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Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Crop Disease and Pests [Effective]
农作物病虫害防治条例 [现行有效]
  • Issuing authority: State Council
  • Document Number: Order No. 725 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
  • Date issued: 03-26-2020
  • Effective date: 05-01-2020
  • Level of Authority: Administrative Regulations
  • Area of Law:Agriculture

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 725) (第725号)

The Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Crop Diseases and Pests, as adopted at the 86th Executive Meeting of the State Council on March 17, 2020, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2020. 《农作物病虫害防治条例》已经2020年3月17日国务院第86次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2020年5月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理  李克强
March 26, 2020 2020年3月26日
Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Crop Diseases and Pests 农作物病虫害防治条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed for the purposes of preventing and controlling crop diseases and pests, safeguarding national food security and agricultural product quality and safety, protecting the ecology and environment, and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture.   第一条 为了防治农作物病虫害,保障国家粮食安全和农产品质量安全,保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Regulation, "prevention and control of crop diseases and pests" means the monitoring and forecasting, prevention and control, emergency treatment, and other prevention and control activities of diseases, pests, weeds, rats, and other harmful organisms that harm crops and their products and the supervision and administration of the activities.   第二条 本条例所称农作物病虫害防治,是指对危害农作物及其产品的病、虫、草、鼠等有害生物的监测与预报、预防与控制、应急处置等防治活动及其监督管理。
Article 3 The prevention and control of crop diseases and pests shall be governed by the principles of focus on prevention and comprehensive prevention and control and in adherence to government leadership, territorial responsibility, classification-based management, scientific and technological support, and green prevention and control.   第三条 农作物病虫害防治实行预防为主、综合防治的方针,坚持政府主导、属地负责、分类管理、科技支撑、绿色防控。
Article 4 Crop diseases and pests shall be classified into the following three classes according to the characteristics of crop diseases and pests and the degree of harm to agricultural production:   第四条 根据农作物病虫害的特点及其对农业生产的危害程度,将农作物病虫害分为下列三类:
(1) "Class-I crop diseases and pests" means the crop diseases and pests that occur in an very large area or may cause especially heavy losses to agricultural production throughout the year, of which a list shall be formulated and issued by the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council. (一)一类农作物病虫害,是指常年发生面积特别大或者可能给农业生产造成特别重大损失的农作物病虫害,其名录由国务院农业农村主管部门制定、公布;
(2) "Class-II crop diseases and pests" means the crop diseases and pests that occur in a large area or may cause heavy losses to agricultural production throughout the year, of which a list shall be formulated and issued by the departments of agriculture and rural affairs of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and filed with the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council. (二)二类农作物病虫害,是指常年发生面积大或者可能给农业生产造成重大损失的农作物病虫害,其名录由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府农业农村主管部门制定、公布,并报国务院农业农村主管部门备案;
(3) "Class-III crop diseases and pests" means the crop diseases and pests other than Class-I and Class-II crop diseases and pests. (三)三类农作物病虫害,是指一类农作物病虫害和二类农作物病虫害以外的其他农作物病虫害。
Newly discovered crop diseases and pests that may cause material or especially heavy losses to agricultural production shall be managed as Class-I crop diseases and pests before classified. 新发现的农作物病虫害可能给农业生产造成重大或者特别重大损失的,在确定其分类前,按照一类农作物病虫害管理。
Article 5 People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the organization and leadership of the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests and include the funds for prevention and control in the government budget at the corresponding level.   第五条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对农作物病虫害防治工作的组织领导,将防治工作经费纳入本级政府预算。
Article 6 The department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests throughout the country. The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests in their respective administrative areas.   第六条 国务院农业农村主管部门负责全国农作物病虫害防治的监督管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门负责本行政区域农作物病虫害防治的监督管理工作。
The relevant departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the division of duties, effectively conduct the work related to the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests. 县级以上人民政府其他有关部门按照职责分工,做好农作物病虫害防治相关工作。
The people's governments at the township level shall assist the relevant departments of higher people's governments in the publicity, mobilization, organization, and other work related to the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests in their respective administrative areas. 乡镇人民政府应当协助上级人民政府有关部门做好本行政区域农作物病虫害防治宣传、动员、组织等工作。
Article 7 The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of people's governments at or above the county level shall arrange for plant protection institutions to conduct technical work related to the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests.   第七条 县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门组织植物保护工作机构开展农作物病虫害防治有关技术工作。
Article 8 Agricultural production and operation entities and other relevant entities and individuals shall effectively prevent and control crop diseases and pests within the scope of production and operation and cooperate with people's governments at all levels and relevant departments in their prevention and control work.   第八条 农业生产经营者等有关单位和个人应当做好生产经营范围内的农作物病虫害防治工作,并对各级人民政府及有关部门开展的防治工作予以配合。
Rural collective economic organizations and villagers' committees shall cooperate with people's governments at all levels and relevant departments in effectively preventing and controlling crop diseases and pests. 农村集体经济组织、村民委员会应当配合各级人民政府及有关部门做好农作物病虫害防治工作。
Article 9 The state shall encourage and support the commercialization and lawful promotion and application of scientific and technological innovations and achievements for the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests, diffuse and apply information technology and biotechnology, and advance intelligent, professional, and green prevention and control of crop diseases and pests.   第九条 国家鼓励和支持开展农作物病虫害防治科技创新、成果转化和依法推广应用,普及应用信息技术、生物技术,推进农作物病虫害防治的智能化、专业化、绿色化。
The state shall encourage and support international cooperation and exchanges in the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests. 国家鼓励和支持农作物病虫害防治国际合作与交流。
Article 10 The state shall encourage and support the use of ecological management, healthy cultivation, biological prevention and control, physical prevention and control, and other green prevention and control technologies, advanced pesticide application machinery, and safe, efficient, and economical pesticides.   第十条 国家鼓励和支持使用生态治理、健康栽培、生物防治、物理防治等绿色防控技术和先进施药机械以及安全、高效、经济的农药。
Article 11 Entities and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests shall be commended in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十一条 对在农作物病虫害防治工作中作出突出贡献的单位和个人,按照国家有关规定予以表彰。
Chapter III Monitoring and Forecasting 

第二章 监测与预报

Article 12 The state shall establish a monitoring system for crop diseases and pests. The department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council shall be responsible for preparing and organizing the implementation of a national plan for the construction of a crop disease and pest monitoring network. The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for preparing and organizing the implementation of plans for the construction of a crop disease and pest monitoring network in their respective administrative areas.   第十二条 国家建立农作物病虫害监测制度。国务院农业农村主管部门负责编制全国农作物病虫害监测网络建设规划并组织实施。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府农业农村主管部门负责编制本行政区域农作物病虫害监测网络建设规划并组织实施。
The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the management of crop disease and pest monitoring networks. 县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门应当加强对农作物病虫害监测网络的管理。
Article 13 No entity or individual may appropriate, damage, remove, or move without permission facilities and equipment for monitoring crop diseases and pests, or otherwise interfere with the normal operation of such facilities and equipment.   第十三条 任何单位和个人不得侵占、损毁、拆除、擅自移动农作物病虫害监测设施设备,或者以其他方式妨害农作物病虫害监测设施设备正常运行。
A construction, conversion, or expansion project shall avoid any facility or equipment for monitoring crop diseases and pests; and if avoidance is really impossible, and it is necessary to remove the facility or equipment, the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall organize relocation according to the relevant technical requirements, at the expense of the construction entity. 新建、改建、扩建建设工程应当避开农作物病虫害监测设施设备;确实无法避开、需要拆除农作物病虫害监测设施设备的,应当由县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门按照有关技术要求组织迁建,迁建费用由建设单位承担。
If any facility or equipment for monitoring crop diseases and pests is damaged, the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall promptly organize repairs or rebuilding. 农作物病虫害监测设施设备毁损的,县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门应当及时组织修复或者重新建设。
Article 14 The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the monitoring of crop diseases and pests. The monitoring of crop pests and diseases includes the following:   第十四条 县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门应当组织开展农作物病虫害监测。农作物病虫害监测包括下列内容:
(1) The type, time, scope and degree of crop diseases and pests. (一)农作物病虫害发生的种类、时间、范围、程度;
(2) The species, distribution and population fluctuation of the main natural enemies of pests. (二)害虫主要天敌种类、分布与种群消长情况;
(3) The field climate that affects the occurrence of crop diseases and pests. (三)影响农作物病虫害发生的田间气候;
(4) Other contents subject to monitoring. (四)其他需要监测的内容。
The technical specifications for monitoring crop diseases and pests shall be formulated by the departments of agriculture and rural affairs of people's governments at or above the provincial level. 农作物病虫害监测技术规范由省级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门制定。
Agricultural production and operation entities and other relevant entities and individuals shall cooperate in effectively monitoring crop diseases and pests. 农业生产经营者等有关单位和个人应当配合做好农作物病虫害监测。
Article 15 The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of local people's governments at or above the county level shall promptly report information on the monitoring of crop diseases and pests to the departments of agriculture and rural affairs of higher people's governments as required by the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council.   第十五条 县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门应当按照国务院农业农村主管部门的规定及时向上级人民政府农业农村主管部门报告农作物病虫害监测信息。
No entity or individual may withhold or misreport information on the monitoring of crop diseases and pests, or instruct another person to fabricate misinformation, or obstruct another person from reporting truthfully. 任何单位和个人不得瞒报、谎报农作物病虫害监测信息,不得授意他人编造虚假信息,不得阻挠他人如实报告。
Article 16 The departments of agriculture and rural affairs of people's governments at or above the county level shall issue forecasts of crop diseases and pests as required by the department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council on the basis of comprehensively analyzing monitoring results, and any other organization or individual may not issue forecasts of crop diseases and pests to society.
   第十六条 县级以上人民政府农业农村主管部门应当在综合分析监测结果的基础上,按照国务院农业农村主管部门的规定发布农作物病虫害预报,其他组织和个人不得向社会发布农作物病虫害预报。

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