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Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2019 Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例(2019修订) [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 721) (第721号)

The Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, as revised and adopted at the 42nd executive meeting of the State Council on March 26, 2019, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on December 1, 2019. 中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例》已经2019年3月26日国务院第42次常务会议修订通过,现将修订后的《中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例》公布,自2019年12月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理 李克强
October 11, 2019 2019年10月11日
Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例
(Issued by Order No. 557 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on July 20, 2009, revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016, and revised and adopted at the 42nd executive meeting of the State Council on March 26, 2019) (2009年7月20日中华人民共和国国务院令第557号公布 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订 2019年3月26日国务院第42次常务会议修订通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Food Safety Law”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》(以下简称食品安全法),制定本条例。
Article 2 Food producers and traders shall conduct production and trading activities in accordance with laws, regulations and food safety standards, establish and improve food safety management rules, and take effective measures to prevent and control food safety risks, so as to ensure food safety.   第二条 食品生产经营者应当依照法律、法规和食品安全标准从事生产经营活动,建立健全食品安全管理制度,采取有效措施预防和控制食品安全风险,保证食品安全。
Article 3 The Food Safety Commission of the State Council shall be responsible for analyzing food safety situation, conducting research and making overall planning to direct food safety work, putting forward significant policies and measures for food safety supervision and administration, and urging the implementation of food safety supervision and administration responsibilities. The food safety committee of a local people's government at or above the county level shall conduct work according to the duties prescribed by the people's government at the same level.   第三条 国务院食品安全委员会负责分析食品安全形势,研究部署、统筹指导食品安全工作,提出食品安全监督管理的重大政策措施,督促落实食品安全监督管理责任。县级以上地方人民政府食品安全委员会按照本级人民政府规定的职责开展工作。
Article 4 People's governments at or above the county level shall establish a unified and authoritative food safety supervision and administration system, and strengthen the construction of food safety supervision and administration capability.   第四条 县级以上人民政府建立统一权威的食品安全监督管理体制,加强食品安全监督管理能力建设。
The food safety supervision and administration department and other relevant departments of a people's government at or above the county level shall perform their duties in accordance with the law, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and conduct food safety supervision and administration in an effective manner. 县级以上人民政府食品安全监督管理部门和其他有关部门应当依法履行职责,加强协调配合,做好食品安全监督管理工作。
People's governments of townships and towns and sub-district offices shall support and assist food safety supervision and administration departments of people's governments at the county level and their local offices in food safety supervision and administration in accordance with the law. 乡镇人民政府和街道办事处应当支持、协助县级人民政府食品安全监督管理部门及其派出机构依法开展食品安全监督管理工作。
Article 5 The state shall include food safety knowledge in the content of national quality education, popularize scientific knowledge and legal knowledge on food safety, and enhance the food safety awareness of the entire society.   第五条 国家将食品安全知识纳入国民素质教育内容,普及食品安全科学常识和法律知识,提高全社会的食品安全意识。
Chapter II Monitoring and Assessment of Food Safety Risks 

第二章 食品安全风险监测和评估

Article 6 The health administrative department of a people's government at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the food safety supervision and administration department and other departments at the same level, establish a food safety risk monitoring and consultation mechanism, summarize and analyze risk monitoring data, conduct research on and judge food safety risks, form a food safety risk monitoring analysis report, and submit the report to the people's government at the same level. The health administrative department of a local people's government at or above the county level shall also submit the food safety risk monitoring analysis report to the health administrative department of the people's government at the next higher level. The specific measures for food safety risk monitoring and consultation shall be developed by the health administrative department of the State Council in conjunction with the food safety supervision and administration department and other departments of the State Council.   第六条 县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门会同同级食品安全监督管理等部门建立食品安全风险监测会商机制,汇总、分析风险监测数据,研判食品安全风险,形成食品安全风险监测分析报告,报本级人民政府;县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门还应当将食品安全风险监测分析报告同时报上一级人民政府卫生行政部门。食品安全风险监测会商的具体办法由国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院食品安全监督管理等部门制定。
Article 7 Where the food safety risk monitoring result indicates the existence of any potential food safety hazard, the food safety supervision and administration department and other departments shall, in a timely manner, notify the relevant food producer or trader if they deem it necessary upon confirmation through further investigation.   第七条 食品安全风险监测结果表明存在食品安全隐患,食品安全监督管理等部门经进一步调查确认有必要通知相关食品生产经营者的,应当及时通知。
The food producer or trader shall, after receiving the notice, immediately conduct self-inspection, if it finds that food fails to comply with food safety standards or there is any evidence showing that such food may damage human health, the food producer or trader shall cease production or trading, recall food and report the relevant information in accordance with the provision of Article 63 of the Food Safety Law. 接到通知的食品生产经营者应当立即进行自查,发现食品不符合食品安全标准或者有证据证明可能危害人体健康的,应当依照食品安全法六十三条的规定停止生产、经营,实施食品召回,并报告相关情况。
Article 8 Where the health administrative department, food safety supervision and administration department or any other department of the State Council finds it necessary to conduct safety assessment of pesticides, fertilizers, veterinary drugs, feeds and feed additives, among others, it shall offer a safety assessment proposal to the agriculture administrative department of the State Council. The agriculture administrative department of the State Council shall organize assessment in a timely manner, and notify the relevant department of the State Council of the assessment result.   第八条 国务院卫生行政、食品安全监督管理等部门发现需要对农药、肥料、兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂等进行安全性评估的,应当向国务院农业行政部门提出安全性评估建议。国务院农业行政部门应当及时组织评估,并向国务院有关部门通报评估结果。
Article 9 The food safety supervision and administration department and other relevant departments of the State Council shall establish a food safety risk information exchange mechanism, and specify the content, procedures and requirements for the exchange of food safety risk information.   第九条 国务院食品安全监督管理部门和其他有关部门建立食品安全风险信息交流机制,明确食品安全风险信息交流的内容、程序和要求。
Chapter III Food Safety Standards 

第三章 食品安全标准

Article 10 The health administrative department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the food safety supervision and administration department, agriculture administrative department and other departments of the State Council, make the planning on national food safety standards and its annual implementation plan. The health administrative department of the State Council shall publish the drafts of the planning on national food safety standards and its annual implementation plan on its website and solicit public opinions.   第十条 国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院食品安全监督管理、农业行政等部门制定食品安全国家标准规划及其年度实施计划。国务院卫生行政部门应当在其网站上公布食品安全国家标准规划及其年度实施计划的草案,公开征求意见。
Article 11 The health administrative department of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall solicit public opinions on developing local food safety standards in accordance with the provision of Article 29 of the Food Safety Law. The health administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit local food safety standards to the health administrative department of the State Council for recordation within 30 working days from the date when such standards are published. If the health administrative department of the State Council finds that any recorded local food safety standards violate any law, regulation or national food safety standards, it shall order correction in a timely manner.   第十一条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门依照食品安全法第二十九条的规定制定食品安全地方标准,应当公开征求意见。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门应当自食品安全地方标准公布之日起30个工作日内,将地方标准报国务院卫生行政部门备案。国务院卫生行政部门发现备案的食品安全地方标准违反法律、法规或者食品安全国家标准的,应当及时予以纠正。
Where local food safety standards are repealed in accordance with the law, the health administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in a timely manner, announce the repeal thereof on its website. 食品安全地方标准依法废止的,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门应当及时在其网站上公布废止情况。
Article 12 Health food, formula food for special medical use, infant formula food and other special food are not local specialty food, and no local food safety standards shall be developed for them.   第十二条 保健食品、特殊医学用途配方食品、婴幼儿配方食品等特殊食品不属于地方特色食品,不得对其制定食品安全地方标准。
Article 13 After food safety standards are published, food producers and traders may implement the food safety standards prior to the date of entry into force of the standards and make public the advance implementation thereof.   第十三条 食品安全标准公布后,食品生产经营者可以在食品安全标准规定的实施日期之前实施并公开提前实施情况。
Article 14 A food production enterprise shall not develop enterprise standards lower than the requirements of the national or local food safety standards. If a food production enterprise develops enterprise standards in which the food safety indicators are stringent than those in the national or local food safety standards, the enterprise shall submit the enterprise standards to the health administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for recordation.   第十四条 食品生产企业不得制定低于食品安全国家标准或者地方标准要求的企业标准。食品生产企业制定食品安全指标严于食品安全国家标准或者地方标准的企业标准的,应当报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门备案。
A food production enterprise that develops enterprise standards shall disclose them for consultation by the public free of charge. 食品生产企业制定企业标准的,应当公开,供公众免费查阅。
Chapter IV Food Production and Trading 

第四章 食品生产经营

Article 15 A food production or trading permit shall be valid for five years.   第十五条 食品生产经营许可的有效期为5年。
Where the production or trading conditions of a food producer or trader change and no longer satisfy the requirements for food production or trading, the food producer or trader shall immediately take corrective measures. If necessary, the food producer or trader shall undergo licensing formalities once again in accordance with the law. 食品生产经营者的生产经营条件发生变化,不再符合食品生产经营要求的,食品生产经营者应当立即采取整改措施;需要重新办理许可手续的,应当依法办理。
Article 16 The health administrative department of the State Council shall, in a timely manner, announce the list of new food raw materials and new varieties of food additives and food-related products and the applicable national food safety standards.   第十六条 国务院卫生行政部门应当及时公布新的食品原料、食品添加剂新品种和食品相关产品新品种目录以及所适用的食品安全国家标准。
The health administrative department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the food safety supervision and administration department of the State Council, update in a timely manner the list of materials which are traditionally considered as food and traditional Chinese medicines. 对按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物质目录,国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院食品安全监督管理部门应当及时更新。
Article 17 The food safety supervision and administration department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the agriculture administrative department and other relevant departments of the State Council, specify the basic requirements for full process tracing of food safety, and direct food producers and traders to establish and improve the food safety traceability system through information technology means.   第十七条 国务院食品安全监督管理部门会同国务院农业行政等有关部门明确食品安全全程追溯基本要求,指导食品生产经营者通过信息化手段建立、完善食品安全追溯体系。
The food safety supervision and administration department and other departments shall take the construction of traceability system for infant formula food and other food targeted at specific groups and other food with relatively high food safety risks or large sales volume as the focus of supervision and inspection. 食品安全监督管理等部门应当将婴幼儿配方食品等针对特定人群的食品以及其他食品安全风险较高或者销售量大的食品的追溯体系建设作为监督检查的重点。
Article 18 Food producers and traders shall establish a food safety traceability system, and truthfully record and retain purchase inspection, ex-factory inspection, food sales and other information in accordance with the provisions of the Food Safety Law, so as to ensure food traceability.   第十八条 食品生产经营者应当建立食品安全追溯体系,依照食品安全法的规定如实记录并保存进货查验、出厂检验、食品销售等信息,保证食品可追溯。
Article 19 The primary person in charge of a food production or trading enterprise shall be fully responsible for the food safety work of the enterprise, establish and implement the food safety responsibility system of the enterprise, strengthen supplier management, purchase inspection and ex-factory inspection, production and trading process control, food safety self-inspection, and other work. Food safety managers of the food production or trading enterprise shall assist the primary person in charge of the enterprise in managing food safety in an effective manner.   第十九条 食品生产经营企业的主要负责人对本企业的食品安全工作全面负责,建立并落实本企业的食品安全责任制,加强供货者管理、进货查验和出厂检验、生产经营过程控制、食品安全自查等工作。食品生产经营企业的食品安全管理人员应当协助企业主要负责人做好食品安全管理工作。
Article 20 A food production or trading enterprise shall strengthen the training and assessment of its food safety managers. Food safety managers shall have a command of food safety laws, regulations, standards and professional knowledge commensurate with their positions, and shall have food safety management capabilities. The food safety supervision and administration departments shall conduct random supervision, inspection and assessment of enterprises' food safety managers. The assessment guidelines shall be developed and issued by the food safety supervision and administration department of the State Council.   第二十条 食品生产经营企业应当加强对食品安全管理人员的培训和考核。食品安全管理人员应当掌握与其岗位相适应的食品安全法律、法规、标准和专业知识,具备食品安全管理能力。食品安全监督管理部门应当对企业食品安全管理人员进行随机监督抽查考核。考核指南由国务院食品安全监督管理部门制定、公布。
Article 21 Where a food or food additive producer or trader entrusts the production of food or food additives, it shall entrust the production with the producer that has obtained the food production permit or food additive production permit, supervise the production and be responsible for the safety of food or food additives produced upon entrustment. The entrusted party shall produce food in accordance with laws, regulations, food safety standards and as agreed upon in the contract, be responsible for production, and accept the supervision of the entrusting party.   第二十一条 食品、食品添加剂生产经营者委托生产食品、食品添加剂的,应当委托取得食品生产许可、食品添加剂生产许可的生产者生产,并对其生产行为进行监督,对委托生产的食品、食品添加剂的安全负责。受托方应当依照法律、法规、食品安全标准以及合同约定进行生产,对生产行为负责,并接受委托方的监督。
Article 22 Food producers and traders shall not store substances listed in the directory developed in accordance with the provision of Article 63 of this Regulation in food production and processing places.   第二十二条 食品生产经营者不得在食品生产、加工场所贮存依照本条例第六十三条规定制定的名录中的物质。
Article 23 The irradiation processing of food shall comply with national food safety standards, and the food subject to irradiation processing shall be inspected and marked in accordance with the requirements of national food safety standards.   第二十三条 对食品进行辐照加工,应当遵守食品安全国家标准,并按照食品安全国家标准的要求对辐照加工食品进行检验和标注。
Article 24 For the storage and transport of food that has special requirements for temperature and humidity, among others, heat preservation, refrigeration or freezing equipment and facilities shall be provided and their effective operations shall be maintained.   第二十四条 贮存、运输对温度、湿度等有特殊要求的食品,应当具备保温、冷藏或者冷冻等设备设施,并保持有效运行。
Article 25 Where a food producer or trader entrusts food storage and transport, it shall examine the capability of the entrusted party to guarantee food safety, and supervise the entrusted party's food storage and transport according to the requirements for guaranteeing food safety. The entrusted party shall guarantee that food storage and transport conditions comply with food safety requirements, and strengthen the management of food storage and transport process.   第二十五条 食品生产经营者委托贮存、运输食品的,应当对受托方的食品安全保障能力进行审核,并监督受托方按照保证食品安全的要求贮存、运输食品。受托方应当保证食品贮存、运输条件符合食品安全的要求,加强食品贮存、运输过程管理。
Where the entrusted party accepts the entrustment of a food producer or trader to store and transport food, it shall faithfully record the names, addresses, and contact information, among others, of the entrusting party and the consignee. The records shall be kept for at least two years after the completion of storage and transport. 接受食品生产经营者委托贮存、运输食品的,应当如实记录委托方和收货方的名称、地址、联系方式等内容。记录保存期限不得少于贮存、运输结束后2年。
A non-food producer or trader that engages in food storage which has special requirements for temperature and humidity, among others, shall undergo recordation formalities at the food safety supervision and administration department of the local people's government at the county level within 30 working days after obtaining its business license. 非食品生产经营者从事对温度、湿度等有特殊要求的食品贮存业务的,应当自取得营业执照之日起30个工作日内向所在地县级人民政府食品安全监督管理部门备案。
Article 26 Where a catering service provider employs an entity providing centralized services of disinfecting tableware and kitchenware to provide cleaning and disinfection services, it shall check and retain a photocopy of the business license and the disinfection conformity certificate of the said entity. They shall be retained for not less than six months after the expiration of service life of disinfected tableware and kitchenware.   第二十六条 餐饮服务提供者委托餐具饮具集中消毒服务单位提供清洗消毒服务的,应当查验、留存餐具饮具集中消毒服务单位的营业执照复印件和消毒合格证明。保存期限不得少于消毒餐具饮具使用期限到期后6个月。
Article 27 An entity that provides centralized services of disinfecting tableware and kitchenware shall establish a system for the records of ex-factory inspection of tableware and kitchenware, and truthfully record such information as the quantity of ex-factory tableware and kitchenware, date of disinfection, batch number, service life, ex-factory date and the name, address, and contact information of the entrusting party. The ex-factory inspection records shall be retained for not less than six months after the expiration of service life of disinfected tableware and kitchenware. The name, address, contact information of the service provider, date of disinfection, batch number, service life and other information shall be indicated on independent packages of disinfected tableware and kitchenware.   第二十七条 餐具饮具集中消毒服务单位应当建立餐具饮具出厂检验记录制度,如实记录出厂餐具饮具的数量、消毒日期和批号、使用期限、出厂日期以及委托方名称、地址、联系方式等内容。出厂检验记录保存期限不得少于消毒餐具饮具使用期限到期后6个月。消毒后的餐具饮具应当在独立包装上标注单位名称、地址、联系方式、消毒日期和批号以及使用期限等内容。
Article 28 The canteens of schools, nurseries, nursing institutions for the aged, construction sites and other centralized dining entities shall implement rules for the control of raw materials, cleaning and disinfection of tableware and kitchenware, and retention of food samples, among others, and conduct food safety self-inspection of canteens on a regular basis in accordance with the provision of Article 47 of the Food Safety Law.   第二十八条 学校、托幼机构、养老机构、建筑工地等集中用餐单位的食堂应当执行原料控制、餐具饮具清洗消毒、食品留样等制度,并依照食品安全法四十七条的规定定期开展食堂食品安全自查。
For the contracted operation of canteens of centralized dining entities, a food trading permit shall be obtained in accordance with the law, and the contractor shall be responsible for the food safety of canteens. Centralized dining entities shall urge contractors to implement food safety management rules and undertake management responsibilities. 承包经营集中用餐单位食堂的,应当依法取得食品经营许可,并对食堂的食品安全负责。集中用餐单位应当督促承包方落实食品安全管理制度,承担管理责任。
Article 29 A food producer or trader shall clearly mark or separately store the deteriorated food, expired food or recycled food at a place with clear marks, take harmless treatment, destruction and other measures in a timely manner, and make records in a truthful manner.   第二十九条 食品生产经营者应当对变质、超过保质期或者回收的食品进行显著标示或者单独存放在有明确标志的场所,及时采取无害化处理、销毁等措施并如实记录。
For the purposes of the Food Safety Law, “recycled food” means the food that has been sold but is recalled or returned due to any violation of law, regulation or food safety standards or expiration of the shelf life, excluding the food that may continue to be sold in accordance with the provision of paragraph 3 of Article 63 of the Food Safety Law. 食品安全法所称回收食品,是指已经售出,因违反法律、法规、食品安全标准或者超过保质期等原因,被召回或者退回的食品,不包括依照食品安全法六十三条第三款的规定可以继续销售的食品。
Article 30 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall construct necessary facilities for harmless food treatment and destruction as required. Food producers and traders may, in accordance with the relevant provisions, use facilities built by the government to conduct harmless treatment of food or destroy food.   第三十条 县级以上地方人民政府根据需要建设必要的食品无害化处理和销毁设施。食品生产经营者可以按照规定使用政府建设的设施对食品进行无害化处理或者予以销毁。
Article 31 The founder of a centralized food trading market or the sponsor of a food trade fair shall report to the food safety supervision and administration department of the local people's government at the county level before the opening of the market or the trade fair.   第三十一条 食品集中交易市场的开办者、食品展销会的举办者应当在市场开业或者展销会举办前向所在地县级人民政府食品安全监督管理部门报告。
Article 32 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall properly retain the information on the registration and trading of online food traders. If the food safety supervision and administration department of the people's government at or above the county level does need to obtain the relevant information for conducting food safety supervision and inspection, investigation and handling of a food safety case, or the handling of a food safety incident, with the approval of the person in charge, it may require the provider of the third-party online food trading platform to provide the relevant information, and the provider of the third-party online food trading platform shall provide the relevant information as required. The food safety supervision and administration department of the people's government at or above the county level and its staff members shall be legally obliged to keep confidential the information provided by the provider of the third-party online food trading platform.   第三十二条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当妥善保存入网食品经营者的登记信息和交易信息。县级以上人民政府食品安全监督管理部门开展食品安全监督检查、食品安全案件调查处理、食品安全事故处置确需了解有关信息的,经其负责人批准,可以要求网络食品交易第三方平台提供者提供,网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当按照要求提供。县级以上人民政府食品安全监督管理部门及其工作人员对网络食品交易第三方平台提供者提供的信息依法负有保密义务。
Article 33 The production and trading of genetically modified food shall be marked clearly, and the marking measures shall be developed by the food safety supervision and administration department of the State Council jointly with the agriculture administrative department of the State Council.
   第三十三条 生产经营转基因食品应当显著标示,标示办法由国务院食品安全监督管理部门会同国务院农业行政部门制定。

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