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Regulation on Ensuring Wage Payment to Migrant Workers [Effective]
保障农民工工资支付条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 724) (第724号)

The Regulation on Ensuring Wage Payment to Migrant Workers, as adopted at the 73rd executive meeting of the State Council on December 4, 2019, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2020. 《保障农民工工资支付条例》已经2019年12月4日国务院第73次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2020年5月1日起施行。
Premier Li Keqiang 总理 李克强
December 30, 2019 2019年12月30日
Regulation on Ensuring Wage Payment to Migrant Workers 保障农民工工资支付条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant legal provisions for the purposes of regulating wage payment to migrant workers and ensuring that migrant workers receive their wages on time and in full.   第一条 为了规范农民工工资支付行为,保障农民工按时足额获得工资,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》及有关法律规定,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the ensuring of wage payment to migrant workers.   第二条 保障农民工工资支付,适用本条例。
For the purpose of this Regulation, “migrant worker” means any rural resident who provides labor for an employer. 本条例所称农民工,是指为用人单位提供劳动的农村居民。
For the purpose of this Regulation, “wage” means the remuneration that a migrant worker should receive after providing labor to an employer. 本条例所称工资,是指农民工为用人单位提供劳动后应当获得的劳动报酬。
Article 3 A migrant worker shall have the right to receive his or her wages in due time and in full. No entity or individual may default on the wages of migrant workers.   第三条 农民工有按时足额获得工资的权利。任何单位和个人不得拖欠农民工工资。
Migrant workers shall abide by labor discipline and professional ethics, implement rules on labor safety and health, and fulfill their labor tasks. 农民工应当遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全卫生规程,完成劳动任务。
Article 4 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for ensuring the payment of the wages of migrant workers within their respective administrative areas, establish a mechanism for coordinating the payment of wages to migrant workers, enhance their supervision capability, improve the responsibility system for ensuring the payment of wages to migrant workers, and include the aforesaid contents in the examination and supervision of the relevant departments of the people's governments at the corresponding levels and the people's governments at lower levels.   第四条 县级以上地方人民政府对本行政区域内保障农民工工资支付工作负责,建立保障农民工工资支付工作协调机制,加强监管能力建设,健全保障农民工工资支付工作目标责任制,并纳入对本级人民政府有关部门和下级人民政府进行考核和监督的内容。
The people's governments at the township level and sub-district offices shall strengthen the investigation and mediation of the wage arrears to migrant workers, prevent and resolve the conflicts, and mediate disputes in a timely manner. 乡镇人民政府、街道办事处应当加强对拖欠农民工工资矛盾的排查和调处工作,防范和化解矛盾,及时调解纠纷。
Article 5 Market participants shall be responsible for ensuring the payment of wages to migrant workers, which shall be supervised by the government and assisted by the public, so that the wage arrears to migrant workers may be legally eradicated according to the requirements of controlling at the source, focusing on prevention and combining prevention and control, and addressing both symptoms and root causes.   第五条 保障农民工工资支付,应当坚持市场主体负责、政府依法监管、社会协同监督,按照源头治理、预防为主、防治结合、标本兼治的要求,依法根治拖欠农民工工资问题。
Article 6 An employer shall adopt the real-name system for the employment of migrant workers, and agree in writing with the recruited migrant workers on wage payment standards and payment time and method or stipulate them through rules and regulations developed according to law.   第六条 用人单位实行农民工劳动用工实名制管理,与招用的农民工书面约定或者通过依法制定的规章制度规定工资支付标准、支付时间、支付方式等内容。
Article 7 The administrative department of human resources and social security shall be responsible for the organization, coordination, management and guidance of the work of ensuring the payment of wages to migrant workers and for the supervision and inspection of the payment of wages to migrant workers. It shall investigate and handle the cases concerning the wage arrears to migrant workers.   第七条 人力资源社会保障行政部门负责保障农民工工资支付工作的组织协调、管理指导和农民工工资支付情况的监督检查,查处有关拖欠农民工工资案件。
Departments responsible for engineering construction in housing and urban-rural development, transport, water conservancy and other related industries shall, according to their functions and duties, assume responsibility for industry supervision and supervise cases of wage arrears to migrant workers caused by illegal contracting and subcontracting, affiliation or project payment arrears. 住房城乡建设、交通运输、水利等相关行业工程建设主管部门按照职责履行行业监管责任,督办因违法发包、转包、违法分包、挂靠、拖欠工程款等导致的拖欠农民工工资案件。
Departments responsible for development and reform shall, according to their duties, be responsible for the examination and approval and administration of government-fund projects, examine the sources of funds and ways of fundraising for government-fund projects in accordance with law, make a timely arrangement of government investment in accordance with relevant provisions, strengthen the building of the social credit system, and organize restrictions and punishments on those that are subject to joint disciplinary for dishonesty in wage arrears to migrant workers. 发展改革等部门按照职责负责政府投资项目的审批管理,依法审查政府投资项目的资金来源和筹措方式,按规定及时安排政府投资,加强社会信用体系建设,组织对拖欠农民工工资失信联合惩戒对象依法依规予以限制和惩戒。
Finance departments shall be responsible for the budget management of government investment funds, and allocate government investment funds in full and on time according to the approved budget. 财政部门负责政府投资资金的预算管理,根据经批准的预算按规定及时足额拨付政府投资资金。
Public security organs shall be responsible for accepting and investigating criminal cases of suspected refusal to pay labor remuneration in a timely manner, and handling public security cases caused by wage arrears to migrant workers in accordance with law. 公安机关负责及时受理、侦办涉嫌拒不支付劳动报酬刑事案件,依法处置因农民工工资拖欠引发的社会治安案件。
Departments of judicial administration, natural resources, auditing, state-owned assets management, taxation, market supervision and financial supervision, as well as the People's Bank of China, shall, according to their duties, effectively conduct the work related to ensuring the payment of wages to migrant workers. 司法行政、自然资源、人民银行、审计、国有资产管理、税务、市场监管、金融监管等部门,按照职责做好与保障农民工工资支付相关的工作。
Article 8 Trade unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, disabled persons' federations and other organizations shall, according to their duties and in accordance with law, protect the right of migrant workers to receive wages.   第八条 工会、共产主义青年团、妇女联合会、残疾人联合会等组织按照职责依法维护农民工获得工资的权利。
Article 9 The news media shall give publicity over the laws, regulations and policies for ensuring the payment of migrant workers' wages, provide coverage of role models, and legally strengthen public supervision over illegal act of defaulting on migrant workers' wages, so that employers may be encouraged to strengthen their legal awareness of law-based employment and wage payment in full and on time and migrant workers may be encouraged to safeguard their rights in accordance with law.   第九条 新闻媒体应当开展保障农民工工资支付法律法规政策的公益宣传和先进典型的报道,依法加强对拖欠农民工工资违法行为的舆论监督,引导用人单位增强依法用工、按时足额支付工资的法律意识,引导农民工依法维权。
Article 10 A migrant worker whose wages are paid in arrears shall be entitled to file complaints in accordance with law or to apply for mediation and arbitration of labor disputes and bring lawsuits.   第十条 被拖欠工资的农民工有权依法投诉,或者申请劳动争议调解仲裁和提起诉讼。
Any entity or individual shall have the power to report any act of defaulting on wages for migrant workers to the administrative department of human resources and social security or other relevant departments. 任何单位和个人对拖欠农民工工资的行为,有权向人力资源社会保障行政部门或者其他有关部门举报。
The administrative department of human resources and social security and other relevant departments shall disclose tip-off and complaint hotline, website and other channels, and accept tip-offs and complaints on wage arrears to migrant workers in accordance with law. The first inquiry accountability system shall be performed in handling tip-offs or complaints. If a tip-off or complaint is accepted within a department, it shall, in a timely manner, be dealt with in accordance with law; if a tip-off or complaint is not accepted within a department, it shall, in a timely manner, be transferred to the relevant department, which shall deal with it in a timely manner according to law and inform the informant or complainant of the handling results. 人力资源社会保障行政部门和其他有关部门应当公开举报投诉电话、网站等渠道,依法接受对拖欠农民工工资行为的举报、投诉。对于举报、投诉的处理实行首问负责制,属于本部门受理的,应当依法及时处理;不属于本部门受理的,应当及时转送相关部门,相关部门应当依法及时处理,并将处理结果告知举报、投诉人。
Chapter II Form and Cycle of Wage Payment 

第二章 工资支付形式与周期

Article 11 Wages of migrant workers shall be paid to them in the form of currency by bank transfer or cash, and shall not be substituted by physical objects or negotiable securities.   第十一条 农民工工资应当以货币形式,通过银行转账或者现金支付给农民工本人,不得以实物或者有价证券等其他形式替代。
Article 12 An employer shall pay wages in full according to the wage payment cycle and specific payment date as agreed upon in writing with the migrant workers or as specified in the rules and regulations developed according to law.   第十二条 用人单位应当按照与农民工书面约定或者依法制定的规章制度规定的工资支付周期和具体支付日期足额支付工资。
Article 13 If the monthly, weekly, daily and hourly wage system is implemented, wages shall be paid on a monthly, weekly, daily or hourly basis; if the system of paying wages by piecework is implemented, the payment cycle shall be agreed upon by both parties according to law.   第十三条 实行月、周、日、小时工资制的,按照月、周、日、小时为周期支付工资;实行计件工资制的,工资支付周期由双方依法约定。
Article 14 The wage payment cycle and specific payment date as agreed upon in writing with the migrant workers or as specified in the rules and regulations developed according to law may be the current or subsequent period when migrant workers provide labor. If a specific payment date falls on a statutory holiday or an off-day, wages shall be paid before the statutory holiday or off-day.   第十四条 用人单位与农民工书面约定或者依法制定的规章制度规定的具体支付日期,可以在农民工提供劳动的当期或者次期。具体支付日期遇法定节假日或者休息日的,应当在法定节假日或者休息日前支付。
If an employer fails to pay wages on the date of payment due to force majeure, it shall make payments in a timely manner after the force majeure is eliminated. 用人单位因不可抗力未能在支付日期支付工资的,应当在不可抗力消除后及时支付。
Article 15 An employer shall, according to the wage payment cycle, prepare a written payroll journal, which shall be kept for a minimum of three years.   第十五条 用人单位应当按照工资支付周期编制书面工资支付台账,并至少保存3年。
The written journal shall include, among others, the employer's name, the payment cycle and date, the payee's name, ID number and contact information, working hours, the items and amount of wages payable, the items and amount withheld and deducted, the amount of wages actually paid as well as the vouchers for wages paid by the bank or the signatures of migrant workers. 书面工资支付台账应当包括用人单位名称,支付周期,支付日期,支付对象姓名、身份证号码、联系方式,工作时间,应发工资项目及数额,代扣、代缴、扣除项目和数额,实发工资数额,银行代发工资凭证或者农民工签字等内容。
When the employer pays wages to migrant workers, it shall provide each migrant worker with his or her wage list. 用人单位向农民工支付工资时,应当提供农民工本人的工资清单。
Chapter III Payoff of Wages 

第三章 工资清偿

Article 16 An employer that defaults on the wages of migrant workers shall pay off such wages according to law.   第十六条 用人单位拖欠农民工工资的,应当依法予以清偿。
Article 17 If an entity that is not qualified to conduct legal operations recruits migrant workers and the migrant workers have worked but failed to receive wages, the relevant laws and regulations shall apply.   第十七条 不具备合法经营资格的单位招用农民工,农民工已经付出劳动而未获得工资的,依照有关法律规定执行。
Article 18 If the wages of migrant workers are in arrears when an employer employs migrant workers dispatched by an individual or an entity not qualified to conduct legal operations or failing to obtain the labor dispatch permit in accordance with law, the employer shall pay off all the wages, and may make recourse in accordance with law.   第十八条 用工单位使用个人、不具备合法经营资格的单位或者未依法取得劳务派遣许可证的单位派遣的农民工,拖欠农民工工资的,由用工单位清偿,并可以依法进行追偿。
Article 19 If an employer contracts its tasks to an individual or an entity without legal business qualifications and therefore results in the wage arrears to the recruited migrant workers, the relevant laws shall apply.   第十九条 用人单位将工作任务发包给个人或者不具备合法经营资格的单位,导致拖欠所招用农民工工资的,依照有关法律规定执行。
If an employer allows an individual or an entity not qualified to conduct legal operations or failing to obtain the corresponding qualifications to conduct operations in the name of the employer, which thus results in the wage arrears to the recruited migrant workers, the employer shall pay off the wages in arrears and may make recourse in accordance with law. 用人单位允许个人、不具备合法经营资格或者未取得相应资质的单位以用人单位的名义对外经营,导致拖欠所招用农民工工资的,由用人单位清偿,并可以依法进行追偿。
Article 20 If an employer such as a partnership, sole proprietorship or individual economic organization defaults on the wages of migrant workers, it shall pay off wages in arrears according to law; if it refuses to pay off, the investor shall do so according to law.   第二十条 合伙企业、个人独资企业、个体经济组织等用人单位拖欠农民工工资的,应当依法予以清偿;不清偿的,由出资人依法清偿。
Article 21 In the case of merger or split, an employer shall pay off the wages of migrant workers in arrears according to law before merger or split. If a consensus is reached through written consultation with migrant workers, the arrears wages may be paid off by the employer that has inherited its rights and obligations after merger or split.   第二十一条 用人单位合并或者分立时,应当在实施合并或者分立前依法清偿拖欠的农民工工资;经与农民工书面协商一致的,可以由合并或者分立后承继其权利和义务的用人单位清偿。
Article 22 If an employer is revoked of its business license or registration certificate, ordered to close down, revoked or dissolved according to law, it shall pay off the wages of migrant workers in arrears according to law before applying for de-registration.   第二十二条 用人单位被依法吊销营业执照或者登记证书、被责令关闭、被撤销或者依法解散的,应当在申请注销登记前依法清偿拖欠的农民工工资。
The main investor of the employer that fails to pay off the wages of migrant workers in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall pay off the wages of migrant workers in arrears before the registration of a new employer. 未依据前款规定清偿农民工工资的用人单位主要出资人,应当在注册新用人单位前清偿拖欠的农民工工资。
Chapter IV Special Provisions on Engineering Construction 

第四章 工程建设领域特别规定

Article 23 A construction employer shall have funding arrangements that meet the needs of construction. If an engineering construction project has no funding arrangements that meet the needs of construction, the construction thereof shall not start; if a construction permit is required according to law, the engineering construction department for the relevant industries shall not issue the construction permit.
   第二十三条 建设单位应当有满足施工所需要的资金安排。没有满足施工所需要的资金安排的,工程建设项目不得开工建设;依法需要办理施工许可证的,相关行业工程建设主管部门不予颁发施工许可证。

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