。自行决定评估时限的,政策制定机关应当在出台政策措施时予以明确。
Policymakers may establish specialized assessment mechanisms or conduct the assessment concurrently when they regularly review the rules and regulatory documents of their respective regions or departments. 政策制定机关可以建立专门的定期评估机制,也可以在定期清理本地区、本部门规章和规范性文件时一并评估。
Article 13 All regions and all departments are encouraged to engage third-party professional bodies to assist in their fair competition review and regular assessment of policies and measures.   第十三条 鼓励各地区、各部门委托第三方专业机构,协助对政策措施进行公平竞争审查和定期评估。
Chapter III Review Standards 

第三章 审查标准

Article 14 Market access and exit standards:
   第十四条 市场准入和退出标准。

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