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Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure [Effective]
最高人民法院关于印发《民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点实施办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure 


(No. 11 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) (法〔2020〕11号)

The higher people's courts of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Ningxia, and Shaanxi provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities): 北京、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、山东、河南、湖北、广东、四川、贵州、云南、宁夏、陕西省(区、市)高级人民法院:
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, the Second, Third, and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and the Central Political and Legal Work Conference and deepening the reform of the civil procedure system, according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Authorize the Supreme People's Court to Carry out the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure in Certain Regions (No. 42 [2019], NPC Standing Committee) made at the 15th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress and the Plan for the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure (No. 10 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) issued by the Supreme People's Court, in light of the actual work, the Supreme People's Court has formulated the Measures for the Implementation of the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure, which are hereby issued to you for your conscientious organization of implementation. Any situation and problem arising during the implementation shall be escalated to the Supreme People's Court in a timely manner. 为深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会及中央政法工作会议精神,深化民事诉讼制度改革,根据第十三届全国人大常委会第十五次会议作出的《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于授权最高人民法院在部分地区开展民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点工作的决定》(人大常委会字〔2019〕42号)和最高人民法院印发的《民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点方案》(法〔2020〕10号),结合工作实际,最高人民法院制定了《民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点实施办法》。现将文件印发给你们,请认真组织实施。实施过程中遇有情况和问题,请及时层报最高人民法院。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
January 15, 2020 2020年1月15日
Measures for the Implementation of the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点实施办法
These measures are formulated for the purposes of deepening the reform of the civil procedure system, advancing the separation between complicated cases and simple cases, between minor cases and major cases, and between low track and fast track, further optimizing the allocation of judicial resources, comprehensively promoting judicial equity, improving judicial efficiency, meeting the needs of the public for diverse, efficient, and convenient dispute resolution, and safeguarding the lawful litigation rights and interests of parties, according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Authorize the Supreme People's Court to Carry out the Pilot Program of the Reform of Separation between Complicated Cases and Simple Ones in Civil Procedure in Certain Regions made at the 15th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, based on the actual trial work. 为深化民事诉讼制度改革,推进案件繁简分流、轻重分离、快慢分道,进一步优化司法资源配置,全面促进司法公正,提升司法效能,满足人民群众多元、高效、便捷的纠纷解决需求,维护当事人合法诉讼权益,根据第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议作出的《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于授权最高人民法院在部分地区开展民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点工作的决定》,结合审判工作实际,制定本办法。
I. General Provisions 


Article 1 The courts under the pilot program shall, in accordance with these Measures, actively optimize the judicial confirmation procedure, small claims procedure, and summary procedure, improve the organization and application model of trials, and explore the implementation of the electronic litigation and online trial mechanism, so as to effectively reduce litigation costs for parties, fully protect the lawful litigation rights and interests of the public, promote the reasonable and effective allocation of judicial resources and judicial needs, comprehensive heighten judicial quality, efficiency, and credibility, and strive to make the public see in every judicial case that justice is served.   第一条 试点法院应当根据本办法,积极优化司法确认程序、小额诉讼程序和简易程序,健全审判组织适用模式,探索推行电子诉讼和在线审理机制,有效降低当事人诉讼成本,充分保障人民群众合法诉讼权益,促进司法资源与司法需求合理有效配置,全面提升司法质量、效率和公信力,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。
II. Optimizing the Judicial Confirmation Procedure 


Article 2 People's courts shall establish a specially invited mediation roster, determine specially invited mediation organizations and specially invited mediators in accordance with the prescribed procedures and conditions, and manage the roster.   第二条 人民法院应当建立特邀调解名册,按照规定的程序和条件,确定特邀调解组织和特邀调解员,并对名册进行管理。
Article 3 Where a civil mediation agreement is reached through mediation by a people's mediation committee, specially invited mediation organization, or specially invited mediator, the parties may jointly move the people's court for judicial confirmation within 30 days from the effective date of the mediation agreement.   第三条 经人民调解委员会、特邀调解组织或者特邀调解员调解达成民事调解协议的,双方当事人可以自调解协议生效之日起三十日内共同向人民法院申请司法确认。
Article 4 For a judicial confirmation case, jurisdiction shall be determined in order in accordance with the following provisions:   第四条 司法确认案件按照以下规定依次确定管辖:
(1) In the case appointed mediation, the people's court that made the appointment shall have jurisdiction. (一)委派调解的,由作出委派的人民法院管辖;
(2) If the parties elect for mediation by a people's mediation committee or a specially invited mediation organization, the basic people's court where the mediation organization is located shall have jurisdiction; and if the parties elect for mediation by a specially invited mediator, the basic people's court where the mediation agreement is concluded shall have jurisdiction. (二)当事人选择由人民调解委员会或者特邀调解组织调解的,由调解组织所在地基层人民法院管辖;当事人选择由特邀调解员调解的,由调解协议签订地基层人民法院管辖。
A case that meets the standards for subject matter jurisdiction or special jurisdiction shall be under the jurisdiction of the corresponding intermediate people's court or specialized people's court. 案件符合级别管辖或者专门管辖标准的,由对应的中级人民法院或者专门人民法院管辖。
III. Improving the Small Claims Procedure 


Article 5 A simple pecuniary payment case heard by the basic people's court with clear facts and a determinate relationship of rights and obligations, in little dispute, whose subject matter is worth not more than 50,000 yuan, shall be governed by the small claims procedure and decided in the first instance without further review.   第五条 基层人民法院审理的事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的简单金钱给付类案件,标的额为人民币五万元以下的,适用小额诉讼程序,实行一审终审。
If both parties so agree, a simple pecuniary payment case whose subject matter is excess of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, but worth not more than 50,000 nor less than 100,000 yuan may be tried under the small claims procedure. 标的额超出前款规定,但在人民币五万元以上、十万元以下的简单金钱给付类案件,当事人双方约定适用小额诉讼程序的,可以适用小额诉讼程序审理。
In a case coming to trial under the small claims procedure, the people's court shall notify the parties of trial organization, time limit for trial, method of trial, trial without further review, and other related matters. 适用小额诉讼程序审理的案件,人民法院应当向当事人告知审判组织、审理期限、审理方式、一审终审等相关事项。
Article 6 The small claims procedure shall not apply to the following cases:   第六条 下列案件,不适用小额诉讼程序审理:
(1) Disputes over personal relationships and recognition of real rights in property. (一)人身关系、财产确权纠纷;
(2) Foreign-related civil disputes. (二)涉外民事纠纷;
(3) Disputes requiring assessment or authentication or related to differences as to the results of pre-litigation assessment or authentication. (三)需要评估、鉴定或者对诉前评估、鉴定结果有异议的纠纷;
(4) Disputes to with the whereabouts of either party are unknown. (四)一方当事人下落不明的纠纷;
(5) Disputes otherwise not suitable to be tried under the small claims procedure. (五)其他不宜适用小额诉讼程序审理的纠纷。
Article 7 In a case coming to trial under the small claims procedure, after the people's court has given notice of the legal consequences of the waiver of the period for filing an answer and the time limit for proof, if the party explicitly state their waiver, the people's court may directly hold a trial.   第七条 适用小额诉讼程序审理的案件,经人民法院告知放弃答辩期间、举证期限的法律后果后,当事人明确表示放弃的,人民法院可以直接开庭审理。
If the parties clearly state that they do not waive the period for filing an answer, the people's court may reasonably determine the period for filing an answer on the basis of obtaining their consent, generally to the extent of seven days. 当事人明确表示不放弃答辩期间的,人民法院可以在征得其同意的基础上,合理确定答辩期间,但一般不超过七日。
If the parties clearly state that they do not waive the time limit for proof, the parties may agree on the time limit for proof on their own, or the people's court may specify the time limit for proof, to the extent of seven days. 当事人明确表示不放弃举证期限的,可以由当事人自行约定举证期限或者由人民法院指定举证期限,但一般不超过七日。
Article 8 In a case coming to trial under the small claims procedure, the means of summons, service, and exchanging evidence may be further simplified by analogy to the summary procedure, without derogating from the parties' litigation rights such as defense, presenting evidence, cross-examining evidence, statement, and debate.   第八条 适用小额诉讼程序审理的案件,可以比照简易程序进一步简化传唤、送达、证据交换的方式,但不得减损当事人答辩、举证、质证、陈述、辩论等诉讼权利。
In a case coming to trial under the small claims procedure, the trial may, without being restricted by trial procedures such as court investigation and court debate, be directly conducted around claims or the elements of the case, and held once in principle, unless the people's court deems another trial necessary. 适用小额诉讼程序审理的案件,庭审可以不受法庭调查、法庭辩论等庭审程序限制,直接围绕诉讼请求或者案件要素进行,原则上应当一次开庭审结,但人民法院认为确有必要再次开庭的除外。
Article 9 In a case coming to trial under the small claims procedure, the adjudicative instruments may be further simplified by analogy to the summary procedure, mainly covering the basic information of the parties, claims, defenses, main facts, brief reasons for adjudication, adjudicative basis, the main body of the adjudication, notice of trial without further review, and other content.   第九条 适用小额诉讼程序审理的案件,可以比照简易程序进一步简化裁判文书,主要记载当事人基本信息、诉讼请求、答辩意见、主要事实、简要裁判理由、裁判依据、裁判主文和一审终审的告知等内容。
For a case with simple facts to which the law applicable is determinate, the judge may adjudicate in court and explain the reasons for the adjudication. In such a case, if the process of adjudication is completely recorded in the audiovisual recordings or transcripts of the court trial, the people's court is not required to state the reasons for adjudication when preparing adjudicative instruments.

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