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Beijing Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules (2019 Amendment) [Effective]
北京仲裁委员会仲裁规则(2019修订) [现行有效]

Beijing Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules 


(Deliberated and adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Seventh Committee of the Beijing Arbitration Commission on July 15, 2019. Coming into force as from September 1, 2019) (2019年7月15日第七届北京仲裁委员会第四次会议审议并通过,自2019年9月1日起施行)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 The Beijing Arbitration Commission   第一条 北京仲裁委员会
(1) The Beijing Arbitration Commission (the “BAC”) is an arbitral institution, registered in Beijing, China, to resolve contractual disputes and other disputes over property rights and interests between natural persons, legal persons and other organizations. (一)北京仲裁委员会(以下称“本会”)系在中国北京登记注册的解决平等主体的自然人、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷的仲裁机构。
(2) The BAC is also known as the Beijing International Arbitration Center (the “BIAC”). Where the parties designate the BIAC as the arbitral institution in their arbitration agreement [Article 4(1)], the arbitration shall be administered by the BAC. (二)本会同时使用“北京国际仲裁中心”名称,当事人在仲裁协议中约定“北京国际仲裁中心”为仲裁机构的,由本会进行仲裁。
(3) The Chairman of the BAC (the “Chairman”) or, with the authorization of the Chairman, one of the Vice-Chairmen or the Secretary-General of the BAC, shall perform the functions and duties vested in the Chairman by the BAC Arbitration Rules (the “Rules”). (三)本会主任(以下称“主任”)履行本规则赋予的职责,副主任或秘书长受主任的委托履行主任的职责。
(4) The Secretariat of the BAC shall handle the day-to-day affairs of the BAC. For each case, the Secretariat shall designate a member of its staff as the case manager (the “Case Manager”), who shall attend to the procedural administration and the provision of services relating to the case. (四)本会办公室负责本会的日常事务。办公室指派工作人员担任案件秘书,负责案件的程序管理和服务工作。
Article 2 Scope of Application   第二条 本规则的适用
(1) The Rules shall apply where the parties have agreed to submit their dispute to the BAC for arbitration. Where the parties have agreed on certain procedural matters or the application of a different set of arbitration rules, their agreement shall prevail, unless the agreement is unenforceable or in conflict with the mandatory rules of law of the seat of arbitration. Where the parties have agreed on the application of a different set of arbitration rules, the BAC shall perform the corresponding administrative functions and duties. (一)当事人协议将争议提交本会仲裁的,适用本规则。当事人就仲裁程序事项或者仲裁适用的规则另有约定的,从其约定,但该约定无法执行或者与仲裁地强制性法律规定相抵触的除外。当事人约定适用其他仲裁规则的,由本会履行相应的管理职责。
(2) Where the parties have agreed to apply the Rules, but have not designated an arbitral institution, they shall be deemed to have agreed to submit their disputes to the BAC for arbitration. (二)当事人约定适用本规则但未约定仲裁机构的,视为当事人同意将争议提交本会仲裁。
(3) In respect of any matters not expressly provided for in the Rules, the BAC may administer and the Arbitral Tribunal may conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate, to ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes between the parties. (三)本规则未明确规定的事项,本会或者仲裁庭有权按照其认为适当的方式推进仲裁程序,以促使当事人之间的争议得到高效和公平的解决。
(4) When applying the Rules, the BAC, the Arbitral Tribunal, the parties and their representatives shall act in accordance with the principles of good faith, collaboration, and appropriate resolution of the dispute. (四)本会、仲裁庭、当事人及其代理人均应当本着诚信、善意、合作及妥善解决纠纷的原则适用本规则。
Article 3 Waiver of Right to Object   第三条 放弃异议权
A party who knows or ought reasonably to know of a failure to comply with any provision of the Rules or any term of the arbitration agreement, but nevertheless takes part in or continues to take part in the arbitral proceedings without promptly raising its objection to such non-compliance in writing to the BAC or the Arbitral Tribunal, shall be deemed to have waived its right to object to such non-compliance. 当事人知道或者理应知道本规则或仲裁协议中规定的任何条款或条件未被遵守,但仍参加或者继续参加仲裁程序且未对上述不遵守情况及时向本会或仲裁庭提出书面异议的,视为其放弃提出异议的权利。
Chapter II Arbitration Agreement 

第二章 仲裁协议

Article 4 Definition and Form of Arbitration Agreements   第四条 仲裁协议的定义和形式
(1) An arbitration agreement is an agreement by the parties to submit any dispute which has arisen or which may arise from or in connection with an arbitrable legal relationship between the parties to arbitration [Article 1(1)]. An arbitration agreement may take the form of an arbitration clause included in a contract or any other written arbitration agreement. (一)仲裁协议是指当事人同意将他们之间的特定法律关系中已经发生或者可能发生的争议提交仲裁的协议。仲裁协议包括合同中订立的仲裁条款或者以其他书面形式订立的仲裁协议。
(2) An arbitration agreement shall be in written form. “Written form” includes, but is not limited to, contractual instruments, letters and electronic data messages (including telexes, facsimiles, electronic data interchange, and e-mails), and any other form where the contents are retrievable. (二)仲裁协议应当采取书面形式。书面形式包括但不限于合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等可以有形表现所载内容的形式。
(3) Where, during exchange of the Application for Arbitration [Article 7(1)(b)] and the Statement of Defence [Article 11(1)(a)], one party asserts the existence of an arbitration agreement but the other party does not deny this, a written arbitration agreement between the parties shall be deemed to exist. (三)在仲裁申请书和答辩书的交换中,一方当事人声称有仲裁协议而另一方当事人不作否认表示的,视为存在书面仲裁协议。
Article 5 Separability of Arbitration Agreements   第五条 仲裁协议的独立性
An arbitration agreement shall be independent of the contract in which it is contained. The validity of the arbitration agreement shall be determined separately, and shall not be affected by the fact that the contract has been concluded, modified, terminated, rescinded or avoided, or is null and void, no longer effective or not yet in force. 仲裁协议独立存在,其效力应单独判断,无论合同是否成立、变更、解除、终止、无效、失效、未生效、被撤销,均不影响仲裁协议的效力。
Article 6 Objection to Jurisdiction   第六条 管辖权异议
(1) If a party objects to the existence or validity of an arbitration agreement [Article 4 and 5] or to jurisdiction, it may raise an objection to jurisdiction with the BAC. Any objection shall be raised in writing before the first hearing. Where the parties have agreed to a documents-only arbitration [Article 25(2)], any written objection shall be raised within the time limit for the submission of the defence [Article 11(1)]. (一)当事人对仲裁协议的存在、效力或者仲裁案件的管辖权有异议,可以向本会提出管辖权异议。管辖权异议应当在首次开庭前以书面形式提出,当事人约定书面审理的,应当在首次答辩期限届满前以书面形式提出。
(2) If a party fails to raise any objection to jurisdiction pursuant to Article 6(1), it shall be deemed to have accepted that the BAC has jurisdiction. (二)当事人未依照上述规定提出管辖权异议的,视为承认本会对仲裁案件的管辖权。
(3) The raising of any objection to jurisdiction by any party with the BAC shall not affect the progress of arbitral proceedings. (三)当事人向本会提出管辖权异议不影响仲裁程序的进行。
(4) The BAC, or the Arbitral Tribunal as authorized by the BAC, may determine an objection as to jurisdiction. The Arbitral Tribunal may make its decision on jurisdiction either during the arbitral proceedings or in the arbitral award. (四)本会或者本会授权的仲裁庭有权就仲裁案件的管辖权作出决定。仲裁庭的决定可以在仲裁程序进行中作出,也可以在裁决书中作出。
(5) Where the BAC, or the Arbitral Tribunal as authorized by the BAC, determines that it has no jurisdiction, an order for dismissal of the case shall be made by the Arbitral Tribunal, or if no Arbitral Tribunal has been constituted, by the BAC. (五)本会或者经本会授权的仲裁庭对仲裁案件作出无管辖权决定的,案件应当撤销。仲裁庭组成前,撤销案件的决定由本会作出;仲裁庭组成后,撤销案件的决定由仲裁庭作出。
Chapter III Application for Arbitration, Defence and Counterclaim 

第三章 仲裁申请、答辩与反请求

Article 7 Application for Arbitration   第七条 申请仲裁
(1) A party applying for arbitration (the “Claimant”) shall submit: (一)申请仲裁,应当提交:
(a) the arbitration agreement; 1.仲裁协议;
(b) its application for arbitration (the “Application for Arbitration”), containing the following information: 2.写明下列内容的仲裁申请书:
(i) the names, addresses, postcodes, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, email addresses and details of any other effective means of communication with the Claimant and the Respondent; where a party concerned is a legal person or other organization, the name, position, address, postcode, telephone number, facsimile number, email address and details of any other effective means of communication with the legal representative or the person in charge; (1)申请人、被申请人的姓名或者名称、住所、邮政编码、电话号码、传真、电子邮箱以及其他可能的快捷联系方式;法人或者其他组织法定代表人或主要负责人的姓名、职务、住所、邮政编码、电话号码、传真、电子邮箱以及其他可能的快捷联系方式;
(ii) its claim for relief; (2)仲裁请求;
(iii) the facts and grounds on which the Claim is based; (3)仲裁请求所根据的事实、理由;
(c) the evidence and/or other supporting documents on which the Application for Arbitration is based; and 3.仲裁申请所依据的证据或者其他证明文件;
(d) proof of the Claimant's identity. 4.申请人身份证明文件。
(2) The Claimant shall deposit an advance on arbitrator remunerations and institutional fees (the “arbitration fees”) in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule of Fees of the Beijing Arbitration Commission [Annex 1]. Where the amount in dispute is not specified in the Application for Arbitration, the BAC shall determine the amount in dispute or the amount of the arbitration fees that shall be deposited in advance. (二)当事人申请仲裁,应当按照本规则附录1《北京仲裁委员会案件收费标准》的规定预交仲裁员报酬和机构费用(以下称仲裁费用)。当事人的请求没有明确争议金额的,由本会确定争议金额或者应当预交的仲裁费用。
(3) If a party is unable to deposit the required advance on the arbitration fees within a specified period under exceptional circumstances, it may apply to the BAC for an extension of time, and the BAC shall determine such application. If a party has neither deposited the required advance nor applied for an extension of time, or has failed to deposit the full amount of the advance on arbitration fees within an extended time limit granted by the BAC, it shall be deemed not to have submitted or to have withdrawn its Application for Arbitration, as the case may be. (三)当事人有特殊情况无法在规定期限内预交仲裁费用的,可以申请缓交,由本会决定是否批准。当事人不预交仲裁费用,又不提出缓交申请或者在本会批准的缓交期限内未预交全部仲裁费用的,视为未提出或者撤回仲裁申请。
Article 8 Joinder of Applications with respect to more than One Contract   第八条 多份合同合并申请
(1) A party may apply for arbitration in a combined manner in one case with respect to disputes under more than one contract, upon meeting all of the following conditions: (一)在满足以下各项条件时,当事人可以就多份合同项下的争议在同一案件中合并申请仲裁:
(a) the contacts contains the same or compatible arbitration agreement; and 1.多份合同的仲裁协议内容相同或相容;
(b) the contracts are in a principal-accessory relationship with each other; or the parties to the contracts are the same, and the subject matters submitted to arbitration are of the same kind or related. 2.多份合同存在主从合同关系;或多份合同当事人相同且仲裁标的为同一种类或有关联。
(2) Where a party applies for arbitration in a combined manner with respect to more than one contract, the BAC shall decide whether to approve the application according to the circumstances of the case. (二)当事人就多份合同合并申请仲裁的,由本会根据实际情况决定是否同意。
Article 9 Acceptance   第九条 受理
(1) After receiving the Application for Arbitration [Article 7], the BAC shall, if it finds that the requirements for acceptance have been met, accept the Application for Arbitration within 10 days from the date of deposit by the Claimant of its advance on the arbitration fees. (一)收到仲裁申请后,本会认为符合受理条件的,自当事人预交仲裁费用之日起10日内予以受理。
(2) Where the Application for Arbitration does not comply with the requirements of Article 7(1), the Claimant shall rectify it within the time limit specified by the BAC, failing which the Claimant shall be deemed not to have submitted an Application for Arbitration. (二)仲裁申请不符合本规则第七条第(一)款规定的,当事人应当在本会规定的时间内予以补正;未补正的,视为当事人未提出仲裁申请。
(3) The arbitral proceedings shall be deemed to commence on the date of acceptance of the Application for Arbitration by the BAC. (三)仲裁程序自本会受理仲裁申请之日开始。
Article 10 Notice of Arbitration   第十条 发送仲裁通知
Within 10 days of the acceptance of the Application for Arbitration, the BAC shall send to the Claimant a notice of acceptance (the “Notice of Acceptance”), a copy of the Rules, and a list of the BAC's Panel of Arbitrators [Article 19] (the “Panel of Arbitrators”). The BAC shall send to the Respondent a request for submission of the defence (the “Request for Submission of Defence”), as well as a copy of the Application for Arbitration, together with its attachments, a copy of the Rules and a list of the Panel of Arbitrators. 本会自受理案件之日起10日内,将受理通知、本规则和仲裁员名册发送申请人;将答辩通知连同仲裁申请书及其附件、本规则、仲裁员名册发送被申请人。
Article 11 Defence   第十一条 答辩
(1) Within 15 days of receiving the Request for Submission of Defence, the Respondent shall submit: (一) 被申请人应当自收到答辩通知之日起15日内提交下列文件:
(a) its statement of defence (the “Statement of Defence”), containing the following information: 1.写明下列内容的答辩书:
(i) the name, address, postcode, telephone number, facsimile number, email address and details of any other effective means of communication of the Respondent; where a party concerned is a legal person or other organization, the name, position, address, postcode, telephone number, facsimile number, email address and details of any other effective means of communication of the legal representative or the person in charge; (1)被申请人的姓名或者名称、住所、邮政编码、电话号码、传真、电子邮箱以及其他可能的快捷联系方式;法人或者其他组织法定代表人或主要负责人的姓名、职务、住所、邮政编码、电话号码、传真、电子邮箱以及其他可能的快捷联系方式;
(ii)(its defence to the Claim, and the facts and grounds on which the defence is based; (2)答辩意见和所根据的事实、理由;
(b) the evidence and/or other supporting documents on which the defence is based; and 2.答辩意见所依据的证据或者其他证明文件;
(c) proof of the Respondent's identity. 3.被申请人身份证明文件。
(2) Within 10 days of receiving the Statement of Defence, the BAC shall send to the Claimant a copy of the Statement of Defence, together with its attachments. (二)本会自收到答辩书之日起10日内,将答辩书及其附件发送申请人。
(3) Failure by the Respondent to submit its Statement of Defence shall not affect the progress of the arbitral proceedings. (三)被申请人未提交答辩书的,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行。
Article 12 Counterclaim   第十二条 反请求
(1) The Respondent shall file its counterclaim (the “Counterclaim”), if any, by submitting a written application for counterclaim (the “Application for Counterclaim”) within 15 days from the date of receiving the Request for Submission of Defence. If the Counterclaim is raised after the expiration of the time limit (a “late Counterclaim”), the decision on whether or not to accept a late Counterclaim shall be made by the Arbitral Tribunal, or if no Arbitral Tribunal has been constituted, by the BAC. (一)被申请人如有反请求,应当自收到答辩通知之日起15日内提交反请求申请书。逾期提交的,仲裁庭组成前由本会决定是否受理;仲裁庭组成后由仲裁庭决定是否受理。
(2) When determining whether or not to accept a late Counterclaim, the BAC or the Arbitral Tribunal, as the case may be, shall take into account the necessity to hear the late Counterclaim and the Claim at the same time in a single arbitration, the extent of the delay in lodging the Application for Counterclaim, unnecessary delay that will be caused to the arbitral proceedings and any other relevant factors. (二)本会或者仲裁庭决定是否受理逾期提出的反请求时,应当考虑反请求与本请求合并审理的必要性、逾期提出的时间、是否会造成程序的不必要拖延以及其他有关因素。
(3) The provisions of Articles 7 and 9 of the Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the submission and acceptance of the Counterclaim. (三)反请求的提出和受理参照本规则第七条和第九条的规定。
(4) Within 10 days of accepting the Counterclaim, the BAC shall send to the Claimant a request for submission of its defence to the Respondent's Counterclaim (the “Request for Submission of Defence to Counterclaim”), as well as the Application for Counterclaim together with its attachments. (四)自受理反请求申请之日起10日内,本会将反请求答辩通知连同反请求申请书及其附件发送申请人。
(5) The provisions of Article 11 shall apply to submission by the Claimant of its statement of defence to the Counterclaim (the “Statement of Defence to Counterclaim”). (五)申请人按照本规则第十一条的规定提交答辩书。
(6) Any other matters concerning the Counterclaim which are not expressly provided for in the Rules shall be dealt with by reference to provisions concerning the Application for Arbitration [Article 7], insofar as they are relevant. (六)本规则对反请求的其他事项未作出规定的,参照本规则关于仲裁请求的相关规定办理。
Article 13 Amendments to Claim or Counterclaim   第十三条 变更仲裁请求或者反请求
(1) A party may apply to amend its Claim or Counterclaim. The application to amend (the “Application to Amend”) shall be in writing and will be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal or, if no Arbitral Tribunal has been constituted, by the BAC. (一)当事人可以变更仲裁请求或者反请求。变更仲裁请求或者反请求应当采取书面形式,仲裁庭组成前由本会予以受理;仲裁庭组成后由仲裁庭予以受理。
(2) Where an Application to Amend is unreasonably delayed and may adversely affect the ordinary course of the arbitral proceedings, the BAC or the Arbitral Tribunal may refuse such amendment. (二)当事人对仲裁请求或者反请求的变更过于迟延从而可能影响仲裁程序正常进行的,本会或者仲裁庭有权拒绝接受其变更。
(3) The provisions of Articles 7, 9 to 11 of the Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the submission of, acceptance of and response to an Application to Amend. (三)变更仲裁请求或者反请求的提出、受理、答辩等事项,参照本规则第七条、第九条至第十一条的规定办理。
Article 14 Joinder of Additional Parties   第十四条 追加当事人
(1) Before the Arbitral Tribunal is constituted, the parties may apply to join an additional party to the arbitration under the same arbitration agreement, subject to approval by the BAC. (一)仲裁庭组成前,经本会同意,当事人可以依据相同仲裁协议在案件中申请追加当事人。
(2) A party applying to join an additional party to the arbitration shall submit an application for arbitration against the additional party (the “Application for Joinder”). The provisions of Articles 7, 9 to 11 of the Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the content of such application, its acceptance and the submission of a defence. (二)申请追加当事人应当提交追加当事人申请书,申请书的内容及受理、答辩等事项,参照本规则第七条、第九条至第十一条的规定办理。
(3) No Application for Joinder will be accepted after the Arbitral Tribunal has been constituted, unless the Claimant, the Respondent and the party to be joined otherwise agree. (三)仲裁庭组成后,除非申请人、被申请人及被追加的当事人均同意,否则不再接受追加当事人的申请。
Article 15 Claims between Multiple Parties   第十五条 多方当事人之间的仲裁请求
(1) Where there are two or more Claimants or Respondents in a single arbitration, or any additional party is joined to the arbitration [Article 14], any party may raise claims against any other party under the same arbitration agreement. The decision on whether or not to accept such claims shall be made by the Arbitral Tribunal, or if no Arbitral Tribunal has been constituted, by the BAC. (一)案件有两个或者两个以上的申请人或被申请人,或者存在追加当事人的情况下,任何当事人均可以依据相同的仲裁协议针对其他当事人提出仲裁请求。仲裁庭组成前,由本会决定是否受理;仲裁庭组成后,由仲裁庭决定是否受理。
(2) The provisions of Articles 7, 9 to 11 and Article 13 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the submission and acceptance of, defence(s) to and amendment of claims raised under this Article. (二)上述仲裁请求的提出、受理、答辩、变更等事项参照本规则第七条、第九条至第十一条、第十三条的规定办理。
Article 16 Submission of Documents and Number of Copies   第十六条 文件的提交与份数
(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the parties shall submit to the BAC documents in the arbitration, which the BAC shall forward to the Arbitral Tribunal and to the other parties. If the parties agree to submit documents in the arbitration directly to the Arbitral Tribunal, copies of such documents shall be filed with the BAC. (一)除非另有约定,当事人应向本会提交仲裁文件,由本会转交仲裁庭及其他当事人。如当事人约定直接向仲裁庭提交仲裁文件,则应向本会提交相应副本。
(2) The Application for Arbitration [Article 7], the Statement of Defence [Article 11], the Application for Counterclaim [Article 12], evidence and any other written documents shall be submitted in quintuplicate. Where there are more than two parties, additional copies shall be provided accordingly. If the Arbitral Tribunal comprises a sole arbitrator, the number of copies shall be reduced by two. (二)当事人提交仲裁申请书、答辩书、反请求申请书、证据材料以及其他书面文件,应当一式五份。如果当事人人数超过两人,增加相应份数;如果仲裁庭组成人数为一人,减少两份。
Article 17 Preservation Measures   第十七条 仲裁保全
(1) In the event that enforcement of any award is likely to become difficult or if any other detriment is likely to be caused to one party as a result of the conduct of the other party or of the existence of any other relevant factors, a party may apply for an order to preserve property or assets of the other party's, or to require that party to take or to refrain from taking certain actions. (一)一方当事人因另一方当事人的行为或者其他原因,可能使裁决难以执行或者造成当事人其他损害的,可以提出申请,要求对另一方当事人的财产进行保全、责令其作出一定行为或者禁止其作出一定行为。
(2) A party may apply for an order to preserve evidence if there is a risk that such evidence might be lost, destroyed or might subsequently become difficult to obtain. (二)证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,当事人可以提出证据保全申请。
(3) Where a party submits an application to the BAC under Article 17(1) or (2), the BAC shall forward the application to the competent court for determination. (三)当事人向本会提出上述申请的,本会将当事人的申请转交至有管辖权的法院。
(4) In urgent circumstances, such as where a party's lawful rights and interests would be irreparably damaged, or evidence might be lost, destroyed or subsequently become difficult to obtain if no preservation measure is applied for immediately, a party may file an application for preservation measures before submitting its Application for Arbitration under Article 7. (四)因情况紧急,不立即申请保全将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害或者证据可能灭失或以后难以取得的情况下,当事人可以在申请仲裁前提出上述申请。
Article 18 Representation   第十八条 代理人
Where a party engages one or more representatives for the arbitration, it shall submit to the BAC a power of attorney setting out the matters specifically entrusted to each representative and the scope of each representative's authority. 当事人委托代理人进行仲裁活动的,应当向本会提交载明具体委托事项和权限的授权委托书。
Chapter IV The Arbitral Tribunal 

第四章 仲裁庭

Article 19 Panel of Arbitrators   第十九条 仲裁员名册
The BAC shall establish a Panel of Arbitrators. The parties shall choose arbitrators from the Panel of Arbitrators maintained by the BAC. 本会制定有仲裁员名册,当事人从本会提供的仲裁员名册中选择仲裁员。
Article 20 Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal   第二十条 仲裁庭的组成
(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties or provided for in the Rules, the Arbitral Tribunal shall comprise 3 arbitrators. (一)除非当事人另有约定或本规则另有规定,仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成。
(2) Within 15 days of receiving the Notice of Arbitration [Article 10], each party shall nominate or request the Chairman to appoint an arbitrator from the Panel of Arbitrators [Article 19]. If a party fails to nominate an arbitrator or fails to request the Chairman to appoint an arbitrator within the time limit, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman. (二)双方当事人应当自收到仲裁通知之日起15日内分别选定或者委托主任指定一名仲裁员。当事人未在上述期限内选定或者委托主任指定仲裁员的,由主任指定。
(3) Within 15 days of receiving by the Respondent of the Notice of Arbitration, the parties shall jointly nominate or jointly request the Chairman to appoint the presiding arbitrator. The parties may each nominate between 1 and 3 arbitrator(s) as candidate(s) for the role of presiding arbitrator within the time limit. Where the parties agree or make an application to the BAC, the BAC may also provide a list of between 5 and 7 candidates from which the parties may select between 3 and 4 candidates within the time limit fixed by the BAC as the presiding arbitrator. Where there is only one common candidate on both parties' lists for nomination or selection, that candidate shall be deemed to have been jointly nominated by both parties as presiding arbitrator. If there are two or more common candidates, the Chairman shall, taking into consideration the particular circumstances of the case, appoint one of those candidates as the presiding arbitrator, who shall be deemed to have been jointly nominated by the parties. If there are no common candidates, the Chairman shall appoint an arbitrator who is not on the list of nomination or the list of selection as the presiding arbitrator, as the case may be. (三)双方当事人应当自被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起15日内共同选定或者共同委托主任指定首席仲裁员。双方当事人也可以在上述期限内,各自推荐一至三名仲裁员作为首席仲裁员人选;经双方当事人申请或者同意,本会也可以提供五至七名首席仲裁员候选名单,由双方当事人在本会规定的期限内从中选择三至四名仲裁员作为首席仲裁员人选。推荐名单或者选择名单中有一名相同的,为双方当事人共同选定的首席仲裁员;有一名以上相同的,由主任根据案件具体情况在相同人选中确定,确定的仲裁员仍为双方当事人共同选定的首席仲裁员;推荐名单或者选择名单中没有相同的人选,由主任在推荐名单或者选择名单之外指定首席仲裁员。
(4) If the parties fail to nominate the presiding arbitrator jointly, in accordance with Article 20 (2) and (3), the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman. (四)双方当事人未能依照上述规定共同选定首席仲裁员的,由主任指定。
(5) Where there are two or more Claimants or Respondents, each set of Claimants or Respondents shall, by agreement, jointly nominate or jointly request the Chairman to appoint an arbitrator. If no joint nomination or joint request has been made within 15 days of receiving the Notice of Arbitration by the last party, the Chairman shall then appoint the arbitrator. (五)案件有两个或者两个以上的申请人或者被申请人时,申请人方或者被申请人方应当共同协商选定或者共同委托主任指定一名仲裁员;未能自最后一名当事人收到仲裁通知之日起15日内就选定或者委托主任指定仲裁员达成一致意见的,由主任指定。
(6) In the event of a joinder [Article 14], the joined party shall nominate the arbitrator jointly with either the Claimant or the Respondent, as the case may be. If no such a nomination has been made, all members of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be appointed by the Chairman. (六)在追加当事人的情况下,被追加的当事人可与申请人或被申请人作为一方选定仲裁员;未能共同选定该方仲裁员的,则仲裁庭全部成员均由主任指定。
(7) Where a party nominates an arbitrator who resides outside Beijing, that party shall bear the necessary travel and accommodation expenses incurred by that arbitrator for hearing the case. If that party has not deposited the advance on such expenses within the period specified by the BAC [Article 7(2)], it shall be deemed not to have nominated that arbitrator. In this event, the Chairman may appoint another arbitrator for that party in accordance with this Article. (七)当事人选择居住在北京以外地区的仲裁员的,应当承担仲裁员因审理案件必需的差旅费。如果未在本会规定的期限内预交的,视为未选定仲裁员。主任可以根据本规则的规定代为指定仲裁员。
(8) Where an arbitrator declines to accept a party's nomination or is unable to participate in the arbitration, due to illness or any other relevant factors that may prevent him or her from performing an arbitrator's usual functions and duties, that party shall nominate another arbitrator within 5 days of receipt of notice of re-nomination (the “Notice of Re-nomination”). If that party fails to nominate another arbitrator within the time limit, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman. (八)仲裁员拒绝接受当事人的选定或者因疾病以及其他可能影响正常履行仲裁员职责的原因不能参加案件审理的,当事人应当自收到重新选定仲裁员通知之日起5日内重新选定仲裁员。未能在该期限内重新选定仲裁员的,由主任指定。
Article 21 Notice of Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal   第二十一条 组庭通知
Within 5 days of the constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, the BAC shall notify the parties accordingly. The Case Manager [Article 1(4)] shall forward the case file to the Arbitral Tribunal promptly thereafter. 自仲裁庭组成之日起5日内,本会将组庭情况通知当事人。秘书在组庭后应当及时将案卷移交仲裁庭。
Article 22 Disclosure by Arbitrators   第二十二条 仲裁员信息披露
(1) Upon accepting appointment, each arbitrator shall sign a statement of independence and impartiality, a copy of which shall be forwarded to each party by the Case Manager. (一)仲裁员任职后,应当签署保证独立、公正仲裁的声明书,声明书由秘书转交各方当事人。
(2) If, at any time, an arbitrator becomes aware of circumstances relating to either party or its authorized representatives, that are likely to lead any party to have reasonable doubts about his or her independence or impartiality, the arbitrator shall disclose such circumstances in writing. (二)仲裁员知悉与案件当事人或者代理人存在可能导致当事人对其独立性、公正性产生合理怀疑的情形的,应当书面披露。
(3) Within 10 days of receiving a written disclosure under Article 22(2), either party shall state in writing whether it intends to challenge the arbitrator. (三)当事人应当自收到仲裁员书面披露之日起10日内就是否申请回避提出书面意见。
(4) The provisions of Article 23(1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) of the Rules shall apply to the challenge to an arbitrator on the basis of circumstances disclosed by the arbitrator under Article 22(2). (四)当事人以仲裁员披露的事项为由申请仲裁员回避的,适用本规则第二十三条第(一)、(二)、(四)、(五)、(六)款的规定。
(5) A party who fails to challenge an arbitrator within the period of time specified in Article 22(3) shall not be permitted to challenge the arbitrator at a later time during the arbitral proceedings on the basis of the circumstances already disclosed by the arbitrator. (五)当事人在上述第(三)款规定的期限内没有申请回避的,不得再以仲裁员曾经披露的事项为由申请回避。
Article 23 Challenge to the Arbitrator   第二十三条 仲裁员回避
(1) A party may challenge any arbitrator on the basis of its reasonable doubts as to the independence or impartiality of the arbitrator. (一) 当事人对仲裁员的独立性、公正性产生合理怀疑时,有权提出回避申请。
(2) A challenge shall be made in writing and accompanied by the grounds of the challenge and supporting evidence. (二)当事人应当通过书面方式提出回避申请,说明理由,并提供相应证据。
(3) A challenge shall be raised before the first oral hearing. A challenge based on circumstances that become known after the first oral hearing may be raised prior to the closure of the final oral hearing. Without prejudice to Article 22(3) of the Rules, where no further oral hearing will be conducted, or in a documents-only arbitration, a challenge shall be raised within 10 days after the challenging party becomes aware of the circumstances giving rise to a challenge. (三)对仲裁员的回避申请应当在首次开庭前提出。回避事由在首次开庭后知道的,可以在最后一次开庭终结前提出;不再开庭或者书面审理的案件,应当在得知回避事由后10日内提出。但本规则第二十二条第(三)款规定的情形除外。
(4) The Case Manager shall promptly forward the application for challenge (the “Application for Challenge”) to the other party and to each member of the Arbitral Tribunal. (四)秘书应当及时将回避申请转送其他当事人和仲裁庭全体成员。
(5) Where a party challenges an arbitrator and the other party concurs with the challenge, or the challenged arbitrator withdraws voluntarily upon being informed of the challenge, that arbitrator shall no longer participate in the arbitration. Neither of these circumstances shall imply that the grounds on which the challenge is based are established. (五)一方当事人申请仲裁员回避,其他当事人表示同意,或者被申请回避的仲裁员获知后主动退出,则该仲裁员不再参加案件审理。但上述任何情形均不意味着当事人提出回避的理由成立。
(6) Unless Article 23(5) applies, the Chairman shall decide on the challenge. The decision of the Chairman shall be final. The Chairman may decide, according to the particular circumstances of the case and as a matter of discretion, whether or not to provide reasons for the decision. (六) 除上述第(五)款规定情形外,仲裁员是否回避,由主任决定。主任的决定是终局的,并有权根据具体情况决定是否说明理由。
(7) A party who, after becoming aware of the composition of the Arbitral Tribunal, appoints authorized representatives [Article 18] whose appointment may give rise to grounds for the challenge of any arbitrator, shall be deemed to have waived its right to challenge the arbitrator on those grounds; the right of the other party to challenge the arbitrator shall not, however, be affected. Additional costs resulting from any delay caused to the arbitral proceedings in these circumstances shall be borne by the party responsible for giving rise to the grounds for challenge. (七)当事人在获知仲裁庭组成情况后聘请的代理人与仲裁员形成应予回避情形的,视为该当事人放弃就此申请回避的权利,但其他当事人就此申请回避的权利不受影响。因此导致仲裁程序拖延的,造成回避情形的当事人承担由此发生的费用。
Article 24 Replacement of the Arbitrator   第二十四条 仲裁员更换
(1) An arbitrator shall be removed if he or she becomes unable to conduct the arbitration as a result of death, or illness, or withdraws from the arbitration, or the Chairman decides that he or she is to withdraw from the arbitration [Article 23(6)], or is requested by all the parties to withdraw from the arbitration [Article 23(5)]. (一)仲裁员因死亡或者健康原因不能从事仲裁工作,或者主动退出案件审理,或者主任决定其回避,或者各方当事人一致要求其退出案件审理的,应当更换。
(2) An arbitrator may also be removed on the initiative of the Chairman if the Chairman decides that the arbitrator is prevented de jure or de facto from fulfilling his or her functions and duties as an arbitrator, or is not fulfilling his or her functions and duties as required by the Rules. (二)主任认为仲裁员在法律上或者事实上不能履行职责或者没有按照本规则的要求履行职责时,也可以主动更换。
(3) Before making any decision pursuant to the provisions of Article 24(2), the Chairman shall provide the parties and all members of the Arbitral Tribunal with an opportunity to comment thereon in writing. (三)主任根据第(二)款作出决定前应当给予各方当事人和仲裁庭全体成员提出书面意见的机会。
(4) If the arbitrator to be removed was nominated by a party, that party shall nominate a substitute arbitrator within 5 days of its receipt of the notice of removal. If the arbitrator to be removed was appointed by the Chairman, the Chairman shall appoint a substitute arbitrator. Within 5 days of such nomination or appointment of the substitute arbitrator, the BAC shall send a notice of reconstitution of the Arbitral Tribunal to the parties. After the reconstitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, either party may request the previous arbitral proceedings to be repeated and the Arbitral Tribunal shall determine whether such repetition is necessary. The Arbitral Tribunal may also, on its own initiative, decide whether and to what extent the previous arbitral proceedings shall be repeated. If the Arbitral Tribunal decides to repeat the arbitral proceedings in their entirety, the time limit provided for in Articles 48, 59 and 68 shall be calculated from the date of the reconstitution of the Arbitral Tribunal. (四)被更换的仲裁员由当事人选定的,当事人应当自收到通知之日起5日内,重新选定;由主任指定的,主任另行指定。重新选定或者指定仲裁员后5日内,本会将重新组成仲裁庭通知发送当事人。重新组成仲裁庭后,当事人可以请求已进行的审理程序重新进行,是否必要,由仲裁庭决定;仲裁庭也可以自行决定已进行的审理程序是否重新进行以及重新进行的范围。仲裁庭决定审理程序全部重新进行的,本规则第四十八条、第五十九条及第六十八条规定的期限自重新组成仲裁庭之日起计算。
Chapter V The Arbitral Proceedings 

第五章 审 理

Article 25 Mode of Proceeding   第二十五条 审理方式
(1) The Arbitral Tribunal shall hold an oral hearing. (一)仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。
(2) If the parties agree on a documents-only arbitration, or if the Arbitral Tribunal considers an oral hearing unnecessary and the parties so agree, the Arbitral Tribunal may decide the arbitration on the basis of the documents submitted by the parties. (二)当事人约定不开庭,或者仲裁庭认为不必要开庭审理并征得各方当事人同意的,可以根据当事人提交的文件进行书面审理。
(3) Regardless of the mode of proceeding adopted, the Arbitral Tribunal shall treat the parties fairly and impartially and give each party a reasonable opportunity to make submissions and arguments.

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