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Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Registration of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
中国(海南)自由贸易试验区商事登记管理条例 [现行有效]

Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province 


(No. 20) (第20号)

The Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Registration of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, as adopted at the 8th session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Hainan Province on December 26, 2018, is hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2019. 《中国(海南)自由贸易试验区商事登记管理条例》已由海南省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议于2018年12月26日通过,现予公布,自2019年1月1日起施行。
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province 海南省人民代表大会常务委员会
December 26, 2018 2018年12月26日
Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Registration of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(海南)自由贸易试验区商事登记管理条例
(Adopted at the 8th session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Hainan Province on December 26, 2018) (2018年12月26日海南省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the administration of commercial registration, protecting the lawful rights and interests of commercial subjects, accelerating the formation of a law-based, international and convenient business environment, fairly opening a unified and high-efficient market environment, and following the basic principles prescribed in the laws and administrative regulations of the state, this Regulation is developed in consideration of the reality of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone ( “HNFTZ”).   第一条 为了规范商事登记管理活动,保护商事主体合法权益,加快形成法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境和公平开放统一高效的市场环境,遵循国家法律、行政法规的基本原则,结合本自由贸易试验区实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 The commercial registration and relevant management activities in HNFTZ shall be governed by this Regulation.   第二条 本自由贸易试验区内商事登记以及相关管理活动适用本条例。
For the purposes of this Regulation, “commercial registration” means the act that an applicant files an application with the registration authority for formation, cancellation of commercial subject qualification, and modification of relevant matters, and that the registration authority conducts registration and publicity according to the law. 本条例所称商事登记,是指申请人为设立、注销商事主体资格及变更相关事项,向登记机关提出申请,由登记机关依法登记并公示的行为。
Article 3 For the purposes of this Regulation, “commercial subjects” means enterprise legal persons, other economic organizations and natural persons that are registered with the registration authorities according to the law and that carry out profit-making business operation activities.   第三条 本条例所称商事主体,是指经登记机关依法登记,以营利为目的从事经营活动的企业法人、其他经济组织和自然人。
Commercial subjects include companies, unincorporated enterprise legal persons, partnerships, sole proprietorship enterprises and branches of the aforesaid enterprises, farmers' specialized cooperatives and their branches, and individual industrial and commercial households, among others. 商事主体包括公司、非公司制企业法人、合伙企业、个人独资企业及上述企业分支机构、农民专业合作社及其分支机构、个体工商户等。
Article 4 Commercial registration shall be conducted under the principles of standardization and unity, openness and transparency, convenience and high efficiency, as well as honesty and good faith.   第四条 商事登记应当遵循规范统一、公开透明、便捷高效、诚实守信的原则。
Article 5 The market regulatory department of the provincial people's government shall, as the registration authority of commercial subjects, be responsible for the registration, supervision and administration of, and services for commercial subjects in HNFTZ.   第五条 省人民政府市场监督管理部门是商事主体的登记机关,负责本自由贸易试验区内的商事主体登记、监督管理和服务。
The market regulatory departments of the people's governments of counties (cities or prefectures) and autonomous counties shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of, and services for commercial subjects within the jurisdictions, and no longer verify or issue business licenses. 市、县(区)、自治县人民政府市场监督管理部门负责本辖区内商事主体的监督管理和服务,不再核发营业执照。
Article 6 HNFTZ shall implement the independent declaration and registration system for commercial subjects, and comprehensively implement whole-process electronic commercial registration.   第六条 本自由贸易试验区实行商事主体自主申报登记制度,全面推行全程电子化商事登记。
An applicant shall, through the electronic registration platform of the registration authority, independently declare its name, domicile (business premise), business scope, information alteration, cancellation and other matters to the registration authority in the form of electronic documents, and the registration authority shall conduct online acceptance, examination, approval, license issuance and archiving. 申请人通过登记机关的电子化登记平台,以电子文档的形式向登记机关自主申报名称、住所(经营场所)、经营范围、信息变更、注销等事项,登记机关在网上受理、审查、核准、发照和存档。
The market regulatory departments of the counties (cities or prefectures) and autonomous counties shall provide registration consultation, guidance, assistance and other services for commercial subjects. 市、县(区)、自治县市场监督管理部门应当为商事主体提供登记咨询、引导、协助办理等服务。
Article 7 HNFTZ shall implement the registrar system in Hainan, and registrars shall, in commercial registration, independently perform acceptance, examination, confirmation and other functions according to the law, and assume corresponding legal liabilities.   第七条 本自由贸易试验区实行全岛通办的注册官制度,注册官在商事登记中依法独立行使受理、审查、核准等职责,并承担相应的法律责任。
For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, “registrars” means staff members of the market regulatory departments specifically being responsible for commercial registration. 前款所称注册官是指市场监督管理部门具体负责商事登记的工作人员。
Article 8 The registration authorities shall implement form examination of the documents fled by applicants.   第八条 登记机关对申请人提交的文件实行形式审查。
The formatted registration information entered by an applicant shall be automatically examined on the registration platform; and for unformatted electronic documents entered by an applicant, the registration authority shall randomly select and appoint registrars in HNFTZ to conduct examination according to the law. 对申请人填报的格式化登记信息,由登记平台自动审核;对申请人申报的非格式化电子文件,登记机关从本自由贸易试验区范围内随机选派注册官依法审核。
Article 9 The registration information entered and application materials filed by an applicant shall be authentic and valid, and the applicant shall assume liability for their authenticity and legitimacy.   第九条 申请人填报的登记信息和提交的申请材料应当真实、有效,并对其真实性、合法性承担责任。
Article 10 The provincial people's government shall establish and improve the commercial subject registration platform, the administrative examination and approval information management platform and the enterprise credit information publicity system, implement information sharing among commercial registration authorities, relevant administrative examination and approval authorities, supervision departments and relevant entities, and improve the information announcement system.   第十条 省人民政府应当建立和完善商事主体登记平台、行政审批信息管理平台和企业信用信息公示系统,实行商事登记机关、有关行政审批机关、监管部门以及有关单位信息共享,健全信息公示制度。
The people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a supervision and law enforcement cooperation and coordination mechanism, and realize law enforcement interaction in licensing, supervision and other respects of commercial subjects. 县级以上人民政府应当建立监管执法协作配合机制,实现对商事主体的许可、监管等方面的执法联动。
Chapter II Registration Procedures 

第二章 登记程序

Section 1 Registration of Formation 

第一节 设立登记

Article 11 To form a commercial subject, an applicant shall apply to the registration authority for registration of formation according to the law, and for an applicant meeting the conditions for formation, the registration authority shall confirm its qualification of commercial subject and qualification of general business operation according to the law, and verify and issue the business license; and without undergoing the formalities of registration, an applicant shall not carry out business operation in the name of commercial subject. The date of issuance of a business license shall be the date of formation of a commercial subject.   第十一条 设立商事主体应当依法向登记机关申请设立登记,符合设立条件的,由登记机关依法确认其商事主体资格和一般经营资格,核发营业执照;未经登记,不得以商事主体名义从事经营活动。营业执照签发日期为商事主体的成立日期。
Where, according to the provisions of laws and regulations, a permit is required to be obtained prior to the registration of formation, an applicant shall apply to the registration authority for commercial registration within the statutory time limit from the date of permit; and registration shall be disapproved, without permit. 依照法律、法规的规定,在设立登记前需要取得许可的,应当自许可之日起在法定期限内向登记机关申请商事登记;未经许可,不予登记。
Where specific business operation activities may only be carried with a permit after the registration of formation according to the laws and regulations, no specific business operation activities shall be carried out without a permit. 依照法律、法规的规定,在设立登记后需要取得许可方可开展特定经营活动的,未经许可,不得开展特定经营活动。
Article 12 The provincial people's government shall, according to the law, announce the catalogue of prior administrative licensing items and and post-administrative licensing items for commercial registration in HNFTZ to the public.   第十二条 省人民政府应当依法向社会公布本自由贸易试验区商事登记实施前置行政许可事项和后置行政许可事项的目录。
Article 13 Where the application of a commercial subject for commercial registration involves post-licensing items, the registration authority shall, when undergoing the formalities of registration, notify the commercial subject of carrying out business operation after obtaining permit of the relevant administrative licensing department according to the law; and notify the relevant administrative licensing department of the commercial subject's registration information through the information sharing platform, after undergoing the formalities of registration.   第十三条 商事主体申请商事登记涉及后置许可事项的,登记机关在办理登记时,应当告知商事主体依法取得有关行政许可部门的许可后方可经营;在办理登记后,应当将商事主体的登记信息通过信息共享平台告知同级有关行政许可部门。
The relevant administrative licensing department shall obtain commercial subjects' registration information on the information sharing platform, handle the relevant post-licensing for commercial registration according to the law, and perform the follow-up supervision and administration duties according to the law. 有关行政许可部门应当在信息共享平台获取商事主体的登记信息,依法办理相关商事登记后置许可,并依法履行后续监管职责。
Article 14 The registration items of commercial subjects include:   第十四条 商事主体登记事项包括:
(1) the name; (一)名称;
(2) the domicile (business premises); (二)住所(经营场所);
(3) the type; (三)类型;
(4) the business scope; (四)经营范围;
(5) the name of the legal representative or person in charge; (五)法定代表人或者负责人姓名;
(6) the registered capital; (六)注册资本;
(7) the term of operation; (七)营业期限;
(8) the name or designation of the investor and the amount of its capital contribution; (八)投资人姓名或者名称及其出资额;
(9) other items prescribed in laws and regulations. (九)法律、法规规定的其他事项。
The registration authority shall, as per the types of commercial subjects, respectively prescribe the specific contents of the registration items of commercial subjects and compile formatted texts. 登记机关应当按照商事主体类型,分别规定商事主体登记事项的具体内容,制定格式化文本。
Article 15 The following items of a commercial subject shall be subject to recordation with the registration authority, and the registration authority shall archive them for future reference and announce them according to the provisions:   第十五条 商事主体下列事项应当向登记机关办理备案,登记机关予以存档备查并按照规定公示:
(1) the bylaws or partnership agreement; (一)章程或者合伙协议;
(2) the directors, supervisors and senior executives; (二)董事、监事、高级管理人员;
(3) the liaison officers for commercial registration; (三)商事登记联络员;
(4) the members and person in charge of the liquidation team; and (四)清算组成员及负责人;
(5) other items prescribed in laws and regulations. (五)法律、法规规定的其他事项。
The registration authority shall, as per the types of commercial subjects, respectively prescribe the specific contents of the recordation items of commercial subjects. 登记机关应当按照商事主体类型,分别规定商事主体备案事项的具体内容。
Article 16 To form a commercial subject, an applicant shall, as per the types of commercial subjects, respectively file the following corresponding application materials with the registration authority:   第十六条 设立商事主体,申请人应当按照商事主体类型,分别向登记机关提交下列相应的申请材料:
(1) an application; and (一)申请书;
(2) the bylaws (partnership agreement, and bylaws of the farmers' specialized cooperatives). (二)公司章程(合伙协议、农民专业合作社章程)。
Where pre-licensing is required to be obtained, relevant licensing documents shall be filed. 需要取得前置许可的,应当提交相关许可文件。
The registration authority shall, as per the types of commercial subjects, compile a catalogue of registration application materials and specifications for the document form, and announce them to the public. 登记机关应当按照商事主体类型,制定登记申请材料目录及文书格式规范并向社会公布。
Article 17 An applicant may, through the registration platform, independently declare the name of the commercial subject, and the registration authority shall not conduct pre-approval of the name. An applicant shall, upon strength of the name generated after declaration, handle pre-licensing, commercial registration and other relevant business.   第十七条 申请人可以通过登记平台自主申报商事主体名称,登记机关不对名称进行预先核准。申请人凭申报后生成的名称保留单办理前置许可、商事登记等相关业务。
Article 18 The name of a commercial subject for which pre-licensing is not required to be obtained shall be retained for 30 days; and upon expiry of the retention period, an applicant may apply for an extension up to 30 days.   第十八条 不需要取得前置许可的商事主体名称保留期为三十日;保留期届满前,申请人可以申请延期一次,期限为三十日。
The name of a commercial subject for which pre-licensing is required to be obtained shall be retained for six months; and upon expiry of the retention period, an applicant may apply for an extension up to six months. 需要取得前置许可的商事主体名称保留期为六个月,保留期届满前,申请人可以申请延期一次,期限为六个月。
Upon expiry of the time limit, the registration authority shall no longer retain the name of the commercial subject. 期限届满,登记机关不再保留该商事主体名称。
Article 19 The registration authority shall relax the restrictions on the names of commercial subjects, develop and announce the rules for the names of commercial subjects in HNFTZ, open the database of the names of commercial subjects, and provide the public with available inquiry and comparison services for names of commercial subjects.   第十九条 登记机关应当放宽商事主体名称限制,制定并公布本自由贸易试验区商事主体名称规则,开放商事主体名称数据库,依法向公众提供可供使用的商事主体名称的查询比对服务。
A name applied for by an applicant shall not violate the rules of names or be identical with any name of any commercial subject registered in HNFTZ. An applicant choosing to register in a name that is similar to or may infringe upon the prior rights of others shall assume relevant legal liability. 申请人申请名称不得违反名称规则的规定,不得与本自由贸易试验区已登记的商事主体名称相同。申请人选择使用与他人近似或者可能侵犯他人在先权利的名称登记的,应当承担相关法律责任。
Article 20 An applicant declaring the domicile (business premise) independently is not required to file the proof of use. The domicile (business premise) shall be a fixed place and comply with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations.   第二十条 申请人自主申报住所(经营场所)信息,可不提交使用证明。住所(经营场所)应当是固定场所,并符合法律、法规的有关规定。
Multiple commercial subjects may jointly register an address as the domicile (business premise). 多个商事主体可以共用同一地址登记为住所(经营场所)。
The registration authority shall verify the domicile (business premise) declared with the information provided by the relevant department online. Where the verification is passed, the registration authority shall keep records according to the information declared by the applicant; and where the verification is not passed, notes shall be indicated in the electronic file. 登记机关应当对申报的住所(经营场所)与相关部门提供的信息在线进行核对。核对通过的,登记机关根据申请人申报的信息予以记载;核对未通过的,在电子档案中予以备注。
Article 21 Where business operation activities may only be carried out at a domicile (business premise) with the permit of the planning, housing and urban-rural development, public security, emergency management, ecological environment, culture, health and other relevant departments according to the law, the permit shall be obtained according to the law before the business operation activities are carried out.   第二十一条 住所(经营场所)依法应当经规划、住建、公安、应急管理、生态环境、文化、卫生健康等相关部门许可方可开展相关经营活动的,开展经营活动前应当依法办理许可。
The people's governments at or above the county level shall announce the catalogue of prohibited areas for business premises, and a commercial subject shall not use any place listed in the catalogue of prohibited areas as residence (business premise). 县级以上人民政府应当公布经营场所的禁设区域目录,商事主体不得以禁设区域目录所列的场所作为住所(经营场所)。
Article 22 An applicant shall, according to the relevant provisions, independently choose to declare the business scope.   第二十二条 申请人应当按照有关规定自主选择申报经营范围。
The registration authority shall, as per the types of commercial subjects, respectively prescribe the methods for entering the business scope. 登记机关应当按照商事主体的类型,分别规定经营范围填写方式。
Article 23 The registration authority shall verify the identity information on applicants and other relevant personnel in accordance with relevant provisions and technical standards. An electronic signature affixed with a digital certificate issued by an electronic certification service institution that complies with the law shall have the same effect as a paper signature.   第二十三条 登记机关应当按照有关规定和技术标准对申请人等相关人员身份信息进行验证。使用符合法律规定的电子认证服务机构发行的数字证书进行的电子签名与纸质签名具有同等效力。
The eligibility status of investors in foreign countries (regions) and the identify of natural persons shall be verified according to the relevant provisions issued by the state.

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