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Fukui Bank Co., Ltd. v Shanghai Yekao Spectacles Co., Ltd. (2014) (Case about dispute over the arbitral award)

Fukui Bank Co., Ltd. v Shanghai Yekao Spectacles Co., Ltd. (2014) 申请人株式会社福井银行(以下简称“福井银行”)与被申请人上海野尻光学有限公司(以下简称“野尻公司”)申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纠纷案
Civil Ruling of Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court 中华人民共和国上海市第二中级人民法院
(2014) Huerzhongminren(waizhong)zi No.l, 20 July 2015 民事裁定书 (2014)沪二中民认(外仲)字第1号
Claimant: Fukui Bank Co., Ltd. 申请人:株式会社福井银行。
Legal Representative: Ito Zhong Sho. 法定代表人:伊东忠昭,代表执行役。
Attorney: Yu Yongzhong, Shanghai Dabang Law Firm. 委托代理人:喻永忠,上海大邦律师事务所律师。
Respondent: Shanghai Yekao Spectacles Co., Ltd. 被申请人:上海野尻光学有限公司。
Legal representative: Fu Yong Bang Nan. 法定代表人:福永邦男。
Application for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award in the case Claimant, Fukui Bank Co.,Ltd. (“Fukui Bank”),and Respondent, Shanghai Yekao Spectacles Co.,Ltd. (“Yekao Spectacles”),was accepted by the Court on September 10, 2014. The court constituted a panel for trial The trial has been ended. 申请人株式会社福井银行(以下简称“福井银行”)与被申请人上海野尻光学有限公司(以下简称“野尻公司”)申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纠纷一案,本院日受理后,依法组成合议庭进行了审理。本案现已审理终结。
Basic Facts 基本案情
Claimant Fukui Bank said that, Yekao Spectacles is a foreign-invested company which Nojiri Optical Industrial Co., Ltd. (Japan) established in China. At the request of Yekao Spectacles, Fukui Bank offered a credit guarantee to an outsider,the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, for a RMB 17 million short-term loan to Yekao Spectacles. Fukui Bank also established a standby letter of credit. Later, Yekao Spectacles failed to repay the loan as scheduled, Fukui Bank, as a guarantor, repaid the loan of $2,5013471.46, which equivalent to RMB 17 million on behalf of Yekao Spectacles on March 30, 2009. Accordingly, Fukui Bank got the recourse right to Yekao Spectacles. On April 7, 2009, Fukui Bank and Yekao Spectacles entered into an “Agreement” that Yekao Spectacles is liable to repay Fukui Bank RMB 17 million,which is $2,501,471,46, and also a 6% annual rate of interest since March 30, 2009 until the repayment date March 30, 2010. According to the PRC law, Yekao Spectacles registered the foreign debt. On March 15, 2010, due to Yekao Spectacles failed to repay the debt, the two parties signed an “Agreement on the extension of the repayment of the debt”,agreeing to extend the payment date to March 30, 2011.,2011. On May 31,2010, the two parties signed “Maximum Mortgage Agreement” agreeing that Yekao Spectacles set a maximum mortgage on its land use right and house ownership to ensure the performance of the above debt payment obligation. In March 2012, due to its inability to pay the employees “wages, Yekao Spectacles's land and factories was sealed off by the Jiading District Peopled Court. Fukxii Bank applied for distribution on the ground of mortgage. Later, the court escrowed the money. On March 28, 2014, based on an arbitration agreement with Yekao Spectacles, Fukui Bank commenced an arbitration in Japan Commercial Arbitration Association, requesting for the repayment of debt. On June 9, 2014, the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association rendered the arbitral award that Yekao Spectacles shall pay the principal amount of $2,501,471.46, the interest of $37,938.98, and the 14% annual rate overdue interest of the sum of principal and interest up to $2,539,410.44, since March 31, 2012 until the date of payment. Also, Yekao Spectacles shall bear the arbitration fees. Later, the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association rendered an additional award that Yekao Spectacles shall pay the legal fees to Fukui Bank, which is 2,209,704 yen. After the above-mentioned awards were rendered, Yekao Spectacles still failed to perform its payment obligation. The claimant Fukui Bank applied for recognition and enforcement of the above arbitral awards pursuant to Supreme People's Court Implementing the Participation of China in the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards “Circular”,the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (“New York Convention”), and the China Civil Procedure Law of the PRC. 申请人福井银行称:野尻公司系(日本)野尻眼镜工业株式会社在中国设立的外商投资企业。应野尻公司申请,福井银行为野尻公司向案外人三菱东京日联银行(中国)有限公司上海分行(以下简称“三菱银行”)的人民币1,700万元短期贷款提供了信用担保,并向三菱银行开立了备用信用证。之后,由于野尻公司未能如期归还贷款,福井银行作为担保人于2009年3月30日向三菱银行代为归还了上述贷款金额共计2,501,471.46美元,折合人民币1,700万元,福井银行对野尻公司据此取得了上述款项的追偿权。2009年4月7日,福井银行与野尻公司签订《协议书》一份,确认野尻公司负有偿还福井银行人民币1,700万元即2,501,471.46美元的义务,并约定自2009年3月30日起至清偿期限2010年3月30日为止按年利息6%支付利息。野尻公司对该债务依法办理了外债登记手续。2010年3月15日,因野尻公司无力偿还债务,双方又签订《关于延长债务偿还期限的协议书》,约定上述债务的偿还期限延长至2011年3月30日。2010年5月31日,双方签订《最高额抵押协议书》,约定野尻公司在其土地使用权及房屋所有权上设定最高额抵押以保证上述债务的履行。2012年3月,因无力支付员工工资,野尻公司的土地及厂房被上海市嘉定区人民法院查封,福井银行以抵押权为由向该法院申请参与分配,后该法院将本案款项提存。2014年3月28日,福井银行基于与野尻公司签订的仲裁协议向日本商事仲裁协会提起仲裁申请,请求野尻公司偿还上述债务。2014年6月9日,日本商事仲裁协会对该案作出仲裁裁决,裁决野尻公司向福井银行支付本金2,501,471.46美元及利息37,938.98美元,以及本金及利息之和2,539,410.44美元自2012年3月31日起至实际支付日为止、按年息14%计付的逾期利息,仲裁费亦由野尻公司负担。之后,日本商事仲裁协议又作出追加裁决,裁决野尻公司向福井银行支付律师费等2,209,704日元。上述裁决作出后,因野尻公司始终未能履行义务,申请人福井银行依据《最高人民法院关于执行我国加入的<承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约>的通知》、《承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(以下简称“《纽约公约》”)及《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的规定,向本院申请承认和执行上述仲裁裁决。
In support of its claim, the claimant Fukui Bank submitted the following evidence: 为证明其主张,申请人福井银行向本院提交了以下证据:
1) Notarized arbitral awards and translation, proving Japan Commercial Arbitration Association Tokyo tribunal No. 14-03 rendered the above arbitral award on June 9, 2014 and the additional award on June 19,2014. 1、经公证认证的仲裁裁决书及其翻译件,证明日本商事仲裁协会东京14-03号仲裁庭于2014年6月9日、2014年6月19日作出了涉案仲裁裁决及追加仲裁裁决。
2) The “agreement” and the “supplementary agreement”,proving the existence of guarantee legal relationship between Fukui Bank and Yekao Spectacles. The arbitral awards were made pursuant to the legal relationship. 2、协议书及其补充协议,证明福井银行及野尻公司之间存在担保法律关系,涉案仲裁裁决系依据该基础关系作出裁决。
3) The maximum mortgage agreement and real estate registration certificate, proving that because of Yekao Spectacles's inability to pay the debt, the two parties agreed to set a mortgage guarantee on the house ownership of Yekao Spectacles, and registered. 3、最高额抵押协议公证书及房地产登记证明,证明因野尻公司无力偿还债务,双方约定将野尻公司房屋所有权进行抵押担保,并依法办理了抵押登记手续。
4) The external guarantee registration and the foreign debt registration, proving that because Yekao Spectacles's debt is foreign debt, it had been registered on the dispute amount and the repayment date according to the PRC law. 4、对外担保登记证及外债登记,证明由于野尻公司所负债务为外债,野尻公司已经依照中国法律规定就系争债务的金额及偿还期限等进行了外债登记。
5) The notification of implementation, proving that the Jiading District People's Court has escrowed the payment amount including principal, interests and the delay interests, and informed Fukui Bank to confirm the above claims through litigation or arbitration. 5、执行告知书,证明上海市嘉定区人民法院已将福井银行对野尻公司享有的抵押权本金、利息及迟延支付利息金额予以提存,告知福井银行通过诉讼或仲裁等途径就上述债权进行确认。
6) The translation of Japanese lawyer Shan Gen Ji Hong's legal opinion and the Japan “Arbitration Act”,proving that according to the Japanese Arbitration Act, the arbitration agreement of this case is valid,and the arbitration procedures were in accordance with the currently effective “Commercial Arbitration Rules” of Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The arbitral award is the final award. 6、日本律师山根基宏出具的法律意见书及日本国《仲裁法》翻译件,证明根据日本仲裁法本案仲裁条款符合仲裁协议有效成立要件,仲裁程序符合日本商事仲裁协会现行有效的《商事仲裁规则》规定,仲裁裁决系终局裁决。
7) Two notarized certificates of Japan Commercial Arbitration Association and translation, proving the service of “notice of arbitration”,arbitral award and additional award to Yekao Spectacles. 7、日本商事仲裁协会出具的两份经公证认证的证明书及其翻译件,证明该仲裁机构已依法向野尻公司送达了仲裁申请通知书、仲裁裁决书及追加仲裁裁决书。
The Respondent Yekao Spectacles said in its reply submitted to the court that: Yekao Spectacles confirms the authenticity of the “agreement” in this case and has a debt of $2,501,471.46 as principal and its interests. Because Yekao Spectacles has stopped operating, and its assets have been seized. There is no money to repay Fukui Bank, the interest payment also ceased after March 2012. In the arbitration proceedings, Fukunaga Kunio, the legal representative of Yekao Spectacles signed the arbitration documents sent by the arbitration body in Japan, submitted a reply saying “recognize the facts described in the application for arbitration and has no dispute about the claim”, and participated in the arbitration hearing through telephone conference on May 19, 2014. After the arbitration hearing ended,Fukunaga Kunio signed the arbitral award on June 11, 2014 and the additional award on June 25, 2014. Yekao Spectacles has no objection to the awards, and it will not apply for annulment of the awards in Japan. In summary, the Respondent Yekao Spectacles recognizes the arbitral awards, and agree to perform the debt to Fukui Bank.

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