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Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Optimizing Doing Business Environment [Revised]
上海市优化营商环境条例 [已被修订]

Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality



(No.35) (第35号)

Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Optimizing Doing Business Environment, as adopted at the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the Fifteenth People's Congress of the Shanghai Municipality on April 10, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on April 10, 2020. 《上海市优化营商环境条例》已由上海市第十五届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议于2020年4月10日通过,现予公布,自2020年4月10日起施行。
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality 上海市人民代表大会常务委员会
April 10, 2020 2020年4月10日
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Optimizing Doing Business Environment 上海市优化营商环境条例
(Adopted at the 20th Routine Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on April 10, 2020) (2020年4月10日上海市第十五届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For purposes of continuously optimizing Doing Business environment, stimulating the vitality of market participants, maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of market participants, promoting high-quality economic development, enhancing the modernization of government governance systems and capabilities, and building Shanghai into an outstanding global city and a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence, these Regulations are formulated in light of the reality of this Municipality, and in accordance with the Regulations on Optimizing Doing Business Environment and other laws and administrative regulations.,   第一条 为了持续优化营商环境,激发市场主体活力,维护市场主体合法权益,推动经济高质量发展,推进政府治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,将上海建设成为卓越的全球城市、具有世界影响力的社会主义现代化国际大都市,根据《优化营商环境条例》等法律、行政法规,结合本市实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations apply to work related to optimizing Doing Business environment within the administrative area of this Municipality.   第二条 本条例适用于本市行政区域内优化营商环境的相关工作。
Doing Business environment as mentioned in these Regulations refers to the institutional mechanism factors and conditions involved in the market economic activities of enterprises and other market participants. 本条例所称营商环境,是指企业等市场主体在市场经济活动中所涉及的体制机制性因素和条件。
Article 3 The business environment shall be optimized with adherence to the principles of marketization, the rule of law and internationalization, by taking the needs of market participants as the evaluation criteria and the transformation of government functions as the core, taking “Integrated Online Platform” as the starting point to comprehensively “deepen the reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers and optimizing services”. This Municipality shall practice the service concept of “being responsive to requests without making any unnecessary intervention”, benchmark against the highest standard and level, and create an international first-class Doing Business environment with facilitation of trade and investment, high administrative efficiency, standardized government services, and enhanced legal system so as to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable development environment for the investment and business development of all kinds of market participants.   第三条 优化营商环境应当坚持市场化、法治化、国际化原则,以市场主体获得感为评价标准,以政府职能转变为核心,以“一网通办”为抓手,全面深化“放管服”改革,践行“有求必应、无事不扰”的服务理念,对标最高标准、最高水平,打造贸易投资便利、行政效率高效、政务服务规范、法治体系完善的国际一流营商环境,为各类市场主体投资兴业营造稳定、公平、透明、可预期的发展环境。
Article 4 The municipal and district people's governments shall strengthen the organization and leadership of optimizing Doing Business environment, and establish and improve the overall working mechanism for optimizing Doing Business environment, improve the joint meeting mechanism to serve the enterprises and strengthen the overall planning of the service for enterprises in the corresponding administrative area in accordance with the principles and requirements for optimizing Doing Business environment. The main person in charge of the government is the first person responsible for optimizing Doing Business environment.   第四条 市、区人民政府应当加强优化营商环境工作的组织领导,按照优化营商环境的原则和要求,建立健全优化营商环境的统筹推进工作机制,完善服务企业联席会议机制,加强统筹本行政区域企业服务工作。政府主要负责人是优化营商环境的第一责任人。
The development and reform departments at municipal and district levels are the competent departments for optimizing Doing Business environment within their administrative areas, and are responsible for guiding, organizing, and coordinating the daily work of optimizing Doing Business environment. 市、区发展改革部门是本行政区域内优化营商环境工作的主管部门,负责指导、组织、协调优化营商环境日常工作。
The municipal departments of economy and informatization, commerce, government services, market regulation, housing and urban-rural development, planning resources, judicial administration, local finance, intellectual property rights and other departments shall fulfill its duties in optimizing Doing Business environment. 本市经济信息化、商务、政务服务、市场监管、住房城乡建设、规划资源、司法行政、地方金融、知识产权等部门应当按照各自职责,做好优化营商环境相关工作。
Article 5 The municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall fully utilize the existing legal system and national policy resources, explore specific and feasible new experience and methods for optimizing Doing Business environment, and reproduce and promote the effective reform measures.   第五条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当结合实际,充分运用现行法律制度及国家政策资源,探索具体可行的优化营商环境新经验、新做法,并复制推广行之有效的改革措施。
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Lin-gang Special Area, Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone, Hongqiao Business District and other areas shall play a leading role in optimizing Doing Business environment, piloting various reform measures conducive to optimizing Doing Business environment. 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区和临港新片区、张江国家自主创新示范区、虹桥商务区等区域应当在优化营商环境方面发挥引领示范作用,先行先试有利于优化营商环境的各项改革措施。
Article 6 This Municipality shall strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, focus on improving Doing Business environment in the demonstration area in the Yangtze River Delta on ecologically friendly development, promote the establishment of unified market access and supervision rules, and strive to form a unified open market with the free flow of various factors of production and enhance the overall Doing Business environment in the Yangtze River Delta region.   第六条 本市加强与长江三角洲区域相关省、市的交流合作,以长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区营商环境建设为重点,推动建立统一的市场准入和监管规则,着力形成要素自由流动的统一开放市场,提升长江三角洲区域整体营商环境水平。
Article 7 The municipal and district people's governments shall establish an incentive mechanism for optimizing Doing Business environment, and shall commend and reward units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in optimizing Doing Business environment in accordance with the relevant rules.   第七条 市、区人民政府应当建立优化营商环境工作激励机制,对在优化营商环境工作中作出显著成绩的单位和个人,按照有关规定给予表彰和奖励。
All districts and departments can actively explore specific measures to optimize Doing Business environment within the framework of the rule of law and in relation to their actual situations. The relevant entities and individuals who make mistakes or deviate in their exploratory work, but make and implement decisions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality in a diligent and responsible attitude, without making any private gains, then no negative evaluation shall be made upon such entities and individuals, and they may be exempted from or relieved of their liabilities according to the law. 各区、各部门可以结合实际情况,在法治框架内积极探索优化营商环境具体措施。对探索中出现失误或者偏差,但有关单位和个人依照国家和本市有关规定决策、实施,且勤勉尽责、未牟取私利的,不作负面评价,依法予以免责或者减轻责任。
Article 8 As required by Doing Business environment evaluation system, this Municipality promotes the reform of optimizing Doing Business environment which is oriented towards the satisfaction of market participants and the public, and give play to the leading, supervising and urging role of Doing Business environment evaluation in optimizing Doing Business environment.   第八条 本市按照营商环境评价体系要求,以市场主体和社会公众满意度为导向推进优化营商环境改革,发挥营商环境评价对优化营商环境的引领和督促作用。
All districts and departments shall timely adjust and improve the policy measures for optimizing Doing Business environment based on the results of Doing Business environment evaluation. 各区、各部门应当根据营商环境评价结果,及时调整完善优化营商环境的政策措施。
Chapter II Market Environment 

第二章 市场环境

Article 9This Municipality shall give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, build a service system covering the entire life cycle of enterprises, and continue to optimize Doing Business environment in terms of enterprise start-up, financing and credit, dispute resolution, and business withdrawal.   第九条 本市充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,构建覆盖企业全生命周期的服务体系,在企业开办、融资信贷、纠纷解决、企业退出等方面持续优化营商环境。
Article 10 All kinds of market participants can, equally and according to the law, enter fields which are outside of the negative list for national market access. Fields outside the negative list of national foreign investment access shall be managed in accordance with the principle of treating domestic investments and foreign investments equally.   第十条 国家市场准入负面清单以外的领域,各类市场主体均可以依法平等进入。国家外商投资准入负面清单以外的领域,按照内外资一致的原则实施管理。
This Municipality shall formulate industry guidance policies and make them public to society in accordance with the relevant regulations on urban function positioning, development planning, environmental protection and safety, and the established procedures. 本市根据城市功能定位、发展规划以及环保安全等相关规定,按照规定程序制定产业引导政策,并向社会公开。
Article 11 This Municipality shall benchmark against international high-standard investment and trade rules to promote trade facilitation, encourage and promote foreign investment. This Municipality shall carry out the experimental foreign investment policies and measures in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Lin-gang Special Area to expand the opening up of the country to the outside world in accordance with the national deployment.   第十一条 本市对标国际高标准投资贸易规则,推进贸易便利化,鼓励和促进外商投资;按照国家部署,在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区和临港新片区实行外商投资试验性政策措施,扩大对外开放。
All types of enterprises are encouraged to set up headquarters and R&D centers in this Municipality. International organizations that are closely related to the construction of Shanghai's international economic, financial, shipping, trade and science and technology innovation centers are encouraged to register in this Municipality, and this Municipality supports the establishment of international organizations related to this Municipality's key strategic emerging industry. 鼓励各类企业在本市设立总部机构、研发中心,鼓励与上海国际经济、金融、贸易、航运和科创中心建设密切相关的国际组织落户本市,支持创设与本市重点发展的战略性新兴产业相关的国际组织。
Article 12 This Municipality shall, according to the law, protect the decision-making power in operation, the property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of market participants, and protect the personal safety and property securityof enterprise operators.   第十二条 本市依法保护各类市场主体的经营自主权、财产权和其他合法权益,保护企业经营者的人身和财产安全。
No entity or individual may intervene in matters such as pricing, internal governance, and business model that should be independently decided by market participants in accordance with the law. It is prohibited to require market participants to provide any form of apportionment. It is prohibited to illegally implement administrative coercion or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of market participants and their operators. 任何单位和个人不得干预应当由市场主体依法自主决策的定价、内部治理、经营模式等事项,不得对市场主体实施任何形式的摊派,不得非法实施行政强制或者侵犯市场主体及其经营者合法权益的其他行为。
Except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, market participants are entitled to decide independently whether to join or withdraw from social organizations such as industry associations and chambers of commerce. 除法律、法规另有规定外,市场主体有权自主决定加入或者退出行业协会、商会等社会组织,任何单位和个人不得干预。
Article 13 Development support policies of the State and this Municipality shall equally apply to all kinds of market participants according to the law. All kinds of market participants are entitled to the equal use of capital, technology, human resources, land use rights and other natural resources and other production factors and public service resources.   第十三条 各类市场主体依法平等适用国家及本市支持发展的政策,享有公平使用资金、技术、人力资源、土地使用权以及其他自然资源等各类生产要素和公共服务资源的权利。
The municipal and district people's governments and their departments shall treat all kinds of market participants equally and shall not formulate or implement discriminatory policy measures. 市、区人民政府及其部门应当平等对待各类市场主体,不得制定和实施歧视性政策。
Tendering and bidding and government procurement shall be open, transparent, fair and just, and all kinds market participants shall be treated equally according to the law, and shall not be subject to any unreasonable conditions or any restriction or exclusion by way of potential bidder or vendor. 招标投标和政府采购应当公开透明、公平公正,不得设定不合理条件,或者以其他任何形式排斥、限制潜在投标人或者供应商,保障各类市场主体依法平等参与。
This Municipality shall improve the management system of public resource trading, establish and improve a public resource trading platform, optimize the transaction service process, and publicly disclose information on public resource trading rules, procedures, results, supervision, credit and other related matter. 本市完善公共资源交易管理制度,建立健全公共资源交易平台,优化交易服务流程,依法公开公共资源交易规则、流程、结果、监管和信用等信息。
Article 14 This Municipality shall establish and improve a fair competition coordination mechanism, strengthen law enforcement, prevent, and prohibit acts of market monopoly and abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition in market economic activities, and unfair competition, so as to create a fair market environment for competition.   第十四条 本市建立健全公平竞争工作协调机制,加大执法力度,预防和制止市场垄断和滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争的行为,以及不正当竞争行为,营造公平竞争的市场环境。
Article 15 This Municipality shall create a healthy development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises, guarantee their fair participation in market competition, and support their entrepreneurship and innovation.   第十五条 本市营造中小企业健康发展环境,保障中小企业公平参与市场竞争,支持中小企业创业创新。
The municipal and district people's governments shall formulate special policies in fiscal support, fees reduction and exemption, financial support, public services, etc., and arrange special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the financial budget at the same level of government in order to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. 市、区人民政府应当在财政扶持、费用减免、金融支持、公共服务等方面制定专项政策,并在本级预算中安排中小企业发展专项资金,支持中小企业发展。
Article 16 This Municipality shall enhance the protection on minority investors, improve the protection mechanism on the rights and interests of minority investors, safeguard the rights to information, voting, dividends and supervision of minority investors, and give play to the function role of minority investor service agencies in equity holding, right exercising, dispute mediation, and litigation resolving, and improve the convenience of minority investors in regard to safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests.   第十六条 本市加大对中小投资者权益的保护力度,完善中小投资者权益保护机制,保障中小投资者的知情权、表决权、收益权和监督权,发挥中小投资者服务机构在持股行权、纠纷调解、支持诉讼等方面的职能作用,提升中小投资者维护合法权益的便利度。
Article 17 This Municipality shall include all enterprise-related business licensing items in the reform scope of “Separating Permits from the Business License” and adopt methods as directly abolishing examination and approval, changing examination and approval to record-filing, implementing notification and commitment and optimizing examination and approval services to promote such reform. Except for specific fields as prescribed in laws and administrative regulations, no enterprise-related business licensing items shall be used as preconditions for enterprise registration.   第十七条 本市将涉企经营许可事项全部纳入“证照分离”改革范围,通过直接取消审批、审批改为备案、实行告知承诺、优化审批服务等方式,分类推进改革。除法律、行政法规规定的特定领域外,涉企经营许可事项不得作为企业登记的前置条件。
This Municipality supports the exploration of the reform of “One Permit for One Industry” approval model, integrating multiple permits involved in one industry access into a comprehensive industry permit. 本市支持“一业一证”审批模式改革探索,将一个行业准入涉及的多张许可证整合为一张行业综合许可证。
The department of market regulation shall clearly inform the enterprise of the licensing items that need to be handled according to the business scope self-declared by the enterprise, and synchronously inform the relevant competent department of the information of the enterprise applying for the license. The relevant competent department shall timely handle the enterprise-related business licensing items in accordance with the application of the enterprise, and shall promptly report the results to the market regulation department. 市场监管部门应当根据企业自主申报的经营范围,明确告知企业需要办理的许可事项,同时将需要申请许可的企业信息告知相关主管部门。相关主管部门应当依企业申请及时办理涉企经营许可事项,并将办理结果即时反馈市场监管部门。
Article 18 For legally established government funds, enterprise-related deposits and enterprise-related administrative and institutional fees, and operating service fees priced by the government, catalog list management shall be implemented, and no fees or deposits which are outside of the catalog list shall be implemented. The municipal finance department and the municipal development and reform department shall compile such catalog list and make it public.   第十八条 对依法设立的政府性基金、涉企保证金、涉企行政事业性收费、政府定价的经营服务性收费,实行目录清单管理,目录清单之外一律不得执行。市财政、发展改革等部门应当编制目录清单,并向社会公开。
This Municipality shall promote the use of letters of guarantee from financial institutions and guarantee insurances instead of cash payment of enterprise-related deposits. The municipal development and reform department, the municipal housing and urban-rural development department and other relevant competent departments shall clarify specific requirements and guidelines. 本市推广以金融机构保函、保证保险等替代现金缴纳涉企保证金,市发展改革、住房城乡建设等相关主管部门应当明确具体规范和办事指南。
Article 19 This Municipality shall cultivate and develop various types of industry associations and chambers of commerce, and shall regulate and supervise the charging, comparison-based evaluation, certification and other conduct of industry associations and chambers of commerce pursuant to the law.   第十九条 本市培育和发展各类行业协会、商会,依法规范和监督行业协会、商会的收费、评比、认证等行为。
Industry associations and chambers of commerce shall strengthen internal governance and capacity building, reflect industry demands in a timely manner, organize the formulation and implementation of group standards, strengthen industrial self-discipline, and provide market participants with information consulting, publicity and training, market expansion, rights and interests protection, disputes resolution and other services. 行业协会、商会应当加强内部管理和能力建设,及时反映行业诉求,组织制定和实施团体标准,加强行业自律,为市场主体提供信息咨询、宣传培训、市场拓展、权益保护、纠纷处理等服务。
Article 20 The people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments in this Municipality shall fulfill the policy commitments which they have made to market participants according to the law and all kinds of contracts entered into with market participants according to the law, and shall not default on or break contracts on the grounds of adjustment of administrative division, change of government, institutional or functional adjustments, replacement of relevant responsible persons, etc. Where policy commitments or contractual provisions need to be changed due to the needs of national interests or social and public interests, such change shall be carried out in accordance with statutory authority and procedures, and losses suffered by market participants as a result shall be compensated according to the law.   第二十条 本市各级人民政府及其有关部门应当履行向市场主体依法作出的政策承诺以及依法订立的各类合同,不得以行政区划调整、政府换届、机构或者职能调整以及相关责任人更替等为由违约、毁约。因国家利益、社会公共利益需要改变政策承诺、合同约定的,应当依照法定权限和程序进行,并依法对市场主体受到的损失予以补偿。
If the government alters or withdraws the administrative permits that has taken effect or adopts expropriation or other measures in accordance with the conditions and procedures prescribed by law, the market participants shall be compensated pursuant to the law. 政府依照法律规定的条件和程序变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可、采取征用等措施的,应当依法对市场主体予以补偿。
Article 21 The people's governments at all levels, and their relevant departments and institutions in this Municipality shall not default on or be in arrears of the payment of goods, projects, services and other items to market participants, and shall not extend any payment period in disguise beyond the agreed payment mechanism.   第二十一条 本市各级人民政府及其有关部门、事业单位不得违反合同约定拖欠市场主体的货物、工程、服务等账款,也不得在约定付款方式之外变相延长付款期限。
This Municipality shall explore the establishment of a restrictive and disciplinary mechanism for default payment behaviors, prevent and correct the arrears in market participants' accounts through budget management, performance appraisal, audit supervision and other measures. 本市探索建立拖欠账款行为约束惩戒机制,通过预算管理、绩效考核、审计监督等,防止和纠正拖欠市场主体账款的问题。
Article 22 This Municipality shall strengthen the intellectual property rights protection, rationalize the comprehensive management and enforcement system of intellectual property rights, and strengthen the enforcement cooperation mechanism for cross-regional intellectual property laws.   第二十二条 本市加强知识产权保护工作,理顺知识产权综合管理和执法体制,加强跨区域知识产权执法协作机制。
This Municipality shall implement a punitive compensation system against infringement of intellectual property rights, promote the establishment of a mechanism of rapid and collaborative protection on intellectual property rights, improve the cohesive mechanism in between administrative and judicial protection, explore the public interest litigation in intellectual property rights, enhance the aid mechanism in safeguarding intellectual property rights, and provide the infringement early warning, legal services and judicial relief for intellectual property protections. 本市依法实行知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,推动建立知识产权快速协同保护机制,完善行政保护与司法保护衔接机制,探索开展知识产权公益诉讼,完善知识产权维权援助机制,提供知识产权保护的侵权预警、法律服务和司法救济。
This Municipality shall improve diversified mechanisms for the settlement of intellectual property disputes, give full play to the active role of industry associations and mediation, arbitration, intellectual property services and other institutions in resolving intellectual property disputes. 本市完善知识产权纠纷多元解决机制,充分发挥行业协会和调解、仲裁、知识产权服务等机构在解决知识产权纠纷中的积极作用。
Chapter III Government Services 

第三章 政务服务

Article 23 This Municipality shall accelerate the construction of an integrated online government service platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Integrated Online Platform”), promote the integration of offline and online government services, consolidate public data resources, strengthen business collaboration, and optimize government services, promote a main portal, one-time login, and integrate online services for market participants to handle affairs.   第二十三条 本市建设全流程一体化在线政务服务平台(以下简称“一网通办”平台),推动线下和线上政务服务融合,整合公共数据资源,加强业务协同办理,优化政务服务流程,推动市场主体办事线上一个总门户、一次登录、全网通办。
All government services in this Municipality are included in the Integrated Online Platform, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or involving state secrets and public safety. Market participants can handle government services through the Integrated Online Platform, and can obtain precise government services through enterprise-specific web pages. 本市政务服务事项全部纳入“一网通办”平台办理,但法律、法规另有规定或者涉及国家秘密、公共安全等情形的除外。市场主体可以通过“一网通办”平台办理政务服务,并可以通过企业专属网页获得精准化政务服务。
The municipal government service department is responsible for overall planning, coordination and promotion, and guidance and supervision of work in relation to Integrated Online Platform. All districts and departments shall promote the standardization and construction of government services, refine, and quantify government service standards, compile government affairs service guidelines, clarify matters such as application requirements, materials, procedures, tolerance acceptance and other contents, the standards for online and offline applications must be consistent. The conditions for handling government services must not contain any miscellaneous provisions, and relevant departments must not require market participants to provide application materials other than those specified in the guidelines. 市政务服务部门负责统筹规划、协调推进、指导监督“一网通办”工作。各区、各部门推进政务服务标准化规范化建设,细化量化政务服务标准,编制政务服务办事指南,明确事项办理条件、办事材料、办理流程、容缺受理等内容,线上办理和线下办理标准应当一致。政务服务事项办理条件不得含有兜底条款,相关部门不得要求市场主体提供办事指南规定之外的申请材料。
The market participants can independently choose the service channels for handling government services, and the relevant departments must not designate such channels for government services. If the standardized electronic materials have been collected online, the applicant shall not be required to provide hard copies. 市场主体可以自主选择政务服务办理渠道,相关部门不得限定办理渠道。已在线收取规范化电子材料的,不得要求申请人再提供纸质材料。
This Municipality shall promote the establishment of a special window for foreign-related services on the Integrated Online Platform to provide convenient government services for foreign-invested enterprises and foreigners. 本市推进“一网通办”平台涉外服务专窗建设,为外商投资企业、外国人提供便利化政务服务。
Article 24The government services hall shall promote a comprehensive window service, implementing comprehensive acceptance, categorized dealing, and unified delivery.   第二十四条 本市政务服务大厅推行综合窗口服务,实行综合受理、分类办理、统一出件。
The service window shall strengthen standardized management, promote standardized construction, improve service systems such as one-time notification, first-inquired person in charge, receiving documents with vouchers and time-limited processing; improve the working mechanisms such as appointments, full-time assistance, joint processing, stagger, and extended services. 服务窗口应当加强标准化管理,推进规范化建设,健全一次告知、首问负责、收件凭证、限时办结等服务制度,完善预约、全程帮办、联办以及错时、延时服务等工作机制。
All districts and departments shall allocate more staffs for window service and strengthen their professional training. The service window staffs shall, in accordance with the government's efficiency improvement regulations, comprehensively apply efficiency assessment, supervision and inspection, efficiency accountability and other means to improve service quality and efficiency. 各区、各部门应当加强窗口服务力量配置和窗口工作人员业务培训。服务窗口应当按照政府效能建设管理规定,综合运用效能评估、监督检查、效能问责等手段,提高服务质量和效能。
Except in the circumstances clearly prescribed by laws and regulations, the window service staffs shall not refuse to accept the application submitted by the applicant. If the window staff fails to accept the material, all departments shall strengthen verification and supervision. 除法律、法规有明确规定的情形外,窗口工作人员不得对申请人提出的申请事项不予收件。窗口工作人员不予收件的,各部门应当加强核实监督。
Article 25 This Municipality shall implement a list management system for government permits. The municipal approval reform department shall, together with the relevant administrative departments, publish the list to the public in a timely manner and make dynamic adjustments.   第二十五条 本市对行政许可事项实施清单管理制度。市审批改革部门应当会同相关行政管理部门及时向社会公布清单并进行动态调整。
Except as specified within the list of administrative permits, any establishment or the disguised establishment or implementation of government permits in the manner of files, record, registration, catalog, planning, annual inspection, annual report, production supervision, recognition, certification, review, and any other forms shall be prohibited. The government permits that have been cancelled by the State and this Municipality shall not be continued, resumed in disguised form, or transferred to perform by industrial associations, chambers of commerce and other organizations for implementation. 在行政许可事项清单之外,不得违法设定或者以备案、登记、注册、目录、规划、年检、年报、监制、认定、认证、审定以及其他任何形式变相设定或者实施行政许可。对国家和本市已经取消的行政许可事项,不得继续实施、变相恢复实施或者转由行业协会、商会以及其他组织实施。
The relevant departments shall submit reports containing government permits, fees collection, supervision, and inspection of the current year to the approval reform department at the same level and publish such reports to the public according to the law. 各相关部门应当将本年度行政许可办理、费用收取、监督检查等工作情况,向同级审批改革部门报告并依法向社会公布。
Article 26 This Municipality shall fully implement the system of administrative approval via Notification and Commitment. For administrative approval items that are difficult to verify approval requirements in advance but incompleteness can be corrected, with controllable risks, through the on-processing and post-event supervision, the administrative approval authority may adopt a Notification and Commitment method to implement the administrative approval, except for those directly involving public safety, ecological environmental protection and personal health, life and property safety, and those in need for approval on the spot according to the law. The specific and Commitment items shall be determined by the approval reform department in conjunction with the relevant departments and published to the public.   第二十六条 本市全面推行行政审批告知承诺制度。对审批条件难以事先核实、能够通过事中事后监管纠正且风险可控的行政审批事项,行政审批机关可以采取告知承诺方式实施行政审批,但直接涉及公共安全、生态环境保护和直接关系人身健康、生命财产安全的以及依法应当当场作出行政审批决定的行政审批事项除外。告知承诺的具体事项,由审批改革部门会同相关部门确定,并向社会公布。
As for administrative approval with Notification and Commitments, the relevant department shall inform the applicant of the approval requirements and the materials to be submitted at one time. If the applicant makes commitment in writing to meet the requirements for examination and approval, an administrative approval decision shall be made directly, and supervise the fulfilling status of applicant's commitment according to the law. If the applicant fails to fulfill its commitment, the approval department shall order the applicant to rectify within a time limit; if the conditions are not met after such rectification period, the approval decision shall be revoked and brought into the credit information platform in accordance with the relevant regulations. 实行行政审批告知承诺的,相关部门应当一次性告知申请人审批条件和需要提交的材料。申请人以书面形式承诺符合审批条件的,应当直接作出行政审批决定,并依法对申请人履行承诺情况进行监督检查。申请人未履行承诺的,审批部门应当责令其限期整改;整改后仍未满足条件的,应当撤销办理决定,并按照有关规定纳入信用信息平台。
Article 27 This Municipality shall follow the principles of lawfulness, necessity, simplicity and regulate the intermediary services for administrative approval. The list of intermediary services for administrative approval shall be compiled by the municipal approval reform department in conjunction with the relevant administrative department, and published to the public.   第二十七条 本市遵循合法、必要、精简的原则,规范行政审批中介服务事项。行政审批中介服务事项清单由市审批改革部门会同相关行政管理部门编制,并向社会公布。
Except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, the market participants shall have the right to choose the intermediary service agency independently. No administrative department may designate or designate in a disguised manner an intermediary service agency for them, and may not force or force in a disguised manner the market participants to accept any intermediary services.

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