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Jiangsu Bright Trading Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Yuehong (Disputes over Unjust Enrichment)

Jiangsu Bright Trading Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Yuehong (Disputes over Unjust Enrichment)
Jiangsu Bright Trading Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Yuehong (Disputes over Unjust Enrichment) 江苏百锐特贸易有限公司诉张月红不当得利纠纷案
[Judgment Summary] [裁判摘要]
After fulfilling the obligation of payment according to the enforcement settlement agreement, the tortfeasor required close relatives of the victim to refund the nursing expenses for expected years not reached on the ground of the victim's early death and unjust enrichment, which should not be supported. 侵权人依据执行和解协议履行给付义务后,因受害人提前病故,又以不当得利为由请求受害人近亲属返还未达预期年限护理费的,不予支持。

Plaintiff: Jiangsu Bright Trading Co., Ltd., domiciled at Fangong South Road, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. 原告:江苏百锐特贸易有限公司。
Legal representative: Chen Meifang, chairman of the company. 法定代表人:陈美芳,该公司董事长。
Defendant: Zhang Yuehong, female, 31 years old, Han nationality, domiciled at Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. 被告:张月红。
Plaintiff Jiangsu Bright Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Bright Company”) had dispute over unjust enrichment with defendant Zhang Yuehong and instituted a lawsuit with the People's Court of Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. 原告江苏百锐特贸易有限公司(以下简称百锐特公司)与被告张月红发生不当得利纠纷,向江苏省东台市人民法院提起诉讼。
Plaintiff Bright Company claimed that defendant Zhang Yuehong, the daughter of Zhang Longxi became the legal representative of Zhang Longxi after Zhang Longxi was injured. In July 2013, Zhang Longxi instituted a lawsuit for dispute over the liability for damage caused to a labor provider with the People's Court of Dongtai City, requesting Zhou Dongxiang and Bright Company to jointly compensate 898,942. 18 yuan. In the trial, Bright Company raised an objection against Zhang Longxi's claim for 20 years of nursing expenses, and believed that the expenses had not occurred, five years of expenses could be paid depending on the actual circumstances, and another claim could be made, if nursing was still required in five years. Upon trial, the Court of Dongtai determined that Zhang Longxi's losses were 1,147,662. 85 yuan (including 20 years of nursing expenses 867,320 yuan), and the plaintiff in this case should assume 30% of liability for compensation, i.e. 359,298 yuan (including 30% of nursing expenses for 20 years, i.e. 260,196 yuan, and 15,000 yuan of compensation for mental distress). During the enforcement, the two parties reached a settlement agreement. The plaintiff in this case paid 300,000 yuan of compensation successively and remitted the fund to the bank card of the defendant in this case. Zhang Longxi, who died on November 22, 2014, no longer needed nursing. The actual nursing time was only 906 days, less than two years and a half. On the basis of five years of nursing expenses, the plaintiff in this case only should pay 65,049 yuan. As the daughter of Zhang Longxi and the legal representative of Zhang Longxi before his death, the defendant accepted the compensation. The nursing personnel should refund the nursing expenses of 132,012 yuan not used by Zhang Longxi to the plaintiff. Therefore, the plaintiff instituted a lawsuit with the court, requesting that: (1) the defendant should refund unjust enrichment of 132,012 yuan; and (2) the litigation fees should be assumed by the defendant. 原告百锐特公司诉称:被告张月红系张龙喜之女,张龙喜受伤后其为法定代理人。2013年7月,张龙喜向东台市人民法院提起提供劳务者受害责任纠纷诉讼,请求周东祥及百锐特公司共同赔偿898 942.18元。审理中,百锐特公司对张龙喜主张20年护理费提出异议,认为此费用尚未发生,可酌情支持5年,若5年后还需护理,可另行主张。东台法院审理后,认定张龙喜各项损失为1 147 662.85元(其中20年护理费867 320元),由本案原告承担30%的赔偿责任即359 298元(含20年护理费的30%即260 196元,精神损害抚慰金15 000元)。执行中双方达成和解协议,本案原告先后支付赔偿款300 000元,款项汇至本案被告银行卡。张龙喜于2014年11月22日去世,其不再需要护理,实际护理时间只有906天,不足2年半,现按5年护理费计算,本案原告仅应支付65 049元。被告作为张龙喜的女儿及生前法定代理人接受赔偿款,护理人应将张龙喜未用部分的护理费132 012元返还原告,故原告诉至法院,请求:(1)被告返还不当得利132 012元;(2)诉讼费由被告承担。
...... 被告张月红辩称:(1)张月红不是本案的适格被告。张月红接受赔偿款的行为系代理行为。代理行为已经得到当时审理与执行案件的确认,而且所支付的赔偿款已用于清偿张龙喜的债务、后续治疗护理等事项。(2)原告百锐特公司支付赔偿款的行为系依法履行法院生效法律文书确定的义务,原告要求返还已支付的赔偿款,无法律依据。(3)双方当事人达成的和解协议是双方对自己权利的再次处分,和解协议一旦履行完毕,任何一方均无反悔权利。综上,请求法院依法驳回原告的诉讼请求。
 2013年5月30日,张龙喜的伤情经法医学鉴定,意见为:张龙喜颅脑损伤致植物性生存状态已构成人体损伤一级伤残。张龙喜已完全丧失劳动能力,护理期限为长期护理,护理人数为2人等。2013年7月18日,张龙喜向法院诉讼要求雇主周东祥、房主百锐特公司赔偿其因事故产生的各项损失,其女儿张月红为法定代理人参与诉讼。2013年9月9日,法院依法作出(2013)东民初字第0901号民事判决,认为因该事故产生的损失应由周东祥、百锐特公司、张龙喜依次按45%、30%、25%的比例进行分担,其中,依据法医学鉴定意见书,因张龙喜残疾不能恢复生活自理能力,根据其年龄、健康状况等因素确定护理期限20年,认定护理费867 320元(20年×21 683元/年×2人)张龙喜的各项经济损失合计1 147 662.85元(不含精神损害抚慰金),由百锐特公司承担30%的赔偿责任即344 298元及15 000元精神损害抚慰金,并负担诉讼费3836元,周东祥赔偿损失538 948元。该判决已发生法律效力。

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